Decision No. 1533/QD-TTg of August 30, 2013, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Can Tho city through 2020, with a vision toward 2030

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Decision No. 1533/QD-TTg of August 30, 2013, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Can Tho city through 2020, with a vision toward 2030
Issuing body: Prime Minister Effective date:

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Official number: 1533/QD-TTg Signer: Nguyen Tan Dung
Type: Decision Expiry date: Updating
Issuing date: 30/08/2013 Effect status:

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Decision No. 1533/QD-TTg of August 30, 2013, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Can Tho city through 2020, with a vision toward 2030


Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government s Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on the formulation, approval and management of socio-economic development master plans; and Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP of January 11, 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006;

At the proposal of the Can Tho City People s Committee,


Article 1:To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Can Tho city through 2020, with a vision toward 2030, with the following principal contents:


1. To restructure the city’s economy toward industry-service-hi-tech agriculture through 2020 and service-industry-hi-tech agriculture after 2020; to focus on conditions to create posture and momentum for development (key infrastructure facilities, key sectors and products, technologies and human resources). The economic structure grows in a fast, stable and sustainable manner, ensuring social equity and progress.

2. To invest in economic development in width and depth, mainly in depth. To focus investment on a number of the city’s sectors with competitive advantages such as services, tourism, hi-tech industries; hi-tech agricultural and aquatic products, etc.

3. To mobilize the city’s combined strengths, the central government’s support and external resources to speed up the city’s socio-economic development in which internal resources are a decisive factor and external sources are important.

4. To align the city’s socio-economic development with the orientations for socio-economic development in the Mekong River Delta region; building and developing Can Tho city as a momentum for boosting the region’s development.

5. To closely combine economic development with the development of social fields, education and training, healthcare, culture and building of a new countryside, gradually narrow the gap between urban and rural areas.

6. To closely combine socio-economic development with urban construction and management, development of infrastructure and building of urban civilization.

7. To combine economic development with economical use of natural resources and protection of eco-environment, ensuring sustainable development.

8. To combine economic development with defense and security. To firmly preserve political security and social order and safety in all circumstances. To create considerable improvements in managing social order and safety, urban lifestyles, and preventing and combating crimes and social evils.


1. Overall objectives:

To build Can Tho city into a civilized and modem city imbued with river characteristics so as to basically become an industrialized city before 2020; a socio-economic center, an education-training and science-technology center, a healthcare, cultural and sports center in the Mekong River Delta region; an important hub of regional and international transport; a key area holding a strategic role in the Mekong River Delta region’s and the country’s defense and security; to play the role as a momentum to boost the strong development of the entire Mekong River Delta region.

2. Specific objectives:

a/ Economic objectives:

-   To attain an annual average economic growth rate of around 16% in the 2011-2015 period, including region Ill’s annual growth of 17%, region II’s annual growth of 17.5%, and region I’s annual growth of 2.7%; to achieve an annual average economic growth rate of 15% in the 2016-2020 period, including region Ill’s annual growth of 15.3%, region II’s annual growth of 16%, and region I’s annual growth of 2.5%; an annual average economic growth rate of 10.5% in the 2021-2030 period, including region Ill’s annual growth of 10.9%, region II’s annual growth of 10.4%, and region I’s annual growth of 2%.

-   By 2015, the proportion of region III will make up 47.1% of the economic structure, that of region II, 47%, that of region I, 5.9%; by 2020, the proportion of region III will make up 47.9% of the economic structure, that of region II, 48.8%, that of region I, 3.3%.

-   The average per-capita GDP income will reach USD 3,200 by 2015, USD 6,480 by 2020,

and USD 14,200 by 2030.

-   The average export value will increase 16.8% annually in the 2011-2015 period and 16.1% annually in the 2016-2020 period.

-   The average per-capita export revenues will reach USD 1,430 by 2015 and USD 2,640 by 2020.

-   The rate of GDP mobilization into the state budget will reach 10-11% in the 2011-2015 period and 12-13% in the 2016-2020 period.

b/ Social objectives:

-   The city’s population will be around 1.4 million by 2015, around 1.6 million by 2020, and around 1.95 million by 2030.

-   The average population growth will be around 9.76%o per year in the 2011-2015 period, and 9.42%o per year in the 2016-2020 period.

-   The ratio of hospital beds will be 30/10,000 people by 2015 and 34-35/10,000 people by 2020.

-   The rate of under-five malnourished children will be below 12.8% by 2015 and below 10% by 2020.

-   The rates of kindergartens, primary schools, lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools meeting national standards will be 50%, 60%, 50% and 33%, respectively, by 2015, and the rates will be 80%, 90-100%, 80%, and 60%, respectively, by 2020.

-   The rate of trained laborers will be more than 65% by 2015, and 75-80% by 2020.

