Resolution No. 105/NQ-CP 2020 the teleconference between the Government and localities on June

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Resolution No. 105/NQ-CP dated July 17, 2020 of the Government on the teleconference between the Government and localities and the Government’s regular meeting on June 2020
Issuing body: GovernmentEffective date:

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Official number:105/NQ-CPSigner:Nguyen Xuan Phuc
Type:ResolutionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:14/07/2020Effect status:

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Fields:Administration , Policy


To settle temporary cessation of contribution to the retirement fund for 12 months maximum

On July 14, 2020, the Government promulgates the Resolution No. 105/NQ-CP on the teleconference between the Government and localities and the Government’s regular meeting on June 2020.

Accordingly, the Government requests agencies, ministries, sectors and localities to focus on performing the following contents:

Firstly, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the concerned ministries and agencies in formulating the growth scenarios for the third and fourth quarters of 2020 by sectors, domains and of the whole country; promptly adjust the plan of public investment in the central budget in 2020 among ministries, central agencies and provinces; etc.

Secondly, the Vietnam Social Security shall study and report to the competent authorities for consideration and settlement of temporary cessation of contribution to the retirement and survivorship fund for a maximum period of 12 months for units and employees facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Such suspension shall temporarily remain until December 2020.

Thirdly, the Ministry of Education and Training shall properly prepare conditions for the 2020-2021 academic school year, applying textbooks for the new general education program, ensuring the long-term, economical, and effective use of textbooks.

Fourthly, the Ministry of Finance shall promptly handle and provide funding for provinces to implement policies to support people in difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic as prescribed; etc.

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No. 105/NQ-CP



Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Hanoi, July 14, 2020




On the teleconference between the Government and localities and the Government’s regular meeting on June 2020




Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated June 19, 2015; Law on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration dated November 22, 2019;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No 138/2016/ND-CP dated October 01, 2016 on promulgating the working regulation of the Government;

Based on the discussion of the delegates of the Government and the conclusion of the Prime Minister at the teleconference between the Government and localities and the Government’s regular meeting on June 2020, held on July 02, 2020,




1. Regarding the implementation of Resolutions No. 01/NQ-CP, 42/NQ-CP and 84/NQ-CP, the Directive No. 11/CT-TTg; socio-economic situation in the first 6 months of the year and solutions for socio-economic development in the last 6 months of 2020

The Government unanimously assesses that: The right leadership of the Party and the State, the drastic, creative, flexible and timely direction of the Government and the Prime Minister together with the active and synchronous participation of the entire political system, the business community and especially the consensus and strong support of the people throughout the country and Vietnamese people living abroad, had created great power in implementing the "dual goal". Drastic measures were taken to contain spread of COVID-19 to the community, minimize the damage caused by the pandemic, affirming the tradition of solidarity, kindness, the resilient will of Vietnamese people, the good nature of the regime that is widely recognized and appreciated by the Vietnamese people and the world. Although the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted all aspects of the country s economy and society, thanks to the nation s outstanding efforts, various highlights in socio-economic development were noted in the first half. Stable macro-economic foundation was maintained, in which key balances of the economy were guaranteed. The economy did not fall into recession. Although GDP growth rate fell to decades-low of 1.81%, it was still the highest among countries in the region and in the world. Inflation was kept under control. Consumer price index tended to decrease. Average interest rate decreased. Foreign exchange rate was relatively stable, market liquidity was guaranteed. The stock market showed positive signs. Mobilization of investment capital for development increased. Trade surplus reached US $ 4 billion. Despite significant impacts of natural disasters and disease outbreaks, agricultural production still developed stably with positive sectoral restructure, affirming the sector’s role as a key pillar of the economy, ensuring food security and promoting export of new agricultural products, especially during social distancing. Industrial production recovered in May and June, in which the Industrial Production Index (IIP) in June grew by 10.3% over the previous month. Total retail sales of goods and services in June increased by 6.2% compared to May and by 5.3% over the same period last year. Domestic tourism recovered strongly. Business development in June showed positive signs, up 27.9% in the number of enterprises, 23.4% in registered capital, and 9.4% in the number of jobs compared to May; the number of service enterprises returning to operation increased compared to the previous month. Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) in June improved sharply, reaching 51.1 points (from 42.7 points in May) - the highest point among ASEAN countries.

