Decision 523/QD-TTg 2021 approving the forestry development strategy for the 2021-2030 period

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 523/QD-TTg


Hanoi, April 01, 2021



Approving Vietnam’s forestry development strategy for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050[1]



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government; and the November 22, 2019 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and Law on Organization of Local Administration;

Pursuant to the November 15, 2017 Law on Forestry;

At the proposal of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development,



Article 1. To approve Vietnam’s forestry development strategy for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050 (below referred to as the Strategy), with the following principal contents:


1. Forests are both a natural resource and a means of production which is extremely important and renewable, a great asset and resource of the country, and a crucial factor of the eco-environment, contributing to natural disaster mitigation, climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation.

2. To sustainably develop forestry on the basis of effective management and use of forest resources; to harmonize economic, social and environmental protection objectives; to turn forestry into a truly modern, effective, efficient and competitive techno-economic  sector linked with related sectors in a chain from forest development, protection and use to forest product processing and trade in order to increase value of forests, rationally use natural resources, bring into play potential of climate, land and comparative advantages of different regions and areas, ensuring the harmony of national, local and the people’s interests. To renovate the growth model from relying on expansion of area and volume to focusing on raising productivity, quality and added value of forest products. To develop agro-forestry and non-timber forest products; urban forestry, landscape and types of sustainable tourism associated with forests.

3. The State shall adopt policies on investment and investment support for forestry development in accordance with the law on forestry and suitability to the state budget’s capacity in each period; adopt appropriate mechanisms and policies to support, create favorable conditions for and encourage organizations and individuals of all economic sectors to participate in forestry development investment, with priority given to research, selection and creation of high-quality forest tree cultivars; planting of intensive large-timber forests, development of non-timber forest products; and planting, harvest and processing of timber and non-timber forest products with modern and environmentally friendly technologies.


1. Overall objectives

To develop forestry into a truly techno-economic sector; to establish, manage, protect, develop and sustainably use forests and land areas planned for forestry; to ensure wide and equal participation of all economic sectors in forestry activities, mobilizing to the utmost social resources; to apply advanced and modern science and technology. To bring into full play potential, role and effects of forests so that forestry makes an increasingly important contribution to the socio-economic development, eco-environmental protection, water source security, natural disaster mitigation, and proactive and effective response to climate change, and conservation of natural resources and biodiversity, provide diverse forest environment services, create jobs and incomes for people, firmly maintain national defense and security, successfully achieve the national goals on sustainable development. State management agencies in charge of forestry will be streamlined to be effective and efficient.

2. Specific targets

a/ Economically

- The growth rate of forestry production value: 5% to 5.5%/year.

- The export value of wooden furniture and forest products: USD 18-20 billion by 2025, USD 23-25 billion by 2030; the value of forest products sold in the domestic market will reach USD 5 billion by 2025, and surpass USD 6 billion by 2030.

- Planting of production forests: about 340,000 ha/year by 2030.

- Planting of protection forests and special-use forests with indigenous, precious and rare plant species: 4,000-6,000 ha/year on average.

- Restoration of protection forests and special-use forests: 15,000 ha/year on average.

- Timber volume exploited from planted forests will reach 35 million m3 by 2025 and 50 million m3 by 2030.

- To develop forest environmental services, diversify and expand revenue sources in accordance with law; total revenue from forest environment services will increase by 5%/year on average.

- To improve quality of natural forests, productivity and efficiency of planted forests and agro-forestry systems; the forest area with sustainable forest management certificates will surpass 0.5 million hectares in the 2021-2025 period, and 1 million hectares in the 2026-2030 period.

- The value of incomes earned from production forests will increase 1.5 times by 2025 and twice per area unit by 2030, as compared to 2020.

b/ Socially:

- The rate of vocationally trained laborers in forestry will reach 45% by 2025 and 50% by 2030, with gender equality ensured.

- By 2025, 50% and by 2030, 80% of mountainous and ethnic minority households living in forested areas will participate in commodity forestry production.

- By 2025, the average income of ethnic minority people working in forestry will increase more than twice compared to 2020, contributing to reducing the rate of poor households in ethnic minority areas each year by over 3%; by 2030, the average income of ethnic minority people will be half of the national average.

c/ Environmentally:

- The national forest coverage rate will be kept stable at 42%-43%, significantly contributing to the realization of the national commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; to build a green Vietnam.

- By 2030, all forest areas of institutional owners will be managed sustainably; in the 2021-2025 period, 10% and in the 2026-2030 period, 20% of total natural forest area will be upgraded in quality; to improve effectiveness of biodiversity conservation and forest protection capacity, reduce violations of the forestry law, and ensure environmental security.

3. Vision toward 2050

By 2050, forestry will truly become a modern, effective, efficient and competitive techno-economic sector; effectively bring into play potential and advantages of tropical forest resources; apply modern and environmentally friendly technology; create diversified products and services with high added value, deeply participating in the global value supply chain; increasingly contribute to the country’s sustainable development.