-   The urbanization rate will be 70% by 2015 and 73.5% by 2020.

c/ Environmental objectives:

-   The rate of rural population having access to clean water will be 60-65% by 2015 and 80- 85% by 2020.

-   All households will have access to electricity by 2015.

-   The rate of garbage collected and treated will reach 90% by 2015 and 100% by 2020.

-   The rate of treated wastewater will reach 50-60% by 2015 and 70-80% by 2020.

d/ National defense-security objectives:

-   To combine socio-economic development with strengthening defense and security potential and firmly maintaining political stability and social order and safety in the new period.

-   To continue building and consolidating all-people defense and people’s security posture, building a solid defensive zone meeting requirements in the new context.

3. Vision for the city’s development to 2030:

-   To build and develop Can Tho city into a central urban center of the Mekong River Delta region; a core urban center associated with high-quality services and hi-tech industries of the Mekong River Delta region’s key economic region and the whole Mekong River Delta region’s region.

-   By 2030, Can Tho will be a civilized, modem and advanced city.

-   Can Tho will be a clean, green and beautiful urban center with urban economic axes and urban landscape axes and unique architectures of a river and garden urban center which is typical for the Mekong River Delta region’s cultural identity.

-   The city’s economy will basically be a knowledge-based economy with high-quality and hi-tech industries; science and technology will become a major momentum for the city’s socio- economic development. Services and industries will make up more than 98% of the economic structure; the city will become a tourist center, a trade and goods distribution center; and have an ecological and hi-tech urban agriculture. Can Tho city will be an ecological urban center with a harmonious combination of natural, human and social elements in a river urban atmosphere of sustainable development.

-   The city will be a large training and science- technology service center and a specialized medical center providing top quality and prestigious treatment services in the Mekong river delta region.

-   Urban and infrastructure development: The city’s population will be around 1.9-2 million people by 2030, including around million inner city dwellers. The urban infrastructure will be synchronous and modem. The traffic system linking the inner city and adjacent areas will be convenient with various large-scale transport forms; the information and communications infrastructure, the electricity and water supply and drainage network, environmental protection works, offices, residential areas, etc., will meet socio- economic development requirements and increasing demands of the city’s people.

-   The city will be a safe and peaceful city with a harmonious and friendly community, assured social order and safety and firmly maintained defense and security.


1. To focus on completing and modernizing the infrastructure system. To collaborate with the central government in early completing city- related major works such as the Trung Luong- Can Tho expressway and other expressways, (National Highway 91, Vam Cong bridge linking with Lo Te-Rach Soi route, etc.), Quan Chanh Bo canal and Dinh An channel into Can Tho port cluster, etc.). To upgrade and complete urban infrastructure (transport network, electricity, water supply, wastewater and solid waste treatment, etc.), the infrastructure of industrial parks and clusters, tourist sites and new urban centers, etc.

2. To regard human resource development as a major momentum for development. To increase people’s knowledge and human resource quality; to train employees with qualifications and skills meeting the requirements of industrialization and modernization. To build Can Tho city into a center supplying highly skilled workers for the Mekong River Delta and for export. To focus on training specialists in order to build up the city’s scientific and technological potential; to build and train cadres and civil servants; to develop training according to different levels and regional-level vocational training.

3. To continue accelerating administrative reform, especially administrative procedure reform, completing institutions, and modernizing administration. To create a transparent investment environment attractive to domestic investment and foreign direct investment.


1. Industry and construction development

a/ Industrial development

-   To quickly form and develop major industries, focus investment on renovating equipment and cutting-edge technologies to create highly competitive products and make great contributions to fast and sustainable economic growth.

-   To continue focusing on fields with comparative advantages to create momentums for development (agro-forestry and fisheries processing industry, food-beverages, biotechnology, chemicals and biochemical products, information technology (software, digital technology), energy and new material industry, mechanical engineering, and ship building and repair) along the line of investing in high technologies and clean technologies.

-   To prioritize the development of supporting industries, including manufacturing materials, accessories, spare parts and semi-finished products for the mechanical engineering industry, electronics-information technology, manufacturing and assembling automobiles, textiles and garments, footwear and hi-tech industries.

-   To speed up planning and investment in building complete infrastructure for attracting investment in Hung Phu I, Hung Phu II, Thot Not, Bac O Mon and O Mon industrial parks. To adjust the master plan on the Thot Not industrial park in conformity with the Ho Chi Minh Road Plan. To zone off and build an information technology industrial park for information technology (software, hardware) research, development, manufacture, business and human resource training. To plan and invest in building hi-tech incubators and hi-tech parks. To zone off industrial clusters, facilitating the strong development of rural industry, and relocate polluting production establishments from residential areas and urban areas.

b/ Construction

To speed up investment in urban areas, residential areas, resettlement urban zones, housing for students, workers and low-income earners, etc. To formulate and manage planning and architecture, and manage lighted, green, clean and beautiful urban centers with civilized urban lifestyles according to criteria of grade-I urban centers.

