Decision No. 749/QD-TTg 2020 national digital transformation program through 2025

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Decision No. 749/QD-TTg dated June 03, 2020 of the Prime Minister on approving the national digital transformation program through 2025, with orientations toward 2030
Issuing body: Prime Minister Effective date:

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Official number: 749/QD-TTg Signer: Nguyen Xuan Phuc
Type: Decision Expiry date: Updating
Issuing date: 03/06/2020 Effect status:

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Fields: Policy


To give priority to develop 4 types of digital technology enterprises

On June 03, 2020, the Prime Minister issues the Decision No. 749/QD-TTg on approving the “National Digital Transformation Program until 2025, with a vision towards 2030”.

To focus on developing digital economic development, 04 types of digital technology enterprises shall be given priority to develop, including: Major corporations, commercial and service enterprises in the socio-economic fields have shifted their operations to the field of digital technology and core technology research and investment; Information technology enterprises that have affirmed their brands, undertake the pioneering missions of researching and developing digital technology.

Such enterprises also comprise: Startups applying digital technology in producing new products and services in the socio-economic fields; Startups innovating and creating in digital technology.

In addition, among solutions for the development of digital society, there are some solutions such as: Selecting, educating and training at least 1,000 experts in digital transformation for sectors, fields and localities. Concurrently, pilot to provide training and retraining courses on digital technology for employees at least 01 hour per week at 03 following provinces: Thai Nguyen, Quang Nam and Binh Duong, then implement nationwide.

For digital transformation in finance - banking sector, to support the ability to access loans by solutions of credit scoring with customer database and reliable scoring models.

This Decision takes effect on the signing date.

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 749/QD-TTg


Hanoi, June 3, 2020



Approving the national digital transformation program through 2025, with orientations toward 2030[1]



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP of January 1, 2019, on major tasks and solutions for implementation of the 2019 socio-economic development plan and state budget estimates;

Pursuant to the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW of September 27, 2019, on guidelines and policies for proactive participation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 50/NQ-CP of April 17, 2020, promulgating the Government’s action program to implement the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW of September 27, 2019, on guidelines and policies for proactive participation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution;

At the proposal of the Minister of Information and Communications,



Article 1.To approve the national digital transformation program through 2025, with orientations toward 2030 (below referred to as the Program), with the following principal contents:


Vietnam will become a stable and prosperous digital nation pioneering in experimenting new technologies and models; substantially and comprehensively renew management and administration activities of the Government, production and business activities of enterprises, and ways of living and working of people, and develop a safe, humane and wide digital environment.


The Program has the dual goal of both developing a digital government, digital economy and digital society and forming Vietnamese digital technology enterprises with global capacity, with the following specific targets:

1. Major targets through 2025

a/ To develop a digital government with higher operational efficiency and effectiveness

- 80% of level-4 online public services will be provided via different access devices, including mobile devices;

- 90% of work files of ministerial- and provincial-level agencies; 80% of work files of district-level agencies, and 60% of work files of commune-level agencies (except work files classified as state secrets) will be processed in the cyber environment;

- 100% of reporting systems, and general indicators for making periodical socio-economic reports and statistical reports serving direction and administration work of the Government and the Prime Minister will be digitally connected, integrated and shared in the Government’s reporting information system;

- 100% of national databases serving the development of e-government platforms, including those on population, land, business registration, finance, and insurance, will be completed and connected and shared nationwide; to step by step open the data of state agencies in order to provide public services in a timely manner which require single declaration but serve the people’s entire life cycle and socio-economic development;

- 50% of examination activities of state management agencies will be carried out via the digital environment and information systems of these agencies;

- Vietnam will be ranked in the 70 leading countries in e-government development index (EGDI).

b/ To develop the digital economy and raise the competitiveness of the national economy

- Digital economy will account for 20% of GDP;

- The digital economy’s proportion in each sector will reach at least 10%;

- Labor productivity will rise at least 7% every year;

- Vietnam will be ranked in the 50 leading countries in information and communication technology development index (IDI);

- Vietnam will be ranked in the 50 leading countries in global competitiveness index (GCI);

- Vietnam will be ranked in the 35 leading countries in global innovation index (GII);

c/ To develop the digital society and narrow the digital divide

- The broadband fiber-optic cable network infrastructure will cover over 80% of households and 100% of communes;

- 4G/5G mobile services and smart phones will be universalized;

- Over 50% of the population will have electronic payment accounts;

- Vietnam will be ranked in the 40 leading countries in global cyber security index (GCI).

2. Major targets through 2030

a/ To develop the digital government with higher operational efficiency and effectiveness

- 100% of level-4 online public services will be provided via different access devices, including mobile devices;

- 100% of work files of ministerial- and provincial-level agencies; 90% of work files of district-level agencies, and 70% of work files of commune-level agencies (except work files classified as state secrets) will be processed in the cyber environment;

- Data platforms will be formed for key economic sectors based on data of state agencies and Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure for wide connection and sharing among state agencies in order to reduce 30% of administrative procedures; to open data for organizations and enterprises and increase data-driven innovation services by 30% serving people and enterprises;

- 70% of examination activities of state management agencies will be carried out via the digital environment and information systems of these agencies;

- Vietnam will be ranked in the 50 leading countries in EGDI.

b/ To develop the digital economy and raise the competitiveness of the national economy

- Digital economy will account for 30% of GDP;

- The digital economy’s proportion in each sector will reach at least 20%;

- Labor productivity will rise at least 8% every year;

- Vietnam will be ranked in the 30 leading countries in IDI;

- Vietnam will be ranked in the 30 leading countries in GCI;

- Vietnam will be ranked in the 30 leading countries in GII.

c/ To develop the digital society and narrow the digital divide

- Broadband fiber-optic Internet services will be universalized;

- 5G mobile services will be universalized;

- Over 80% of population will have electronic payment accounts;

- Vietnam will be ranked in the 30 leading countries in GCI.