Economically: To develop internationally integrated and sustainable forestry, effectively bring into full play potential and advantages of tropical forest resources, striving to become one of the world-leading centers of forest product production, processing and trade with modern technology, and making increasing contributions to the national socio-economic development.

Socially: To make an important contribution to building a safe and prosperous Vietnam with a rich, beautiful and civilized new countryside on the basis of improving the people’s livelihood, developing a green economy associated with forest resources, preserving traditional cultural traits and living spaces of ethnic minorities; firmly maintaining national defense and security.

Environmentally: To ensure sustainable forest management, long-term conservation of natural resources and biodiversity; to ensure environmental security, water source security, prevent land degradation, mitigate negative impacts of natural disasters, proactively respond to climate change, provide forest environment services; actively and responsibly participate in and fully implement international commitments which the country has concluded or acceded to.


1. Sectoral development orientations

a/ Forestry planning

To establish a stable national forest area; to implement the national forestry master plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050, adhering to the following principles: conforming to the national master plan, national land use master plan, national forestry development strategy, national biodiversity strategy; sustainably managing forests; exploiting and using forests in association with conserving natural resources, raising economic value of forests as well as cultural and historical values; protecting the environment, responding to climate change and improving the people’s livelihood; including natural forests in master plans on special-use, protection and production forests; ensuring participation of agencies, organizations, households, individuals and communities; and ensuring publicity, transparency and gender equality.

For special-use and protection forests: To revise the master plan on the national system of special-use forests and protection forests so as to establish a stable national forest area in the direction of enhancing connectivity of landscape-level ecosystems with high environmental protection and conservation values by establishing connecting corridors toward enhancing biodiversity value and ensure conformity with national and international standards; to meet requirements of watershed protection, anti-landslide, wave breaking, sea encroachment, wind and flying sand shielding, and environmental protection in urban areas, industrial parks and rural areas in the context of climate change; to consider conversion of some natural forests being production forests into protection or special-use forests, adjust the classification of forests by function and use purpose in order to optimize overall socio-economic and environmental benefits and conform with international practices.

For production forests: To review and adjust production forest areas toward promoting comparative advantages of different regions and areas in terms of soil conditions, climate and forest resources; to build concentrated raw material zones for the forest product processing industry and develop a system of high-yield and high-quality large-timber planted forests with the participation of all economic sectors; to improve overall economic benefits per unit area by optimal production system and value chains; to focus on developing multi-purpose forestry (timber, non-timber forest products, services) and agro-forestry.

To strictly implement the Party’s guidelines and the State’s laws on management and use of land originating from state-owned agricultural and forestry farms, promoting potential of forestry economic development in association with forest protection.

b/ Management and protection of forests and conservation of biodiversity of forest ecosystems

To strictly manage and protect existing natural forest areas; to restore and improve quality of natural forests so as to conserve biodiversity, use and provide forest environmental services, in which: for special-use forests, to ensure harmony between biodiversity conservation, protection of endangered, precious and rare forest fauna and flora and development of eco-tourism; for protection forests and production forests being natural forests, to focus on forest protection, development of forest environment services and models of development of non-timber forest products and agro-forestry; to carry out activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through limiting forest loss and degradation; to conserve and enhance carbon deposits and sustainably manage forest resources (REDD+).

To limit the use of natural forests for non-forestry purposes; to complete land allocation, forest allocation and forest lease associated with the grant of forest land use right certificates, ensuring all forest areas and land already planned for forestry development be allocated or leased to real forest owners that have sufficient conditions for forest management and protection and sustainable development of forest resources.

To promote connection between conservation and development with the active participation of stakeholders in forest management such as: building models of local communities’ participation in and equal sharing of benefits from the management of special-use forests and protection forests through an adaptive cooperative management approach in order to increase the level of participation by local communities, prevent conflicts and improve management effectiveness; to speed up the grant of sustainable forest management certificates; to further improve mechanisms, policies and technical guidelines on sustainable forest management and forest certification; to issue separate guidelines for different target groups such as individuals, households, groups of households, communities, etc.; to build sustainable forest management and forest certification capacity for stakeholders.

To strengthen forest management capacity for forest owners through the establishment of a forest resource monitoring and evaluation system; to step up the application of remote sensing technology and geographic information system (GIS) and information technology in the management of the forestry sector; to survey and assess national forest resources; to develop people-centered community forestry associated with traditional cultural identity. To build capacity for forest owners to effectively manage, protect and develop forests. By 2030, all forest owners will be organizations qualified for monitoring, supervising and managing forest resources and preventing and fighting forest fires.

c/ Forest development

To develop concentrated planted forest areas to provide raw materials, with priority given to large-timber forests; to intensify the mobilization of all social resources for investment in forest development through incentive mechanisms and policies on land, credit, insurance, tax and market.

