Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 07, 2016 of the Government on major tasks and solutions for directing and administering the implementation of the 2016 socio-economic development plan and state budget estimates

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Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 07, 2016 of the Government on major tasks and solutions for directing and administering the implementation of the 2016 socio-economic development plan and state budget estimates
Issuing body: Government Effective date:

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Official number: 01/NQ-CP Signer: Nguyen Tan Dung
Type: Resolution Expiry date: Updating
Issuing date: 07/01/2016 Effect status:

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Fields: Policy


To supplement payroll in health, education and training


At the Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 07, 2016 on major tasks and solutions for directing and administering the implementation of the 2016 socio-economic development plan and state budget estimates, the Government again emphasizes to strictly manage the payroll of cadres, civil servants and public employees; not increase the payroll of cadres, civil servants and public employees in 2016, even in cases requiring establishment of new organizations or assignment of new tasks. Particularly for the education and training sector, payroll may be added appropriately in case of establishment of new schools or increase of classes or students but payroll shall be managed closely in accordance with the law on payroll management.

Besides, the Government has plan to develop a national electronic civil status database; further strengthen and improve civil status personnel; review, examine and make statistics of population changes; guarantee children’s right to birth registration; fulfill Vietnam’s commitments on announcement of official statistics of birth and death registrations under the Declaration and Regional Action Framework on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific; further implement effectively the model of transferable registration of birth and permanent residence and grant of health insurance cards for under-six children.

Also in this Resolution, the Government prescribes that properly implement tax laws and collects state budget revenues. Continue restructuring state budget revenue sources along the direction of increasing the proportion of domestic revenues. Neither proposes nor promulgates new policies which lead to decreases in state budget revenues, except for tax cuts to implement international commitments. In compliance with the current Law on the State Budget’s provisions on decentralization, from 2016, revenues from exercise tax on goods imported for domestic sale will be fully remitted into the central budget. At the same time, suspend the implementation of and recover current expenditures which, by June 30, 2016, have not yet been allocated or have been allocated but not yet spent or for which cost estimates have not yet been approved or bidding has not yet been organized…Cut to the utmost expenditures for conferences and seminars and guest reception; restrict the allocation of funds for overseas study and survey tours and procurement of cars and expensive equipment. Widely apply videoconferencing to save state budget…
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No. 01/NQ-CP

Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Hanoi, January 7, 2016



On major tasks and solutions for directing and administering the implementation of the 2016 socio-economic development plan and state budget estimates[1]



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 98/2015/QH13 of November 10, 2015, on the 2016 socio-economic development plan;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 99/2015/QH13 of November 11, 2015, on the 2016 state budget estimates;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 101/2015/QH13 of November 14, 2015, on allocation of the central budget in 2016;

On the basis of discussion of cabinet members and local leaders and conclusions of the Prime Minister at the Conference between the Government and localities on December 28 and 29, 2015,


The year 2016 is the first year of implementing the 2016-2020 five-year socio-economic development plan. This year also sees many major events of the country such as the XIIthCongress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, election of deputies to the XIVthNational Assembly and deputies to People’s Councils of various levels for the 2016-2021 term. Along with elements favorable for national socio-economic development, many difficulties and challenges are predicted in 2016. The world and regional economies are further undergoing complicated developments with low recovery rate and latent risks. Increasingly fierce competition among economies, geopolitical risks in the world, complicated developments of sea and island sovereignty-related disputes in the East Sea and unpredictable changes in the financial and monetary markets, crude oil prices, and natural disasters, etc. may exert negative impacts on the national economic development. The formation of the ASEAN Community in late 2015, together with the conclusion and implementation of free trade agreements (FTAs), opens up many development opportunities but also creates great difficulties and challenges to be overcome in 2016.

The National Assembly set the overall objective of the 2016 socio-economic development plan as “To maintain macro-economic stability, strive for an economic growth rate higher than that of 2015, attach importance to improving growth quality and assuring sustainable development. To accelerate the implementation of strategic breakthroughs, restructure the economy in association with renewal of the growth model, and increase productivity, quality, effectiveness and competitiveness. To remove difficulties for enterprises and promote production and business. To develop culture, practice social progress and equality, ensure social security, improve social welfare and raise people’s living standards. To effectively manage and use natural resources, proactively prevent and control natural disasters, respond to climate change and protect the environment. To boost administrative procedure reform, enhance administrative and social order and discipline; improve the efficacy and effectiveness of state management; and create remarkable changes in corruption prevention and control, thrift practice and waste combat. To enhance national defense and security, perseveringly and firmly protect national sovereignty; to assure political security and social order and safety. To increase the effectiveness of external affairs and international integration.”

Major targets set for 2016: The total gross domestic product (GDP) will increase around 6.7%; total export turnover will increase around 10%; trade deficit-to-export turnover ratio will be below 5%; consumer price index growth rate will be below 5%; total development investment capital of the entire society will account for around 31% of GDP; the ratio of energy consumption per unit of GDP will decrease 1.5% from 2015’s figure; the rate of poor households classified according to the multi-dimensional poverty index will be reduced by 1.3-1.5%, particularly in poor districts, by 4%; urban unemployment rate will be reduced to below 4%; the rate of trained labor will reach 53%, 21% of whom are those having undergone training courses of at least 3 months and obtained a training diploma or certificate; the ratio of hospital bed per 10,000 persons will be 24.5; 76% of the population will participate in health insurance; 85% of operating industrial parks and export processing zones will have centralized wastewater treatment systems up to environmental standards; and forest coverage will reach 41%.

In order to fulfill 2016 socio-economic development objectives and targets and create a momentum for the implementation of the 2016-2020 five-year socio-economic development plan, the Government requests ministries, central agencies, People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities and related units and individuals to exert their efforts to synchronously implement tasks and solutions in all fields; resolvedly and effectively implement strategic breakthroughs, programs, schemes, strategies, master plans, plans, policies and laws for socio-economic development, focusing on directing, administering and effectively implementing the following tasks and solutions:

Part one



1. Administering the monetary policy and banking operations in a flexible and effective manner

The State Bank of Vietnam, in coordination with related ministries, central agencies and localities, shall:

a/ Administer the monetary policy in a proactive and flexible manner, closely combine the monetary policy with the fiscal policy and other marco-economic policies so as to control inflation according to set targets, stabilize the marco-economy and contribute to reasonably support economic growth;

b/ Synchronously use monetary policy tools and other tools and measures to support and stabilize the foreign exchange market, reasonably administer exchange rates in conformity with macro-economic developments and the financial and monetary markets at home and abroad. Administer interest rates in conformity with developments of the macro-economy, inflation situation and the monetary market. Target reasonable credit growth in association with improving credit quality, attaching importance to closely controlling credit granted to risky sectors (real estate, projects with prolonged capital recovery, etc.);

c/ Continue managing the gold market according to the Government’s Decree No. 24/2012/ND-CP of April 3, 2012, on management of gold trading activities; enhance the control of foreign currencies and gold within the territory; continue improving the scale of the State’s foreign currency reserves practically; increase non-cash payment;

d/ Closely monitor developments of international financial and monetary markets so as to work out appropriate solutions for minimizing adverse impacts of international economic integration on the foreign exchange and monetary markets at home.

2. Implementing the fiscal policy in a proactive and strict manner and enhancing financial and budgetary discipline

a/ The Ministry of Finance, in coordination with ministries, central agencies and localities, shall:

- Administer the implementation of state budget estimates in a proactive and strict manner, ensuring financial and budgetary discipline; control state budget deficit according to the National Assembly’s resolutions, striving to increase revenues and cut expenditures so as to reduce state budget deficit. State budget revenues and expenditures must comply with estimates.

- Properly implement tax laws and collect state budget revenues. Continue restructuring state budget revenue sources along the direction of increasing the proportion of domestic revenues. Neither propose nor promulgate new policies which lead to decreases in state budget revenues, except for tax cuts to implement international commitments. In compliance with the current Law on the State Budget’s provisions on decentralization, from 2016, revenues from exercise tax on goods imported for domestic sale (except petrol of all types) will be fully remitted into the central budget. Monitor developments and proactively work out plans to ensure balance of state budget revenues in 2016 upon occurrence of great changes in oil prices against estimated prices. To enhance tax examination and inspection, fight against under-collection, transfer pricing and tax evasion and resolutely handle and collect tax arrears.

- Restructure state budget expenditures toward thrift and effectiveness with faster growth of investment expenditures. Promulgate policies which lead to an increase in state budget expenditures only in case when such policies are really needed and funding sources are available. Prioritize increased amounts of the 2015 state budget revenues for repayment of debts owed by state budgets of different levels, addition to funds for development investment and implementation of some spending items in accordance with the Law on the State Budget. Strictly manage advance payment and transfer of sources for current expenditures. The transfer of sources may be permitted only for a number of current expenditure items to fulfill incomplete tasks which are really necessary in accordance with law.

Guide ministries, central agencies and localities to economize current expenditures and expenditures for the state management apparatus and public non-business units. Strictly manage the use of funds for salary reform, providing additional transfers from the central budget to local budgets for salary and allowance reform in 2016 only to difficulty-hit localities which are incapable of balancing the state budget. Increase supervision and publicize and transparentize the use of the state budget, especially in the fields where wastefulness and negative phenomena are likely to occur.