1. Awareness plays an important role in digital transformation

Digital transformation is first of all change of awareness. An agency or organization can immediately carry out digital transformation through using its available resources and technical systems to digitalize all of its information assets, restructure its processes of professional operations and organizational structure, and transform its relations from the traditional to digital environment.

Every agency and organization and the entire nation should make the most of opportunities to develop the digital government, digital economy and digital society, with the early identification of the roadmap for and acceleration of the digital transformation in each sector and locality as a vital issue and an opportunity for developing the sectors and localities and raising the nation’s rankings. Going fast and ahead will make the attraction of resources easy. Going slowly and behind, when digital transformation has become a common trend, will see scarce resources and fewer opportunities and miss opportunities for development.

2. People are the center of digital transformation

Smart mobile devices are the main devices of the people in the digital world. A digital culture should be formed together with protecting culture and basic moral values of humans and the country’s digital sovereignty. Digital transformation is a way to achieve the United Nations’ sustainable development goals.

Digital transformation should be carried out first in the sectors that have social impacts on and are related to daily activities of people, change their awareness in the fastest manner, bring out benefits and save costs, including health, education, finance-banking, agriculture, transport and logistics, energy, natural resources and environment, and industrial manufacturing.

3. Institutions and technologies are the driving forces of digital transformation

Institutions should take a step ahead when possible. The Government shall create institutions and policies to be ready to accept and test new things in a controlled manner; to form a culture of accepting and testing new things; to apply new things on a pilot basis and in a fast manner, then evaluate implementation results and proceed to wide application; to promote the development of creative industries. The Government should speed up the process of development of e-government toward a digital government.

Vietnam’s digital technology enterprises constitute a key force in the development of infrastructure facilities, platforms and services, and provision of digital transformation consultancy and solutions; they will go from application to products and services, to mastering some core technologies before reaching out to the global market.

4. Development of digital platforms is a breakthrough solution to speed up digital transformation at lower costs and with higher efficiency

International cooperation is an important solution to carrying out digital transformation, especially promoting digital transformation in the society, thereby creating a traction force for the process of digital transformation in state agencies. Vietnamese organizations and enterprises should cooperate with major global technology enterprises in researching, developing, transferring and pioneering in the application of new technologies and models in Vietnam.

5. Cyber security assurance is key to successful and sustainable digital transformation and, at the same time, constitutes an integral part of digital transformation. All equipment, products, software, information systems and investment projects on information technology must incorporate a compulsory component on cyber security right from the stage of designing.

6. Participation by the entire political system, concerted actions of administrations at all levels and involvement by the entire population are factors guaranteeing the success of digital transformation. When carrying out digital transformation, it is necessary to harmoniously combine centralization and decentralization, with a single coordinating body, specifically as follows:

a/ The Program must be dynamic, open and inclusive, creating a foundation and forming a basis for formulation of socio-economic development programs and plans;

b/ Ministries, sectors, localities, organizations and enterprises shall regard national digital transformation as an important task in their direction and administration activities and, based on their respective practical conditions, decide to develop schemes, programs, strategies and plans integrating digital transformation contents in their activities. The implementation of national digital transformation contents shall be directed, supervised and evaluated on an annual, mid-term and 5-year basis.


1. Changing awareness

To change awareness about the vision, necessity and urgency of digital transformation among the population, from pilot groups of organizations and individuals to the wider community, using highly typical and persuasive success stories, specifically as follows:

a/ Heads of agencies, organizations, sectors and localities shall take personal responsibility for digital transformation efforts in their respective agencies, organizations, sectors and localities; disseminate the Party’s policies and raise awareness of Party committees and administrations at all levels, the people and enterprises about the necessity and urgency of digital transformation. To include the digital transformation objectives and tasks in resolutions, strategies, action programs, objectives and tasks on socio-economic development and national defense and security maintenance of authorities at all levels and of all sectors.

Heads of agencies, organizations and enterprises shall commit to renovating, allowing the testing of new things and application of new technologies for the goals of sustainable development, combination of different sectors after the model of circular economy, and promotion of the development of creative industries in their sectors and localities;

b/ To sustain the effective operation of the Digital Transformation Alliance on the basis of rallying Vietnam’s leading technology enterprises to inspire and change awareness in the entire society about digital transformation and pioneer in carrying out digital transformation and creating infrastructure facilities, platforms and services, and facilitate digital transformation by other Vietnamese organizations and enterprises.

To promote the connection of digital transformation between state agencies and organizations and enterprises; between information technology societies and associations and other specialized societies and associations in order to create spillover effects in the wider society;

c/ To develop a common identification set for activities within the Program. To build national images and brands on digital transformation, digital technology, innovation, and creative industries.

