Decision 289/QD-TTg 2024 approve Master Plan on national network of hydro-meteorological stations for 2021-2030

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Decision No. 289/QD-TTg dated April 08, 2024 of the Prime Minister approving the Master Plan on the national network of hydro-meteorological stations for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:289/QD-TTgSigner:Tran Hong Ha
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:08/04/2024Effect status:

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Fields:Natural Resources - Environment
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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 289/QD-TTg


Hanoi, April 8, 2024


Approving the Master Plan on the national network of hydro-meteorological stations for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050[1]



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government; and the November 22, 2019 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration;

Pursuant to the November 24, 2017 Planning Law; and the November 20, 2018 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of Thirty-Seven Laws concerning Planning;

Pursuant to the November 23, 2015 Law on Hydro-meteorology;

Pursuant to the National Assembly Standing Committee’s Resolution No. 751/2019/UBTVQH14 of August 16, 2019;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP of May 7, 2019, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Planning Law; and the Government’s Decree No. 58/2023/ND-CP of August 12, 2023, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP of May 7, 2019, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Planning Law;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 433/QD-TTg of March 24, 2021, approving the task of formulation of the Master Plan on the national network of hydro-meteorological stations for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1970/QD-TTg of November 23, 2021, approving the Strategy for development of the hydro-meteorological sector through 2030, with a vision toward 2045;

At the proposal of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment and based on the Appraisal Council’s Report No. 01/BC-HDTD of October 13, 2023, on appraisal of the Master Plan on the national network of hydro-meteorological stations for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050,



Article 1. To approve the Master Plan on the national network of hydro-meteorological stations for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050 (below referred to as the Master Plan), with the following principal contents:


1. The Master Plan shall be implemented in the entire land territory, islands, archipelagoes, maritime zones and space areas under the sovereignty and sovereign rights, and the exclusive economic zone of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

2. The Master Plan does not cover special-use hydro-meteorological monitoring stations for exclusive use by ministries, sectors, localities, organizations and individuals.


1. Viewpoints

a/ Hydro-meteorological information and data constitute an important input of socio-economic sectors and fields, serve the people’s daily life, and importantly contribute to disaster preparedness and national defense and security assurance. Investment in the national network of hydro-meteorological stations is investment in development that needs to be made one step ahead to ensure modernity, completeness and efficient operation of the network.

b/ The Master Plan is formulated on the basis of the Party’s viewpoints, policies and guidelines and the State’s policies and laws; conforms to strategies for socio-economic development, national defense, and national security protection, sector development strategies, and disaster preparedness strategies; and ensures the perpetuality and hierarchy of the system of master plans and conformity with national overall master plans.

c/ The Master Plan must be based on reality and help address problems and limitations of the existing network of hydro-meteorological stations, be dynamic and open on the basis of scientific grounds and an innovative thinking to efficiently utilize scientific, technological, digital transformation and automation achievements, and meet short-term and long-term task requirements.

d/ The Master Plan must be associated with satisfaction of requirements on improvement of accuracy, timeliness and reliability of hydro-meteorological forecasting and warning and climate change monitoring activities to effectively serve socio-economic development, national defense and security assurance, disaster preparedness, and climate change adaptability.

dd/ The Master Plan must follow the multi-target approach, be optimally integrated with the national network of natural resources and environment monitoring stations and sectors’ special-use monitoring systems, and serve as an open and key system for providing infrastructure facilities and as a management and operation apparatus to facilitate the uniform management by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

e/ The Master Plan aims at improving the quality of human resources to meet new requirements of the management and operation of the national network of hydro-meteorological stations toward automation, advance and modernity.

