Resolution 18-NQ/TW 2017 the continued reform and streamlining of the organizational structure of the political system
Of the sixth plenum of the 12th CPV Central Committee on a number of
issues regarding the continued reform and streamlining of the organizational structure of the political system in a streamlined, effective, and efficient manner
1- Context
In recent years, the Communist Party of Vietnam has promulgated, led, and directed the implementation of numerous policies, resolutions, and conclusions on the construction of the organizational structure of the political system, achieving significant results. The organizational system of the Party, State, Fatherland Front, and socio-political organizations has been renewed; the functions, tasks, and relationships between organizations have been redefined and adjusted more reasonably, gradually meeting the requirements of building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law state and developing the socialist-oriented market economy. The political system is basically stable, in line with the Party's Platform and the Constitution; ensuring the Party's leadership, the State's management, and the people's mastery, contributing significantly to the great achievements of historical significance in the cause of renovation, construction, and defense of the Fatherland.
However, the organizational structure of the political system remains cumbersome, with many layers and focal points; the effectiveness and efficiency of its operation have not yet met the requirements and tasks. The functions, tasks, powers, organizational structure, and relationships between some agencies and organizations are not yet clear, overlapping, and duplicated, etc. The assignment, decentralization, and delegation of powers between sectors, levels, and within each agency and organization are not yet reasonable, strong, and synchronized; there is still a situation of taking over, doing instead, or omitting tasks. The consolidation of the organizational structure of the political system in association with streamlining the apparatus, restructuring the team of cadres, civil servants, and public employees has achieved low results; the proportion of serving people is high, especially in the office settings; there are numerous deputy-level leaders; and the appointment of “equivalent rank” positions in some central agencies is not reasonable. The mechanisms for controlling power are not sufficiently effective; the publicity, transparency, and accountability remain limited. The administrative reform, especially the reform of administrative procedures, has been slow, non-synchronized, and has not met the requirements. Although significant investment has been made in the infrastructure of information technology for management, the impact on streamlining the organizational structure, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of operation, and streamlining the apparatus has not been commensurate. The number of people receiving salaries and allowances from the state budget is very large, especially in public non-business units, non-specialized activists at the commune level, and in villages and hamlets; the salary policy is still inadequate.
The functions, tasks, powers, responsibilities, and working relationships between the provincial and district Party committees have not been fully specified; there is a lack of framework regulations on the working regime of Party committees at all levels. The quantity, structure, and quality of members of Party committees, standing members of Party committees at all levels still have some limitations. The leadership capacity and combativeness of many Party committees and organizations are still weak, especially in some grassroots and state-owned enterprises, public non-business units; the management of Party members in many places is not strict; the work of building Party organizations and developing Party members in some areas and in non-state enterprises and units is still difficult. Many heads of villages or residential quarters are not Party members. The organization and operation of some steering committees and committees for protection and health care of cadres still have some limitations.
The management and executive capacity, and effectiveness of some state agencies, both at the central and local levels, are still limited. The coordination between levels, sectors, and localities is sometimes not close. The specific characteristics of urban, rural, and island administrations have not been clearly defined. Local administrative units are generally small in scale, and many units do not meet the prescribed standards, especially at the district and commune levels. The number and structure of elected representatives are not yet suitable, and their quality is still limited. The establishment of provincial-level National Assembly delegations’ offices has given rise to some limitations in personnel work and cadre management. Many inter-sectoral coordination organizations and project management boards have overlapping functions and tasks, and their effectiveness is not high.
The organizational structure and operation of the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations have been slow to reform, and some tasks are still duplicated, with a situation of "administrativization" and "servantization". The structure of cadres, civil servants, and public employees between levels and within each agency is not yet reasonable; the capacity and qualifications of specialized cadres at the grassroots level are still limited. The content and method of operation are sometimes not practical, effective, and lack a deep understanding of the grassroots. The mechanism for allocating state budgets to the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations is still inadequate; some regulations on organization, operation, and financial management of trade unions are not yet suitable. Mass organizations have been established at all levels, but their material facilities and operating funds are still mainly based on the state budget.
2 - Causes of limitations and inadequacies
The overall model for the organizational structure of the political system has not been perfected, with certain components and sectors not aligning with the requirements and tasks of the new era. The awareness and sense of responsibility of some Party committees and organizations have not been comprehensive and thorough regarding the importance, urgency, and requirements for renovating and consolidating the organizational structure of the political system, particularly with regards to the limitations and weaknesses directly impacting the Party's leadership, prestige, and the people's trust.