To build specialized information sections on digital transformation in the mass media. To share and popularize success stories and praise typical success models of digital transformation;

d/ Each locality shall take the initiative in selecting one commune or ward for popularizing on a pilot basis basic digital skills among its residents, such as skills of Internet access and use, email, online shopping, e-payment, online public services, and protection of personal information.

2. Building institutions

To build institutions toward promoting, and being ready to accept, digital products, solutions, services and business models, and promoting new management approaches for newly arising relations, specifically as follows:

a/ Accepting to experiment digital products, solutions, services and business models while gradually improving the still incomplete and unclear legal corridor.

To build a regulatory sandbox for the development, experimentation and application of digital products, solutions, services and business models in Vietnam, clearly stipulating the scope, space and period of experimentation, in order to promote innovation and creativity;

b/ Reviewing and proposing amendments to legal documents on specialized fields to properly regulate emerging relations in the process of digital transformation and promote innovation and creativity;

c/ Reviewing and proposing amendments to legal documents on enterprises, innovative startup, intellectual property, trade, investment, and business in order to facilitate the process of national digital transformation and development of new products, services and business models based on digital technology, Internet and cyberspace;

d/ Reviewing and proposing amendments to legal documents on information and communication technology (the Law on E-Transactions, the Law on Information Technology, the Law on Telecommunications, etc.) to attract investment from the State and mobilize resources from enterprises and the society for digital transformation through encouraging all organizations and individuals to invest in and finance digital transformation; reviewing and amending regulations on science and technology development funds of enterprises with regard to digital transformation contents of enterprises;

dd/ Studying specific policies and regulations on taxes and charges to encourage the people and enterprises to use and provide digital services;

e/ Reviewing and proposing amendments to civil and criminal and specialized laws toward toughening penalties against swindling and fraudulent acts committed in online transactions as well as acts of abusing and illegally exploiting private and personal information in the cyberspace to make users feel secure when conducting digital transactions.

3. Developing digital infrastructure

To develop digital infrastructure to meet booming demands for data connection and processing and functions of network surveillance at every node and ensure cyber security integrated right from the stages of designing and construction, specifically as follows:

a/ To build and develop high-quality broadband infrastructure nationwide, starting from major cities, hi-tech parks, information technology parks, industrial parks, export processing zones, research, development and innovation centers, state agencies, schools, and hospitals;

b/ To re-plan frequency bands and develop 5G mobile network infrastructure; to upgrade 4G mobile networks; to early commercialize 5G mobile networks; to deploy solutions to universalize smart mobile phones in Vietnam; to formulate regulations and a roadmap requiring integration of 4G and 5G technologies into mobile phone products and IoT equipment which are produced or imported for sale in the domestic market;

c/ To expand domestic Internet connection through peer-to-peer direct connections, connections to Internet exchange points (IXP) and connections to Vietnam National Internet Exchange (VNIX) points. To expand regional and international Internet connections, especially developing submarine optic cables, turning Vietnam into one of regional connection centers. To transform the entire Vietnam Internet into Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). The national domain name (.vn) will be used for all online services of state agencies, online newspapers, general information websites, education and health sectors and e-commerce of Vietnam;

d/ To develop IoT connection infrastructure; to build a roadmap and organize integration of sensors and application of digital technology into essential infrastructure facilities such as transport, energy, electricity, water, and urban infrastructure facilities to transform them into an important constituent of digital infrastructure. All investment projects to build essential infrastructure facilities and transport, urban and construction infrastructure facilities must have research and analysis contents to consider and add components on IoT application and connection, sensor integration and digital technology application. IoT infrastructure development contents must ensure efficiency and development of common-use infrastructure facilities, avoiding repetitive investment.

4. Developing digital platforms

To develop digital platforms accelerating the smooth process of digital transformation to create new values and practical benefits to the society. Digital platforms shall be integrated with cyber security assurance functions right from the stages of designing and construction. To focus on developing the following digital platforms:

a/ To build the national e-identification and e-authentication system and e-identification and e-authentication exchange platforms, ensuring practicality and efficiency, making use of existing systems and platforms so that e-transactions between the people and state agencies and other civil e-transactions can take place in a simple, easy and convenient manner. To support and promote cooperation among a number of major organizations and enterprises in the fields of telecommunications, finance, banking, and social insurance in order to provide e-identification and e-authentication services;

b/ To build e-payment systems that allow telecommunications enterprises to provide e-payment services without using bank accounts (mobile money) for people to easily access e-payment services;

c/ To develop and master cloud computing technology with different models (public clouds, private clouds and hybrid clouds) and different services to be provided on different clouds to meet the demand of state agencies and the society for digital transformation;

d/ To determine a list of digital platforms that can be used commonly and widely in such fields as e-commerce, agriculture, tourism, health, education, transport, construction, natural resources and environment, online learning, digital content, accounting services, corporate finance, urban centers, and digital banks, and adopt policies to encourage Vietnamese digital technology enterprises to invest in developing these platforms.

