Resolution No. 99/2019/QH14 raising the effect and efficiency of laws on fire prevention and fighting

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Resolution No. 99/2019/QH14 dated November 27, 2019 of the National Assembly on further improving, and raising the effect and efficiency of, the implementation of policies and laws on fire prevention and fighting
Issuing body: National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Effective date:

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Official number: 99/2019/QH14 Signer: Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan
Type: Resolution Expiry date: Updating
Issuing date: 27/11/2019 Effect status:

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Fields: Public order


To focus on the principles of “04 on-the-spot” in fire prevention and fighting

On November 27, 2019, the National Assembly issues the Resolution No. 99/2019/QH14 on further improving, and raising the effect and efficiency of, the implementation of policies and laws on fire prevention and fighting.

Accordingly, in order to improve the effectiveness of fire prevention and fighting activities, the National Assembly requires to focus on directing the launch of the movement for the entire people to participate in fire prevention and fighting activities according to the principles of on-the-spot forces, on-the-spot facilities, on-the-sport command and on-the-spot logistics. In addition, the National Assembly shall  assign on a pilot basis some fire prevention and fighting tasks to people’s self-defense forces and grassroots-level security and order maintenance forces…

Besides, policies for persons who get injured, die or suffer property damage in firefighting and rescue and salvage activities also be consider seriously by the National Assembly. Moreover, the National Assembly also requires competent authorities and agencies to promptly commend or reward organizations and individuals that record achievements in fire prevention and fighting activities and to multiply good models in self-prevention and self-management of fire prevention and fighting safety.
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No. 99/2019/QH14





On further improving, and raising the effect and efficiency of, the implementation of policies and laws on fire prevention and fighting[1]



Pursuant to the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

Pursuant to Law No. 87/2015/QH13 on Oversight Activities of the National Assembly and People’s Councils;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 59/2018/QH14 of June 12, 2018, on the National Assembly’s 2019 oversight program, and Resolution No. 62/2018/QH14 of June 15, 2018, forming a team to oversee the implementation of policies and laws on fire prevention and fighting during 2014-2018;

After considering Report No. 41/BC-DGS of October 17, 2019, of the National Assembly’s oversight team, on results of oversight of the implementation of policies and laws on fire prevention and fighting during 2014-2018, and opinions of National Assembly deputies;



Article 1

The National Assembly agrees with Report No. 41/BC-DGS of October 17, 2019, of the National Assembly’s oversight team, on results of oversight of the implementation of policies and laws on fire prevention and fighting during 2014-2018, with the achieved results as well as limitations and shortcomings in fire prevention and fighting during 2014 -2018, and the team’s proposals and recommendations.


Article 2

To raise the effect and efficiency of the implementation of policies and laws on fire prevention and fighting, the National Assembly requests the Government to direct ministries, sectors and localities to consider shortcomings and limitations, and receive and effectively realize proposals and recommendations mentioned in the Report of the National Assembly’s oversight team, and concurrently perform the following tasks and solutions:

1. To continue effectively implementing Directive No. 47-CT/TW of June 25, 2015, of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat, on strengthening the Party’s leadership over fire prevention and fighting activities, and mobilize concerted strengths of the entire political system and population for fire prevention and fighting and perform, rescue and salvage tasks.

To summarize and review the implementation of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting and relevant laws before submitting to the National Assembly amendments thereto; to review and amend legal documents according to their competence in order to meet practical requirements on socio-economic development, ensuring consistency in the legal system.

To direct ministries, sectors and localities to promptly advise on formulating, modifying or issuing fire prevention and fighting-related standards and technical regulations, and local technical regulations on fire prevention and fighting as suitable to local realities. To provide regimes and policies on support for fire prevention and fighting, rescue and salvage forces depending on the nature and requirements of their tasks. To work out specific policies to encourage people of all strata to engage in fire prevention and fighting activities.

To urge localities to formulate and promulgate in 2021 regulations on handling of local establishments that commenced their operation before the effective date of Law No. 27/2001/QH10 on Fire Prevention and Fighting but fail to meet fire prevention and fighting requirements.

2. To devise solutions to create breakthroughs in dissemination and education about law and knowledge on fire prevention and fighting. To renew contents, forms, measures and methods of dissemination with a view to raising the awareness about law, knowledge and skills on fire prevention and fighting. To provide people with necessary knowledge and skills, especially those for preventing fires, getting out of fires,  and using simple firefighting equipment. To increase time volumes and prioritize time frames for disseminating information on fire prevention and fighting, and knowledge and skills for preventing and fighting fires and getting out of fires. To direct the prompt improvement of textbooks and lessons with knowledge and skills about fire prevention and fighting and include them into learning programs and extracurricular activities in schools and education institutions suitable to each study level and discipline under the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting, from the 2021-2022 school year.

