Decree No. 75/2017/ND-CP dated June 20, 2017 of the Government on defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Health

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Decree No. 75/2017/ND-CP dated June 20, 2017 of the Government on defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Health
Issuing body: Government Effective date:

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Official number: 75/2017/ND-CP Signer: Nguyen Xuan Phuc
Type: Decree Expiry date:

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Issuing date: 20/06/2017 Effect status:

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Fields: Medical - Health , Organizational structure



On June 20, 2017, the Government issued the Decree No. 75/2017/ND-CP on defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Health; to replace the Decree No. 63/2012/ND-CP dated August 31, 2012.

In accordance with  this Decree, the Practical Medicine Magazine does not belong to the organizational structure of the Ministry of Health. Therefore, the organization structure only includes 23 units instead of 24 units as in previous regulation. They are the Communication, Emulation and Commendation Department; the Maternal and Child Health Department; the  Medical Equipment and Health Works Department; the Health Insurance Department; the Planning and Finance Department; the Organization and Personnel Department; the International Cooperation Department; the Legal Affairs Department; the Ministry’s Office; the Ministry Inspectorate; the General Department of Preventive Medicine; the Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control; the Vietnam Food Administration; the Health Environment Management Agency; the Administration of Science, Technology and Training; the  Medical Services Administration; the Traditional Medicine Administration; the Drug Administration of Vietnam; the Information Technology Department…

The Ministry of Health is a governmental agency, performing the function of state management of health, covering preventive health; medical examination and treatment, functional rehabilitation; medical assessment, forensic examination and forensic psychiatry; traditional medicine and pharmacy; reproductive health; medical equipment and facilities; pharmacy and cosmetics; food safety; health insurance; population; and state management of public services under its state management.

This Decision takes effect on August 01, 2017.
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Effect status: Known



Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 75/2017/ND-CP


Hanoi, June 20, 2017



Defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Health[1]


Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 123/2016/ND-CP of September 1, 2016, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of ministries and ministerial-level agencies;

At the proposal of the Minister of Health,

The Government promulgates the Decree defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Health.

Article 1.Position and functions

The Ministry of Health is a governmental agency, performing the function of state management of health, covering preventive health; medical examination and treatment, functional rehabilitation; medical assessment, forensic examination and forensic psychiatry; traditional medicine and pharmacy; reproductive health; medical equipment and facilities; pharmacy and cosmetics; food safety; health insurance; population; and state management of public services under its state management.

Article 2.Tasks and powers

The Ministry of Health shall perform the tasks and exercise the powers defined in the Government’s Decree No. 123/2016/ND-CP of September 1, 2016, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of ministries and ministerial-level agencies, and the following specific tasks and powers:

1. To submit to the Government draft laws and resolutions of the National Assembly, draft ordinances and resolutions of the National Assembly Standing Committee, draft decrees of the Government under the Ministry’s approved annual legislative programs and plans, and projects and schemes as assigned by the Government or Prime Minister; to submit to the Government or Prime Minister development strategies and master plans and long-term, medium-term and annual plans and national important health and population programs, projects and works under the Ministry’s state management.

2. To submit to the Prime Minister draft decisions, directives and other documents related to the sectors and fields under the Ministry’s state management or as assigned.

3. To promulgate circulars, decisions, directives and other documents on the state management of the sectors and fields under the Ministry’s state management.

4. To direct, guide and organize the implementation of legal documents, strategies, master plans, plans, national target programs, national important projects and works after they are approved; to inform, disseminate and educate about the laws on and monitor their enforcement in the fields under the Ministry’s state management.