5. Building confidence and ensuring cyber security

To build confidence in the process of digital transformation and operation in the digital environment through forming a digital culture, protecting basic moral values, ensuring cyber security, and protecting personal data, specifically as follows:

a/ To study and learn international experiences in building codes of conduct and building confidence in the digital environment, and forming a digital culture in association with protecting basic moral values of the mankind and traditional cultural values of Vietnam;

b/ To develop a cooperation and dialogue mechanism for settling arising problems; and a mechanism of cooperation between the State and professional societies and associations and enterprises in policy making and implementation;

c/ To build and organize a system for identification and detection of illegal information in the cyberspace and promptly handle or remove such information. To request providers of digital infrastructure and platforms to ensure reliable, safe and healthy information and develop platforms, infrastructure and networks ensuring cyber security and capable of screening information, detecting attacks and offering basic protections;

d/ To build and organize a system for digital confidence evaluation of information systems of online service providers in order to evaluate and publicize their levels of safety and trust;

dd/ To promote risk insurance for digital transformation, cyber security and transactions in the cyberspace;

e/ To build and organize a system for risk monitoring and early warning and for coordination of response to cyber security incidents in agencies and organizations in Vietnam, helping protect the legitimate interests of both service users and providers against such risks or incidents.

6. Carrying out international cooperation, research and development and innovation in the digital environment

To attract talents and cooperate with major organizations and enterprises in the world in research and development and innovation activities, specifically as follows:

a/ To formulate action programs for researching, transferring and applying new technologies in Vietnam, connecting knowledge chains from research and development to commercialization, and increasing public investment in technology projects;

b/ To research and build experimental zones for technology enterprises after the world’s advanced model in order to pioneer in experimenting with the newest technologies and models in the world;

c/ To select, and prioritize the research of, some core technologies which Vietnam can apply in the fastest manner and create major breakthroughs, such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain and virtual reality/augmented reality (VR/AR). To provide high incentives and supports for startups to develop and encourage large, traditional enterprises to pioneer in applying these technologies to production and trade activities.

To build strong computing systems capable of processing and analyzing data, mobilizing the communities, and allowing organizations and enterprises to jointly operate and develop the ecosystem of innovative products applying AI;

d/ To proactively cooperate with foreign countries in the management of common resources in the digital environment and cyberspace; to participate in international organizations and chair and lead the implementation of certain digital transformation initiatives.


To digitally transform activities of state agencies and develop an e-government toward a digital government, focusing on development of a centralized and uninterrupted digital infrastructure to serve state agencies; to create open data for easy access and use, intensify publicity, transparency and corruption prevention and fight, and promote the development of digital services in the economy; to provide level-4 online public services on smart mobile devices for the people and enterprises to best experience fast, accurate, paperless and affordable services; to improve the country’s EGDI.

1. To develop digital government infrastructure serving state agencies on the basis of combining the strengths of special-use data transmission networks, Internet, and data centers of state agencies to facilitate uninterrupted inter-agency connection among the 4 levels of administration, using the encryption mechanisms and technologies ensuring cyber security and mastered by Vietnam in a safe and secure manner.

To restructure information technology infrastructure facilities of ministries, sectors and localities, and transform information technology infrastructure into digital infrastructure applying cloud computing technology to serve the connection and management of resources and data of state agencies in a safe, flexible, stable and effective manner.

2. To step up the implementation of resolutions, programs, plans, schemes and projects on e-government development. To accelerate the building of national databases and specialized databases meeting sector-wide state management requirements and supporting the development of enterprises. To firstly build databases on population, land, and health.

3. To build the National Data Portal ( integrated with the open data component of the Vietnamese digital knowledge system, which provides open data and information about the data building status and progress in state agencies, the levels of data sharing and use and necessary information for connection; to evaluate and publicly rank data development levels of ministries, sectors and localities. To develop national platforms for data integration and sharing and connect national databases and databases of ministries, sectors and localities for the purpose of connection and sharing of information and data for common use.

4. To develop and improve the Government’s reporting information system connected with the reporting information systems of ministries, agencies and localities, ensuring integration and sharing of digital data to serve real time-based direction and administration activities of the Government, the Prime Minister and administrations at all levels.

5. To apply the latest technologies on social communication, provision of information and public administrative services in a simple and convenient manner on mobile devices, big data analytics, AI and VR/AR in order  to digitally transform all areas of direction and administration work of state agencies and provide the best and most friendly experiences for users.

6. To develop and improve the National Public Service Portal system connected with public service portals and electronic single-window information systems of ministries, sectors and localities for providing level-4 online public services; to upgrade all online public services to level 3 or level 4.

To carry out administrative procedures in the electronic environment and digitalize results of settlement of administrative procedures under the Government’s Decree No. 45/2020/ND-CP of April 8, 2020.

7. To standardize and electronize the process of processing dossiers in the network environment as well as forms and reporting regimes; to enhance the sending and receipt of electronic documents and reports integrated with digital signatures among state management agencies, socio-political organizations and enterprises; to digitalize files and store electronic work files of state agencies under regulations.

8. To experiment the provision of some services on the basis of smart cities and experiment smart city supervision centers; to select typical urban centers of provinces and centrally run cities for experimentation, and combine development of smart city services with e-administration systems in a sustainable manner after the model of circular economy. To identify successful models for wide application.

