Decision No. 10/2008/QD-TTg dated January 16, 2008 of the Prime Minister approving the strategy on animal breeding development up to 2020

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Decision No. 10/2008/QD-TTg dated January 16, 2008 of the Prime Minister approving the strategy on animal breeding development up to 2020
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:10/2008/QD-TTgSigner:Hoang Trung Hai
Type:DecisionExpiry date:

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Issuing date:16/01/2008Effect status:

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Fields:Agriculture - Forestry , Policy
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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 10/2008/QD-TTg

Hanoi, January 16, 2008





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

At the proposal of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in Document No. 3326/TTr-BNN-CN of November 30, 2007,


Article 1. To approve the Strategy on animal breeding development up to 2020 with the following principal contents:


1. To develop animal breeding into a commodity production industry, step by step meeting domestic and export demands for foods.

2. To reorganize the animal breeding industry towards attaching production to market demand, ensuring epidemic security and veterinary hygiene, protecting the environment and improving social security conditions in order to raise food productivity, quality, efficiency, hygiene and safety.

3. To concentrate on developing advantageous and competitive animal breeding products such as pig, poultry and cow; and simultaneously develop regional and local specialty products.

4. To encourage organizations and individuals to invest in developing animal breeding on a farm or industrial scale; at the same time support and facilitate traditional animal breeding households to gradually switch to farm and industrial production.


1. Overall objectives

a/ By 2020, the animal breeding industry will basically switch to farm and industrial production, largely meeting domestic and export demands for quality foods;

b/ Animal breeding will account for over 42% of agricultural production by 2020; the rates will be respectively 32% by 2010 and 38% by 2015;

c/ To ensure epidemic security and food hygiene and safety, and effectively control dangerous diseases in animal breeding.

d/ Animal breeding establishments, especially those operating on a farm or industrial scale, slaughter-houses, and cattle and poultry processing establishments must have waste treatment, and environmental pollution reduction and protection systems.

2. Specific targets

a/ The average growth rate will reach around 8-9%/year in the 2008-2010 period; 6-7%/year in the 2010-2015 period; and 5-6% in the 2015-2020 period.

b/ The meat output will reach around 3,200 thousand tons by 2010, of which pork will account for 68%; poultry, 27%; and beef, 3%; around 4.3 million tons by 2025, of which pork will account for 65%; poultry, 31%; and beef, 3%; and around 5.5 million tons by 2020, of which pork will account for 63%; poultry, 32%; and beef, 4%;

c/ The outputs of eggs and milk will reach around 7 billion eggs and 380,000 tons respectively by 2010; around 11 billion eggs and 700,000 tons by 2015; and around 14 billion eggs and over one million tons by 2020.

d/ The average product outputs per capita will reach 36 kg of meat, 82 eggs and 4.3 kg of milk by 2010; 46 kg of meat, 116 eggs and 7.5 kg of milk by 2015; and 56 kg of meat, over 140 eggs and over 10 kg of milk by 2020.

dd/ The ratio of industrially processed meat to the total meat output will reach around 15% by 2010; 25% by 2015; and over 40% by 2020.


1. Pig raising: To quickly develop herds of foreign pigs towards farm and industrial production in areas which meet land, epidemic control and environmental conditions; to maintain to a certain extent breeding of cross-bred and specialty pigs suitable to breeding conditions of farmer households and some regions.

The total herd of pigs will grow at 2%/year on average, reaching around 35 million pigs, of which foreign pigs raised on farm and industrial scales will account for 37%.

2. Poultry rearing: To renew and develop poultry rearing towards farm and industrial production and grazing under control.

a/ The total flock of chicken will grow at over 5%/year on average, reaching over 300 million chicken, of which chicken raised on an industrial scale will account for around 33%.

b/ The flock of water birds will gradually reduce to around 52-53 million; the flock of water birds raised on an industrial scale will gradually increase, growing at 8%/year on average.

3. The herd of dairy cows will grow at over 11%/year on average, reaching 500,000 cows, all of which will be raised by the intensive or semi-intensive mode.

4. The herd of beef cows will grow at 4.8%/year on average, reaching 12.5 million cows, of which cross-bred cows will account for over 50%.