5. Regarding preventive medicine:

a/ To formulate and promulgate according to its competence or submit to competent authorities for promulgation legal documents, professional regulations, national standards and technical regulations regarding surveillance, prevention and control of contagious diseases, HIV/AIDS, non-contagious diseases, occupational diseases and injuries; immunization; biosafety at medical laboratories; border health quarantine; environmental sanitation and health, occupational health and school health and hygiene; drinking water and daily-life water hygiene and quality; community nutrition; cigarettes; chemicals, insecticides and germicides for domestic and medical use;

b/ To promulgate, amend and supplement lists of contagious diseases of different groups, a list of contagious diseases subject to use of vaccines or medical bio-products, and organize vaccination and use of medical bio-products for compulsory target groups in accordance with law;

c/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors in, promulgating or revising health standards for each occupation and job, a list of diseases of which patients need long-term treatment and are entitled to sickness benefits, and a list of occupational diseases of which patients are entitled to occupational disease benefits in Vietnam;

d/ To organize surveillance of contagious diseases, non-contagious diseases, diseases with unknown causes, health-risky factors and other public health issues; the early detection of contagious diseases which can develop into epidemics and organize the announcement of occurrence and termination of epidemics in accordance with law; to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, providing accurate and timely information on contagious diseases;

dd/ To submit to competent authorities for decision or to decide according to its competence on the application of special anti-epidemic measures; to inspect, supervise and support units and localities in organizing the application of anti-epidemic measures; to plan and organize the response to public health-related emergency circumstances;

e/ To conduct health quarantine at border gates; to promptly inform and report on dangerous contagious diseases and public health issues in the world for proactive prevention and control;

g/ To direct and guide the appraisal of health impact assessment reports of investment projects to construct industrial parks, urban centers, residential areas and contagious disease examination and treatment establishments;

h/ To manage, guide and organize the implementation of working environment monitoring at working establishments; to direct working environment monitoring in industrial parks and clusters at high risk of causing occupational diseases; to assess, control and manage harmful factors at workplaces; to build a database on working environment monitoring activities, and announce working environment monitoring organizations eligible to operate and those suspended from operation in accordance with law;

i/ To guide according to its competence the management of occupational health and medical examination for workers, examinations to detect occupational diseases, and management of workers’ health at workplaces; to assume the prime responsibility for managing the grant of certificates of occupational health care and training in first aid and emergency aid at workplaces in accordance with law;

k/ To direct and guide the organization of primary health care for people in communities;

l/ To organize appraisal, grant, re-grant and revoke certificates of satisfaction of biosafety standards of levels III and IV with respect to testing laboratories, except testing laboratories under the management of the Ministry of National Defense;

m/ To grant, re-grant, supplement, extend, suspend and withdraw circulation registration numbers, import licenses and certificates of free sale of chemicals, insecticides and germicides for domestic and medical use; to issue receipt slips of dossiers of declaration of eligibility to test and assay chemicals, insecticides and germicides for domestic and medical use; to issue certificates of contents of dossiers of advertisements on chemicals, insecticides and germicides for domestic and medical use in accordance with law;

n/ To organize or assign or decentralize the grant, modification and revocation of certificates of eligibility to test HIV and terminate tests to confirm HIV-positive cases with respect to HIV testing establishments;

o/ To designate regulation conformity certification organizations for cigarettes; to grant, suspend, revoke and re-grant receipt slips of written declarations of regulation conformity of cigarettes;

p/ To manage and guide the implementation of opioid and cigarette addiction detoxification activities nationwide;

q/ To direct, guide, examine, inspect and supervise the observance of professional regulations and national technical regulations on preventive medicine nationwide;

r/ To direct and guide the implementation and examine, supervise and evaluate the implementation of HIV/AIDS prevention and control activities nationwide.