2. Service development

a/ Orientations for overall development of services:

-   To develop Can Tho city into a large regional trade center. To focus on developing traditional services, prioritize the development of large potential and high value-added services, especially services in which the city has strengths and advantages, such as trade-import-export, tourism, finance, banking, insurance, logistics, transport, post- telecommunications, real estate business, stock exchange development, public science and technology services.

-   To promote international cooperation with large cities in ASEAN and the Asian-Pacific region. To promote the relationship between Can Tho city and Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong River Delta provinces so as to make the best use of comparative advantages and for mutual development.

-   The total goods retail and service turnover will increase 20.5-21% and 19-20% annually in the 2011 -2015 period and 2016-2020 period, respectively.

b/ Orientations for development of service:

-   Trade: To modernize trade infrastructure. To continue consolidating and investing in developing wholesale and retail networks (supermarkets, wholesale markets and traditional markets in districts and communes, wards and townships), facilitate the city’s trade development toward raising the role of the region’s trade center.

-   Tourism: To bring into play the potential and advantages of the city’s central position, strongly attract internal and external resources for tourism development to turn tourism into the city’s important industry, and the city into a tourism center of the Mekong River Delta region. To develop garden and river eco- tourism forms. To build the Phong Dien eco- tourism urban center. To continue investing in and early completing a number of tourism infrastructure works and large tourist sites, integrated entertainment zones, and build Con Au, Con Khuong, and Tan Loc eco-tourist sites. To open new tourist routes and spots, inter-regional and international tours and develop tourism along the Mekong river.

3. Agriculture, fisheries and new countryside building:

To invest in completing the irrigation and embankment systems along the rivers to prevent erosion and landslide and create landscape. To focus investment on preventing landslides in Xom Chai, and along Tra Nien, O Mon, Tra Noc rivers, embank Can Tho river and Xa No canal; and dredge Thot Not canal.

a/ Orientations for overall development:

To form typical agricultural sub-regions, including food and foodstuff production belts surrounding hi-tech application urban centers, specialty fruit zones associated with tourism, high-quality rice cultivation zones, centralized aquaculture and husbandry development zones and zones producing seedlings for the city and provinces in the region, etc.

To collaborate with local scientific research establishments in taking the lead in research and application of hi-tech agriculture, contributing products and providing hi-tech agricultural services for the provinces in achieving agricultural development targets in the Mekong River Delta region and the whole country. To combine agricultural development with building a new countryside and the industrialization and modernization process, realizing social equity, ensuring security and defense, and stabilizing the society and rural environment.

b/ Orientations for sectoral development:

-   Cultivation: To increase the proportion of the effective production sectors’ value such as high-quality rice for export, clean vegetables, flowers, bonsai, fruit and industrial trees. To expand the production of varieties of rice, fruits, vegetables and flowers, etc.

-   Husbandry: To promote the development of centralized large-scale fanning of pigs, cows and chicken, relocate husbandry from urban areas and rural residential areas, reduce the number of animal raising households and expand the animal-raising scale of each household.

-   Aquaculture: To maintain high growth rate based on the diversification of freshwater aquaculture models suitable to eco-conditions with such major products as pangasius catfish, blue-legged prawn and fishes.

-   Hi-tech agricultural development: To build three hi-tech agricultural zones at the city’s agricultural breeding center in Thoi Thanh commune (Thoi Lai district), and the Hau River and Co Do agriculture companies. To build hi- tech agriculture stations into satellites of the hi-tech agricultural zones in Vinh Thanh, Thot Not and Phong Dien districts, and implement projects of the hi-tech agricultural program.

-   Building a new countryside: To speed up the building of a new countryside, with particularly special focus on planning work. The rate of communes meeting new-countryside criteria will be 30% by 2015 and 70-80% by 2020.

4. Social and science and technology development:

a/ Education and training:

-   Preschool and general education: To combine the expansion of training scale at all levels with improving quality in a comprehensive manner. To review, adjust and supplement the master plan on the preschool and general school networks associated with residential area development master plans. To focus on developing the school network, building physical facilities and schools toward standardization and socialization.

Colleges and universities: To promote the planning and building of a number of colleges and universities such as the Technique-Technology University, the Foreign Languages University, the Law University, the University of Architecture and Construction, and the Maritime University, the International University (high-quality university), the Economics-Agriculture Technology University, the Mekong River Delta University, the Convalescence-Medical Techniques University, the Culture University, etc.

-   Vocational training: To build Can Tho into a training center supplying highly skilled workers for the Mekong River Delta region and for export. To speed up the development of the vocational training network with a focus on training hi-tech professions. To upgrade Can Tho vocational college to reach high-quality standards.

b/ Science and technology:

-   To develop science and technology into a major momentum for the city’s socio-economic development. A number of key scientific and technological fields will possibly develop faster than the economic growth.