The leadership, direction, and implementation of the Party's policies, resolutions, and conclusions, as well as the State's regulations on the arrangement and consolidation of the organizational structure and streamlining of the apparatus, have lacked determination and synchrony. There remains a tendency toward compliance, avoidance of accountability, fear of confrontation, and pursuit of parochial interests. The mindset of subsidization, reliance, and expectation on the State remains fairly widespread. Some Party committees, authorities, and leaders at various levels have not demonstrated high determination, great effort, and decisive action.
The management of the organizational structure and apparatus has not been stringent or unified. Multiple specialized legal documents still prescribe the organizational structure and apparatus; some legal documents on organization still contain inappropriate contents.
The mechanisms and policies for encouraging the arrangement and streamlining of the organizational structure and apparatus have not been suitable or robust. The allocation of regular funding based on the apparatus has not been tied to the results and effectiveness of the organizations, agencies, and units, which is one of the causes of the increase in the apparatus.
Inspection, examination, and supervision have not been conducted regularly, with a lack of severe handling of collectives and individuals, particularly leaders, who have not completed their tasks in arranging the organizational structure, streamlining the apparatus, and reducing the payroll. There has been no suitable mechanism for evaluating and replacing cadres, civil servants, and public employees who do not meet the requirements and tasks.
The work of summarizing practical experiences and scientific research on the organizational structure of the political system has not been prioritized or conducted in a fundamental, systematic, and practical manner. The work of preliminary and final review, drawing lessons learned, and rewarding has not been timely.
1 - Guiding viewpoints
- To strengthen the Party's leadership, the State's effective management, and the role of the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, and the people's mastery; to adhere to the Party's Platform, Constitution, Charter, and documents in renovating and arranging the organizational structure of the political system; to position within the overall task of building and rectifying the Party; to implement synchronously with economic reform, meeting the requirements of building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law state, developing the socialist-oriented market economy, and international integration.
- To uphold the principles of organization and operation and enhance the discipline and order of the Party and the laws of the State; to strictly implement the principle of the Party's unified leadership in renovating, arranging, and managing the organizational structure and apparatus of the political system. To ensure the centralized and unified leadership and direction of the Central Committee, while promoting the proactiveness, creativity, and positivity of each level, sector, and locality; to clearly define the responsibilities of collectives and individuals, particularly leaders.
- To ensure the overall, synchronous, and interconnected nature of the organizational structure; to combine inheritance and stability with innovation and development; to associate the renovation of the organizational structure with the reform of the leadership methodology, streamlining of the apparatus, and reform of the salary regime; to restructure and improve the quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees; to attract talented and virtuous individuals; to allocate necessary resources and implement suitable mechanisms and policies for those directly affected during the streamlining process.
- To mobilize the entire political system with high determination, great effort, and decisive action. To implement centralized and unified leadership; to conduct regular, continuous, active, and robust implementation, with a focus on key areas and a clear roadmap, meeting both immediate and long-term requirements. To implement immediately those tasks that are clear and necessary; for new or unregulated tasks, or those with outdated regulations, to boldly direct pilot implementation, learning from experiences, and gradually perfecting and expanding, without seeking perfection or rushing; for unclear, complex, sensitive, or contentious issues, to continue to research and summarize experiences to develop suitable policies and solutions.
- To implement the principle of one agency performing multiple tasks and one task being assigned to a single agency for primary implementation and responsibility. To ensure that the organizational structure model and scale align with the nature, characteristics, functions, and tasks of each agency, unit, and locality.
- To effectively perform the work of political and ideological education, raising the awareness of cadres and Party members about the renovation and arrangement of the organizational structure, streamlining of the apparatus, and reduction of the payroll; to strengthen propaganda, mobilization, and persuasion, creating high consensus within the Party and society, preventing hostile forces and reactionaries from exploiting, distorting, opposing, and dividing internal unity.
2 - Objectives
Overall objectives:
To continue to renovate and arrange the organizational structure of the political system in a streamlined, effective, and efficient manner, in line with the socialist-oriented market economy, with the aim of strengthening the Party's leadership, enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the State's management, and improving the quality of activities of the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, and the people's mastery. To streamline the payroll in conjunction with restructuring and improving the quality of, and effectively utilizing the contingent of cadres, civil servants, and public employees; reducing regular expenditures; and contributing to the reform of the salary regime.
