Decision 489/QD-TTg 2024 Master Plan of Hung Yen province for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050

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Decision No. 489/QD-TTg dated June 10, 2024 of the Prime Minister approving the Master Plan of Hung Yen province for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050
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Official number:489/QD-TTgSigner:Tran Hong Ha
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:10/06/2024Effect status:

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 489/QD-TTg


Hanoi, June 10, 2024



Approving the Master Plan of Hung Yen province for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050[1]



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government; and the November 22, 2019 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration;

Pursuant to the November 24, 2017 Planning Law; the June 15, 2018 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of Eleven Laws concerning Planning; and the November 20, 2018 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of Thirty-Seven Laws concerning Planning;

Pursuant to the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 30-NQ/TW of November 23, 2022, on socio-economic development and national defense and security assurance for the Red River delta region through 2023, with a vision toward 2045;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 61/2022/QH15 of June 16, 2022, on further improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of planning policies and laws and a number of solutions to tackle difficulties and obstacles, accelerate the formulation and improve the quality of master plans for the 2021-2030 period;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 81/2023/QH15 of January 9, 2023, on the national overall master plans for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP of May 7, 2019, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Planning Law; and the Government’s Decree No. 58/2023/ND-CP of August 12, 2023, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP of May 7, 2019, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Planning Law;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 119/NQ-CP of September 27, 2021, on tasks and solutions to improve quality and speed up the formulation of master plans for the 2021-2030 period;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 14/NQ-CP of February 8, 2023, promulgating the Government’s Program of Action to implement the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 30-NQ/TW of November 23, 2022, on socio-economic development and national defense and security assurance for the Red River delta region through 2023, with a vision toward 2045;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 870/QD-TTg of June 19, 2020, approving the task of formulating the Master Plan of Hung Yen province for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 368/QD-TTg of May 4, 2024, approving the Master Plan of the Red River delta region for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

Pursuant to Appraisal Report No. 7721/BC-HDTD of September 19, 2023, of the Appraisal Council for Provincial Master Plans, on the dossier of the Master Plan of Hung Yen province for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

At the proposal of the People’s Committee of Hung Yen province in Report No. 23/TTr-UBND of April 19, 2024; Official Letter No. 1375/UBND-TH of May 22, 2024; and Report No. 35/TTr-UBND of May 29, 2024, on approval of the Master Plan of Hung Yen province for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050, and the Ministry of Planning and Investment’s opinions in Document No. 1027/BKHDT-QLQH of February 6, 2024, on summarization of opinions on review of the dossier of the Master Plan of Hung Yen province for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050,



Article 1. To approve the Master Plan of Hung Yen province for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050 (below referred to as the Master Plan), with the following contents:


The scope of the Master Plan covers the entire territory of Hung Yen province on a total land area of 930.22 km2, with 10 administrative units, including: Hung Yen city, My Hao town, and 8 districts (An Thi, Khoai Chau, Kim Dong, Phu Cu, Tien Lu, Van Giang, Van Lam and Yen My). The geographical coordinate boundaries are from 20o36’ to 21o01’ north latitude and from 105o53’ to 106o17’ east longitude. The province borders on Bac Ninh province to the north; on Hai Duong province to the east; on Hanoi city to the west and northwest; on Ha Nam province to the southwest; and Thai Binh province to the south.


1. Development views

a/ The Master Plan must follow the Party’s and the State’s guidelines and line, the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 30-NQ/TW of November 23, 2022, on socio-economic development and national defense and security assurance for the Red River delta region through 2023, with a vision toward 2045; and the Strategy on socio-economic development for the 2021-2030 period; and be in line with the national-level master plans and plans as well as national sectoral master plans and plans, the master plan and plan of the Red River delta region for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050, and relevant master plans and plans.

