Decision 1331/QD-TTg 2021 Vietnamese Youth Development Strategy for the 2021-2030 period

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Decision No. 1331/QD-TTg dated July 24, 2021 of the Prime Minister promulgating the Vietnamese Youth Development Strategy for the 2021-2030 period
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:1331/QD-TTgSigner:Pham Minh Chinh
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:24/07/2021Effect status:

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By 2030, 80% of youths will receive career orientation and employment counseling

On July 24, 2021, the Prime Minister issues the Decision No. 1331/QD-TTg promulgating the Vietnamese Youth Development Strategy for the 2021-2030 period.

Specifically, the Prime Minister sets objectives as follows: By 2030, over 70% of youths will be provided with information on policies and laws via online law applications, social networks and mass media; By 2030, 80% of youths of the eligible age group will complete upper secondary education or the equivalent; 70% of youths in ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas and areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions will complete lower secondary education; etc.

Objectives for the purposes of improving the quality of vocational training and creating sustainable jobs for youths; developing high-quality young human resources include: By 2030, to strive for the targets that 80% of youths will receive career orientation and employment counseling; at least 70% of young people with disabilities, HIV-infected people, drug users, victims of human trafficking, and law offenders will be provided with training in life skills, work and reintegrate into the community; etc.

Addition, to strive that every year, over 70% of youths will be equipped with knowledge and skills in physical training and health protection; reproductive health, sexual health and mental health care; population and development; gender equality and prevention of gender-based violence; domestic violence, school violence, sexual abuse; HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS prevention and control measures; 100% of young girls will have convenient access to modern contraceptive methods, infertility prevention and assisted reproduction; etc.

This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 1331/QD-TTg


Hanoi, July 24, 2021



Promulgating the Vietnamese Youth Development Strategy
for the 2021-2030 period



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the November 22, 2019 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration;

Pursuant to the June 16, 2020 Youth Law;

At the proposal of the Minister of Home Affairs,



Article 1. To promulgate the Vietnamese Youth Development Strategy for the 2021-2030 period (below referred to as the Strategy) with the following contents:


1. Viewpoints

a/ The Strategy must strictly comply with the Party’s viewpoints and guidelines and the State’s policies and laws on youth development; and perpetuate the Vietnamese Youth Development Strategy for the 2011-2020 period and promote the achievements recorded thereunder;

b/ The Strategy constitutes part of the 2021-2030 Socio-Economic Development Strategy, the 2021-2030 Strategy on Human Resources Development, and the Program on National Digital Transformation through 2025, with orientations toward 2030; and must conform to the United Nations sustainable development goals as well as global and ASEAN youth development indexes;

c/ The youth shall be positioned at the center in the human resources training and promotion strategy. The youth should uphold their role as a major, pioneering, creative and leading force in the cause of national construction and defense;

d/ To enhance and expand international cooperation for Vietnamese youth development; to fulfill the regional and international commitments on youth development which Vietnam has acceded to or concluded.

2. Principles

a/ To ensure the unified leadership and direction work of Party committees and organizations  and state management responsibility of the Government, ministries, sectors and administrations of all levels for the youth; to take into account the particularities and characteristics of different regions and areas, ethnicities and religions;

b/ Ministries, sectors and local administrations shall concretize the Strategy’s contents into youth development mechanisms and policies, ensuring conformity with the State’s policies and laws, along with identifying specific responsibilities of different levels and sectors and individuals for organizing the implementation of the Strategy;

c/ To promote the role and participation of socio-political organizations, socio-professional organizations, economic organizations, mass organizations, education institutions, families, the society and youth;

d/ Resources for implementation of the Strategy shall be allocated by the State and mobilized from international donations and aid, from the society and community, and other lawful sources in accordance with law.


1. Overall objectives

To build up generations of Vietnamese youths who are comprehensively developed, patriotic, resilient and have the spirit of national pride; possess the revolutionary ideal, ambitions and will for national construction; have ethics and a sense of citizenship and law observance; have good health and lead healthy lifestyles; possess culture, knowledge, qualifications, life skills, careers and employment; have the will to establish their position in life and build their careers, are dynamic and creative, and can master science and technology. To develop high-quality young people that meet the requirements of fast and sustainable national development and international integration. To promote the spirit of dedication, pioneering and voluntariness of youths and raise their responsibility in the cause of national construction and defense.