Specific objectives:
- By 2021: (1) To basically complete the arrangement and consolidation of a number of organizations and their internal units, reducing the number of units, intermediate levels, and deputy positions. To amend, supplement, and perfect regulations related to the functions, tasks, and organizational structure of the political system to promptly address the overlap and duplication of functions, tasks, and areas of management; (2) To pilot new models of organizational structure and concurrent positions to streamline units, enhance effectiveness and efficiency and contribute to theoretical and practical clarity; (3) To reasonably consolidate administrative units at the commune level that have not met 50% of the standards for population size and natural area, and reduce the number of villages and residential quarters; (4) To reduce the payroll by at least 10% compared to 2015.
- From 2021 to 2030: (1) To complete the research and implementation of the overall organizational model of the political system, suitable for the specific requirements and conditions of the country in the new phase; to reduce the payroll; (2) To clearly define the functions, tasks, and powers of each agency and organization, addressing the overlap and duplication or omission of functions and tasks between agencies and organizations within the political system; (3) To continue to specify and institutionalize the Party's policies, resolutions, and conclusions on renovating and arranging the organizational structure through the Party's regulations and the State's laws; (4) To clearly define and implement the model of rural, urban, and island administrations, as well as special economic-administrative units; (5) To basically complete the consolidation of administrative units at the district and commune levels, as well as villages and residential quarters, according to the prescribed standards.
- For public non-business units from now to 2030: To effectively implement the roadmap, objectives, and tasks, as well as the solutions outlined in the Resolution of the sixth plenum of the 12th CPV Central Committee on "continuing to renovate the system of organization and management, improving the quality and effectiveness of public non-business units".
1 - General tasks and solutions for the entire political system
- To implement the Party's unified leadership in building and managing the organizational structure and payroll of the entire political system, with the Politburo directly responsible at the central level and the provincial Party committees' standing boards directly responsible at the local level.
- To urgently research, perfect, and implement the overall organizational model of the political system, suitable for the requirements of building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law state, developing the socialist-oriented market economy, and proactively and actively integrating into the international community.
- To focus on reviewing, arranging, consolidating, and streamlining the internal units of the political system's organizations, in conjunction with streamlining the payroll, restructuring, and improving the quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees. To resolutely reduce and not establish new intermediate organizations; to dissolve or reorganize organizations that are ineffective. The reorganization of the organizational structure must not increase the number of units and payroll; in special cases where it is necessary to increase units from the level of a department or equivalent and above, the Politburo's opinion must be sought.
- To review, amend, supplement, and perfect the functions, tasks, powers, and working relationships between organizations within the political system, addressing the overlap and duplication to enable one organization or individual to perform multiple tasks, while ensuring that one task is only assigned to one organization or individual for primary implementation and responsibility. To implement the streamlining of the payroll according to the set objectives. To strictly regulate and manage the payroll of organizations within the political system, based on the classification of organizations, standards for cadre titles, and the scientific and practical determination of job positions. To regulate the minimum number of payroll required for establishing an organization, the maximum number of deputy positions for an organization, suitable for the characteristics of each level, sector, and locality. To specify the standards, conditions, and policies for reducing the scope and subjects of appointment to "equivalent rank" positions; to reduce the proportion of support staff in each agency, particularly in office departments.
- To review, amend, supplement, and perfect the Party's and State's regulations on the organizational structure of levels, sectors, and localities, ensuring consistency and unity. To boldly pilot new models of consolidating organizational structures and concurrent positions to streamline units, enhance effectiveness and efficiency; to promptly conduct preliminary and final reviews and gradually expand suitable and effective models.
- To build, complete, and implement a mechanism for healthy competition, transparency, openness, and democracy in the appointment and promotion of cadres and the recruitment of civil servants and public employees, in order to attract truly virtuous and talented individuals to work in the political system's organizations. To conduct preliminary and final reviews and innovate the process of recruitment, appointment, utilization, evaluation, and the implementation of regimes and preferential policies for cadres, civil servants, and public employees; to strongly push for salary reform. To strictly implement the regime of dismissal, removal, resignation, sack, and timely replacement of individuals who are incompetent, have poor moral character, or fail to meet the requirements and standards of their positions. To continue renovating the content and methods of training, fostering, and updating knowledge for cadres, civil servants, and public employees.
- To implement decentralization and delegation of powers in a robust and rational manner between the central and local levels, between higher and lower levels, linking powers with responsibilities; simultaneously, to build a mechanism for strict control of powers through the Party's regulations and the State's laws, ensuring democracy, openness, transparency, promoting accountability, and strengthening inspection and supervision of implementation. To encourage the dynamism, creativity, and proactiveness of levels, sectors, and localities in building, consolidating, and streamlining organizational structures and payrolls.
