Decision No. 84/2009/QD-TTg of June 4, 2009, approving the national plan of action for HIV/AIDS-affected children up to 2010, with a vision toward 2020

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Decision No. 84/2009/QD-TTg of June 4, 2009, approving the national plan of action for HIV/AIDS-affected children up to 2010, with a vision toward 2020
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:84/2009/QD-TTgSigner:Truong Vinh Trong
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:04/06/2009Effect status:

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Fields:Medical - Health , Policy
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Effect status: Known

Independence - Freedom – Happiness
No. 84/2009/QD-TTg
Hanoi, June 4, 2009
Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the June 15, 2004 Law on Child Protection, Care and Education;
Pursuant to the June 29, 2006 Law on Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) Prevention and Control;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 108/2007/ND-CP of June 26, 2007, detailing the implementation of a number of articles the Law on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control;
At the proposal of the Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs,
Article 1. To approve the national plan of action for HIV/AIDS-affected children up to 2010, with a vision toward 2020, with the following principal contents:
1. HIV/AIDS-affected children include: a/ HIV-infected children; b/ Children at high risk of HIV infection: - Orphans both or either of whose parents died for HIV/AIDS-related reasons:
- Children living with HIV-infected fathers, mothers or fosterers;
Drug-addicted children;
Sexually abused children;
- Children of sex buyers, sex workers and drug users;
Child victims of human trafficking;
Street children;
- Orphans whose parent died for other reasons;
- Children living in social welfare establishments, educational institutions and reformatories.
2. A vision toward 2020:
- To increase public awareness and action to protect and care for HIV/AIDS-affected children.
- During 2011-2020. the State will continue directing, investing in. and accelerating coordination among various branches in the protection of and care for HIV/AIDS-affected children.
- To ensure that HIV/AIDS-affected children will be provided with proper care and counseling so that they will be able to get access to education or job-training supports, enjoy social policies according to current regulations and live safely with their blood fathers, mothers, siblings or relatives or in nursery establishments; HIV-infected children under management will have their HIV/AIDS-related diseases diagnosed and treated.
3. Specific objectives by 2010:
a/ Objective 1: To improve accessibility of healthcare and education services and social policies for HIV/AIDS-affected children.
Targets by 2010: At least 50% of HIV/AIDS-affected children will be able to get access to healthcare and education services and social policies according to current regulations.
b/ Objective 2: To provide necessary high-quality services friendly to HIV/AIDS-affected children.
Targets by 2010:
- 100% of HIV-infected children under management will receive proper care, treatment and counseling;
- 100% of HI V-infected pregnant women and under-six children will be provided with free antiretroviral drugs by the State; and 100% of newborns of HIV-infected mothers will be tested for HIV right after birth;
- 50% of establishments providing diagnosis, care and treatment for HIV-infected adults will provide diagnosis, care and treatment for HIV-infected children;
- At least 30% of HIV/AIDS-affected children will be provided with socio-psychological services; family- and community-based care services; HIV counseling and testing services; and nutrition supports and physical development; those of preschool age will be admitted to public preschool establishments;
- 50% of educational institutions will have medical workers who are capable of providing counseling to HIV-infected children;
- At least 50% of HIV/AIDS-affected children will be provided with family- or community-based surrogate care;
- 50% of HIV/AIDS-affected children ­nurturing establishments will be supported to provide HIV transmission prevention services and care for HIV-infected children.
c/ Objective 3: To improve the mechanism on the supply of information and education, healthcare, treatment and counseling for HIV/ AIDS-affected children.
Targets by 2010:
- 50% of establishments nurturing HIV/ AIDS-affected children and establishments providing care and treatment for HIV-infected children will be provided with knowledge about the prevention of HIV/AIDS transmission among children;
- 50% of social organizations engaged in providing protection and care for HIV/AIDS-affected children will be provided with knowledge and guidance about the protection of and care for HIV/AIDS-affected children;
- 50% of officers in charge of managing HIV-infected children at the community, self-help groups, HIV/AIDS-affected children aged from full 13 years or older, caregivers of HIV/AIDS-affected children, social service establishments and social organizations will be supplied with information on care and counseling services, current social policies, and the process of providing these services to HIV/AIDS-affected children.
d/ Objective 4: To create a favorable social environment for the provision of protection of and care for HIV/AIDS-affected children.