2. Specific objectives

a/ Objective 1. To carry out law propaganda, dissemination and education; to provide legal counseling and support for youths

- Every year, 100% of young members of the armed forces and young cadres, civil servants and public employees will be updated with and study resolutions of Party committees at all levels and policies and laws of the State.

- Every year, 100% of pupils and students, 80% of young workers, and 75% of youths in rural areas, ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas will be equipped with national defense and security knowledge.

- By 2030, over 70% of youths will be provided with information on policies and laws via online law applications, social networks and mass media.

b/ Objective 2. To educate and improve knowledge and skills; to enable youths to have equal opportunities in study, research and innovation

- Every year, 100% of pupils and students will be educated in politics, ideology, morality, lifestyle, legal knowledge, life skills and soft skills.

- By 2030, 80% of youths of the eligible age group will complete upper secondary education or the equivalent; 70% of youths in ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas and areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions will complete lower secondary education.

- By 2030, the number of youths who can apply and deploy creative ideas and scientific research works in production and daily-life activities will increase by 15%; the number of scientific and technological works led by youths will increase by 15%; and the number of youths who work in science and technology organizations will increase by 10% (over the 2020 figures). 

- Every year, at least 20% of ethnic minority youths working as law rapporteurs and communicators and participating in law dissemination and education for adolescents in ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas and areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions will be trained in law dissemination and education activities; to strive to increase this rate to 100% by 2030.

c/ Objective 3. To improve the quality of vocational training and create sustainable jobs for youths; to develop high-quality young human resources

- Every year, 100% of education institution and vocational education institution students will receive career orientation education, be equipped with startup knowledge and skills prior to graduation; 100% of university and college students will be equipped with international integration and digital transformation knowledge.

- Every year, 30% of startup ideas and projects of students will be linked with businesses or venture capital funds or receive investment support from appropriate funding sources.

- By 2030, to strive for the targets that 80% of youths will receive career orientation and employment counseling; 60% of youths will receive vocational training associated with job creation, giving priority to on-the-spot jobs. Every year, at least 700,000 youths will get jobs.

- By 2030, the rate of unemployed youths in urban areas will be reduced to below 7%; the rate of underemployed youths in rural areas will be lower than 6%.

- By 2030, at least 70% of young people with disabilities, HIV-infected people, drug users, victims of human trafficking, and law offenders will be provided with training in life skills, work and reintegrate into the community. To strive to create stable jobs for over 50% of youths in ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas and areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions; and for 20% of young people with disabilities, HIV-infected people, people having undergone drug rehabilitation or re-education, or stateless Vietnamese.

d/ Objective 4. To protect, care for, and improve the health of, youths

- Every year, over 70% of youths will be equipped with knowledge and skills in physical training and health protection; reproductive health, sexual health and mental health care; population and development; gender equality and prevention of gender-based violence; domestic violence, school violence, sexual abuse; HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS prevention and control measures (this rate will be 100% for youths who are pupils and students in education institutions, and over 90% for youths in vocational education institutions).

- Every year, over 60% of youths will be provided with information on and access to friendly reproductive health and sexual health counseling and care services; 90% of young couples will receive health counseling and medical check-ups before getting married; 100% of young girls will have convenient access to modern contraceptive methods, infertility prevention and assisted reproduction.

- Every year, 100% of pupils and students will be covered by health insurance and receive primary health care; over 90% of young workers in industrial parks and complexes and export-processing zones will receive periodical medical check-ups and health care.

dd/ Objective 5. To improve the cultural and spiritual life of youths

- Every year, over 80% of youths in urban areas; 70% of youths in rural areas; and 60% of youths in ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas and areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions will be enabled to participate  in cultural, artistic, physical training and sports, and community activities in their places of study, work and residence.

- By 2030, at least 50% of youths will be skillful in using digital devices for communication and business within a digital economy.

e/ Objective 6. To promote the role of youths in socio-economic development and national defense

- Every year, 100% of youths of the law-specified age group and having full civil act capacity will be prepared to participate in military service and militia and self-defense forces.