9. To build programs on awareness raising and training of digital transformation and e-government development skills for cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers in state agencies.


To promote the digital economy development with a focus on development of digital technology enterprises, transition from information technology assembly and processing to production of digital technology products and products of Industry 4.0, development of digital content, creative industry, platform economy, sharing economy, e-commerce, and smart manufacturing. To promote digital transformation in enterprises in order to raise the competitiveness of enterprises and the whole economy.

1. To develop the following 4 types of digital technology enterprises:

a/ Large groups and trading and service enterprises in socio-economic fields which shift to operate in the fields of digital technology or invest in core technology research;

b/ Reputable information technology enterprises assuming the missions of pioneering in research and development, master of digital technology, and proactive production;

c/ Startups applying digital technology to create new products and services in different socio-economic fields and sectors;

d/ Innovative startups in digital technology.

2. To shift from assembly and processing to production of “Make in Vietnam” products - products created in Vietnam, designed in Vietnam and made in Vietnam.

To carry out research and development activities, master technologies, and produce digital equipment like smart phones, smart televisions, tablets, and IoT devices, etc., to meet demands of the society and conform with standards and technical regulations on cyber security assurance.

3. To develop products of digital content, digital communication and digital advertising. To develop creative industries and diversified and attractive digital content ecosystems of Vietnam. Ministries, sectors and localities shall jointly participate in the development of creative industries.

To implement technical and non-technical measures for strengthening the management of cross-border global digital platforms in Vietnam, creating a level playing field for domestic digital content enterprises.

4. To formulate and implement the Scheme on support for small- and medium-sized enterprises, traditional craft enterprises and production enterprises shifting to providing products and services on digital platforms, carrying out smart manufacturing, and step by step restructuring themselves and raising their internal capacity.

5. To develop e-commerce

a/ To build a sound, competitive and sustainably developing e-commerce market with support for wide application of e-commerce in enterprises and communities;

b/ To develop e-commerce platforms through value chains, not only restricted to consumers. Large producers, medium and small distributors, wholesalers, retail channels, and e-commerce companies shall jointly constitute supply chains;

c/ To increasingly develop infrastructure and service systems to support the development of e-commerce.


To promote digital transformation in the society, focusing on transformation of skills, provision of massive open online courses (MOOCs), and cooperation with large organizations and enterprises in the world to provide training for raising knowledge and skills on digital technology and digital transformation and form a digital culture. To prepare human resources for digital transformation in order to develop a digital society with no one left behind.

1. To select and train at least 1,000 experts in digital transformation for sectors and localities. These experts shall then provide training for related officers in their agencies or organizations who will become the core force to lead, organize and implement the process of digital transformation nationwide.

2. To implement programs on training and retraining of digital transformation leadership and management skills for heads of agencies and organizations and executive directors of businesses.

3. Every year, to enroll, train and supplement information technology bachelors and engineers. To adjust and supplement postgraduate, graduate and vocational training programs to be associated with digital technology such as AI, data science, big data, cloud computing, IoT, VR/AR, blockchain, and 3D printing.

4. To apply the Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) education model and train English and skills of use of information technology and assurance of information security at different education levels. To provide career orientation training for students to acquire skills ready for a digital environment.

5. To provide training, retraining and refresher training in digital skills for workers of enterprises in industrial parks and export processing zones. To conduct pilot training and retraining in digital technology for workers for at least 1 hour per week first of all at enterprises in Thai Nguyen, Quang Nam and Binh Duong provinces, then at enterprises nationwide.

6. To provide MOOCs for all people to increase their access to education via digital technology and receive training, retraining and refresher training in digital skills. To universalize online exams; to recognize the validity of online training certificates; to build platforms for sharing teaching and learning resources; to develop technology enterprises serving education toward individualized training.

7. To evaluate impacts of digital technology on the society so as to adopt solutions for minimizing adverse impacts of digital technology; to issue a code of conduct in the digital environment for enterprises and the people; to develop centers for answering inquiries of the people and helping those adversely impacted by digital technology.


Digital transformation shall be prioritized firstly for certain sectors, attaching importance to implementing initiatives that aim to connect different sectors in order to provide the people, enterprises and the society with a novel, completely different and valuable experience.

1. Digital transformation in the health sector

To develop platforms to provide telehealth services for people in order to help reduce the workload of health establishments, limit person-to-person contact and reduce community transmission risks; all health establishments will have a telehealth service center; to promote digital transformation in the health sector.

To step by step build health care and disease prevention systems based on digital technology; to apply comprehensive digital technology in health establishments as part of the administrative reform, reduce work overload in hospitals, improve the quality of medical examination and treatment, use electronic medical records in replacement of paper records in payment of hospital fees, and form smart hospitals; to build smart health administration platforms based on digital technology, and integrate information and data to form the national health database.

To pilot the initiative “Every person has a private doctor” to achieve the goal that every person will have his/her personal medical record and, on that basis, doctors can provide counseling and care for each person, thus forming a complete digital healthcare system from primary health care, preventive medicine to treatment.

To create a legal corridor for facilitating telehealth services and e-prescription to ensure that the people can have quick and effective access to doctors, reducing costs and time for patient transportation.

