Resolution No. 140/NQ-CP 2020 Action Program for implementing Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW

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Resolution No. 140/NQ-CP dated October 02, 2020 of the Government promulgating the Government’s Action Program for implementing the Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW dated February 11, 2020 of Political Bureau regarding orientations of the Vietnamese National Energy Development Strategy through 2030, with a vision towards 2045
Issuing body: Government Effective date:

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Official number: 140/NQ-CP Signer: Nguyen Xuan Phuc
Type: Resolution Expiry date: Updating
Issuing date: 02/10/2020 Effect status:

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Fields: Industry


To strive reliability of power supply is rated among top four leading countries in the ASEAN region in 2030

The Resolution No. 140/NQ-CP promulgating the Government’s Action Program for implementing the Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW dated February 11, 2020 of the Political Bureau regarding orientations of the Vietnamese National Energy Development Strategy through 2030, with a vision towards 2045 is issued by the Government on October 02, 2020.

Strive to achieve the following specific objectives of the Action Program: Fully satisfy the national energy demand to serve objectives of the ten-year socio-economic development strategy for the period of 2021-2030, in which primary energy reaches 175-195 million tons of equivalence (TOE) by 2030, reaches 320-350 million TOE by 2045; the proportion of renewable energy (RE) sources in the total supply of primary energy reaches 15-20% by 2030; 25-30% by 2045.

Construct a smart, efficient electric system which offers safe connection to the regional grid; ensure safe power supply. By 2030, reliability of power supply is rated among top four leading countries in the ASEAN region, power access index is rated among top three leading countries in the ASEAN region.  

Oil filtration establishments meet at least 70% of the national demand; ensure that strategic reserves of oil and petrol meet at least 90 days of net import. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from energy activities against the BAU scenario is decreased by 15% in 2030, by 20% in 2045.

This Resolution takes effect on the signing date.

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No. 140/NQ-CP

Independence – Freedom – Happiness


Hanoi, October 02, 2020


Promulgating the Government’s Action Program for implementing the Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW dated February 11, 2020 of the Political Bureau regarding orientations of the Vietnamese National Energy Development Strategy through 2030, with a vision towards 2045


Pursuant to the Law on Governmental Organization dated June 19, 2015;

Pursuant to the Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW dated February 11, 2020 of the Political Bureau regarding orientations of the National Energy Development Strategy of Vietnam through 2030, with a vision towards 2045;

At the request of Minister of Industry and Trade.

On the basis of voting results of members of the Government.


Article 1.Promulgate in attachment with this Resolution the Government’s Action Program for implementing the Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW dated February 11, 2020 of the Political Bureau regarding orientations of the Vietnamese National Energy Development Strategy through 2030, with a vision towards 2045.

Article 2.This Resolution takes effect from the signing date.

Article 3.Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of Governmental agencies, Chairman of People’s Committee of provinces, cities directly under the Center and relevant agencies, organizations, individuals are responsible for implementing this Resolution./.





Nguyen Xuan Phuc




Independence – Freedom – Happiness



Implementing the Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW dated February 11, 2020 of the Political Bureau regarding orientations of the Vietnamese National Energy Development Program until 2030, with a vision until 2045

(In attachment with the Resolution No. 140/NQ-CP dated October 02, 2020 of the Government)



The Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW dated February 11, 2020 of the Political Bureau regarding orientations of the Vietnamese National Energy Development Program through 2030, with a vision towards 2045 (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW) sets out the overall objective: “Ensure national energy security; sufficient and stable energy supply, with high quality at affordable price for fast and sustainable socio-economic development, ensure national defence, security, improve people’s life, contribute to environmental and ecological protection. The energy sector achieves a harmonized development among sub-sectors and synchronous, smart infrastructure which meets advanced level of the ASEAN region. Develop a competitive, transparent, efficient energy market in relevance with the socialist-oriented market economy. Efficiently exploit and use the local energy resource, in combination with reasonable export, import of energy; closely follow energy efficiency. Take the initiative in production of major equipment in the energy subsectors; upgrade, construct advanced, modern transmission and distribution grids”.

Pursuant to steering viewpoints, objectives and main tasks, solutions at the Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW, the Government promulgates the Action Program with the following main contents:


1.  Organize to study, communicate thoroughly, and implement the Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW dated February 11, 2020 in a serious and efficient manner, make obvious change in perception and action of leadership of sectors, levels, employers, employees; enhance spirit of responsibility for leadership of the energy sector in general and of the electricity sector in particular.

