Decision No. 1125/QD-TTg dated July 31, 2017 of the Prime Minister on approving the Target program on Health and Population in the 2016 - 2020 period

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Decision No. 1125/QD-TTg dated July 31, 2017 of the Prime Minister on approving the Target program on Health and Population in the 2016 - 2020 period
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:1125/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Xuan Phuc
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:31/07/2017Effect status:

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Fields:Medical - Health , Policy


To 2020, to reduce 30% of pupils suffering myopia and obesity

The Target program on Health and Population in the period of 2016 – 2020 is approved by the Prime Minister in the Decision No. 1125/QD-TTg dated July 31, 2017.

With the total funding of VND 19,380 billion, this Program shall implement 08 component projects, including: Prevention and control of a number of dangerous infectious diseases and common non-communicable diseases; Expanded immunization; Population and development; Food safety; HIV/AIDS prevention and control; Ensuring safe blood and prevention and control of some hematological diseases; Combining military and civilian medical personnel; Monitoring, inspecting, supervising and evaluating the implementation of the Program and medical communication.

With the above projects, objectives of the Program to 2020 are: to reduce at least 30% of the incidence of diseases in preschool children, high school students such as myopia, scoliosis, overweight, obesity, oral disease compared to the 2015 incidence; The annual full immunization rate for children of under 01 year old is above 95%; At least 50% of the elderly are provided periodic health checks, timely treated at medical establishments; 100% of provinces, centrally run cities have the market model ensuring food safety, etc.

This Decision takes effect on the signing date.

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No. 1125/QD-TTg

Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Hanoi, July 31, 2017








Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of June 19, 2015;

Pursuant to the Law on Public Investment dated June 18, 2014;

Pursuant to the Law on the State Budget of June 25, 2015;

Pursuant to the Resolution No. 1023/NQ-UBTVQH13 dated August 28, 2015 of the National Assembly Standing Committee on promulgating principles, criteria, and norms for allocation of development investment capital from the state budget in the 2016 - 2020 period;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 60/NQ-CP dated July 08, 2016 on key tasks and solution, accelerating the progress of implementation and disbursement of public investment capital plan for 2016;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 73/NQ-CP dated August 26, 2016 on approving the investment policy for target programs in the 2016 - 2020 period;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 40/2015/QD-TTg dated September 14, 2015 on promulgating principles, criteria, and norms for allocation of development investment capital from the state budget in the 2016 - 2020 period;

At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment,




Article 1.To approve the Target program on Health and Population in the 2016 - 2020 period (hereinafter referred to as the Program), including key contents as follows:

1. Name and agency managing the Program, coordinating agencies

a) Program name: The Target program on Health and Population in the 2016 - 2020 period.

b) Agency managing the Program:  The Ministry of Health.

c) Coordinating agencies: Relevant ministries, branches and localities.

2. Program’s objectives

a) General objectives

To actively prevent and control epidemics, early detect and promptly control the outbreak. To reduce the morbidity and mortality rates of a number of dangerous infectious diseases, control the rate of rise of common non-communicable diseases and school-age illnesses to ensure public health. To improve the capacity of managing and controlling food safety. To ensure blood supply, safe blood transfusion and effectively prevent and control a number of hematological diseases. To control and reduce the rate of HIV/AIDS infection in the community to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS on socio-economic development. To maintain the replacement fertility rate, limit the rate of increase in the sex ratio at birth, improve the nutritional status, improve the quality of the population and health care for the elderly. To strengthen the work of combining military and civilian medical personnel in the care and protection of people s health in border areas, islands and key areas of national defense and security.

To continue to in invest, complete 26 transformation projects which have been invested in the 2011 - 2015 period but not yet completed due to lack of capital and some newly-established projects compliance with development orientations of sectors, difficulty provinces, Northern mountainous provinces, Central Highlands, and South West provinces shall be given priority.

b) Specific objectives to 2020: According to component projects.

3. Scope and subjects

a) Scope of implementation: Provinces and cities in the country, some key localities of each component project shall be given priority.

b) Subjects of the Program: Ministries, branches, localities and units assigned the task of implementing projects and activities of the Program.

4. Duration of the Program:From 2016 to 2020.

5. Funding for the Program implementation

Total funding for the Program implementation is VND 19,380 billion (such amount shall be increased if there are additional sources, but not exceed VND 20,413 billion), of which:

a) State budget:

- Central budget:

+ Development investment capital: VND 607 billion such amount shall be increased if there are additional sources, but not exceed VND 1,640 billion);

+ Non-business capital: VND 8,913 billion.

- Local budget capital and lottery: VND 5,000 billion.

- ODA and aid: VND 4,360 billion.

b) Funding mobilized from other legitimate sources: VND 500 billion.