5. The herd of buffalos will stay at around 2.9 million, raised mostly in northern mountainous, northern central and central highlands provinces.

6. The herd of goats and sheep will grow at 7%/year on average, reaching around 3.9 million. To develop goat breeding towards farm production combined with keeping and semi-grazing in northern mountainous, northern central and southern coastal regions. Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan provinces and a number of localities with suitable ecological conditions can expand sheep breeding.

7. Honeybees will grow at 4.3%/year on average, reaching around 1.23 million colonies. To reorganize the bee keeping industry towards market-driven production, associating bee keeping with increasing the production outputs of cultivation and forestry.

8. Silkworm raising will grow at 8.7%/year on average, with the output of silkworm cocoon reaching around 34,000 tons. To raise silkworm towards market-driven production and diversification of products to meet domestic and export demands.

9. Animal feeds: To develop the animal feed industry on the basis of expanding production scale, renewing technologies, improving product quality and lowering production costs.

a/ To shift part of the agricultural production land to intensive cultivation of high-yield and protein-rich grass and animal feed material plants. To raise the domestic material processing capacity and make full use of agricultural and industrial byproducts for animal feeds.

b/ The industrial animal feed output will grow at 7.8%/year on average, reaching around 19 million tons.

10. To build sizeable slaughter-houses and processing facilities suitable to modern technologies and advanced equipment, which will be attached to commodity breeding zones and produce diversified processed food products to meet consumers demand. To introduce production processes and equipment that ensure veterinary hygiene, food hygiene and safety and product quality at small and manual processing establishments.

11. To consolidate and raise the epidemic control capacity of the animal health system from central to local levels, especially the grassroots level.


1. Development of pig raising.

2. Development of beef cow raising.

3. Development of dairy cow raising.

4. Renewal and development of poultry rearing.

5. Development of breeding of buffaloes and other grass-feeding cattle.

6. Development of bee keeping and silkworm raising.

7. Development of animal feeds.

8. Promotion of farm- and industrial-scale animal breeding and industrial slaughtering, preservation and processing of cattle and poultry.

9. Increase of veterinary capacity.


1. Planning

a/ The animal breeding planning must take into account the characteristics and advantages of each ecological region in order to make the fullest use of the potential of each livestock in the region, ensuring sustainable development, biosafety and environmental protection.

b/ To review, adjust and adopt a planning on animal breeding products, firstly key products, namely pig, poultry, dairy cow and beef cow.

To develop the rearing of pigs and key poultry in areas meeting conditions on land, freshwater sources and environmental protection such as midland, northern and southern central coastal and central highlands regions and a number of regions in the Red River delta and the east-southern plain.

To concentrate dairy cow raising in Lam Dong and Moc Chau plateaux and provinces meeting investment conditions and experienced in animal breeding. To concentrate beef cow raising in northern central, southern central coastal, central highlands, eastern southern regions and those regions experienced in animal breeding and having investment capacity.

c/ To scrutinize and adjust the planning on animal feed production, processing and supply establishments, raw material production areas, pastures, ports and warehouses used for imported animal feed materials.

d/ To replan and reorganize the system of slaughter-houses, and poultry and cattle processing establishments towards industrial production attached to commodity breeding areas, veterinary hygiene, food hygiene and safety and environmental treatment.

2. Science and technology

a/ To renew scientific and technological research into animal breeding with a view to combining research with transfer and socialization of research investment, at the same time to prioritize investment in basic research, conservation and reasonable exploitation of genetic sources, original breeds of domestic livestock, and import of high-yield and quality breeds to be selected, adapted and quickly put into production.

b/ To effectively implement the livestock breed program and preserve and keep original breeds. To review and evaluate results of the livestock breed program up to 2010 and formulate a program for the ensuing period, ensuring that after 2010, over 70% of the breeds under production will have been selected and reevaluated. To well implement the following contents:

- To increase the size of cows towards Zebu breed on the basis of rapidly developing the artificial insemination network and multiplying selected well-bred bulls in places that fail to meet artificial insemination conditions.

