What is the sanctioning of the acts of making incorrect declarations to reduce payable tax amounts?

What is the sanctioning of the acts of making incorrect declarations to reduce payable tax amounts?

What is the sanctioning of the acts of making incorrect declarations to reduce payable tax amounts?

Acts of making incorrect declarations to reduce payable tax amounts are considered as the administrative violations in tax and the statute of limitations for sanctioning of tax administration-related administrative violations is in the longer time compared with other administrative violations, in particulars, 05 years from the date of commission of the violations.

List of provinces, cities getting tuition fee exemption in the school year of 2022 - 2023

List of provinces, cities getting tuition fee exemption in the school year of 2022 - 2023

List of provinces, cities getting tuition fee exemption in the school year of 2022 - 2023

To this time, many provinces and cities have noticed tuition fee exemptions and reductions for preschools and formal education institutions in their localities. The following article shall collect all provinces and cities getting tuition fee exemption and reduction in the school year of 2022 - 2023 as well as tuition range for the school year of 2022 - 2023.