6. Regarding medical examination and treatment and functional rehabilitation:

a/ To formulate and promulgate according to its competence or submit to competent authorities for promulgation legal documents, professional regulations, national standards and technical regulations as well as economic-technical norms on medical examination and treatment, blood transfusion safety, convalescence, functional rehabilitation, clinical nutrition, plastic surgery, and medical examination, forensic examination and forensic psychiatry in accordance with law;

b/ To appraise and permit healthcare establishments to apply new techniques and methods applied for the first time in Vietnam in accordance with law;

c/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors in, performing the state management of prices of health care services in accordance with law;

d/ To uniformly manage the grant, re-grant and revocation of medical practice certificates and operation licenses; to organize the  grant, re-grant and revocation of medical practice certificates with respect to people working at healthcare establishments of the Ministry of Health and other ministries (except the Ministry of National Defense), foreigners practicing medicine in Vietnam; to grant, re-grant, modify and revoke operation licenses with respect to healthcare establishments of the Ministry of Health, private hospitals or hospitals of other ministries (except the Ministry of National Defense) in accordance with law;

dd/ To grant certificates of contents of dossiers of advertisements on healthcare activities falling under its competence in accordance with law;

e/ To direct, guide, examine, inspect and supervise the implementation of legal documents, professional regulations and national technical regulations on healthcare, functional rehabilitation, plastic surgery, medical assessment, forensic examination and forensic psychiatry.

7. Regarding traditional medicine and pharmacy:

a/ To formulate and submit to competent authorities for promulgation mechanisms and policies on inheritance, conservation, development and modernization of traditional medicine and pharmacy and the combination of traditional and modern medicine and pharmacy;

b/ To formulate and promulgate or submit to competent authorities for promulgation legal documents, professional regulations standards and national technical regulations on traditional medicine and pharmacy;

c/ To grant and re-grant traditional medicine practice certificates; to grant, re-grant, modify and revoke certificates of family remedies and operation licenses with respect to traditional medicine establishments in accordance with law;

d/ To grant certificates of contents of advertisements on traditional medicine practice in accordance with law;

dd/ To direct, guide, examine and supervise the implementation of mechanisms, policies, legal documents, professional regulations and national technical regulations on traditional medicine and pharmacy, and the combination of traditional and modern medicine and pharmacy.

8. Regarding medical equipment and health works:

a/ To formulate and submit to competent authorities for promulgation national standards on medical equipment; to promulgate professional regulations and national technical regulations on medical equipment;

b/ To promulgate a list of essential medical equipment for health units and establishments;

c/ To grant, re-grant, extend, suspend and revoke circulation numbers of medical equipment, certificates of free sale of home-made medical equipment, import licenses for medical equipment; to grant certificates of contents of dossiers of advertisements on medical equipment; to grant receipt slips of dossiers of declaration of eligibility to grade medical equipment and to provide medical equipment technical consultancy, inspection and calibration services under its management in accordance with law;

d/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, directing, guiding, examining and supervising the implementation of legal provisions on the manufacture, trading, grading, technical consultancy, inspection, calibration, management and use of medical equipment;

dd/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, formulating and promulgating technical regulations and design standards and model designs of medical works and design standards of specialized departments and units in health works.

9. Regarding pharmacy and cosmetics:

a/ To formulate and promulgate or submit to competent authorities for promulgation legal documents, professional regulations and national technical regulations on pharmacy and cosmetics, and sets of national standards on drugs; to issue the Vietnam Pharmacopoeia and the Vietnamese National Drug Formulary;

b/ To grant pharmacy practice certificates through examinations, re-grant, modify and revoke these certificates; certificates of eligibility of pharmaceutical business with respect to drug and drug material manufacturers, drug and drug material exporters and importers, drug and drug material storage services providers, drug and drug material test service providers; and drug clinical trial service providers, drug bioequivalence trial service providers; to grant, extend, modify, supplement and revoke drug and drug material circulation registration certificates, drug and drug material export and import licenses; certificates of drug and drug material good manufacturing practices (GMP), good laboratory practices (GLP) or good storage practices (GSP) in accordance with law; to grant and cancel certificates of dossiers of declaration of enterprises organizing good pharmacy practice (GPP) drugstores;

