Decision 1058/QD-TTg 2023 aprove Strategy for development of rural trades through 2030

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Decision No. 1058/QD-TTg dated September 14, 2023 of the Prime Minister aproving the Strategy for development of rural trades through 2030, with a vision toward 2045
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:1058/QD-TTgSigner:Tran Luu Quang
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:14/09/2023Effect status:

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Fields:Agriculture - Forestry , Policy


8 major solutions for development of rural trades

On September 14, 2023, the Prime Minister issues Decision No. 1058/QD-TTg aproving the Strategy for development of rural trades through 2030, with a vision toward 2045. Bellows are a number of remarkable contents of this Decision:

1. Specific objectives of the Scheme through 2030 as follows:

- The growth rate of rural trades will be 6-7%/year.

- The average income of workers engaged in rural trades will be 2.5-3 times the 2020’s figure.

- To attract about 5 million persons regularly engaged in rural trades.

- The export value of commodities from rural trades will surpass USD 6 billion/year.

- The rate of trained workers engaged in rural trades will be 80% and the rate of those possessing degrees and training certificates will be 35%.

- To form concentrated and stable material areas, meeting 70% of the needs of development of rural trades.

2. 8 major solutions for development of rural trades include:

- To study and propose amendment, supplementation and improvement of mechanisms and policies for development of rural trades;

- Reorganizing production and establishing innovation centers;

- To focus on treating environmental pollution in craft villages and traditional craft villages; to resolutely relocate polluting production establishments into cottage industry zones;

- To encourage and support enterprises and cooperatives to invest in large-scale and concentrated material areas that have been granted sustainable certificates, meeting international standards and technical regulations and adapting to climate change;

- To support training and further training of leadership and management skills and digital transformation for enterprises, cooperatives and production and business establishments in the field of rural trades, etc.

This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.
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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 1058/QD-TTg


Hanoi, September 14, 2023



Approving the Strategy for development of rural trades through 2030, with a vision toward 2045[1]



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government; and the November 22, 2019 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 52/2018/ND-CP of April 12, 2018, on development of rural trades;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 26/NQ-CP of February 27, 2023, promulgating the Government’s Action Program to implement Resolution No. 19-NQ/TW of June 16, 2022, of the XIIIth Party Central Committee, on agriculture, rural areas and peasants through 2030, with a vision toward 2045;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 150/QD-TTg of January 28, 2022, approving the Strategy for sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 801/QD-TTg of July 7, 2022, approving the Program on conservation and development of craft villages for the 2021-2030 period;

At the proposal of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development,



Article 1. To approve the Strategy for development of rural trades through 2030, with a vision toward 2045 (below referred to as the Strategy), with the following main contents:


1. To develop rural trades in line with the Party’s line and guidelines and the State’s laws on building and development of agriculture, peasants and rural areas; to contribute to building rural areas in the direction of comprehensive and sustainable development; to regard rural trades as a potential field that will contribute to raising income and improving the material and spiritual lives of rural inhabitants, and contribute to socio-economic development.

2. To effectively and sustainably develop rural trades with integrated multi-values and based on the potential and advantages of local natural and socio-economic conditions; to ensure green growth, value chain-based production, application of new science and technology and innovation, and contribute to protecting the rural landscape and environment.

3. To conserve, restore and preserve traditional historical and cultural values and rural spaces and build a green-clean-beautiful rural environment; to awaken the potential and bring into full play advantages of rural trade products while meeting the requirements for improving quality, product design, traceability and food hygiene and safety, thus meeting market requirements.

4. To diversify organizational forms of enterprises, cooperatives, cooperative groups and households in production and business activities of rural trades; to form connection between production households and cooperative groups, cooperatives, enterprises and trade associations; to create a breakthrough by transforming household economy into cooperative economy.

5. To continue to study and improve mechanisms and policies to promote the development of rural trades; to mobilize resources from all economic sectors to invest in rural trades.


1. General objectives

To develop rural trades to promote the potential of rural areas, improve production and business efficiency, increase income, generate jobs and improve the people’s material and spiritual lives; to contribute to protecting the environment, embellishing and preserving the landscape, and promoting traditions and national cultural identity; to develop rural economy in association with the target of eco-agriculture, modern countryside and civilized peasants.