2.  Comprehensively identify specific main, workable tasks, promote sufficient roles and responsibilities of levels, sectors so that the Government and Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies, People’s Committee of provinces, cities directly under the Center consistently direct, organize to successfully implement overall and specific objectives of the Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW.

3.  Base on functions, tasks and practical situation, Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of Governmental agencies; Chairman of People’s Committee of provinces, cities directly under the Center, heads of public administrative agencies are responsible for organizing to implement tasks, solutions in synchronous, comprehensive manner with specific focus and appropriate roadmap, high determination, huge effort, fierce and efficient actions.

4.  Strive to achieve specific objectives:

-     Fully satisfy the national energy demand to serve objectives of the ten-year socio-economic development strategy for the period of 2021-2030, in which primary energy reaches 175-195 million tons of equivalence (TOE) by 2030, reaches 320-350 million TOE by 2045; total capacity of power sources by 2030 reaches 125-130 GW, power output reaches 550-600 billion kWh.

-     The proportion of renewable energy (RE) sources in the total supply of primary energy reaches 15-20% by 2030; 25-30% by 2045.

-     Total end-use power consumption by 2030 reaches 105-115 million TOE, by 2045 reaches 160-190 million TOE. Primary energy intensity by 2030 reaches 420-460 kgOE/1,000 USD GDP, by 2045 reaches 375-410 kgOE/1,000 USD GDP.

-     Construct a smart, efficient electric system which offers safe connection to the regional grid; ensure safe power supply, meet criterion N-1 for the important load area andN-2 for specially important load area. By 2030, reliability of power supply israted among top four leading countries in the ASEAN region, power access index is rated among top three leading countries in the ASEAN region.

-     Oilfiltrationestablishments meet at least 70% of the national demand; ensure that strategic reserves of oil and petrol meet at least 90 days of net import. It should be qualified to import 8 billion m3of LNG by 2030 and 15 billion m3by 2045.

-     The proportion of energy savings in relation to total end-use power consumption against the BAU scenario reaches 7% by 2030 and 14% by 2045.

-     Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from energy activities against the BAU scenario is decreased by 15% in 2030, by 20% in 2045.

-     Vision till 2045: Firmly ensure the national energy security; synchronously establish elements of a competitive, transparent energy market in relevance with the socialist-oriented market economy; sustainable development of energy sub-sectors, energy efficiency, environmental protection and adaptation to climate change; energy infrastructure is developed in a synchronous, modern manner, the connection to regional and international systems is improved; quality of human resource, qualification of science, technology and competency of the energy sector administration meet advanced level of some modern developed industrial countries.


1. Development of primary energy supply sources towards improved

autonomy, diversity, assured efficiency, reliability and sustainability

a) Ministry of Industry and Trade

- Regarding the overall policy mechanism and institution:

+ Develop and implement the National Energy Development Strategy by 2050.

+ Develop and implement the National Energy Master Plan for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision by 2050.

+ Develop and implement the National Power Development Plan for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision by 2045.

- Regarding oil and gas:

+ Assume prime responsibility, coordinate with relevant Ministries, sectors to review legal normative documents, strategies, development plans, and policies, mechanisms for the oil and gas sector with the aim to propose the Government with suitable amendments, which creates the most favourable conditions for the Vietnam Oil and Gas sector to develop from the upstream to midstream to downstream. Specifically:

.For the oil and gas exploration and extraction industry: take the initiative in studying and exploring shallow water areas, new sediment areas, unconventional forms of oil and gas (coal gas, tight gas, shale gas, gas hydrate, etc.) to supplement the reserves for long-term extraction; study, propose specific solutions for further attracting national and international investment funds in searching, exploring and developing, extracting oil and gas mines in conventional areas and create special mechanisms for searching and exploring deep water, offshore and complicated areas; develop, synchronize the oil and gas infrastructure, also incentivize to apply solutions for enhanced oil recovery (EOR).

.For the gas industry: promote projects of natural gas extraction, transport

(with a focus on the state’s key projects such as Ca Voi Xanh Gas Project, Block B, Pipeline Nam Con Son 2, etc.), enhance economic, efficient and reasonable use of domestic national gas sources; also accelerate investment and construction of the infrastructure of import ports, facilities for storage and distribution of LNG to ensure sufficient gas supply in response to demand of households.

