Decision 1663/QD-BGTVT 2023 defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Maritime Security Information Centre

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Decision No. 1663/QD-BGTVT dated December 20, 2023 of the Ministry of Transport defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Maritime Security Information Centre
Issuing body: Ministry of TransportEffective date:

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Official number:1663/QD-BGTVTSigner:Nguyen Van Thang
Type:DecisionExpiry date:

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Issuing date:20/12/2023Effect status:

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Fields:Organizational structure , Transport
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Effect status: Known


No. 1663/QD-BGTVT

Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Hanoi, December 20, 2023


Defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Maritime Security Information Centre




Pursuant to the Vietnam Maritime Code dated November 25, 2015;

Pursuant to the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code issued under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO);

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 170/2016/ND-CP dated December 27, 2016, regulating on announcement, receiving, processing and transmitting maritime security information;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 56/2022/ND-CP dated August 24, 2022, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Transport;

Pursuant to the Minister of Transport's Decision No. 319/QD-BGTVT dated March 27, 2023, regulating the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the Vietnam Maritime Administration;

Considering the proposal of the Director of the Vietnam Maritime Administration in Submission No. 3674/TTr-CHHVN dated August 25, 2023;

At the proposal of the Director of the Department of Personnel Organization,




Article 1. Position and functions

1. The Maritime Security Information Centre is a public non-business unit under the Vietnam Maritime Administration, functioning as the standing body of Vietnam for the reception, processing, and transmission of maritime security information in accordance with Vietnamese law, the ISPS Code, and other relevant laws.

2. The Maritime Security Information Centre has legal status, its own seal, an account at the State Treasury, and its headquarters in Hanoi.

3. The English transaction name of the Maritime Security Information Centre is THE MARITIME SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRE, abbreviated as MSIC.

Article 2. Tasks and powers

1. To develop and submit to the Vietnam Maritime Administration or the competent authority for approval of programs, plans, projects, and schemes related to maritime security information.

2. To participate in developing national technical standards, regulations, and economic-technical norms on maritime security information for submission to the Vietnam Maritime Administration in accordance with regulations.

3. To engage in drafting legal normative documents on maritime security information; to issue administrative documents and professional documents on maritime security information within the competence of the Maritime Security Information Centre as prescribed.

4. To organize the implementation of legal normative documents, plans, standards, regulations, and economic-technical norms on maritime security information.

5. To disseminate and communicate legal regulations related to the reception, processing, and transmission of maritime security information under the plan approved by the Vietnam Maritime Administration.

6. To receive, process, and transmit maritime security information continuously 24/7, promptly, accurately, and in compliance with the law on confidentiality.

7. To receive information on the level, change in level of maritime security, maritime security information, and security measures required from the Vietnam Coast Guard and competent agencies under the Ministry of Public Security to transmit to ships, mobile rigs, port facilities, other relevant Vietnamese agencies, and foreign competent agencies upon request.

8. To receive maritime security information from ships, mobile rigs, port facilities, foreign competent agencies, or other organizations and individuals, and promptly notify the Vietnam Coast Guard, competent agencies under the Ministry of Public Security, and other relevant Vietnamese agencies. If the information is received from foreign-flagged ships or mobile rigs, it must be reported to the competent agency of the respective country/territory and relevant Vietnamese agencies.

9. To notify competent agencies and relevant organizations of false maritime security alarms from ships.

10. To participate in maritime security incident drills with domestic agencies, enterprises, and foreign anti-terrorism organizations in accordance with regulations.

11. To conduct security information connection drills with domestic agencies, enterprises, and foreign anti-terrorism organizations as prescribed.

12. To receive information related to maritime safety and environmental pollution prevention caused by ships' operations.

13. To organize, manage, utilize, and exploit the Automatic Identification System (AIS) information from vessels operating on coastal shipping routes and inland waterway routes to islands under the Vietnam Maritime Administration’s management.

14. To develop training plans for professional capacity building on maritime security information reception, processing, and transmission for the Maritime Security Information Centre's staff, and submit them to the Vietnam Maritime Administration for approval.

15. To exchange maritime security information between Vietnam and international maritime security organizations; to cooperate with competent agencies and related organizations on matters concerning maritime security information.

16. To receive citizens, handle complaints, denunciations, feedback, and recommendations from organizations and individuals within its competence; to implement anti-corruption, thrift practices, and handle legal violations committed by individuals within the Maritime Security Information Centre's competence.

17. To participate in developing and implementing the comprehensive administrative reform program of the Vietnam Maritime Administration.

18. Officials of the Maritime Security Information Centre directly handling the reception, processing, and transmission of maritime security information who are on duty must wear uniforms as prescribed.

19. To manage organizational structure, payrolls, officials, and employees; to implement salary policies, and policies on incentives, commendations, and disciplinary actions for officials and employees under its management; to train and develop its officials and employees; to develop and propose organizational structure, job positions, and civil servant ranks for the Maritime Security Information Centre to the Vietnam Maritime Administration.

20. To manage finance, assets, and allocated budgets in accordance with law; to utilize state budget funds and other lawful revenue sources as prescribed by law.

21. To implement reporting and statistical regimes as prescribed.

22. To perform other tasks and powers assigned by competent agencies.

Article 3. Organizational structure

1. Departments assisting the Director:

a) Administration - General Affairs Department;

b) Maritime Security Information Operations Department.

2. The Director of the Maritime Security Information Centre shall define the functions, duties, and powers of the departments assisting the Director in accordance with regulations.

Article 4. Leaders

1. The Maritime Security Information Centre has a Director who is the head and responsible before the Director General of the Vietnam Maritime Administration and the law for the entire operation of the Centre. The Director is assisted by Deputy Directors, who are accountable to the Director and the law for their assigned tasks. The number of Deputy Directors of the Vietnam Maritime Administration follows regulations.

2. The Director of the Maritime Security Information Centre is appointed and dismissed by the Director General of the Vietnam Maritime Administration.

3. Deputy Directors and Chief Accountant of the Maritime Security Information Centre are appointed and dismissed by the Director General of the Vietnam Maritime Administration based on the Director’s proposal.

4. The Director of the Maritime Security Information Centre appoints and dismisses other management positions within the Centre.

Article 5. Effect and responsibility for implementation

1. This Decision takes effect from the date of its signing, and annuls Decision No. 969/QD-CHHVN dated October 7, 2009, of the Director General of the Vietnam Maritime Administration, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Maritime Security Information Centre.

2. The Chief of the Ministry’s Office, Chief Inspector of the Ministry, Directors, Director General of the Vietnam Maritime Administration, Director of the Maritime Security Information Centre, heads of relevant agencies, units and individuals shall implement this Decision./.





Nguyen Van Thang


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