2. Objectives through 2030

- The growth rate of rural trades will be 6-7%/year.

- The average income of workers engaged in rural trades will be 2.5-3 times the 2020’s figure.

- To attract about 5 million persons regularly engaged in rural trades.

- The export value of commodities from rural trades will surpass USD 6 billion/year.

- The rate of trained workers engaged in rural trades will be 80% and the rate of those possessing degrees and training certificates will be 35%.

- To form concentrated and stable material areas, meeting 70% of the needs of development of rural trades.

3. Vision toward 2045

- Rural trades will continue to bring about income and generate jobs for rural workers, contributing to the overall growth of the national economy.

- To develop rural trades in a sustainable, smart and eco-friendly manner, associated with building green, clean and beautiful rural spaces; to preserve and promote cultural, historical and traditional values of regions and localities.


1. Development orientations based on groups of rural trades

a/ Processing and preserving agro-forestry-fisheries products

- To increase the use of machine and equipment and application of technical advances and modern and eco-friendly technology to production; to combine traditional and modern production methods in order to preserve and promote regional and local typical products.

- To improve the chain-based production process, meeting nutrition and food hygiene and safety requirements, improve product quality and competitiveness, and expand the domestic market for sale of products and then for export.

b/ Producing fine-art handicrafts

 - To create new product designs suitable to domestic consumer tastes and for export; to develop producing gifts and souvenirs for tourists.

- To strengthen connection between fine-art and handicraft villages, combining materials to create new, unique, artistic and highly usable products.

- To study, and promote the use of new materials which are of clear origin and eco-friendly in replacement of traditional materials that become scarce.

- To help artisans, skilled workers and laborers participate in training courses on design, shaping, color combination and combination of materials in production of fine-art and handicraft products.

c/ Treating and processing materials for production of rural trades

- To build the capacity of treatment and processing establishments to create new types of materials in conformity with the development trend of rural trades, especially the production of recycled and eco-friendly materials in replacement of imported materials.

- To establish concentrated and large-scale material areas that are granted sustainable certificates in association with factories engaged in primary processing, processing and production of products of rural trades, reducing the dependence on imported materials.

- To arrange places for preliminary processing and processing of materials for supply to production and business establishments engaged in rural trades.

d/ Producing wooden, rattan-bamboo, ceramic-porcelain, glass, textile-garment, fiber, embroidery, knitwear, and small-scale mechanical engineering products

- To focus on producing potential and highly commercial products for domestic consumption and export.

- To combine different materials, and create new products that are diverse in design, style and size.

dd/ Producing and trading in ornamental creatures

- To form areas specialized in the production and trading of ornamental creatures, aiming at building a green economic sector.

- To diversify new and unique products suitable to the culture and needs of the people.

- To set up ornamental creature associations, create playgrounds for artisans and players to share experiences and coordinate with one another in production and trading activities.

- To research, multiply, hybridize, design and manufacture unique products that still bear traditional cultural identity of the Vietnamese nation.

e/ Making salt

- To support investment in developing salt making in localities with favorable natural conditions, and form concentrated and large-scale salt making areas in association with processing and recovering salt products.

- To preserve and develop manual salt making and processing methods; to preserve traditional values and increase the value of salt grains.

- To connect food processing, healthcare, chemical industry, and exploitation of marine resources; to build models of clean and beautiful salt fields in association with craft village tourism and eco-tourism.

- To develop cooperative groups, cooperatives and craft villages engaged in salt making toward value chain links; to diversify salt products for domestic consumption and export.

g/ Providing services for production and life of rural inhabitants

- To set up cooperatives and cooperative groups and mobilize individuals to provide services for production and trading activities of rural inhabitants.

- To diversify types and expand the scale of services serving production and life in rural areas; to shift from agricultural production to provision of services of all kinds, meeting the recreation and entertainment needs of rural inhabitants.