2. Digital transformation in the education sector

To develop platforms for remote teaching and learning activities, and apply digital technology in all administration, teaching and learning activities; to digitalize teaching and learning materials and textbooks; to build platforms for sharing of teaching and learning resources. To develop technologies serving education toward individualized training.

All educational institutions will launch remote teaching and learning activities, including experimenting training programs with online courses accounting for at least 20% of the total number of courses. To apply digital technology for homework assignment and examining pre-class preparation by pupils.

3. Digital transformation in the finance-banking sector

To build an e-finance system and establish modern and sustainable digital financial platforms. To comprehensively apply digital technology in the sectors of taxation, customs, treasury, and securities.

To carry out digital transformation in commercial banks to provide digital banking services toward diversification of distribution channels, innovation, and automation of professional processes, and promotion of cooperation with fintech companies and payment intermediaries in building finance-banking service ecosystems in order to step up the national financial inclusion, aiming to provide finance-banking services to the residents in deep-lying and remote areas where they cannot access these services or which are not yet provided by banks, based on technology innovation, such as mobile payment and peer-to-peer lending.

To increase accessibility to loans through credit rating solutions using customer databases and reliable rating models.

4. Digital transformation in agriculture

To develop hi-tech agriculture, attaching importance to smart agriculture and precision agriculture and increasing the proportion of digital technology-based agriculture in the economy.

Digital transformation in agriculture shall be based on data platforms. To build big data systems such as databases on land, plants, domestic animals, and fisheries. To build aerial and terrestrial integrated observation and monitoring networks serving agricultural activities. To step up the provision of information about the environment, weather, and soil quality for farmers to increase crop productivity and quality, and support the sharing of agricultural equipment via digital platforms.

To apply digital technology for automating production and business processes; to manage and trace the origin and supply chains of products, ensuring fastness, transparency, accuracy, and food safety and hygiene. To consider piloting the initiative “Every farmer is a trader, every cooperative is an enterprise applying digital technology” to achieve the objective that every farmer will be trained in the application of digital technology to production, supply, distribution, and forecasting (prices, crops, etc.) of agricultural products, and accelerate the development of e-commerce in agriculture.

To vigorously carry out digital transformation in management work so as to adopt timely policies and administration solutions for agricultural development, such as giving market forecasts and warnings and planning management.

5. Digital transformation in the transport and logistics sector

To develop smart traffic systems, focusing on mass transit systems, expressways and national highways. To transform logistics infrastructure facilities (such as seaports, inland waterway ports, airports, railways, warehouses, etc.)

To develop platforms for connecting goods owners, carriers and customers into a single-window system permitting goods owners to choose best means of transport for their goods as well as warehouses and storage yards and supporting goods packaging and registration and completion of processes of handling relevant administrative documents.

To transform the management of transport infrastructure facilities and means used for commercial transportation and vehicle operators, enabling digital management of transport infrastructure and registration and management of vehicles based on digital files, and digital grant and management of drive licenses.

6. Digital transformation in the energy sector

To carry out digital transformation in the energy sector, giving priority to the electricity industry toward optimization and automation of networks to ensure effective electricity supply.

To connect digital electricity meters for improving billing speed and accuracy, more rapidly identifying network incidents, and helping users save energy and discover electricity wastage or loss.

7. Digital transformation in the natural resources and environment sector

To build information systems and big databases with a view to effectively managing natural resources and environment activities, including the national land database; databases on other sectors (national geography; natural resources and environment monitoring; biodiversity; waste-generating sources; remote sensing; seas and islands; climate change; hydro-meteorology; geology-minerals, etc.); to build an open national digital map as a basis for development of socio-economic development digital services; to implement smart solutions in monitoring, supervision, management and handling of environmental incidents and early warning of natural disasters.

8. Digital transformation in the industrial manufacturing sector

To carry out digital transformation in the industrial manufacturing sector through attaching importance to development of the following pillars: developing smart strategies and organizational structures, building smart factories with smart operation to make smart products, developing data services, and developing digital skills for workers.


1. Funds for implementation of the Program include state budget allocations; investments from enterprises, the private sector and the community; and other lawful funding sources.

Ministries, sectors and localities shall, based on their assigned tasks, prioritize resources for carrying out digital transformation activities.

2. State budget funds shall be prioritized for activities of awareness change, institutional building, digital infrastructure development, digital platform development, confidence building, cyber security assurance, international cooperation, research and development and innovation and skill transformation in the digital environment, and the tasks and projects specified in the Program under the charge of state agencies.

3. For units permitted to retain some revenues under regulations (which are currently left outside the balance sheets of budget funds), the use of funds for implementation of the Program must comply with the Law on Public Investment and relevant specialized laws.


1. To carry out international research and build and regularly update and supplement the set of indexes for evaluating the level of digital transformation, including indexes for evaluating digital government, digital economy and digital society of the country, each sector and locality on the basis of inheriting and developing the set of e-government indexes.

2. To develop and integrate criteria for digital transformation evaluation into the set of provincial competitiveness indexes (PCI), the set of public administration reform (PAR) indexes, the set of information and communication technology (ICT) indexes, and the set of indexes for evaluating the level of information technology application.

3. Annually, to publicize evaluation results as a basis for monitoring and urging the implementation of the Program and adjusting it as appropriate.