- Formulate decrees and documents guiding the 2015 Law on the State Budget. Formulate and submit to the Prime Minister for reporting to the National Assembly Standing Committee principles, criteria and norms for allocation of current expenditures in 2017; and on that basis, propose the Prime Minister to promulgate decisions for implementation.

- Scrutinize and propose competent authorities to amend, supplement and finalize relevant legal documents for application of centralized procurement right from 2016 when buying state assets which are widely used by many agencies, organizations and units, in a large quantity and great value.

Continue modernizing the management of public assets and upgrading the national database on state assets so that the national database will have adequate information on public assets. Update, review and standardize data on existing assets; draw up plans on application of information technology to the centralized procurement of state assets; study and apply online management of public assets. Procurement of new cars shall  be permitted only after completing the review according to standards and norms prescribed in Decision No. 32/2015/QD-TTg of August 4, 2015. After rearrangement and transfer, redundant cars (if any) shall be sold according to law and the proceeds shall be remitted into the state budget. Urgently devise a plan and roadmap for grant of travel subsidies instead of arranging public cars for holders of a number of posts according to regulations.

- Closely control public debts, government debts and national foreign debts within the limits set in the National Assembly’s resolutions. Closely mange the accumulation fund for debt repayment; enhance inspection and supervision of the borrowing and use of loans and repayment of debts, especially new loans and government-guaranteed loans; grant and manage government guarantee for loans for investment in key projects and works; and at the same time, study and gradually shift to use commercial banks’ guarantee; continue restructuring loans toward increasing the proportion of medium- and long-term loans with reasonable interest rates; promulgate and implement the mechanism of on-lending by local administrations. Study and create a mechanism for establishing the system of bond market founders through the mechanism of government bond lending.

Issue government bonds according to plans so as to supplement funding sources for infrastructure construction investment; and at the same time, implement measures to ensure macro-balances and public debt safety. Diversify terms of government bonds issued in 2016 and issue government bonds in the international capital market so as to restructure the Government’s domestic debts according to the National Assembly’s resolutions.

- Further accelerate the sale of state capital in enterprises in which state holding is not required according to the market mechanism and use part of the proceeds for development investment.

b/ The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall:

- Well implement the 2016 public investment plan in accordance with the Law on Public Investment and the National Assembly’s resolutions, the Government’s decrees and the Prime Minister’s decisions.

- Guide, inspect and supervise ministries, central sectors and localities to allocate, closely manage and effectively use public investment capital in 2016;

- Monitor and review the situation and progress of disbursement of capital for programs and projects funded with official development assistance (ODA) capital and concessional loans; summarize and report to the Prime Minister for submission to the National Assembly Standing Committee results of allocation and use of foreign capital (ODA and concessional loans provided by foreign donors) from the 2015 state budget and supplement the 2016 plan on allocation of foreign capital from the state budget when necessary.

- Improve the capacity for forecasting macro-economic indicators so as to come up with policies suitable to the domestic and international economic situations. Monitor developments and fluctuations in crude oil prices and production output; and evaluate impacts and effects of crude oil price developments on growth, investment and inflation and propose solutions to cope with the situation.

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Finance in, submitting to the Prime Minister a plan on application of the amount of government bond capital left after making investment in the projects on renovation and upgrading of national highway 1A and Ho Chi Minh road’s sections running through the Central Highlands in accordance with the National Assembly’s resolution. In addition to the above-mentioned amount of government bond capital, if there are any other capital amounts left, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall, in coordination with the Ministry of Transport, propose plans to use such capital amounts for investment in projects related to construction of these two routes for submission to the Prime Minister for decision.

c/ The Ministry of Transport shall review the size, design and effectiveness of, and complete procedures for investment in, projects funded with government bond capital left after implementing the projects on renovation and upgrading of national highway 1A’s and Ho Chi Minh road’s sections running through the Central Highlands in accordance with law.

d/ Ministries, central agencies and localities shall:

- Execute state budget spending within the scope of assigned estimates, ensuring economical and effective use in accordance with regulations, integrating policies and formulating plans for economical use right from the stage of cost estimate allocation throughout the process of implementation.

- Cut to the utmost expenditures for conferences and seminars and guest reception; restrict the allocation of funds for overseas study and survey tours and procurement of cars and expensive equipment. Widely apply videoconferencing to save state budget. Not propose competent authorities to promulgate new policies and regimes or increase spending levels, leading to an increase in state budget expenditures while funding sources remain unavailable.

- Suspend the implementation of and recover current expenditures which, by June 30, 2016, have not yet been allocated or have been allocated but not yet spent or for which cost estimates have not yet been approved or bidding has not yet been organized for adding to contingencies of the central and local budgets, except cases prescribed by law and special cases decided by the Prime Minister.

- Allocate public investment capital for projects in the order of priority prescribed in the Law on Public Investment, the Government’s Decree No. 77/2015/ND-CP of September 10, 2015, on medium-term and annual public investment plans, the National Assembly Standing Committee’s Resolution No. 1023/NQ-UBTVQH13 of August 28, 2015, and the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 40/2015/QD-TTg of September 14, 2015, on principles, criteria and norms for allocation of development investment capital from the state budget during 2016-2020.

- Properly fulfill the task of serving the election of deputies to the XIVthNational Assembly and deputies to 2016-2021 People’s Councils of all levels in the spirit of absolute thrift.

- Strictly manage the use of funds for wage reform. On the basis of allocated state budget estimates, self-balance sources for wage rise according to the National Assembly’s resolution and the Prime Minister’s decision on allocation of the 2016 state budget. For poor localities which, after implementing the mechanism of creating sources for wage rise according to regulations, still lack funds for wage rise, the central budget shall provide support for implementation of wage rise in 2016.

- Proactively use local budget contingencies for prevention, control and remedy of consequences of natural disasters, epidemics, etc. and important urgent spending tasks according to regulations.

3. Accelerating economic restructuring along the line of increasing effectiveness and competitiveness of the economy, continuing to focus on three sectors of public investment; state economic groups and corporations; and commercial banks and credit institutions:

a/ Formulating and implementing the plan on economic restructuring during 2016-2020:

- Authorities, sectors, state economic groups and corporations shall further improve and submit their sectoral or local restructuring schemes to competent authorities for approval by the end of the second quarter of 2016. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall review and report on the situation of implementation to the Prime Minister in the third quarter of 2016.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment, in coordination with related central agencies and localities, shall:

+ Elaborate the plan on economic restructuring during 2016-2020 and submit it to the Government for reporting to the XIVthNational Assembly at its 2ndsession; and at the same time, prepare conditions, including legal regulations, so as to conduct economic restructuring in the most effectively manner.

+ Attach importance to development of key economic zones in association with increasing the coordination within these zones under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 941/QD-TTg of June 25, 2015; economic zones and industrial parks so as to create a pervasive effect, linkage and momentum for socio-economic development. Synchronously developing difficulty-hit regions and localities. Soon build some special economic zones in an effective manner.

+ Inspect and supervise the observance of master plans by ministries, sectors and localities, especially the combination between regional and sectoral master plans. Finalize and submit to the National Assembly the draft law on planning to serve as a basis for the formulation and management of development master plans nationwide.

b/ Investment restructuring, with the core being public investment:

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment, in coordination with ministries, central agencies and localities, shall:

+ Effectively implement the Law on Public Investment, the Government’s decrees and guiding documents.

+ Elaborate the 2016-2020 five-year medium-term public investment plan for submission to the XIIIthNational Assembly at its 11thsession in conformity with orientations for socio-economic development during the 2016-2020 five-year period and laws. To concentrate resources on investment in national target programs, target programs and important projects; investment in agricultural and rural infrastructure works, projects on natural disaster prevention and control, in mountainous, islands, areas of ethnic minority groups and socio-economic difficulty-hit areas, ensuring publicity, transparency and efficiency of public investment.

+ Further increase the management of public investment, attaching special importance to raising the use effectiveness of development investment capital from the sources of state budget, government bonds, ODA and concessional loans of donors, state development investment credit, and revenues retained for investment but not yet included in the state budget balance.

+ Closely control the objectives, investment efficiency and marco-economic impacts of ODA loans, concessional loans of foreign donors, state development investment credit and other state loans. Concentrate state development investment credit for investment in important urgent projects with great impacts on national socio-economic development.

+ Report to the Prime Minister on the use of proceeds from equitization and divestment of state capital for investment in some important urgent projects and programs and projects permitted by the Political Bureau and the National Assembly.

+ Encourage the mobilization of capital from domestic and overseas investors of all economic sectors to obtain more funding besides the state capital for construction of the socio-economic infrastructure system in the forms of public-private partnership (PPP), foreign direct investment, joint venture or association, etc.

+ Raise the effectiveness of foreign direct investment attraction. Formulate priority policies to encourage projects which apply high technologies, are environment-friendly and turn out competitive products. Not license energy-intensive projects, projects exploiting natural resources without processing and projects using backward or polluting technologies.

+ Increase measures to raise the quality of regional and territorial planning; sectoral development planning and urban planning so as to serve as a basis for formulation of medium-term public investment programs and plans.

+ Raise the quality of bidding in order to select qualified and experienced contractors to implement projects and bidding packages according to quality, implementation schedules and economic efficiency requirements.