2. Orientations for conserving and developing craft villages

- To focus on conserving and restoring traditional crafts and craft villages in danger of falling into oblivion or being lost in association with tourism; to develop channels for distributing and introducing craft products; to confer, honor and develop the contingent of artisans, skilled workers and laborers in craft villages and traditional craft villages.

- To prioritize the establishment of trade societies and associations in localities, innovation centers, enterprises and vocational training institutes; to provide support for model designing, product improvement and market information provision to serve the conservation and development of trades and craft villages.

3. Product sale market

- For the domestic market: To connect product sale in big urban areas; to diversify types of services to meet ever-increasing demands; to build rural tourism and craft village tourism programs for on-spot export of products of rural trades.

- For export markets: To diversify products exported to traditional markets such as China, the US, Europe, Japan, the Republic of Korea, etc; to expand the export markets to potential markets such as the Middle East, Latin America and Africa.

- To periodically organize events on a regional, national and international scale to advertise and promote trade and exchange experiences on development of products of rural trades.

4. Environmental protection in association with development of agriculture, rural areas and craft village tourism

- To urgently relocate polluting production facilities from residential areas to cottage industry zones and concentrated production zones; to preserve rural landscapes in ecological and smart villages, ensuring that they are green, clean, beautiful and eco-friendly.

- To effectively implement the Program on development of rural tourism and craft village tourism in building a new-style countryside; to focus on attracting investment and improving physical facilities; to diversify and improve the quality of tourism products; to promote traditional cultural values in rural areas; to diversify experience activities in craft village and rural tourism.


1. Improving institutions and policies

- To study and propose amendment, supplementation and improvement of mechanisms and policies for development of rural trades, focusing on policies on land, investment, insurance, credit, production organization and trade promotion.

- To adopt policies to encourage and support economic sectors to invest in rural trades; to prioritize attracting investment to develop services, infrastructure, logistics and supporting industries serving the production and trading of rural trades.

- To study formulating policies and solutions to promote decentralization and delegation of powers, ensuring the unified, effective and efficient management; to promote the proactivity, creativity and responsibility of each level and each sector, raising the responsibility of heads; to strengthen decentralization of powers along with supervision and inspection.

2. Reorganizing production and establishing innovation centers

- To develop the model of connecting enterprises, cooperatives and the people, in which enterprises play a leading and core role, and cooperatives act as intermediaries between enterprises and the people.

- To encourage and support enterprises and associations in building innovation centers and developing startup programs for activities of rural trades.

- To apply machines and technological equipment and support the renovation and upgrading of production and business establishments engaged in rural trades.

- To promote brand building and implementation of regulations on intellectual property, geographical indications and traceability of products engaged in rural trades and craft villages.

- To invest in cottage industry zones of craft villages in conformity with local master plans and conditions; to focus on developing supporting industries and logistics services in craft villages.

3. Environmental protection in association with development of rural tourism

- To focus on treating environmental pollution in craft villages and traditional craft villages; to resolutely relocate polluting production establishments into cottage industry zones.

- To encourage the use of renewable and eco-friendly materials and make use of by-products of materials as inputs for other products.

- To build a model of developing craft village tourism, experiential tourism, and eco-tourism with regional features.

- To organize traditional festivals and contests to promote and introduce the unique cultural features of craft village products; to honor artisans and skilled workers as a basis for considering conferment and recognition of artisans.

4. Building concentrated material areas

- To encourage and support enterprises and cooperatives to invest in large-scale and concentrated material areas that have been granted sustainable certificates, meeting international standards and technical regulations and adapting to climate change.

- To facilitate investment in infrastructure of material areas serving production, exploitation, preliminary processing and processing activities; to research, select, create, recognize and transfer new varieties of high yield meeting quality requirements.

5. Human resource development

- To support training and further training of leadership and management skills and digital transformation for enterprises, cooperatives and production and business establishments in the field of rural trades.

- To train to improve occupational skills; to improve workers’ knowledge about science and technology, production processes, information technology, designing, and product innovation; to prioritize labor training at enterprises, cooperatives, production households, concentrated material zones and cottage industry zones.

- To build a model of joint training in the field of rural trades between vocational education institutes and enterprises, cooperatives and production establishments.