1. The National Committee for E-Government shall study and propose to the Government and the Prime Minister guidelines, strategies, mechanisms and policies to create a legal environment accelerating the process of digital transformation toward the digital government, digital economy and digital society; urge and coordinate the implementation of the Program.

2. Steering Committees for the building of e-governments/e-administrations of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies or provincial-level People’s Committees shall urge and coordinate the implementation of digital transformation in their ministries, sectors or localities.

3. In the course of implementation, in case of necessity to make a change that falls under the Prime Minister’s competence, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall advise and propose such change to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.

In case of necessity to make a change that falls under the competence of a ministry, sector or locality, the standing body of the Steering Committee for the building of e-governments/e-administrations shall advise and propose such change to a competent authority for consideration and decision.

Article 2.Organization of implementation

1. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and provincial-level People’s Committees

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for performing the tasks and solutions specified at Points a and d, Clause 1, Section IV; Points b, c and e, Clause 2, Section IV; Points a, c and d, Clause 3, Section IV; Point d, Clause 4, Section IV; Point b, Clause 5, Section IV; Points a, b and d, Clause 6, Section IV; and in Sections V, VI, VII, VIII and X, Article 1 of this Decision according to their assigned functions and tasks. Based on the specific conditions of their ministries, sectors or localities, to decide on the formulation of schemes, programs, strategies and plans with integration of digital transformation contents into activities of ministries, sectors and localities, in association with the application of information technology, development of digital governments or digital administrations at all levels, and testing of the development of smart urban services;

b/ To make and issue a list of initiatives on digital transformation to be prioritized in the 2020-2021 period; to register funds, and make reports on explanation about tasks, schemes and projects and submit them to competent authorities for approval and implementation right in 2020.

Criteria for selection of a priority initiative: Such initiative must conform with relevant sectoral and local development strategies; help improve labor productivity or socio-economic efficiency or better serve the people and enterprises; be able to bring about remarkable outcomes as soon as possible; and have spillover effects;

c/ Before December 15 every year, to send reports on the implementation of the Program to the Ministry of Information and Communications for summarization and reporting to the Prime Minister. Figures used for reports shall be taken from December 15 of the year preceding the reporting period to December 14 of the reporting period.

2. The Ministry of Information and Communications

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for organizing the implementation of the Program; to assume the prime responsibility for performing the tasks and solutions specified at Points b and c, Clause 1; Points a and d, Clause 2; Points b, c and d, Clause 3; Points a, b, c and d, Clause 4; Points a, b, c, d and e, Clause 5; and Clause 6, Section IV; in Section V; Clauses 1, 2, 3 and 4, Section VI; Clauses 1, 2 and 6, Section VII; and Sections X and XI, Article 1 of this Decision.

Annually, to guide, urge, inspect and supervise, and give opinions on, specialized contents of schemes, projects and tasks for the implementation of the Program; to summarize information and data on actual state and results of the implementation of the Program; to submit reports to the Prime Minister, proposing adjustment of the contents of the Program when deeming it necessary;

b/ To summarize information on the annual implementation of the Program by ministries, sectors and localities;

c/ To formulate strategies and policies on data administration, plans on the development of data and databases to enable data connectivity and sharing; to establish the national digital identity framework;

d/ To study and propose mechanisms and policies to promote competition in the telecommunications sector for digital infrastructure development;

dd/ To study, review, amend and supplement, or propose amendment and supplementation of, standards, technical regulations and technical-economic norms on application and development of digital technology, new relations in the process of digital transformation;

e/ To study and develop postcode serving socio-economic development.

3. The Government Office

To assume the prime responsibility for performing the tasks and solutions specified in Clauses 4, 6 and 7, Section V, Article 1 of this Decision according to its assigned functions and tasks.

4. The State Bank of Vietnam

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for performing the tasks and solutions specified in Clause 3, Section VIII, Article 1 of this Decision according to its assigned functions and tasks;

b/ To promulgate mechanisms and policies for digital technology enterprises and enterprises carrying out digital transformation to access credit in a convenient manner. To study, propose, and organize the implementation of, incentive credit programs (programs on provision of loans to stimulate investment and loans with preferential interest rates) for digital technology enterprises in order to support key digital transformation products and enterprises carrying out digital transformation;

c/ Annually, to organize a conference on connection between banks and enterprises in digital transformation;

d/ To direct commercial banks to regularly and closely coordinate with administrations of provinces and cities in implementing credit programs and policies to promote digital transformation.

5. The Ministry of Planning and Investment

a/ To study, formulate and promulgate a system of statistical indicators on digital economy; to develop new methods for collecting data to measure impacts of digital transformation on socio-economic affairs and the people; to periodically announce such indicators;

b/ To balance and allocate development investment funds for implementation of the Program’s projects in accordance with the Law on Public Investment;

c/ To study, amend and supplement regulations on enterprises, investment and business to create favorable conditions for new business models and activities based on the digital technology platform and, at the same time, promptly detect and prevent adverse impacts on the society and economy, create a level playing field for new business models and traditional business models;

d/ To promote, attract and effectively use resources of foreign countries and international partners for research, application, innovative startup and technology transfer activities;

dd/ To assume the prime responsibility for formulating and implementing digital transformation programs in the field of business registration for cooperatives and business households;

e/ To coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications and related ministries and sectors in supporting small- and medium-sized enterprises in digital transformation, and integrating the task of supporting digital transformation into programs and schemes on support for small- and medium-sized enterprises in the 2021-2025 period.


