Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP dated January 07, 2013 of the Government promulgating solutions in removing difficulties for business and production, supporting market and handling bad debts

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Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP dated January 07, 2013 of the Government promulgating solutions in removing difficulties for business and production, supporting market and handling bad debts
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Official number:02/NQ-CPSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:ResolutionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:07/01/2013Effect status:

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The Government issued the Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP of January 07, 2013, on a number of solutions to remove difficulties for business production, market support, handling of bad debts; of which, one of the most significant content is that deadline of the tax payment shall be prolonged for enterprises.

Specifically, to help enterprises reduce production and business costs, facilitating for enterprises to down price and sell products, the Resolution regulated prolong duration of enterprise income tax payment for 06 months applicable to the payable enterprise income tax amounts of quarter I and prolong duration of enterprise income tax payment for 03 months applicable to the payable enterprise income tax amounts of quarter II and quarter III of 2013 for the medium- and small-sized enterprises, intensive-labour enterprises (employing more than 300 laborers); Enterprises of dwelling house investment and business. At the same time, these enterprises are prolonged duration of value added tax payment for 06 months applicable to payable VAT amounts of January, February, and March of 2013.

Besides, the medium- and small-sized enterprises working in the domain of social house shall be reduced 50% of output VAT from July 01, 2013 until the end of June 30, 2014 for activities of social house business and investment; Reducing 30% of output VAT from July 01, 2013 until the end of June 30, 2014 for business and investment activities of dwelling houses being apartment with floor area under 70m2.

This Resolution also pointed out clearly that environment protection tax paid from January 01, 2012 until the end of November 14, 2012 will be refunded for nylon bags used for packaging of products; to reduce 50% of land rents in 2013, 2014 applicable to economic organizations, households, individuals who state lease land and the payable land rent amounts increase over 2 times in comparison with the payable level in 2010.
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Resolution No.02/NQ-CP dated January 07, 2013 of the Government promulgating solutions in removing difficulties for business and production, supporting market and handling bad debts

In order to implement objectives, tasks of  socio-economic developmentinassigned by National Assembly:  Restrain inflation,stabilizemacro-economy, assurance of social security, gradually implement economy restructuringin direction enhancing quality, efficiency and competition ability, creating changes from months beginning of year, striving to attain the highest level of norms on 2013 socio-economic development, concurrently implementing solutions to remove difficulties, facilitate for enterprises to develop their production and business operation, step by step handling bad debts in association with supporting for market development, the Government requests Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, governmental agencies, the chairpersons of the People’s Committee inmunicipalcities and provinces, under assigned functions, tasks,  on initiative, follow closely actual conditions, concentrate on directing for synchronous, drastic and effective implementation of tasks, solutions in according to Resolution of the Party, National Assembly, the Government’s Resolution No.01/NQ-CPdatedJanuary 07, 2013 on major solutions in directing and executing implementation of plan on socio-economic development and State budget estimates in 2013; concurrently concentrating on directing, executing and carrying out a number of solutions to remove difficulties for business production, market support and handling of bad debts as follows:       


1.To settle inventories, support market and investment

a) Concentrating on implementation of practical and effective measures to push up disbursement of investment capital for projects, programs within management scope, especially for investment capital from the State budget, Government bond capital, national objective program capital in accordance with provisions.

Allocatingrightly investment capitals and acceleratingproject’s implementationin 2013 plan, concentrating for projects with pervasiveness, projects under programs on construction of new rural areas, social dwelling houses, dormitories for pupils, students.  Investigatingsituation of plan’s implementationof investors, overcoming tardy situation in completion of procedures for investment, bidding and in stage of acceptance, capital payment.

b) Implementing synchronous solutions in order to expand domestic and export market on the basis of enhancing activities of commercial promotion, travel, service provision in  initiative, positive direction and ensure effectiveness. Having effective solutions in order to support enterprises in promotion of goodssalesproduced domestically indomesticmarket, putting Vietnam s goods back to rural areas; encouraging enterprises to associate in consuming  domesticproducts;improving theimplementation of the campaign “Vietnamese people prioritize use of Vietnam s goods”.