Social security and people s health care received due attention, especially the implementation of support packages for people and businesses hit by the pandemic. People s living standards were guaranteed. The number of hungry households decreased sharply (by 74.6%) over the same period. Cultural, artistic, information and communication activities were properly implemented, contributing to motivating, supporting, and promoting good traditions and national pride. Information technology was strongly applied in various fields to foster rapid adaptation to the pandemic conditions. E-government development was accelerated, towards building a digital government, a digital economy associated with reforming administrative procedures, improving the investment and business environment, creating favorable conditions supporting and serving the people and businesses. National defense, security, social order and safety were guaranteed. Diplomacy was strengthened with successful organization of the Virtual 36thASEAN Summit, which further affirmed Vietnam s responsibility, initiative, timeliness and creativity at the regional forum, contributing to enhance the prestige and position of Vietnam in the international arena.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic development is complicated and unpredictable around the world with high uncertainty of the global economic outlook. Major partner countries are in recession, and do not expect to recover in the short term. Domestically, numerous difficulties and challenges are foreseen in the coming time. Although current macroeconomic conditions are relatively stable, there remain many looming risks given sharp fluctuation of crude oil prices and high pork prices. Disbursement of public investment has not met the requirements, especially ODA disbursement rate is comparatively low. Production and business in various industries and fields remain difficult. The international market was severely affected. Service sector was highly affected, especially tourism in attracting international visitors. The number of enterprises dissolving, ceasing operations and the number of unemployed persons tend to increase, etc.

In this context, the Government requested each ministry, sector and locality to continue to adhere to the motto of 2020:"Discipline, integrity, action, responsibility, creativity and efficiency", proactively and creatively adopting different approaches, improving capacity, leveraging opportunities, taking drastic actions, promoting the spirit of solidarity, demonstrating the power and spirit of Vietnam, encouraging unity and consensus of the whole political system, the business community and people of the country to overcame difficulties and challenges together; continue to actively, creatively, synchronously and effectively implement the tasks and solutions set out in the resolutions of the Party, the National Assembly, the Government and the direction of the Prime Minister, especially the Conclusion No. 77-KL/TW of the Politburo, the Resolution of the 9thsession of the 14thNational Assembly, Resolutions No. 01/NQ-CP, 02/NQ-CP, 42/NQ-CP, and 84/NQ-CP of the Government; prevent subjective attitude, strictly follow up with the situation, closely administer to formulate specific, holistic and appropriate solutions promptly removing difficulties and obstacles, and continue to leverage potential and advantages of each industry, each field, each province. The Government agreed on the point of maintaining macroeconomic stability, controlling inflation, and identifying suitable mechanisms, solutions, and policies to strongly stimulate three main growth drivers including investment, export, and consumption. Implementing the "dual goal" of containing COVID-19 and taking advantage of opportunities to quickly recover the economy for highest possible performance this year, in which attention shall be particularly paid to the following matters:

- Each Minister, Head of ministerial-level agencies, and Chairpersons of the People s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities were requested to adhere to the spirit of "Facing double difficulties needs triple efforts", upholding high sense of responsibility before the Party, the people, taking more drastic and faster acts, avoiding stagnation; review and cut administrative procedures, reduce costs for people and businesses; exploit all growth potential and advantages of each industry, each field and each province; promote investment attraction and disbursement of investment capital for the whole society, especially public investment capital, ODA capital, foreign preferential loans. The Government requested to each ministry, agency, and locality to set up a Steering Committee to urge, inspect and promptly solve difficulties and problems related to institutions and policies, especially disbursement of public investment capital, ground clearance. Heads of each agency and unit must take disbursement as a central political task. The disbursement results shall be the basis for assessing the completion of assigned tasks. Ministries and central agencies shall, according to their functions and tasks, organize inter-ministerial working missions to directly handle local proposals and recommendations according to their competence or report to competent authorities according to regulations, etc.

- Localities, especially economic locomotives and key economic regions must promote internal resources, strengthen regional links, adopt stronger, more synchronized and drastic policies to revive potentials and advantages, develop new economic models, accelerate the application of 4.0 technology to adapt to the new situation. To urgently review and prepare conditions on land, infrastructure, human resources to harness investment flows selectively and efficiently in the region and the world, especially modern, advanced, and friendly environment technologies from large corporations.