.For the petrochemical and oil refinery industry: focus to study and develop the petrochemical and oil refinery, processing of oil and gas products, integrate petrochemicals and oil refinery to add value of gas and oil products. Direct domestic petrochemical and oil refinery plants to study on upgrading technologies, capacity, diversifying sources and mixture proportion of input materials, changing product structure and improving quality standards in accordance with current regulations in Vietnam and the world.

- For the coal industry: Assume prime responsibility, coordinate with Ministries, sectors, localities, relevant agencies:

+ Develop the coal industry development strategy in attachment with orientations of efficient abroad investment and reasonable coal import and export in the long term.

+ Assume prime responsibility, coordinate with relevant Ministries, sectors to implement tasks already assigned by the Prime Minister at Decision No. 403/QD-TTg dated March 14, 2016 approving the Coal Industry Development Plan of Vietnam until 2020, with an outlook till 2030.

+ Organize to implement specificsolutions for extracting, processing, using the domestic coal reserves in line with the coal industry development plans and strategies approved by the Prime Minister and ensure secure, efficient and economic use of national resources; improve coal recovery rate in coal extraction and processing; enhance to study, apply mechanized, automated   technologies in exploration, extraction and processing of coal.

+ Take the initiative in looking for cooperation with national and international organizations, individuals in studying, selecting technologies, methods of exploration for efficient industrial exploitation of Red River coal basin accordingto directions of the Prime Minister at Document No. 74/TTg-CN dated September 19, 2018.

+ Direct, consider investment of some pilot projects for coal extraction at the Red River coal basin to form basis for assessment, identification of suitable extraction technology; make investment in upgrading, rehabilitating, expanding existing ports, study to invest and construct large-scale coal transshipment ports to meet demand of import, transshipment, supply of coal according to specific periods, in alignment with the approved master plan of sea port development in Vietnam, ensure the overall efficiency in import, transshipment, supply of coal for consumer households (especially for power production).

+ Further direct to implement Directive No. 29/CT-TTg dated December 02, 2019 of the Prime Minister regarding enhancing state administration of coal production, trading, and supply for power production; intensify examination, monitoring of coal production and trading.

- Regarding the renewable energy:

+ Study, develop Law on Renewable Energy.

+ Study, make planning of some RE centers in areas and localities which have advantages and develop incentive mechanisms for promoting development of RE centers.

+ Study technologies, develop some pilot projects for producing and incentivizing to use hydrogen energy in line with the general trend of the world.

b) Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment

- Assume prime responsibility, coordinate with relevant Ministries, sectors to accelerate implementation of the geological surveying plan for mineral resources in the period of 2021-2035, with a vision till 2050 in synchronization with the National Energy Master Plan in the period of 2021-2035, with a vision till 2050.

- Investigate, assess, explore, identify the mineral reserves and resources in Vietnam including coal, lignite, atomic ore.

- Study, investigate, assess, identify potentials of geothermal and shale gas resource; explore areas with high potentials for extraction and use.

- Conduct overall study, assessment of potentials and develop orientations of geothermal, sea wave, tidal, sea current energy; implement some applied models, organize pilot exploitation for efficiency assessment.

c) Ministry of Transport

- Develop general, specialized ports, as well as coal transshipment ports in reasonable manner, ensure consistency across the entire system; coordinate with Ministry of Industry and Trade in investment implementation in response to operationrequirements of thermal power centers.

- Develop supportive policies for programs regarding upgrading ports, specialized transport routes in the energy sector, with the aim to improve performance of ports; promote development, modernization, automation and eco-friendliness for lines of coal loading, transporting, pouring.

- Implement study and development programs for energy-efficient, clean-energy and eco-friendly transport systems, fully apply emission standards according to Decision No. 49/2011/QD-TTg dated September 01, 2011 of the Prime Minister regarding the roadmap for application of emission standards for assembled and imported automobiles and motorcycles.

d) Ministry of Science and Technology

- Study and review mechanisms, policies, legal corridors in the finance area, with the aim to incentivize, promote study, transfer, application of scientific and technological advances to modernize the energy sector across the country.

e) People’s Committee of provinces, cities directly under the Center

- Develop mechanisms, create favourable conditions for investors to implement power projects in relevant territories; involve in developing, giving feedbacks, improving breakthrough mechanisms, policies to incentivize and promote strong development of RE sources.

- Communicate, mobilize people to limit use of coal in their living activities; production establishments to change coal in production activities into cleaner fuel, which contributes to reduction of environmental pollution.