c/ To grant and revoke certificates of cosmetics good manufacturing practices (CGMP); to grant receipt numbers of cosmetic product declaration slips; to issue receipt slips of dossiers of declaration of good agricultural and collection practices for medicinal herbs, and certificates of pharmaceutical products to drug or cosmetics traders in accordance with law;

d/ To manage the quality of drugs, drug materials and cosmetics; to suspend drugs, drug materials or cosmetics from circulation or recall them in accordance with law; to coordinate with related agencies in preventing and fighting the manufacture and circulation of fake and poor-quality drugs, drug materials and cosmetics and the smuggling of drugs, drug materials and cosmetics;

dd/ To organize the drug and pharmacovigilance information system; to grant certificates of contents of dossiers of drug advertisements;

e/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and other ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and provincial-level People’s Committees in, managing drug prices in accordance with law; to organize the centralized procurement of drugs at national level and assume the prime responsibility for negotiations on drug prices in accordance with law;

g/ To direct, guide, inspect and supervise to ensure reasonable, safe and effective use of drugs;

h/ To direct, guide, organize, inspect and supervise the implementation of legal provisions on pharmacy and cosmetics.

10. Regarding food safety:

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for formulating and promulgating or submitting to competent authorities for promulgation legal documents on food safety in the fields under the Ministry’s management;

b/ To assume the prime responsibility for formulating and promulgating national technical regulations or rules on safety criteria and limits for all food products, micronutrients, food additives, food processing aids, packaging tools and materials used as food containers in direct contact with food in accordance with law;

c/ To formulate and submit to competent authorizes for promulgation regulations on general conditions to ensure food safety applicable to food producers and traders, and specific regulations on conditions to ensure food safety applicable to producers and traders of functional food, micro-nutrient-fortified food, natural mineral water, bottled drinking water, instant ice, micronutrients, food additives, food processing aids, packaging tools and materials used as food containers in direct contact with food, collective kitchens, restaurants in hotels and tourist resorts, restaurants, food and drink catering establishments and street food vendors;

d/ To designate organizations to certify regulation conformity of food products, food additives, food processing aids, and packaging tools and materials used as food containers in direct contact with food for which national technical regulations have been issued, after consulting ministries and sectors when necessary;

dd/ To assume the prime responsibility for disseminating and educating about knowledge and law on food safety;

e/ To assume the prime responsibility for supervising, assessing risks, preventing, investigating and coordinating in preventing food poisoning and dealing with food safety incidents within the scope of the Ministry’s management;

g/ To manage food safety throughout the process of manufacturing, preliminarily processing, processing, storing, transporting, exporting, importing and trading in functional food, micronutrient-fortified food (except flour, vegetable oil and micronutrient-fortified salt), bottled drinking water, natural mineral water, food additives, micronutrients, food processing aids, and packaging tools and materials used as food containers in direct contact with food in accordance with law;

h/ To grant, suspend, revoke and re-grant receipts of regulation conformity declarations, certificates of declaration of conformity with food safety regulations with respect to imports being pre-packed processed food, functional food, micronutrients, food additives, food processing aids, and packaging tools and materials used as food containers in direct contact with food;

i/ To grant, suspend, revoke and re-grant certificates of contents of dossiers of advertisements on functional food, micronutrient-fortified food (except flour, vegetable oil and micronutrient-fortified salt), bottled drinking water, natural mineral water, micronutrients, food additives, food processing aids, packaging tools and materials used as food containers in direct contact with food, and food products falling within the scope of the Ministry’s management;

k/ To grant and revoke certificates of eligibility for food safety with respect to producers and traders of products falling within the scope of the Ministry’s management, certificates of good manufacturing practice with respect to healthy food, certificates of food safety knowledge for owners of establishments and persons directly producing and trading food products falling within the scope of the Ministry’s management in accordance with law; to assume the prime responsibility for managing food safety at establishments producing different food products falling under the management of two or more ministries, including food products under the management of the Ministry of Health;