- The working group on promoting foreign investment cooperation was requested to urgently implement the assigned tasks, closely coordinate with provinces to seize opportunities, and attract investment and cooperation associated with the new investment movements.

The State Bank of Vietnam shall continue to closely monitor the domestic and international situation, proactively and flexibly in administer monetary policy, ensure liquidity for the economy and appropriate credit growth to contribute to promoting economic growth, especially for the recovery and development of production and business. To effectively coordinate with of fiscal policy to continue removing difficulties for production and business, support growth recovery, inflation control, and maintenance of macroeconomic stability. To continue to direct credit institutions to radically reduce operating costs to reduce interest rates on existing loans and new loans, streamline processes, procedures and records to continue creating favorable conditions for businesses and the people to access loans, and conduct study, deploy programs and suitable credit products for each type of business.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the concerned ministries and agencies in formulating the growth scenarios for the third and fourth quarters of 2020 by sectors, domains and of the whole country, striving to achieve the economic growth targets at the highest level. To urgently issue a circular guiding the implementation of the Decree No. 56/2020/ND-CP dated May 25, 2020 on the management and use of ODA and concessional loans of foreign donors. To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned agencies in, completing and submitting to the Prime Minister for promulgation orientations to attract and use ODA and foreign concessional loans in the 2021 - 2025 period, with a vision to 2026 - 2030; focus on urging the disbursement of all capital since 2018 and 2019 on August 2020; propose the Government and the Prime Minister to adjust central budget capital plan to shift capital from projects which had been extended from 2019 to 2020 and were still behind schedule to projects with good disbursement progress and having additional capital needs on August 2020; promptly adjust the plan of public investment in the central budget in 2020 among ministries, central agencies and provinces in the total central budget capital in 2020 in the Resolution No. 122/2020/QH14 of the National Assembly.

- The Ministry of Finance shall continue to strengthen the state financial and budgetary discipline, thoroughly adopt saving practices for recurrent expenditure, especially for unnecessary meetings, business trips and procurement to save resources for pandemic prevention and other important and urgent tasks; ensure budget revenue and expenditure balance. To urgently develop a state budget balancing plan for the 2021 - 2025 period as a basis for determining the total public investment expenditure for the 5-year state budget in the 2021 - 2025 period, and report to the Standing Committee of the Government before July 15, 2020. To assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies to review and immediately implement according to their competence the reduction of fees and charges for specific fields; continue urgently negotiating conditions for state budget support loans from the World Bank. To urgently submit to the Government amendments and supplements to several articles of the Decree No. 97/2018/ND-CP dated June 30, 2018 on on-lending of ODA loans and foreign preferential loans of the Government, within August 2020.

- The Government unanimously agreed to allocate and assign detailed plans for public investment using the central budget in 2020 for projects using general provisions of medium-term public investment plan in the 2016 - 2020 period, and 10% reserves at ministries, agencies, provinces, projects under the Resolution No. 797/NQ-UBTVQH14, and adjusted projects from sources of reduction in medium-term public investment plans to projects assigned in medium-term public investment plans in the 2016 - 2020 period until July 31, 2020. The Government agreed to disburse according to the domestic financial mechanism approved by the Prime Minister for ODA or concessional loan-funded projects by foreign donors under the Education Sector Development Program Phase 2 and the Program to support energy development and enhance access to sustainable energy to rural, mountainous and island areas in Vietnam in the 2020 plan and assigned the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment to provide specific implementation guidance as prescribed.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall direct and guide localities to step up solutions to restructure the agriculture sector adapt to climate change, apply hi-tech and environmentally friendly technologies; bring Vietnam among the world s top rice exporting countries, and boost the export of agricultural products. To continue to effectively implement the Program on new rural development. To thoroughly grasp and effectively implement the Directive No. 42-CT/TW of the Secretariat, actively monitor and work out plans to prevent and cope with natural disasters, especially in storm and flood seasons. To direct localities to simultaneously implement measures to prevent and control diseases, especially the African swine cholera, accelerate repopulation and restore of livestock herds. To enhance the synchronous implementation of urgent measures to prevent and fight forest fires. To focus on coordinating with provinces to restructure production of commodities to ensure compliance with requirements on originality, regulations on traceability and quality assurance of Vietnam s agricultural products, take measures to address and overcome subsidence or landslides of critical dykes, dams, and lakes that had seriously degraded to avoid incidents during rain and flood, and to ensure safety of life and protect property of the people.