To intensify research, selection and propagation of forest tree cultivars, with priority given to the development of cultivars produced from tissue plantlets and cuttings for planting production forests; to strive for at least 90% of the forest area to be planted from accredited forest tree cultivars; the average yield of new-cultivar planted forests will be 20 m3/ha/year by 2025 and 22 m3/ha/year by 2030.

To restore natural forests by zoning off for tending and promoting natural regeneration, zoning off for tending and promoting natural regeneration with additional planting, nurturing and enrichment of forests; to develop agro-forestry and non-timber forest products toward commodity production.

To improve productivity, quality and efficiency of planted production forests toward optimizing production systems and forest product value chains through intensifying the application of science and technology, including: determining plant structures and plant species suitable to soil and climate conditions, with high economic value, and suitable for business purposes and harvesting and processing technology; to apply technical advances, use high-quality seeds, intensive planting of large-timber trees, mechanization and high technology in production stages (vegetation treatment, soil preparation, care, pest control, forest fire prevention and fighting, harvesting, transportation and processing of forest products). To give priority to the conservation and development of genetic resources, seed selection and propagation, planting of large-timber forests for commercial purpose; biological products and techniques for intensive afforestation. To mechanize all stages of concentrated afforestation at over 30%.

To develop a system of special-use forests, conserve and promote the value of forest flora’s genetic resources, forest resources and biodiversity, meeting requirements of maintaining the eco-balance and developing sustainable forestry. To assess and document biodiversity resources for management, conservation and supply of materials for variety hybridization, development of planted forests, and creation of new products and brands; to raise competitiveness in the trend of international integration.

To sustain and improve the quality of protection forests to reduce harms caused by natural disasters, improve the environment, reduce emissions, increase carbon sequestration, provide forest environment services, and proactively respond to climate change.

The State shall invest in the development of protection forests and special-use forests and accelerate the construction and completion of forestry infrastructure systems for forest protection and development; protect and conserve biodiversity and the environment, and at the same time create a premise for attracting and supporting all economic sectors to participate in forest development; and prioritize the development of watershed and coastal protection forests in order to prevent, combat and mitigate negative impacts of natural disasters and respond to climate change.

To formulate, and organize the implementation of, a scheme on planting 1 billion trees for the purpose of providing timber and raw materials for production and consumption, protecting the environment, improving the landscape (in urban areas, rural areas, offices, schools, hospitals, historical sites, etc.) and responding to climate change, thus contributing to the achievement of the country’s sustainable development goals.

d/ Use of forests

To continue to implement the policy of closing natural forests until 2030, refraining from logging timber from natural forests; to introduce mechanisms and policies to limit the logging and use of timber from newly planted forests that are in the period of strong growth, and encourage the planting of large-timber forests to provide raw materials for the processing industry, basically meeting the demand for raw materials for processing timber and forest products.

To provide to the utmost forestry services and forest environment services to generate revenues for reinvestment in forestry development; to promote eco-tourism development; to encourage organizations, households and individuals to invest, manage, harvest and use forests in a sustainable manner, and deeply process timber and non-timber forest products with advanced and environmentally friendly technologies.

To study a plan on rational harvest of protection forests being planted forests after 2025, in order to ensure their protective function and capacity to provide large-timber materials and non-timber forest products for production and consumption; to continue zoning off for nurturing, renovating and enriching natural forests being production forests in order to improve quality and create a source of timber, non-timber forest products and forest environment services after 2030.

To ensure sustainable use of biodiversity resources, genetic resources, living organisms and forest ecosystems; to promote the planting and use of non-timber forest products, focusing on product groups with strengths and economic value on the basis of promoting advantages of different regions and areas such as: bamboo and rattan, medicinal herbs, resin and oil, food, and organic products. To adopt mechanisms and policies for forest owners to manage, harvest, develop and use non-timber forest products in a sustainable manner.

dd/ Development of forest product processing and trading

To turn the country into one of the world’s leading centers of forest product production, processing and trading through the formation of large enterprises, large and modern industrial parks of regional and global sizes, with adequate technology capabilities and governance levels to organize the production of quality, branded and highly competitive products and deeply and widely participate in the global value chains.

To develop hi-tech forest product processing industrial parks and timber industry and forest product processing clusters in localities where  supply of raw materials is sufficient and stable, transport is convenient and infrastructure systems are complete and favorable, ensuring product competitiveness in regional and international markets; to replace old, outdated and polluting machines and technologies at processing plants in operation; to squarely refuse to use old and outdated technology for newly invested and built processing plants; to develop supporting industries such as woodworking equipment, glue, surface coating, accessories, etc.

To increase the proportion of deeply processed products; to focus on developing highly competitive and sustainable products, such as: interior wooden furniture (for kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.), outdoor wooden furniture, fine-art wooden furniture and refined products made from non-timber forest products (rattan, bamboo, medicinal herbs,...); to step up the processing of high-quality artificial boards for supply to interior wooden furniture factories and gradual reduction of processed wood chips for export; to encourage the use of products made from artificial boards and timber from planted forests; to focus on developing production and deep processing of valuable non-timber forest products that are strengths of regions.