l/ To grant certificates of free sale and certificates of origin for functional food, micronutrient-fortified food (except flour, vegetable oil and micronutrient-fortified salt), bottled drinking water, natural mineral water, micronutrients, food additives, food processing aids, packaging tools and materials used as food containers in direct contact with food and food products falling within the scope of the Ministry’s management when so requested by organizations and individuals;

m/ To grant medical certificates and other certificates for exported food products when so requested by organizations and individuals in accordance with law;

n/ To prescribe conditions on testing establishments, designate units to participate in food testing to serve state management work within the scope of the Ministry’s management; to designate units for comparison testing, arbitral testing and final conclusions when testing results of food testing units within and outside the health sector are different; to grant, suspend and revoke circulation registration certificates for quick test kits for food safety;

o/ To designate agencies to perform the state control of imported food safety for products under the Ministry’s management;

p/ To direct, guide and organize the examination, inspection and supervision of the implementation of the law on food safety within the scope of the Ministry’s state management;

q/ To summarize and make statistics and periodical and extraordinary reports on food safety management based on the supervision and summarization of reports of line ministries and localities.

11. Regarding population and reproductive health:

a/ To formulate and submit to competent authorities for promulgation policies on reproductive health and population, covering population size, structure and quality;

b/ To formulate and promulgate or submit to competent authorities for promulgation legal documents and national standards on population and family planning and reproductive health; to formulate and promulgate systems of population and reproductive health indicators; professional regulations and national technical regulations on reproductive healthcare and population and family planning services;

c/ To permit the provision of counseling services by population and family planning counseling service providers in accordance with law;

d/ To appraise and decide to recognize health establishments to perform in-vitro fertilization and surrogacy techniques for humanitarian purposes; to decide to permit health establishments to perform gender re-assignment in accordance with law;

dd/ To direct, guide, examine and supervise the implementation of legal documents, professional regulations, national technical regulations, policies, programs and projects on population and family planning and reproductive healthcare.

12. Regarding health insurance:

a/ To formulate and promulgate or submit to competent authorities for promulgation legal documents, mechanisms and policies on health insurance;

b/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors in, promulgating lists of drugs, chemicals, medical supplies and technical services which the insured are entitled to and the rates and conditions for their payment;

c/ To promulgate basic health service packages covered by the health insurance fund;

d/ To promulgate technical regulations and regulations on healthcare process and referral related to insured healthcare;

dd/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in, promulgating prices of insured health care services for uniform application by same-class hospitals nationwide;

e/ To formulate and submit to competent authorities for promulgation solutions to ensure the balance of the health insurance fund;

g/ To direct, guide, organize and examine the implementation of the law on health insurance by health establishments and other organizations and individuals.

13. Regarding environmental protection in healthcare activities:

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors in, formulating and submitting to competent authorities for promulgation legal documents on environmental protection in healthcare activities and hygiene in the preservation, lying-in-state display, embalmment, burial, cremation and transportation of dead persons’ bodies and remains in accordance with law;

b/ To organize the appraisal of strategic environment assessment reports of strategies and master plans falling within the approving competence of the Ministry; to appraise environment assessment impact reports and detailed environmental protection plans of projects falling under the investment-deciding competence of the Ministry in accordance with law;

c/ To direct, guide and organize the monitoring of environmental impacts of healthcare activities; the sorting out, storage and management of medical wastes within the premises of health establishments; inventory of receiving waters and assessment of pollution levels and disposal of hospital wastes in accordance with law;

d/ To direct, guide and organize the application of measures to protect people’s health against the impacts of climate change, environmental pollution and adverse environmental factors;

dd/ To direct, guide and examine the implementation of legal provisions on environmental protection in healthcare activities; management of medical wastes within the premises of health establishments and hygiene in the preservation, lying-in-state display, embalmment, burial, cremation and transportation of dead persons’ bodies and remains in accordance with law.