- To develop specific and practical programs and plans to strengthen leadership, direction, and implementation of inspection, examination, and supervision of compliance with the regulations on arranging organizational structures and streamlining payrolls within the political system. To promptly commend and reward organizations and individuals that effectively implement these regulations; to strictly handle organizations and individuals, particularly leaders, that fail to implement or improperly implement regulations, or do not meet the objectives of streamlining organizational structures and payrolls. This is one of the important criteria for reviewing, evaluating, recommending for election, appointment, and dismissal of cadres.
- To continue strongly reforming administrative procedures, widely applying science and technology, particularly information technology; to push for the development of e-government and smart cities; to summarize and evaluate in order to have solutions for effectively using information technology infrastructure, preventing waste, and contributing to the streamlining of organizational structures and payrolls. To adequately invest resources in scientific research on the organizational structure and personnel work of the political system. To research and amend regulations on the allocation of regular expenditures for organizations, agencies, and units within the political system.
- To promote propaganda and political and ideological education, creating unified awareness and action within the Party and consensus in society. To allocate sufficient resources and to have appropriate mechanisms and policies for those cadres, civil servants, and public employees directly affected by the arrangement and restructuring of organizational structures. To be vigilant and proactive in preventing and countering the sabotage activities of hostile and reactionary forces.
2 - Specific tasks and solutions
2.1 - For the Party's organizational system
- The Central Committee shall regulate the functions, tasks, powers, responsibilities, and working relationships of provincial and district Party committees, and specify these for grassroots levels; regulate the framework for the working regulations of Party committees. Party committees shall base themselves on these framework regulations and their specific characteristics and situations to develop their own working regulations and guide lower-level Party committees in developing their working regulations.
- To research and develop regulations on standards, structures, numbers, conditions, and procedures for selecting members of the Party committee and members of the standing committee of the Party committee at all levels.
- To terminate the activities of the Steering Committees for the Northwestern, the Central Highlands and the Southwestern Regions. To reorganize the Overseas Party Committee and the Party Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a way that ensures both general regulations and specific characteristics, aiming to strengthen Party building, enhance leadership capacity and combativeness of Party organizations abroad. To transfer the Office of the Central Steering Committee for Judicial Reform to the Central Internal Affairs Commission and reorganize it appropriately.
- To rearrange the organizational structure, renovate the operational mechanism of committees for protection and health care of cadres by transferring their material facilities, equipment, and medical personnel to health care institutions, and rearranging and reassigning cadres, civil servants, and public employees accordingly.
- To adjust, supplement, and perfect the functions, tasks, powers, responsibilities, and working relationships of Party committees in various blocks of agencies, aiming to streamline organizational structures and focus on key Party building tasks, enhancing effectiveness and efficiency. For Party committees in enterprise blocks, to continue researching and reorganizing them to suit new conditions at both central and local levels, aiming to increase the practicality and effectiveness of their activities.
- To review, amend, supplement, and perfect the functions, tasks, powers, responsibilities, and working relationships of various types of grassroots Party organizations, aiming to strengthen the Party's comprehensive leadership at the grassroots level. To quickly address the situation of villages and residential quarters without Party organizations, and to conduct preliminary reviews and assessments of the role of heads of village villages and residential quarters who are not Party members, finding suitable solutions for arranging and introducing Party members for these positions.
- To research and renovate the model of Party organizations in state-owned enterprises and public non-business units, aiming to strengthen the Party's comprehensive leadership and tightly manage Party members. To strongly promote the building of Party organizations and the development of Party members in non-state enterprises and units.
- To implement a unified Party committee office serving common functions for the advisory and support agencies of the provincial Party committee; the head of the Commission for Propaganda and Training shall concurrently be the director of the district-level political training center. To basically merge the Party committee office with the people's council and people's committee office at the district level in places with sufficient conditions. To pilot the concurrent holding of positions or the merger of some Party and State agencies, or Party and Fatherland Front agencies with similar functions and tasks at the provincial and district levels in places with sufficient conditions. To basically implement the model of the Party committee secretary concurrently being the chairperson of the People's Council at all levels; to implement the Party committee secretary concurrently being the chairperson of the People's Committee at the district and commune levels in places with sufficient conditions.
- To review, amend, supplement, and perfect the functions, tasks, powers, organizational structures, and working relationships of the Party's specialized advisory and support agencies from the central to local levels.