- Update, adjust relevant plans of the localities to avoid overlap, duplication with the current energy sub-sector development plans and in the coming time, create favourable conditions to maximally mobilize resources with the aim to ensure the national energy security and develop domestic industries.

2. Fast and sustainable development of the power sector to meet requirements of the country’s industrialization, modernization

a) Ministry of Industry and Trade

-  Regarding the power sector development policy:

+ Develop and implement the Vietnam Power Sector Development Strategy for the new period;

+ Develop, propose the Prime Minister with the power sector restructuring plan in line with levels of power market, following the principle of separating costs of natural monopoly activities from costs of competitive activities in the power sector.

-  For power source and grid:

+ Further develop small and medium-sized hydropower plants which are selectivefor socio-economic development of localities; take advantages of small and medium-sized hydropower sources with the aim to improve capability of onsite power supply, contribute to increased share of industrial development; take advantage of hydropower reservoirs to supply irrigation water for agriculture and domestic water for living activities, especially in remote and ethnic areas. Enhance international cooperation in the power sector, especially make investment for hydropower development in Laos, in attachment with import of power to Vietnam.

+ Study to develop, propose supportive policies and breakthrough mechanisms for developing offshore wind power in line with the implementation of the Vietnam Sea Strategy.

+ Study to develop, propose incentive mechanisms for developing RE-based electricity for self-consumption (with priority for rooftop solar power).

+ Study to develop, propose incentive mechanisms for developing floating solar power.

+ Study to propose policy for development, production of hydro fuel to ensure the national energy security and integrate into the regional and international energy markets.

+ Study to develop mechanisms, policies for development of thermal power with the aim to incentivize all economic sectors to involve in implementing thermal power projects, contribute to improved competitiveness, diversification of forms of ownership, methods of doing business in power supply.

+ Study to develop mechanisms, policies, regulations on development of gas-fired thermal power, ensure development of gas-fired thermal power to be aligned with the Vietnamese power system status. Develop gas-fired thermal power towards giving priority to use of domestic gas sources, attaching importance to development of LNG-fired thermal power.

+ Develop coal-fired thermal power at reasonable level towards giving priority to machine units with large capacity, high performance, modern, advanced technologies such as ultra-supercritical technology; ensure to fully follow law on ecological environment safety, environmental protection.

+ Develop mechanisms for plants, plant clusters which use hybrid technologies to make use of different energy sources in combination with RE such as: solar power, wind power, hydropower, coal-fired thermal power, biomass, biogas.

+ Develop incentive mechanisms, policies for investment and purchase of energy storage equipment/technologies in areas which have potentiality for solar power but are limited to the distribution grid, with the aim to promote capacity of the system, achieve savings of investment resource and ensure security of the power system.

+ Study, improve mechanisms of financing and capital mobilization from economic sectors for investment and development of the power sector from production, transmission to distribution, meet development requirements of the power market, have ability to integrate large amount of RE sources; improve the electricity network security and electricity service quality.

+ Modernize the power dispatch system, gradually apply automated and smart monitoring technology in the power system; study to apply extra-high voltage transmission, one-way transmission in the power sector.

- Regarding the power market and power price mechanism:

+ Study, propose amendments, supplements to improve regulations in Electricity Law and legal documents with regards to power price, electricity regulation, the national program for demand side management, the demand response program, and the power market in alignment with the implementation roadmap of competitive power market.

+ Elaborate and submit to the Prime Minister with the regulation on retail power price structure in replacement of Decision No. 28/2014/QD-TTg dated April 07, 2014 of the Prime Minister, in line with the practice of electricity use of target customers; elaborate regulations on adjusting average retail power price in replacement of Decision No. 24/2017/QD-TTg dated June 30, 2017 of the Prime Minister, ensure that the price regulation and adjustment follows the market mechanism.

+ Develop and improve the direct power purchase agreement mechanism between RE-based power generation entity and major energy users.

+ Develop the mechanism which enables development of self-consumed power plants in industrial zones, clusters, processing zones, etc.

b) Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises (CMSC)

- Coordinate with Ministries, sectors, localities in steering, orienting groups, corporations in the energy sector to gather, prioritize all resources for synchronous investment and development of infrastructure for the energy sector, contribute to ensuring the national energy security in a stable and sustainable manner.