6. Component projects of the Program:08 projects

a) Project 1: Prevention and control of a number of dangerous infectious diseases and common non-communicable diseases

- Objectives:

- General objectives: To actively prevent and control some epidemics, early detect and promptly control the outbreak. To reduce the morbidity and mortality rates of a number of social diseases and dangerous epidemics. To control the growth rate of common non-communicable diseases and school-age illnesses;

+ Specific objectives to 2020:

. To reduce the tuberculosis rate to below 131/100,000 people;

. To maintain 100% of disabled leprosy patients to receive medical care, of which 50% of severely disabled patients are rehabilitated and integrated into the community. 50% of districts/towns in epidemiological areas meet 4 criteria for eliminating leprosy at district/town level;

. To reduce the rate of malaria per 1,000 people < 0.19; to control the malaria death rate to below 0.02/100,000 people;

. To reduce 8% of the average dengue per 100,000 people in the 2016 - 2020 period compared to the 2011 - 2015 period. To control the morbidity and mortality rates every year due to dengue < 0.09%;

. 88% of communes/wards manages schizophrenic patients; 80% of communes/wards manages epilepsy patients and 20% of communes/wards manages depressive disorder patients. To manage, treat and rehabilitate in community for 85% of patients at deployed communes/wards;

. 20% of people with oral, breast, cervical, and colorectal cancers are detected in an early stage; 80% of medical staff working in the project have been trained to improve their skills in cancer prevention; over 70% of provinces/central run cities have cancer/oncology prevention facilities;

. 50% of people with hypertension are early detected; 30% of those diagnosed with the disease are managed and treated according to professional guidance.

. 40% of people suffering diabetes are detected, of which 40% of them are managed and treated. To control the rate of pre-diabetes < 20% in people aged 30 - 69 years and control the rate of diabetes < 10% in people aged 30 - 69 years;

. To reduce the goiter rate for children aged 8 - 10 years < 8%;

. 35% of those suffering chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are detected in early stage before complications; 35% of those diagnosed with the disease are treated according to professional guidance;

. 35% of people suffering asthma are detected and treated in early stage before complications; 35% of those suffering asthma are treated: Control of asthma, of which 15% is completely controlled;

. To reduce at least 30% of the incidence of diseases in preschool children, high school students such as: Myopia, scoliosis, overweight, obesity, oral disease, school psychiatric disorders compared to the 2015 incidence. More than 90% of preschool children, high school students are screened and counseled for treatment of myopia, scoliosis, overweight, obesity, oral disease, school psychiatric disorders; 85% of students in high-risk areas receive deworming periodically 2 times/year.

- Scope of implementation: The project shall be carried out nationwide; some key localities according to each activity shall be given priority.

- Main content:

+ Activities of control and prevention of tuberculosis:

. To strengthen capacity for testing and X-ray of the lungs, ensuring quality according to regulations;

. To implement active interventions, actively detect, early diagnose and manage tuberculosis patients, drug-resistant tuberculosis, ensure the quality of treatment, increase the rate of treatment success, reduce the rate of failure, quitting treatment and death;

. To supply sufficient line-1 and line-2 anti-tuberculosis drugs in the 2016 - 2018 period; from 2019, the Health Fund shall cover such drug payment for those who have health insurance cards, for others who have not yet been paid for such drugs by the Health Insurance Fund, but paid by the program budget;

. To study epidemiology, administer the trial of special treatment drugs and new treatment regimens;

. To study, train and providing professional training about tuberculosis prevention and control;

. To supervise the professional and effectiveness of tuberculosis prevention activities at all levels, increase the application of electronic information systems in data management and program management.

+ Activities of control and prevention of leprosy:

. To organize the examination to detect and provide chemotherapy for new leprosy patients;

. To prevent and control disability, rehabilitate and integrate in the community for leprosy patients;

. To study, train and providing professional training about leprosy prevention and control;

. To supervise the professional and effectiveness of leprosy control and prevention activities in localities;

. To organize to eliminate leprosy at district level.

+ Activities of control and prevention of malaria:

. To buy medicine; spraying chemicals, screen impregnation; personal protective equipment; to supplement equipment, chemical sprayers, materials and chemicals for testing, diagnosis and support for localities;

. To study, train and providing professional training about malaria prevention and control;

. To investigate and supervise malaria cases/outbreaks;

. To supervise epidemiologically the malaria and the treatment.

+ Activities of control and prevention of dengue:

. To epidemiologically supervise in key areas;

. To train and providing professional training about dengue prevention and control;

. To reserve, support supplies, chemicals, equipment for the dengue prevention and control for outbreak areas upon direction of competent authorities.

+ Activities to protect mental health:

. To manage, treat and rehabilitate for schizophrenic, epilepsy and depressive patients who have been detected in an earlier stage;

. To detect, prepare dossiers of treatment, management and rehabilitation for new schizophrenic, epilepsy and depressive patients;

. To build pilot models to manage epilepsy and depression;

. To train and providing professional training to detect, manage, treat and rehabilitate for mental patients;

. Professional supervision of mental health protection activities.

+ Activities of control and prevention of cancer:

. Maintain the data system, specialized cancer registry software provided by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC);

. To organize the cancer examination and screening in the community;

. To providing professional training about cancer prevention and control;

. To implement activities of palliative care activities for people with cancer;

. To professionally supervise cancer prevention and control activities;

. To guide the prevention and control of cancer, risk factors for patients and the community.