To select in production breeds of Zebu cows and high-yield dairy cows and additionally import a number of cow breeds capable of adapting to local ecological conditions to create a herd of female cows to serve the cross-breeding of quality dairy cows and beef cows and supply bull calves for the breeding of beef cows. To additionally import sperms of high-yield beef cows, dairy cows and bulls for sperm production.

- To select in production herds of buffaloes, goats and sheep to create herds of females and well-bred males for supply to the renewal and improvement of quality of breeder herds in production, to well interchange breeder males between regions.

- To manage pig and poultry breeds under the pyramid model associated with each production region and product brand.

To select, improve and raise the productivity and quality of local pig and poultry breeds with precious genetic sources. To import high-yield pig and poultry breeds which are domestically unavailable or in shortage.

To formulate and apply cross-breeding formulas suitable to each production area and product group to supply uniform products for production.

To expand the artificial insemination network, standardize production establishments and the quality of male pig breeds and annually evaluate to select quality breeds.

- To renew and raise the quality of bee and silkworm breeds and mulberry varieties; to improve the system of bee and silkworm breed supply and production; to set and promulgate national criteria for a number of major bee and silkworm breeds. To strictly manage silkworm breeds at three levels from central to local.

c/ To research into production of raw green tree feeds, process and preserve agricultural and industrial byproducts for grass-feeding cattle, ensuring sufficient supply of feeds in winter and dry season

d/ To research into increase of animal feed nutrition and digestion rate in order to reduce the ratio of feed consumption to a kilo of weight increase to lower production costs of animal breeding products.

dd/ To study and manufacture industrial animal feed production equipment lines with high capacity.

e/ To study and apply technical advances in breeding facilities, breeding process and veterinary hygiene to livestock raising on a farm or industrial scale; to develop and transfer advanced breeding models suitable to each ecological region.

g/ To complete the formulation of technical criteria and standards for each kind of raw material and product of the animal breeding industry in accordance with international practice. To apply GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) standards to animal feed mills, and livestock breeding, slaughtering and processing establishments.

h/ To formulate an agricultural extension program for animal breeding (from production to preservation, processing and sale of animal feeds) which covers the creation of models, technology transfer, funding of efficient, sustainable and biologically safe animal breeding models on a farm scale. To provide financial support for advising and transferring technical processes, building different types of breeding facilities, formulating processes for management, veterinary, breeding, production management, and quality management, and vocational, technical and skill training for animal breeding managers, technicians and farmers.

i/ To renew and improve the system of testing, appraising, evaluating and recognizing the quality of breeds and animal feeds in order to quickly put new breeds and quality animal feeds into production. To raise the veterinary capacity, especially at the grassroots level.

k/ To socialize scientific and technological services in animal breeding and animal health by mobilizing all resources to meet the animal breeding development demand.

3. Finance and credit

a/ The state budget provides support:

- For infrastructure construction, including roads, electricity, water and environmental treatment for breed producing and industrial-or farm-scale animal breeding establishments and industrial slaughtering, preserving and processing establishments in planned areas.

- To annually appraise, select, eliminate and replace herds of breeders in production. To provide breeders for animal breeding development in difficulty-hit, remote and deep-lying areas.

To develop the production of raw materials and animal feed crops, firstly irrigation systems and seeds for maize and soya development and grass plantation.

To invest in infrastructure for construction of key trading centers and markets; to support the organization of fairs, exhibitions, contests and auctioning of livestock breeds.

b/ State development investment credit loans for projects to develop livestock breeds, and construction and expansion of cattle and poultry breeding and slaughtering and processing establishments on an industrial scale.

c/ Commercial banks shall ensure loans for organizations and individuals, investing in material foundations, technology renewal, breeders for animal breeding development and industrial slaughtering, preservation and processing. Provincial/municipal Peoples Committees shall, based on specific local conditions, propose provincial/municipal Peoples Councils to adopt policies to support loan interests for investment projects on animal breeding development and industrial slaughtering, preservation and processing in their localities.

d/ Organizations and individuals building breeding facilities on a farm or industrial scale, or industrially slaughtering, preserving or processing cattle and poultry, are entitled to the highest tax incentives undercurrent regulations.

dd/ To elaborate policies on livestock insurance to cover natural disaster, epidemic and price risks on the principle that the state budget provides partial support, animal breeders make contributions and other contributions are mobilized from lawful sources.

