Decision No. 03/2014/QD-TTg dated January 14, 2014 of the Prime Minister promulgating the regulation on State management for investment promotion activities

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Decision No. 03/2014/QD-TTg dated January 14, 2014 of the Prime Minister promulgating the regulation on State management for investment promotion activities
Issuing body: Prime Minister Effective date:

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Official number: 03/2014/QD-TTg Signer: Nguyen Tan Dung
Type: Decision Expiry date: Updating
Issuing date: 14/01/2014 Effect status:

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Fields: Investment



On January 14, 2014, the Prime Minister issued the Decision No. 03/2014/QD-TTg dated January 14, 2014 of the Prime Minister promulgating the regulation on state management for investment promotion activities.

Accordingly, investment promotion activity must be in accordance with the plan for socio- economic development of country, sector and locality; Being in accordance with the orientations of the Government on attracting foreign direct investment into Vietnam and overseas direct investment in each period; Having impacts on attracting investment and using effectively the sources in prioritized sectors or areas to achieve the socio-economic targets in each period.

Under this Decision, within scope of its management, ministries, provincial People’s Committee shall support enterprises, investors in the process of preparing and implementing the investment project. The contents include: providing information on socio– economic situation; investment situation; plan for socio– economic development; law, policy mechanism; potentials, market, orientations and partners when being requested by enterprises and investors; Providing guidelines on investment procedures; Guiding and supporting enterprises, investors to handle with difficulties in the process of implementing the investment project; Receiving, summarizing and submitting to the competent agencies to solve the proposals, recommendations of enterprises and investors.

In the necessary cases, for the large-scale projects that contain complex contents, ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall coordinate with each other and form a team to support in the process of investment promotion (doing research, preparing dossier, implementing procedures), granting the investment certificate, supporting the implementation of investment project.

This Decision takes effect on March 1, 2014. 
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Effect status: Known


Decision No. 03/2014/QD-TTg dated January 14, 2014 of the Prime Minister promulgating the regulation on State management for investment promotion activities

Pursuant to the Law on Organization of Government dated December 25, 200;

Pursuant to the Law on investment dated November 29, 2005;

Pursuant to the Law on Overseas Representative Missions of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

Pursuant to the Decree No.108/2006/ND-CP detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Investment Law;

At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment;

The Prime Minister promulgates the regulation on State Management for investment promotion activities;

Article 1.To promulgate together with this Decision “The regulation on State Management for investment promotion activities”.

Article 2.This Decision takes effect on March 01, 2014.

Article 3.Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of government-attached agencies and presidents of provincial/municipal People s Committees shall implement this Decision./.

Prime Minister

Nguyen Tan Dung



(Promulgated together with the Prime Minister s Decision No.03/2014/QD-TTg dated January 14, 2014)

Chapter I


Article 1.Scope of application

1. This Regulation provides for regulations on state management for investment promotion activities and coordination mechanism among ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and provincial/municipal People s Committees (hereinafter referred to as ministries, provincial People’s Committees) and the management board of industrial zone, high tech zone, processing zone, economic zone and border gate economic zone (hereinafter referred to as “the Management Board) in investment promotion activities.

2. Domestic and overseas investment promotion activities include foreign direct investment promotion into Vietnam and direct investment promotion of Vietnam abroad.

Article 2. Subjects of application

Subjects of application include:

1. State Management Agencies include ministries, provincial People’s Committees and Management Board performing investment promotion activities.

2. Organizations, individuals assigned to perform investment promotion activities using state budget by state competent agencies.

3. Organizations, individuals performing investment promotion activities abroad but do not use state budget.

Article 3. Content of investment promotion activities

Investment promotion activities include the following contents:

1. Doing research, making judgment on potentials, market, trend, and investment partners;

2. Building up database to serve for investment promotion activities;

3. Building up the list of projects that need to attract investment;

4. Building up documents to serve for investment promotion activities;

5. Propaganda, spread and introducing about environment, policies, potentials, opportunities and investment connection;

6. Training, promoting the capacity on investment promotion;

7. Supporting organizations, enterprises, investors in getting to know the law, policies, investment procedures; potentials, market, partners and investment opportunities; implementing the project after being granted the investment certificate;