To develop the forest product processing industry in association with the restructuring of the forestry sector toward large-scale commodity production, higher added value, sustainable development and international economic integration; to synchronously develop all stages of the forest product value chain from production, harvest, processing to consumption in conformity with production scale, characteristics and advantages of different commodities and regions in association with the development of concentrated raw material production areas.

To develop mechanization and the forest product processing industry in the direction of applying modern, smart, efficient, safe, low-emission and sustainable technologies; to encourage all economic sectors to invest in, and promote international cooperation in investment in and development of, the forest product processing industry.

To well organize the import of timber materials and forest products, limit the import of interior wooden furniture products that can be produced domestically, and at the same time step up the planting of large-timber material forests, and restructure plant species capable of providing large-timber and non-timber forest products in order to ensure sufficient supply of raw materials for processing, minimizing reliance on imported materials, and at the same time increasing added value of processed products.

To improve quality and diversify designs of processed products to meet needs of domestic and foreign markets; to develop modern trading forms, thoroughly apply technological solutions to developing e-commerce along with building Vietnamese timber brands and using timber of lawful sources, granting chain of custody (CoC) certificates for export items; and to expand the markets to ensure stable and sustainable development.

2. Development orientations by region

In addition to the general development orientations by field as mentioned above, in the course of implementing the Strategy, it is necessary to develop forestry in the direction of overcoming existing difficulties and shortcomings; and to protect, conserve and promote forestry potential and strength of every region, specifically as follows:

a/ Northern midland and mountainous region

- Northwestern region:

To preserve high mountain rainforest ecosystems and rare and precious forest fauna and flora genetic resources in special-use forests; to focus on building and consolidating watershed protection forests along the hydropower cascade in the Da river basin.

To develop watershed protection forests, special-use forests, biodiversity conservation, forest environment services, eco-tourism and resort tourism; to develop production forests: planting of material forests, agro-forestry, non-timber forest products (such as cardamom, Crataegus oxyacantha, Zingiberaceae, macadamia, bamboo); to develop community-based forestry.

- Northeastern region:

To develop watershed, estuary and coastal protection forests; special-use forests, biodiversity conservation; urban forestry; eco-tourism and resort tourism; production forests, planting of material forests; to develop the forest product processing and trading; agro-forestry, non-timber forest products (such as anise, cinnamon, bamboo).

To continue to consolidate and protect existing special-use forests in Ba Be National Park, Bai Tu Long, Du Gia-Dong Van Karst Plateau, Hoang Lien, Phia Oac-Phia Den Mount, Tam Dao, Xuan Son, etc.; nature reserves, species and habitat conservation areas, historical scenic forests; to focus on building and strengthening the system of coastal and watershed protection forests.

b/ Red River Delta

To develop protection forests, landscape and coastal areas; special-use forests; urban forestry, ecotourism and resort tourism; and the timber and non-timber forest product processing industry (for rattan, bamboo, medicinal herbs, etc.).

To consolidate and protect existing special-use forests, such as Cuc Phuong, Ba Vi, Cat Ba and Xuan Thuy National Parks; nature reserves, historical, cultural and scenic sites; to concentrate on building and consolidating environmental protection forests for urban areas and industrial parks and coastal protection forests; to step up the planting of scattered trees, improve the environmental landscape and partially meet the demand for domestic timber.

c/ Northern Central region

To develop watershed, estuary and coastal protection forests against flying sand, waves and erosion; special-use forests for biodiversity conservation, eco-tourism and resort tourism; large-timber production forests, agro-forestry; processing of timber and non-timber forest products (such as: cinnamon, Camellia sasanqua Thunb, aleurites montana (lour.) Wils, Litsea Glutinosa, pine resin, bamboo, rattan, etc.).

To review and assess the system of watershed protection forests, special-use forests, hydropower and irrigation systems in the region so as to propose appropriate solutions; to protect and strengthen special-use forests in the region, such as Pu Mat, Vu Quang, Ben En, Bach Ma, Phong Nha-Ke Bang national parks and other nature reserves to protect the region’s high-biodiversity resources, combined with watershed protection; to focus on building and strengthening watershed and coastal protection forests against flying sand, waves and coastal erosion; to promote community-based forest management, especially for scattered watershed protection forests, and in areas requiring protection against flying sand, and degraded soil reclamation activities.

d/ Southern Central region

To protect and develop watershed protection forests to shield wind and flying sand and prevent coastal erosion and drought, improve water sources and arable land; to intensify the planting of protection forests against sand and wind, break waves and prevent coastal erosion.

To protect and consolidate existing special-use forests in the national parks of Phuoc Binh, Nui Chua, Song Thanh, etc.; to continue to establish special-use forests in the south of the Truong Son mountain range as well as historical and cultural forests.