+ Increase inspection and examination of the observance of the Law on Public Investment and regulations on public investment plans, programs and projects, especially projects funded with the state budget, ODA loans and state development investment capital.

- The Ministry of Construction in coordination with ministries, central agencies and localities, shall concentrate efforts on implementing the Construction Law; build capacity for state management agencies in charge of construction investment activities; reorganize project management units according to regulations; re-evaluate capacity of contractors (planning, design, construction and supervision) and on that basis, closely control the process of construction investment, contributing to reducing loss and waste and improving the quality of construction works.

- Ministries, central agencies and localities shall:

+ Elaborate and submit to competent authorities for approval their 2016-2020 five-year medium-term public investment plans. At the stage of investment preparation, it is necessary to attach importance to the elaboration of reports proposing, appraising and approving the investment policy; arrange sufficient funds for investment in projects under their management. Increase review work so as to ensure that programs and projects included in medium-term and annual public investment plans go through all investment procedures in accordance with the Law on Public Investment.

+ Organize the implementation of 2 national target programs and 21 target programs during the 2016-2020 period in accordance with the set principles and objectives, ensuring effectiveness in association with upholding the state management role and responsibility of sectors and authorities, and contributing to sectoral, local and regional development.

+ Increase inspection, examination and supervision at all stages of the investment process, focusing on big and key projects. Take measures to promptly remove difficulties and problems, especially compensation and ground clearance, etc., thus ensuring quick and timely implementation and operation of projects to promote their investment effectiveness.

+ Increase the management of quality and construction costs of works funded with state capital through project appraisal, design and cost estimates appraisal and application of the model of professional management unit in accordance with the Construction Law; consolidate and build capacity for construction agencies at all levels.

c/ Restructuring of enterprises, with the core being state economic groups and corporations:

- The Ministries of Finance; Planning and Investment; Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs; and Home Affairs shall study and submit to the Government or the Prime Minister for promulgation legal documents on reorganization and equitization of, and divestment of state capital at, enterprises, managerial and financial mechanisms, wage and bonus regimes, and mechanisms on assignment and decentralization of the exercise of rights and performance of obligations of the state owner toward state enterprises and state capital portions at enterprises, etc., ensuring compliance with the 2014 Law on Enterprises and the 2014 Law on Management and Use of State Capital Invested in Production and Business at Enterprises.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment, in coordination with ministries, central agencies, localities and state economic groups and corporations, shall study the renewal of the mechanism for exercising rights and performing obligations of the state owner.

- The Ministry of Finance, in coordination with related ministries and agencies, shall study and seek solutions for consolidating and raising capacity of agencies performing the management and supervision of corporate finance, aiming to improve the quality of supervision of finance activities of state enterprises and enterprises with state capital.

- Ministries, central agencies, localities, state economic groups and corporations shall:

+ Continue implementing the Party Central Committee’s resolutions on reorganization, equitization and raising of efficiency of state enterprises and the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 929/QD-TTg of July 17, 2012. Associate responsibilities of heads of enterprises with implementation results of enterprise restructuring schemes.

Concentrate efforts on implementing the plan on reorganizations and renewal of state enterprises in the 2016-2020 period after it is approved by the Prime Minister; proactively formulate plans and continue divesting state capital from enterprises other than those in which the State will hold dominant shares and enterprises in which the State will not hold shares or capital contributions; review and classify their attached public non-business units eligible for transformation into joint-stock companies for submission to the Prime Minister or reporting to line ministries or provincial-level People’s Committees (for state economic groups and corporations) for submission to the Prime Minister for approval.

+ Continue accelerating the restructuring and raising governance quality and effectiveness of state enterprises. Increase training, improve qualifications of enterprises’ managers and executes, controllers and state capital representatives, ensuring the effectiveness of supervision and management of state capital invested in enterprises.

+ Raise the efficacy and effectiveness of management and supervision of state enterprises. Accelerate the transparentization and publicization of information on operation of state enterprises. Increase inspection, examination and supervision of operation of state groups and corporations.

d/ Restructuring the financial market, with the core being commercial banks and credit institutions:

- The State Bank of Vietnam, in coordination with related ministries, central agencies and localities, shall:

+ Accelerate the comprehensive restructuring of credit institutions (including poorly performing credit institutions), with the key being improving and raising financial capacity and operational effectiveness of internal control and audit apparatuses; step by step restructuring operations toward safety and effectiveness, minimizing risky operations; concentrating efforts on thoroughly handling poorly performing credit institutions, allowing the application of strong measures, including also state intervention measures. Encourage and boost merger, consolidation or acquisition of credit institutions on a voluntary basis; create conditions for capable foreign credit institutions to participate in the restructuring of Vietnamese credit institutions. Control and effectively handle the issues of cross-ownership and dominant shareholders; accelerate the divestment of capital from risky and ineffective sectors, especially non-financial ones.

+ Further implement in a synchronous manner measures for handling non-performing loans and controlling and improving credit quality according to the scheme approved under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 843/QD-TTg of May 31, 2013,  further handling non-performing loans according to the market mechanism and non-performing loans already purchased by the Vietnam Asset Management Corporation (VAMC). Study and perfect the model of VAMC and, at the same time, increase capacity and resources for VAMC in handling non-performing loans. Strive to keep the ratio of non-performing loans to total debit balance at below 3% according to Vietnam’s debt classification standards.

+ Formulate and finalize the legal framework for monetary and banking operations, especially documents that complete the legal framework for restructuring, handling of non-performing loans, cross-ownership and development of the debt trading market.

+ Organize effective inspection and supervision so as to increase the efficacy and effectiveness of state management and order and discipline in the fields under the management of the State Bank of Vietnam; ensure safety and stability of the system of credit institutions.

- The Ministry of Finance, in coordination with ministries, central agencies and localities, shall:

+ Further implement the scheme on restructuring the securities market and insurance businesses and the strategy for development of the securities market through 2020.

+ Improve institutions and policies on betting and casino businesses. Step by step restructure the lottery and prize-winning electronic game markets toward modernity, meeting healthy entertaining demand of the public, increasing state budget revenues and assuring social order and safety.

dd/ Accelerating restructuring and raising of production effectiveness of industrial, agricultural and service sectors:

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in coordination with related ministries, central agencies and localities, shall synchronously implement solutions for accelerating the restructuring and increasing effectiveness of agricultural production; concentrate efforts on implementing approved restructuring schemes, plans, and action plans; review and supplement policies which are strong enough to create a remarkable breakthrough in productivity, quality and effectiveness, raise competitiveness, boost growth and sustainable development and increase farmers’ incomes. Specifically:

+ Step by step formulate plans to increase competitiveness for key agricultural exports and the husbandry sector. Effectively implement the approved scheme on brand development for Vietnamese rice.

+ Continue accelerating the reorganization of agricultural production in conformity with specific conditions of each region, area and product. Develop production along the line of close association among farmers, cooperative groups, cooperatives and enterprises according to a value chain from production to consumption so as to reduce cost, increase effectiveness and step by step develop agriculture toward large scale production with high added value. Encourage the development of forms of cooperative economies. Coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in further supporting and creating favorable conditions to attract enterprises of all economic sectors to invest in agriculture and rural areas.

+ Accelerate the implementation of solutions for reorganizing, renewing, developing and raising operational effectiveness of agricultural and forestry companies under the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 30-NQ/TW of March 12, 2014,  and the Government’s Decree No. 118/2014/ND-CP of December 17, 2014; review and  submit to competent authorities specific restructuring schemes for each state-owned agricultural or forestry farm, meeting management requirements and improving effectiveness of production and business activities.

+ Review and supplement policies to development hi-tech agriculture. Increase the research into, transfer and application of technical, scientific and technological advances; create and produce plant varieties and animal breeds of high yields, high quality and high commercial value.

+ Concentrate efforts on developing marine economy in association with protecting sovereignty over seas and islands and implementing Vietnam’s marine strategy through 2020; synchronously implement fisheries development policies (under Decree No. 67/2014/ND-CP and Decree No. 89/2015/ND-CP). Properly implement policies to encourage and support fishermen in aquatic resource exploitation.

+ Continue effectively implementing the program on building a new countryside, striving for the targets set in the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 100/2015/QH13; mobilize public contributions only on the basis of voluntariness and in conformity with people’s capacity. Direct localities to formulate specific action programs and plans, concentrating resources for completing the set targets.

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade, in coordination with related ministries, central agencies and localities, shall review and supplement policies so as to effectively boost the development of support industries, hi-tech industries and industries associated with development of products of national competitive advantage. Implement the master plan on development of a logistics center network nationwide; formulate an action plan to raise competitiveness of, and develop, Vietnam’s logistics services.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment, in coordination with related central agencies and localities, shall further implement the Government’s action plan to implement the overall strategy for development of Vietnam’s service sector through 2020; synchronously implement solutions for quickly developing services, especially those of advantage, high intellectual contents, technology and added value.