8. Performing international and domestic cooperation activities on investment promotion;

Article 4. Content of State management on investment promotion activities

1. Building up and organizing the implementation of investment promotion orientation in each period and annually;

2. Guiding the implementation of investment promotion program;

3. Coordinating the investment promotion activities;

4. Keeping track of, summarizing and making judgment on effectiveness of investment promotion activities;

5. Coordination among state management agencies, organizations, individuals in investment promotion activities;

Article 5. Principles of investment promotion activities

1. Overseas and domestic investment promotion activities must be built up and gathered into investment promotion program after reaching agreement with the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

2. Encouraging the investment promotion activities that are cross-sectional; reducing the implementation of single investment promotion activities to avoid the waste;

3. Feasibility about contents, modes, time, place, fund and implementation progress;

4. Paying attention to the investment promotion activity for projects granted the investment certificate through forms to support and handle with difficulties, promote the implementation of project effectively.

5. Encouraging the combination of investment promotion activity with commercial promotion activity, tourism promotion activity into foreign affairs program.

6. Encouraging the mobilization of social sources to perform the investment promotion activity;

Article 6. Requirements for investment promotion activity

1. Being in accordance with the plan for socio- economic development of country, sector and locality;

2. Being in accordance with the orientations of the Government on attracting foreign direct investment into Vietnam and overseas direct investment in each period.

3. Having impacts on attracting investment and using effectively the sources in prioritized sectors or areas to achieve the socio-economic targets in each period;

Chapter 2


Article 7. Making guidelines on building up the investment promotion program

1. The investment promotion program is the collection of annual investment promotion activities approved by the state competent agencies according to the law, of which it determines the content, places, time, progress, expenditures and focal point to implement.

2. Based on objectives, orientations on socio-economic development in each period, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall promulgate the guidelines on building up the investment promotion program with the following contents:

a) Objectives, requirements for investment promotion activity;

b) Orientations on investment promotion section and area;

c) Orientations on investment partners;

d) Criteria for assessment and approval of investment promotion program;

dd) Other contents based on the requirements for socio-economic development.

Article 8. Building up the investment promotion program

1. Ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall base on the guidelines on building up the investment promotion program of the Ministry of Planning and Investment and objectives, development orientations of sectors, localities to build up or propose the annual investment promotion program including:

a) Proposed activities to put into the national investment promotion program;

b) The investment promotion program of ministries, provincial People’s Committees (investment promotion activity of management board are gathered in the investment promotion program of ministries, provincial People’s Committees);

c) The investment promotion activities are proposed to put into the program of Party and State leaders;

2. The investment promotion program shall be built up according the form as stipulated under the Appendix promulgated together with this Regulation).

3. Procedures of building up the investment promotion program:

a) Ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall gather investment promotion activities and draft of the investment promotion program to send to the Ministry of Planning and Investment before August 30 annually to coordinate with the national investment promotion program and investment promotion program of other ministries and localities.

b) Ministry of Planning and Investment shall specify in writing its opinions on the contents of investment promotion program of ministries, provincial People’s Committees after summarizing the investment promotion program of ministries, provincial People’s Committees.

c) Ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall issue the decision for approval of the investment promotion program after reaching agreement with the Ministry of Planning and Investment;

d) Based on the summary about the investment promotion program of ministries, provincial People’s Committees, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall issue the notification to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about overseas investment promotion activities to coordinate.

dd) In the process of implementing, based on the current conditions, ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall adjust the investment promotion program and issue the decision on adjusting the investment promotion program after reaching agreement with the Ministry of Planning and Investment;

4. Registering for investment promotion activity

Organizations, individuals as specified under Clause 3 Article 2 of this Regulation when conducting investment promotion activity must register with the Department of Planning and Investment 30 days before conducting that investment promotion activity.

5. Building up and approving the national investment program shall be implemented according to the Decision No. 26/2012/QD-TTg dated June 08, 2012 of the Prime Minister promulgating the regulation on building and performing national investment promotion program.

Article 9. Investment promotion activity not belong to the investment promotion program

1. Ministries, provincial People’s Committees may coordinate to organize investment promotion activities not being under the investment promotion program that organizations, enterprises or investors perform from state budget if that investment promotion activity meets requirements as specified under Point 5, 6 of this Regulation.