-   To form and develop hi-tech parks. To build Can Tho city into a regional science and technology center; to master advanced technologies in the fields of information technology, biotechnology, processing and preservation technology, mechanical engineering and construction material technology; to initially lay scientific foundations for automation and new material technologies. To accelerate the research of social sciences and humanities with a focus on the issues of state and urban management and development of economic sectors under Can Tho city’s practical conditions. To socialize scientific and technological activities, especially investment sources for science and technology^

c/ Healthcare:

-   To formulate a synchronous healthcare network from the municipal to grassroots levels. 1b build and develop the grassroots healthcare system for all people to enjoy an equal and effective healthcare and hi-tech healthcare services.

-   To focus on developing specialized health establishments, building hi-tech quality health services for people in the city and region as one of the prioritized orientations in the development of services in the city.

-   To build and upgrade the Can Tho City General Hospital, the Tumor Hospital, the Heart Hospital, the Obstetrics Hospital, the Pediatrics Hospital, the Odonto-Stomatology Hospital, the Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Diseases Hospital, the Traditional Medicine Hospital and the HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Center. To collaborate with the Ministry of Health in adjusting and supplementing the master plan on and accelerating investment in the hi-tech health center, the Can Tho Medicine and Pharmacy University and the regional center for testing medicines, cosmetics and food in Can Tho city to better meet the needs of people in Can Tho city and the Mekong River Delta region for medical examination and treatment. To consolidate and complete the grassroots health network and increase people’s accessibility to quality health services.

-   To invest in developing the preventive medical network that is capable of forecasting, supervising, detecting and controlling diseases; controlling food hygiene and safety; actively and proactively controlling epidemics to prevent the outbreak of large epidemics; putting under control dangerous diseases and infectious diseases, especially new emerging ones.

d/ Culture:

-   To increase the quality of the implementation of the “All people unite to build a cultured life” campaign. The number of communes and wards meeting cultural standards will be more than 55% by 2015 and more than 70% by 2020. To build a cultured lifestyle and urban civilization. To build the “knowledgeable, dynamic, compassionate, generous and elegant” Can Tho people.

-   To complete the system of cultural institutions from the municipal to grassroots levels. To complete the construction of the Tay Do Culture Center. To invest in building the Khmer Nam Tong Buddhist Institute and the Mekong River Delta1 Culture Institute. To establish a cinematographic center in the Mekong River Delta region (the Can Tho cinematographic and cultural service center). To complete and develop the exhibition-fair center into a center specialized in organizing national and international fairs and exhibitions. To build the city’s library basically into a modern one, meeting the standard of class-I library. To invest in upgrading the physical facilities for and improve the display at the Can Tho Museum. To build a general arts theater and a Mekong river delta fine arts conservation and development center.

dd/ Sports and physical training:

-To develop sports and physical training so as to form in the city a strong sports and physical training center of the Mekong River Delta region and the whole country.

-To synchronously develop and create strong changes in mass sports and physical training activities, especially public sports and physical training at communes, wards and townships, and physical and sports education in schools. To develop various forms of sports and physical training, restore and develop ethnic peoples’ sports as well as modem and entertaining sports.

-   To expand regional culture and sports activities, properly organize sports events and competitions; to continue professionalizing high achievement sports.

- To build and complete the city’s sport talent training system, and mechanisms and policies to attract sports talents. To pay attention to recruiting and training gifted athletes.

-   To invest in the national sports training center and the Mekong river delta region sports center. To build sports and physical training facilities in districts and standard sports and physical training institutions in communes, wards and townships meeting local needs.

e/ Labor, employment:

-   To focus on human resource training, adopt policies to attract talents, build a contingent of leaders, specialists and outstanding professionals meeting the requirements of industrialization and modernization.

-   To further speed up labor restructuring associated with economic restructuring. To create 50,000-55,000 jobs per year in the 2011- 2015 period and 57,000-62,000 jobs per year in the 2016-2020 period.

-   The unemployment rate will be under 4% by 2015 and less than 3.5% by 2020, of the total working-age urban people.

g/ Poverty reduction:

To implement poverty reduction programs and projects in a synchronous, comprehensive and effective manner. To encourage poor households to get rid of poverty by themselves through such support policies as investment in building infrastructure for production, product consumption, preferential credits, vocational training, job placement, etc. To promote vocational training, especially vocational training for rural laborers; provide poor people with production knowledge and skills. To reduce the rate of poor households 1% per year in the 2011-2020 period (according to the criteria for the 2011-2015 and 2016-2020 five-year period).

h/ Combination of socio-economic development and defense and security:

To combine the strengthening of defense and security in Can Tho city with the industrialization and modernization process, build the city into a solid defensive zone with a focus on building a strong grassroots political system and solid people’s posture, becoming an area of strategic defense and security significance in the Mekong River Delta region and the whole country.

