Decision No. 57/2008/QD-TTg dated April 29, 2008 of the Prime Minister approving the overall scheme on environmental protection of the Nhue-Day river basin up to 2010

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Decision No. 57/2008/QD-TTg dated April 29, 2008 of the Prime Minister approving the overall scheme on environmental protection of the Nhue-Day river basin up to 2010
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:57/2008/QD-TTgSigner:Hoang Trung Hai
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:29/04/2008Effect status:

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Fields:Natural Resources - Environment
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No. 57/2008/QD-TTg

Hanoi, April 29, 2008





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the November 29, 2005 Law on Environmental Protection;
Pursuant to the Prime Ministers Decision No. 256/2003/QD-TTg of December 2, 2003, approving the national strategy on environmental protection up to 2010 and orientations to 2020;
At the proposal of the president of Hanoi municipal Peoples Committee and opinions of the Peoples Conunittees of five provinces in the Nhue-Day river basin (Ha Tay, Ha Nam, Ninh Binh, Nam Dinh and Hoa Binh) and concerned ministries and branches,


Article 1. To approve the overall scheme on environmental protection of the Nhue-Day river basin up to 2020 (below referred to as Nhue-Day river scheme for short) with the following principal contents:


1. Tackling pollution and protecting the environment of the Nhue-Day river basin is a major inter-regional and inter-branch issue and the task of five provinces and one city in the basin, and requires close direction and investment support from the Government, ministries and branches as well as the determination of local party cells, administrations and people in the entire basin.

2. The Nhue-Day river environment must be protected in the entire basin in a comprehensive, coordinated and uniform manner in close association with protecting water source reserves and quality of the rivers.

3. Prevention and stoppage of environmental pollution and degradation is the essential task to be associated with gradual and effective handling and remedy of polluted hotspots in the basin in different forms with feasible and appropriate solutions.

4. Priority is given to the integration and association of the implementation of the scheme on environmental protection of Nhue-Day rivers with other relevant programs and projects of ministries, branches and each locality in the basin.

5. All resources of localities in the basin will be mobilized to the utmost in combination with reasonable central supports for environmental protection of the basin: investment resources of enterprises, organizations, individuals and international aid will be mobilized and attracted for the basins environmental protection.

6. Newly built production establishments in the basin must apply clean and environmentally friendly technologies causing less pollution. Wastes of production establishments, industrial parks and export-processing zones in the basin must be treated up to environmental standards before being discharged into the environment.


1. General orientations to 2020:

a/To limit and reduce environmental pollution and degradation of the Nhue-Day river basin; to step by step tackle pollution, improve the water and environment quality of the risers, create stable water flows and safely and sustainably protect irrigation works;

b/ To formulate and complete uniform mechanisms and policies in order to reasonably exploit, economically use and protect water sources and the environment of the Nhue-Day river basin; to adopt an appropriate environmental management model for the basin for sustainable exploitation and use, maintenance of water source balance, protection of the environment and ecological sceneries while effectively meeting socio-economic development requirements in the entire basin.

2. Specific targets to 2010:

a/ To formulate uniform, necessary and appropriate mechanisms and policies on environmental management in order to create a legal framework and favorable conditions for environmental protection activities and sustainable exploitation of water resources in the basin; to boost social ization of environmental protection activities in the basin;

b/To elaborate plannings on environment, and management and use of water resources and irrigation systems, and unify the plan on environmental protection of the Nhue-Day river basin;

c/ To promptly stop and strictly handle violations, such as discharge of garbage and waste materials not at permitted places and encroachment upon of the rivers, in order to stabilize water flows suitable to the law of nature and irrigation work systems along the river banks. To step by step regulate and clear up river flows and rationally concrete the banks of essential river sections;

d/ To formulate and implement a scheme to balance and supplement water from the Red river throush Lien Mac sluice, to save water and fullv meet water use demands of the basin while reducing pollution, especially during dry season months. To study a scheme to improve and build reservoirs and irrigation work systems in order to reduce floods in the rainy season and increase water reserves in the dry season:

e/ To build and put into use the natural resources-environment observation and database systems for prompt information sharing between the localities in the basin:

f/ To continue thoroughly handling seriously polluting establishments in the basin under the Prime Ministers Decision No. 64/2003/QD-TTg of April 22, 2003. To create an initial positive change in the environment quality of the basin, step by step limit and reduce the contamination increase level of water sources of Nhue-Day rivers;

g/ 100% of newly built production establish-ments must have pollution reduction equipment and treat wastes up to environmental standards. To encourage production establishments to apply clean and environmentally friendly technologies;

h/ Production and business establishments operating in the Nhue-Day river basin must build waste treatment systems meeting environmental standards. 40% of urban centers and 70% of industrial parks and export-processing zones in the basin will have central wastewater treatment systems meeting environmental standards; 50% of operating production and business establishments will obtain ISO 14001 certificates. 90% of solid wastes from daily life, industrial production and services will be collected; over 60% of hazardous wastes and 100% of hospital wastes will be treated; 95% of urban inhabitants will use clean water and 85% of rural inhabitants will use hygienic water;

i/ All urban centers will strive to have daily life and industrial wastewater treatment systems to treat 40% of wastewater up to environmental standards, especially wastewater of Hanoi;

j/To limit the use of toxic chemicals and plant protection substances in agricultural production and replace them with safe integrated pest management methods which have no adverse impacts on peopled health and quality of the soil and water environment of Nhue-Day rivers.