2. When organizing the investment promotion activity as specified under Clause 1 of this Article, ministries, provincial People’s Committees must notify in writing to the Ministry of Planning and Investment on the content of program, place, parts of investment promotion activity 30days before the day takes place.

Article 10. Doing research, making assessment on potentials, market, orientations and investment partners

1. Doing research, making assessment on potentials, market, orientations and investment partners shall be implemented under the following forms:

a) Collecting information, doing research, summarizing and building scheme, reporting;

b) Organizing surveying team at home and overseas;

c) Organizing forums, conferences at home and overseas;

d) Other forms;

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and related organizations, individuals to do research, make assessments and update information about potential, market, orientations, investment demand and investment partners…to make guidelines on building up the investment promotion program.

3. Ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall do research, make assessment on potentials, market, orientations, investment demand and investment partner within scope of its management.

Article 11. Building database to serve for investment promotion activity

1. Building database to serve for investment promotion activity shall be performed based on the following forms:

a) Collecting data; investment environment, law; policy, investment procedure; potential, opportunities and investment partner;

b) Building and operating the portal about law, policy, investment procedures, environment, potentials, investment opportunities, investment partners;

c) Other forms;

2. Database to serve for investment promotion activity must be updated frequently to serve effectively for investment promotion activity.

3. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall build the general database to serve for investment promotion activity. Ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall build database to serve for investment promotion activity within scope of its management.

4. Fund for building database shall get from the budget source that is granted annually for investment promotion activity of ministries, provincial People’s Committee.

Article 12. Building the list of projects calling for investment

1. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall coordinate with ministries, provincial People’s Committee to build and submit to the Prime Minister on promulgating the list of projects calling for investment in each period.

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall guide the contents, criteria to build the list of projects that need investment attraction and detailed contents of projects under the list of projects calling for investment to apply nation-wide.

3. Based on guidelines of the Ministry of Planning and Investment as specified under Clause 2 of this Article, ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment to build and publish the list of projects calling for investment in each period within scope of its management.

4. Ministries, provincial People’s Committee shall post publicly and update frequently the websites with the following contents:

a) List of projects calling for investment and detailed contents of projects under the list of projects calling for investment.

b) The situation of performing the list of projects calling for investment;

c) Other contents related to amending, supplementing the list of projects calling for investment;

Article 13. Building documents serving for investment promotion activity

1. Documents serving for investment promotion activity include the following forms:

a) Guide book, flyer, list of projects calling for investment and detailed content of project under the list of projects calling for investment;

b) Documents on general research, feature research;

c) Feature, article; radio television program, advertising…to broadcast and show on the domestic and foreign media mass;

d) Presents, souvenirs;

dd) Other documents;

2. Documents serving for investment promotion activity must update information on investment environment, law, policy, investment procedures, potentials, opportunities and investment partners.

3. Documents may be built to serve generally for investment promotion activity or to serve for the specific investment promotion activity depending on requirement of investment promotion activity.

4. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall take the prime responsibility of, and build general documents to serve for national investment activities. Ministries, provincial People’s Committee shall build documents to serve for investment promotion activity within scope of its management.

Article 14. Propaganda, advisement, introduction about investment environment, policies, potentials and opportunities

1. Overseas and domestic propaganda, advisement and introduction about investment environment, policies, potentials and opportunities must include:

a) Organizing or participating overseas and domestic conferences, fairs, forums, dialogues;

b) Organizing or participating the meeting with agencies, organization, enterprises and investors;

c) Organizing or participating the business team to promote investment according to each feature or specific partners;

d) Performing the propaganda, advertisement program on the foreign and domestic mass media; ordering the foreign and domestic communication agencies to write articles, journalism on the radio, television, on the portal; making films to advertise investment environment in Vietnam by lump sum contract;

dd) Other forms;

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall:

a) Take the prime responsibility of, and coordinate with ministries, provincial People’s Committee to perform the cross-sectional advertising activities; promote investment for projects under the list of projects calling for investment;

b) Support and create conditions for ministries, provincial People’s Committee to join the overseas and domestic advertising activities;

c) Support and take part in the overseas and domestic advertising activities conducted by ministries, provincial People’s Committee when being requested;