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall speed up the progress, complete as soon as possible key industrial projects, especially energy projects; urgently submit to the Prime Minister the National Power Development Plan VIII, ensure sufficient electricity for production and life. To focus on handling inventories. To maintain production of raw materials for production that Vietnam has advantages. To continue to effectively implement the program "Vietnamese people prioritize using Vietnamese goods", in coordination with other ministries, industries and provinces, to adopt synchronous solutions to enhance competitiveness of Vietnamese goods; formulate and implement programs to reduce prices and stimulate consumption; develop distribution channels, taking advantage of opportunities to promote e-commerce, promoting strong development of domestic and export markets. To ensure the balance between supply and demand of essential goods, coordinate to direct the inspection and control of the market, prevent and combat fake and poor quality goods. To coordinate with other ministries and agencies to focus on properly addressing the remaining issues of goods and services trade with partners. To coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to accelerate the opening of official markets for agricultural products with partners; facilitate clearance of goods, especially agricultural products. To actively disseminate, guide and provide in-depth training for each type of enterprises, state management agencies and people on the Vietnam-European Union Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), supporting domestic enterprises take full advantage of and exploit the opportunities and benefits of the signed FTAs. To raise awareness of origin and traceability of products, promote the export of official agricultural products to markets.

- The Ministry of Construction shall simultaneously implement solutions and remove bottlenecks in real estate sector, create favorable conditions for a healthy real estate market; promote the strong development of social housing segment to meet housing needs of low-income people; create favorable conditions for the people to build houses.

- The Ministry of Transport shall report to the Prime Minister on solutions and a roadmap for implementing the North-South Expressway project in the East, ensuring immediate implementation following conclusions of the Politburo and Resolution of the National Assembly allowing conversion of investment forms, promote the implementation of key transport projects such as: the Trung Luong - My Thuan Expressway, the Long Thanh International Airport, Tan Son Nhat Airport Expansion Projects, etc.

- The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the concerned ministries, agencies and provinces in organizing practical acts of gratitude and tribute to martyrs and war invalids, sick soldiers and people with meritorious services to the revolution on July 27; implement policies for people with meritorious services and policy beneficiary families. To guide provinces to review and provide definitive support so that no family with meritorious services to the revolution belongs to poor households and basically handle pending dossiers. To continue to properly implement social security policies, timely support people in difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with provinces in reviewing subjects with meritorious services who have not been provided with funding for housing improvement according to regulations; send to the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Planning and Investment a general report for submitting to the Government and to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.

- The Vietnam Social Security shall study and report to the competent authorities for consideration and settlement of temporary cessation of contribution to the retirement and survivorship fund for a maximum period of 12 months for units and employees facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Such suspension shall temporarily remain until December 2020.

- The Ministry of Health shall properly perform medical examination and treatment, enhance the use of digital technology in health care, in remote medical examination and treatment, promote domestic production of medical equipment, contributing to pandemic prevention and creating long-term capacity for the health sector.

- The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall direct and guide provinces to focus on the effective implementation of programs to stimulate domestic tourism; urgently put the Tourism Development Assistance Fund into operation at the beginning of the third quarter of 2020, To properly prepare and focus on implementing solutions to restructure markets and tourism products in accordance with new conditions, new situation by organizing the National Tourism Conference in late September 2020. At the same time, to promote the image of Vietnam as a safe and attractive destination of the world to restore international tourism as soon as conditions allow.

- The Ministry of Education and Training shall properly prepare conditions for the 2020-2021 academic school year, applying textbooks for the new general education program, ensuring the long-term, economical, and effective use of textbooks. The Ministry of Education and Training shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in determining appropriate textbook prices, coordinate with the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and provinces to continue implementing measures to prevent and combat drowning for students.

The Ministry of Education and Training and other ministries, ministerial-level agencies and People s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities shall focus on directing universities to actively consolidate their school boards according to the Law on Education 2019, the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Higher Education that had come into effect, To continue to maintain and promote the habits of online learning and teaching that had been formed during the recent pandemic period.