+ Cardiovascular disease prevention and control activities:

. To study, train and providing professional training about cardiovascular disease prevention and control;

. To screen for early detecting, managing patients with hypertension;

. To build and deploy the model of receiving and managing patients suffering cerebrovascular accident or myocardial infarction. To organize a club model for patients suffering hypertension, cerebrovascular accident and myocardial infarction;

+ Diabetes and iodine deficiency disorder prevention and control activities:

. To investigate, supervise epidemiologically diabetes, iodine deficiency disorders and quality of salty seasoning containing iodine nationwide;

. To early detect people with diabetes, pre-diabetes to apply management and treatment measures;

. To study, provide professional training about diabetes and iodine deficiency disorder prevention and control activities;

. To improve the capacity of the iodine testing laboratory system at central and provincial levels.

+ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma prevention and control activities:

. To train, provide professional training about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma;

. To screen for early detecting, managing patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma;

. To support essential equipment for units deploying activities on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma;

. To organize a club model for patients suffering chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma in hospitals at all levels to improve patients’ knowledge.

+ School health activities:

. To study, train and providing professional training about school-age illness prevention and control;

. To carry out activities on health education, changing behaviors about school-age illness prevention and control for students;

. To carry out preventive activities, early detect risks, consult, provide care and manage students’ health. To deploy specialized examination, detect common school-age illnesses;

. To implement activities for students for early detecting school-age illnesses by themselves;

. Professional supervision.

- Funding for implementing the Program is VND 4,481.384 billion, of which:

+ State budget: Non-business capitals covered by central budget: VND 1,576 billion; capitals of local budget and lottery: VND 735.384 billion; ODA and aid: VND 2,150 billion;

Funding mobilized from other legitimate sources: VND 20 billion.

b) Project 2: Expanded immunization

- Objectives:

- General objectives: To keep the achieved results, proceed to control and eliminate a number of diseases with preventive vaccines; consolidate and improve the quality of the immunization system;

+ Specific objectives to 2020:

. To ensure the annual immunization rate for children of under 01 year old is above 95%;

. To maintain the result of eliminating poliomyelitis, infant tetanus, proceed to eliminate measles and deploy some new vaccines.

- Scope of implementation: The Project is implemented nationwide.

- Main content:

+ To maintain the expanded immunization and organize immunization strategies;

+ To purchase and supply sufficient vaccines, immunization supplies for children, pregnant women, women of reproductive age nationwide and biological products, consumable materials used to diagnose contagions in expanded immunization;

+ To study, train, provide professional training about expanded immunization;

+ To professional supervise the expanded immunization;

+ To manage immunization subjects on the national information system on immunization;

+ To consolidate, upgrade the cold chain; 4 storages for preserving vaccines that meet the Standard of Good Storage Practices at Pasteur Institute/Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology including the system of storage, cold rooms and specialized cold vehicles.

Funding for implementing the Program is VND 2,963.195 billion, of which:

State budget: Non-business capitals covered by central budget: VND 2,170 billion; capitals of local budget and lottery: VND 216.195 billion; ODA and aid: VND 577 billion.

c) Project 3: Population and development

- Objectives:

- General objectives: To actively maintain the replacement fertility rate, improve the quality of the population in term of physique in order to meet the high quality human resource demand, serving the industrialization, modernization and the rapid, sustainable development of our country, control the rate of increase in the sex ratio at birth. To consolidate, develop the system and improve the quality of the community-based rehabilitation service for people with disabilities; to manage, provide health care for the elderly. To reduce the mortality and the malnutrition in mothers, children, to narrow the gap between health indicators of mothers and children of various areas in the whole country.

+ Specific objectives to 2020:

. The rate of using modern contraception methods reaches 70.1%;

. The number of pregnant women who are screened before giving birth is raised to 50%; the number of newborns who are carried out neonatal screening is raised to 80%;

. To control the rate of increase in the sex ratio at birth, strive to 2020, the sex ratio at birth is 115 baby boys/100 baby girls maximum;

. + To decrease 20% of minors and the young with unwanted pregnancies;

. 80% of the disabled wish to approach with appropriate rehabilitation services; 60% of under-6-year-old disabled children are early detected and treated;

. At least 50% of the elderly are provided with comprehensive preventive care, periodic health checks, timely treated at medical establishments;

. To reduce the mortality of under-1-year-old children to 14%;

. To reduce the mortality when giving birth of mothers to 52/100,000 alive newborns;

. To reduce the rate of under-5-year-old malnourished children with a low weight to less than 10%;

. To reduce the rate of under-5-year-old malnourished children with a low weight-for-height to less than 21.8%;

. To improve the lack of micronutrients in pregnant women, women of reproductive age and children of under 5 years old.

- Scope of implementation: The project shall be carried out nationwide; some key localities according to each activity shall be given priority.