b/ The socio-economic development of Hung Yen province shall be based on tapping its potential and advantages in terms of favorable geographical location within the Hanoi Capital region and localities close to Hanoi Capital and rapidly developing localities in association with the utilization of the region’s advantages in terms of geo-politics, geo-economy, natural conditions, resources, and cultural and historical values; and mobilization and efficient distribution and use of every resource for the province’s economic development toward harmony with the nature and development of green economy, circular economy, digital economy and knowledge-based economy. To focus on developing support, processing, manufacturing and hi-tech industries; to develop urban economy, services, tourism, health, education and training, and modern logistics; to develop commodity agriculture and hi-tech organic agriculture.

c/ To promote rapid and sustainable development, thereby creating breakthroughs in terms of economic growth speed and quality, on the basis of further improvement of the investment and business environment, intensification of administrative reform, application of scientific and technological advances, digital transformation, improvement of competitiveness, attraction of large investors and enterprises, multinational corporations and major investment projects using modern technologies; to develop industrial parks, hi-tech parks, industrial-urban-service zones, tourism zones, urban centers, trade-service centers, and other large-scale functional zones with complete and modern infrastructure.

d/ To promote sustainable and inclusive development, associating economic development with social and cultural development, poverty reduction, social progress and justice realization, and reduction of development level difference between areas; to improve the people’s material and spiritual lives; to arouse the development aspiration and bring into play cultural and human values for building and developing Hung Yen province into a prosperous, beautiful, peaceful, strongly industrialized, civilized and modern one; to bring into the fullest play the human factor and improve the quality of human resources, regarding cultural and human values as important foundations and internal resources and strength to facilitate the province’s sustainable development; to economically, efficiently and sustainably exploit and use natural resources, protect the environment and proactively respond to the climate change; to promote innovation, scientific and technological research, development and application, and apply strategic and effective solutions and initiatives as important factors to help raise the province’s productivity, economic efficiency and competitiveness.

dd/ To develop the province into one having green and smart urban centers with modern infrastructure systems connected with Hanoi Capital and localities in the region; to step by step ensure harmonious development of the province’s sub-regions through developing the urban system and socio-economic infrastructure, rationally arranging industrial parks and cottage industry zones, and trade-service centers in the province.

e/ To firmly maintain national defense and security, political stability, and social order and safety; to expand, and improve the efficiency of, external and international integration activities; to build a stable, harmonious, united, ordered, disciplined, secure, safe and civilized society.

2. Development objectives and targets by 2030

a/ General objectives

By 2030, Hung Yen province will witness rapid and sustainable development and become a modern industrial province with the economic scale and development level among those of the leading localities nationwide; have a complete and modern socio-economic infrastructure system and strongly developed industries; sustainably develop following the trend of green transformation based on the development of circular economy and green economy; have a society that develops in harmony with the nature; conserve and promote its cultural identity; improve the people’s material and spiritual lives; and maintain national defense, political security and social order and safety.

b/ Specific targets

- Economically:

+ The GRDP growth rate will be around 9%/year in the 2021-2030 period.

+ The per-capita GRDP by 2030 will reach VND 278 million.

+ The province’s economic structure by 2030 will be as follows: agriculture and fisheries: 3.6%, industry and construction: 64.1%, services: 25.4%, and taxes less subsidies on products: 6.9%.

+ The entire society’s total investment capital in the 2021-2030 period will reach around VND 700 trillion.

+ Export turnover will reach USD 12-13 billion by 2030, with an annual growth rate of 8.5-9% in the 2021-2030 period.

+ The urbanization rate will be 60-65% by 2030 and around 80% by 2050.

+ Digital economy will account for 35% of GRDP.

+ The labor productivity growth rate will reach 8.5-9%/year.

+ The average contribution of the total factor productivity (TFP) to the province’s growth in the 2021-2030 period will be 50-55%.

- Socially:

+ The province’s human development index (HDI) will be among those of the top 10 provinces and cities nationwide.

+ The natural population growth rate will be under 1% per year.