3. Specific targets for the 2011-2015 period:

a/ To complete the handling of seriously polluting establishments under the Prime Ministers Decision No. 64/2003/QD-TTg of April 22, 2003, and other newly emerging seriously polluting establishments;

b/ To prevent and control the degradation of water sources, to implement schemes to reduce pollution in some seriously contaminated river sections and areas with feasible solutions suitable to resources of five provinces and one city in the basin, especially river sections running through urban areas;

c/To conserve the nature and biodiversity and the ecological system of forests. To complete the study, review and evaluation of biodiversity resources and improve the master plan on the biodiversity protection zone system, to increase funds for the management of national parks and expansion of reserves and decentralize their management to each province and district by 2015;

d/ To promulgate policies and regulations on saving and rational use of water resources. To apply scientific and technological solutions and carry out appropriate crop restructuring in order to save water resources and balance water use between the upper-, middle- and lower-stream areas;

e/ 60% of urban centers and 90% of industrial parks and export-processing zones in the basin will have central wastewater treatment systems meeting environmental standards;

f/To increase comprehensive socialization of environmental protection activities in the Nhue-Day river basin. To strive that the society will make contributions to collecting, transporting and treating 30% of daily-life solid wastes; supplying 5% of clean water for urban inhabitants; and treating 10% of dailv-life wastewater.

4. Targets for the 2016-2020 period:

a/ To tackle pollution and restore the original beautiful, clean and green environment of Nhue and Day rivers and their basin; to increase investment in upgrading works in association with rational exploitation and economical use of water sources and sustainable development for the entire basin. To ensure that the quality of the basins surface water sources meet Vietnams standards for column A applicable to surface water to be used for water supply;

b/ To conserve water resources, to ensure sufficient water and stable flows for the main rivers, well protect existing reservoirs such as Suoi Hai, Dong Mo and Ngai Son, and build new reservoirs in order to reserve water, reduce floods and improve the basins ecological environment;

c/ To basically complete the construction of water supply systems and separate drainage systems for rainwater and wastewater; 80% of urban centers and 100% of industrial parks and export-processing zones will have central wastewater treatment systems meeting environmental standards; 80% of operating production and business establishments will obtain ISO 14001 certificates;

d/To collect 100% of solid wastes from urban daily life, industrial production and services; to treat 100% of hazardous wastes and form and develop the waste recycle industry, to strive that 30% of collected wastes will be recycled:

e/100% of urban and 95% of rural inhabitants will use clean water;

f/To complete die database on the basins natural resources and environment, to unify the management of environmental observation station systems of branch and local levels under the master plan on the national network of natural resources and environmental observation, ensuring effective forecast, prevention and control of natural disasters and floods, and flood diversion;

g/To increase the forest coverage rate, especially in upstream provinces, to build agro-forestry areas along the river banks upstream in order to develop economy for inhabitants in association with plantation of water-preserving trees and restoration of degraded watershed forests.


1. To reduce and control the environmental pollution increase level of the Nhue-Day river basin:

a/ To conduct additional surveys on, fully evaluate the state of and clarify reasons for and major sources of discharge from industrial, handicraft and agricultural production, economic, business, service and urbanization activities causing contamination of water sources and environmental pollution in the basin; to assess environmental pollution impacts on the health of inhabitants in the basin: to forecast diseases and project health indicators and solutions to monitor diseases in the entire Nhue-Day river basin;

b/ To increase measures to complete the handling of remaining seriously polluting establishments under the Prime Ministers Decision No. 64/2003/QD-TTg of April 22, 2003. To scrutinize, conduct additional surveys on and take measures to prevent and handle newly emerging seriously polluting establishments, with priority given to the handling of establishments discharging wastewater directly into Nhue and Day rivers;

c/ To formulate plans to absolutely tackle environmental pollution in craft villages in the Nhue-Day river basin;

d/ To proactively increase control of wastes discharged from plants, enterprises, craft villages, healthcare establishments and service establish-ments in localities. To take coercive measures against seriously polluting production and business establishments failing to tackle and reduce pollution.