3. Ministries, provincial People’s Committee shall:

a) Take the prime responsibility of, and coordinate with related ministries to perform the advertising activities on investment promotion for projects under the list of projects calling for investment within scope of its management;

b) Take part in overseas and domestic advertising activities conducted by the Ministry of Planning and Investment, ministries, provincial People’s Committee when being requested;

c) Notify to the Ministry of Planning and Investment about the implementation results of advertising activities;

4. For investment promotion activities performed by ministries, provincial People’s Committee abroad, in necessary cases, depending on the area, partner, scale of investment promotion activity…, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall:

a) Support about contents and organize overseas investment promotion activity;

b) Take part in overseas investment promotion activity to introduce about general orientations and policies on investment of Vietnam;

Article 15. Training, promoting the capacity on investment promotion

1. Content of training and promoting the capacity on investment promotion includes:

a) International economic situation, social – economic situation, investment situation; socio – economic development plan;

b) Updating the law, mechanism, policy, investment procedure;

c) Results on research, assessment on potentials, market, orientations and investment partners;

d) Investment promotion skills;

dd) Other contents at the request of investment promotion activity;

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall take the prime responsibility of, coordinate with ministries, provincial People’s Committees to implement the training and promote the capacity on investment promotion for the officers performing investment promotion nation-wide.

3. Ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall implement the training and promote the capacity on investment promotion for the officers performing investment promotion within scope of its management.

Article 16. Supporting enterprises, investors

1. Within scope of its management, ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall support enterprises, investors in the process of preparing and implementing the investment project.

2. Supporting contents include:

a) Providing information on socio– economic situation; investment situation; plan for socio– economic development; law, policy mechanism; potentials, market, orientations and partners when being requested by enterprises and investors;

b) Providing guidelines on investment procedures;

c) Guiding and supporting enterprises, investors to handle with difficulties in the process of implementing the investment project;

d) Receiving, summarizing and submitting to the competent agencies to solve the proposals, recommendations of enterprises and investors.

3. In the necessary cases, for the large-scale projects that contain complex contents, ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall coordinate with each other and form a team to support in the process of investment promotion (doing research, preparing dossier, implementing procedures), granting the investment certificate, supporting the implementation of investment project.

Article 17. Cooperation on investment promotion

1. Encouraging the domestic and overseas cooperation to promote the efficiency and quality in investment promotion activity.

a) Cooperation and coordination among investment promotion activities, commercial promotion activities and tourism promotion activities;

b) Cooperation of ministries, provincial People’s Committees and Board of Management;

c) Cooperation of ministries, provincial People’s Committees and Board of Management with agencies, organizations, enterprises and investors;

d) International cooperation on investment promotion;

2) The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall:

a) Taking the prime responsibility on negotiating and being the focal point to implement the international bilateral and multilateral cooperation program related to investment and investment promotion;

b) Supporting ministries, provincial People’s Committees on implementing the investment promotion activities;

3. Ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall proactively implement the cooperation on investment promotion to promote the efficiency and quality of investment promotion.

Article 18. Focal point of state management on investment promotion

1. At the central level, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall be the focal point to help the Government unify the state management on investment promotion activity.

2. At the local level:

a) The department of Planning and Investment shall be the focal point to help the provincial People’s Committee perform state management on investment promotion at the local level;

b) Depending on the specific conditions, ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall assign or establish investment promotion section within its structure and shall arrange infrastructure, working condition, fund and operation expenditures for investment promotion section.

Article 19. Overseas investment promotion section at overseas Vietnamese representative agencies

1. Tasks of overseas investment promotion section:

a) Doing research on investment environment, law, policy, strategy for investment, demand to attract investment and ability to mobilize investment, potential and capacity of partners investing overseas, especially investment in Vietnam, investment procedures of the host country; orientations for cooperation and development of investment relationship between the host country and Vietnam and summarize into the report, send to the Ministry of Planning and Investment to provide information and propose promptly with the domestic agencies.

b) Proactively searching the opportunities and appealing the investors at host country to invest into Vietnam; supporting enterprises at host countries to invest into Vietnam; guiding, taking part in and supporting the investment promotion activity of Vietnam at host country; introducing the situation, capacity and cooperation demand of host country with Vietnamese agencies, organizations and enterprises.