- Coordinate with Ministry ofIndustry and Trade to direct groups, corporations to review, upgrade technologies of existing coal-fired thermal power plants in response to environmental protection requirements or remove old plants with low performance, which fail to satisfy environmental protection requirements.

c) Ministry of Finance

- Review, recommend mechanisms, policies on capital mobilization for investment and development of the power sector.

d) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Provide People’s Committee of provinces, cities directly under the Center with guidelines on land fund dedicated for power projects, RE projects, ensure to implement projects in accordance with expected schedule of the approved plan.

e)  Ministry of Public Security

Review, study to amend, supplement or propose competent agencies to amend, supplement the system of legal documents regarding fire prevention and control towards automation of the fire prevention and control work at power plants, power stations.

f)   People’s Committee of provinces, cities directly under the Center

- Eliminate difficulties, obstacles, simplify administrative procedures in compensation and site clearance for power projects, especially electrical lines and substations which are synchronously connected to power plants, urgent power projects, etc.

- Direct localities in provinces, cities to closely coordinate with investors in addressing obstacles in the site clearance work. Develop plan to support the execution work or to enforce if needed in accordance with law regulations.

- Enhance cooperation between relevant Ministries, sectors, levels, organizations, individuals in implementation of plans, solutions, measures to ensure protection, security for power projects in relevant territories.

3. Restructuring of sectors and areas of energy consumption in parallel with implementation of policies on clean energy and energy efficiency

a) Ministry of Industry and Trade

- Study, review to amend Law on Energy Efficiency.

- Study, develop relevant legal documents to improve mechanisms, policies, legal corridors with the aim to promote development of smart grids and widely implement the demand side management program, demand response program in Vietnam.

- Review, update and develop consumption rate of energy sources such as petrol, oil, gas, coal in production, extraction, transport and distribution. Develop the system of standards, regulations on power consumption intensity management, regulations on capacity of solar modules.

- Develop standards, regulations with compulsory sanctions with regards to energy use in sectors, fields having high energy consumption rate such as steel, chemical, cement, textile, leather shoe, food processing. Develop the program for moving to high-efficiency energy consumption vehicles, equipment.

- Review, amend, supplement national standards, regulations with regards to recycling, reuse of waste in extraction, production, distribution, use, recycling, reuse and disposal in the energy sector.

- Study to develop the electricity tariffs according to industrial sub-sectors to promote structure change of sectors and fields using energy towards improved use efficiency and reduced energy intensity.

b) Ministry of Transport

- Develop and implement projects for building capacity, improving efficiency in the transport sector; give priority to development of public transportation, mass transportation which offers fuel savings and environmental friendliness; reasonably exploit railway, waterway, multimodal transport.

- Develop and apply regulations on fuel consumption rate for some vehicles of transport depending on conditions and applicability in specific periods.

- Promote to apply RE, clean energy (CNG, LPG, LNG, biofuel, power energy, other potential energy) in replacement of traditional fuels for transport vehicles and equipment. Intensify to apply new technologies with the aim to improve energy efficiency for transport vehicles and equipment.

c) Ministry of Construction

- Study to develop technical standards, regulations on energy consumption in buildings.

- Study to develop incentive mechanism for buildings to practise energy efficiency through guiding documents for implementation of Law on amending, supplementing a number of articles of Construction Law.

- Study to develop the Action Plan of the construction sector for implementing the National Program on Energy Efficiency in the period of 2020-2030.

- Further instruct to implement regulations of QCVN 09:2017/BXD the National Technical Regulation on energy-efficient buildings.

d) Ministry of Science and Technology

- Further coordinate with relevant Ministries, sectors and entities to examine, monitor the implementation situation of Decision No. 24/2018/QD-TTg dated May 18, 2018 of the Prime Minister regarding promulgating the list of low-efficiency equipment that has to be discarded and low-efficiency generation units that are prohibited from being built, and the roadmap to implementation thereof.

- Gradually apply incentive andmandatory measures for innovation of technologies, equipment in the energy sector, as well as energy-intensive industries, fields.

e) People’s Committee of provinces, cities directly under the Center

- Communicate, mobilize, orient enterprises to change equipment, technologies from coal-fired to clean fuel-fired.

- Direct to effectively implement the National Program on Demand Side Management for the period 2018-2020, with a vision by 2030 and the National Programon Energy Efficiency for the period 2019-2030 in relevant provinces, cities.