- Main content:

+ Population - Family planning activities:

. To purchase, supply contraceptive equipment, absorbent papers, chemicals, essential drugs and consumable supplies, medical equipment, medical/family planning tools, education equipment;

. Support to consolidate the infrastructure for warehouses for storing and preserving contraceptive equipment, family planning advisory and service centers, facilities providing family planning services, facilities providing prenatal and neonatal screening, diagnosis at central and provincial levels;

. To screen innate deformities, diseases, illnesses and improve the population quality. To consolidate, expand and develop the prenatal and neonatal screening, diagnosis service. To support the poor, near poor, social protection beneficiaries and people who live in areas with high risk of dioxin or areas contaminated dioxin to be carried out the prenatal and neonatal screening, diagnosis service and the pre-marital health check-up service. To provide pre-marital health advisory; to monitor and manage those who have carried out the prenatal and neonatal screening, diagnosis;

. To intervene and change behaviors, customary practices of using population - family planning services and other types of services compliance with mentality and customary practices of the ethnic minority people;

. To intervene to reduce the status of minors and the young with unwanted pregnancies, to focus on school, industrial parks, export processing zones and specialized areas; to consolidate points providing friendly family planning services;

. To control the population on islands and in coastal areas;

. To maintain and perfect the contraceptive equipment management system, exploit and provide specialized information about population - family planning;

. To control the speed of increase in the sex ratio at birth. To encourage the community, collective and individuals to implement the population policy in the best manner; to record the population policy content in the village regulations, conventions, educational programs of education and training institutions and staff education and training establishments;

. To support the poor, near poor, social protection beneficiaries and people who live in areas with high fertility to carry out the family planning service and handle complications according to medical expertise (if any). To consult, monitor and manage those who use contraceptive, family planning methods;

. To promote social marketing for contraceptive equipment; socialize the provision of contraceptive equipment and family planning/reproductive health services in urban and developed rural areas;

. To directly propagandize in community through the population collaborator teams, focus on visiting and advising in households and small groups for those who are difficult to meet and those who are living in key areas;

. To organize communication strategies, integrated with providing population - family planning services in key areas, to improve awareness about sex imbalance at birth; to organize activities in population - family planning events; to propagandize, disseminate and educate about population - family planning;

. To study, train, provide training courses to improve knowledge about population - family planning;

. To build a model of population - family planning intervention services;

. To support collaborators carrying out population - family planning works;

. To inspect the implementation of regulations on population - family planning. To verify, inspect the quality of contraceptive equipment, population - family planning services; regulations of facilities, points providing prenatal and neonatal screening and diagnosis services.

+ Rehabilitation activities for people with disabilities in community:

. To train medical staff to provide guidance on exercising in community;

. To build rehabilitation models at medical facilities at grassroots;

. To screen for disability detection and the need of rehabilitation for people with disabilities;

. To purchase equipment for the professional activities of the Project.

+ Health care for the elderly:

. To build a long term health care model, the model of health care in community, in concentrated health care and nurturing units (nursing centers, etc.) for the elderly;

. To educate, train about professional expertise and practical skills for official and employees providing health care services for the elderly in community;

. To organize the medical examination and screening in order to early detect diseases for the elderly.

+ Reproductive health care activities:

. Professional educating and training in reproductive health care;

. To support the implementation of comprehensive essential obstetric emergency service package;

. To support the establishment of neonatal intensive care units and newborn care rooms by Kangaroo method to nurture and treat pathological infants and preterm infants;

. To implement community-based child health interventions; to implement
the reproductive health care intervention model for adolescent and youth in a number of key provinces;

. To screen the genital tract infection; early detect and treat precancerous lesions and cervical cancer according to the national active plan on prevention and control of cervical cancer.

+ Activities to improve the children’s nutritional status:

. To educate, train and supervise professionally about improving the children’s nutritional status;

. To provide technical guidance on processing foods and nutrition care for pregnant women and those who have their under-5-year-old children are malnourished or overweight or obesity; to build specific malnutrition prevention and control model for each region;

. To organize strategies of supplementing vitamin A, or strategies of malnutrition prevention and control;

. To provide nutritional products for pregnant women, lactating women, malnourished children under 5 years old from poor and near poor households and beneficiaries of social protection, areas in need of emergency assistance about nutrition.

- Funding for implementing the Program is VND 4,921 billion, of which:

+ State budget: Non-business capitals covered by central budget: VND 2,195 billion; capitals of local budget and lottery: VND 2,430.0 billion; ODA and aid: VND 136 billion;

Funding mobilized from other legitimate sources: VND 160 billion.

d) Project 4: Food safety

- Objectives:

- General objectives: To control the food safety in the entire established food provision chains, to effectively and actively protect the consumers’ health and rights;

+ Specific objectives to 2020:

. To reduce 50% of collective food poisoning cases from 30 affected people/case on average in the 2016 - 2020 period compared to the 2011 - 2015period; the rate of acute food poisoning in a case of food poisoning is recorded below 7 affected people/100,000 people;

. 90% of food testing laboratories in provinces with the population of over 02 million people, industrial parks, border gates for trading goods and centrally run cities meet the TCVN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard;

. 80% of food producers, processing persons, traders; consumers; managers are updated knowledge about food safety;

. The rate of simples exceeding the allowed threshold per total samples tested for food safety in national agricultural product safety monitoring programs < 6%;

. The rate of simples exceeding the allowed threshold per total samples tested for food safety in national sea product safety monitoring programs < 4%;

. 100% of provinces, centrally run cities have the market model ensuring food safety.

