Resolution No. 70/NQ-CP 2020 regulations on the regular meeting in April

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Resolution No. 70/NQ-CP dated May 14, 2020 of the Government on the Government’s regular meeting in April 2020
Issuing body: GovernmentEffective date:

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Official number:70/NQ-CPSigner:Nguyen Xuan Phuc
Type:ResolutionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:14/05/2020Effect status:

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To allocate a maximum of VND 3,500 billion of additional charter capital to Agribank

On May 14, 2020, the Government issues the Resolution No. 70/NQ-CP on the Government’s regular meeting in April 2020.

Specifically, the Government unanimously agrees that the allocation of additional charter capital to Agribank from sources of revenue increases and expenditure savings of the central budget in 2019. The additional charter capital shall be equivalent to Agribank's net profit after tax in 2020, and not exceeding VND 3,500 billion.

In addition, regarding to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government directs the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to support people facing difficulties, ensuring the timeliness, adequacy and application to the right subjects while preventing policy profiteering and regulation violation; the Ministry of Industry and Trade needs to prepare a plan to boost the export of agriculture, forestry and fishery products, striving to reach a total agricultural export turnover of over USD 42 billion; the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall review the difficulties faced by domestic enterprises due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which had been forced to transfer capital or sell shares to foreign investors, etc.

Besides, the Government also decides to maintain similar cable television services from the time after December 31, 2019 until the Decree amending and supplementing the Decree No. 06/2016/ND-CP on the management of provision and use of radio and television services had been issued and enforced by the Government.

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No. 70/NQ-CP


Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Hanoi, May 14, 2020




On the Government’s regular meeting in April 2020




Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of June 19, 2015;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No 138/2016/ND-CP dated October 01, 2016 on promulgating the working regulation of the Government;

Based on the discussion of the delegates and the conclusion of the Prime Minister at the Government’s regular meeting in April 2020, held on May 05, 2020,




1. Regarding the socio-economic situation in April and the first 4 months of 2020

The Government unanimously assesses that: With the determination and unified actions of the entire political system, social community and the people, the Covid-19 pandemic had been put under control and community transmission of the disease had been prevented. The people believed in the leadership of the Party and the State and took pride in the pre-eminence and goodness of the country. All levels and sectors had been proactive and creative in providing advices and proposing measures to promptly issue many important and appropriate solutions and policies meeting the people’s need. Although the COVID-19 pandemic had severely affected most sectors and areas of the economy, the country was able to maintain a relatively decent situation. Macroeconomic conditions were stable; inflation was kept under control. Basically, the major balances of the economy were maintained; exchange rate was relatively stable, foreign currency reserves were abundant; deposit and lending interest rates had been lowered; liquidity of credit institutions was guaranteed; national credit rating was maintained. The central and local budget balances were guaranteed. Disbursement of public investment witnessed positive changes, increasing by 30% over the same period. In April alone it increased by 25% compared to the first 3 months. Exports rose 4.7% year-on-year, of which that of the domestic economic sector increased by 12.1%, with 15 items reaching export turnover of over USD 01 billion. Trade surplus hit over USD 03 billion. Winter-spring rice harvest was at bumper level. Due attention was paid to the people s health care, social security. Measures to support people in difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic were implemented in a prompt and effective manner. Attention was paid to effectively implementing solutions in the fields of education, training, science and technology, information, and communication. National defense, security and social order and safety were maintained. Foreign affairs were focused, especially in international cooperation with other countries and international organizations, and timely provision of support to countries in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was highly appreciated by the international community.

However, the world and the country would still face many difficulties and challenges. Fundamentally, Vietnam had controlled and repelled the COVID-19 pandemic, yet the situation in the world remained complicated, causing a global economic recession, and disrupting global production and trade activities, especially the major partner countries of Vietnam. In this situation, the Government requested ministries, branches, localities, business community and the people of the country to accompany the Government, join hands to resolutely overcome difficulties and challenges as well as leveraging opportunities, determined to implement the "dual goal" - focusing on promoting production and business, creating a momentum for socio-economic development, striving to reach the highest level of the planned targets in 2020; as well as preventing and controlling of the COVID-19 pandemic, taking all necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of the outbreak. Accordingly, attention was requested to be paid in the following major contents:

- Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, and Chairmen of People s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities shall focus on directing all levels and branches to seriously and effectively implement tasks and solutions which had been set out; display brains, tenacity, and revolutionary ethics of the leaders, the spirit of daring to think and daring to do for the country and for the nation, uphold responsibility and accountability of leaders, set examples, closely and thoroughly grasp situation of branches, domains and localities, proactively take appropriate measures to promptly remove difficulties for production and business with specific solutions to develop their respective branches, domains and localities. At the same time, they were requested to encourage the contingent of cadres and civil servants to uphold the sense of responsibility; resolutely not to let administrative agencies, administrative procedures, officials, and public employees hinder development.