- The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, in coordination with ministries, central agencies and localities, shall implement solutions for developing tourism into a spearhead economic sector. To effectively implement the Government’s Resolution No. 92/ND-CP of December 8, 2014, on a number of solutions for boosting the development of Vietnam’s tourism in the new situation, the Prime Minister’s Directive No. 14/CT-TTg of July 2, 2015, on enhancing the efficacy of state management, focusing on remedying weaknesses to boost tourism development, the strategy and master plan on development of Vietnam’s tourism and mater plans on development of tourist areas. To soon finalize the draft Tourism Law (amended) and master plans and schemes on tourism development. To properly organize operations within the 2016 National Tourism Year program in Kien Giang province; the target program on tourism infrastructure development and national tourism programs.

4. Creating favorable conditions to boost production and business

a/ The Ministry of Planning and Investment, in coordination with ministries, central agencies and localities, shall:

- Synchronously implement relevant investment and business laws, especially the 2014 Investment Law and the 2014 Enterprise Law. Enhance the dissemination, provide guidance and remove difficulties for enterprises, investors and state management agencies so as to ensure complete and uniform implementation of laws.

Accelerate the application of groups of solutions and the action program to develop small- and medium-sized enterprises. Study and formulate a law on support for small- and medium-sized enterprises.

- Concentrate efforts on accelerating the implementation of the Law on Cooperatives; finalize the system of guiding documents in association with dissemination and education of the law on cooperatives. Consolidate and reorganize the operation of cooperatives and cooperative unions; dissolve cooperatives which no longer operate or cannot be consolidated or reorganized; expand the model of new-style cooperatives which operate effectively.

b/ The State Bank of Vietnam, in coordination with ministries and central agencies, shall formulate mechanisms and policies prioritizing credit for support industries, hi-tech industries, agriculture, rural development, export, small- and medium-sized enterp5rises and business startups; further create favorable access to credit for enterprises, especially small- and medium-sized enterprises, cooperatives and households, so as to effectively boost production and businesses, renew technologies and invest in potential sectors.

c/ The Ministry of Finance, in coordination with ministries, central agencies and localities, shall properly implement tax policies applicable to production and business, including value-added tax, import duty and export duty, enterprise income tax, etc., in accordance with law; increase public information on and support in terms of tax  consultancy for businesses and people; remove difficulties arising in the course of implementing tax and customs policies, etc.

d/ The Ministry of Justice, in coordination with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Ministry of Finance, the State Bank of Vietnam, and other ministries, central agencies and localities, shall promptly remove difficulties in the fields of notarization, registration of secured transactions and handling of collaterals; urgently formulate and implement a mechanism on transferability in notarization, registration of land use rights and land-attached assets, and tax procedures. Effectively implement decrees guiding the Law on Bankruptcy, especially those on the operation of asset administrators and asset management and liquidation enterprises. Finalize and submit to the National Assembly for passage the draft law on property auction; draft a law on property registration.

dd/ The Ministry of Science and Technology, in coordination with ministries, central agencies and localities, shall:

- Increase public information, encourage and support enterprises to renovate, apply new technologies, renew production and management processes so as to raise product quality and competitiveness of enterprises.

- Form and gradually develop a startup ecosystem, including business incubators, startup support funds, venture capital funds, and training and startup support services. Renew methods of boosting the development of the science and technology market.

e/ The Ministry of Industry and Trade, in coordination with ministries, central agencies and localities, shall proactively balance and adopt specific plans to ensure supply of electricity to serve production and daily-life activities of people.

g/ The Ministry of Construction, in coordination with ministries, central agencies and localities, shall further apply solutions for developing the real estate market on the basis of ensuring transparency, openness and meeting social demand.

h/ Ministries, central agencies and localities shall:

- Continue to thoroughly direct the implementation of solutions set in the Government’ Resolution No. 19/ND-CP of March 12, 2015, on major tasks and solutions for further improving investment and business environment and raising  national competitiveness during 2015-2016.

- Simplify administrative procedures according to law so as to lessen harassment and reduce costs and time for carrying out procedures related to enterprise establishment and bankruptcy, land, investment, construction, tax declaration and payment, customs, state treasuries, social insurance and electricity access, etc.

- Create favorable conditions for developing enterprises of all economic sectors, especially the private and foreign investment sectors, cooperatives, small- and medium-sized enterprises; ensure an equal competition environment. Effectively implement industrial, agricultural, forestry and fishery promotion programs. Create all conditions for enterprises to invest in agriculture and rural areas.

- Closely monitor market developments, grasp information on goods supply-demand and prices and timely provide such information to enterprises to serve production and business planning.

5. Increasing management, ensuring healthy development of the domestic goods and service market

a/ The Ministry of Industry and Trade, in coordination with ministries, central agencies and localities, shall:

- Enhance management and administration work, closely monitor market developments and  adopt timely coordination measures, ensuring goods supply-demand balance and avoiding shortage of goods or unreasonable price hikes, especially in holiday and the lunar new year festival.

- Concentrate efforts to implement tasks and solutions set in the scheme on development of the domestic market in association with the implementation of the campaign “Vietnamese people prioritize the use of Vietnamese goods” during the 2014-2020 period, the national program on e-commerce development, the program on trade development in mountainous, deep-lying, remote and island areas. Strongly develop distribution networks; direct and guide localities in organizing activities to create a linkage between sellers and buyers, first of all for seasonal farm produce. Coordinate with others in food safety assurance work, support the sale of safe agricultural products via distribution networks in order to increase people’s access to safe food.

- Consolidate and develop distribution networks and strictly control the quality of petrol, oil and gas products; follow the roadmap for production and distribution of bio-petrol.

-  Enhance market and competition management, monopoly control and consumer interest protection work. Formulate the draft Competition Law (amended) for submission to the National Assembly in 2017. Study and formulate the national program on protection of consumer interests.

- Increase examination and inspection of operations of multi-level marketing units; promptly detect and strictly handle violations. Coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security in detecting, investigating and handling acts of illegally supplying goods and services in the form of multi-level marketing.

b/ The Ministries of Finance; Industry and Trade; Health; Education and Training; Public Security; and National Defense, and related ministries, central agencies and localities shall:

- Study and finalize the system of pricing law, attaching importance to the mechanism for management of prices of services which are transformed from fees according to the 2015 Law on Charges and Fees. Build a database on prices meeting the requirements for state management of prices according to the Law on Price and the Ministry of Finance’s guidance.

- Administer energy prices, and prices of other important essential goods and services in accordance with the law on price and in conformity with inflation control targets in 2016.

- Proactively apply price valorization and market stabilization measures. Closely supervise enterprises in price registration and declaration, closely control pricing plans and prices of goods and services to be priced by the State and purchased with state budget funds; public-utility goods and services, and public non-business services. Publicize information on prices and price administration to obtain social consensus.

- Enhance the prevention and control of smuggling, trade frauds, counterfeit, fake and poor-quality goods, especially in key routes and areas. Launch campaigns against and strictly handle violations; and mobilize people to participate in this task. Heads of agencies, localities and functional agencies shall take responsibility before the Prime Minister if prolonged and complicated situation of smuggling and trading in smuggled goods still exist, leading to the formation of organized smuggling groups in their localities.

- Enhance inspection and examination of the observance of the law on prices, tax and fees, especially for essential consumer goods and services; strictly handle violations in accordance with law and publicize information in the mass media.

c/ The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in coordination with related ministries, central agencies and localities, shall:

- Effectively implement solutions to support farmers and enterprises production and expansion of markets for agricultural products.

- Focus on examination, control and inspection work so as to promptly detect and strictly handle improper use of chemicals in agricultural production or use of banned chemicals in husbandry, thus badly affecting human health and the ecological environment such as the use of lean builders, weigh gainers, and colorings, etc.

- Increase public information and provide guidance for farmers and enterprises to refrain from using and properly use pesticides, veterinary drugs and chemical fertilizers. Coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Health in guiding consumers on how to prevent and detect goods contaminated with toxic substances.

6. Boosting export and controlling import

a/ The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall:

- Study and forecast the import and export market and notify, disseminate and guide trade associations, enterprises and producers for the latter to set orientations for their production and business activities and make prompt preparations for and respond to market changes.

- Increase solutions to boost export, ensuring sustainable export growth. Effectively exploit existing markets and expand potential markets so as to boost export, especially for commodity items of high added-value and great turnover. Coordinate with overseas Vietnamese agencies in removing trade barriers, effectively coping with importing countries’ investigations against anti-subsidy, anti-dumping and trade safeguard cases. Further accelerate trade promotion activities, creating a linkage between domestic and overseas markets so as to set orientations for production, sale and export of goods in all sectors and sub-sectors, especially for agricultural products.

- Diversify import markets; avoid excessive dependence on a single market. Adopt specific plans and solutions to overcome the imbalance in trade relations with some markets of high trade deficits, striving for sustainable trade balance. Build capacity for related agencies and flexibly and effectively apply trade safeguard instruments in accordance with WTO regulations so as to limit trade deficit and protect domestic production. Closely inspect C/Os of exported and imported goods so as to avoid trade frauds upon implementation of FTAs in 2016 and subsequent years.

- Carry out procedures according to regulations to submit to the National Assembly for approval and formulate specific action programs for effectively implementing FTAs recently concluded. To continue negotiating remaining FTAs along the line of boosting the opening of markets for exports of Vietnam’s advantages. To review the implementation of agreements already signed with regional countries; evaluate implementation results, consider negotiating and concluding new cooperation agreements or amending or supplementing existing ones to suit realities and management requirements.