2. Development objectives

a/ General objectives: To develop the national network of hydro-meteorological stations to be gradually modern and complete and reach the level of the developed countries in Asia and the world; to make the network capable of being integrated, connected and shared with the national network of natural resources and environment monitoring stations, the global network of hydro-meteorological stations and sectors’ special-use monitoring systems, thereby meeting the demand for information and data and improving the quality, timeliness and reliability of the hydro-meteorological forecasting and warning work to serve socio-economic development, national defense and security assurance, disaster preparedness and climate change response.

b/ Specific objectives: To focus on developing, upgrading, automating and modernizing the network, adding monitoring factors, and increasing the intensity of stations, especially in areas frequently hit by disasters, no-data zones, areas greatly affected by climate change, coastal areas, and islands and archipelagoes under the sovereignty and sovereign rights of Vietnam; to ensure the rational arrangement of the network of stations among regions with variant hydro-meteorological and topographical conditions; to upgrade information and database infrastructure to be centralized, modern and complete, and intensify the application of artificial intelligence in the management, inspection, supervision, sharing and exploitation of hydro-meteorological monitoring data; to improve the system of laws, technical regulations and techno-economic norms and organizational apparatus, and reorganize and rearrange human resources and other resources to suit the process of automation and mobilization of social resources.

- By 2025: The average density of stations throughout the network will reach the level of the developed countries in Southeast Asia (1 surface meteorology monitoring station per 1,100km2; 1 independent rain measuring station per 121km2; 1 radiation monitoring station per 21,000 km2; 1 lightning positioning station per 15,000km2; 1 hydrological station per 1,520km2 per basin; 1 oceanological station along the coast per 112km, and 1 oceanic radar system along the coast per 250km); the automation rate throughout the station network will surpass 40% for surface meteorology monitoring stations, 50% for water level monitoring stations, 100% for independent rain measuring stations, and 20% for water flow measuring stations.

- By 2030: The average density of stations throughout the network will reach the level of the developed countries in Asia (1 surface meteorology monitoring station per 840km2; 1 independent rain measuring station per 80km2; 1 radiation monitoring station per 18,000km2; 1 lightning positioning station per 14,000km2; 1 ozone-ultraviolet radiation monitoring station per 82,000km2; 1 hydrological station per 650km2 per basin; 1 oceanological station along the coast per 70km; 1 oceanic radar system along the coast per 200km; and 1 buoy station along the coast per 650km); the automation rate throughout the station network will surpass 95%, for meteorology, water level, rain, and upper-air wind measuring stations, and at least 40%, for flow measuring stations. To upgrade and modernize laboratories and systems for verification and calibration of hydro-meteorological measuring instruments; to modernize information, data and digital transformation systems of the hydro-meteorological sector; to get access to and research a number of new monitoring types, such as monitoring stations on moving objects such as meteorological reconnaissance aircraft, seagoing ships, meteorological and remote-sensing satellites, meteorological rockets, unmanned aerial vehicles, and other modern monitoring technologies and equipment.

- Vision toward 2050: The density of automatic hydro-meteorological stations will be equal to that of the developed countries in the world with the total number of hydro-meteorological stations reaching 5,886. To transform almost all hydro-meteorological stations into fully automatic ones after the model of modern hydro-meteorological station network of the developed countries; to research and apply on a pilot basis a number of new monitoring types: monitoring stations on moving objects such as meteorological reconnaissance aircraft, seagoing ships, meteorological and remote-sensing satellites, meteorological rockets, unmanned aerial vehicles, and other modern monitoring technologies and equipment.


1. The national network of hydro-meteorological stations include surface meteorology monitoring stations, upper-air meteorological stations, weather radar stations, agricultural meteorological stations, hydrological stations, oceanological stations, rain measuring stations, lightning positioning stations, and other specialized stations. Surface meteorology monitoring stations, hydrological stations and oceanological stations shall be classified into basic stations and universal stations.

a/ Basic stations (fundamental stations) play the key role in the national network of hydro-meteorological stations and serve as stable and long-term monitoring stations. Monitoring data collected at these stations reflect meteorological, hydrological and oceanological characteristics of regions, sub-regions or river basins and may be used for checking, evaluation and comparison of monitoring data of other hydro-meteorological stations in the same area. These stations shall be organized as stations with monitoring personnel.

b/ Universal stations shall be arranged to increase the monitoring density of a number of factors among basic stations to meet hydro-meteorological forecasting and warning requirements and serve as stations that are organized as automatic monitoring stations without monitoring personnel.