Acceleratingprogresses ofapproval and implementation on overseas commercial promotion, sooner in signing commercial agreements with partners.   Implementing sooner approval of schemes on overseas commercial promotion in 2013;taking, updating market situation, timely supplementing effective schemes, formulating additional support plans, in which concentrating on expansion of potential markets, and submitting to competent authorities for consideration, decision.     

Enhancing effectiveness of implementation of solutions in smuggling fighting, formulating specific plans in conformity with each location, goods item, object (border-gates of road, railway, waterway, international sea ports; international airlines and post; routes for transport of temporary import for re-export goods, border-gate transfer, transport means, in transit passengers).     Strengtheningthestrict managementonbusiness activities in temporary import for re-export, border-gate transfer and sending in bonded warehouses, goods exchange of border residents, goods exporting and importing in non-tariff zones, portable goods, aiming to prevent commercial fraudulent, evasion of taxation. 

c) Reviewing to amend and supplement or submit toauthorized agenciesfor amendment and supplementation of policy mechanism, abolishment of unreasonable investment barriers, creating advantages on infrastructure, premises, human resources, administrative procedures, etc.   

d) Implementing suitable measures in order to intensify attracting, push up disbursement of foreign direct investment (FDI) capital sources, in which attaching special importance to attract new investment waves with big scale and high technology. Strengthening human resourcestraining and supply based on enterprise’s demands;takingcooperation with foreign enterprises on human resource, technology transfers.

dd) Ensuringessentialconditions in order to intensify attracting, disbursement of Official Development Assistance (ODA) capital sources, in which attaching special importance to land clearance, ensuring reciprocal capital for socio-economic infrastructure projects, especially in electricity, transport. 

e) Implementing synchronous measures, especially measures on credit capital, loaning interest rates in order to remove difficulties for fields which having many inventory goods such as agriculture, industry, construction, etc facilitate to encourage investment, production development for advantageous fields and products, especially in agriculture, tourist, services.  

g) Strengthening in control of market, prices, assurance of quality and prices of essential items, especially prices of milks, medical drugs for human,animalandplantprotectiondrugs, fertilizers, etc.

h) To further step up administrative procedures reform related to business production, investment, especially investment, credit, tax, customs, real estate, business registration, etc.

i) Localities, which have manyin-storeproductsasbeing real estate, shall limit maximumuse budget’s sourcesin order to invest in construction of new dwelling houses for resettlement, to use these capital sources and other lawful financial sources in order to buy suitable projects on commercial dwelling houses, in service for demand of resettlement, for use as social dwelling houses for lease orpurchase-lease for policy objects:   Low-income persons, cadres, civil servants, public employees, armed forces, workers and employees. The Ministry of Finance shall calculate, report to Government for support in advance payment of budget’s partsto localities in order to settle these demands.

k) Following closely changes of domestic and world market aiming to positively forecast and have measures for suitable management. Pushing up to inform, propagate on policies, solutions in directing and executing of Government by many suitable forms, ensuring objectiveness, honesty, aiming to create socialconsensus; strengthening publicity, transparence and positively supplying information on issues in which society is interested.

2.Reducing production and business costs, facilitating for enterprises to down price and sell products.

a) To prolong duration of enterprise income tax payment for 06 months applicable to the payable enterprise income tax amounts of quarter I and prolong duration of enterprise income tax payment for 03 months applicable to the payable enterprise income tax amounts of quarter II and quarter III of 2013 for the following subjects:

-Medium-and small-sized enterprises (employing less than 200 laborers workingfulltime and attaining annual turnover not exceeding 20 billion dong). The enterprise income tax amounts enjoyed prolonging do not include tax amounts calculated on turnover part from activities of finance, bank, insurance, securities, lottery, games with prizes, incomes from business activities of goods, services subject to special sales tax. 

-Intensive-labour enterprises (employing more than 300 laborers) in production, processing of:    farm products, forest products, aquatic products, textile and garment, leather and footwear, electronic components; construction of socio-economic infrastructural works.