2. To conserve and protect the natural environment and biodiversity of the Nhue-Day river basin:

a/To elaborate a master plan on environmental protection of the Nhue-Day river basin up to 2020 with a view to harmonizing interests of five provinces and one city in the basin, covering the following principal contents: planning on systems of irrigation works, water balance and surface and ground water exploitation works; planning on systems of water drainage and central wastewater treatment for industrial parks, urban centers and residential areas; planning on systems of landfills for industrial and daily life solid wastes and hazardous and hospital wastes;

b/To invest in upgrading and completing the system of irrigation works in the basin in order to stably maintain water balance, especially during dry season months;

c/ To conserve biodiversity and protect the environment and natural views in the basin;

d/ To increase forestation and zone off for forestation and forest protection, especially in forest and mountainous areas with water streams, in association with taking methods to preserve water and balance water sources. To guide people in cultivation and efficient use of forestland upstream with priority given to areas on the river banks.

3. To treat and improve seriously contaminated river sections and areas:

a/ To formulate schemes to redress pollution in seriously contaminated river sections and areas, to upgrade and build separate rainwater and daily life wastewater drainage systems for urban centers and residential areas;

b/ To implement investment projects on building daily life wastewater treatment works meeting environmental standards in urban areas;

c/To upgrade irrigation works, sewers and pump stations. To dredge important river sections, embank essential river sections and step by step regulate water flows in order to ensure their stability.

4. To raise the capacity of organizing, managing and protecting the Nhue-Day river basins environment:

a/ To complete the construction of and effectively and efficiently operate the basin environment management system;

b/ To formulate and complete mechanisms, policies and guiding documents in order to rationally exploit, economically use and effectively protect water sources, the environment and natural views of the basin;

c/ To operate irrigation work systems in combination with systems of other works on the basis of inter-regional and inter-branch coordination; to supply clean water for daily life, agricultural production and fisheries development in a harmonized manner;

d/To increase the capacity of natural resources-environment management of five provinces and one city in the basin, including investment in the environmental observation network and formation of a data bank on the basins natural resources and environment;

e/To raise to the utmost international resources of techniques, technologies, experience and finance for the effective protection of the basins environment.

5. To build clean water supply systems in some urban and rural areas in the basin:

To formulate, appraise, approve and implement investment projects on construction of clean water supply works in some urban and rural areas in the basin.


1. To formulate, appraise, approve and effectively implement 12 prioritized inter-regional and inter-branch projects on environmental protection of the basin under the Nhue-Day river scheme, specifically as follows:

Group 1: To reduce and control the environmental pollution increase level of the Nhue-Day river basin:

- To investigate into and inventory waste sources and the status of and impacts on the environment of the entire Nhue-Day river basin;

- To completely and absolutely handle seriously polluting establishments in the Nhue-Day river basin under the Prime Ministers Decision No. 64/2003/QD-TTg of April 22, 2003;

-To elaborate a master plan on water resource use and management, and environmental protection of the Nhue-Day river basin up to 2015 and orientations to 2020.

Group 2: To conserve and protect the natural environment and biodiversity of the Nhue-Day river basin:

- An investment project to implement a number of schemes to improve, dredge, supplement water and improve water quality, of rivers, canals and ditches in the Nhue-Day river basin;

- An investment project to implement schemes to restore the natural and ecological environment of the Nhue-Day river basin.

Group 3: To remedy and improve seriously contaminated river sections and areas:

- An investment project on wastewater treatment works of urban centers and industrial parks in the provinces and city in the basin under the approved master plan;

- An investment project on solid waste treatment works in the provinces and city in the basin under the approved master plan;

Group 4: To raise the organization and management capacity for environmental protection of the Nhue-Day river basin:

- A scheme on inter-branch and inter-provincial coordination in operating the system of works in the basin in order to reduce and control contamination of the water environment of Nhue-Day rivers;

- A project to raise the communitys capacity of environmental management, inspection, examination and supervision, and development of environmental protection activities in the entire Nhue-Day river basin;

- To elaborate a master plan on the natural resources-environment observation network, to invest in building the capacity of the environmental observation and analysis system in the Nhue-Day river basin;

- An investment project to build a center for database on natural resources and environment of the Nhue-Day river basin.

Group 5: To build clean water supply systems in some urban and rural areas in the basin: An investment project to build clean water supply works.

2. The total fund for the implementation of 12 prioritized component projects on environmental protection of the basin under the Nhue-Day river scheme is estimated at around VND 3,335 billion (three thousand, three hundred and thirty five billion) to be raised from central and local budgets, the Vietnam Environmental Protection Fund, investment capital of enterprise engaged in production, business and service activities in the basin, non-refundable aid, concessional credit loans and supports and funds of domestic and overseas organizations and individuals.

Specific funds for each prioritized component project under the Nhue-Day river scheme shall be examined and approved by competent authorities according to current law.


1. To increase education and propagation and raise awareness and responsibilities of the community, administrations at all levels, mass organizations, enterprises, organizations and individuals in protecting the basins environment.