- The Ministry of Home Affairs shall urgently complete and submit to the Government for promulgation decrees detailing the Laws amending and supplementing the Law on Organization of the Government, the Law on Organization of Local Governments, the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants and the Law on Public Employees which had taken effect. To expeditiously coordinate with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Public Security and relevant ministries, agencies and provinces in reviewing and rewarding achievements of individuals and organizations in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic.

- The Government Inspectorate, ministries, branches and provinces shall take appropriate time to properly carry out the reception of citizens, handling of correspondence and settlement of complaints and denunciations, ensuring to timely settle complaints and denunciations, reports, recommendations and feedbacks from people and businesses at the local and grassroots levels. For complicated cases, Chairpersons of the People s Committees at all levels must directly discuss and listen to the people s opinions, take measures to definitively address issues and prevent prolonged lawsuits or litigations filed to higher-level agencies. To continue to strictly implement the Directive No. 20/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister on reorganizing inspection and examination activities at enterprises.

- The Ministry of National Defense shall direct the implementation of military and defense tasks, closely monitor the situation, proactively and appropriately respond to, firmly defend the independence and sovereignty in accordance with guidelines and policies of the Party and the government.

- The Ministry of Public Security shall direct and firmly grasp the situation and take the initiative in coping with arising situations, ensuring national security and social order and safety; focus on suppressing all kinds of crimes, especially those using high-tech frauds to appropriate properties. To strengthen inspection and control to ensure security, social order and safety, traffic safety, and prevent fire and explosion.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall continue to review and effectively implement foreign affairs agenda as Vietnam is the current ASEAN Chair in 2020 and the non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in 2020-2021 period. To properly perform measures to protect Vietnamese citizens in the complicated situation of the COVID-19 pandemic.

- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall direct the implementation of measures to promote infrastructure, manufacture of telecommunications equipment, aiming at the goal that every citizen has a smartphone and every household has access to high-speed optic cable line. To support the development of digital businesses across the country, aiming to bring information technology into all areas of social life. To direct press agencies to continue providing information and communication on solutions and policies to remove difficulties for production and business, ensuring social security; new models, good practices in socio-economic recovery and development; promptly reflect problems and shortcomings that need to be removed, To strengthen the control and rectification of information on social networks, strictly handle cases of untruthful, toxic or harmful information.

- Ministries and agencies shall, according to their assigned functions and tasks, promptly handle petitions and proposals of provinces, especially solving difficulties and problems according to their competence or reporting to competent authorities according to regulations. The Government Office shall consolidate and monitor the handling of proposals of provinces, and report to the Prime Minister.

2. Regarding the implementation of the Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP on the main tasks and solutions to improve the business environment and raise national competitiveness

- Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and Chairmen of provincial-level People s Committees shall direct, regularly urge and inspect the performance of assigned tasks in the Resolution and take accountability to the Government and the Prime Minister for implementation results. To accelerate the provision of online public services at level 4 under their respective authority. To urgently propose the development of relevant legal documents to implement the approved plan of simplifying business conditions. To continue to extensively reform management, specialized inspection and connection of the National Single Window as well as the ASEAN Single Window.

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall urgently complete the Prime Minister s Decision on promulgating power transmission system by low-voltage and medium-voltage grids; and submit it to the Prime Minister in July 2020.

- The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises and business and industry associations shall monitor and conduct independent evaluation of reforms brought about by the Resolution.

3. Regarding the review of the direction and administration work of the Government and the Prime Minister in the first 6 months of 2020

The Government, the Prime Minister and its members shall strictly abide by the leadership and direction of the Party and the Resolution of the National Assembly; constantly uphold the sense of responsibility before the people and the country, fully and seriously carrying out the tasks, bringing into play the powers and working principles of the Government. To promote the role and collective wisdom associated with fostering the personal responsibility of each Government member, especially the role of Heads of Government agencies. To firmly grasp the situation, formulating appropriate, drastic, flexible and creative solutions in operating, promptly directing the handling of arising problems, and effectively fulfilling key tasks assigned. To actively renovate and modernize working approach, closely follow up with local and grassroots levels, contact, dialogue, listen to the opinions of the people and businesses. To proactively propose and promulgate various proper, important, timely solutions and policies meeting expectation of the people. To coordinate closely and effectively with agencies of the Party, the National Assembly, and the Vietnam Fatherland Front, mobilize the participation of the entire political system, business community and people of the country to create collective strength in resolving, overcoming difficulties and challenges, restoring and promoting socio-economic development.