+ The average life expectancy will surpass 76.5 years by 2030, including at least 68 years of healthy life.

+ All public early childhood, primary and secondary schools will attain the relevant national standards.

+ The percentage of trained workers will reach 70-80%, of whom those possessing diplomas or certificates will account for 50-55%.

+ The proportion of agricultural workers to the total workforce will be 11-13%.

+ There will be 19 medical doctors and 35 patient beds per 10,000 people; the health insurance coverage rate will exceed 98%.

+ The percentage of poor households will fall to below 0.5% by the end of 2025 and zero by 2030.

- Environmentally:

+ All households will have access to clean water.

+ All operating industrial parks and cottage industry zones will have their own centralized wastewater treatment systems up to the environmental technical regulations; and all investment projects and production, business and service establishments will satisfy environmental protection requirements.

+ Over 98% of municipal solid wastes and over 95% of rural domestic solid wastes will be collected and treated, respectively; all hazardous wastes will be safely treated under regulations; over 60% of grade-I urban centers and over 30% of the remaining urban centers will have their own wastewater collection and treatment systems up to relevant standards and technical regulations.

- Regarding national defense and security and social order and safety:

To firmly maintain national defense and security and social order and safety; to take the initiative in firmly grasping the situation and preventing unpreparedness in any circumstances; to properly prevent and deal with traditional and non-traditional security challenges; to firmly build the all-people’s national defense posture associated with the people’s security posture.

3. Visions toward 2050

Hung Yen province will become a centrally run city; a smart, prosperous, beautiful, civilized and cultural identity-imbued city, which will bring into full play the core values of ancient Pho Hien town’s culture and become a worth-living place in the Red River delta region; have a complete and modern infrastructure system, and serve as a center connecting the localities in the region and localities throughout the country. The provincial administration’s socio-economic and governance activities will be carried out mainly by methods of digital economy and digital society. The province’s production and service sectors will develop in a smart manner with green and circular economic models and achieve the goal of net zero emissions; social domains will develop harmoniously; national defense and security and social order and safety will be firmly maintained, and people will lead a prosperous and happy life.

4. Key tasks and development breakthroughs

a/ Key tasks:

- To reform and build a modern, effective and comprehensive administration in terms of institutions, policies and administrative procedures; to organize an effective and efficient administrative apparatus with capable, professionally qualified and ethical personnel and effective official-duty regime and public finance; to build a digital administration and improve the quality of public services and level of satisfaction of the people and enterprises; to improve the investment and business environment to be more open and favorable and increase the provincial competitiveness; to remove barriers to the right to freedom of business, and ensure fair, equal and transparent competition.

- To intensify the attraction of private investment and foreign direct investment in the sectors and fields prioritized for investment according to the province’s strategic development and planning orientations; to attract large investment projects that apply modern technologies, multinational corporations, big investors and enterprises in the global supply chain.

- To develop spearhead industries, platform industries, and industries applying high, modern, environmentally friendly and low-carbon technologies; to focus on building and developing a complete and modern industrial ecosystem; to prioritize the development of industrial parks and cottage industry zones with complete and modern infrastructure; to form industrial-urban-service zones, specialized industry zones, hi-tech industry zones, eco-industry zones and support industry zones.

- To develop service sectors for which the province has advantages and development conditions, particularly tourism, transport, logistics, commerce, science-technology, finance, banking, real estate, information, communications, education, training, health, health care, sports, entertainment, leisure, etc.; to promote the development of tourism into ecotourism combined with culture, sports, entertainment and high-class leisure activities; to build the province into a logistics service and transshipment center of the region.

- To restructure and develop agriculture into hi-tech, circular, organic and ecological agriculture with intensive farming and large-scale production with high added value; to develop areas for growing flowers, ornamental plants, specialties, and crops, livestock and agricultural products in which the province has advantages.

