Decision No. 809/QD-TTg dated May 30, 2011 of the Prime Minister approving the Scheme on improvement of the capacity for quality management of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt for the 2011-2015 period

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Decision No. 809/QD-TTg dated May 30, 2011 of the Prime Minister approving the Scheme on improvement of the capacity for quality management of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt for the 2011-2015 period
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:809/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Sinh Hung
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:30/05/2011Effect status:

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Fields:Agriculture - Forestry , Policy
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Effect status: Known


Decision No. 809/QD-TTg of May 30, 2011, approving the Scheme on improvement of the capacity for quality management of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt for the 2011-2015 period

Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

At the proposal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,


Article 1. To approve the Scheme on improvement of the capacity for quality management of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt for 2011 – 2015 period with the following principal contents:


To improve the capacity for management and control of the food quality and safety agricultural, forestry and fishery product and salt, ensuring food sources up to food quality and safety standards for the domestic and export, contributing to improving the living standards of people and preserving the prestige of Vietnamese agricultural, forestry products on the world market.     


1. To consolidate and improve the capacity of management agencies, reinforce and develop the force in charge of controlling food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt from the central to local levels.         

2. To perfect the system of legal documents on management of food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt, ensuring their conformity, with international standards and commitments.

3. To build advanced and modern infrastructure to meet management and
integration requirements in a new period.


1. To reinforce and consolidate the system of state management agencies in charge of food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products.

a/ Objectives: To improve the capacity of state management agencies from the central to local level to suit the sector development and international economic integration.

b/ Contents:

- Reviewing and revaluating the organizational apparatus of agencies in charge of managing food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products from the central to local levels;

- Studying some models of food quality and safety management of developed countries and countries with similar development conditions;

- Changing and adding functions and tasks and reinforcing and consolidating the apparatus of state management agencies in charge of food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural-Development and their provincial-level sub-departments in the direction of uniform management from farms to dining tables and regarding each chain of commodity lines under their management.

- Formulating a mechanism of regulation and coordination among relevant state management agencies in charge of food safety;

- Determining a framework personnel complement according to working positions to serve as a basis for consolidating the state management apparatus in charge of quality management of agricultural, forestry and fishery products of localities;

- Step by step decentralizing tasks of state management of food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products to provincial-, district-, and commune-level People's Committees;

- Experimentally establishing non-business units attached to Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Sub-Departments to provide public services of consultancy on, testing and certification of agricultural, forestry and fisheries processes and products in some localities in which conditions permit.

c/ Implementation duration: 2011 - 2012.

2. To improve effectiveness of the specialized food quality and safety control

a/ Objectives: To improve the effectiveness of activities of controlling food quality and safety, ensuring the control of the process of production or trading of food products made of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt for domestic consumption and export;

b/ Contents:

- Reviewing and evaluating the actual state of the system of food quality and safety control of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt; studying models of food quality and safety control of developed countries and countries having similar development conditions;

- Establishing a specialized management information system and a national database on food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt;

- Reinforcing and developing the force controlling from production establishments to the market and export towards mobilizing different human resources in the society; for the near future, quickly developing services of consultancy on, testing and certification of food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt, and developing human resources of production or business establish­ments for controlling the process of production, trading and consumption by themselves;

- Formulating a mechanism of coordination in control between state management agencies and forces with socialized human resources;

- Finalizing and supplementing programs on control of food safety in chains of commodity line production and trading.

c/ Implementation duration: 2012 - 2014.

3. To perfect the system of legal documents.

a/ Objectives: To perfect the system of legal documents and technical regulations to suit the sector development and international commitments;

b/ Contents:

- Revising or supplementing the system of legal documents on management of food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt towards perfection;

- Revising, supplementing and perfecting the system of technical standards to ensure food safety in the process of production, trading, export and import in conformity with national standards and regulations as well as international regulations, thereby satisfying the WTO commitments.

c/ Implementation duration: 2011 - 2012.