To develop eco-tourism and resort tourism; large-timber production forests, agro-forestry, processing industry; non-timber forest products (such as: cinnamon, Dipterocarpus alatus, Sterculia foetida, Baccaurea Sylvestric des Laurinées, Dialium cochichinensis, Panax vietnamensis, Codonopsis pilosula, rattan, Scaphium macropodum, etc.).

dd/ Central Highlands

To strictly protect the existing natural forests; to stop illegal harvest and destruction of forests, gradually restore and develop forests in conformity with resources, characteristics and natural conditions of the region.

To identify stable forest areas; watershed protection forests; special-use forests, biodiversity conservation, eco-tourism and resort tourism; production forests, agro-forestry; timber and non-timber forest product processing industry (such as: Litsea Glutinosa, Dialium cochichinensis, macadamia, rattan, Panax vietnamensis).

To build and consolidate the existing special-use forests in YokDon, Chu Yang Sin, Bi Dup-Nui Ba, Chu Mom Ray, Kon Ka Kinh, Ta Dung National parks, etc., and nature reserves rich in biodiversity; to conserve endemic species in forests of mixed Dipterocarpaceae species (dipterocarp forests), Pinus kesiya forests; to further consolidate and protect the watershed protection forest system in order to maintain natural forest coverage through various forms of co-management and community forestry.

e/ Southeastern region

To develop watershed protection forests, cities, industrial parks and coastal areas; special-use forests: biodiversity conservation, eco-tourism and resort tourism; large timber production forests, agro-forestry and non-timber forest products; forest product processing industry.

To promote the protection and conservation of biodiversity in special-use forests in Bu Gia Map, Con Dao, Cat Tien, Lo Go-Sa Mat national parks and other nature reserves; to further consolidate and protect the watershed protection forest system, protect dams and hydropower plants in Tri An, Dau Tieng, Thac Mo, etc.; to step up the planting of environmental protection forests for industrial parks and large cities and coastal protection.

g/ Mekong River Delta

To develop protection forests for coastal and urban areas; special-use forests: mangrove and cajuput forests; plant of scattered trees; forest product processing; agro-forestry and fishery product production and trading.

To consolidate, protect and conserve biodiversity in special-use forests in Tram Chim, Ca Mau Cape, U Minh Ha, U Minh Thuong and Phu Quoc national parks; nature reserves; to restore and develop mangrove and cajuput forest ecosystems for environmental protection and economic development; to further plant and consolidate protection forests to break waves, prevent coastal erosion and protect other structures, and proactively and effectively respond to climate change.


1. Mechanisms and policies

a/ To review and improve forestry policies on the basis of the 2017 Law on Forestry, ensuring their harmony with the Land Law, Law on Biodiversity, Law on Environmental Protection, relevant laws and treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party, in order to meet requirements of sustainable forestry development; to study and develop policies to promote the mobilization of all social resources for forestry and attract investment in forestry, natural forest management, community forestry development, and forest environment services; policies on forest pricing and provision of public non-business services for management boards of special-use forests and protection forests; policies to encourage innovation, creativity and application of science and technology, deep processing, development of products, brands and markets.

b/ To adopt new mechanisms and policies to mobilize diverse resources for forestry development in general and forestry development associated with sustainable poverty reduction in specially disadvantaged and ethnic minority-inhabited areas with abundant forests, such as: allocation of forests and forestry land to local communities, development of community-based forest management; benefiting from the forests, actually creating livelihoods for people living near forests; payment for forest environment services; the rights to use land and forests for production and business in accordance with the market economy; land accumulation to create concentrated material areas; mechanisms, policies and entitlements for people participating in forest protection, forest development, and forest fire fighting; policies for workers and people living near forests in remote and deep-lying areas.

c/ To study and improve mechanisms and policies on investment and support and incentives for investment in forest protection and development, especially natural forests, protection forests and natural forests in the direction of directly benefiting from the forest; to develop agro-forestry, non-timber forest products and forest environment services to gradually replace the mechanism of contractual cash support from the state budget; acquisition of forest products, agro-fishery products, and non-timber forest products or the value obtained from services other than forest products for the state-owned forest areas allocated or contracted to households, individuals and village communities.

To complete mechanisms and policies on investment, investment attraction and incentives for enterprises to invest in forestry; economic mechanisms and policies to ensure full recovery of value ​​created by forests and provided to society to create a stable and sustainable financial source for reinvestment in the forestry sector, reducing the proportion of investment from the state budget.

To increase the State’s investment in the management, protection and development of special-use forests, protection forests, scientific research, forestry extension, human resource training, building of a modern forest management system, survey and planning of forests, building of high-quality seedling forests and nurseries and appropriate investment in the construction of forestry infrastructure facilities; for protection forests and special-use forests, the State shall provide annual non-business funds to their management boards under the financial autonomy mechanism and operation expenses of village and commune forest protection groups; the State shall provide funds for the management and protection of natural production forests during the period of forest closure.

To strictly manage ​​natural forest areas, create a mechanism to harmoniously combine management and protection with tapping of economic value ​​of natural forests so as to contribute to poverty reduction and socio-economic development of localities with forests.