2. Plans on development of the national network of hydro-meteorological stations:

By 2050, the total number of hydro-meteorological stations will be 5,886, including the following component station networks:

a/ The network of 420 surface meteorological stations (including 99 basic stations and 321 universal stations): To maintain, modernize and automate 215 existing stations, and additionally build 77; 90 and 38 automatic stations by 2025, 2030 and 2050, respectively.

b/ The network of 29 existing agricultural meteorological stations, which shall be maintained, upgraded and modernized and integrated into surface meteorology monitoring stations.

c/ The network of 4,333 independent rain measuring stations: To maintain 871 existing automatic rain measuring stations, and additionally build 1,187; 1,000 and 1,275 automatic stations by 2025, 2030 and 2050, respectively.

d/ The network of upper-air meteorological stations, including:

- The network of 9 radiosonde stations: To maintain and modernize 6 existing stations, and additionally build 3 stations (1 by 2025, 1 by 2030, and 1 by 2050);

- The network of 21 upper-air wind measuring stations: To maintain and modernize 8 existing stations, and additionally build 13 stations (3 by 2025, 3 by 2030, and 7 by 2050).

dd/ The network of 39 weather radar stations: To maintain and modernize 10 existing stations, and additionally build 29 stations (8 by 2025, 5 by 2030, and 16 by 2050).

e/ The network of 26 lightning positioning stations: To maintain and modernize 18 existing automatic stations, and additionally build 8 automatic stations (3 by 2025, 2 by 2030, and 3 by 2050).

g/ The network of 526 hydrological stations (including 77 basic stations and 449 universal stations): To maintain, upgrade, modernize and automate 426 existing stations, and additionally build 100 automatic stations (12 by 2025, 42 by 2030, and 46 by 2050).

h/ The network of 79 oceanological stations (including 20 basic stations and 59 universal stations): To maintain, upgrade, modernize and automate 27 existing stations, and additionally build 52 automatic stations (3 by 2025, 20 by 2030, and 29 by 2050).

i/ The networks of climate change monitoring stations, including:

- The network of 44 reference meteorological stations selected from among surface meteorology monitoring stations: To maintain 7 existing stations and additionally build 37 stations by 2050;

- The network of 9 existing reference hydrological stations selected from among existing hydrological stations;

- The network of 19 reference oceanological stations selected from among oceanological stations: To maintain 3 existing stations and additionally build 16 stations by 2050.

k/ The networks of specialized stations, including:

- The network of 21 radiation monitoring stations: To maintain, upgrade and modernize 14 existing automatic stations, and additionally build 7 automatic stations (1 by 2025, 3 by 2030 and 3 by 2050);

- The network of 9 ozone-ultraviolet monitoring radiation stations: To maintain, upgrade and modernize 3 existing automatic stations, and additionally build 6 automatic stations (1 by 2030 and 5 by 2050);

- The network of 3 satellite image-receiving stations: To maintain, upgrade and modernize 1 existing station and additionally build 2 stations by 2050.

l/ The networks of air and water environment monitoring stations, including:

- The network of 27 existing air environment monitoring stations which shall be maintained, upgraded and modernized and integrated with the network of surface meteorology monitoring stations or the national environmental monitoring network;  

- The network of 56 existing surface-water environment monitoring stations which shall be maintained, upgraded and modernized and integrated with the network of hydrological stations or the national environmental monitoring network;  

- The network of 30 seawater environment monitoring stations: To maintain, upgrade, modernize and automate 6 existing stations which shall be integrated with the network of oceanological stations or the national environmental monitoring network.

m/ The network of 179 salinity measuring stations: To maintain, upgrade, modernize and automate 95 existing stations, and additionally build 84 stations (28 by 2025, 30 by 2030 and 26 by 2050).

n/ The network of global meteorological stations built on the basis of maintaining, upgrading and modernizing 1 existing station.

o/ The networks of marine radar stations and buoy stations:

- The network of 21 marine radar stations: To maintain, upgrade and modernize 3 existing stations, and additionally build 18 stations (9 by 2025, 5 by 2030 and 4 by 2050);

- The network of 14 buoy stations, including 5 and 9 stations to be built by 2030 and 2050, respectively.

p/ To maintain, upgrade and modernize the system of hydro-meteorological measuring instrument verification and calibration facilities; the system of air and water environment analysis and experimentation facilities, and the hydro-meteorological information transmission, processing and database system in order to provide uniform, timely and accurate information.