Targets by 2010:
- At least 70% of managers who work with children in the domains of healthcare, education and training, and labor, war invalids and social affairs and providers of services to HIV/AIDS-affected children will have basic knowledge on HIV transmission prevention, the Law on Child Protection, Care and Education, the Law on HIV/ AIDS Prevention and Control and other relevant laws;
- At least 50% of students' parents, students and teachers in educational institutions will be supplied with information on measures for HIV transmission prevention and basic knowledge about of the rights of HIV/AIDS-affected children;
- At least 50% of HIV/AIDS-affected children and their caregivers will neither be stigmatized nor discriminated against when accessing healthcare, education and other social services.
dd/ Objective 5: To improve the system of monitoring, examining and evaluating the situation of HIV/AIDS-affected children.
Targets by 2010: To complete the system of monitoring, examining and evaluating the situation of HIV/AIDS-affected children.
4. Major activities:
a/ Studying, reviewing and promulgating legal documents and guidelines on the protection of and care for HIV/AIDS-affected children:
- To scrutinize the system of legal documents on the protection of and care for HIV/AIDS-affected children so as to amend, supplement or annul existing ones or promulgate new ones ;
- To scrutinize, elaborate and promulgate guidelines on the provision of healthcare and education services and social allowances for HIV/AIDS-affected children; the coordination between state agencies and social organizations in the provision of social services to HIV/AIDS-­affected children and their caregivers; the fight against stigma and discrimination against HIV/ AIDS-affected children in the healthcare, education and social welfare system; and activities of self-help groups of HIV-infected persons.
- To elaborate and promulgate legal documents on mechanisms of transfer among public medical examination and treatment establishments in the diagnosis and treatment of HIV-infected children; the diagnosis, care and treatment for HIV-infected children together with HIV-infected adults at medical establishments at different levels; and the process of providing continuing care for HIV/AIDS-affected children.
b/ Providing protection and care services for HIV/AIDS-affected children:
- To improve existing services for prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission, early detection of HIV/AIDS and provision of care, treatment and counseling to HIV/AIDS-affected children.
- To provide, support and expand the provision of services for HIV/AIDS-affected children in socio-psychological care; family- and community-based care; HIV counseling and testing; nutrition supports and physical development; and admittance of those of pre­school age to public pre-school education institutions.
- To provide, support and inspect the implementation of the process of transfer among public health establishments in diagnosis and treatment of HIV-infected children and the process of providing continuing care to HIV/ AIDS-affected children.
- To provide, and inspect the provision of, prevention, diagnosis, care and treatment services for HIV-infected children in nurturing establishments.
- To provide knowledge about the care for HIV/AIDS-affected children to families, communities and medical workers in schools, job-training centers and social welfare establishments.
c/ Providing information and knowledge about the protection of and care for HIV/AIDS-affected children.
- To provide relevant information and knowledge to managers of HIV/AIDS-affected children, giving priority to those who directly work with HIV-infected children and children at high risk of HIV infection.
- To formulate a mechanism to intensify public information on services and social policies related to HIV/AIDS-affected children.
d/ Creating a favorable social environment for HIV/AIDS-affected children and their caregivers to get access to social services and join in anti-HIV/AIDS activities:
- To compile documents to improve relevant stakeholders' knowledge about HIV transmission, preventive measures, the fight against stigma and discrimination, children's rights and social responsibilities toward HIV/ AIDS-affected children.
- The training programs organized by relevant service providers must have contents against stigma and discrimination, and on children's rights and social responsibilities toward HIV/ AIDS-affected children.
- To develop extra-curricular education materials on HIV/AIDS prevention and control and reproductive health, then perfect these programs for inclusion in teaching programs used in the national education system.
- To create favorable conditions for HIV-infected persons to participate in some activities of preventing and controlling HIV/AIDS for children organized by the health, education and training, and the labor, war invalids and social affairs sectors.
dd/ Perfecting the system of information, inspection and assessment of the situation of HIV/AIDS-affected children:
- To complete indicators used for monitoring, inspecting and assessing the situation of HIV/ AIDS-affected children.