In the new and challenging context, each Government member was requested to inherit and leverage achievements from the beginning of the term, focusing on overcoming the existing shortcomings and limitations, and uphold accountability to the Party and the people, proactively striving to further innovate working approach, improve capacity, take advantage of opportunities, drastically take actions, create and synchronously and effectively perform tasks and solutions proposed for 2020.

4. Regarding administrative procedure reforms, e-Government development, and task performance

a) Regarding the reform of administrative procedures and e-Government development:

- Ministries, branches and provinces shall focus on implementing measures to remove procedures related to business activities and applying administrative procedures in the electronic environment. To develop a Digital Transformation Program and issue it in 2020, increasing public spending on digital transformation to attract business investment. To expeditiously deploy an integrated data sharing platform at ministerial and provincial levels, and connected with the national integrated data sharing platform to share and exploit data, and have this completed in September 2020. To proactively take advantage of available information systems and mobilize local resources to ensure readiness to receive online applications of administrative procedures, bringing online public services to level 4. To continue to renovate the working approach and modes through completely sending and receiving of electronic documents and processing work files in the electronic environment, fulfilling the targets set by the Government and the Prime Minister; urgently connect and integrate the reporting information system, the Center for National Database Steering and Management, the specialized database with the Government Reporting Information System and the Center for Informatics Direction and Management of the Government and the Prime Minister.

- Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Government-attached agencies, and provincial-level People s Committees shall complete information security model at level 4 under the guidance of the Ministry of Information and Communications before September 30, 2020.

- Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and agencies attached to the Government shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Government Office in standardizing and digitalizing reports to the Prime Minister, the Government, the National Assembly and the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, which will be integrated into the Government Reporting Information System in December 2020.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Government Office in guiding provinces in digitalizing statistical criteria under the Prime Minister s Decision No. 54/2016/QD-TTg dated December 19, 2016 issuing the provincial, district and commune statistical indicators system. The Ministry must ensure the ability to integrate and connect with the Government Reporting Information System and the Center for Informatics Direction and Management of the Government and the Prime Minister by the third quarter of 2020.

- The People s Committees of provinces and cities will digitalize their statistical indicators system according to the Decision No. 54/2016/QD-TTg, integrated with the Government Reporting Information System by December 2020.

- The Advisory Council for Administrative Procedure Reform shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with relevant ministries, branches, and provinces to hold dialogues with domestic and foreign organizations and enterprises to propose recommendations to the Government and the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister shall promptly direct institutional improvement and remove difficulties and obstacles for production and business activities of enterprises.

b) Regarding the performance of tasks and working programs:

Ministries, agencies and provinces shall actively monitor, urge and inspect the performance of tasks assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister; promptly submit pending projects under the Work Program for the first 6 months of 2020 before July 15, 2020; actively develop and submit on time projects in the Work Program for the last 6 months of 2020, avoiding occurrence of any delay.

5. Regarding problems in the implementation of policies to remove difficulties for production and business

a) Regarding tax policies:

- The Ministry of Finance shall urgently complete the report to the Government on the approved resolutions such as payable land rent reduction of 15% in 2020, deadline extension for paying special consumption tax on cars manufactured or assembled domestically until the end of 2020. To consider appropriate expansion of tax subjects and tax categories and extension of tax payment period. To assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with concerned ministries and agencies in drafting a Decree to implement the National Assembly s Resolution on reducing 30% of the payable enterprise income tax in 2020 for enterprises, cooperatives, non-business units and other organizations according to simplified order and procedures, and submit the draft to the Government for promulgation in August 2020.

- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall urgently complete a report to the Government in July 2020 to submit to the National Assembly related to the exemption from the fee for granting the right to exploit water resource.

b) Regarding credit policies:

The State Bank of Vietnam shall urgently amend and supplement the Circular No. 01/2020/TT-NHNN to ensure its alignment with current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the macro-economic conditions, and continue to solve difficulties for production and business activities of enterprises.

c) Regarding attraction and shifting of investment capital flows:

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall urgently report to the Government on the handling of problems regarding enterprise income tax incentives for expansion investment projects due to discrepancies between the Law on Investment and the Law on Enterprise Income Tax before 2014.

- The Ministry of Finance shall urgently report on handling of petitions of Formosa Plastics Corp’s contractor tax on imported goods together with warranty terms. To handle proposals of the Coca-Cola Company in accordance with law regulations. To assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the State Audit Office to work with the Unilever Vietnam to completely solve the company s problems under the direction of the Prime Minister.

d) The Ministry of Finance shall urgently report to the Government for consideration and amendment of the Decree No. 97/2018/ND-CP on loan security property by August 2020 to remove obstacles for ODA or foreign concessional loan funded projects.

dd) Localities shall urgently organize provincial planning for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050. To develop socio-economic development plans and 5-year medium-term public investment plans in 2021-2025 period and in 2021. To continue adopt administrative reforms and improve the investment environment; properly implement investment promotion and attraction, prioritizing land fund to attract investment projects in supporting industries, processing industries, high-tech agriculture applications foster deeper engagement into the global value chains.

6. Regarding the implementation of social security packages and the implementation of social policies in the last 6 months of 2020

- The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall guide the remaining localities to accelerate the review of policy beneficiaries; assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Ministry of Education and Training, the State Bank of Vietnam, the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies and the concerned ministries and agencies in submitting to the Government and the Prime Minister before July 15, 2020 a draft Resolution amending and supplementing the Resolution No. 42/NQ-CP dated April 9, 2020 and a draft Decision amending and supplementing the Decision No. 15/2020/QD-TTg dated April 24, 2020 to expand the list of beneficiaries, amend loan conditions and simplify documents and procedures for certifying and approving employers who are eligible for loans, ensuring that they are free from policy profiteering and extending lending term for employers until the end of December 2020.

- The Ministry of Finance shall promptly handle and provide funding for provinces to implement policies to support people in difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic as prescribed.

7. Regarding the implementation of the state budget in the first 6 months and tasks for the last 6 months of 2020

The Ministry of Finance shall coordinate with ministries, branches and provinces in synchronously and properly implementing solutions and strengthening the management of state revenues by specific fields, provinces and objects; promote prevention of revenue losses, transfer pricing, trade frauds and tax evasion; urge the handling of tax debt recovery; at the same time, focus on timely handling tax rescheduling and land rental records as prescribed, avoid causing troubles for enterprises and business households, striving to minimize the state revenue reduction rate. At the same time, to manage state budget expenditures within the assigned estimates; focus on reviewing and integrating spending tasks to reduce unnecessary recurrent expenditures and balance the state budget.

8. Regarding the draft Resolution of tasks and solutions to step up the development of key economic regions

Ministries, agencies and provinces shall urgently comment on the draft Resolution on tasks and solutions to promote the development of key economic regions, and send them to the Ministry of Planning and Investment before July 15, 2020 for review, finalization and submission to the Prime Minister for signing and promulgating in July 2020.

9. Regarding the situation and prevention of the COVID-19 pandemic

- The Ministry of Health shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with ministries, agencies, and provinces in proactively working out plans to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic to meet requirements of the new situation.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Transport in organizing flights to bring home Vietnamese citizens.

- The Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Defense and the People s Committees of border provinces shall direct forces to intensify inspection and strict control of entry and exit at border gates, trails, open paths, international flights, ensuring quarantine upon arrival as prescribed.

10. Regarding the plan to organize the high school graduation exam in 2020

The Ministry of Education and Training and other ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Government-attached agencies, and the People s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall strictly implement the Directive No. 26/CT-TTg dated June 24. by 2020 of the Prime Minister on strengthening direction for the high school graduation and university entrance exams and vocational education in 2020, ensuring stringency, honesty, fairness and safety of exams in a practical and effective manner, to create the most favorable conditions for candidates.