4. Land

Owners of farm- or industrial-scale animal breeding establishments and industrial slaughtering, preserving and processing establishments are entitled to support and favorable conditions in land allocation and lease according to the land law and the highest incentives on land use levy and land use duration.

5. Trade

a/ To reorganize the sale system, attaching it to slaughtering, preserving and processing establishments, ensuring veterinary hygiene and food safety in order to change consumption and shopping habits such as promoting the use of frozen foods and processed foods and reducing shopping in small and temporary markets or on sidewalks and roadways.

b/ To encourage organizations and individuals to invest in building markets for auctioning of livestock breeds and animal breeding products, and stalls for sale of animal breeding products.

c/ To effectively implement trade promotion programs and organize fairs and exhibitions, and expand markets.

6. Animal feeds and control of animal feed quality

a/ To elaborate animal feed programs with a view to ensuring that use of feeds, nutritives, additives and antibiotics in breeding portions must meet requirements on growth, development and production of livestock and veterinary safety and food hygiene and safety.

b/ To develop animal breeding using industrial and processed animal feeds. To control and ensure the quality of raw materials and animal feeds before feeding livestock. Industrial animal feeds must display their origin of production, suppliers, and quality labels and be packed by producers standards recognized by state management agencies.

7. Epidemic prevention and control

a/ To apply the biosafety breeding process; and veterinary hygiene management process for slaughtering, preservation and processing establishments, and epidemic security for production areas.

b/ To build and recognize epidemic-free establishments, areas and inter-regions, especially areas with large and consolidated breeding and breed production establishments. To improve the system of veterinary technical criteria and standards for animal breeding and livestock, slaughtering, processing and sale.

8. Human resource training

a/ To adopt and implement a strategy on training and raising capacity for animal breeding and veterinary workers at all levels, especially at the grassroots level. To attach importance to providing animal breeding and veterinary knowledge for small-scale animal raisers, especially those in remote and deep-lying areas through agricultural extension activities and social programs.

b/ To socialize training forms, encourage enterprises, non-governmental organizations and international cooperation programs to support and participate in training in animal breeding, animal breeding techniques, animal health and processing.

c/ To adopt a planning on training of scientists and trainers with high expertise in breed, nutrition, animal health, processing technology and food hygiene and safety, and facilitate foreign experts and young cadres to participate in research cooperation and training activities.

9. Production organization

a/ To reorganize the production of commodity lines according to regional chains and product groups to create a vertical connection between production and processing steps and product sale with a view to developing processing and trading enterprises. To form horizontal connections in production organization between each step and input element to bring into play the role of associations, cooperatives and household farms.

b/ To rapidly develop medium and large enterprises engaged in animal breeding and industrial slaughtering, preservation and processing that meet market demand for each kind of product, and develop satellite producers of local raw materials being animal breeding cooperatives and households which will produce raw materials according to technical criteria and standards required for each kind of material.

c/ To renew the organization and operation of commodity line societies and associations in conformity with the market economy, ensuring that these societies and associations must truly represent lawful rights and interests of their members and play the key role in creating a forum linking managers, scientists, entrepreneurs and animal breeders in order to find out effective solutions for production development.

Article 2. Organization of implementation

1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall:

a/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, branches and localities in, implementing the Strategy.

b/ Formulate programs and schemes to implement and realize the objectives and contents of the Strategy; elaborate a planning on major livestock breeding areas nationwide.

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance shall coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in balancing and allocating state budget funds and other funds and improving investment and tax polices for the effective implementation of the Strategy.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in guiding land policies for organizations and individuals leasing land for animal breeding development, construction of industrial slaughtering, preserving and processing establishments and control of environmental pollution in animal breeding.

3. Provincial/municipal Peoples Committees shall adopt and implement animal breeding development strategies suitable to local conditions.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in CONG BAO.

Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and presidents of provincial/municipal Peoples Committees shall implement this Decision.



Hoang Trung Hai


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