- Scope of implementation: The Project is implemented nationwide.

- Main content:

+ To renovate, repair infrastructure for units assigned the task of testing and state management of food safety;

+ To equip devices, tools, means, chemicals for specialized activities regarding food safety;

+ To study, train, provide professional training about food safety;

+ To inspect the implementation of regulations on food safety; to take samples, test for the inspection and post-check to ensure food safety;

+ To investigate, monitor food poisoning, monitor the risk of food contaminant and analyze the risk of food safety; warn and handle food safety incidents, control the food safety of food and beverage service facilities, collective kitchen and street food; to supervise epidemiologically food-borne diseases;

+ To support to build and apply a number of modern and qualified models about food safety such as: Food safety market, GMP, GHP, VietGAP, HACCP, ISO 22000, food and beverage service, collective kitchen and street food, etc.

+ To deploy technique and evaluate the testing method; deploy the international and regional testing method, evaluate the testing laboratory quality.

Funding for implementing the Program is VND 2,964 billion, of which:

+ State budget: Non-business capitals covered by central budget: VND 1,225 billion; capitals of local budget and lottery: VND 1,100 billion; ODA and aid: VND 319 billion;

Funding mobilized from other legitimate sources: VND 320 billion.

dd) Project 5: HIV/AIDS prevention and control

- Objectives:

- General objectives: To control the HIV/AIDS infection rate in the population below 0.3% by 2020; to reduce the number of people newly infected with HIV, the number of people turning into AIDS and the number of people dying due to DIV/AIDS every year;

+ Specific objectives to 2020:

. The number of new HIV infections due to infection through injecting drugs decreased by 25%, due to sexually transmitted infections decreased by 20%, compared to 2015;

. 90% of those infected with HIV know their status; 90% of those who have been diagnosed to be infected with HIV are treated with antiretroviral drugs (ARV); 90% of those who have been treated with ARV have the HIV viral load below the inhibitory threshold.

- Scope of implementation: The Project is implemented nationwide.

- Main content:

+ To strengthen testing for HIV detection: To expand the HIV screening, especially testing in community; HIV epidemiological surveillance;

+ To expand the intervention for harm reduction intervention in the prevention of HIV transmission: To provide syringes with needles and condoms, with priority given to key HIV areas; combining free delivery with condom social marketing and behavior change communication. To expand the treatment of addiction to opium-related substances with substitute substances; to deliver substitute substances as prescribed; to pilot and expand the Buprenorphine treatment;

+ To expand, guarantee HIV/AIDS treatment quality; to strengthen the network of HIV/AIDS outpatient clinics that are eligible to provide medical examination and treatment using health insurance under contracts with the Insurance agency; to expand the network of ARV provision in commune-level health stations. To strengthen the HIV/AIDS treatment quality management, control of viral load. To strengthen the prevention of HIV transmission from the mother to her child; perfect the treatment network for patients infected with HIV and tuberculosis or HIV and viral hepatitis. To ensure to provide medicine and monitor the ARV resistance.

- Funding for implementing the Program is VND 2,455 billion, of which:

State budget: Non-business capitals covered by central budget: VND 877 billion; capitals of local budget and lottery: VND 400 billion; ODA and aid: VND 1,178 billion.

e) Project 6: Ensuring safe blood and prevention and control of some hematological diseases

- Objectives:

- General objectives: To ensure safe blood provision, safe blood transfusion and prevention and control of some hematological diseases;

+ Specific objectives to 2020:

. 1,700,000 units of blood collected in the whole country in 2020;

. 70% of provincial-level general hospitals in the epidemiological area are able to diagnose and treat thalassemia;

. 60% of patients with hemophilia are diagnosed and managed.

- Scope of implementation: The Project is implemented nationwide.

- Main content:

+ To organize and mobilize for voluntary blood donation.

. To organize voluntary blood donation activities by specialized communication activities;

. To organize blood donation events, effective and practical blood donation models for provinces/cities in the country in order to select the safe blood donation resources;

. To train the collaborator and volunteer team propagandizing, mobilizing the voluntary blood donation in the country;

. To organize activities to promote blood donors, to hold conferences and meetings in order to cooperate to organize voluntary blood donation activities; to maintain safe blood donation resources in the whole country;

. To build live blood banks based on the blood donation force and ensure safe blood transfusion for remote areas, border areas and islands.

+ To train, provide professional training course about safe blood transfusion and prevention and control of some hematological diseases;

+ To improve the quality of internal control, implement external testing activities to ensure safe blood supply and safe blood transfusion;

+ To implement activities of scientific research nature;

+ Epidemiological surveillance; implement treatment regimen with some hematological diseases.