- Regularly review and timely detect commodity items with  irregular increases in import turnover so as to clarify reasons and proactively apply solutions for enhancing management, controlling import according to regulations and reasonably protecting domestic production in accordance with law and international commitments. Increase quality control of imported goods, especially agricultural products and consumer goods.

b/ Ministries, central agencies and localities shall:

- Closely coordinate with ministries, sectors and related trade associations so as timely grasp market information and direct the production and sale of goods in their localities. Proactively create linkage in terms of supply-demand information and boost goods sale. Strictly mange foreign traders operating in Vietnam.

- People’s Committees of border provinces shall review operations in border gates and passes and coordinate with localities being big agricultural producers in organizing transport activities and regulating goods, thus avoiding congestion at border gates.

7. Further improving the legal system and effectiveness of law enforcement so as to create a comprehensive and favorable legal framework for production and business activities

Ministries, central agencies and localities shall:

a/ Continue implementing the 2013 Constitution. Institutionalize and implement the XIIthParty Congress’s Resolution and the Political Bureau’s Conclusion on continued implementation of the Strategy on building and improvement of the legal system, especially in sectors seen as strategic breakthroughs. Concentrate efforts on formulating and improving institutions so as to synchronously develop and improve operational effectiveness of markets, ensuring smooth operation, equal competition and transparency;

b/ Review and complete laws for implementation of international commitments and FTAs already concluded, ensuring benefits and implementation of Vietnam’s international commitments;

c/ Ministries and central agencies which are assigned to draft laws, ordinances and detailing documents shall uphold the sense of responsibility in compiling and submitting drafts to competent authorities for promulgation on schedule, putting an end to delay in promulgation of implementing documents. Increase examination and review of, and closely control, legal documents, so as to ensure their constitutionality, lawfulness, consistency, synchronicity and feasibility;

d/ Increasingly monitor law enforcement activities, especially in the fields of social housing, housing for people with meritorious services to the revolution and natural disaster-prone areas; concentrate efforts on law enforcement activities, step by step shift from making to completing the legal system and improving the effectiveness of law enforcement work. Increase the dissemination and education of laws, especially codes, laws and resolutions which were passed by the National Assembly in 2015 or will come into force in 2016 and international conventions to which Vietnam is a contracting party; increase legal assistance for enterprises;

dd/ Well implement the 2015 Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents; further review and update documents to the national database on legal documents according to the Government’s Decree No. 52/2015/ND-CP of May 28, 2015, striving to build an e-Cong Bao (Official Gazette).


1. The Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, ministries, central agencies and localities:

a/ To synchronously implement solutions for human resource development, particularly highly qualified human resources. To accelerate the movement of workforce to industries of high added value, prioritizing human resource training and enterprise development in rural areas for fast labor restructuring;

b/ To concentrate on effectively implementing Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW of November 4, 2013, of the 8thplenum of the XIthParty Central Committee, on fundamental and comprehensive renewal of education and training toward openness, integration, building of a learning society, comprehensive development of capability, physical strength, personality, morals, lifestyle, sense of law observance and citizen responsibility. To improve the national education system; to promulgate the national qualifications framework for regional and world integration. To develop the contingent of teachers and administrators to meet renewal requirements. To further improve and effectively implement education and training support policies for disadvantaged regions and policy beneficiaries. To adopt particular mechanisms to recruit and promote talents. To review and complete the network of higher education institutions nationwide. To strive at most for the fulfillment of the target of universalizing preschool education under the National Assembly’s Resolution;

c/ To increase the rate of technically trained labor. To raise the effectiveness of training and vocational training in association with employment generation. To effectively implement the Law on Vocational Education. To effect transferability in training and channeling to vocational education. To review the master plan on, and reorganize, the vocational education network, associating human resource development planning with national, regional and local socio-economic development planning. To increasingly connect vocational education institutions with enterprises, to mobilize enterprises to join vocational training;

d/ To proactively train and supply skilled and qualified labor for economic zones, centralized industrial parks and major investment projects significant to national development; to step by step meet the labor market’s requirements after the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community. To increase public information to change social awareness about vocational learning and career development.

2. The Ministry of Science and Technology shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, related central agencies and localities in:

a/ Continuing implementing the Resolution of the 6thplenum of the XIthParty Central Committee on science and technology development; reviewing, supplementing and improving the legal system on science and technology, attaching importance to consistency and uniformity between specialized laws and laws on related fields to create a legal environment favorable for scientific and technological research, application and development;

b/ Intensifying state management, raising potential and effectiveness of science and technology activities. Strongly encouraging all organizations and individuals in scientific and technological research, invention and application for economic restructuring and growth model renewal, effectiveness and competitiveness raising, national defense and security maintenance and other social development needs. Completing funding mechanisms; raising use effectiveness of state budget funds for scientific research and activities of public science and technology funds; ensuring timely allocation of funds for science and technology tasks in accordance with the order placement and task approval schedule as prescribed by the 2013 Law on Science and Technology;

c/ Adopting specific mechanisms for development of advanced scientific and technological research institutions, implementation of important projects and production of national key products. Studying and implementing mechanisms and forms of free dissemination of science, techniques and technology to small- and medium-sized enterprises and production households in order to raise productivity. Increasing autonomy and accountability of public science and technology institutions;

d/ Enhancing enforcement of the law on intellectual property protection. Renewing the management of standards, measuring and goods and service quality to meet international integration requirements. Training and developing qualified science and technology human resources at home in combination with attracting and promoting local talents and overseas Vietnamese. Increasing international cooperation and integration in the science and technology sector.


1. Assurance of social security, improvement of social welfare and employment generation

According to their assigned functions and tasks, the Ministries of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs; Education and Training; Agriculture and Rural Development; Finance; Health; Construction; and Justice, and related agencies and localities shall:

a/ Fully implement promulgated social support policies and incentives for persons with meritorious services. Practically review, adjust and synchronously implement policies on social security, social protection, sustainable poverty reduction, vocational training, labor and employment, legal aid, etc. in order to support and encourage disadvantaged groups in the society to rise on their own. Develop the network of social relief establishments in order to improve service quality and meet the people’s needs, targeting development of an equal and effective society. Continue the search and identification of the remains of martyrs;

b/ Boost the implementation of the national housing development strategy and the Housing Law, effectively implement mechanisms and policies for promotion of social housing development, housing support for persons with meritorious services and poor households in rural areas and areas prone to disasters, storms and floods, housing for low income earners and housing for industrial park workers under the Prime Minister’s decision;

c/ Combine the national target programs on new countryside building and sustainable poverty reduction with support policies for ethnic minority groups and mountainous, deep-lying, remote, border, island and other disadvantaged areas;

d/ Review, supplement and complete poverty reduction policies toward sustainable poverty reduction. Implement poverty reduction programs and policies according to the new multidimensional poverty index in order to guarantee the minimum living standards and access to basic social services. Expand models of livelihood support, production support and sustainable poverty reduction which have been and are being effectively implemented in localities. Focus on investment in developing socio-economic infrastructure for poor districts, particularly disadvantaged communes and villages and ethnic minority areas;

dd/ Enhance the implementation of the Health Insurance Law and the Social Insurance Law; properly implement policies on social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance, the regional minimum wage regime, etc. in order to improve the people’s living conditions. Support the expansion of buyers of social insurance and health insurance; adopt appropriate solutions for household-based health insurance;

e/ Promptly complete and promulgate mechanisms and policies on voluntary supplementary pension to guide the implementation of the Social Insurance Law;

g/ Increase inspection and supervision of, and guide, the implementation of labor policies and work safety and sanitation for reduction of work accidents, and social and employment insurance policies for employees;

h/ Implement employment policies in association with development of the labor market. Intensify the role of the State in supervising and regulating labor market supply-demand relations; improve the quality of labor market forecast and information; further promote and enhance the operation capacity of employment transaction floors, making active contribution to connecting labor supply and demand. Closely manage foreign employees in Vietnam;

i/ Implement solutions for stabilizing and developing the labor export market; increasingly manage labor export for both enterprises and employees, ensuring benefits of Vietnamese guest workers;

k/ Develop a national electronic civil status database; further strengthen and improve civil status personnel; review, examine and make statistics of population changes; guarantee children’s right to birth registration; fulfill Vietnam’s commitments on announcement of official statistics of birth and death registrations under the Declaration and Regional Action Framework on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific; further implement effectively the model of transferable registration of birth and permanent residence and grant of health insurance cards for under-six children.