4. Regional-connected, sustainable energy infrastructure development; enhanced internal force of the manufacturing, service industry in service of the energy sector

a) Ministry of Industry and Trade

- Further implement Phase 2 (2017-2022), Phase 3 (after 2020) of the smart grid development roadmap in Vietnam which is approved by the Prime Minister at Decision No. 1670/QD-TTg dated November 08, 2012 and content groups of the National Program on Demand Side Management for the period of 2018-2020, with orientation by 2030, which are approved by the Prime Minister at Decision No. 279/QD-TTg dated March 08, 2018.

- Further implement the target program on power supply for rural, mountainous, island areas in the period of 2021-2025.

- Improve mechanisms, develop database, digital communication infrastructure; the automated energy monitoring, management system, national energy statistics report in service of efficient management, administration of the energy sector.

- Develop and implement incentive mechanisms, policies to increase proportion of local content in the energy sector; ensure efficient implementation of specific requirements, norms regarding local contents for power plants in particular and energy projects in general.

- Study, develop the planning of gas and petrol pipelines with cross-regional connection to ensure energy security and efficiency in transport, supply of gas, petrol for consumer households.

- Develop and improve mechanisms, policies, legal bases for promoting the market and energy service company models.

b) Ministry of Planning and Investment

Develop policies on giving priority to investment, development of sustainable energy infrastructure; attach importance to constructing infrastructure of energy import, export, regional connection.

5. Restructuring, reform and improved performance of state-owned enterprises in the energy sector; incentivizing the private sector to involve in socialization of energy development

a) Ministry of Industry and Trade

- Finalize and submit to the Government for promulgating particular mechanism, policy in implementation of important energy projects, especially urgent power projects in the power development plan.

- Develop mechanisms, policies to attract, mobilize social resources to take part in making investment in energy infrastructure projects.

- Coordinate with relevant Ministries, sectors: (i) urge to implement restructuring of energy enterprises, ensure adequate and proper operation of the market mechanism, in line with development trends; (ii) review, propose mechanisms to attract, create favourable conditions for enterprises of all economic sectors to involve in energy development.

- Study, implement pilot mechanism of time-bound selling or long-term leasing for power plant, fuel storage facilities, oil filtration plant owned by state-owned enterprises.

b) Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises (CMSC)

- Coordinate with Ministries, sectors, localities to further promote restructuring, reform of state-owned enterprises according to the roadmap set out by the Government on the basis of promoting capacity of innovation, creativity, giving state groups, corporations with key positions of the economy.

- Orient, direct groups, corporations to promote their potentials, strengths to ensure development and conservation of the state capital invested in enterprises.

c) Ministry of Planning and Investment

- Coordinate with Ministries, sectors to review legal documents with regards to investment environment, procedures, enterprise establishment, bidding mechanism with the aim to remove barriers and attract, incentivize the private sector to involve in investment, accelerate power projects, effectively apply the PPP model in investment of infrastructure, acquisition and merger for national and international investors.

- Further implement tasks at the Resolution No. 50-NQ/TW dated August 20, 2019 of the Political Bureau regarding improving institutions, policies, quality, efficiency of foreign investment cooperation until 2030.

d) Ministry of Finance

- Further improve financial mechanisms, policies for purpose of restructuring of state-owned enterprises.

- Coordinate with Ministries, sectors in developing, finalizing the project of restructuring of state-owned enterprises, development strategies of the state-owned economic groups in the field of national energy.

6. Reform of mechanisms, policies, development of a synchronous, connected, modern, efficient energy market in line with socialist orientations

a) Ministry of Industry and Trade

- Develop mechanisms, policies on development of a synchronous, connected energy market among sectors, sub-sectors.

- Develop regulations on the technological innovation roadmap in the energy sector, gradually remove out-of-date, low-efficiency vehicles, technologies, also propose incentive mechanisms, policies for high-efficiency vehicles, technologies.

- Assume prime responsibility, coordinate with relevant Ministries, sectors to review legal documents, give recommendations to improve the legal framework for the energy sector, including: (i) Study, propose amendments, supplements of Petroleum Law and relevant legal documents with the aim to improve effectiveness, efficiency of management and respond to new situation of the petroleum industry; (ii) Develop, finalize the project of competitive energy market through 2030, with a vision towards 2045.

b) State Bank of Vietnam

-  Administer the active, flexible, precautious monetary policy in synchronous coordination with fiscal policy and other macro policies with the aim to curb inflation, stabilize the macro economy, support economic growth according to specific objectives, stabilize monetary and foreign exchange market, promote development of the energy sector.