-Enterprises of dwelling house investment and business (sale, lease, or/andpurchase-lease) are enjoyed prolonging of tax payment duration for incomes from activities of dwelling house investment and business, regardless of scale of enterprises and number of laborers.

b) To prolong duration of value added tax payment for 06 months applicable to payable VAT amounts of January, February, March of 2013, for the following enterprises implementing VAT payment under deduction method:

-Medium- and small-sized enterprises (employing less than 200 laborers working entire time and attaining annual turnover not exceeding 20 billion dong), excluding enterprises operating in finance, bank, insurance, securities, lottery, games with prizes, production of goods, provision of services subject to special sales tax.

-Intensive-labour enterprises (employing more than 300 laborers) in production, processing of:   Farm products, forest products, aquatic products, textile and garment, leather and footwear, electronic components; construction of socio-economic infrastructural works.

-Enterprises of dwelling house investment - business (sale, lease,purchase-lease) and enterprises producing items such as:iron, steel, cement, bricks, tiles (prolonging payment duration of the payable vat amounts, for only products being dwelling houses,iron, steel, cement, bricks, tiles; in case fail to separately account, apportioning under turnover proportion)   

c)To refund environment protection tax paid from January 01, 2012 untill the end of November 14, 2012 applicable to nylon bags used for packaging of products as prescribed in the Government’s Decree No. 69/2012/ND-CPdatedSeptember 14, 2012.  

d) Nottopromulgate policy on implementation of collection of charges restraining individual road transport vehicles per means. Reducing registration fee applicable to automobiles carrying passengers less than 10 seats in directions: (i) For automobiles of the first time registration: The general collecting level is 10%, localities are entitled to adjust up not exceeding 50% of the general stipulating level; (ii) For automobiles of the second-time-forward registration: The general collecting level is 2% and implementation unified in nationwide.

dd) To reduce 50% of land rents in 2013, 2014 applicable to economic organizations, households, individuals who state lease land and the payable land rent amounts as prescribed in the Government’s Decree No. 121/2010/ND-CP,datedDecember 30, 2010 increaseby2 times in comparison with the payable level in 2010 (in according to policy on land rent collection before the Decree No. 121/2010/ND-CP takes effect).    If the land rents after being reduced still are more than 2 times in comparison with the payable level in 2010, the land rents shall be reduced to level equal to 2 times of the payable level in 2010. 

To amend provisiosn on procedures for land rentsreductionunder simply direction in implementation (content of this amendment shall be applied to cases which are eligible for reduction of land rents in 2012 but have not yet been handled due to problems on dossier).

e) Toallowproject’s investors, which have been handed over land by state but have not yet completed obligations on land use levy payment because having financial difficulties, to pay land use levy under progress of payment of goods sale amounts within 24 months maximally after having notice on land use levy payment of tax offices.

On the basis of capacity of balancing local budget, provincial People’s Committees shall consider and decide specific prolonged duration of land use levy payment for each project after reporting to the People’s Council Standing of same level.

g) To shortentime ofcustoms clearance, strengthen work of electronic tax declaration via network, push up implementation of tax payment through bank system, to push up automation of process on receipt and settlement of dossier, administrative procedures on tax and customs.   To reduce 10 -15% cost in compliancewithadministrative procedures on tax and customs for individuals, organizations and enterprises. 

h) To push up monitoring,investigating,controllingof tax payment and tax refund declaration;tostrengthenininspecting, reviewingsubjects being enterprises registered for business operation, to timely detect cases fail to register tax in order to bring into management.  To collectfull and timely State budget for tax amounts and revenues of budget in 2012 prolonged to 2013.

i) The Minister of Finance under authorization of the Prime Minister shall report to National Assembly for consideration and decision on:

-Application of enterprise income tax rateof20% from July 01, 2013 (sooner than 06 monthscomparedwith anticipated roadmap of implementation of Law on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on enterprise income tax) for medium- and small-sized enterprises (employing less than 200 laborers working for entire time and attaining annual turnover not exceeding 20 billion dong).

-Application of enterprise income tax rateof10% from July 01, 2013 (sooner than 06 monthscomparedwith anticipated roadmap of implementation of Law on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on enterprise income tax) for medium- and small-sized enterprises (employing less than 200 laborers working forfulltime and attaining annual turnover not exceeding 20 billion dong). Social houses are defined as prescribed by law on housing.