4. To build advanced and modern physical and technical foundations.

a/ Objectives: To build and improve physical and technical foundations of state management agencies and the control system towards advancement and modernity in service of food quality and safety management and control, satisfying requirements of the sector development and the world market;

b/ Contents:

- Building 1-2 new national laboratories up to regional standards for testing food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry arid-fishery products and join the system of ASEAN testing laboratories;

- Upgrading some specialized laboratories into national laboratories for different groups of food quality and safety norms applicable to groups of animal, plant and fisheries commodity lines under the Law on Food Safety.

- Upgrading specialized laboratories of National Administrations and Departments to be fully capable of analyzing 100% of food quality and safety norms applicable agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt, up to standard TCVN/ISO 17025;

- Building basic laboratories ^ Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Sub-Departments in major provinces and cities:

- Building a national database and information system for warning risks of food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt from the central to local levels and establishments;

- Building laboratories for quick examination or testing of food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt imported on a pilot basis through some major border gates.

c/  Implementation duration: 2012-2015.


1. Mechanisms and policies

- Studying and formulating a financial mechanism suitable to the system of management and control of food quality and safety of forestry and fishery products and salt in the direction of heightening their autonomy and ensuring state budget allocations.

- Perfecting regulations on collection, remittance and management of the fee for management of food quality and safety of agriculture, forestry and fishery products and salt, ensuring uniformity and consistency the country;

- Studying mechanisms and policies to socialization in the direction of expanding the public-private partnership (PPP) promoting investment of socio-professional organizations and individuals at home or abroad in providing services of consultancy on, training in, testing and certification of assurance of food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt;

- Studying and building a framework personnel complement based on working ns for agencies in charge of managing )d quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products at central and local levels.

2. Stepping up the decentralization and socialization of the task of controlling food fishery products and salt

- Quickly developing local specialized forces for food quality and safety control; arranging full-time officers to take charge of managing food quality and safety in rural and urban districts; and concurrently assigning tasks to animal health, plant protection, agricultural and fisheries extension staffs of communes;

- Production or business establishments shall quickly organize by themselves forces and intensify close control and surveillance of the whole process from production to trading and sale of products;

- Encouraging enterprises, organizations and individuals to build laboratories in order to enhance the self-control and self-surveillance of stages in the production or business process of production establishments;

- Establishing and developing the model of self-management and self-control of production or business establishments; developing the model of full-time or seasonal collaborators of units supervising food quality and safety;

- Stepping up the decentralization of management and control tasks to local administrations at all levels and mobilizing the participation of all social forces in the work.

3. Human resource training

- Surveying and evaluating needs for training in management and control at all levels and production establishments;

- Intensifying training and fostering programs to improve professional qualifications and skills of officers and civil servants at the central and local levels, especially new relevant Vietnamese and international policies and regulations, with a view to satisfying immediate and long-term requirements for management of food quality and safety;

- Organizing regular short-term refresher courses to improve professional skills of district-and commune-level full-time officers and civil servants and personnel of control forces, employees and officers working in production establishments;

- Formulating programs for specialized training in food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt in universities, colleges and professional secondary schools.

4. Administrative reforms:

- Building and putting into operation a database and a system of specialized information on food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt, to serve the prompt direction and concurrently satisfy requirements of export markets;

- Further revising and perfecting administrative procedures, ensuring that administrative procedures are compact and simple and information is regularly, promptly and accurately updated and stored;

- Promoting the application of information technology to the provision of public services to serve people and businesses.

5. Stepping up the application of modern technologies and technical advances to the management of food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt; concentrating on studying quick, accurate and effective analysis and detection methods; concentrating on investing in research and analysis of food safety risks to serve as a ground for devising management measures.

6. Enhancing international cooperation: Formulating and effectively implementing bilateral and multilateral cooperation programs, schemes and projects in relevant fields. Expanding cooperation and exchange of experience in management and control of food quality and safety of agricultural industry and fishery products. More actively participating in negotiations on bilateral and multilateral cooperation agreements on accreditation or recognition of food safety management systems.