c) Guiding, supporting Vietnamese investors at host country; introducing the situation, capacity and cooperation demand of Vietnam with agencies, organizations and enterprises at the host country; coordinating with related Vietnamese agencies to support and deal with the difficulties for Vietnamese investors investing at host country; supervising the operation of Vietnamese investors at host country;

d) Coordinating to verify the investors of host country investing into Vietnam and partners of Vietnamese enterprises at host country when being requested by Vietnamese competent agencies; taking part in the conferences, forums, events on investment cooperation at host country; joining the project negotiation; supervising and speeding up the implementation of international treaties of Vietnam on investment cooperation when being assigned;

dd) Coordinating with other sections at representative agencies to fulfill their tasks, protect rights and legal benefits of Vietnamese agencies, organizations, enterprises when investing at host country; propose the head of the representative agency to handle with the arising problems incooperative relationships between Vietnam and agencies, organizations and enterprises at host countries.

e) Building up the plan, program biannually, annually to submit to the head of representative agency for approval and report to the Ministry of Planning and Investment;

g) Implementing other tasks assigned by the head of representative agency;

2. Management on finance, assets, working equipment

a) Funds for Investment Promotion Section shall be implemented according to the regulations on overseas Vietnamese representative agency;

b) Investment Promotion Section shall implement the approved expenditure estimation and implement according to the specific guidelines of representative agencies based on the current regulations.

c) Investment promotion section shall manage finance, assets, working equipment in accordance with the law and regulations of representative agencies.

Chapter 3


Article 20. Funds for investment promotion of ministries, provincial People’s Committees from state budget

1. Funds for investment promotion of ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall be distributed in the annual budget plan of ministries, provincial People’s Committees.

2. Funds for investment promotion of ministries, provincial People’s Committees from state budget shall be only spent for investment promotion activity under the approved investment promotion program.

3. Building up the investment promotion plan and approving the fund for investment promotion of ministries, provincial People’s Committees from state budget shall be implemented according to this regulation and other related regulations.

Article 21. Funds for investment promotion of the national investment promotion program from state budget

1. Funds to implement investment promotion activity under the annual national investment promotion program shall be arranged in the annual budget plan.

2. Building up the plan and approving the fund for investment promotion of the national investment promotion program shall be implemented according to the Decision No. 26/2012/QD-TTg dated June 08, 2012 of the Prime Minister promulgating regulations on building and performing national investment promotion program.

Article 22. Mobilizing social sources for investment promotion activity

1. Encouraging the mobilization of social sources from the sponsor of organizations, enterprises and investors to support the implementation of activity under the investment promotion program;

2. The mobilization of social sources must guarantee transparency, clearness and it must be in accordance with the approved investment promotion plan and program and in accordance with the law; balance the benefits of society and sponsors.

Article 23. Coordination in building up the program, distributing the budget and performing the investment promotion activity

1. Building up the annual investment promotion activity must ensure the coordination from the start with the distribution of budget from state budget for the investment promotion program.

2. After reaching agreement with the Ministry of Planning and Investment on the annual investment promotion program, ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall estimate the fund for each activity under the investment promotion program in accordance with the law and put into its annual budget plan.

3. Ministries, provincial People’s Committees when conducting the investment promotion activity related to any specific field, area must coordinate with related ministries, provincial People’s Committee on contents and/or organize the implementation.

4. When receiving the request, related ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall coordinate and support to implement the investment promotion activity.

Chapter 4


Article 24. Information regime

1. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall summarize the information on the nation-wide investment promotion situation; supporting and providing ministries, provincial People’s Committees and Board of management with related information on performing the investment promotion activity.

2. Ministries, provincial People’s Committees and Board of managements shall summarize, provide information on investment promotion within its management and notify to the Ministry of Planning and Investment to summarize by quarterly, biannually and annually.

Article 25. Reporting regime

1. Biannually and annually, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall summarize and report on nation-wide investment promotion activity.

2. For biannual report, ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall summarize, report on investment promotion situation and use of budget within its scope of management and annually send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment before June 26 to summarize.

3. For annual report:

a) Ministries, provincial People’s Committees, board of management shall summarize and Investment Promotion Section shall report on investment promotion situation under its management and annually send to the Ministry of Planning and Investment before November 30 to summarize;

b) Based on the report of ministries, provincial People’s Committees, board of management, Investment Promotion Section shall submit to the Prime Minister the annual assessment report on investment promotion situation;

4. Reporting regime for investment promotion activity under the national investment promotion program shall be implemented according to the regulations on building and performing the national investment promotion program.