2. Increased protection of and care for the people’s health

The Ministry of Health shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors and localities in:

a/ Proactively and actively preventing and controlling epidemics, increasingly managing the medical environment, raising the quality of medical examination and treatment; boosting socialization in the health sector;

b/ Boosting the implementation of polices and law on quality management and food safety and hygiene under the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 34 /2009/NQ-QH12 of June 19, 2009, and the 2010 Law on Food Safety;

c/ Continuing solutions for implementation of the plan on reduction of hospital overload. Step by step re-establishing the system of patient transfer among hospitals of different levels in medical examination and treatment, encouraging medical examination and treatment in hospitals at the right level. Consolidating and raising the operational effectiveness of grassroots health networks, attaching importance to health development in mountainous, border and island areas;

d/ Encouraging non-public health development and the form of public-private partnership. Increasing autonomy and accountability of public health non-business units. Incrementally applying new health service rates according to the roadmap on the principles of proper and full calculation of medical examination and treatment expenses, and concurrently providing appropriate support for policy beneficiaries and the poor;

dd/ Developing universal healthcare services toward coverage of public healthcare in combination with development of specialized and hi-tech healthcare services; modernizing and developing traditional medicine, combining traditional medicine with western medicine;

e/ Increasingly managing drugs, vaccines, medical bioproducts and equipment, ensuring supply sufficient in quantity and safe in quality at reasonable prices to meet the people’s healthcare needs. Reviewing and promulgating regulations on bidding and centralized procurement of drugs; establishing centralized procurement units for bidding at national level and price negotiation; increasing centralized bidding at the local level according to the tasks assigned under the Government’s Decree No. 63/2014/ND-CP;

g/ Renewing health human resource training to meet requirements for standard qualifications and employment demands of the health system. Renewing health workers’ style and attitude of service toward satisfaction of patients;

h/ Reviewing the fulfillment of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals in the health sector. Developing action programs and specific targets for the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the health sector;

i/ On the basis of the results of the national target program on population and family planning in the past period and current conditions, setting objectives and solutions for sustainable population development, assurance of thereplacement level fertility and improving population quality.

3. Cultural and sports development

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors and localities in:

a/ Continuing the proper implementation of Resolution No. 102/NQ-CP of December 31, 2014, promulgating the Government’s program of action for implementation of Resolution No. 33-NQ/TW of June 9, 2014, of the 9thplenum of the XIthParty Central Committee on building and development of Vietnamese culture and people for sustainable national development, Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW of June 16, 2008, of the 5thplenum of the VIIIthParty Central Committee on continued building and development of literature and arts in the new period. Building a healthy cultural environment; enhancing the preservation and promotion of national cultural heritages and nationally and internationally recognized cultural heritages. Well implementing the national target program on cultural development and approved strategies and master plans.

b/ Developing physical training and sports movements to increase the stature and physical fitness of Vietnamese, attaching importance to synchronous development of physical training and sports at schools, in armed forces and at the grassroots (commune, ward, township) level to meet the people’s needs for physical training and exercise and competition. Continuing the implementation of Directive No. 49-CT/TW of February 21, 2005, of the Party Secretariat and the strategy for Vietnamese family development.

4. Proper implementation of affairs related to ethnic minorities, religion, gender equality, care for elderly people, youth development and child protection and care

On the basis of their assigned functions and tasks, the Ministries of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs; Health; and Home Affairs, and the Committee for Ethnic Minorities Affairs, shall:

a/ Properly implement policies on ethnic minorities and religion and guarantee the people’s right to freedom of belief; implement the gender equality policy and heighten women’s position. Further implement tasks and solutions under the national strategy for gender equality for the 2011-2020 period and the strategy for ethnic minorities affairs to 2020 (the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 449/QD-TTg of March 12, 2013); the Government’s Resolution No. 57/NQ-CP of December 1, 2009, on the Government’s action program to 2020 for implementation of the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 11-NQ/TW of April 27, 2007, on women-related affairs in the period of increased national industrialization and modernization. Create vigorous changes in awareness about, and strive to narrow, the gender gap; heighten the position of women in a number of fields and key areas with gender inequality or at high risk for gender inequality; guarantee equality for women in participation in socio-economic activities and in families;

b/ Care for and promote the role of elderly people. Attach importance to youth development work, particularly the implementation of movements initiated and implemented by the Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union;

c/ Increasingly care for and educate children and protect their rights. Effectively implement the national action program for children during 2012-2020; the program for enhancement of children’s right to participate in children-related issues during 2016-2020 under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1235/QD-TTg of August 3, 2015. Boost inspection and supervision of the enforcement of domestic laws and policies and international conventions on children’s rights.


1. On the basis of their assigned functions and tasks, the Ministries of Natural Resources and Environment; Agriculture and Rural Development; Construction; and Planning and Investment, ministries, central agencies and provincial-level People’s Committees shall:

a/ Further step up the implementation of Resolution No. 09-NQ/TW of February 9, 2007, of the XthParty Central Committee on the marine strategy of Vietnam to 2020, the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 02-NQ/TW of April 25, 2011, on strategic orientations for minerals and mining industry to 2020, with a vision to 2030, Resolution No. 19-NQ/TW of October 31, 2012, of the XIthParty Central Committee on further renewal of land policies and law in the period of comprehensive enhancement of the renewal, laying the foundation for the country to basically turn into a modernity-oriented industrial one by 2020, Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW of June 3, 2013, of the XIthParty Central Committee on proactive response to climate change and increased management of natural resources and environmental protection, and the Government’s Resolution No. 35/NQ-CP of March 18, 2013, on urgent issues in environmental protection;

b/ Increasingly manage the exploitation and use of natural resources and minerals; redress the management and exploitation of river bed sand and gravel. New exploitation of natural resources and minerals must be opened for bidding in a public and transparent manner and managing state agencies and related sectors shall increase examination, inspection and supervision of the implementation and strictly handle violations;

c/ Effectively implement with focuses and priorities target programs on sustainable development, green growth, response to climate change and disaster prevention and control. Work out an action plan for implementation of theParis Agreementunder the United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change(COP21) for submission to the Prime Minister for approval;

d/ Step up and soon complete the formation of a uniform database and synchronous information on land and modern cadastral maps and records. Increase baseline surveys; invest in the observation system to raise the quality of hydro-meteorological forecast, particular forecast of storms, floods and droughts; attach importance to baseline surveys on water resources and marine environment;

dd/ Effectively implement the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 112/2015/NQ-QH13 on increased management of land originated from state agricultural farms and forestry farms, which is used by agricultural companies, forestry companies, forest management units and other organizations, households and individuals;

e/ Closely monitor weather and disaster developments. Proactively direct and adopt solutions to promptly and effectively respond to extreme weather events which adversely affect production and threaten the people’s life and property;

g/ Resolutely handle establishments that wastefully use energy and natural resources and cause serious environmental pollution. Closely control polluting sources, particularly in industrial zones and clusters, craft villages, river basins and production establishments likely causing serious pollution. Focus on redressing environmental pollution in rural areas. Raise the rate of operating industrial parks and export-processing zones having centralized wastewater treatment systems up to environmental standards;

h/ Increase international cooperation; persistently protect national interests in the management and sustainable use of water of the Mekong river and some other rivers with basins overseas.

2. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, central agencies and localities in:

a/ Increasing the forestation area, boosting restoration of protection forests and coastal mangroves. Protecting, developing and effectively and sustainably using the existing forest area and the land area planned for forestry development to increase the forest coverage to 41%;

b/ Closely managing and effectively using reservoirs, saving water, proactively developing plans for prevention and control of disasters which are predicted to increasingly grow complex.


1. Acceleration of administrative reform

The Ministry of Home Affairs, ministries, central agencies and localities shall:

a/ Increasingly implement the overall program on state administrative reform during 2011-2020; the plan on state administrative reform during 2016-2020. Concentrate on raising effectiveness and effect of the public administration and boost administrative reform, particularly administrative procedures; raise effect and effectiveness of state management, social management and law observance. Determine the 2015 administrative reform index of ministries, ministerial-level agencies and provincial-level People’s Committees;

b/ Strictly implement legal documents on simplification of administrative procedures. Review and cancel unnecessary procedures troubling the people and enterprises. Publicly and transparently announce processes and procedures, creating most favorable conditions for people and enterprises. Drastically renew the settlement of administrative formalities for individuals and organizations toward focused and direct settlement with closed supervision by competent authorities and coordination and information sharing among related agencies and organizations; assess the level of satisfaction of the people toward cadres and civil servants directly settling administrative formalities. Raise the quality and effectiveness of the settlement of administrative formalities for the people and enterprises under the single-window mechanism and inter-agency single-window mechanism prescribed in the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 09/2015/QD-TTg of March 25, 2015. Receive requests for, and notify results of, the settlement of administrative formalities for individuals and organizations via post to reduce negative practices and harassment, facilitating and saving travel costs and time for the people;

c/ Study and simplify reporting regulations in the operation of state administrative agencies; expand good models and new methods in the reform of administrative procedures nationwide. Boost the application of information technology to activities of state agencies and provision of public services; focus on establishing, expanding and upgrading 6 national databases prioritized to lay foundation for e-government development; increasingly apply online bidding; establish and operate a system of information on receipt and processing of reports and recommendations on administrative formalities and the status and results of settlement of administrative formalities at administrations of all levels. Continue the effective implementation of the overall plan on simplification of administrative procedures, civil documents and databases related to residency management during 2013-2020, focusing resources to build a national residency database. Boost the development of e-government under the Government’s Resolution No. 36a/NQ-CP of October 14, 2015, on e-government in ministries, agencies and localities. Make activities of state agencies public and transparent in the network environment;

d/ Organize the implementation of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administrations. Revise the working regulation of the Government promulgated together with the Government’s Decree No. 08/2012/ND-CP of February 16, 2012; and functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of ministries and ministerial-level agencies under the Government’s Decree No. 36/2012/ND-CP of April 18, 2012, toward increasing effectiveness of the Government’s administration in performing functions and tasks; narrowing overlapping focal points, clearly defining functions and tasks and increasing responsibilities. Establish mechanisms for effective coordination and administration among ministries and central agencies in accordance with current law. Decentralize socio-economic management in association with increasing directing and administering disciplines and rules of the Government and the Prime Minister for implementation responsibilities of ministries, sectors and localities.