- Ministries, branches and localities shall, depending on their assigned functions and tasks, take appropriate measures to mobilize and effectively utilize resources, focusing on attracting foreign investment and private investment, disbursing 100% of public investment capital, boosting exports, stimulating domestic consumption, considering these 5 tasks as 5 spearheads breakthroughs to promote growth. Ministries, branches and localities were requested to continue to strictly implement the Directive No. 11/CT-TTg dated March 04, 2020 on urgent tasks and solutions to remove difficulties for production and business, and ensure social security in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic; timely and effectively coordinate with each other to implement policies to support the people and businesses facing difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; urgently research and propose appropriate solutions, policies and regulations to promote production, business, economic recovery, and ensure social security after the Covid-19 pandemic had been put under control. They were also requested to accelerate the reform of administrative procedures associated with the application of information technology, to create more favorable conditions for the people and businesses; as well as review, cut and substantially reduce unnecessary obstructing business conditions to create an open and favorable investment and business environment.

- Macroeconomic management and specialized management Ministries and agencies, and localities, especially provinces in key economic regions, shall take the initiative in developing growth scenarios to formulate administrative solutions in accordance with the situation.

- The State Bank of Viet Nam shall continue to operate monetary policy in a proactive and flexible manner, stabilize exchange rates and foreign exchange markets, ensure liquidity for the economy, contributing to maintaining macroeconomic stability, controlling inflation. To continue to direct credit institutions to effectively implement credit support solutions for businesses and people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

- The Ministry of Finance shall effectively implement the Government s Decree No. 41/2020/ND-CP dated April 08, 2020, extending the deadline for tax and land rental payment. The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and agencies in continuing to review and propose to competent authorities the extension, exemption or reduction of a number of charges, fees and taxes to remove difficulties for the people and enterprises, and preparing a Report to the National Assembly on the implementation of state budget plan in 2020 as prescribed.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the concerned ministries and agencies in synthesizing up, updating the situation, and formulating the overall scenario of economic growth in 2020, and reporting to the Prime Minister. To review the difficulties faced by domestic enterprises due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which had been forced to transfer capital or sell shares to foreign investors.

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall focus on reviewing and developing solutions to stimulate domestic consumption and sustainably develop the domestic market. To effectively exploit the advantages of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), take the initiative in implementing the Viet Nam-European Union Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) right after the National Assembly’s approval. To open access to and diversify export markets, increase official export, especially export of agricultural products. To promote the development of processing and manufacturing industry, agricultural product processing, auxiliary industries, etc.  The Ministry of Industry and Trade was assigned to coordinate with the Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises to accelerate the completion of the handling of 12 weak projects causing losses in the industry and trade sector; put key industrial projects and works into operation as soon as possible. To promote prevention and combat against commercial frauds, goods origin frauds; and urgently formulate documents regulating Vietnamese goods or products manufactured in Vietnam.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall continue to focus on directing and closely monitoring changes in weather, natural disasters and epidemics to direct and guide localities in implementing agricultural production and disaster response plans, ensuring food security and export, especially rice and other essential food products; coordinating with the Ministry of Industry and Trade to prepare a plan to boost the export of agriculture, forestry and fishery products, striving to reach a total agricultural export turnover of over USD 42 billion. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development was assigned to accelerate herd repopulation, continue to control pork prices, ensuring consumer rights and contributing to controlling inflation. The Ministry shall proactively prevent and control animal and plant diseases. It was assigned to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and relevant agencies in directing, guiding and inspecting localities in strictly adopting the Directive No. 13-CT/TW of the Secretariat and the Law on Forest in order to enhance forest management, protection and development while strictly handling violations.

- The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall coordinate with ministries, branches and localities to effectively implement the Government s Resolution No. 42/NQ-CP dated April 09, 2020 on measures to support people facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other social security policies, ensuring their timeliness, adequacy and application to the right subjects while preventing policy profiteering and regulation violation. To closely monitor the labor situation, strengthen the management of foreign workers. To innovate, and improve the communication effectiveness of social insurance policy.

- The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall direct and guide localities in building a set of safe tourism indicators, organize the implementation of safe tourism programs, strengthen communication and promotion of safe travel destinations to stimulate domestic tourism, especially in the summer, and proactively prepare appropriate plans and solutions to reactivate the international tourist market at an appropriate time.