- To accelerate the urbanization in association with the development of urban economy; to vigorously develop the chain of urban centers with inter-connected central and functional urban centers; to develop large, ecological, smart and modern urban centers in parallel with the development of residential areas, and commercial and social housing areas, particularly houses for workers.

- To develop the vocational education system, attracting high-quality universities and vocational colleges, research institutes, research and development centers, and scientific and technological research organizations in order to build Hung Yen province into the region’s high-quality human resource training center; to study building a hi-tech park.

- To manage and economically and efficiently use natural resources; to better ensure food security to serve production and business activities and the people’s life; to enhance eco-environmental protection and improve the province’s adaptability to climate change; to proactively organize the comprehensive and radical application of solutions to reduce carbon emissions toward the national goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

- To conserve and promote cultural and historical values and Pho Hien town’s traditional culture and improve capacity, qualifications, civilization and modern qualities of the people of Hung Yen province.

- To enhance national defense and political security; to build and consolidate potential in the province’s defense zones, combining economic development with national defense and security assurance and vice versa; to build and consolidate the all-people defense posture and people’s security posture firmly backed by the people’s heart posture, especially in the province’s defense zones.

b/ Strategic breakthroughs

- To develop complete and modern technical and social infrastructure systems, focusing on the development of traffic infrastructure, infrastructure of industrial parks and cottage industry zones, urban infrastructure, infrastructure of new urban centers, infrastructure for the fields of culture, health, education, training, energy, telecommunications, and hydraulic work, and infrastructure for disaster preparedness and climate change; to focus on investing in and developing main traffic routes in the province that are connected with expressways and national highways, and with Hanoi Capital and provinces in the region; and that connect the province with the region’s economic, industrial and commercial centers.

- To develop human resources, particularly high-quality ones, on the basis of combining training with retraining and attracting high-quality workers from other provinces in order to meet requirements of industrialization, modernization and digital transformation and implement hi-tech investment projects in the province; to bring into full play Hung Yen people’s cultural identity characterized by “Pho Hien is second only to the Imperial Capital”.

- To promote science and technology development, innovation and digital transformation in all fields; to get the best of every opportunity brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and carry out digital transformation and concurrently attract universities, research and development centers and innovation centers for organizing the application of science and technology in the province.


1. Orientations for development of important sectors and fields

a/ Industry:

- To develop industry intensively, thereby creating breakthroughs in productivity and quality improvement for the objective of ensuring conditions for green growth and sustainable development.

- To focus on developing priority industries, including hi-tech industry associated with digital technology (manufacturing of electronic and telecommunications products, semi-conductor chips, optical products, software, digital technology products, etc.); the industry of manufacturing electrical and energy equipment; the mechanical manufacturing industry (manufacturing and assembly of automobiles, means of transport, machinery, spare parts, components, etc.); the industry of processing high-quality agricultural products and food; the industry of manufacturing medical equipment, chemico-pharmaceutical products, bio-technology products and pharmaceuticals; textile and garment industry; and the material industry, particularly new material industry.

- To form large-scale industrial parks with modern and complete technical infrastructure facilities up to international standards and meeting sustainable development requirements; to rapidly develop industrial-urban-service parks, specialized industrial parks, hi-tech industrial zones, eco-industrial zones and support industry zones in order to attract large, modern and hi-tech investment projects in association with the development of technological clusters to serve small- and medium-sized projects and support industries.

b/ Service sector:

- Trade: To rapidly and sustainably develop various forms of trade in the province, building Hung Yen into a trade exchange and economic center of the Red River delta region and Hanoi Capital region; to consolidate and develop goods distribution channels toward civilization and modernity; to harmoniously combine the development of traditional forms of trade in association with e-commerce development; to create breakthroughs on the basis of expanding the scale and diversifying forms of trade and improving trade quality to meet the society’s demands and the people’s life; to attract investment in building trade centers, trade fairs, exhibition centers, department stores and marketplaces; to promote and step by step diversify export markets; to take the initiative in carrying out economic integration and getting the best of free trade agreements (FTAs).