2.2 - For the State's organizational system at the central level
- To increase the proportion of full-time National Assembly deputies according to the set objectives; to research the reasonable reduction of the number of National Assembly deputies who concurrently work in executive agencies. To stipulate a reasonable number and proportion between leaders, standing members, and full-time members of the Council on Ethnic Minorities and the committees of the National Assembly, with a view to reducing the number of deputy heads and standing members. To arrange and restructure the internal organization of the National Assembly Office in a streamlined and efficient manner.
- The Government, ministries, and sectors shall continue to implement the reform, consolidation, and arrangement of organizational structures, focusing on macro-management, the development of strategies, plans, laws, mechanisms, and policies; to improve leadership and management capacity and the effectiveness of implementation; to strengthen inspection and examination of compliance.
- To urgently review and resolutely amend, supplement, and perfect the functions, tasks, powers, responsibilities, and working relationships between ministries and sectors and organizations under their jurisdiction; to thoroughly address the overlap and duplication of functions and tasks, ensuring that one organization can perform multiple tasks, but one task is only assigned to one organization for primary implementation and responsibility. To review and arrange the reduction of inter-sectoral coordination organizations, especially those with specialized working bodies.
- Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, and governmental agencies shall proactively review, arrange, and streamline their internal structures, reducing the number of general departments, departments, and divisions; not establishing new organizations or divisions within departments, except in special cases decided by competent authorities. To minimize the number of project management boards. To resolutely merge, arrange, and reorganize public non-business units to reduce their number and payroll; to implement the mechanism of allocating funds based on assigned tasks and output. To transfer some administrative tasks and public services that the State does not necessarily need to perform to enterprises and social organizations.
- To review tasks and powers to decentralize and delegate them strongly and rationally between the Government and ministries, and between the Government, ministries, and local authorities, aiming to contribute to streamlining the apparatus, reducing the payroll, and enhancing effectiveness and efficiency; to promote proactiveness, creativity, and responsibility of each level and sector, attached to the mechanism of controlling powers. To review, supplement, and perfect the Law on Organization of Local Administrations, clearly defining the tasks, powers, and responsibilities of provincial, district, and commune administrations; to clearly define the mechanism of decentralization, delegation, and implementation of tasks and powers when decentralized or delegated between local administrations.
- To strongly promote administrative reform, especially administrative procedure reform, closely linked to the consolidation of organizations, reduction of units, elimination of intermediate levels, and streamlining of the payroll of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, and governmental agencies, ensuring democracy, openness, transparency, professionalism, and service to the people.
- For some sectors organized vertically, such as taxation, customs, state treasury, and social insurance, etc. to continue arranging their organizations according to inter-provincial or inter-district areas to reduce units and streamline the payroll. To continue researching and developing organizational structures suitable for the decentralization of state budgets, promoting the leading role of the central budget and the proactiveness of local budgets.
- The Central Military Commission and the Central Public Security Party Committee shall develop separate proposals to review, consolidate, and arrange organizational structures to meet the requirements of building the army and public security forces in a revolutionary, regular, elite, and gradually modern direction; to ensure the strengthening of the Party's absolute and direct leadership in all aspects of the armed forces, in line with general regulations of the political system and the specific characteristics of each force.
- To continue researching and clarifying the theoretical and practical basis for the multi-sectoral and multi-field management of some ministries, especially those with similar or overlapping functions and tasks, to find suitable solutions and implement the consolidation and arrangement of organizations, reducing units in the next term, such as the transportation-construction sector, finance-planning and investment sector, and ethnic-religious affairs sector.
- To continue researching and arranging the consolidation of investigation agencies to meet the requirements of criminal investigation, crime prevention and combat, and to align with the organization and operation of the people's procuracies and people's courts in the spirit of judicial reform.
- To review, amend, supplement, and perfect regulations on the functions, tasks, powers, responsibilities, scope of activity, and working relationships of the State Audit Office and inspection and supervision agencies at all levels to avoid overlap when performing tasks.
2.3 - For local administrations
- To continue to amend, supplement, and perfect the institutions for building local administrations toward clearer delineation of the organizational apparatus for urban, rural, island, and special administrative-economic units; to proactively pilot in areas with sufficient conditions. To study and reasonably reduce the number of People's Council deputies at all levels and reduce the number of People's Council deputies working in state management agencies. Reduce the number of vice-chairpersons of People's Councils at the provincial and district levels in line with their functions and duties, while improving the quality and efficiency of operations, to be implemented starting from the 2021–2026 term.