- Funding for implementing the Program is VND 70 billion, of which:

State budget: Non-business capitals covered by central budget: VND 45 billion; capitals of local budget and lottery: VND 25 billion.

g) Project 7: Combining military and civilian medical personnel

- Objectives:

- General objectives: To create favorable conditions for people living in border areas, islands, key national defense and security areas to access increasingly high quality health services; strengthen the health sector s responsiveness in emergency situations;

+ Specific objectives to 2020:

. To upgrade 30% of clinics combining military and civilian medical personnel in border areas and islands; 50% of infirmary combining military and civilian medical personnel are established, 100% of health stations in independent island communes; 100% of island districts have operating rooms which are synchronously equipped, with Internet connectivity;

. To synchronously equip for 02 mobile teams for biological prevention, 01 mobile team for radiation emergency; to support 10 key national defense and security provinces to build mobile forces under the Government’s Decree No. 129/2014/ND-CP dated December 31, 2014;

. To continuously provide training courses for more than 2,000 military and civilian medical personnel and organize medical examination combined with mobilization.

- Scope of implementation: The project shall be carried out nationwide, some key localities according to each activity shall be given priority.

- Main content:

+ To build a pilot model combining military and civilian medical personnel at all levels;

+ To support the repairing and supplementing essential medical equipment for medical establishments combining military and civilian medical personnel in border areas and islands;

+ To support basic medical equipment for health reserve unit to meet the requirements of training, exercising for mobilization readiness;

+ To support the training, exercising of mobile health forces to meet the requirements of fast intervention in health emergency situations;

+ To train and exercise the content of combining military and civilian medical personnel;

+ To provide mobile and strategy-based medical examination and treatment for policy beneficiaries, the poor in extremely difficult communes, border communes, communes in safety zones, extremely difficult communes in coastal areas and on islands; region-I, region-II and region-III communes in ethnic and mountainous areas, key national defense and security areas.

Funding for implementing the Program is VND 140 billion, of which:

State budget: Non-business capitals covered by central budget: VND 100 billion; capitals of local budget and lottery: VND 40 billion.

h) Project 8: Monitoring, inspecting, supervising and evaluating the implementation of the Program and medical communication

- Objectives:

- General objectives: To monitor, inspect, supervise the evaluation, ensuring the effective implementation of the Program. To implement medical communication activities, actively contribute to the disease prevention and control, improve health of people and community;

+ Specific objectives to 2020:

. 100% of provinces and centrally run cities are inspected and supervised the implementation of projects/activities;

. 100% of provinces and centrally run cities communicate the Program content on mass media.

- Scope of implementation: The project shall be carried out nationwide; some key localities according to each activity shall be given priority.

- Principal contents:

+ To establish, and organize the implementation of, the system of monitoring, inspecting, supervising and assessing Program, Project;

+ To train, coach activities of monitoring, inspecting, supervising, assessing and communicating contents of the Program;

+ To organize communication activities for contents of the Program via the mass media (including communications on the food safety according to the Government’s Directive No. 13/CT-TTg dated May 09, 2016 and the Coordination Program No. 90/CTrPH/CP-DCTUBTWMTTQVN dated March 30, 2016 of the Government and the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front);

+ To organize the day(s)/month(s) of communication promotion suitable with activities of Program, Project;

+ To purchase equipment serving the communications and information technology equipment;

+ To prepare, manufacture, duplicate and release media products;

+ To organize communication, education, consulting activities on health, population and food safety.  To establish, maintain and deploy the mobile communication team; to assess knowledge, attitude and practice on food safety of subject groups;

+ To build and maintain management information systems and databases;

+ To commend and reward collectives and individuals for their outstanding and typical achievements in the organization and implementation of the Program s contents.

- Expenses for implementing the project are VND 778.421 billion including:

The state budget: VND 725 billion of non-business capitals covered by the central budget (including VND 275 billion for expenses of food safety communication); VND 53.421 billion of local budget capital and construction lottery.

7. Spending tasks of capital sources and principle of central capital source allocation to implement Program, Project.

a) Spending tasks of expense sources

- Spending tasks of state budget:

+ Spending tasks of non-business capitals covered by central budget:

. To ensure expenses for ministries, central agencies to implement activities of the Project/Program;

. To ensure sufficient amount of vaccines, syringes with needles and safety boxes for expanded immunization; first-line and second-line anti-tuberculosis drugs in the period of 2016 - 2018 (from 2019, spending for the drugs shall be paid by the Health Insurance Fund for those who have health insurance cards, and for others who have not yet paid for the drugs from the Health Insurance Fund but paid by the program budget), drugs for the mental patients; drugs, chemicals, chemical sprayers, equipment for prevention and control of malaria; contraceptive supplies for priority beneficiaries and social marketing; Vitamin A; to buy specific items and process specialized footwear for leprosy patients, prepare topical medicine for leprosy examination; antiretroviral (ARV) drugs in the period of 2016 - 2018 (from 2019, spending for the drugs shall be paid by the Health Insurance Fund for those who have health insurance cards, and for others who have not yet paid for the drugs from the Health Insurance Fund but paid by the program budget), opportunistic infection drugs, biological products for HIV diagnostic assay, opioid substitution drugs for opioid addiction treatment, syringes with needles, condoms and other supplies for HIV/AIDS prevention and control; chemicals, chemical sprayers, equipment and supplies for prevention and control of dengue; synchronous equipment as required by the projects;

. To rent immunization software, to rent information technology services for the national immunization information systems, software for managing patients who receive the opioid addiction treatment with opioid substitution drugs and ARVs; to rent a warehouse to preserve vaccines, contraceptive supplies; to purchase vaccine warehouse insurance; to pay for immunization compensation; to support for immunization pay for some provinces with difficulties;

. Targeted transfer for localities to carry out project operations (except for the spending tasks of local budget capital specified in this Article).