- To train civil servants and public employees of the health, education and training, and labor, war invalids and social affairs sectors who are engaged in the protection of and care for HIV/ AIDS-affected children in the use of tools for monitoring, examining and assessing the situation of HIV/AIDS-affected children.
5. Implementation solutions:
a/ Social solutions:
- To enhance the leadership of Party committees and the direction of administrations at all levels in the prevention, care and counseling for HIV/AIDS-affected children.
- The health, education and training, labor, war invalids and social affairs and relevant sectors shall provide and develop social services for HIV/AIDS-affected children.
- To encourage organizations, individuals and HIV-infected persons and their families to participate in the prevention, care and counseling for children at high risk of HIV infection as well as the prevention, care, treatment and counseling for HIV-infected children.
- To increase and support activities against stigma and discrimination against HIV/AIDS-affected children and their caregivers under the Law on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control.
- To improve knowledge about laws, policies and information on services for HIV/AIDS-affected children and their caregivers, state employees, social organizations and individuals engaged in child protection, care and education.
b/ Technical solutions:
- To study, elaborate and promulgate technical processes and guide criteria for essential services and provide services which are currently unavailable and high-quality services of prevention, care and treatment for HIV/AIDS-affected children and their caregivers.
- To develop, guide and improve capabilities of service providers and social organizations about methods for identifying and assessing the needs of HIV/AIDS-affected children.
- To supply essential equipment and devices for health, education and training, and labor, war invalids and social affairs sectors to provide counseling, communications, prevention, care and treatment services for HIV/AIDS-affected children and their caregivers.
c/ Solutions to improve management capabilities:
- To improve professional capabilities of those who provide prevention, care, treatment and counseling services for HIV/AIDS-affected children and their caregivers.
- To inspect and evaluate the quality of prevention, care, treatment and counseling services for HIV/AIDS-affected children and their caregivers.
- To improve the system of collecting data on prevention, care, treatment and counseling services for HIV/AIDS-affected children and their caregivers.
d/ Solutions to mobilize resources: Funds for the implementation of the plan of action up to 2010 will be raised from various capital sources (the central budget, local budgets, international aid, capital raised from the community and other lawful sources), included in the HIV/AIDS prevention and control project under the national target program on prevention and control of some social diseases, dangerous epidemics and HIV/AIDS during 2006-2010 and included in the annual budget expenditure estimates of relevant ministries, branches and localities according to current regulations.
Article 2. Organization of implementation
1. The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health, relevant ministries and branches and provincial-level People's Committees in, organizing the implementation of this plan of action; coordinate; regulate, urge, guide and examine the implementation of this plan of action; ensure the provision of social welfare services for HIV/ AIDS-affected children; assess and report the results of implementation of this plan of action to the Prime Minister in the third quarter of 2010; and formulate the national plan of action for HIV/ AIDS-affected children during 2011-2020 for submission to the Prime Minister in the fourth quarter of 2010.
2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for. and coordinate with the Ministry of Labor. War Invalids and Social Affairs in. integrating activities under this plan of action into international cooperation programs related to HIV/AIDS prevention and control.
3. The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for. and coordinate with the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs in, guiding and inspecting the use of funds for the implementation of this plan of action by relevant ministries, branches and localities.
4. The Ministry of Health shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs in, realizing contents on the provision of healthcare for HIV/AIDS-affected children; integrate the realization of the contents on healthcare for HIV/AIDS-affected children under this plan of action into the HIV/AIDS prevention and control project under the national target program on prevention and control of some social diseases, dangerous epidemics and HIV/AIDS during 2006-2010.
5. The Ministry of Education and Training shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs in. realizing the contents on education for HIV/AIDS-affected children.
6. Provincial-level People's Committees shall organize the implementation of this plan of action in their localities and send reports on the implementation results to the Ministry of Labor. War Invalids and Social Affairs for reporting to the Prime Minister.
Article 3. Effect and implementation responsibilities
1. This Decision takes effect on July 25,2009.
2. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and presidents of provincial-level People's Committees shall implement this Decision.


Truong Vinh Trong
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