Decision No. 1746/QD-TTg 2019 plan on marine plastic debris management through 2030

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Decision No. 1746/QD-TTg dated December 04, 2019 of the Prime Minister promulgating the national action plan on marine plastic debris management through 2030
Issuing body: Prime Minister Effective date:

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Official number: 1746/QD-TTg Signer: Trinh Dinh Dung
Type: Decision Expiry date: Updating
Issuing date: 04/12/2019 Effect status:

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Fields: Natural Resources - Environment


To strive to 2030, 100% marine reserves will be free from plastic debris

On December 04, 2019, the Prime Minister issues the Decision No. 1746/QD-TTg promulgating the national action plan on marine plastic debris management through 2030.

Accordingly, the Prime Minister promulgating the national action plan on marine plastic debris management through 2030 as follow: Plastic debris discharged into the sea and ocean will be reduced by 75%; 100% lost or discarded fishing tackle will be collected and the discharge of fishing tackle directly into the sea will be terminated; 100% tourist attractions and sites, and establishments providing tourist accommodation services and other coastal tourism services will refrain from using disposable plastic products or non-biodegradable plastic bags; and 100% marine reserves will be free from plastic debris…

In additions, from 2030, monitoring shall be conducted annually and every 5 years to assess the situation of marine plastic debris in some estuaries of 11 main river basins and in 12 island districts.

To achieve the above goals, concerned agencies, organizations and individuals should seriously perform the tasks: to develop and implement communications programs on adverse impacts of disposable plastic products and plastic bags on the sea and ocean, marine ecosystems, the environment, and human health; programs on collection and treatment of marine plastic debris, to promptly commend and reward organizations and individuals with high achievements and valuable initiatives, and widely apply good models in the collection, classification, transport and treatment of wastes and plastic debris in coastal areas and at sea…

This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.
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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 1746/QD-TTg


Hanoi, December 4, 2019



Promulgating the national action plan on marine plastic debris management through 2030[1]



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to Resolution 36-NQ/TW of October 22, 2018, of the eighth plenum of the XIIthParty Central Committee, on the strategy for sustainable development of Vietnam’s marine economy through 2030, with a vision toward 2045;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP of January 1, 2019, on major tasks and solutions to implement the 2019 socio-economic development plan and state budget estimates;

At the proposal of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment,


Article 1.To promulgate the national action plan on marine plastic debris management through 2030 (below referred to as the national action plan) with the following contents:


1. General objectives

-To effectively implement Vietnam’s initiatives and commitments with the international community on addressing issues related to plastic debris, particularly marine plastic debris, to prevent the discharge of plastic debris from land-based waste sources and marine activities, striving to make Vietnam a pioneering country in the region in reducing marine plastic debris.

- To contribute to successfully implementing the national strategy for integrated management of solid wastes through 2025, with a vision toward 2050, approved under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 491/QD-TTg of May 7, 2018, and to formulating and effectively implementing the scheme on intensification of plastic waste management in Vietnam.

- To comply with the approach based on the circular economy model, thus helping accelerate the recovery, recycling and reuse of plastic wastes in Vietnam.

- To raise the awareness, and change behaviors and habits of the community and society in using disposable plastic products and non-biodegradable plastic bags.

2. Specific objectives

a/ By 2025

- Plastic debris discharged into the sea and ocean will be reduced by half; half of lost or discarded fishing tackle will be collected; 80% of tourist attractions and sites, and establishments providing tourist accommodation services and other coastal tourism services will refrain from using disposable plastic products or non-biodegradable plastic bags; campaigns on debris collection and cleaning activities on beaches nationwide will be launched at least twice a year; and 80% of marine reserves will be free from plastic debris.

- Monitoring shall be conducted annually and every 5 years to assess the situation of marine plastic debris in some estuaries of 5 main river basins in the North, North Central, mid-Central Vietnam, South Central and South regions, and on islands with tourism development potential of 12 island districts.

b/ By 2030

- Plastic debris discharged into the sea and ocean will be reduced by 75%; all lost or discarded fishing tackle will be collected and the discharge of fishing tackle directly into the sea will be terminated; all tourist attractions and sites, and establishments providing tourist accommodation services and other coastal tourism services will refrain from using disposable plastic products or non-biodegradable plastic bags; and all marine reserves will be free from plastic debris.

- Monitoring shall be conducted annually and every 5 years to assess the situation of marine plastic debris in some estuaries of 11 main river basins and in 12 island districts.


1. To disseminate, raise awareness and change behaviors about plastic products and marine plastic debris

a/ Contents of tasks and solutions

- To develop and implement communications programs on adverse impacts of disposable plastic products and plastic bags on the sea and ocean, marine ecosystems, the environment, and human health; programs on collection and treatment of marine plastic debris; and methods and importance of at-source waste classification and change of habits of using disposable plastic products and non-biodegradable plastic bags.

- To promptly commend and reward organizations and individuals with high achievements and valuable initiatives, and widely apply good models in the collection, classification, transport and treatment of wastes and plastic debris in coastal areas and at sea. To provide specific and accurate information about cases of violation of the law on environmental protection, especially cases of dumping wastes and plastic debris at prohibited places, causing environmental pollution.