+ Spending tasks of local budget capital:

. To ensure expenses for implementing the following tasks: To purchase supplies for immunization (except for syringes with needles and safety boxes); common materials, equipment and chemicals of the Program;

. The destruction of syringes and needles; of expired drugs, vaccines, patient samples, supplies and chemicals (if any) of the Program; destruction of food, raw materials for food production and processing; materials and chemicals serving food production and trading in violation of the law on food safety (for derelict goods) that are detected during the examination, inspection and supervision of the Program;

. To support travel expenses for patients of poor households who come to check their status of diseases at specialized medical facilities at district level or higher;

. To invest, maintain and update specialized management information systems, databases of programs and projects in localities; to pay for supporting medical personnel who brings tuberculosis patients to the district-level tuberculosis examination and treatment team, supporting examination and detection for pulmonary tuberculosis patients and dispensing drugs, monitoring patients’ treatment compliance;

. To develop and implement models for management of diabetes, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma and mental illness; models for school-age illness prevention; to perform family planning services, handle accident according to medical expertise;

. To train, coach, and exercise for improving capacity of the subjects of the projects at the grassroots level; to pay for remuneration of full-time officials, collaborators, and support for health workers; pay for remuneration of the people directly implementing activities of handling outbreaks and activities of the prevention and control of malaria and dengue;

. To support in program management in localities; to inspect, monitor and evaluate the local Program of localities;

. To arrange counterpart fund for agencies and units to join with the central budget to implement activities of the Project; to integrate them with other relevant Programs, Projects and activities in the locality to ensure implementation of the objectives, contents and activities of the Project.

+ Task of spending ODA capital and aid: According to agreement of the sponsor and the approval of the competent authorities.

+ Task of spending other lawful mobilized capitals:

Combined with the expenses of Program, Project to implement objectives of the Program, Project.

b) Principle of central budget allocation:

- For the investment capital: Shall be implemented as prescribed in Section VI of the Government s Decision No. 40/2015/QD-TTg dated September 14, 2015 on stipulating the principles, criteria and norms for allocation of state budget funds for development investment during the 2016-2020 period.

For the non-business capital:

+ To focus on allocating funds for the key tasks of each Project; not to allocate funds widely or in the scattered manner;

+ To prioritize fund allocation for localities in center-point epidemiological areas, areas prone to suffer epidemic outbreak, areas with high level of fertility, and areas with high sex ratio at birth; localities with difficult socio-economic conditions, localities that have not had budget self-balancing capacity, poor provinces, mountainous, border, sea and island areas, the Northwest, the Central Highlands, the Southwest and the Cuu Long River Delta, provinces severely affected by natural disasters (storms, floods).

8. Principal solutions for implementing the program

a) To enhance the roles and responsibilities of the Vietnam Communist Party s executive committees and authorities at all levels in the protection, care and improvement of the people s health, population - family planning. Population-health outcome indicators must be included in the local socio-economic task and prioritized in investment from the local budget, ensuring efficient use of the central state budget support.

b) Communication and education on health, prevention and control of diseases, epidemics and population - family planning in the program.

To communicate contents of the target program on health and population, to propagate the main points of common diseases, communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, population, family planning, population quality improvement, sex imbalance at birth, food safety, HIV/AIDS prevention and control, etc. on radio and television stations, newspapers, electronic newspapers, Internet, etc. at central to local levels;

c) Capital mobilization plan

Central and local agencies of program and project implementation are responsible for mobilizing legal resources to strive to fulfill the Program s objectives and tasks, including:

- The central budget shall be arranged for fund for ministries and central agencies and targeted transfers to localities for the implementation of the Program s Projects;

- Local budgets shall be actively allocated for local agencies and units to implement the Program s Projects; ensuring funding for the tasks such as: Immunization supplies, common materials, equipment, chemicals of the Program; training, coaching and improving capacity of the contingent of grassroots cadres; remuneration for full-time cadres, collaborators, and support for medical staffs; testing, monitoring and evaluating the Program;

- Investment capital: Local authorities shall actively use local budgets and construction lottery sources to invest in Projects in the Program;

- Source of ODA capital and aid;

- Mobilized sources and contributions from domestic and foreign individuals and organizations and other lawful financial sources.

d) International cooperation

Intensifying cooperation with international organizations in all forms to mobilize support for the Program implementation.

dd) Integration in the Program implementation process

Integrating the Program s activities with strategies, master plans and plans of health sector in the period of 2016 - 2020 and with other projects and programs being implemented in the same locality from the grassroots level such as village, mountain village, commune, district, etc. to the central level throughout 63 provinces/cities.

e) Execution and management of program implementation

- Establishing Management Board of the target program on health and population that is headed by the Minister of Health; its members are representatives of relevant agencies and units under the Ministry of Health;