5. Infrastructure:

a/ Transport network:

-   Roads:

For centrally managed projects: To implement the construction of the Ho Chi Minh City-Can Tho-Ca Mau national highway, the Trung Luong-Can Tho section leading to Ca Mau; the Soc Trang-Can Tho-Chau Doc expressway and consider and study the linkage of the section of the national highway 1-Vong Cung-national highway 80 in Can Tho city to the expressway; the Ho Chi Minh Road (N2 section). To speed up investment procedures and the implementation of projects to link Vam Cong bridge with the Lo Te-Rach Soi section, upgrade roads to the southern industrial parks and the second phase of the Cai Cui port. To build new bypasses on national highways.

For municipally managed projects: To expand the Quang Trung-Cai Cui road, the second phase of the section linking Vi Thanh city of Hau Giang province and Can Tho city (section in Can Tho city); to call for investment in the section linking national highway 91 and southern Hau river road and invest in provincial roads 91J3918 and 923 (the Phong Dien-Ba Se-national highway 91 section), roads to the centers of communes, wards, etc. The percentage of communes and wards having roads leading to their centers will be 85% by 2015 and 100% by 2020. To plan and build a bridge crossing Tan Loc island,’ a Y-shaped bridge linking Cai Kheislet, Au islet and Xom Chai, Tran Hoang Na bridge, Xom Chai bridge, and provincial road 922. To quickly develop the system of inter-district roads meeting the delta roads’ grade-III standard and district roads meeting the delta roads’ grade IV or higher standard.

-   Waterways: Can Tho City will collaborate with the Ministry of Transport in effectively tapping inland waterway routes under the management of the Ministry of Transport, including the Hau River, Can Tho River, Xa No canal, Rach Soi canal-Hau Giang, O Mon River, and Thi Doi canal. To effectively plan, manage and exploit inland waterway routes under the city’s management (the Ba Lang and Can Tho Rivers, Cau Nhiem irrigation ditch, Tra Noc River, and Thot Not and Ba Dam canals), and plan to dredge and upgrade inland waterway routes managed by districts meeting the grade-5 standard. To complete the construction and upgrading of the Can Tho port system - a national integrated and regional port (grade I).

To build and upgrade the port system serving the transport of farm and seafood products, trade, processing industry, logistics and tourism in line with approved plans.

-   Railways: To invest in building the Ho Chi Minh City-My Tho-Can Tho railway and the inner city railway system.

-   Airways: To expand domestic and international air routes, first of all within the ASEAN region.

b/ Electricity supply network:

-   To speed up investment in completing and putting into operation the O Mon Electricity Center, the lot B-0 Mon gas pipeline and the gas distribution center.

-   To upgrade the electricity system and renew medium- and low-voltage power lines; to ensure safety and reduce losses on the network. To ensure most households (around 99.8% of households) have access to electricity by 2015. To raise the average commercial power target to 2,100-2,200 KWh/person by 2015 and more than 3,100-3,200 KWh/person by 2020.

c/ Information and communications:

-   Post: To increase service quality, diversify services, maintain the growth rate of basic post services and added post services, and develop new services. To build the regional central post office in Can Tho city with modem facilities. To upgrade district post offices. To consolidate and perfect a pilot model of commune cultural post office.

-   Telecommunications: To build and develop the telecommunications infrastructure with modern technologies, large coverage and capacity, and the supply of high-quality and efficient multiple services. To turn telecommunications and Internet into an important economic sector, making further contributions to economic growth and creating more jobs for the society. To increase switchboards’ capacity and the number of Internet subscribers to 7-8 per 100 people by 2015 and around 13-15 per 100 people by 2020.

-   Information technology:

To speed up the application of information technology in all socio-economic fields with a focus on prioritizing the application and development of e-government and e-commerce in the locality.

To introduce and attract investment together with the promulgation of incentive policies to attract investment in information technology enterprises. To form and develop at least one centralized information technology zone and one information technology business incubator so as to create favorable land conditions for activities and development of the information technology industry in the area. To prioritize the development of software industry and digital content to create a premise for the future development of hardware industry.

-   Press, publishing, broadcasting-television: To support and develop local press agencies, striving to have a press agency of regional and national caliber by 2020. By 2020, 100% of residential areas in the city will have access to cable television. To plan and develop the system of publication distribution establishments from the city center to communes.

d/ Water supply and drainage, environmental hygiene:

-   Water supply:

To increase the capacity and complete the water distribution system in district to build new water supply systems for new urban areas, a number of townships, satellite urban centers, centralized clean water supply systems in the centers of communes and concentrated residential areas and closed water supply systems in residential areas. Basically all households will have access to hygienic water by 2015.

-   Water drainage: To speed up the construction of the wastewater treatment zone and pump stations and soon put into use the wastewater treatment and drainage system in Cai Rang and Ninh Kieu districts. To build water drainage systems and wastewater treatment systems in industrial parks and new urban areas.