- To organize training courses to raise awareness and sense of responsibility, and change the habit of using disposable plastic products and non-biodegradable plastic bags and discharging garbage and plastic debris into the environment of coastal residential communities, fishermen, sailors, tourists, organizations and enterprises; to enhance the capacity and experience in waste and plastic debris management for managers of authorities at all levels in coastal localities.

- To disseminate and call on organizations and individuals to increase the recycling and reuse of plastic wastes, promoting the development of a circular economy and green growth.

b/ Implementation responsibility

- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and related agencies in, elaborating contents of communications programs on the adverse impacts of plastic debris on the sea and ocean, marine ecosystems, the environment and human health; launching programs on collection and treatment of marine plastic debris; and formulating and implementing communications programs on ocean plastic debris in association with the organization of the Vietnam Sea and Islands Week.

- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall direct news and press agencies to coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in formulating programs and documents suitable to each year and period; publish news and articles in the mass media and grassroots information systems; and timely disseminate typical examples in the movement on reduction of marine plastic debris.

- The Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television, and agencies managing central and local press agencies shall, based on the principles and objectives of their attached press agencies, assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and People’s Committees at all levels in, developing programs, and specialized pages and columns to provide and disseminate information on adverse impacts of plastic debris and disposable plastic bags on the sea and ocean, marine ecosystems, the environment and human health; programs on collection and treatment of marine plastic debris; and defining responsibilities of enterprises, organizations, residential communities, and citizens in prevention, reduction and treatment of marine plastic debris.

- People’s Committees of coastal provinces and centrally run cities shall provide and disseminate information on adverse impacts of plastic debris and disposable plastic bags on the sea and ocean, marine ecosystems, the environment and human health; and programs on collection and treatment of marine plastic debris as suitable to their practical conditions.

c/ Implementation time: from 2020 to 2030.

2. To collect, classify, transport and treat wastes and plastic debris in coastal areas and at sea

a/ Tasks and solutions

- To effectively organize national-level, local-level and coastal community-based movements and campaigns on debris collection and cleaning activities on beaches at least twice a year; to arrange storage devices and places for gathering wastes and plastic debris in an appropriate, safe and convenient manner, meeting aesthetic and environmental sanitation requirements.

- To mobilize the participation of people in collection, inventory and classification of marine plastic debris and coordinate in formulating a database on marine plastic debris in consistency with the national database on waste sources.

- To create favorable conditions for, encourage and support organizations and individuals to collect, recycle and reuse plastic debris in river basins, areas with coastal ecosystems, mangrove forests, beaches, and coastal waters.

b/ Implementation responsibility

- Responsible agencies: People’s Committees of coastal provinces and centrally run cities.

- Coordinating agencies: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and related ministries, sectors and agencies.

c/ Implementation time: from 2020 to 2030.

3. To carry out at-source control of plastic debris

a/ Tasks and solutions

- To survey, inventory, classify and assess plastic debris from land-based sources and marine activities; to properly implement the model of at-source classification of wastes and plastic debris; to formulate and improve the system of collection, classification, transport, and treatment of plastic wastes in industrial parks, urban areas, tourist sites, and concentrated residential areas in coastal, riverside and seaport areas in accordance with the law on environmental protection.

- To integrate the survey, inventory, classification and assessment of plastic debris from land-based sources and marine activities with solutions and measures on integrated management of river basins, coastal urban areas, and estuaries; to intensify the control and management of the discharge of wastes into water sources and take measures to handle microplastics from wastewater in urban areas and industrial parks, particularly those in coastal areas, estuaries, and inshore sea areas.

- To examine and supervise the observance of regulations on collection and treatment of plastic wastes from pure marine economic activities, including marine tourism and service activities, marine economic activities, exploitation of oil and gas and other marine mineral resources, aquaculture and fishing, and marine energy activities, particularly those on islands with potential for marine tourism and service development and high biodiversity of 12 island districts and other inhabited marine structures.

-To prevent and reduce the discarding and loss of fishing tackle in parallel with strict implementation of sanctions against violations, to intensify regular and unscheduled examination and supervision and handle violations relating to discharge of wastes into the sea.

b/ Implementation responsibility and time

- The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Industry and Trade and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall, within the scope of their sector-based management responsibilities , assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and related ministries, sectors and agencies in, formulating, and organizing the implementation of, plans on management and control of plastic debris from pure marine economic activities.

Implementation time: from 2020 to 2030.

- The Ministry of Education and Training shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and related ministries, sectors and agencies in, formulating, and integrating contents on marine environmental protection, and prevention and reduction of the discharge of plastic debris into the sea and ocean in, training programs of different educational levels with appropriate forms and contents.

Implementation time: from 2020 to 2030.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and related ministries, sectors and agencies in, closely controlling plastic debris in marine reserves and coastal residential communities.

Implementation time: from 2020 to 2030.