3. The list of stations, projected locations, monitoring factors, types of stations and tentative investment phases are provided in Appendix I; infrastructure systems of hydro-meteorological measuring instrument verification and calibration facilities and environmental analysis and experimentation facilities are provided in Appendix II, to this Decision. Specific locations and sizes of stations and timing of investment therein shall be concretized for specific investment programs and projects.


The total land area for development of the national network of hydro-meteorological monitoring stations and related monitoring activities in the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050, is projected at around 284,760 hectares, including 238,521 hectares for existing national hydro-meteorological monitoring stations and 46,239 hectares for building additional stations (in the course of implementation of the Master Plan, the actual land use demand will continue to be reviewed on the basis of investment plans, technological equipment and automation level in order to economically and efficiently use land within land use limits allocated by competent authorities).


1. Investment orientations

- Investment shall be prioritized for schemes and projects on the list promulgated together with the Strategy for development of the hydro-meteorological sector through 2030, with a vision toward 2045, which is approved by the Prime Minister under Decision No. 1970/QD-TTg of November 23, 2021; hydro-meteorological projects related to the contents of the Government’s Resolution No. 06/NQ-CP of January 21, 2021, promulgating the Program of Action to continue implementing Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW of the 11th Party Central Committee, on proactive response to climate change and intensified management of natural resources and environmental protection according to the Political Bureau’s Conclusion No. 56-KL/TW of August 23, 2019; and investment projects to implement the Master Plan on the national network of hydro-meteorological stations for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050 (prioritizing investment in hydro-meteorological stations in border areas and islands, remote and deep-lying areas, no-data areas, and areas frequently hit by dangerous disasters).

- Investment shall be prioritized for building monitoring stations in the direction of improving basic hydro-meteorological stations to fully satisfy the law-specified criteria and task requirements. For universal hydro-meteorological stations, each of them shall be invested with 100% automatic equipment to become fully automated, thus contributing to raising their monitoring capacity and reducing human resources for management and operation and land resources. 

- Regarding investment sources for building the network of hydro-meteorological stations: In addition to state budget funds, it is necessary to formulate mechanisms and policies to mobilize other social investment sources, develop hydro-meteorological services, and free land areas from being used for monitoring stations through the automation thereof.

2. List of priority projects

a/ For the 2021-2025 period:

- To build the network for water resource monitoring and supervision and enhance the coordination in inter-reservoir operation in the Vu Gia-Thu Bon river and Ca river basins.

- To build the network for monitoring and supervision of operation of hydropower reservoirs and the decision support system for operation of hydropower reservoirs in the Red-Thai Binh river basin.

- To build weather radar and radiosonde stations on Truong Sa (Spratly) islands to serve the hydro-meteorological forecasting work.

- To build the information technology integration system for storm monitoring and forecasting serving meteorological and weather disaster preparedness in Vietnam.

- To consolidate the oceanological monitoring system.

- To hire automatic rain measuring services to serve the hydro-meteorological forecasting work, especially for rain and flood, by the mode of data subscription.

b/ For the 2026-2030 period:

- To practice integrated management of flood risks in adaptation to climate change - the hydro-meteorological component.

- To improve the upper-air meteorological monitoring capacity to serve disaster preparedness and socio-economic development in Vietnam.

- To develop and modernize the hydro-meteorological monitoring network for the 2026-2030 period.

- To build automatic hydro-meteorological stations to serve the forecasting and warning work in the Central Highlands, coastal areas and on islands of Vietnam.

- To improve the capacity of the system for verification and calibration of hydro-meteorological measuring instruments.

- To modernize the information, data and digital transformation system of the hydro-meteorological sector.

- To upgrade and modernize the system of air and water environment analysis and experimentation facilities.

- To upgrade system of the upper-air wind measuring stations using Pilotsonde equipment.