- Tourism: To develop tourism into an important economic sector with a complete physical and technical infrastructure system in order to offer quality, diverse, eco-friendly and branded tourist products bearing the cultural identities of Pho Hien-Hung Yen and Red River delta region, particularly cultural, historical, belief, ecological and leisure tourism, etc., thereby developing the province into an attractive and highly competitive tourism destination.

- Other services: To diversely develop services toward modernity and sustainability, ensuring the provision of basic services of higher and higher quality to serve the province’s socio-economic development; to develop service sectors on the basis of efficiently bringing into full play the province’s potential, advantages, innovative capacity and efficient application of scientific and technological advances; to prioritize and focus on developing a number of highly competitive service sectors, such as logistics, finance and banking, training, information and communications, real estate, etc.; to synchronously develop production, social and public services.

c/ Agriculture:

- To develop agriculture toward eco-friendliness, modernity and sustainability; to produce quality, efficient and highly competitive goods through developing hi-tech, smart, clean, organic and circular agriculture in association with forming large-scale intensive agricultural production areas and consolidating chain-based linkage.

- To promote the development of the processing and preservation industry to meet the domestic and export markets’ demands, sustainably connected with the global farm produce chain; to focus on developing key and signature products with potential and advantages of each sub-region in the province; to improve the economic efficiency of OCOP products in association with the building of new-style countryside, advanced new-style countryside and sustainable model new-style countryside rich in cultural identity.

2. Plans on development of other sectors and fields

a/ Education, training and human resource development:

- To actively renovate, and improve the quality of, education and training in association with international integration in order to develop high-quality human resources, thereby meeting the development demand of the province and the Red River delta region; to organize the effective implementation of the program on renovation of education at all grades; to bring into full play the province’s role as one of high-quality human resource training centers of the region and the country.

- To proactively and actively utilize scientific and technical advances, particularly those brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and digital transformation trend in order to renew education methods and create breakthroughs in the development of smart education and improvement of education and training quality to meet international integration requirements.

- To attract investment in developing high-quality higher education and vocational education institutions up to national, ASEAN or international standards; to prioritize the training of technical and technological majors; to adopt policies to promote job training associated with job change to meet economic restructuring and development requirements of the province and the Red River delta region.

- To provide opportunities to access fair education for children with disabilities; to meet the need of people with disabilities for access to quality education; to contribute to achieving the goals of sustainable development and social equality in education for every person.

b/ Health and public health care:

- To develop a modern and quality health and public health care system from the provincial level to the grassroots level; to develop medical examination and treatment and preventive medicine in a balanced and harmonious manner; to raise indicators for evaluation of the people’s life quality; to reduce the morbidity rate, improve the physical strength and increase life expectancy for the people.

- To improve the people’s physical and mental health, stature, life expectancy and life quality; to reduce rates of morbidity and mortality caused by diseases and epidemics; to build a comprehensively developed, quality and efficient health system toward international integration; to build a pool of medical workers who have good ethical qualities and professional qualifications to meet the people’s health protection, care and improvement requirements.

- To promote and attract domestic and foreign investment capital sources for rapid development of high-quality health services; to form a comprehensive system of centers for disease control at all levels connected with the world disease control network; to continue to effectively carry out epidemic prevention and control to safely and flexibly adapt to and control epidemics and diseases, care for and protect the people’s health, ensure socio-economic stability and development, and stay ready for effectively responding to emerging epidemics and diseases.

c/ Culture and sports:

- To build and comprehensively develop Hung Yen’s culture and people in conformity with the contemporary trend; to conserve and promote local traditional cultural values; to conserve, embellish, and bring into full play the value of, historical-cultural relics in the province, giving priority to those ranked as national-level historical-cultural relics, in association with sustainable tourism development; to diversify performing art activities; to promote the activeness and creativity of cultural workers at all levels to meet requirements of national industrialization and modernization and international integration.