2. Enhancement of performance of civil duties and effect and effectiveness of state management

Ministries, central agencies and localities shall:

a/ Organize the implementation of the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 39-NQ/TW of April 17, 2015, on payroll streamlining and restructuring of cadres, civil servants and public employees; the Government’s Decree No. 108/2014/ND-CP of November 20, 2014, on payroll streamlining policies; the Government’s Decree No. 56/2015/ND-CP of June 9, 2015, on assessment and classification of cadres, civil servants and public employees; and the Government’s plan for implementation of the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 39-NQ/TW (the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 2218/QD-TTg of December 10, 2015). Strictly manage the payroll of cadres, civil servants and public employees; not increase the payroll of cadres, civil servants and public employees in 2016, even in cases requiring establishment of new organizations or assignment of new tasks. Particularly for the education and training sector, payroll may be added appropriately in case of establishment of new schools or increase of classes or students but payroll shall be managed closely in accordance with the law on payroll management;

b/ Focus on reviewing, revising and annulling provisions on organization, apparatus and payroll of current legal documents not in the field of state organization. Simplify the organization of the administrative apparatus; not establish intermediary organizations; only establish new organizations in exceptional cases of truly necessity according to practical requirements;

c/ Further boost the reform of civil duties and civil servants; focus on completing the list of work positions after it is approved by competent agencies and organize the implementation; continue completing the system of criteria and titles of civil servants and public employees. Raise the quality of annual assessment and classification of cadres, civil servants and public employees in accordance with law on the basis of results of task performance and the spirit and attitude of service and fulfillment of the role and all responsibilities of a head;

d/ Develop and improve qualifications of cadres, civil servants and public employees. Review, assess and restructure the contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees based on their ranks, professional titles and training levels suitable to their functions and tasks. Increase training and retraining to raise the quality of cadres and civil servants, particularly at the commune level.

3. Acceleration of socialization of public services, renewal of organization and operation of public non-business units

Ministries, central agencies and localities shall:

a/ Promptly promulgate mechanisms and policies on autonomy in sectors and fields for implementation of Decree No. 16/2015/ND-CP of February 14, 2015, on autonomy mechanism for public non-business units, on that basis, further rearrange and organize the apparatus, reduce payroll, raise the quality of public services and ensure effectiveness of non-business activities;

b/ Implement the market mechanism, study and continue the separation of public services from state management. Continue the application of the autonomy mechanism for public non-business units toward renewing their operation mechanism associated with the roadmap for charging public non-business services. Increasingly shift from the State’s direct support for public non-business units into the order placement mechanism;

c/ Organize the valuation and assignment of assets to public non-business units for management according to regulations in order to increasingly manage and effectively tap existing public property resources in association with raising social resources for joint investment and development, reducing state subsidy. By the end of 2016, strive to basically complete the valuation of assets for assignment to eligible public non-business units according to regulations of the Government;

d/ Boost socialization of the provision of public services in the fields of health, public healthcare, education and training, vocational training, culture, sports, judicial support, etc., toward providing better services to people of all strata and ensuring access to and enjoyment of basic and essential services with better quality by social policy beneficiaries and the poor;

dd/ Adjust prices of goods set by the State closely to market prices, ensuring offset of reasonable production and business expenses and attraction of other economic sectors to join the provision of public services.


1. Resolute prevention and control of corruption and waste

The Government Inspectorate, the Ministry of Finance, ministries, central agencies and localities shall:

a/ Continue improving institutions, laws and mechanisms and policies and synchronously implement solutions for corruption prevention and control, thrift practice and waste combat. Seriously review the 10-year implementation of the Anti-Corruption Law as practical grounds for comprehensive revision of the Anti-Corruption Law;

b/ Diversify forms of public information in order to raise public awareness about corruption prevention and control. Promptly praise and commend typical examples; protect denouncers of corruption. Strictly handle acts of abusing anti-corruption to make untruthful denunciations;

c/ Seriously implement the Political Bureau’s Directive No. 33-CT/TW of January 3, 2014, on the Party’s increased leadership of asset declaration and control of asset declaration, the Political Bureau’s Directive No. 50-CT/TW of December 7, 2015, on the Party’s increased leadership of detection and handling of corruption matters and cases. Strictly implement regulations on corruption prevention, particularly declaration, and control of declaration of, assets and incomes. Increase education of civil-duty quality, morals and responsibilities. Raise responsibilities of heads in prevention and control of corruption and waste. Raise effect and effectiveness of inspection, examination, audit, supervision, investigation, prosecution and trial in the detection and handling of corrupt acts and recovery of corrupt assets. Focus on detecting and strictly handling corrupt acts, particularly in anti-corruption agencies and units and law enforcement agencies; and law-violating negative practices and harassments detected through inspection;

d/ Increase inspection, examination and supervision of thrift practice and waste control in sectors, agencies and units;

dd/ Properly implement mechanisms on social supervision and criticism by socio-political organizations and mass organizations for the making and implementation of guidelines and policies. Raise sense of responsibility and role of news and press agencies and the entire society in the prevention and control of corruption and waste;

e/ Increase international cooperation in corruption prevention and control; actively implement the United Nations Convention against Corruption in conformity with Vietnam’s conditions.

2. Increase of effectiveness of citizen reception and settlement of complaints and denunciations

Ministries, central agencies and localities shall:

a/ Seriously implement the Political Bureau’s Directive No. 35-CT/TW of May 26, 2014, the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 39/2012/NQ-QH13 of November 23, 2012, and directions of the Government and the Prime Minister, on citizen reception and settlement of complaints and denunciations; raise effectiveness of citizen reception and settlement of complaints and denunciations, ensuring security and order;

b/ Heads of state administrative agencies shall receive citizens periodically or extraordinarily; promptly settle cases of complaints and denunciations under their competence right after they occur; increasingly inspect and examine responsibilities for settlement of complaints and denunciations and the implementation of legally effective decisions settling complaints and denunciations, conclusions on complaints and denunciations and decisions handling denounced violations; focus on reviewing and completely settling complex and prolonged complaints and denunciations involving many people; attach importance to public information on and education about the law on citizen reception and settlement of complaints and denunciations at the grassroots level;

c/ Effectively organize the implementation of the Civil Procedure Code (amended), the Criminal Procedure Code (amended) and the Administrative Procedure Law (amended), paying particular attention to the provision that a court may not refuse to settle a civil case for the reason of unavailability of applicable law.


1. On the basis of their assigned functions and tasks, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ministries, agencies and localities shall:

a/ Effectively implement the strategy for national defense in the new situation, the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 28-NQ/TW of September 22, 2008, further building provinces and centrally run cities into firm defense zones in the new situation, the Government’s Decree No. 152/2007/ND-CP of October 10, 2007, on building of defense zones, the Political Bureau’s Directive No. 46-CT/TW (XIthtenure) on the Party’s increased leadership in maintenance of security and order in the new situation. Thoroughly grasp the situations at home and abroad, closely combine national defense and security with external relations to proactively tackle all circumstances, firmly protect independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, maintain socio-political stability and a peaceful environment for national construction and defense. Review, study and revise the Law on National Defense in conformity with the new situation;

b/ Enhance defense and security capacity. Build revolutionary, regular, crack and incrementally modern forces of the People’s Army and the People’s Police, prioritizing modernity of some service branches and forces. Raise effectiveness of operations of law enforcement forces at sea;

c/ Ensure absolute safety for the XIIthParty Congress, election of deputies to the XIVthNational Assembly and People’s Councils of all levels of the 2016-2020 tenure and important political and social events of the country;

d/ Proactively protect, and adopt appropriate solutions for protecting, oil and gas operations at sea. Ensure logistics and techniques for focal tasks and for forces tasked to protect sea and island sovereignty;

dd/ Raise the quality and effectiveness of the prevention and control of law violations, restrain the increase of, and reduce, crimes, especially serious crimes, particularly serious crimes, drug-related crimes, crimes of acting against persons on civil duty, etc., creating remarkable changes in social order and building a safe and healthy society. Prevent the formation and publicity of unlawful organizations undermining the country. Increasingly protect state secrets, cyber security and safety. Enhance counter-terrorism work; strengthen counter-terrorism steering committees from central to local levels. Develop and implement a plan on public security for international integration;

e/ Raise the effect and effectiveness of the state management of fire and explosion prevention and control. Well prepare forces and means ready for the prevention, control and remedy of disaster consequences and rescue and salvage;

g/ Increase cooperation and take advantage of the international community’s support to maintain a peaceful environment and protect national sovereignty. Duly participate in Untied Nations peacekeeping forces.

2. On the basis of their assigned functions and tasks, ministries, agencies and localities shall:

a/ Continue the firm building of national defense by the people associated with  people’s security posture nationwide, particularly in key areas. Properly implement the plan for defense maintenance of localities in northwestern, the Central Highlands and southwestern strategic areas. Focus on effectively addressing pressing social issues;

b/ Closely combine socio-economic development with maintenance of national defense and security. Ensure sustainable socio-economic development in border and island areas;

c/ Increase management, public information and guidance to keep fishermen from fishing on fishing grounds under the sovereignty of other countries.