-Reducing 50% of output VAT from July 01, 2013 until the end of June 30, 2014 for activities of social house business and investment.

-Reducing 30% of output VAT from July 01, 2013 until the end of June 30, 2014 for business and investment activities (sale, lease, purchse lease) of dweling houses being apartment with floor area under 15 million dong/m2.

-Supplementing preferential tax for expanding investment in preferential fields, trades or localities as prescribed in Law on enterprise income tax in order to implement from July 01, 2013 (sooner than 06 monthscomparedwith anticipated roadmap of implementation of Law on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on enterprise income tax).  Time of tax exemption or reduction applicable to expanding investment is equal to time of tax exemption or reduction applicable to established-new enterprises in a same localities, fields enjoyed preferences on enterprise income tax.

3.Credit capital

a) The State bank of Vietnam shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, agencies, localities in: 

-Continuing implementation of strict and cautious monetary policy, using positively and flexibly tools of monetary policy, assuring for reasonable credit growth speed and total payment facilities in order to implement inflation control under target. 

-Continuing to down the credit interest ground in conformity with reduction level of inflation; having measures to support, simplify procedures for lending and increase credit for agriculture and rural areas, medium- and small-sized enterprises, enterprises producing export goods, enterprises of support industry.  Prolonging duration of short-term lending in foreign currency of credit institutions, branches of foreign banks for export enterprises till the end of December 31, 2013.

-Accelerating and assuring the effectiveness inrestructuringcommercial banks, determinedly handling banks being weakness and shortcoming, operating non-effectively by suitable measures in compliance with law, stability of system and legal benefits of organizations, individuals who depositing and using bank services.

-Directing state commercial bankstospend a reasonable capital (at least about 3% of their total debit balance) for loans of subjects with low income, cadres, civil servants, public employees and armed forces in order to rent, purchase-rent of social houses and to rent, purchase-rent of commercial houses with area under than 70 m2, the sale price underVND15 million /m2 with low interest rate, debt payment duration suitable to clients’ solvency and for loans of enterprises building social houses, enterprises changing use of investment project in social house project with reasonable interest rate and debt payment duration suitable to capital source term and solvency of clients.  In quarter I of 2013, coordinate with the Ministry of Construction in promulgation of, guidance onthe Lending Regulation for above subjects in order to ensure effective use in accordance with purpose of these credit amounts.

Spending fromVND20 – 40 thousand billionto approve the capital re-grant with reasonable interest rate with maximum duration of 10 years, depending on subject using loan capital aiming to support state commercial banks in service for loans of above subjects.

-Directing credit institutions to review, accelerate approval of credit grant for effective business and production projects and projects with high payback ability, and positively handle, submit to competent agencies for decision on credit grant exceeding allowed limit for national key projects, projects in service for requirements on socio-economic development. 

b) The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, agencies, localities in:

-Strengthening effective management of Government’s guarantee grant aiming to minimize risks, ensure solvency and maintain safe limits of national debt. The Ministry of Finance shall perfect mechanism of credit guarantee for medium- and small-sized enterprises through the system of Vietnam Development Banks and local credit guarantee Funds, in which concentrating on the following solutions:

+ UsingVND250 billion from the Funds of enterprise arrangement and development support in order to additionally grant for the  gurantee reserve Fund at the Vietnam Development Bank. Implementing re-assessment of capacity, scale of credit guarantee of the Vietnam Development Bank in order to define the capital demand for suitability; concurrently assigning the Ministry of Planning and Investment to balance from source of spending on development investment in a number of following years in order to grant capital for the credit guaranteefund at the Vietnam Development Bank.

+ Strengthening the financial source for local credit guarantee Funds from the sources such as: Amounts collected from equitization at localities have not yet been remitted to central budget, from local budget for additional grant of charter capital for local credit guaranteefunds.

+ People’s Committee of provinces,municipalcities shall strengthen to catch up activities of credit guarantee in their localities and timely have solutions to remove difficulties, for agencies compliance of law provisions.