-   Waste collection and treatment:

To complete the construction of a solid waste treatment plant in Phuoc Thoi ward, O Mon district. To invest in the regional-level medical and hazardous waste treatment plant.

By 2015, more than 90% of solid waste will be collected and treated, 100% of medical waste will be properly collected and treated in accordance with regulations; all solid waste will be collected and treated by 2020.

6. Environmental protection and adaptation to climate change, natural disaster mitigation. Prioritized fields in the orientations on response to climate change and sustainable development include:

-   Building and expanding automatic observation stations in districts so as to observe environmental impacts due to climate change in the city.

-   Raising the efficiency and scientific and technological and clean technology content in production, economically using natural resources, and improving the environment.

-   Shifting to environment-friendly consumption models based on economical use of non-recyclable natural resources, minimizing hazardous and indispensable waste, maintaining a lifestyle in harmony with nature.

-   Studying changes in the structure of cultivation, crops, plants and livestock adaptable to climate change and its impacts in the upstream areas of the Mekong river. Protecting water environment and using water resources sustainably.

-   Studying the construction of the regional and sub-regional dike system in each different area together with flood control dikes. Combining river dredging with the exploitation of river sand in a scientific manner and flow regulation, taking into consideration the impacts on the landslide of river embankments and banks, etc. Studying, warning and proposing solutions to natural disaster prevention and control (such as building embankments, relocating residents, planting trees to protect river banks, etc.) in areas highly prone to landslide along the rivers, canals and ditches. Dividing passages for large and high-speed vessel routes; focusing on routes with landslide warnings.

-   Promoting public information work and raising awareness through environmental protection education for all local people, and cooperation in research and prevention and control of climate change impacts in the whole locality and region.


1. Functional zones and orientations for the development of the city’s inner areas:

Establishing the following functional urban zones:

-   The central urban zone (Ninh Kieu district and expansion to Binh Thuy).

-   The Cai Rang urban zone (industrial-port urban zone).

-   The Tra Noc old industrial-urban zone and the O Mon new urban zone.

-   The Thot Not industrial-service urban zone.

2. Developing rural areas and green belts:

-   To form a system of satellite urban centers of central urban centers (suburban areas) by upgrading Thach An, Co Do, Thoi Lai and Phong Dien townships to grade-IV urban centers; establishing new urban centers of Song Hau, Dong Binh, Truong Xuan and Truong Thanh, etc. These centers will have spillover effects to drive up the development of adjacent rural areas.

-   To develop industrial parks and clusters. To invest in cattle and poultry processing and slaughter and fruit and vegetable processing industry; to expand the trade and service system directly serving production and business, organize effective operation of wholesale markets, arrange the system of rural markets, combine the restoration and expansion of traditional craft villages with the development of craft village tourism.

-   To develop garden and river eco-tourism. To build the Phong Dien garden eco-tourist center.

-   To upgrade and expand the infrastructure system and create a rational link between the inner city and suburban areas, focusing on the traffic, water supply and drainage and waste treatment networks. To plan and build roads linking the southern and southwestern rural areas with new expressways and roads along the Hau River.

-   To improve rural people’s living conditions and income. To gradually improve housing conditions. To increase the management of rural construction planning and architecture in line with the urbanization process; to harmoniously combine the villages’ traditional beauty and urban modernity.

-   To develop green belts between urban zones and the lines of trees along the Hau River, other rivers and canals and ditches.


(See the enclosed Appendix)


1. Mobilizing investment sources:

-   Investment capital demand for the 2011- 2020 period will be around VND 699.8 trillion (equivalent to USD 29.4 billion), including VND 206.8 trillion (USD 9.6 billion) for the 2011 -2015 period and VND 493 trillion (USD 19.8 billion) for the 2016-2020 period. It is necessary to effectively and synchronously implement various groups of solutions to mobilize the abovementioned capital amount.

-   Investment capital from the state budget, including the central and city budget, will be earmarked mainly for economic and social infrastructure development. To improve investment efficiency, prevent waste and losses in investment from the state budget. To use financial sources of national programs and internationally funded projects to create a combined strength of capital sources and improve investment efficiency.

-   To continue removing difficulties faced by enterprises in input factors and product sale. To speed up socialization of non-business activities such as healthcare, education, vocational training, social insurance, scientific research, etc.

-   To continue improving the investment environment to attract direct and indirect foreign investment. To focus on investment promotion work. To properly plan and prepare investment projects and clear land areas to call for investment.

-   To continue taking advantage of ODA and NGO aid primarily for technical infrastructure construction and environmental protection such as water supply and drainage, wastewater and solid waste treatment.

-   To effectively use land through properly formulating the land use master plan; making public and transparent the land use master plan and land fund. To create a “clean” (cleared and compensated) land fund for land use right auction and creating revenues for development of infrastructure and social welfare facilities.

-   To increase the mobilization of investment capital in BOT, BTO, BT, PP investment forms.