- By 2030, to strive for the target that 20% of youths in state agencies and socio-political organizations will be included in plans on potential leaders of departmental-, provincial department- and division-level units or the equivalent; 15% of youths in state agencies and socio-political organizations will hold leadership and management positions.

- Every year, 100% of the Youth Union, Vietnam Youth Federation and Vietnamese Students’ Association and other lawfully established youth organizations at all levels will launch and mobilize youths to respond to and participate in voluntary activities for the community and society; social economic development; overcoming of consequences of natural disasters and epidemics; environmental protection; maintenance of social order and safety and national defense and security.


1. Strengthening the leadership and direction of Party committees and Party organizations and administrations at all levels

a/ To increase the dissemination and study of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought, the Party’s resolutions and directives, and the State’s policies and laws on youth for all levels and sectors, ensuring unified awareness and action of the entire political system in the care for, training and comprehensive development of youths;

b/ To attach importance to education for raising the sense of law observance among youths and their responsibility toward themselves, their families and the society. To closely combine law education with education about revolutionary ideals, morality and cultured lifestyles; history, traditions and spirit of national pride; preservation of the national cultural identity and adoption of the cultural quintessence of humanity;

c/ To raise the effectiveness of coordination among all levels, sectors and mass organizations; to promote the role of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and youth organizations in implementation of the Strategy.

2. Improving mechanisms, policies and laws on youth

a/ To review, amend and supplement or promulgate according to competence policies and regulations on youth on the basis of the 2020 Youth Law, relevant laws, and regional and international treaties and agreements which Vietnam has acceded to or concluded;

b/ To renew mechanisms and policies in order to mobilize to the utmost resources for youth development; to attach importance to specific policies to support vulnerable youth groups and youths in ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas and areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions;

c/ To study and formulate mechanisms and policies to discover, attract, train and employ young talents at home and overseas to participate in national construction and development;

d/ To study and formulate incentive mechanisms and policies for attracting qualified and skilled youths and youth volunteers to work in economic-defense zones, ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas, areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions, border areas, and on islands.

3. Stepping up policy and law communication and dissemination

a/ To intensify the communication and dissemination of the 2020 Youth Law, the Strategy, the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws on youth;

b/ To renovate contents and forms of law dissemination and education for youths suitable to each target group and local conditions, attaching importance to the vulnerable and those living in ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas, areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions, border areas, and on islands;

c/ To promote communication about the necessity and demand to improve the material and spiritual lives of and health care for youths, attaching importance to counseling and communication skills training for reproductive health and sexual health care service providers. To intensify communication about the prevention and control of tobacco harms and harms from abuse of alcohol, beer and other stimulants; prevention of non-communicable diseases; prevention of law violations and social evils among youths;

d/ To renovate and diversify forms of launching and popularizing cultural and artistic works of high humane value to orient and educate youths. To encourage them to participate and be creative in cultural and physical training and sports activities; to preserve and promote the national cultural values ​​and absorb the cultural quintessence of humanity;

dd/ To develop social media with positive and healthy contents, meeting the needs of youths in the cyberspace; to control their unethical and uncivilized use of social media; to impose punishments on unhealthy and violent online activities, services and games that adversely affect youths and the society.

4. Promoting the provision of youth support services and activities

a/ To renew forms of providing support services for youths in learning, creativity and scientific research activities; to effectively carry out digital transformation in the field of education and training; to develop online foreign language training programs for free access by young pupils in rural areas, ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas;

b/ To implement a mechanism on cooperation between universities, vocational education institutions, research institutions and economic organizations; to improve the labor market information system toward international integration; to raise the quality of short- and long-term labor market forecasts; to organize skills and innovation contests among youths;

c/ To consolidate the network of employment and startup services toward higher operational quality; to provide orientations and support for youths’ startups; to provide health care and legal counseling and aid for youths;

d/ To encourage the provision of psychiatric  counseling services for youths; to invest in and build cultural, physical training and sports institutions and social welfare works for youths, paying attention to young migrants and workers in industrial parks and complexes and export-processing zones.