-  Develop guidelines on green credit for green energy, RE projects.

c) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Review, adjust and improve policies on land, site clearance and compensation, use of water surface in the energy sector.

d)   Ministry of Planning and Investment

Incentivize, attract private investment capital sources; incentivize energy investment projects under PPP form.

e)    Ministry of Finance

- Improve financial policies towards incentivizing, attracting private investment capital sources, incentivizing energy investment projects under PPP form. Improve tax policies to incentivize production, use of clean, renewable energy.

- Develop legal basis for effectively establishing and operating funds for sustainable energy development, enhanced energy efficiency towards socialization, financial independence, not duplication with revenues, spending tasks of the state budget and reduced costs of operation, production and business for enterprises, production and business establishments.

- Study the mechanism of Government support and guarantee for enterprises which are assigned for implementation of power development and investment projects with large scale and modern technologies.

7. Scientific – technological development, training of high-quality human resource for the energy sector

a) Ministry of Industry and Trade

- Coordinate with relevant entities to study incentive mechanisms for enterprises engaging in the energy sector to enhance investment in research and development. Further implement the focal scientific and technological program with the aim to study, apply and develop technologies.

- Coordinate with relevant entities to elaborate draft national technical standards, regulations which are urgent, necessary for construction, design and operation.

- Assume prime responsibility, coordinate with relevant Ministries, sectors to implement contents of scientific, technological development and training of high-quality human resource for the energy sector.

b) Ministry of Science and Technology

- Effectively review, revise and implement Decision No. 24/2018/QD-TTg dated May 18, 2018 of the Prime Minister regarding promulgating the list of low-efficiency equipment that has to be discarded and low-efficiency generation units that are prohibited from being built, and the roadmap to implementation thereof.  - Develop and implement the focal scientific and technological program at the national level with regards to research, application and development of energy technologies in the period of 2021-2030.

- Study, develop start-up support centers in the relevant regions, localities in the energy sector, expand the national start-up network.

- Study, develop the project for improving the system of national technical standards, regulations according to orientations of the Vietnamese National Energy Development Strategy through 2030, with a vision towards 2045.

- Study, develop the project for enhancing training and efficient use of qualified human resource in the field of nuclear energy.

- Organize annual platforms for energy technology transfer, workshops for promoting cooperation, investment in energy technology transfer in the framework of technological supply – demand matching program.

- Organize, support enterprises in certification for conformity with national, regional, international standards, as well as foreign standards and specialized standards in the field of energy according to law regulations.

c) Ministry of Education and Training, Ministry of Labour, Invalids and

Social Affairs

Enhance training of engineers, technical workers, professional staff in response to domestic demand and export for qualified workforce.

8. Enhancement of international cooperation; active, proactive development of strategic partnerships to implement long-term energy import objectives and abroad investment in energy resource

a) Ministry of Industry and Trade

- Enhance international relationship for energy in appropriate industries, fields following the integration trend.

- Study, develop the long-term energy import strategy, in combination with incentivization for abroad energy resource exploitation and investment to contribute to the national energy security.

- Promote the power exchange program from neighbouring countries of Laos, Cambodia and China. Study, implement technical solutions for power import from power plants or grids; study to connect grids to Mekong Subregion countries with the aim to diversify energy sources.

b) Ministry of Planning and Investment

Study, develop supportive mechanism for Vietnamese enterprises to make investment in energy projects in foreign countries, with a focus on power projects at some neighbouring countries to take the initiative in power import to Vietnam.

c)  Ministry of Science and Technology

- Promote cooperation with countries which have potentials for energy research and development, especially RE; enhance cooperation in building scientific and technological capacities and potentialities for scientific and technological staff and organizations, especially in the field of energy.

- Enhance cooperation in application of atomic energy for purpose of peace with international organizations, countries through bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

9. Implementation of environmental protection policies for the energy sector in attachment with objectives of reduced GHG emissions, promoted circular economy and sustainable development.

a) Ministry of Industry and Trade

- Develop and improve mechanisms, policies, laws, regulations on control of GHG emissions in the energy field; study and propose mechanisms, policies for recovery and use of CO2.

- Develop manuals, handbooks, apply models of using eco-friendly materials and products; reduce, collect, reuse waste; apply eco-friendly, energy-efficient solutions at distribution outlets, commercial centers and supermarkets.

- Coordinate with relevant entities to improve policy framework, develop and supplement the system of national technical standards, regulations with regards to emissions and waste in the energy sector.