2. Completing the institutional and policy system:

-   The city will coordinate with ministries and sectors in studying and proposing specific mechanisms and policies on finance, budget and hi-tech agricultural development.

-   To accelerate judicial and administrative reform and institutional building. To build a network of legal service organizations in the city to create conditions for organizations and individuals to easily access laws. To implement solutions to supervise law enforcement. To review legal documents promulgated by the city, identifying those consistent and inconsistent with new requirements and planning the improvement of the city’s system of legal documents.

-   To increase solutions to develop enterprises. To adopt policies to support enterprises in ground clearance, human resource training, application of new technologies, environmental protection, etc. To formulate policies to honor, encourage enterprises’ business spirit and create equal opportunities for all economic sectors for development.

3. Science and technology:

-   To build and develop a science and technology market, support policies for science and technology enterprises, policies to attract science and technology research, application and training organizations, science and technology enterprises to open offices, invest and operate in the city.

-   To study the mobilization of capital sources so as to increase spending on science and technology. To enhance international and regional cooperation to receive ODA sources, especially in healthcare, environment, energy and labor policy.

-   To build capacity for the science and technology management apparatus; to adopt mechanisms to facilitate and coordinate activities of provincial-level departments’ science and technology sections; to jointly organize the deployment of scientific and technological activities among ministries, sectors and the city.

-   To promulgate and implement policies on training, attracting and using human resources in science and technology.

4. Human resource training and development:

-   To continue increasing investment in education and training, healthcare and culture for laborers.

-   To increase training for enterprise managers. To rearrange state managers and raise their professional qualifications, properly planning, standardizing and rotating managers. To focus on developing skilled and qualified human resources for production and business.

-   To focus investment on professional education and vocational training. To develop mechanisms to promote development of vocational training establishments, expand vocational training in various suitable forms and promote high-quality vocational training.

-   To adopt vocational training policies for people who change to non-agricultural occupations. To properly organize forms of job promotion, support and placement.

-   To promulgate specific regimes and policies to attract talents and technical workers to work permanently in the city.

5. Collaboration and cooperation with ministries, sectors and localities in and outside the region

-   To formulate and implement mechanisms for collaboration and cooperation among the city and ministries, sectors and localities in specific fields and tasks, facilitate market expansion and production and business linkage among enterprises.

-   Can Tho will collaborate with ministries and sectors in planning and building works under the latter s management in the city.

-   To coordinate with localities in the region in the fields of investment promotion, trade and tourism; to jointly formulate investment incentive mechanisms and policies to prevent unnecessary and unfair competitions.


1. After the master plan on socio- economic development of Can Tho city through 2020, with a vision toward 2030, is approved by the Prime Minister, Can Tho city should widely disseminate it to local Party committees at all levels, authorities, sectors, mass organizations, enterprises and people; concurrently formulate a specific action program to implement the master plan.

2. To concretize the targets and tasks set in the master plan with five-year and annual plans for effective implementation. To annually assess the implementation of the master plan so as to propose according to its competence adjustments and supplements to the master plan in conformity with the city’s socio-economic development situation in each subsequent period.

3. All levels, sectors and socio-political organizations and people shall examine and supervise the review and adjustment of the master plan.

Article 2.The master plan on socio- economic development of Can Tho city through 2020, with a vision toward 2030, is the foundation for formulating, adjusting, appraising, approving and implementing sectoral master plans (construction master plan, land use master plan and plans and sectoral and product master plans), districts’ socio- economic master plans and investment projects in Can Tho city.

Article 3. To assign the Can Tho City People’s Committee, based on the city’s socio- economic development targets and orientations, to collaborate with related ministries and sectors, in guiding under regulations the formulation, adjustment, appraisal, approval and implementation of:

1. Socio-economic development master plans of districts; construction master plan; land use master plan and plans; the master plan on development of sectors and products to ensure overall and synchronous development.

2. Mid- and short-term plans, key socio-economic development programs, and specific projects for rational concentrated and prioritized investment.

3. Studying, formulating and promulgating according to its competence or submitting to competent authorities for promulgation mechanisms and policies suitable to the city’s development requirements and the State’s laws in each period in order to attract and mobilize resources to implement the master plan.

4. Submitting to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision timely adjustments and supplements to the master plan suitable to the socio-economic development situation of the city and the country in each period.

Article 4. Related ministries and sectors within their functions, tasks and powers shall:

1. Guide and assist the Can Tho City People’s Committee in formulating specific plans; study, formulate and submit competent authorities for promulgation mechanisms and policies meeting the city’s socio-economic development requirements in each period in order to effectively tap resources and promote and attract investment according to the socio-economic development targets and tasks set out in the master plan.

2. Study, review, adjust, and supplement sectoral development master plans and plans to invest in related works and projects mentioned in the approved master plan. Support Can Tho city to arrange and mobilize domestic and foreign investment capital sources to implement the master plan.