- Central state management agencies, ministries, branches and localities shall assign a focal agency or unit to manage the Project with the aim of completing the activities and tasks of the Project on schedule, ensuring quality and efficiency and within the approved budget;

- Prioritizing the use of investment capital for the transition projects in the period of 2011 - 2015, with a focus in the northern mountainous provinces, the Central Highlands and the Southwest which have not been able to balance the budget by themselves and starting a number of new major and practical projects of the sector for fulfilling the professional norms of the Projects;

- Expanding and intensifying the participation of socio-political organizations, departments, sectors, unions and people in monitoring the implementation of Program activities;

- Localities shall establish a financial investment mechanism according to the five-year plan in the period of 2016 - 2020 and annual plan; on the basis of the total sources assigned, the locality must actively allocate the budget, direct the formulation of specific action plans for solving the outstanding problems, overcoming difficulties in the locality in accordance with the common and specific goals and quota on medical expertise within the responsibility of the locality that the Program has set out.

g) Human resources for implementing the program

Mobilizing the entire health human resources network, from central to local levels throughout all areas and regions of 63 provinces/cities, to participate in the implementation of the Target Program on Health and Population according to functions and tasks assigned in protection, care and improvement of the people s health.

9. Organization of implementation of the Program

a) The Ministry of Health:

- Assuming the prime responsibility for guiding and organizing the implementation of the program;

- Assuming the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, improving the capacity of food safety control and assurance;

- Inspecting and evaluating the implementation of the Program; periodically organizing the preliminary summing-up, summing-up and evaluation of the Program s implementation results;

- Assuming the prime responsibility for, and coordinating with concerned ministries and branches in, amending, supplementing and developing new policies to ensure the implementation of the program s objectives;

- Annually, based on the implementation of the previous year s objectives, epidemic situation, the targets of each project in the period of 2016 - 2020, and the planned allocation amount of central budget funds for the Program implementation (non-business capital) according to the notice of the Ministry of Finance; the Ministry of Health shall prepare detailed estimated objectives, tasks and plans of central non-business budget sources for each project and for ministries, central agencies and localities, together with explanations of principles, criteria and norms of allocation for each project, and send to the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Planning and Investment for synthesis;

- Based on the actual situation during the implementation of the Program, the Ministry of Health may propose adjustments to funds between projects to achieve the program s objectives.

b) The Ministry of Planning and Investment:

- Assuming the prime responsibility for, and coordinating with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health and localities in, collecting the needs, balancing and allocating development investment capital according to medium-term and annual plans for the program implementation;

- Assuming the prime responsibility for, and coordinating with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health in, appraising investment projects financed by the central budget, national and government bonds, ODA loans and preferential loans of foreign donors under the Program;

- Coordinating with the Ministry of Health in inspecting and evaluating the results of the Program implementation.

c) The Ministry of Finance

- Proposing the central budget allocation for the non-business funding sources according to the annual and medium-term plans for the program implementation, and sending them to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for synthesis;

- Announcing annual non-business funding for the Program implementation; appraising the Program s non-business funding allocation plan and including it in the state budget estimate and submit it to a competent authority for approval and assigning the estimate according to regulations;

- Issuing documents regulating the management and use of the non-business funding sources for the implementation of the Program;

- Coordinating with the Ministry of Health in examining, evaluating implementation of the Program,

d) The Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development:

- Performing state management according to the assigned functions and tasks;

- Participating in the implementation of the Project within the scope, contents and tasks related to the domains assigned for management;

- Coordinating with the Ministry of Health in implementing the Program contents within the scope and domains assigned for management;

- Coordinating with the Ministry of Health in reviewing, formulating, guiding the implementation of, mechanisms and policies associated with the ministries and branches development programs and plans; directing, inspecting and actuating the implementation at the grassroots level.

dd) Other ministries, branches, People s Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities:

- Assuming the prime responsibility for directing, guiding and organizing the implementation of programs at localities and units;

- Formulating annual and medium-term plan targets and tasks of ministries, branches and localities; sending them to the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance according to the regulations of the Law on Public Investment, the Law on the State Budget and relevant legal documents;

- Arranging and balancing enough capital sources from the local budget to implement the Program, in line with the policy of restructuring state budget sources in the health sector (reducing direct state budget expenditures for medical examination and treatment institutions according to the price adjustment roadmap of medical examination and treatment services; spending local budget sources to support people to participate in health insurance, increase preventive healthcare expenditures and perform a number of other urgent tasks in the health sector), ensuring funding for the tasks under local budget expenditure tasks as described in Clause 7 of this Article, and submitting them to the People s Council at provincial level for decision;

- Managing, evaluating and organizing pre-acceptance test the results of implementation of projects under the Program managed by the locality or unit; periodically reporting to the Ministry of Health on the progress of program implementation in the locality or unit; organizing the preliminary summing-up and summing-up of the Program in the locality or unit according to regulations;

- Being responsible for the results of the implementation of professional objectives of each activity and project under the Program.

Article 2.This Decision takes effect on the signing date.

Article 3.Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of government-attached agencies and Chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces and central affiliated cities shall take responsibilities for the implementation of this Decision./.




Nguyen Xuan Phuc





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