11. Regarding Reports on:  the implementation of the Resolution No. 35/NQ-CP and the Directive No. 26/CT-TTg on supporting and developing enterprises till 2020, administrative reforms, inspection and settlement of complaints and denunciations, and fight against corruption

The Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Government Inspectorate, according to their functions and tasks, were assigned to organize the effective implementation of the tasks and solutions mentioned in the Reports in order to stimulate further changes in their assigned fields in the last 6 months of 2020.

12. Regarding the draft Decree amending and supplementing the Decree No. 156/2018/ND-CP dated November 16, 2018

The Government agreed to approve contents of the draft Decree amending and supplementing the Decree No. 156/2018/ND-CP dated November 16, 2018 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the 2017 Law on Forestry, with effective date from the date of signing at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to immediately amend and supplement specific regulations on converting forest to use for other purposes, urgently bringing the Law on Forest into real life and contributing to the successful implementation of the Government s Resolution No. 84/NQ-CP dated May 29, 2020 on tasks and solutions to continue removing difficulties for production and business, promoting disbursement of public investment and ensuring social order and safety in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

13. Regarding the implementation of the law and ordinance-making program and the promulgation of documents detailing the implementation of laws and ordinances

- Ministries and ministerial-level agencies were requested to take more proactive steps in reviewing, proposing and submitting to the Prime Minister, the Government and the National Assembly to amend legislative documents that are conflicting, overlapping and hindering socio-economic development; as well as submitting projects and drafts on schedule. To strictly follow the Prime Minister s direction in the Document No. 228/TTg-PL dated February 13, 2020; expeditiously complete and submit to promulgate documents detailing the implementation of regulations, which took effect from July 01, 2020 and earlier; concurrently focus on timely drafting and submitting for promulgation or promulgate according to their competence documents detailing laws and resolutions effective from January 01, 2021 and had been approved by the National Assembly at the 8thand 9thmeetings.

- The Ministry of Justice shall strengthen the monitoring, urging and inspecting ministries and branches in elaborating and promulgating detailing documents; promptly advise solutions to remove difficulties and problems, accelerate the drafting and submission; prepare to properly organize the Government s Conference on building and improving the legal system and enhancing the effectiveness of law enforcement in the middle of August 2020.

- The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries and agencies in, urgently completing dossiers of the Law on security and order forces at the grassroots levels and the Law for ensuring road traffic order and safety, and submit them to the Government at its regular meeting in July 2020.

14. Regarding the draft Decree detailing several articles of the Law on Architecture

The Government unanimously approved 02 contents specified in Article 24 and Article 25 of the draft Decree detailing several articles of the Law on Architecture.

The Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility for collecting comments of Government members, finalizing the draft Decree, and submitting it to the Prime Minister for consideration and signing for promulgation in July 2020.

15. Regarding postponement to the formulation of a Project to build inland ports to promote tourism development

The Government agreed with the proposals of the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on postponing the construction of a Project to build inland ports to promote tourism development.

16. Regarding the extension of storage period in Vietnam for petrol and oil shipments temporarily imported for aviation or ship supplies but have not been re-exported under the provisions of the Decree No. 69/2018/ND-CP

The Government unanimously agreed with the proposal of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to extend the storage period in Vietnam for petrol and oil shipments temporarily imported for aviation or ship supplies but have not been re-exported in accordance with the provisions of the Decree No. 69/2018/ND-CP dated May 15, 2018 detailing a number of articles of the Law on Foreign Trade Management. The new deadline shall be the end of December 2020.

17. Regarding the application of the export processing mechanism to the Research and Development Center of Samsung Group in Hanoi

The Government agreed with the proposal of the Ministry of Planning and Investment on the policy for building Research and Development Center of Samsung Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd. in Tay Ho Tay urban area and new rented location of Samsung Vietnam Mobile Research and Development Center (SVMC) (while waiting for completion of the construction project), in which non-tariff zone mechanism shall be applied in accordance with regulations for the current SVMC, including transactions related to project transfer and building construction. The Ministry of Finance was assigned to provide specific guidance to align with practical operational situation of Samsung Group.

18. Regarding the adjustment of the norms of land use for industrial parks and urban residential areas

The Government agreed with the proposal of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on adjusting the norms of land use for industrial parks and urban residential areas. The Prime Minister was assigned to make adjustment decisions according to his competence. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall be fully responsible for the reporting data and proposing adjustment contents./.









Nguyen Xuan Phuc




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