Article 5.This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 6.The chairperson of the People’s Committees of Can Tho city, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and heads of government-attached agencies shall implement this Decision.

Prime Minister






(To the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1533/ QD-TTg of August 30, 2013)


1. A program on infrastructure development

2. A program on human resource development

3. A program on service development

4. A program on industrial development

5. A program on hi-tech agricultural development

6. A program on environmental protection and biodiversity conservation


I.  Centrally invested projects in the city

1. Building the Trung Luong-Can Tho expressway

2. Building Soc Trang-Can Tho-Chau Doc expressway

3. Upgrading and expanding national highway 91

4. Upgrading and expanding national highway 80

5. Upgrading and expanding Can Tho port

6. Building Can Tho 2 bridge

7. Building Vam Cong bridge

8. Upgrading the Can Tho University to a national key university with multi-discipline training

9. The University of Architecture and Construction

10. The International University (high- quality university)

11. Setting up the Region IV Institute of Politics and Public Administration

12. The Regional Vocational College

13. The Mekong River Delta region’s Tourism Secondary School,

14. The Biotechnology Institute

15. The Mekong River Delta region’s Orthopedics and Functional Rehabilitation Center

16. The Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

17. Hi-tech Medicine Center

II. Projects managed by Can Tho city

1. Upgrading national highway 94 (section Km 0-Km 7).

2. Building a bridge to Tan Loc island

3. A Y-shaped bridge linking Cai Khe islet- Au islet-Xom Lung

4. Building and upgrading provincial road 922

5. The Bon Tong-Mot Ngan traffic route

6. Roads to the centers of communes and wards, including Truong Thang and Tan Thanh communes (Thoi Lai district), Tan Loc ward (Thot Not district) and Giai Xuan commune (Phong Dien district).

8. Building road linking provincial road 918

9. Expanding Quang Trung-Cai Cui road

10. Upgrading roads to the southern industrial park and the Cai Cui port in the second phase (the section from the intersections of Can Tho bridge to Cai Cui under the Southern Hau River national highway project).

11. Building provincial road 917 (Tra Noc- Lo Buc-Thoi An Dong)

12. Embanking Xom Chai, Tra Nien river, O Mon river and Tra Noc river

13. Dredging Thot Not canal

14. Embanking Can Tho river

15. The Can Tho City General Hospital (500 patient beds)

16. The Can Tho Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Diseases Hospital Can Th0 Heart Hospital

18. The Can Tho Obstetrics Hospital

19. The Can Tho Ear-Nose-Throat Hospital

20. The Can Tho Pediatrics Hospital

21. The Can Tho Odonto-Stomatology Hospital

22. The Can Tho Tumor Hospital

23. The Can Tho Central Preventive Medicine Center

24. The Hi-tech Medicine Center

25. The Traditional Medicine Hospital

26. Schemes to build district and regional general hospitals

27. The regional center for testing medicines, cosmetics and food

28. The HIV/AIDS prevention and control center

29. The Tay Do Culture Center

30. The Mekong River Delta Technique and Technology Application Center

31. The Quality Standard and Technology Transfer Center

32. The Can Tho Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Center

33. The Can Tho City Job Placement Center

34. The Mekong River Delta region shooting range

35. The Mekong River Delta regional vocational secondary school

36. The Tay Do Center for training and testing road motor vehicle drivers under Mekong River Delta regional vocational secondary school

37. The World Bank-funded urban upgrading project in Can Tho City

38. The World Bank-funded water drainage and wastewater treatment project in Can Tho City

39. The Thoi Thuan-Thanh Loc road (WB5)

40. The Law University

41. The Foreign Languages University

42. The Techniques-Technology University

43. The Economics-Agriculture Technology University

44. The Mekong River Delta University

45. The Can Tho Convalescence and Medical Techniques University

46. The Can Tho General Publishing House

47. The Hau River Park

48. The O Mon Reservoir

49. Infrastructure of new urban centers and zones

50. To build the Tran Hoang Na bridge

51. To build the Xom Chai bridge

52. To build provincial road 923.

III. Business and production projects

1. The Thot Not, O Mon, and North O Mon industrial parks’ infrastructure

2. Industrial clusters’ infrastructure

3. Agricultural hi-tech parks

4. Centralized information technology zones and information technology business incubators.

5. An oil refinery with an annual capacity of two million tons

6. The O Mon Electricity Center, the Lot B-0 Mon gas pipeline and the gas distribution center

7. The seafood wholesale market

8. The regional level trade center

9. The storage system, the regional level distribution center

10. The Son islet tourism zone

11. The Au islet eco-tourism zone

Note:The locations, sizes, land areas and total investment amounts and sources for the above programs and projects will be calculated, selected and specified in the stages of formulation and submission of investment projects, depending on the demand for and capacity of balancing and raising investment capital in each period.-

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