-Considering, adjusting in reduction of loaning interest rate of investment and export credit in conformity with ground of market interest rate.

-The Vietnam Development Bank:

+ Lending for enterprises having loan demand in order to buy aquatic breeding food in service for export in according to state export credit lending mechanism.

+ Considering prolonging duration of state credit investment loans from 12 years up to maximally 15 years (total lendingtime maximally is 15 years) for a number of projects on economic infrastructure with big investment scale and facing with difficulties in power production, clean water provision, cement, steel, and environment.

+ Considering prolonging the maximum loan duration from 12 months up to 36 months (total lending time maximally is 36 years) applicable to the state’s export credit loans for groups of export goods being vegetables, aquatic products.

+ Adding maximallyVND10,000 bilion (includingVND5,000 billion in the capital mobilization limit of the Vietnam Development Bank in 2013 had been assigned by the Prime Minister at the Decision No. 1788/QD-TTg,datedNovember 29, 2012 and additionally issuingVND5,000 billionmof bonds guaranteed by the Government, other than the guarantee limit for the Vietnam Development Bank in 2013) in service for credit program on investment in solidification of canals, development of rural roads, infrastructure for aquaculture and infrastructure of rural professional villages, other than annual capital amounts ofVND5,000 billion approved by the Prime Minister at the official dispatch No. 1589/TTg-KTTH,datedOctober 03, 2012. Expanding subjects to lend including works of concreting rural bridges and roads (including inter-commune roads, inter-district roads).

c) The Ministry of Transport shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment in formulation of plans on  issuance of bonds guaranteed by Government for investment in expanding highway 1A and highway 14 in according to the Resolution of National Assembly and Law on public debt management.

4. Removing difficulties for real estate market

a) The Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, agencies and localities in:

-Continuing perfecting the system of legal documents on urban management, housing development, real estate business under direction which strengthen state management, effectively control the zoning, planing on land use, planning on construction, plan on housing development, real estate prices in assurance of balance between supply and demand, in conformity with plans on socio-economic development of each locality, demand of market. Having mechanism to encourage enterprises, individuals to participate in social house development and researching, promulgating preferential credit policies which help persons with low incomes, cadres, civil servants, public employees, armed forces, workers and employees may purchase, rent, and purchase-rent house forresidencesuitable with their  legitimate incomes.

-Reviewing all projects on house development in order to classify projects in which shall be permitted to continue implementation, which need be suspended temporarily,toadjust structure, type of house, transfer to social house development in conformity with market demand and social resources. Implementing the national strategy on house development by 2020 with vision till 2030 having been approved by the Prime Minister.

-Guiding, supporting enterprises of real estate in proactive adjustment of business operation, restructuringof enterprise for suitability, such as: Reducing sale price, adjusting goods structure in conformity with expenditure and payment ability of market; applying flexible methods of sale, encouraging change to form of social house lease, purchase-rent, use in proper purpose of loans and mobilized capitals from clients, implementing publicity, transparence, compliance with commitments on progress, creating belief for clients.  

-Shortening time of zoning appraisal, approval, especially solving fast procedures for permit to adjust structure of projects being inventory, unfinished building in conformity with market demand, as well as procedures for change from commercial house projects into social house projects.

-Allowing changing projects from commercial house projects into social house projects in order to lease or purchase-lease for policy subjects: Persons with low income, cadres, civil servants, public employees, armed forces, workers, students and employees in service works such as: Hospitals, schools, hotels, commercial services having demand but in compliance with zoning and conditions of infrastructure. If these subjects are enjoyed exemption, reduction of land levy as prescribed by law, budget payable amounts shall be deducted or budget shall return the land levy having been remitted.