- The Ministry of Transport shall focus on promoting disbursement of capital construction investment; regularly urge, inspect and strive to disburse 100% of the assigned public investment capital. To speed up the preparation and completion of procedures to start key transport infrastructure projects, including:  The project to upgrade and renovate take-off and landing runways and taxiways of Noi Bai Airport and Tan Son Nhat Airport in June 2020, The Eastern North - South Expressway Project in August 2020 upon the National Assembly’s approval on conversion of investment form to public investment, and The Long Thanh International Airport Project in the first quarter of 2021.

- The Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the concerned ministries, agencies and localities in drafting a Government’s Resolution to remove obstacles during the implementation of the Government’s Decree No. 68/2019/ND-CP dated August 14, 2019 on management of construction investment costs, to submit to the Government for consideration and decision-making in May 2020. The Ministry was assigned to promulgate a Circular according to simplified order and procedures to amend and supplement the Circulars guiding the Decree No. 68/2019/ND-CP in May 2020.

- The Ministry of Home Affairs shall urgently propose and report to the Prime Minister the review of emulation and reward in COVID-19 prevention and control.

- The Government Inspectorate shall urgently complete unscheduled inspections under the direction of the Prime Minister; actively monitor and fight against corruption; strictly coordinate with other agencies to implement the Directive No. 20/CT-TTg dated May 17, 2017 on reorganizing inspection and examination at enterprises.

- The ministries of national defense, public security, and foreign affairs shall closely monitor the situation on the mainland, borders, and islands, especially in the East Sea, to formulate active response plan and avoid being passive.

- The Ministry of Public Security shall direct to drastically implement measures to ensure social order and safety; focus on suppressing all kinds of crimes, especially drug-related crimes, acts against officials on duty, smuggling, trading of counterfeits goods and poor quality goods, and black credit.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall coordinate with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the State Bank of Viet Nam and relevant ministries and agencies to organize online conferences and other activities as assigned in the ASEAN Program 2020, not to allow any disruption. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall continue to properly perform the task of protecting citizens, especially in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic; and proactively research and propose solutions once the COVID-19 epidemic had been controlled in Vietnam, our major partners and the world.

- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall direct Vietnamese digital technology enterprises to focus on promoting research, development and supply of digital technology products such as e-commerce, non-cash payment and transfer, digitalization in different sectors and fields, etc.; widely and effectively communicate digital products and solutions made in Viet Nam, recommend wider adoption among organizations, businesses and the people.  The Ministry was assigned to direct press agencies to promote the communication about the results and successes in COVID-19 prevention and control, solutions and policies for socio-economic restoration and development, to create a new spirit to promote production and business activities.

- Ministers and heads of ministerial-level agencies shall drastically direct and submit to the Government to promulgate 13 documents detailing laws according to their assigned tasks, which had been postponed, before the 9thsession of the 14thNational Assembly, 21 documents detailing laws taking effect from July 01, 2020 before May 15, 2020 and focusing on elaborating and promulgating in a timely manner 21 documents detailing laws and ordinances taking effect from January 01, 2021. At the same time, they were requested to submit 30 outstanding law projects before May 10, 2020 and take the initiative in building and ensuring to submit on time 20 projects under the Work Program for May 2020.

2. Regarding the plan to adjust a number of planned targets in 2020

The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the State Bank of Viet Nam and the concerned ministries and agencies in finalizing the Scheme on "Policies to overcome the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic to restore and develop the country s economy”, in which a number of socio-economic, financial and state budget targets in 2020 shall be updated and adjusted for reporting to the Prime Minister before May 15, 2020.

3. Regarding the Government s draft Resolution on tasks and solutions to continue removing difficulties for production and business, promoting disbursement of public investment capital, and ensuring social order and safety in the context of COVID-19

The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with other ministries and branches in collecting comments of the Government Members, to finalize the draft Resolution and report to the Standing Committee of the Government before May 15, 2020. In which, it was requested to review and reach an agreement with the Ministry of Finance on the solutions on taxes, fees, charges, state budget and finance mentioned in the draft Resolution.

4. Regarding the draft Resolution of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly promulgating principles, criteria, and norms for allocation of public investment capital from the state budget in the 2021 - 2025 period

The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice in collecting comments from the Government Members, urgently finalizing the draft Resolution of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly and the Government s Proposal on principles, objectives, and cost norms for allocation of public investment capital from the state budget in the 2021 - 2025 period. On that basis, the Minister of Planning and Investment was authorized by the Prime Minister to act on behalf of the Government, to report to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly at the meeting in May 2020. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall hold accountability to the Government and the Prime Minister for the contents of the report, and actively explain to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly and its agencies on relevant contents.