5. Investment Promotion Section shall implement the reporting regime by monthly, quarterly, biannually and annually.

Article 26. Application of electronic information to serve for investment promotion activity

1. Ministries, provincial People’s Committees shall build up and update information to serve for investment promotion activity on its portal;

2. Information and reporting regime on investment promotion as specified under Article 24, Article 25 of this Regulation shall be in writing and in portal;

3. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall build up and operate the portal on foreign investment, of which it must have information system, electronic report on investment promotion;

Chapter 5


Article 27. Responsibilities of the Ministry of Planning and Investment

The Ministry of Planning and Investment is the focal point to help the Government perform the state management on investment promotion activity. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall be responsible for:

1. Taking the prime responsibility of, coordinating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and related ministries to build up the plan, orientations to attract foreign investment and investment abroad; making guidelines to build up the annual investment promotion program; guiding the information regime, report regime on investment promotion situation;

2. Summarizing, building up and evaluating the national investment promotion program, supervising and speeding up the implementation of the national investment promotion program;

3. Making guidelines about the six-month and annual reporting regime to implement;

4. Conducting the investment promotion activity under its investment promotion program and activities assigned under the national investment promotion program;

5. Coordinating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Internal Affairs to submit to the Prime Minister on establishment or assignment of staff at Investment Promotion Section; state management on investment promotion content for Investment Promotion Section.

6. Reviewing, supervising the investment promotion activities that are ineffective and in contravention with this Regulation and Vietnamese laws;

7. Organizing the training course, training on investment promotion work;

Article 28. Responsibilities of the Ministry of Finance

1. Coordinating with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministries, provincial People’s Committees in building up the expenditure plan of the national investment promotion program, investment promotion program of ministries, provincial People’s Committees.

2. Taking the prime responsibility of, coordinating with the Ministry of Planning and Investment to make guidelines on specific rate of using expenditure from state budget implementing investment promotion activity.

3. Making guidelines on orders, procedures of disbursement from state budget implementing investment promotion activity;

4. Taking the prime responsibility of, coordinating with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, ministries, provincial People’s Committees to deal with the difficulties related to the arrangement and use of state budget implementing investment promotion activity.

5. Coordinating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Planning and Investment on distributing the budget for investment promotion activity of investment promotion section abroad;

Article 29. Responsibilities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1. Taking part in, coordinating with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, ministries and provincial People’s Committees to implement the investment promotion activities and program, combining investment promotion activities with foreign affairs.

2. Supporting and taking part in investment promotion activities abroad that are approved according to the notification of the Ministry of Planning and Investment. If it arises new investment promotion activity, representative agency shall notify and unify with the Ministry of Planning and Investment before the implementation.

3. Taking the prime responsibility and guiding representative agencies the implementation of state management for Investment Promotion Section.

4. Coordinating with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Internal Affairs to submit to the Prime Minister for decision on new establishment or withdraw of Investment Promotion Section and organizing the staff of Investment Promotion Section at representative agencies.

5. Based on the proposal of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, it shall decide on appointing the diplomatic titles, assigning the staff and prolonging the working time of staff performing the task of investment promotion at representative agencies as stipulated by the law.

6. Guiding, training and testing the use of foreign language and training the professions on foreign affairs for staff performing the task of investment promotion abroad.

7. Representative agencies shall arrange facilities, means of transportation, working conditions and expenditure for investment promotion section.

Article 30. Responsibilities of Ministries, Provincial People’s Committees

1. Taking the prime responsibility of and coordinating with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and related ministries to build up the annual investment promotion program and proposing activities to put into the national investment promotion program.

2. Performing investment promotion activities under its investment promotion program and other activities as assigned under the national investment promotion program.

3. Supporting the implementation or taking part in investment promotion activities conducted by ministries, related provincial People’s Committees within its scope of management when being requested.

4. Other specific responsibilities as specified by this Regulation.

Chapter 6


Article 31. Implementation provisions

Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of government-attached agencies and presidents of provincial/municipal People s Committees shall implement this Regulation./.


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