The State shall adopt a mechanism to provide concessional loans to households participating in forest protection and development, particularly poor and ethnic minority households in remote, deep-lying and border areas in order to develop production by the agro-forestry method, making non-timber forest products, raising cattle, growing agricultural crops during periods when there is no income from forests; provide investment support and incentives for the construction of infrastructure for seedling production, production of forestry biological products, supporting industries for forest product processing, application of high and new environmentally friendly technologies; hi-tech forestry centers and modern forest product trading and forestry service centers (e-commerce exchanges to introduce, promote and auction forest products); support the establishment of forest product value chains.

To study and develop mechanisms and policies on forestry insurance and planted forest insurance.

d/ To implement on a pilot basis forestry production models to serve as a basis for summarizing, evaluating and building new mechanisms and policies on forestry.

2. Public communication to raise awareness

To intensify propaganda to raise awareness of authorities at all levels, sectors and businesses about economic, social, environmental as well as national defense and security protection value of forests; the role and importance of forests to biodiversity conservation, value of forest environment services, green growth model and sustainable development of the country; to promote communications with rich contents and diverse forms, making use of modern communications and social networks to create a change in public awareness about forest protection and development; to pay attention to cultural and ethnic minority factors in the propaganda work; to raise awareness of authorities at all levels, particularly grassroots administrations, and sectors about the responsibility for forest management and protection, compliance with laws and standards and commitments to forest protection and forestry development.

To intensify education about the law on forest protection and development, raise public awareness about forest protection; to mobilize households living in and near forests to sign forest protection commitments; to formulate and implement forest protection conventions; to change awareness and trading practices, shift from extensive to intensive forestry production; to develop agro-forestry, combine production of small and large timber, non-timber forest products and forest environmental services.

3. Development and application of science and technology and forestry extension

To develop science and technology as an important factor in promoting sustainable forestry development, and raising its added value and competitiveness; to strive to lift the contribution of science and technology to the growth value of the forestry sector to 30%.

To focus on scientific research and technology development, meeting production and market requirements, promote innovation and creativity to create new values ​​and products, with the participation of forest owners and enterprises: hi-tech forestry, response to climate change, international integration; biodiversity conservation; forest environment services; quality of planted forests and forest product processing technology; to secure both baseline and applied research; to develop scientific and technological research programs and projects, giving priority to the fields of selection and propagation of high-quality forest tree cultivars, intensive cultivation of production forests, technologies processing forest products and auxiliary products to substitute for imports, application of high technology, information technology and biotechnology in forest management and protection, development of agro-forestry and non-timber forest products; to compute and quantify the (converted) total economic value of forests and contributions to the country’s green economic development and green GDP.

To promote research and transfer of advanced applications, science and technology, and information technology in all stages of the forestry value chain, particularly the selection and creation of new high-yield forest tree cultivars, forest intensive farming, forest product harvest, transportation and processing.

To conduct research under the order placement mechanism; to link scientific research institutions with enterprises and forest growers; to combine research with training and forestry extension, between production and processing and consumption of products to form a closed research chain in training.

To develop and improve economic and technical norms in forestry (norms of state budget-funded public non-business services in the field of non-business forestry such as: forest protection and development; conservation, rescue, eco-restoration and monitoring of forest changes; forest survey, forestry planning; forest statistics and inventory; museum and preservation of specimens in forestry; and norms for management of the forestry sector); to develop a system of national regulations and standards on forestry, sustainable forest management, value chains of forest products, timber products and non-timber forest products, meeting requirements of sustainable forestry development; and trading of forest products and international commitments.

To increase investment in capacity building and completion of the national system of investigation and monitoring of forest resource developments to be modern, streamlined, efficient, effective, unified, uninterrupted, service-oriented and meet the requirements of forestry development in the new situation, in accordance with the practical conditions of Vietnam and international practices and commitments.

To promote the modernization of the forest product processing industry, encourage the application of advanced and environmentally friendly, deep processing, and raw material-saving technologies; to encourage the development of new materials to replace timber, plastic-wood, metal-wood composites, etc.

To build capacity of the research and forestry extension system; to renew mechanisms, forms and methods of forestry extension; to promote international cooperation; to promote production technology transfer, and develop the forestry extension system; to develop infrastructure facilities and equipment for research and forestry extension; to ensure that 20% of enterprises will participate in research, transfer and application of high technology in forestry; and to master high technology in forestry activities.

4. Human resource training

To renovate and improve quality of human resource training of the sector, focusing on training high-quality human resources for forestry industrialization and modernization; to prioritize training of human resources with high professional qualifications for accessing and mastering modern technologies, in order to create breakthroughs in research, selection, propagation and production of seedlings, biotechnology, and application of technology in forestry in order to promptly address problems and challenges of the sector.

To raise quality of forestry managers to be professional, effective and efficient. To renovate operations and build capacity for forestry training and research institutes. To focus on training highly qualified researchers and lecturers for a number of important fields such as varieties, silviculture, technology for processing timber and non-timber forest products, forestry management, social forestry, nature conservation, environmental protection and response to climate change, thereby creating conditions for young experts and managers to cooperate in research and teaching; vocational training in forest product processing and forest care, protection and use, development of non-timber forest products and agro-forestry.