6. The Ministry of Finance

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for performing the tasks and solutions specified at Point dd, Clause 2, and Point dd, Clause 5, Section IV; and in Clause 3, Section VIII, Article 1 of this Decision according to its assigned functions and tasks;

b/ To allocate regular funds for the implementation of the Program’s tasks in accordance with the Law on the State Budget.

7. The Ministry of Science and Technology

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for performing the tasks and solutions specified at Points c and d, Clause 2, Section IV; and Points a, b and c, Clause 6, Section IV, Article 1 of this Decision according to its assigned functions and tasks;

b/ To study, amend and supplement, or propose amendment and supplementation of, the legal system on and enforcement of intellectual property in conformity with the practical conditions on digital technology application and development, international practices and reality of Vietnam;

c/ To prioritize scientific and technical tasks for digital transformation, attaching importance to tasks with counterpart funds from enterprises.

8. The Ministry of Education and Training:

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for performing the tasks and solutions specified in Clauses 3 and 4, Section VII; and Clause 2, Section VIII, Article 1 of this Decision according to its assigned functions and tasks;

b/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs in, supplementing and adjusting higher education and vocational training programs associated with digital technology;

c/ To develop new major codes and update programs on training of professional human resources at universities, colleges and vocational training institutions with contents related to data and digital technology such as AI, data science, cloud computing, IoT, blockchain and big data;

d/ To build centers for researching and training human resources in AI and related digital technologies to train human resources for digital transformation.

9. The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for performing the tasks and solutions specified in Clause 7, Section VII, Article 1 of this Decision according to its assigned functions and tasks;

b/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications and Ministry of Education and Training in, formulating additional training programs and programs to train new labor skills for workers;

c/ To study and evaluate impacts of digital technology on the society; to study solutions to promote socialization in the establishment of centers for supporting the people affected by digital technology.

10. The Ministry of Justice

To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and related agencies in, performing the tasks and solutions specified at Point e, Clause 2, Section IV, Article 1 of this Decision according to its assigned functions and tasks.

11. The Ministry of Health

To assume the prime responsibility for performing the tasks and solutions specified in Clause 1, Section VIII, Article 1 of this Decision according to its assigned functions and tasks.

12. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

To assume the prime responsibility for performing the tasks and solutions specified in Clause 4, Section VIII, Article 1 of this Decision according to its assigned functions and tasks.

13. The Ministry of Transport

To assume the prime responsibility for performing the tasks and solutions specified in Clause 5, Section VIII, Article 1 of this Decision according to its assigned functions and tasks.

14. The Ministry of Industry and Trade

To assume the prime responsibility for performing the tasks and solutions specified in Clause 5, Section VI; and Clauses 6 and 8, Section VIII, Article 1 of this Decision according to its assigned functions and tasks.

15. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

To assume the prime responsibility for performing the tasks and solutions specified in Clause 7, Section VIII, Article 1 of this Decision according to its assigned functions and tasks.

16. The Ministry of Home Affairs

To assume the prime responsibility for integrating criteria for digital transformation evaluation into the set of PAR indexes.

17. The Vietnam Television, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam News Agency,Nhan Dan(People) newspaper and media and press agencies

To carry out public communication work for changing awareness about digital transformation through communication channels, specialized pages and specialized sections on radio and television programs.

18. The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, societies and associations

a/ To develop and integrate criteria for digital transformation evaluation into the set of PCIs;

b/ To formulate training programs to support digital transformation and business analysis for small- and medium-sized enterprises; to coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications in formulating and implementing the Scheme to support small- and medium-sized enterprises in carrying out digital transformation;

c/ To carry out public communication work for raising awareness about, disseminating knowledge of, and provide training and consultancy on, digital transformation for the whole society;

d/ To give opinions and criticism about the State’s guidelines, policies and laws on digital transformation; to participate in digital transformation-related evaluation and rating; to organize conferences, forums and dialogues on digital transformation.

19. Telecommunication enterprises

a/ To act as the core in performing the tasks and solutions specified in the Program which create a foundation for digital transformation, and development of digital government, digital economy, and digital society;

b/ To take the initiative in carrying out digital transformation in enterprises’ operations, develop digital infrastructure and digital platforms, master core technologies, and ensure cybersecurity.

20. Digital technology enterprises

a/ To formulate programs, targets and plans on, allocate funds and mobilize financial resources for, and organize the implementation of, digital transformation activities;

b/ To participate in or assume the prime responsibility for performing relevant tasks such as building digital infrastructure and digital platforms, developing databases, manufacturing products and developing services to serve the digital transformation in different sectors.

21. Enterprises carrying out digital transformation

Based on the orientations of the Program, to take the initiative in building and carrying out digital transformation in order to improve operational efficiency and competitiveness.

22. Responsibilities of communities

Population communities, residential quarters, households, organizations and individuals shall proactively and actively improve skills of digital technology application and raise awareness about digital transformation.

Article 3.This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees and related units and organizations shall implement this Decision.-

Prime Minister


[1]Công Báo Nos 637-638 (11/6/2020)

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