5. Regarding the plan for implementing the 2019 - 2020 school year program and the plan for organizing the 2020 high school examination

- The Government highly appreciated the Ministry of Education and Training for proactively and actively guiding localities to return students to school while attentively ensuring their safety and paying attention to keeping students in a good distance from each other based on practical conditions.

- In principle, the Government agreed with the plan to organize the 2020 high school graduation examination proposed by the Ministry of Education and Training.

The Ministry of Education and Training shall direct and guide provincial/municipal People s Committees in organizing examinations in their localities; accelerate the application of information technology and supervision means; coordinate with functional forces to strengthen inspection and examination to ensure safety, seriousness and success of the examination; and promulgate procedures of the high school graduation examination and procedures of the university entrance as soon as possible.

The People s Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities shall urgently develop plans to organize examinations in their localities, organize the examination supervision and grading seriously and honestly. Chairpersons of provincial/municipal People s Committees were assigned to fully take responsibility for exams in their respective localities.

6. Regarding the plan to allocate the state budget to increase charter capital for Viet Nam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Agribank)

The Government unanimously agreed to:

- The allocation of additional charter capital to Agribank from sources of revenue increases and expenditure savings of the central budget in 2019. The additional charter capital shall be equivalent to Agribank s net profit after tax in 2020, and not exceeding VND 3,500 billion.

- The State Bank of Viet Nam shall collect comments from the Government members, complete the Government s Report on increasing charter capital for Agribank with the state budget in accordance with the Politburo’s guidance in the Document No. 11047-CV/VPTW dated November 25, 2019 and the Prime Minister s guidance in the Document No. 3529/VPCP-KTTH dated November 30, 2019. Accordingly, the State Bank of Vietnam shall propose to the National Assembly to allow the supplementation of the State budget expenditure estimate in 2020 to increase Agribank s charter capital from sources of revenue increases and expenditure savings of the central budget in 2019 corresponding to the net profit after tax which had been submitted to the state budget in 2020 by Agribank, and not exceeding VND 3,500 billion; send complete dossiers and documents to the National Assembly and its agencies according to regulations and take responsibility for the accuracy of report contents and data.

- The Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam was authorized by the Prime Minister to act on behalf of the Government to sign the report, present and explain to the National Assembly and agencies of the National Assembly as prescribed.

7. Regarding the proposal to formulate the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety

The Government agreed on the need to formulate and promulgate the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety.

The Ministry of Public Security was assigned to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Justice and the Government Office in further studying and identifying specific issues under the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety, ensuring its consistency and harmonization with the legal system, preventing its overlaps with the (revised) Law on Road Traffic, and completing the proposal for law drafting; report to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision-making before submitting to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for considering and adding the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety into the 2020 law- and ordinance-making program for the 14thNational Assembly to comment at the 10thsession, and approve at the 11thsession.

8. Regarding the Proposal to develop a Decree on mineral management in reserve areas to develop surface projects

In principle, the Government agreed with the policy contents stated in the Proposal to develop a Decree on mineral management in reserve areas to develop surface projects submitted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment was assigned to assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the concerned ministries and agencies in urgently collecting comments of the Government members, carefully researching, evaluating and drafting a Decree on mineral management in regions and areas reserved for developing surface projects following simplified order and procedures, and submitting it to the Government in September 2020.

9. Regarding the amendment and supplementation of the Decree No. 91/2017/ND-CP stimulating the Standing Committee of the Central Emulation and Reward Council according to the simplified order and procedures

The Government unanimously agreed to: Until the Decree No. 91/2017/ND-CP dated July 31, 2017 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Emulation and Reward had been amended, the Minister of Home Affairs shall take the role of the Vice Chairman of the Central Council for Emulation and Reward. The Head of the Central Committee for Emulation and Reward shall be the Standing Member of the Central Council for Emulation and Reward. The Minister of Home Affairs shall appoint the Head of the Central Committee for Emulation and Reward in accordance with the Government s Decree No. 123/2016/ND-CP dated September 01, 2016, on defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of ministries and ministerial-level agencies.