1. Project 1 "Investment in enhancing the capacity of inspection of food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products from central to local levels,” which consists of the following sub-projects: 

- Building new national laboratories for testing food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products up to regional standards.   

- Upgrading some specialized laboratories under the National Agro-Forestry - Fisheries Quality Assurance Department, the Animal Health Department and the Plant Protection Department into national laboratories.

- Raising the capacity of other specialized laboratories under Departments and National Administrations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

- Building on a pilot basis laboratory for quickly testing and checking food quality and safety of imported agricultural, forestry and fishery products at some important border gates.

 - Building basic laboratories for provincial-level Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Sub-Departments.

2. Project 2 "Building of a national specialism database and information system to warn food safety risks of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt."

3. Project 3 "Intensification of professional and expertise training in management of quality of agricultural, forestry and fishery product and salt."

4. Project 4 "Enhancement of the capacity for analyzing and managing food safety risks of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt.”


1. Funds for the scheme implementation will be raised from many sources: the state budget and capital of businesses, organizations and individual.

In which:

a/ The central budget shall prioritize investment in building and upgrading physical and technical facilities, equipment and technologies of laboratories and specialized laboratories of central and local management agencies; building the management information system and database for quality management of agricultural, forestry and fishery products; consolidating the structure of state management agencies at the central level and in provinces and centrally run cities; training and improving expertise and professional skills of central and local civil servants and public employees; and studying, formulating and improving specialized mechanisms, policies, standards and technical regulations;

b/ Local budgets and the central budget's supports shall be allocated for building and upgrading physical and technical facilities and equipment of laboratories of local management agencies for management and control of risks; consolidating the structure of food quality and safety management agencies at all levels; organizing training courses for raising expertise and professional skills of civil servants, public employees, staffs and collaborators of local administrations; building, consolidating and improving the force in charge of food quality and safety control of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt, and organizing regular and irregular examination and control drives;

c/ Capital of organizations and individuals:

Organizations and individuals may invest in building laboratories for managing the production and business process or the performance of contracts on provision of consultancy on and certification of food quality and safety; organizing and building socialized forces for controlling food quality and safety; training and improving expertise and professional skills of employees of businesses and socialized control forces;

Other investment capital may be raised through bilateral and multilateral cooperation international programs and projects for building physical and technical facilities; professional training and fostering courses, etc.

2. Funds needed for the scheme implementation

The total fund for the scheme implemen­tation is estimated at around VND 1.5 trillion.

Of which:

- Central budget: 40%

- Local budgets: 37%

- ODA and funds raised from organizations and individuals: 23%.


1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related localities and agencies in, instructing and working out a detailed roadmap; urge and inspect the performance of the scheme's tasks; assume the prime responsibility for organizing the implementation of projects 1, 2 and 4, and coordinate with localities in implementing projects 1 and 3.

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, balancing and allocating funds for ministries, sectors and localities to implement the scheme on schedule and effectively; and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in inspecting and supervising the scheme implementation.

3. The Ministry of Home Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and related agencies and localities in, studying and elaborating payroll criteria, consolidating the structure of agencies managing food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products at central and local levels; studying the establishment and operation mechanism of the control force and preferential mechanisms and policies for socialization.

4. Other related ministries and sectors shall coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in performing effectively and on schedule the assigned tastes in the scheme relating to their functions, tasks powers and scope of management.

5. Provincial-level People's Committees shall direct and urge functional agencies and subordinate People's Committees in organizing the performance of the scheme's tasks; build and improve the structure of management agencies and the system of control forces, ensuring higher effectiveness of the management of food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt in their localities; formulate and implement investment projects on upgrading physical and technical facilities, and train human sources; arrange grounds for building offices and works of the system of management of for quality, and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt; elaborate and promulgate mechanisms and policies to encourage and,, support organizations and individuals investing in physical and technical facilities, organizing control forces in order to enhance control in the production process, thereby assuring food quality and safety of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and salt.

Article 2. Implementation provisions

This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies, and chairpersons of provincial-level People's Committers shall implement this Decision.-

For the Prime Minister

Deputy Prime Minister   











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