- To hire meteorological monitoring and data provision and automatic rain measuring services to serve the hydro-meteorological forecasting work by the mode of data subscription.


1. Solutions related to mechanisms and policies

- To improve the effect and effectiveness of state management of hydro-meteorology; to clearly define roles, responsibilities, functions and tasks of, and mechanisms for coordination among, ministries, sectors and localities; to formulate appropriate roadmaps and plans in accordance with law to promote autonomy for public non-business units in the field of hydro-meteorology.

- To formulate and supplement mechanisms and policies on organization and apparatus in conformity with the process of transformation of the model of management of the network of hydro-meteorological stations toward modernity, automation and reduction of human resources and management and operation costs; to develop hydro-meteorological services; to attract investment and intensify the mobilization of social sources for hydro-meteorological monitoring activities; to attract high-quality human resources for hydro-meteorological activities, particularly human resources for automation.

2. Organizational structure and human resource development solutions

- To consolidate and arrange the organizational structure in a streamlined and professional fashion; to renovate methods of management and operation of the national network of hydro-meteorological stations in a centralized, synchronous and unified manner and in conformity with the modern management model and the modernization and automation process.

- To focus on training and further training to improve the level of information technology, electronics and telecommunications; to arrange human resources in a harmonious and reasonable manner, ensuring consistency in the process of automating the national network of hydro-meteorological stations; to expand training cooperation with domestic and foreign organizations and exchange experience with international partners in order to raise qualifications and master hydro-meteorological monitoring technology.

3. Investment capital mobilization and allocation solutions

- To prioritize the allocation of state budget funds in accordance with the law on public investment and relevant regulations, the capacity for allocating funds for medium-term and annual public investment plans so as to invest in developing the national network of hydro-meteorological stations in each phase of the Master Plan.

- To call for more concessional loans and non-refundable aid and make the most of other lawful capital sources for investment in developing the national network of hydro-meteorological stations in accordance with law.

- To intensify the mobilization of social sources and non-budgetary sources, especially for monitoring activities, automatically providing hydro-meteorological data, exploiting data from special-use station systems to serve hydro-meteorological forecasting and warning activities, especially at mobile stations on board seagoing vessels and aircraft in unplanned no-data zones.

4. Science and technology solutions

- To speed up digital transformation in hydro-meteorological monitoring activities; to intensify the application of automation, artificial intelligence and big data technologies in the monitoring, processing and transmission of information and operation of the national hydro-meteorological monitoring network; to study scientific and technological tasks in order to effectively exploit data from the hydro-meteorological monitoring network.

- To apply remote monitoring technology in no-data zones or areas where fixed stations cannot be installed, focusing on contactless measurement technology for the hydro-meteorological and oceanological monitoring network.

- To apply advanced and modern technologies, upgrade infrastructure facilities for collecting hydro-meteorological information and data, and intensify the integration and exploitation of data into/from special-use hydro-meteorological stations; to effectively use telecommunications channels to ensure uninterrupted communication in any circumstances.

5. International cooperation solutions

- To promote cooperation with regional countries and international organizations, and activate mechanisms for cooperation in sharing information and data under regulations in order to improve the quality of hydro-meteorological forecasting, especially for cross-border river basins and marine hydro-meteorology.

- To promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation with countries and territories with the developed level of hydro-meteorological science, and international organizations and foreign enterprises so as to make the best use of aid and concessional loans for investment in projects on development of the hydro-meteorological monitoring network, while seeking assistance in terms of technology, expertise, human resource training and experience in the management, operation and exploitation of the network of hydro-meteorological stations.

6. Solutions to organize and suppervise the implementation of the Master Plan

- To publicize the Master Plan and facilitate close coordination among  ministries, sectors and localities in the process of implementing the Master Plan in order to ensure uniformity and synchronism in the implementation; for hydro-meteorological stations planned in maritime zones and on islands, in DK1 rigs and other offshore structures related to areas serving military and national defense purposes, it is required to obtain the consensus of competent military and national defense agencies on investment, upgrading, management, use and exploitation plans before such plans are implemented in order to ensure that the implementation does not affect military and national defense purposes and to keep confidential state secrets in accordance with law.