- Summarize theResolution No. 19/2008/NQ-QH12datedJune 03, 2008 of National Assembly on pilot permission for foreign organizations and individuals to purchase and own residential houses in Vietnam.    The Minister of Construction under authorization of the Prime Minister shall report to National Assembly for consideration and decision on expanding subjects and conditions of residential house purchase and owning of foreign organizations and individuals in Vietnam specified in the Resolution No. 19/2008/NQ-QH12, of June 03, 2008. 

b) The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Construction and relevant agencies in issuing written guides on process, overall methods of land revocation, projects not eligible for continuing investment in order to do as law basis for unitized implementation in nationwide; continue perfecting system of legal documents on land.

c) Ministries, agencies shall, under functions, task assigned, research to form early new financial institutions such as:funds of house saving,funds of real estate investment, agencies re-lending by house mortgage, creating channels to mobilize medium and long-term capital for real estate market.


1.The State bank of Vietnam shall assume the primeand coordinate with Ministries, agencies and localities in:

-Reviewing, re-assessing bad debts, classifying bad debts under types of enterprises, credit institutions, borrowers and under types of collateral, bad debts in real estate, debts of fundamental construction and assess actual situation of collateral, legal origin, market price, liquidity ability of these assets in order to have solutions to handle in conformity with each form of bad debt.

-Amending, supplementing and perfecting regulations on credit activity safety aiming to control, restraint risks for credit institutions; strengthening inspection, supervision of credit institutions in implementation of regulations on credit, operation safety, debt classification, and deduction and establishment of risk reserve.

-Directing credit institutions to positively carry out solutions to self-handle bad debts such as re-assessement of quality and collect-back ability of debts in order to have handling measures,withdrawalof debts; continue restructuring debts in order to support enterprises accessing to loans in service for production-business, sell bad debts for companies of property management and debt purchase and sale; to strictly control and diminish operation expenditures in order to positively deduct and establish, as well as use risk reserve for handling of bad debts; concurrently, carry out solutions to restrain bad debts arising in future.    

-Receiving opinions of Government’s members in order to perfect the Scheme on handling of bad debts of system of credit institutions and the Scheme on establishment of the Vietnam asset management Company, under authorization of the Government Party member Committee, reporting to the Politic Ministry for giving opinion.  On the basis of opinions of the Polictic Ministry, the State bank shall complete and submit to the Prime Minister for approval.

-Expeditiously formulating, perfecting and submitting the Government for consideration and promulgation of the Decree on organization and operation of the Vietnamese asset management Company in January 2013.

2.The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, agencies and localities in:

-Assuming the prime responsibility for, and coordinating with the State bank of Vietnam and relevant Ministries, branches, to formulate and submit the Prime Minister for approval of mechanism and plan on handling of bad debts of the social Policy Bank and the Vietnam Development Bank, handling of bad debts due to loans of policy subjects, bad debts of state enterprises.

-Formulating and carrying out plan on handling bad debts of state enterprises during the course of the state enterprise restructuringin according to Scheme on “state enterprise restructuring, with focus being economic groups, state corporations in period 2011-2015” which has been approved by the Prime Minister in the Decision No. 929/QD-TTgdatedJuly 17, 2012.  

-Researching, submitting competent agencies to promulgate policies, regulations on exemption, reduction of tax, charges relating to purchase and sale of bad debts and assets for loan guarantee of credit institutions.

-Expeditiously researching and submitting the Government in the quarter II of 2013 to promulgate a Decree on enterprise debt management replacing the Government’s Decree No. 69/2002/ND-CPdatedJuly 12, 2002, on handling outstanding debts for state enterprises under direction of strengthening responsibility of enterprise leader team in debt management, timely handling of bad debts which have arised and preventing ability of arising  new bad debts; enhancing effectiveness of state capital use, strictly controlling the investment management of enterprises.  

-Coordinating with relevant Ministries, branches to expeditiously perfect the operation model of State Capital Investment Corporation (SCIC) and Debt and Asset Trading Company (DATC) aiming to strengthen capacity and effectiveness of state capital investment at enterprises as well as support for handling of backlog debts and equitization of state enterprises.  Using amounts collected from equitization in order to supplement capacity for DATC aiming to positively participate in process of financial restructuringof groups, state corporations and handling of debts of commercial banks.

-Promulgating and amending regulations aiming to create legal frame for establishment and development of debt trading market. Perfecting financial regulations on activities of merging, equitization, remission of debts, restructuring debts, swapping debt into equity capital. Promulgating list of price appraisal companies, accounting and audit companies that have sufficient standard to participate in process of handling of bad debts aiming to define market value or enterprises, assets and bad debts.