- The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with People’s Committees of coastal provinces and centrally run cities in, formulating and implementing on a pilot basis the model for managing, reducing, and gradually refraining from using disposable plastic products and non-biodegradable plastic bags in a number of coastal national tourism sites.

Implementation time: from 2020 to 2030.

4. To carry out international cooperation, scientific research, and technology application, development and transfer serving marine plastic debris treatment

a/ Tasks and solutions

- To responsibly join hands with the international community to address the marine plastic debris issue, especially with ASEAN countries and countries in the East Asian Sea region; to step up research, intensive exchange, and sharing of information and data on marine plastic debris with countries and territories in the region and the world.

- To maintain and develop cooperative relations with international maritime organizations; to proactively sign and implement treaties and coordinate in control and management of marine plastic debris.

- To mobilize international resources for providing technical assistance and making investment in control of marine plastic debris; to receive management models and technologies for production of products for substitution and recycling of plastic wastes, and for conversion into to the circular economy with green growth.

- To research, develop, apply and transfer technologies and techniques in treatment and reduction of marine plastic debris; to encourage the research and development of the marine plastic debris collection and treatment system as suitable to the practical conditions in Vietnam.

- To operate an international center for marine plastic debris after it is established; to formulate and manage the national database on marine plastic debris.

-  To develop and implement research topics and projects on formulation of scientific arguments and on practical conditions on marine plastic debris; to assess pollution threats and risks and impacts of plastic debris, particularly microplastics, on the sea and ocean, marine ecosystems, the environment and human health.

- To establish marine plastic debris monitoring and supervision systems based on remote sensing and image interpretation technologies, and geographic information systems in combination with artificial intelligence and indigenous knowledge.

b/ Implementation responsibility and time

- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors and coastal localities in, establishing and operating natural resources and environment monitoring networks, and periodically assessing the situation of marine plastic debris in main estuaries, coastal areas, and on outpost islands with tourism development potential; assume the responsibility for accelerating international cooperation and realization of initiatives introduced by Vietnam to the international community on marine plastic debris management.

Implementation time: from 2020 to 2025.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, related ministries and sectors, and People’s Committees of coastal provinces and centrally run cities in, promoting the signing of and accession to treaties on marine plastic debris management.

Implementation time: from 2020 to 2025.

- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, related ministries and sectors and People’s Committees of coastal provinces and centrally run cities in, organizing the ASEAN Forum on Marine Environment, with a focus on marine plastic debris, when Vietnam acts as the ASEAN 2020 Chair.

Implementation time: 2020.

5. To investigate, survey, review, study and formulate a comprehensive, consistent, effective and efficient mechanism of marine plastic debris management

- Implementation responsibility: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Transport, related ministries, sectors and agencies, and People’s Committees of coastal provinces and centrally run cities in, implementing these tasks and solutions.

- Implementation time: from 2020 to 2030.


1. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and chairpersons of People’s Committees of coastal provinces and centrally run cities shall, within the ambit of their management responsibilities, proactively formulate plans and organize the performance of assigned tasks, ensuring schedule, quality and efficiency; and annually and every five years, report the implementation results to the Ministry of  Natural Resources and Environment for summarization and reporting to the Prime Minister.

2. The Ministry Natural Resources and Environment shall assist the Prime Minister in implementing the national action plan, and guide, monitor, examine and urge the implementation of the national action plan, ensuring progress, quality and efficiency; promote and expand international cooperation on marine plastic debris management; and summarize and assess annually and once every five years implementation results of the national action plan for reporting to the Prime Minister.

3. The Ministry of Finance and People’s Committees of coastal provinces and centrally run cities shall allocate funds for implementing the national action plan under the current regulations on delegation of powers for state budget management.

Agencies assigned to assume the prime responsibility for performing tasks under the national action plan shall proactively arrange and allocate funds within their approved budget amounts and mobilize other funding sources under law to organize the implementation of the national action plan.

4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, or coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in, mobilizing and selecting appropriate financing sources from other countries and international organizations to implement the national action plan; and proactively sign, accede to and implement treaties on marine plastic debris.

5. The Ministry of National Defense shall direct the Navy, Coast Guard, and Border Guard forces to intensify their coordination with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and related ministries, sectors and localities in controlling and handling acts of violation of the regulations on marine plastic debris management.

6. Party organizations, the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations, social organizations, and socio-professional organizations shall proactively formulate programs, tasks and projects to implement the national action plan, and annually report the implementation results to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for summarization.

The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee, and Women’s Union chapters at all levels shall further bring into play their pioneering role, innovation and proactivity to intensively and extensively implement movements and activities, gradually “saying no” to plastic wastes, and join hands with families, communities and the entire society in effectively implementing guidelines, mechanisms and policies on marine plastic debris reduction.

7. The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall mobilize resources from the business cycle, and mobilize, support and encourage enterprises to actively respond to the campaign on marine plastic debris reduction.

Article 2.This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 3.Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees, and related organizations and individuals shall implement this Decision.-

For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister


[1]Công Báo Nos 955-956 (15/12/2019)

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