14. Regarding management of public employees in the health, pharmacy and population sector:

a/ To formulate, promulgate, amend and supplement regulations on professional title standards of public employees in the health, pharmacy and population sector after consulting the Ministry of Home Affairs;

b/ To guide the identification of working positions, the quantity and structure of public employees based on professional titles in public non-business health units;

c/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, formulating, amending and supplementing and promulgating specific regulations on standards, conditions, contents and forms of examination or consideration for promotion of professional title ranks of public employees in the health, pharmacy and population sector; to organize examination and consideration for promotion of professional title ranks of these public employees in accordance with law;

d/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, formulating and submitting to competent authorities for promulgation, revision and supplementation regimes and policies applicable to public employees in the health, pharmacy and population sector;

dd/ To promulgate detailed regulations the contents, programs, forms and time of training public employees in the health, pharmacy and population sector based on their professional title standards, and organize the implementation of these regulations.

15. Regarding health personnel training:

a/ To formulate and promulgate according to its competence or submit to competent authorities for promulgation legal documents, master plans and plans on health personnel training, and special mechanisms and policies applicable to health personnel training, and guide the implementation of these documents;

b/ To formulate and promulgate professional qualification standards as the basis for formulating and developing output standards of health personnel training of all levels; to coordinate with the Ministry of Education and Training and Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs in formulating output standards for each discipline and level of health personnel training;

c/ To formulate and promulgate conditions to ensure the quality of and output standards for health sector-specific training specialties (except training degrees of higher education) and continuous training of human resources for the health sector;

d/ To manage the training in health sector-specific specialties and continuous training of human resources for the health sector in accordance with law;

dd/ To manage health personnel training institutions in accordance with law;

e/ To guide, examine and assess according to its competence the implementation of legal provisions in health personnel training;

g/ To regulate and guide the organization of examinations for grant of practice certificates in the health sector in accordance with law.

16. Regarding science and technology in the health sector:

a/ To formulate and submit to competent authorities for promulgation legal documents, mechanisms, policies, strategies, and plans on scientific research and technology development, renovation and transfer in the fields under the Ministry’s state management;

b/ To manage and guide the performance of biomedical researches on humans;

c/ To guide, examine and supervise the implementation of legal provisions on performance of scientific and technological tasks; technology transfer and popularization and application of scientific research and technology development results in the fields under the Ministry’s management; to approve and sign contracts on performance of ministerial-level scientific and technological tasks;

d/ To organize the implementation of legal provisions on intellectual property and innovation activities under the Ministry’s management;

dd/ To manage formulation and promulgation of national technical regulations in the health sector in accordance with law; to guide and monitor the popularization and application of national standards and technical regulations in the health sector;

e/ To organize the implementation of agreements on technical barriers to trade (TBT) in the health sector.

17. Regarding information technology:

a/ To formulate and implement strategies, master plans and plans on the information technology application and development in the health sector;

b/ To formulate and promulgate technical standards on information technology application and development in the health sector;

c/ To formulate, promulgate and implement regulations on electronic health activities and assurance of health information safety in the network environment;

d/ To formulate and promulgate regulations of information technology application; a set of codes of lists for common use in the healthcare management, assessment and payment of insured healthcare costs;

dd/ To direct, guide and organize the application of information technology in the health sector nationwide.

18. To formulate programs and plans on and direct, guide, organize, examine and supervise health communication and education work and provision of information on the health sector’s activities.

19. To perform the state management of public services within the scope of the Ministry’s state management in accordance with law; to formulate and submit to competent authorities for promulgation or promulgate according to its competence mechanisms and policies on provision of public non-business services in the health sector; to promulgate  economic-technical norms for application to public non-business services in the health sector under the management of the State; to issue quality criteria and standards of non-business services in the health sector, mechanisms of supervision, assessment and inspection of the quality of non-business services in the health sector and the operation efficiency of public non-business health units.