-Developing the capital market, opening up capital flow for investment in capital market, encouraging development of bond market, especially for corporate bonds, reducing dependence on bank credit capital source of enterprises.

3.Ministries, agencies, localities, groups, corporations, state enterprises shall, under functions and task assigned:  

-Supporting credit institutions in perfecting legal dossiers relating to collaterals of loans in order to handle bad debts of credit institutions.

-In quarter I of 2013, the Ministry of Justice shall expeditiously coordinate with Ministries, branches to promulgate a Joint Circular on handling of collaterals, amend, supplement and complete regulations on sale, handling of collaterals of loans in order to help banks to handle collaterals, collect debts fast and conveniently; renew, enhance effectiveness of civil judgement enforcement aiming to protect rights of debt owners of credit institutions and help credit institutions in earliest asset withdrawal. 

-Drastically carrying out the Scheme on “Restructuring of state enterprises, with focus being economic groups, state corporations in period 2011-2015” and Scheme on “Restructuring of securities market and insurance enterprises”, and continuing completion of legal frame, enhancing capacity of management, supervision on securities and insurance and activities of state enterprises.

-Police, Justice Agencies and Courts shall coordinate to accelerate and handle to finish at a given moment for lawsuits relating to bank operation and execute civil lawsuits to facilitate for credit institutions in withdrawal of debts, reduction of bad debts and facilitate for credit expansion to economy. Restraining criminalization of economic activities in bank sector; prioritizing to apply economic, civil handling measures in order to overcome consequences and withdrawal maximally money and assets for banks.  Strictly handling under law for cases of delay in payment of bank debts, intentionally breaking and causing serious consequences for banks.

-Formulating plan on handling of bad debts of branches, localities under state management scope of Ministries, sectors and localities have been assigned.


1.Ministries of: Finance, Planning and Investment, Industry and Trade, Agriculture and Rural Development, Construction, Natural Resources and Enviroment, the State bank of Vietnam and relevant other Ministries and agencies shall, within functions and tasks assigned in January of 2013,  promulgate regulations guiding and specifying related contents in order to organize implementation of the Resolution; expeditiously submit to competent authorities for promulgation or amendment and supplementation of relevant legal documents aiming to implement the Resolution.

2.Based on this Resolution, Ministers,  Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of Governmental agencies, the Presidents of People’s Committees ofmunicipalcities and provinces shall, under functions and tasks assigned, direct, guide, organize implementation, coordinate in implementation of solutions stated in the Resolution aiming to timely remove difficulties for business production, market support.   Strictly coordinating with agencies of the Party, State, Vietnam fatherland Front and mass in organization for implementation of this Resolution.  Strengthening inspection, supervision during implementation of tasks of each agency, organization, individual; implementing mechanism of commend and reward, timely, strict and clear discipline in implementation of tasks assigned.  Following up actual situation, taking an initiative to monitor, assess in order to have flexible and timely handling measures or propose competent authorities solutions to direct, execute which ensure timeliness and effectiveness.

3.The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility, and coordinate with relevant Ministries, agencies to inspect, supervise implementation of the Resolution; summarize and report to the Government on situation, result of implementation at monthly Government sessions.

4.The Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant Ministries, agencies to inspect, supervise implementation of contents relating to removing difficulties for real estate market of the Resolution; summarize and report to the Government on situation, result of implementation at monthly Government sessions.

5.Ministries,Ministry-levelagencies, Governmental agencies, People’s Committees inmunicipalcities and provinces shall review, preliminarily summing-up, assess implementation of the Resolution in 6 months of beginning 2013, within functions, tasks assigned and propose solutions for directing, executing of the Government in 6 months of ending 2013, report to the Prime Minister, and send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment before June 10, 2013. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall summarize, assess result of implementation of the Resolution of each Ministry, agency, local, and report them to the Government at the periodically sessions of June and December of 2013.  

For the Government

The Prime Minister

Nguyen Tan Dung




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