- To improve occupational skills of, and transfer a segment of agricultural laborers to rural trades.

6. Market development and international integration

- To encourage and support enterprises, cooperatives, cooperative groups and production establishments to introduce their products into distribution systems, shopping centers, supermarkets, tourist attractions, and e-commerce channels.

- To build information systems, build the capacity of forecasting the market of products of rural trades; to support enterprises, cooperatives and production establishments in accessing market in association with trade promotion programs.

- To expand international cooperation, transfer new and advanced technologies, especially technologies for designing, processing and preservation, seed technology, environmental technology and reuse of by-products.

7. Enhancing the role of rural trade associations

- To promote the role of rural trade associations in research activities and in coordinating with functional agencies in negotiation and market opening; to resolve technical barriers and international legal disputes.

- To enhance the position and roles of associations in receiving, criticizing, formulating and implementing the State’s policies.

8. Public communication and awareness raising

- To intensify public communication for raising awareness of Party Committees, administrations and the people about the role and importance of developing rural trades in socio-economic development.

- To diversify forms of communication in the mass media and social networks for production establishments, enterprises, cooperatives and the people.


1. State capital (central budget funds/local budget funds) according to current regulations.

2. Funding sources included into national target programs, and central and local programs and projects.

3. Contributions from foreign donors, international organizations, enterprises and organizations and individuals at home and abroad and other lawful funding sources.


1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities in, effectively organizing the implementation of the Strategy.

- To formulate programs, schemes and projects to achieve targets and implement contents of the Strategy.

- To coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities in reviewing, amending and supplementing policies and mechanisms on conservation and development of rural trades, and submit them to the Government or Prime Minister for consideration and promulgation.

- To propose arising issues that fall beyond its competence, and supplement and adjust the Strategy in conformity with practical conditions.

- To organize preliminary and final reviews, evaluate results of implementation of the Strategy and report thereon to the Government and Prime Minister.

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Finance and State Bank of Vietnam shall, within the ambit of their functions and tasks, coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in studying and completing policies on investment, finance and credit for development of rural trades.

3. The Ministry of Science and Technology shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, promoting research, transfer and application of science and technology in production; improve national standards and technical regulations; proceed with brand building, intellectual property, geographical indications, and traceability of products of rural trades.

4. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, directing and guiding localities to arrange land areas for the development of material zones and reserve ground areas for production and business activities of rural trades in the process of preparing and approving land use master plans and plans; guide, examine, evaluate and apply advanced and modern solutions and technologies to remediate and limit environmental pollution in craft villages.

5. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, implementing policies and solutions for market and trade promotion for products of rural trades.

6. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in implementing activities to promote rural tourism development, focusing on developing tourism products based on typical values of rural trades, culture, space and festivals of craft villages and traditional craft villages and including the names of traditional crafts in the list of national intangible cultural heritage.

7. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, organizing public information about products of rural trades and tours, routes, areas and tourism products associated with traditional craft villages; and support digital transformation in management and development of products of rural trades.

8. The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in formulating training programs for new occupations to meet the needs of the labor market; organize retraining and regular training for laborers in association with occupation transformation; support training in pedagogical qualifications and teaching skills for artisans and skilled workers and encourage artisans and skilled workers to participate in vocational training for other workers.

9. Provincial-level People’s Committees

a/ To organize the implementation of the Strategy in conformity with local conditions, potential and advantages.

b/ To establish concentrated material zones serving the development of rural trades and craft village infrastructure according to provincial master plans.

c/ To supervise and evaluate results of implementation of the Strategy’s contents.

d/ To assign responsibilities, review policies, and proactively allocate funds for implementation of the Strategy’s contents.

10. Trade societies and associations, socio-political organizations and professional organizations shall, within the ambit of their functions and tasks, proactively coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, localities and other related agencies in formulating plans to support the implementation of the Strategy’s contents; and actively implement the assigned tasks in order to conserve and develop rural trades.

Article 2. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees, and heads of related agencies and units shall implement this Decision.-

For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister


[1] Công Báo Nos 1031-1032 (30/9/2023)

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