- Improve mechanisms, policieson funding from the state budget for production, business investment projects which use clean, eco-friendly technologies. Promote the mechanism for low-emissions industrial production and attach industrial production to the circular economy in the field of industry and trade, so that waste of one product can be used as input materials for other products.

- Stipulate the mechanism for classifying sources of waste and develop suitable waste management, treatment measures so that some industrial waste (ash of thermal power plant, waste from industries) can be used as input materials for other production industries such as cement, construction material, fertilizer.

- Study, develop development policy for environmental industry and service, create legal basis for developing environmental protection occupations in general and efficiently treating waste in particular.

b) Ministry of Finance

- Improve tax policy to incentivize production of renewable, clean energy.

- Develop environmentally financial regulation, ensure adequate calculation of environmental, social costs in investment and cost price.

c) Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment

- Develop incentive mechanisms, policies for development of environmental industry in attachment with the energy sector.

- Develop regulation on roadmap, method of GHG emissions reduction in relevance with the national conditions and international commitments.

- Assume prime responsibility for reviewing the master plan for cross-provincial river basins, water sources with consideration of specific solutions, tasks to implement the National Energy Development Strategy with regards to hydropower, thermal power, gas-fired power, etc.

- Coordinate with relevant Ministries, sectors to review, amend and supplement the National Climate Change Strategy, the Vietnam Sea Strategy, and other relevant strategies.

d) Ministry of Science and Technology

- Promote implementation of technological research, application with regards to recycle, reuse of waste from production process and energy use following technical, environmental safety requirements set out in relevant scientific and technological programs.

- Review, amend, supplement national standards, technical regulations with regards to energy, recycle, reuse of waste from the power production process in accordance with international regulations and standards.

e) Ministry of Transport

Develop, improve mechanisms, policies, and the system of national technical standards, regulations with regards to fuel consumption rate and emissions for vehicles of transport.

10. Enhanced leadership of the Party; improved efficiency and effectiveness of the state management; enhanced right to mastery of citizens and role of Fatherland Front of Vietnam, socio-political organizations in development of the energy sector

a) Government’s Party Civil Affairs Committee

-  Direct to develop and implement the National Energy Development Strategy and development strategies of energy sub-sectors, the National Energy Master Plan, the National Power Development Plan.

-  Implement international commitments in research and application of nuclear energy for purpose of peace.

b) Fatherland Front of Vietnam, socio-political organizations

Develop Resolution implementation monitoring programs, plans.

c) Ministry of Industry and Trade

Develop mechanism and legal framework for implementation of the National Energy Development Plan:

- Review the function of state management of energy for all sectors and levels and propose the Government to promulgate the regulation on assignment, decentralization from central to local levels, ensure efficiency, effectiveness, create favourable conditions for development of enterprises of all economic sectors in the energy field.

- Review, consider, enhance monitoring of compliance with laws, regulations on the national energy development plan.

d)   Ministry of Home Affairs

Coordinate with state management agencies in the field of national energy and relevant agencies to review, improve the state management model in the field of energy; allocate responsibilities, powers, identify cooperative mechanism between central and local levels, among state management agencies in energy development.

e)    People’s Committee of provinces, cities directly under the Center

-  Identify national energy development as an important and cross-cutting task which requires serious leadership, direction, and implementation organization. Develop mechanism and legal framework to ensure compliance with the national energy development plan.

-  Promote communication, dissemination of legal documents, raise awareness of compliance and implementation of law regulations on energy.

-  Enhance communication, raise awareness of all levels of party committee, the entire political system and people with regards to role, position and importance of the energy sector.


1.Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies and People’s Committee of provinces, cities directly under the Center base on their assigned functions, tasks to:

-  Organize to implement the assigned tasks in the Government’s Action Program.

-  Raise responsibility spirit of leadership in management of the energy sector in general and the power sector in particular.

-  Well implement communication, information via the mass medium in suitable forms with the aim to raise awareness, promote responsibility spirit of leadership, enhance efforts of sectors, levels and people in successfully implementing objectives stated in the Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW dated February 11, 2020.

-  Synchronously, effectively implement tasks stated in the Resolution No. 55NQ/TW dated February 11, 2020 and this Resolution.

-  On every December 25th, report to the Government and the Prime Minister on the implementation situation of relevant tasks.

2.During the implementation process, if deemed necessary to amend, supplement, Ministries, sectors, localities take the initiative in submitting to relevant Ministries for synthesis, report to the Government for further consideration and decision./.


* All Appendices are not translated herein.


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