5. Resources for implementation of the Strategy

a/ The State shall ensure resources for organizing the implementation of the Strategy, including guaranteeing the quantity and quality of human resources performing the state management of youth, and funds for performance of youth development tasks, schemes and projects to meet the requirements of the tasks and suit the new situations of ministries, sectors and localities as well as the fund-balancing capacity of the state budget;

b/ To step up mobilization of lawful resources at home and abroad for the implementation of the Strategy; to create conditions for maintaining the Support Fund for Youth’s Startup and increasing its operational efficiency.

6. Promoting international cooperation in implementation of the Strategy

a/ To strengthen international cooperation in the formulation and implementation of policies and laws on youth; to carry out youth-related exchange activities; to actively and proactively participate in the formulation, conclusion and implementation of regional and international treaties and agreements on youth;

b/ To raise the awareness of youths about proactive and active international integration in a comprehensive, extensive and effective manner; to create conditions for youths to participate in youth-related international cooperation and exchange activities;

c/ To effectively use and promote the support of international organizations to implement the Strategy in association with the implementation and achievement of the United Nations sustainable development goals, global youth development indexes, and commitments and goals of the ASEAN Community.

7. Guiding, examining and evaluating the implementation of the Strategy

a/ To guide, examine and evaluate the implementation of the objectives, targets, tasks and solutions set out in the Strategy;

b/ To improve the information system and statistical reporting regime on the Vietnamese youth; to raise the quality of forecasts about youth development trends in each specific period as a basis for evaluating the implementation and making of policies and laws for youth.

8. Promoting the role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, mass organizations and youths

a/ To increase the role of supervision and social criticism of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political mass organizations. To mobilize the participation of mass organizations, economic organizations, social organizations and the whole society in caring for, training, and protecting the lawful and legitimate rights and interests of, youths; to mobilize people from all walks of life to implement policies and laws on youth;

b/ To renew and improve the operations of all-level organizations of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, the National Committee on Youth of Vietnam, the Vietnam Youth Federation, and the Vietnam Students’ Association with a view to bringing into play the pioneering and creative role of youths in the cause of national construction and defense;

c/ To promote the activeness and proactivity of youths in state and social management activities; and in the process of formulating, organizing the implementation of, supervising and providing feedback on policies and laws on youth.


1. The Ministry of Home Affairs shall act as the standing body assisting the Prime Minister to:

a/ Plan and guide ministries, sectors and localities on the implementation of the Strategy; to organize the dissemination and study of the Strategy, and launch emulation campaigns and commend outstanding achievements recorded in the implementation of the Strategy;

b/ Review, amend, supplement or promulgate or propose competent authorities to promulgate policies and regulations on youth as suitable to the country’s socio-economic development realities and demands in each period;

c/ Organizationally strengthen the apparatus in charge of state management of youth, focusing on professional training for people performing the state management of youth;

d/ Urge and examine ministries, sectors, agencies and localities in formulating 5-year and annual development master plans, plans, programs, schemes and projects integrating the Strategy’s objectives and targets;

dd/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries, sectors and agencies in, periodically examining and evaluating the implementation of the Strategy and report them to the Prime Minister; conduct reviews of the implementation of the Strategy in 2025 and 2030.

2. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies shall:

a/ Formulate, improve, and organize the implementation of, policies and laws on youth according to their assigned functions and tasks;

b/ Organize the dissemination and study of the Strategy’s contents; launch emulation campaigns and commend outstanding achievements recorded in the implementation of the Strategy under the guidance of the Ministry of Home Affairs;

c/ Promulgate the Youth Development Program in the 2021-2030 period on the basis of the Strategy and the guidance of the Ministry of Home Affairs; formulate annual and periodical implementation plans with specific youth development goals and targets as suitable to the development conditions of different sectors or fields;

d/ Integrate youth development targets into 5-year and annual socio-economic development master plans, plans, programs, schemes and projects for implementation;

dd/ Organize the performance of the tasks and solutions specified in the Strategy according to their assigned functions and tasks;

e/ Ensure funds and mobilize lawful resources at home and abroad for the implementation of the Strategy and youth programs, schemes and projects;

g/ Guide provincial-level People’s Committees to implement youth development goals and targets in the sectors and fields under their management; integrate statistical indicators on Vietnamese youth into local statistical indicator systems;

h/ Organizationally strengthen the apparatus for performing the state management of youth; focus on professional qualifications training;

i/ Guide, urge, examine and evaluate the implementation of the Strategy by agencies and units under their management; periodically report on results of implementation of the Strategy as part of reports on the state management of youth according to regulations.