- To establish a framework for the number of agencies under the People's Councils and People's Committees at the provincial and district levels, as well as a framework for the number of deputy positions within these agencies. Based on specific conditions, criteria, and the central framework, local Party committees will lead the arrangement and staffing accordingly. To review and reorganize the internal structures of departments and sectors to streamline organizational units, decisively reduce numbers, and restructure offices, sub-departments, centers, project management boards, and public non-business units under departments and sectors.
- To review, adjust, and reorganize the organizational structure and operational mechanisms of local administrations to accelerate administrative reforms, particularly in administrative procedures, toward democracy, transparency, professionalism, and effectiveness; to effectively implement public administrative service centers and the one-stop and interconnected one-stop mechanisms across all levels.
- To amend and supplement legal documents to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of commune-level administrations, and establish a framework for the number of commune-level cadres and civil servants to be appropriate in the direction of clearly defining job positions, title standards, local specifics, and ensuring personnel reductions. To stipulate and strictly and uniformly implement the mechanism of funding allowances for non-specialized staff at the commune level and in villages and residential quarters.
- To research and promulgate regulations to implement the merger of the People's Council office, the National Assembly delegation office, and the People's Committee office at the provincial level into one common advisory and support office.
- To gradually arrange, consolidate, and reorganize administrative units at the district and commune levels that do not meet the standards as prescribed by law; to encourage the merger and expansion of the size of administrative units at all levels in areas with sufficient conditions, to improve management capacity, administration, and strengthen local resources. To urgently and resolutely arrange and merge villages and residential quarters that do not meet the standards as prescribed by the State.
2.4 - For the Vietnam Fatherland Front, political-social organizations, and mass associations
- To continue to perfect the organizational structure of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations, linked with innovating the content and mode of operation, focusing on the grassroots level, engaging closely with union members and association members, gradually overcoming the "administrativization" of activities and the "servantization" of cadres; to strengthen coordination between the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, and relevant agencies and organizations; to actively organize the implementation and improve the quality of social supervision and criticism.
- To consolidate and arrange organizational structures, streamlining internal units, linked with perfecting the functions, tasks, powers, responsibilities, and working relationships of each organization; to resolutely reduce the number of committees and offices with overlapping, duplicated, and inefficient functions and tasks; to rearrange or dissolve inefficient public non-business units. To streamline the apparatus and restructure the workforce of full-time cadres at all levels, linked with innovating the mechanism for allocating the state budget and financial management; to strictly implement the funding mechanism in order to promote the initiative, dynamism, and autonomy, to improve the quality and effectiveness of the operation of the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations. To increase the use of collaborators and volunteers.
- To pilot the concurrent holding of the position of head of the mass mobilization commission and chairperson of the Fatherland Front Committee at the provincial and district levels in areas with sufficient conditions. To summarize the model of the common advisory and support agency for the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations at the district level; to expand piloting at the provincial level and implement at the district level where conditions permit.
- To continue to review and refine institutions, build organizational structures, and establish operational mechanisms to effectively manage and utilize the assets of trade unions in response to new conditions. To review and amend financial management mechanisms and trade union funding sources to ensure strict, transparent, and efficient management.
- To establish strict regulations for the formation and operation of mass associations, adhering to the principles of voluntariness, self-governance, self-financing, and compliance with the law. The State shall only provide funding for tasks assigned by the Party and the State. To continue to develop and refine self-governance models in residential communities of villages and residential quarters under the leadership of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, ensuring the leadership of the Party committees and management by local administrations.
1 - The Politburo shall promulgate an implementation plan, organize the dissemination of the Resolution, clearly identify urgent tasks, tasks to be carried out in a phased manner, and assign specific responsibilities while regularly monitoring and supervising the implementation of the Resolution.
2 - The Party Delegation of the National Assembly and the Party Committee of the Government shall lead and direct the functional agencies to research and urgently institutionalize and concretize the contents of the Resolution, prioritizing urgent matters.
3 - The provincial and municipal Party committees, Party committees, Party delegations, Party committees, and Party committees directly under the Central Committee shall organize study and dissemination, and proactively develop specific plans and proposals to implement the Resolution at their respective levels.
4 - The Central Organization Commission shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies in, assisting the Politburo and the Secretariat in regularly monitoring, inspecting, and urging the implementation and proposing periodic preliminary and final reviews of the implementation of the Resolution.
On behalf of the CPV Central Committee
The General Secretary