3. The Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Public Security shall coordinate with agencies and localities in:

a/ Continuing synchronous measures to ensure traffic order and safety, reduce traffic accidents, handle traffic jams in major urban areas, particularly during holidays and the lunar new year festival;

b/ Further tightening the management of transport business and control of payloads of vehicles, putting an end to vehicle overloading. Increasingly examining and strictly handling violations of the traffic law. Boosting examination and supervision of the observance of the law on civil aviation safety.

4. The Ministry of Justice shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, central agencies and localities in:

a/ Effectively implementing the Penal Code (amended) and the National Assembly’s Resolution on the implementation of this Code;

b/ Reviewing the law on handling of administrative violations for amendment, supplementation or replacement or for submission to competent authorities for amendment, supplementation or replacement; focusing on monitoring, urging and examining the consistent and synchronous implementation of law related to administrative handling measures; develop a national database on handling of administrative violations;

c/ Raising the quality and effectiveness of the enforcement of civil and administrative judgments; focusing on the settlement of cases of enforcement of civil judgments related to credit and banking operations. Preparing necessary conditions and organizing the implementation of the institution on bailiff in provinces and centrally run cities; studying and proposing the making of a law on bailiff.

5. The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with central agencies and localities in, continuing the admission of drug addicts without permanent places of residence into compulsory detoxification establishments under the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 77/2014/NQ-QH13 of November 10, 2014, until related revised laws take effect.


1. On the basis of their assigned functions and tasks, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, central agencies and localities in:

a/ Closely following orientations for external activities of the XIIthParty Congress, aiming to maintain a peaceful and stable environment, making best use of external resources for national development; firmly maintaining national independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity; elevating the position and prestige of the country. Consistently implementing external guidelines of independence, autonomy, peace, friendship, cooperation and development, multilateralization and diversification of relations, proactive and active international integration and cooperation on the basis of respect for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-interference into each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual interest;

b/ Further boosting the boundary determination and boundary marker placing on land; persistently boosting the settlement of maritime issues on the basis of fundamental principles of international law, the 1982 United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea; together with ASEAN countries strongly mobilizing the full implementation oftheDeclarationon theConductof Parties in theSouth China Sea(DOC) and early forming the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC). Further taking advantage of the international community’s support to protect territorial, sea and island sovereignty. Resolutely fighting to stop activities and plots of interference into the country’s internal affairs;

c/ Enhancing and closely coordinating external activities of the Party and the State and person-to-person diplomacy; and external activities and national defense and security; further making relations deeper and more practical and effective; increasingly developing friendship and cooperation relations with neighboring countries, major and important partners. Boosting multilateral external activities by proactively and actively contributing to developing and forming alignment and cooperation frameworks in order to effectively serve security and national development objectives. Further participating actively and responsibly in building a firm and strong ASEAN community; making preparations for well organizing APEC Year 2017; promoting the role and position of Vietnam in multilateral forums such as WTO, ASEM, Mekong subregion cooperation, etc.

d/ Boosting economic diplomatic activities, practically supporting localities and enterprises in boosting economic and trade promotion. Further mobilizing partners to soon recognize the market economy status for Vietnam. Increasing political and diplomatic mobilization to facilitate the signing and ratification of bilateral and regional FTAs. Increasing, and improving the quality of, external information; continuing the effective implementation of cultural diplomacy work; well implementing affairs on overseas Vietnamese and protection of Vietnamese citizens and protection of lawful rights and interests of individuals and organizations of Vietnam;

dd/ Further implementing effectively international integration guidelines of the Party and the State, including the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 22-NQ/TW of April 10, 2013, on international integration, the overall strategy for international integration through 2020, with a vision toward 2030, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 1052/NQ-UBTVQH13 of October 24, 2015, on orientations, tasks and solutions for acceleration of international  economic integration.

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall coordinate with ministries, agencies and localities in carrying out procedures according to regulations to submit to the National Assembly for approval, and developing a specific action program for implementation of, the plan for fulfillment of 17 goals and 169 targets under the United Nations document “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development”.

3. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, central agencies and localities in, enhancing public information work in order to raise awareness in the political system, business community, localities and the entire society about the ASEAN community, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and other FTAs, particularly opportunities, challenges, benefits and obligations under agreements, information on markets and goods import and export, conditions for exports to enjoy preferential tariff, trade dispute settlement mechanisms, etc.

4. On the basis of their assigned functions and tasks, ministries, central agencies and localities shall:

a/ Proactively adopt specific solutions for implementation and preparation for effective implementation of international integration commitments, particularly within the frameworks of the ASEAN community, FTAs and TPP.

b/ Effect measures and policies to promote and make use of development opportunities and reduce negative impacts of integration, particularly market issues and competitiveness in the domestic, regional and world markets.


1. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall:

a/ Intensify state management of information and communications. Focus on the implementation of the Laws on: Publication (amended); Network Information Security; Radio Frequencies; Telecommunications; Post; and Press (after being ratified by the National Assembly) and the schemes for: planning and development of the national press to 2025; planning of radio and television transmission and broadcast to 2020; and development planning of information and communications of marine border, sea and island areas of Vietnam to 2020, and the Government’s Decree No. 72/2015/ND-CP of September 7, 2015, on management of external information. Enhance the making and promulgation of specialized legal documents according to its competence. Direct news, press, radio and television agencies and the grassroots information system to increase public information on directions and guidelines of the Party and policies and laws of the State and national political, economic, cultural and social events taking place in 2016;

b/ Increasingly manage online information, increase and ensure information security and safety in the new situation. Increasingly manage and inspect, examine and strictly handle violations, particularly pressing issues such as management of prepaid mobile phone subscribers, spam messages, unlicensed and illegal printing of publications, etc. Comprehensively improve the quality of publishing activities, particularly editing, review and redress of the publishing process.

2. The Ministry of Justice shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Law Committee of the National Assembly, ministries and central agencies in, promptly revising and completing the bill on access to information for submission to the National Assembly for consideration and approval.

3. Ministries, central agencies and localities shall:

Further increase public information, promptly disseminate guidelines, policies, leadership, management and administration of the Party and the State; and important national and international events, international integration commitments; disseminate information on border and island protection in accordance with Vietnamese and international laws. Fight and promptly refute wrongful information. Proactively provide information on the socio-economic situation, guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State, issues of public concern, creating high social consensus.

Part two


1. According to their functions and tasks, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees shall thoroughly grasp the tasks and solutions specified in this Resolution and other resolutions of the Party, the National Assembly, provincial/municipal party committees and provincial-level People’s Councils and shall:

a/ Before January 20, 2016, issue specific action programs and plans; clearly determining objectives, tasks, implementation schedules, responsible agencies, and incorporate them into the working agendas of the Government, ministries, agencies and localities for implementation of the tasks and solutions specified in this Resolution; and send them to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for summarization and reporting to the Government at the Government’s regular meeting of January, 2016;

b/ Focus on and proactively direct and administer the effective implementation of the tasks and solutions specified in this Resolution, guidelines and policies of the Party, the National Assembly and the Government and take responsibility before the Government and the Prime Minister for the implementation of the Resolution in the assigned fields and localities and according to their assigned functions and tasks;

c/ Increase coordination with ministries, central agencies and localities, and closely coordinate with agencies of the Party, the State, the Vietnam Fatherland Front and mass organizations, in successfully fulfilling the objectives and tasks set in the Resolution;

d/ Regularly examine and supervise progresses and results of implementation of action programs and plans; hold monthly meetings to review the implementation of the Resolution, proactively settle according to their competence, or propose solutions to competent authorities to promptly settle, arising issues;

dd/ Monthly and quarterly evaluate and report on the implementation of the Resolution and send them to the Ministry of Planning and Investment before the 20thevery month and the last month of a quarter for summarization and reporting to the Government at monthly cabinet meetings.

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the State Bank shall, based on their assigned functions and tasks, continue their close and effective coordination in advising and proposing specific marco-economic administration solutions and measures; and promptly report to the Government and the Prime Minister according to regulations.

3. The Ministry of Information and Communications and news and press agencies shall coordinate with the Central Committee for Propaganda and Education, ministries, central agencies and localities in disseminating this Resolution in sectors, at all levels and to the people.

4. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and provincial-level People’s Committees shall review and assess the implementation of this Resolution within their assigned functions and tasks and propose the Government’s directing and administering solutions for the subsequent year, report to the Prime Minister and concurrently to the Ministry of Planning and Investment before November 25, 2016, for summarization and reporting to the Government at its meeting of December 2016.

5. The Government requests agencies of the National Assembly and local People’s Councils to increasingly supervise the Government, ministries, central agencies and provincial-level People’s Committees in performing their tasks to implement this Resolution.

6. The Government requests the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee and central agencies of mass organizations to direct the mobilization of their members to promote the people’s mastery in all sectors, creating social consensus and strengthening the national great unity to fulfill socio-economic development objectives of 2016 under the National Assembly’s Resolution and the Government’s administering solutions under this Resolution.-

On behalf of the Government
Prime Minister


[1]Công Báo Nos 95-96 (22/01/2016)

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