3. The Ministry of Justice shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs and related ministries, sectors and agencies in, promulgating or proposing competent authorities to promulgate, and improving, policies and laws on law dissemination and education for youths.

4. The Ministry of Education and Training and Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall, based on their assigned functions and tasks, assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Health and related ministries, sectors and agencies in, formulating and implementing comprehensive gender education and reproductive health education programs in education institutions and vocational education institutions.

5. The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries, sectors and agencies in, summing up funds for the implementation of youth development tasks, schemes and projects, and submit them to competent authorities for consideration and decision in accordance with the Law on the State Budget.

6. The Vietnam News Agency, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television and mass media agencies shall spare a certain time volume for broadcasting and write propaganda and educational articles about revolutionary ideals, ethics, lifestyle, civic consciousness, career orientation and life skills for youths; and promote reporting about the organization of implementation of the Strategy.

7. Provincial-level People’s Committees

a/ To concretize, and organize the implementation of, policies and laws on youth according to regulations on delegation of management powers;

b/ To organize the propaganda, dissemination and study of the Strategy’s contents; to launch emulation movements and commend outstanding achievements recorded in the implementation of the Strategy under the guidance of the Ministry of Home Affairs;

c/ To formulate and submit to provincial-level People’s Councils for promulgation resolutions on youth development in the 2021-2030 period; to promulgate youth development programs in the 2021-2030 period on the basis of the Strategy and the guidance of the Ministry of Home Affairs; to formulate annual and periodical implementation plans with specific youth development goals and targets as suitable to local socio-economic development conditions;

d/ To integrate youth development targets into 5-year and annual socio-economic development master plans, plans, programs, schemes and projects for implementation; to integrate statistical indicators on Vietnamese youth into local statistical indicator systems and improve youth information systems under the guidance of related ministries and sectors;

dd/ To organizationally strengthen the apparatus of all-level agencies performing the state management of youth; to attach importance to professional qualifications training;

e/ Annually, to allocate local budget funds and mobilize other lawful resources for organizing the implementation of the Strategy and local youth development programs;

g/ To guide specialized agencies under provincial-level People’s Committees and subordinate People’s Committees in formulating and implementing youth development programs; to urge, inspect and evaluate the implementation thereof; to periodically report on the results of implementation of the Strategy as part of reports on state management of youth according to regulations.

8. The Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Vietnam Youth Federation, Vietnam Students’ Association and other lawfully established youth organizations in:

a/ Formulating a plan to implement the Strategy; disseminating the Strategy’s contents; coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs and related ministries, sectors and agencies in organizing the implementation of the Strategy;

b/ Guiding youth organizations at all levels to coordinate with local agencies in charge of state management of youth in formulating and implementing local youth development programs and plans; carrying out emulation work and commending outstanding achievements recorded in the implementation of the Strategy in accordance with law;

c/ Encouraging and mobilizing youths to participate in proposing, formulating, and organizing the implementation of, the Strategy’s contents;

d/ Carrying out supervision and social criticism in the implementation of the Strategy in accordance with law; requesting competent agencies to develop and complete a system of policies and laws on youth.

9. The Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations shall, within the ambit of their functions and tasks, participate in performing the state management and supervision of the implementation of the Strategy.

Article 2. To promulgate together with this Decision an Appendix on the List of tasks, programs, schemes and projects for implementation of the Strategy. 

Article 3. Effect 

1. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

2. Any difficulties and problems arising in the course of implementation of the Strategy should be reported to the Ministry of Home Affairs for guidance and settlement; cases falling beyond competence should be reported to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.

3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees, and heads of related agencies shall implement this Decision.-

Prime Minister

* The Appendix to this Decision is not translated.


[1] Công Báo Nos 687-688 (02/8/2021)

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