- To build, and step by step improve the efficiency of, the system of cultural and sports institutions; to strongly develop the mass sports movement and high-achievement sports for the sports in which the province has advantages.

d/ Science and technology:

To accelerate the application of scientific and technological advances; to strive for the target that Hung Yen province will become one of scientific and technological and innovative centers of the Red River delta region; to build modern and complete technical infrastructure and equipment systems and a pool of scientific and technological workers capable of receiving, mastering, developing and transferring advanced technologies, especially in the province’s development breakthrough fields.

dd/ Population and social security:

- To properly implement population and development policies, maintaining the replacement rate and reducing gender imbalance at birth; to get the best of the golden population structure; to adapt to the population aging process; to rationally regulate population distribution and improve population quality; to incorporate population programs in other socio-economic development programs in order to gradually improve the people’s life quality.

(Details are provided in Appendix I to this Decision).

- To efficiently implement policies and solutions to create jobs for laborers in association with the improvement of employment quality; to intensify sustainable poverty reduction; to effectively implement salary, social security, unemployment insurance and occupational safety and health policies, and build harmonious, stable and progressive industrial relations in enterprises according to the Party’s guidelines and line and the State’s policies and laws.

- To improve the efficiency of the work of social assistance and social protection, and properly implement policies on provision of regular and irregular support for disadvantaged persons; to create a safe living environment for children to fully exercise their rights; to properly implement policies to promote gender equality and women’s advancement in authorities at all levels and in all fields; to intensify drug, prostitution and human trafficking prevention and control.

e/ Information, communications and digital transformation:

- To develop a complete and modern information, communications and digital infrastructure system in order to improve the capacity for uninterrupted connection and the efficiency of the state management to serve the province’s digital transformation and digital economy; to shift from traditional postal services to digital postal services and promote the development of digital platforms in the postal sector; to improve the local government service platform (LGSP) connected with national databases and specialized databases of ministries and agencies; to raise the cyber security assurance capacity.

- To build the professional and modern press and communications sector; to enhance the management and development of various forms of communications and information on the Internet. 

g/ National defense and security:

To build and consolidate solid defense zones for national defense and security; to enhance national defense and security potential; to closely and effectively combine socio-economic development with national defense and security consolidation; to build the all-people national defense posture associated with the people’s security posture; to bring into full play the concerted strength of the entire political system in performing local national defense and military tasks.

3. Plans on organization of socio-economic activities

Plans on organization of socio-economic activities of Hung Yen province will follow the “network” and multipolar integration model and be based on the development framework structure, embracing 2 socio-economic zones, 2 economic corridors, 5 development axes and 3 central urban areas, specifically as follows:

a/ Two socio-economic zones:

- The southern development zone: This is an urban-scientific and technological-service-tourism development and hi-tech industry zone; a zone for conservation and promotion of core values of the ancient Pho Hien culture; and is rich in cultural identity of the center of the Red River delta region.

- The northern development zone: This is a dynamic urban-industrial development zone of the province linked with Hanoi Capital, Noi Bai international airport, the economic-urban corridor axis of national and international importance (national highway 5, the Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway and the Hanoi-Hai Phong railway) and the Lach Huyen international gateway seaport (Hai Phong).

b/ Two economic corridors:

- The regional-level industrial-urban corridor connected with national highway 5 and the Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway.

- The Red River delta’s cultural-historical-ecological corridor along which historical, cultural and ecological tourism will be developed in association with the “Heritage” route along the Red River.

c/ Five development axes:

- The North-South development axis (national highway 39, the Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway and the road linking the expressway with Ring Road 5): This is the main axis for socio-economic development of the province.

- The eastern North-South development axis (the axis connecting My Hao, An Thi and Phu Cu districts with the Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway at the Tan Phuc interchange): This is the eastern linkage axis for promoting industry-urban-service development.