10. Regarding the implementation of policies in accordance with the Decree No. 116/2010/ND-CP on officials, public servants, public employees, and armed force personnel working in poor districts

The Government unanimously agreed to:

- Not to recollect funds spent on policy implementation under the Decree No. 116/2010/ND-CP for poor districts of Group 2 specified in the Prime Minister s Decision No. 275/QD-TTg dated March 07, 2018 of the Prime Minister approving the list of poor districts and districts out of poverty in the period of 2018 - 2020 from the effective date of the Decision No. 275/QD-TTg (March 07, 2018) to the date the Ministry of Home Affairs issued the Document No. 1044/BNV-TL dated March 11, 2019.

- Not to recollect funds for subjects and localities that had not implemented the policy according to the Document No. 3682/BNV-TL dated August 06, 2018 of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

- The incurred expenditure shall be aggregated into the need for wage reform (provinces shall use local sources for implementing salary reform according to regulations). If there were a shortage of local sources for salary reform, the central budget shall be supplemented according to regulations.

11. Regarding problems in applying investment incentives for Denso Vietnam Co., Ltd.

The Government Office shall chair meetings with the Ministries of Finance, Industry and Trade, Planning and Investment, Justice, Foreign Affairs and relevant agencies to agree on solutions to handle problems in the application of investment incentives for the project of supporting industrial products of Denso Viet Nam Co., Ltd.; and report to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision-making before assigning the Ministry of Finance to assume the prime responsibility for and handle specifically according to the regulations, ensuring to create a favorable and healthy investment and business environment.

12. Regarding the maintenance of provision and use of similar cable television services after December 31, 2019

The Government unanimously agreed to: Maintain similar cable television services from the time after December 31, 2019 until the Decree amending and supplementing the Decree No. 06/2016/ND-CP on the management of provision and use of radio and television services had been issued and enforced by the Government.

13. Regarding the implementation of the Government s Resolution No. 17/NQ-CP dated March 17, 2019

The Government requested:

a) Ministries, branches, and localities:

- Urgently complete the integration and provision of online public services, online payment of fees, charges, taxes, collection of fines for administrative violations and other financial obligations on the National Public Service Portal in accordance with the Decree No. 45/2020/ND-CP and targets in the Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP and the Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP of the Government.

- Strictly adopt the sending and receiving of electronic documents and processing documents in the network environment, ensure to complete the sending and receiving of electronic documents at 4 levels of government before June 30, 2020 and the criteria for processing work documents (except for confidential documents) in the network environment (80% for ministerial level; 60% for provincial level and 30% for district level).

b) In the second quarter of 2020, ministries, ministerial-level agencies and People s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall complete the building and operation of information and reporting systems of ministries, agencies and localities connected with the Government’s Reporting Information System to form the National Reporting Information System; ready to provide, connect, integrate data to provide information on socio-economic indicators, and emerging issues of public interest to serve the Government s direction and administration of the Government, the Prime Minister on the Government’s Reporting Information System.

c) Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and Vietnam Social Security shall, as soon as possible, issue a sample result of electronic administrative procedures application under their management to serve as a basis for returning results of uniform electronic administrative procedures nationwide (in accordance with Clause 2, Article 4 of the Decree No. 30/2020/ND-CP), ensuring the implementation of the Decree No. 45/2020/ND-CP of the Government, which shall take effect on May 22, 2020.

14. Regarding the proposal to formulate a Decree to ensure the performance of the obligations

The Government unanimously agreed to approve the proposal to develop a Decree to ensure the performance of the obligations in order to timely guide the application of legal mechanisms to implement the provisions of the 2015 Civil Code and other relevant laws on ensuring the performance of obligation; timely overcome problems and shortcomings arising in the implementation of the Decree No. 163/2006/ND-CP; meet socio-economic development requirements; and create favorable conditions, minimize legal risks and costs for the parties involved in the relationship to ensure the performance of the obligations and other relevant entities.

The Ministry of Justice was assigned to assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the concerned ministries and agencies in drafting a Decree on ensuring the performance of the obligations and submitting it to the Government in December 2020./.










Nguyen Xuan Phuc



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Decision No. 628/QD-TTg dated May 11, 2020 of the Prime Minister on promulgating the Plan on implementation of Conclusion No. 51-KL/TW of May 30, 2019, of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat, on further implementing the Resolution of the 8th plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee on crucial and comprehensive reform of education and training to meet industrialization and modernization requirements in the context of the socialist-oriented market economy and international integration

Decision No. 628/QD-TTg dated May 11, 2020 of the Prime Minister on promulgating the Plan on implementation of Conclusion No. 51-KL/TW of May 30, 2019, of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat, on further implementing the Resolution of the 8th plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee on crucial and comprehensive reform of education and training to meet industrialization and modernization requirements in the context of the socialist-oriented market economy and international integration

Education - Training - Vocational training , Policy