2. To closely associate and incorporate requirements on protection of the environment, water sources and natural views of the basin into the formulation, appraisal, approval and implementation of strategies, master plans and plans on socio-economic development of five provinces and one city in the basin.

3. To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of state management of environmental protection in the entire basin:

a/ To establish and put into operation soon the Committee for environmental protection of the Nhue-Day river basin with a manageable, effective and efficient apparatus in order to direct and coordinate branches and regions in uniformly implementing contents of the overall scheme on environmental protection of the Nhue-Day river basin;

b/ To effectively implement the States legal documents on environmental protection. To increase the leadership and direction by all levels and branches and build the capacity of the state management system in charge of protection of the environment and natural views and sustainable exploitation of the basin;

c/ To increase regular and irregular inspection and examination of production and business establishments, to promptly detect those failing to comply with environmental protection regulations and breaching commitments specified in their reports on environmental impact assessment and written commitments on environmental protection, to strictly handle violations according to law.

4. To increase and diversify investment resources from the state budget and domestic and overseas enterprises, communities, organizations and individuals; to increase the socialization of activities in protecting the environment and natural views of the entire basin:

a/ To ensure sufficient and annually increase the level of central and local state budget funds for environment-related activities; to diversify investment resources and develop self-management models and urban and rural environmental sanitation services for effective protection of the basins environment;

b/ To prioritize state budget funds for investment in building treatment systems for urban daily life wastewater, hospital wastes and wastewater, initially for Hanoi and Ha Tay and Ha Nam provinces;

c/ Pendingthe availability of enough investment resources for treatment on a wide scale, to zone off polluted areas for internal and complete treatment to prevent wide dispersion of waste sources;

d/ To determine that protecting the basins environment is the responsibility of production, business and service establishments having polluting wastes. All enterprises operating in the basin must use their own funds to tackle environmental pollution and degradation caused by their production, business and service activities.

e/ To prioritize concessional loans and capital supported or financed by the Vietnam Environmental Protection Fund for component projects on environmental protection under the overall scheme on environmental protection of the Nhue-Day river basin to 2020.

5. To increase scientific research into and technological application to the protection of the basins environment and water sources; to encourage the quick introduction of new technical, scientific and technological advances, clean and environment-friendly production technologies and appropriate advanced waste treatment technologies into environmental protection activities in the Nhue-Day river basin.

6. To promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation with countries, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and other foreign organizations and individuals to make use of their capital, technologies and experience and attract investment in environmental protection of the Nhue-Day river basin.


1. Responsibilities of ministries and central branches:

a/ The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall:

- Assume the prime responsibility for. and coordinate with presidents of the Peoples Committees of five provinces and one centralis nin city in the Nhue-Day riser basin (consisting of Hanoi, Ha Tay, Hoa Binh. Nam Dinh. Ha Nam and Ninh Binh) in, directing, urging and organizing the implementation of this scheme, and annually review and report implementation results to the Prime Minister;

-Propose to the Prime Minister the establishment of the Committee for environmental protection of the Nhue-Day river basin, which is composed of representatives of the Peoples Committees of five provinces and one centrally run city in the basin, the Ministries of Natural Resources and Environment; Finance; and Planning and Investment, and other concerned ministries and branches, for inter-branch and inter-regional coordination in uniformly and effectively imple-menting contents of the Nhue-Day river scheme;

b/The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and reach agreement with the Ministry of Finance on. balancing and allocating state budget funds and other funding sources on an annual and five-year basis for the effective and timely implementation of the tasks and prioritized component schemes and projects under the Nhue-Day river scheme;

c/ The Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development; Industry and Trade; Construction; Transport; Health; and Science and Technology, and concerned ministries and branches shall, within their functions, tasks and state management scopes, formulate mechanisms and policies concerning the performance of tasks under the Nhue-Day river scheme and implement this scheme as assigned by competent authorities.

2. Presidents of the Peoples Committees of five provinces and one city in the Nhue-Day river basin (Hanoi, Ha Tay, Hoa Binh, Nam Dinh, Ha Nam and Ninh Binh) shall:

- Coordinate on an inter-regional and inter-branch basis in directing the uniform, effective and timely implementation of contents of the Nhue-Day river scheme;

- Proactively promote their internal resources and mobilize to the utmost resources of their localities for the implementation of the Nhue-Day river scheme;

- Direct provincial Services, Departments, branches and administrations at losver levels in effectively implementing the contents of the Nhue-Day river scheme in their own localities and inter-provincial areas.

Article 2. This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in CONG BAO.

Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and presi-dents of the Peoples Committees of Hanoi city and Ha Tay, Hoa Binh, Nam Dinh, Ha Nam and Ninh Binh provinces shall implement this Decision.




Hoang Trung Hai


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