- The ring road axis: This is Ring Road 4 axis connecting the Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway with the Cau Gie-Ninh Binh expressway, and connecting the province’s Van Giang urban area with Hanoi’s Thanh Tri and Thuong Tin areas.

- The axis connecting the Bo Thoi-Dan Tien expressway: This axis connects the Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway with the Cau Gie-Ninh Binh expressway along the direction of national highway 21, and connects the province’s Bo Thoi and Khoai Chau urban areas with Hanoi’s Phu Xuyen satellite city and southern area.

- National highways 38 and 38B (running through Yen Lenh bridge and connected with the Cau Gie-Ninh Binh expressway): This is an economic axis connecting Hung Yen province with Ha Nam and Hai Duong provinces.

d/ Three central urban areas:

- Hung Yen city: This is the central urban area of the province and the southern development zone, serving as the political-administrative, socio-economic, culture, tourism, education and training, science and technology center of the province; being connected northward with Kim Dong district for development of ecological and tourism urban areas along the Red River; and being connected eastward with Tien Lu district for service, science, training and startup development.

- Van Giang urban area: This is the central urban area of the province’s northern development zone and will be developed into ecological, smart and modern one. In this area, Ring Road 3.5 and Ring Road 4 will be effectively operated in the Hanoi Capital region and connected with the eastern and southern areas of Hanoi Capital to help promote the urbanization of the province’s northern area.

- My Hao urban area: This is the central urban area of the province’s northern development zone and will serve as the smart and modern industrial, commercial service and residential urban area. Its development will be associated with the national framework infrastructure system in the province’s industrial-urban corridor and along the eastern North-South development axis, connecting My Hao, An Thi and Phu Cu districts with the Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway, and serving as a new linkage axis in the east for promoting the industrial, urban, service and logistics development.


1. Plan on arrangement of district- and commune-level administrative units

To continue to implement the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 37-NQ/TW of December 24, 2018, on the arrangement of district- and commune-level administrative units; and Conclusion No. 48-KL/TW of January 30, 2023; the National Assembly Standing Committee’s Resolution No. 595/NQ-UBTVQH15 of September 12, 2022, on continued implementation of the policy on arrangement of district- and commune-level administrative units; and Resolution No. 35/2023/UBTVQH15 of July 12, 2023, on the arrangement of district- and commune-level administrative units for the 2023-2030 period; and the Government’s Resolution No. 117/NQ-CP of July 30, 2023, promulgating the plan on the arrangement of district- and commune-level administrative units for the 2023-2025 period. The geographical names, boundaries and arrangement of district- and commune-level administrative units must comply with decisions of competent authorities.

a/ The 2023-2025 period

In the 2023-2025 period, to rearrange 42 commune-level administrative units into 20 commune-level administrative units, i.e., reducing 22 commune-level administrative units.

After the rearrangement in 2023-2025 period, there will be no more change in the land area and population of Hung Yen province. The province will have 10 district-level administrative units, including: Hung Yen city, My Hao town and 8 districts (Van Lam, Van Giang, Khoai Chau, Yen My, Tien Lu, Phu Cu, Kim Dong and An Thi); and 139 commune-level administrative units (13 wards, 8 townships and 118 communes).

b/ The 2026-2030 period

To arrange the remaining district- and commune-level administrative units that meet under 100% of the law-specified criteria on land area and population; district-level administrative units that meet under 30% and under 200% of the law-specified criteria on land area and population, respectively; and commune-level administrative units that meet under 30% and under 300% of the law-specified criteria on land area and population, respectively.

2. Plan on urban system

The urban system in Hung Yen province will be developed after the “network” and multipolar integration model, with provincial central cities and urban centers supporting the development and sharing of a number of functions of the region, connecting and supporting the development of central cities and formation of urban development structures in the 2023-2030 period so that Hung Yen city will basically attain the standards of a centrally run city and become a centrally run city by 2050.