To encourage and create a favorable environment and conditions for enterprises and training institutions to cooperate with and support one another in training and improving skills for enterprises’ workers; to expand forms of vocational training associated with new technology transfer, technique transfer and new production processes to farmer households; to provide training in craft villages and specialized production areas; to promote domestic and overseas training forms for managers, researchers and market development staff to build up the contingent of good entrepreneurs.

5. Building of synchronous forestry infrastructure, modernization of the forestry sector and logistics services

To reorganize concentrated production areas in the direction of developing key products suitable to advantages of each area in association with synchronous mechanization and connection to forest product processing zones and commercial service centers; to increase investment and complete forestry infrastructure facilities; to develop timber processing clusters linked with raw material forests in different ecological zones; to develop a system of forestry roads linking large-scale and concentrated raw material areas with processing plants; to reduce transportation costs and increase value of timber products.

To step up modernization, mechanization and automation in a synchronous manner in concentrated commodity forestry production areas; by 2030, the rate of mechanization in the stages of soil preparation, seeding, tree planting and care, pest control, forest fire prevention and fighting, logging and transportation of timber and forest products will reach at least 30%; to develop the timber and forest product processing into a spearhead economic sector in production and export, striving for Vietnam to become one of the leading countries in the world in terms of production, processing and export of timber products and non-timber forest products with brands and reputation.

To build a modern, efficient and environmentally friendly timber processing industry associated with the construction of large-scale industrial parks and large enterprises; to develop supporting industries to proactively supply input materials for the timber processing industry; to encourage and attract enterprises to invest in building timber and forest product processing factories, using timber processing by-products, producing timber glue and accessories for the timber processing industry.

To give priority to and build capacity and physical facilities for entities monitoring and supervising forest resources to attain the regional level; to procure forest fire prevention and fighting equipment.

The State shall provide support for and adopt policies to promote investment in the construction of at least three hi-tech forestry zones in the North, Central Vietnam and the South in order to promote the development of the forestry sector to be modern and capable of applying high technologies in its value chain.

To build an information system and databases on forest product processing: to build a national database, then establishing a science and technology exchange and channeling investment in the field of forestry mechanization and forest product processing; to build research capacity, closely work with timber and forest product associations across the country to grasp, forecast and share information about markets; to update information on trade policies of others countries and of each market on market shares, tastes, prices, product standards, barriers, etc., to promptly address difficulties and problems, ensuring a favorable environment for production and business activities of enterprises in order to organize production and processing activities to meet requirements of importing countries.

To develop the forestry machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, supporting industries and logistics services for agriculture; to formulate and implement mechanisms and policies to develop mechanical engineering, chemical and biological industries to serve forestry production; to attract investment in developing logistics infrastructure, particularly warehouses for forest product production, preservation and processing.

To develop markets for forestry machinery and equipment and forest products: to step up trade promotion and use of locally made forestry machines through systems of forestry extension, industrial extension, transfer and application of science and technology; to intensify market research, forecasting and information capacities, diversify markets, particularly potential and emerging markets; to develop Vietnamese timber brands.

6. Organization of production and business

To develop forms of linkage between economic sectors, cooperative economy and sharing economy in forestry; to develop diversified production and business activities, linking afforestation with forest product processing industry and trading in the value chain.

To promote the development of large-sized enterprises and corporations capable of investing in closed chains in the forestry sector and to support and lead people in production activities to meet market demands; to further innovate and improve operational efficiency of forestry companies; to develop household-, farm-, village- and cooperative-based forestry; to transform the crop structure; to develop agro-forestry, giving priority to poor and ethnic minority households to participate in forestry activities to increase income.

To reform organization and mode of operation of industry associations in line with the market economy to truly represent lawful rights and interests of their members and as a focal point connecting managers, scientists, businesses and workers in the forestry sector.

7. Sector organization and management

To improve capacity and effectiveness of the state management of forestry; to consolidate the organizational structure of the forestry management apparatus to be streamlined, unified, effective, efficient and professional; to strengthen the forest ranger force and reinforce local rangers and full-time forest protection forces, with priority given to areas highly prone to deforestation and illegal logging and transportation of forest products.

To review, reorganize and consolidate protection forest management boards to be streamlined and effective.

To renew the method of production management and product quality management so that producers and traders can take the initiative in controlling quality of their products before they are marketed.

To mobilize social resources for payment of charges for public services in forestry in order to reduce pressure on the state payrolls and budget and provide society with the best service quality.