3. To regard fire prevention as the prime task in fire prevention and fighting activities. To focus on directing the launch of the movement for the entire people to participate in fire prevention and fighting activities according to the principles of on-the-spot forces, on-the-spot facilities, on-the-sport command and on-the-spot logistics, with the key forces being people’s self-defense forces, grassroots-level fire prevention and fighting forces, and specialized fire prevention and fighting forces. To assign on a pilot basis some fire prevention and fighting tasks to people’s self-defense forces and grassroots-level security and order maintenance forces in accordance with the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting and other relevant laws.

To consolidate steering committees for fire prevention and fighting and rescue and salvage in ministries, sectors and localities to meet practical requirements. To clarify the mechanism for coordination between local administrations and agencies and organizations in implementing the above-mentioned principles in fire prevention and fighting.

To attach importance to formulating and multiplying good models in self-prevention and self-management of fire prevention and fighting safety in residential areas and enterprises. To promptly and properly implement regimes and policies for persons who get injured, die or suffer property damage in firefighting and rescue and salvage activities. To promptly commend or reward organizations and individuals that record achievements in fire prevention and fighting activities.

4. To direct the formulation of strategies and plans on fire prevention and fighting, attaching importance to national important localities and works, urban areas, industrial parks, and trade centers highly prone to fire and explosion, protection forests, and special-use forests. To implement in a synchronous manner local socio-economic development master plans in combination with master plans on fire prevention and fighting infrastructure facilities, with attention paid to developing transport networks and water supply systems for firefighting purposes. To relocate as soon as possible establishments producing and trading in toxic and hazardous goods and chemicals highly prone to fire and explosion from residential areas and crowded places in accordance with law.

5. To enhance the effectiveness of the inspection and examination of fire prevention and fighting activities, applying solutions to resolutely handle existing works that violate the law on fire prevention and fighting. To make public projects and works that violate fire prevention and fighting regulations in the mass media. To suspend or terminate ongoing works and projects that violate the law on fire prevention and fighting until the violations are redressed. To refrain from putting into use establishments and construction works which have not undergone pre-acceptance test of fire prevention and fighting requirements. To strictly handle organizations and individuals that violate the law on fire prevention and fighting and examine responsibility of heads of related agencies and organizations under law.

To study formulating the management mechanisms for electricity safety assurance, especially in installation and use of electric devices at establishments and households under the Electricity Law, meeting the fire prevention and fighting requirements.

6. To raise effectiveness of fire fighting and rescue and salvage of the fire prevention and fighting forces. To regularly organize training, drills, and practices for handling of fire and explosion incidents and rescue and salvage situations. To study synchronous solutions to limit fires and explosions, particularly large-scale ones causing serious human and property damage.

To intensify the building of firefighting police forces to meet task requirements, attaching importance to developing the network of firefighting police units in key localities and areas. To allocate land areas for building working offices, barracks, and training centers for firefighting police units that meet the requirements for fire prevention and fighting and rescue and salvage. To step up the assignment of some fire prevention and fighting tasks to local police forces and commune-level public security offices.

To review, adjust and supplement the overall master plan on the system of grassroots-level firefighting police forces through 2020, with a vision toward 2030. To formulate and promulgate a master plan on fire prevention and fighting infrastructure.

7.  To allocate funds from state budgets at all levels for fire prevention and fighting activities and firefighting police forces to meet task requirements. To provide regular support for heads and deputy heads of people’s self-defense teams and part-time grassroots-level fire prevention and fighting teams.

8. To intensify the mobilization of all social resources for fire prevention and fighting, to adopt policies to encourage organizations and individuals to engage in building and developing technical infrastructure for fire prevention and fighting, technology research and transfer, and production of devices and equipment serving fire prevention and fighting and rescue and salvage. To strictly comply with the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting regarding compulsory fire and explosion insurance.

9. To broaden international cooperation, intensify information and experience sharing and modern technology transfer, and improve professional qualifications of fire prevention and fighting. To study applying fire prevention and fighting technologies, advanced scientific and technological solutions, and schemes.

Article 3

1. The Government, Prime Minister, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Procuracy, State Audit Office of Vietnam, and provincial-level People’s Committees shall, within the ambit of their tasks and powers, direct and examine the implementation of this Resolution.

Annually, the Government shall report on the results of implementation of this Resolution to the National Assembly at its year-end session.

2. The Standing Committee, Ethnic Council, and other Committees of the National Assembly, National Assembly deputies’ delegations, National Assembly deputies, People’s Councils at all levels, the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations shall, within the ambit of their tasks and powers, oversee the implementation of this Resolution.

This Resolution was adopted on November 27, 2019, by the XIVthNational Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its 8thsession.-

Chairwoman of the National Assembly


[1]Công Báo Nos 989-990 (24/12/2019)

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