Who are the business license fee payers? What is the deadline for license fee payment?

Who are the business license fee payers? What is the deadline for license fee payment?

Who are the business license fee payers? What is the deadline for license fee payment?

The business license fee is the assigned amount that organizations, individuals, individual groups, and households engaged in goods production and service provision activities, excluded exempted cases. The business license fee period 2023 is assigned with a specific time in accordance with the periodical responsibilities.

10 new trademark provisions in Vietnam's 2022

10 new trademark provisions in Vietnam's 2022

10 new trademark provisions in Vietnam's 2022

Intellectual property is regarded as a company's most important and valuable asset. In particular, it cannot be denied that a trademark is the industrial property object with the highest commercial exploitation value. Numerous amendments and additions have been made to Vietnam's 2022 Intellectual Property Law in order to improve the effectiveness of the intellectual property protection mechanism and fulfill Vietnam's legal obligations under International intellectual property agreements to which Vietnam is a signatory, including CPTPP, EVFTA, and RCEP...