8. International cooperation

To promote international economic integration in forestry, actively participate and cooperate closely with international, regional and bilateral forestry organizations; to increase attraction of international capital, foreign direct investment (FDI), and forest carbon trade; to proactively cooperate in research, education and training to access advanced forestry science and technology, develop human resources for the sector; to promote international cooperation activities in the exchange of experiences and implementation of development cooperation projects in the field of forestry mechanization and forest product processing; to intensify cooperation on capacity building; to implement programs, projects, mechanisms and policies; propaganda; research, investigation, planning, monitoring and evaluation activities in the forestry sector. To promote and capitalize on the advantages of Vietnam’s forestry sector in international relations; to complete the system of standards and regulations with trading partners.

To develop the forest product market, proactively participate in the global supply chain of forest products; to harmonize national forestry regulations with international ones; to implement bilateral and multilateral international agreements such as: Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forestry Law Enforcement, Forest Governance and Trade (VPA/FLEGT); the European Union-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).

To continue to effectively and responsibly implement forestry-related multilateral agreements and international commitments which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has acceded to, such as: Nationally determined contribution (NDC) to climate change response, Paris Agreement on climate change, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD), Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); to study and accede to other relevant treaties.

9. Monitoring and evaluation

To monitor the implementation of the Strategy to improve its effectiveness and efficiency, providing as a basis for policy making, adjusting plans and taking timely remedial solutions; to monitor programs, projects and schemes on implementation of the Strategy in order to ensure effectiveness on a regular and periodical basis under 5-year plans or on an irregular basis; to review and adjust the Strategy to suit each period and practical conditions; to carry out evaluation of results of the implementation of the Strategy on the principles of independence and objectivity.

To develop and implement a forestry sector planning and monitoring system based on the application of science, technology and information technology to meet information requirements in a timely, accurate and synchronous manner for management, planning and development of forest product production and trading and provision of forest environment services.


1. Fundraising

To diversify funding sources mobilized to implement the Strategy, ensuring adequate and timely mobilization according to regulations, including:

a/ State budget funding allocated in accordance with law.

b/ Funds integrated in national target programs, other programs, plans and projects.

c/ Credit capital from domestic and foreign financial institutions.

d/ Revenue from forest environment services and forest environment rental.

dd/ Investment, contribution, support and financial assistance from organizations and individuals.

e/ Revenues from forest product harvest, forest leasing, and fulfillment of the obligation to pay for replacement afforestation when original forest use purposes are changed.

g/ Other financial sources as specified by law.

2. Orientations for effective use of funding sources for the implementation of the Strategy

a/ State budget funds: To be spent mainly on special-use, protection and natural forests that are production forests during the closing time of the forests; to be invested in building, upgrading and renovating infrastructure facilities, equipment and vehicles serving forest management and protection, and forest fire prevention and fighting; to be invested in building research and development zones and hi-tech parks; research and application of scientific research outcomes, technology development and human resource training to serve the state management of forestry; to be used as support and incentives for investment in the forestry sector in accordance with law.

b/ Domestic and foreign organizations and individuals will be encouraged to invest in production and business activities in the field of forest product processing and on the sale market for timber and forest products in accordance with law; to mobilize lawful contributions from enterprises and funds from domestic and foreign organizations and individuals; reciprocal capital and contributions from people and economic sectors. To continue to study and expand revenue sources for the forestry sector.

To increase revenues from forest environment services, tap potential and new services to increase revenues, especially eco-tourism services, carbon sequestration services, etc.; to intensify propaganda and create appropriate mechanisms to mobilize organizations and individuals to invest in forestry, forest protection and development, and growth of forest trees.


1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries, sectors and localities in:

a/ Organizing the implementation of the Strategy; formulating key programs, schemes and projects to implement the Strategy; formulating and approving a set of the Strategy implementation monitoring and evaluation indicators; conducting annual, five-year and 10-year reviews of the implementation of the Strategy, and reporting implementation results to the Prime Minister.

b/ Continuing to implement a number of approved programs and projects; formulating, submitting to competent authorities for approval, and organizing the effective implementation of, new programs and projects (details in the attached Appendix).

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Finance, and State Bank of Vietnam shall, within the ambit of their functions and tasks, assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, improving investment, finance and credit policies for effective implementation of objectives and contents of the Strategy.

3. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, reviewing and completing land, biodiversity conservation and environmental protection mechanisms, policies and laws for effective implementation of contents of the Strategy.

4. The Ministry of Science and Technology shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, formulating and implementing plans on formulation of standards and regulations; and implement solutions to increasing research and application of science and technology for forestry development in line with the Strategy’s orientations.

5. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, implementing policies and solutions to promote markets and trade, and consider removing trade barriers for timber and non-timber forest products.

6. Related ministries and sectors shall coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in organizing the implementation of the Strategy; participate in inspecting, supervising and urging the implementation of the Strategy within the ambit of their functions and tasks.

7. Provincial-level People’s Committees shall organize the formulation and implementation of the Strategy as suitable to their local conditions.

Article 2. This Decision takes effect on the date of signing for promulgation.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees and heads of related agencies shall implement this Decision.-

Prime Minister

* The Appendix to this Decision is not translated.

[1] Công Báo Nos 545-546 (16/4/2021)

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