- To intensify inspection and supervision, and bring into full play the role of socio-political organizations and communities in supervising the implementation of the Master Plan.

- To intensify public communication for improving the awareness about and observance of laws on planning, investment, construction, management, and protection of technical corridors of hydro-meteorological stations.

- To provide hydro-meteorological data for ministries, sectors and localities, connecting them with national databases for efficient exploitation and use in accordance with law to serve socio-economic development, security and national defense.



1. Funds for implementation of the Master Plan include:

a/ State budget funds (including those for development investment expenditure and recurrent expenditure) according to regulations on state budget decentralization, the law on public investment and law on the state budget and in conformity with the state budget’s fund-balancing capacity.

b/ Other lawful funding sources as specified by law (including funds mobilized from domestic and foreign enterprises, organizations and individuals).

2. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall take the total responsibility for the list of proposed investment projects in accordance with the law on public investment and relevant regulations. The implementation of projects and tasks under the Master Plan must comply with the Law on Public Investment, the Law on the State Budget and other relevant laws.

Article 2. Organization of implementation

1. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall:

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries, sectors and provincial-level People’s Committees in, announcing the Master Plan, formulating a plan on implementation of the Master Plan and submitting it to the competent authority for approval, and organize the implementation of the Master Plan in accordance with law.

- Direct and organize the construction and operation of national hydro-meteorological monitoring stations according to its competence and law; coordinate with related ministries, sectors and localities in formulating plans on planting of boundary markers and protection of technical corridors of hydro-meteorological structures under its management; in the course of implementation, closely coordinate with the Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of Public Security in preventing impacts on military, national defense and security activities and protection of state secrets in accordance with law.

- Formulate and submit for promulgation or promulgate according to its competence legal documents, standards, technical regulations, procedures and techno-economic norms, organize the monitoring apparatus, and provide professional guidance on monitoring, transmission, processing, management and provision of hydro-meteorological information and data for uniform application nationwide; unify the monitoring database; manage, integrate and provide hydro-meteorological monitoring information.

- Proactively integrate and closely combine  natural resource and environment-related basic surveys with hydro-meteorological monitoring activities so as to improve their efficiency and save investment costs.

- Direct and organize the provision and sharing of hydro-meteorological information and data to ministries, sectors, localities, organizations and individuals in accordance with law; publicize information and data for communication, education and awareness improvement in accordance with law.

- Coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and Ministry of Finance in allocating annual budget funds for implementation of projects and tasks under the Master Plan in accordance with the laws on public investment and state budget and relevant regulations.

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, inspecting, examining, preliminarily and finally reviewing and evaluating the implementation of the Master Plan; report to the Prime Minister on results of the implementation of the Master Plan in accordance with law.

2. Related ministries and ministerial-level agencies shall, within the ambit of their functions, tasks and powers, coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and provincial-level People’s Committees in allocating resources and proposing policies and mechanisms for achieving the objectives of the Master Plan, ensuring uniformity and conformity with the implementation of socio-economic development strategies and socio-economic development plans of sectors and localities; direct and organize the performance of hydro-meteorological monitoring activities on special-use networks and send monitoring information and data to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in accordance with the law on hydro-meteorology.

3. Provincial-level People’s Committees shall:

- Coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in formulating and implementing the Master Plan, formulating plans on planting of boundary markers and protection of technical corridors of hydro-meteorological structures of the national network of hydro-meteorological stations in their localities.

- Based on the national hydro-meteorological monitoring network, direct the construction of local special-use hydro-meteorological monitoring networks in accordance with law and in conformity with the Master Plan.

- Report to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on hydro-meteorological monitoring results of monitoring stations and points managed by localities.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing, and replaces the contents on planning of the network of hydro-meteorological stations of the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 90/QD-TTg of January 12, 2016, approving the Master Plan on the national natural resources and environmental monitoring network for the 2016-2025 period, with a vision toward 2030.

Article 4. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees and heads of related units shall implement this Decision.-

For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister

* The appendices to this Decision are not translated.

[1] Công Báo Nos 557-558 (27/4/2024)

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