20. To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, providing emergency and treatment for disaster victims.

21. To plan and organize the national reserves of drugs, chemicals, medical equipment and epidemic and disaster prevention and control equipment according to the list of national reserves decided by the Government and in accordance with law.

22. To manage associations and non-governmental organizations operating in the fields under the Ministry’s state management in accordance with law.

23. To draw up, and direct the implementation of, the Ministry’s administrative reform plan in line with the objectives and contents of the Government’s mater plan on state administrative reform.

24. To manage the organizational apparatus, payroll, cadres, civil servants and public employees; to implement the wage regime and preferential treatment, commendation and disciplining regulations and policies to cadres, civil servants and public employees managed by the Ministry in accordance with law.

25. To implement international cooperation in the fields under the Ministry’s state management in accordance with law.

26. To manage its assigned finance and property and organize the implementation of the allocated budget in accordance with law.

27. To inspect and examine the implementation of legal provisions and settle complaints, denunciations and petitions related to the fields under the Ministry’s state management; to prevent and fight corruption and handle violations in the fields under the Ministry’s state management in accordance with law.

28. To formulate and promulgate systems of statistical indexes and reporting regulations applicable in the health sector in accordance with law; to collect, synthesize, analyze, manage and archive statistical information on the health sector; to establish a database of the health sector.

29. To perform other tasks and exercise other powers assigned by the Government or Prime Minister and as prescribed by law.

Article 3.Organizational structure

1. The Communication, Emulation and Commendation Department.

2. The Maternal and Child Health Department.

3. The Medical Equipment and Health Works Department.

4. The Health Insurance Department.

5. The Planning and Finance Department.

6. The Organization and Personnel Department.

7. The International Cooperation Department.

8. The Legal Affairs Department.

9. The Ministry’s Office.

10. The Ministry Inspectorate.

11. The General Department of Preventive Medicine.

12. The Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control.

13. The Vietnam Food Administration.

14. The Health Environment Management Agency.

15. The Administration of Science, Technology and Training.

16. The Medical Services Administration.

17. The Traditional Medicine Administration.

18. The Drug Administration of Vietnam.

19. The Information Technology Department.

20. The General Department of Population.

21. The Health Strategy and Policy Institute.

22. The Health and Life newspaper.

23. The Medicine and Pharmacy journal.

The organizations referred to in Clauses 1 through 20 of this Article are those assisting the Minister in performing the state management functions; the organizations referred to in Clauses 21, 22 and 23 of this Article are non-business units directly attached to the Ministry and supporting the performance of the state management functions of the Ministry of Health.

The Planning and Finance Department has 5 divisions; the General Department of Preventive Medicine, 4 divisions and an office; the Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control, 3 divisions and an office; the Vietnam Food Administration, 5 divisions and an office;  the Health Environment Management Agency, 3 divisions and an office; the Administration of Science, Technology and Training, 2 divisions and an office; the Medical Services Administration, 5 divisions and an office;  the Traditional Medicine Administration, 3 divisions and an office;  the Drug Administration of Vietnam, 6 divisions and an office; the Information Technology Department, 2 divisions and an office; the Ministry’s Office, 7 divisions; and the Ministry’s Inspectorate, 5 divisions.

The Minister of Health shall submit to the Prime Minister for decision regulations on the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the General Department of Population; and issue a list of other non-public units directly attached to the Ministry of Health.

The Minister of Health shall define the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of organizations attached to the Ministry, except the General Department of Population.

Article 4.Effect

This Decree takes effect on the date of its signing.

This Decree replaces the Government’s Decree No. 63/2012/ND-CP of August 31, 2012, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Health.

The General Department of Population and Family Planning may continue performing its functions, tasks and powers and apply the organizational structure under current regulations until the Prime Minister issues a decision defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the General Department of Population.

Article 5.Implementation responsibility

Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees shall implement this Decree.-

On behalf of the Government
Prime Minister

[1]Công Báo Nos 471-472 (30/6/2017)

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