- By 2030, the urban system of Hung Yen province will consist of 18 urban centers:

+ One grade-I urban center: Hung Yen city;

+ Two grade-II urban centers: My Hao city, and Van Giang city (the whole Van Giang district will be urbanized);

+ Two grade-III urban centers: Van Lam city (the whole Van Lam district will be urbanized), and Yen My city (the whole Yen My district will be urbanized);

+ Three grade-IV urban centers: Khoai Chau town (the whole Khoai Chau district will be urbanized), Kim Dong town (the whole Kim Dong district will be urbanized), and An Thi urban area (the whole An Thi district will be urbanized);

+ Ten grade-V urban centers: Tran Cao township, and Dinh Cao, Nhat Quang, Tong Tran, Minh Tan, Quang Hung and Tong Phan urban areas (Phu Cu district); the expanded Vuong township (embracing Vuong township and Ngo Quyen and Di Che communes); and Thuy Loi and Hai Trieu urban areas (Tien Lu district).

- By 2030, Hung Yen province will basically meet the criteria for a grade-I urban center.

- By 2037 (when the province celebrates the 40th anniversary of its reestablishment): Hung Yen province will basically meet the criteria of a centrally-run city.

(Details are provided in Appendix II to this Decision).

3. Plans on territorial organization in rural areas

To develop Hung Yen province’s rural areas in line with policies and objectives of new-style countryside, advanced new-style countryside and model new-style countryside associated with the province’s characteristics. Hung Yen province will complete the task of building advanced new-style countryside; by 2030, over 80% of its communes will be recognized as meeting the criteria of model new-style countryside. To develop rural residential areas and production support models associated with urban development centers being townships, towns, cities or specialized centers.

The province’s system of rural residential areas will be developed in association with commune centers and commune clusters, and distributed in association with the system of urban centers; industrial, tourism, service, trade, logistics and hi-tech agriculture areas; and product introduction, startup support and industrial ecosystem and craft village support centers.

Commune cluster centers in rural areas of the province will have a high proportion of non-agricultural laborers, high population density, and be structured toward the formation of “urbanized” areas, serving as the premise for urban development, and innovation, startup and digital transformation support in rural areas.


1. Plan on development of the system of industrial parks

To renovate, and improve the efficiency of, the attraction of investment, particularly investment from large investors; to prioritize attracting hi-tech, environmentally friendly industries with high added value; to improve the economic efficiency of industrial parks and rapidly increase their occupancy rate; to combine the extensive development with the intensive development of industrial parks so as to improve the national and international competitiveness; to form large-scale industrial clusters; to accelerate the construction of infrastructure of industrial parks for which investment policy has been decided by the Prime Minister; to establish and develop industrial parks already included in the Prime Minister-approved master plans; to prioritize the establishment and expansion of industrial parks with favorable locations and capacity to attract investors, thereby creating a driving force for the province’s socio-economic development.

By 2030, the province will have 30 industrial parks (including 17 industrial parks already included in the Prime Minister-approved master plans, and 13 industrial parks to be included in master plans) on a total area of around 9,589 hectares. After 2030, to additionally plan 5 potential industrial parks on a total area of around 2,460 hectares.

The establishment and expansion of industrial parks must comply with the criteria and assigned plans on land use in industrial parks and relevant regulations.

(Details are provided in Appendix III to this Decision).

2. Plans on development of the system of cottage industry zones

To develop multi-sectoral cottage industry zones in line with the potential and strengths of each locality in the province; to focus on improving infrastructure, and increasing the occupancy rate of cottage industry zones for which establishment decisions have been issued.

By 2030, the province is expected to have a total of 50 cottage industry zones on a total area of around 2,899 hectares (including 24 cottage industry zones for which establishment decisions have been issued, 15 cottage industry zones already included in the previous period’s master plans, and 11 cottage industry zones to be included in master plans).

After 2030, to additionally plan around 28 potential cottage industry zones on a total area exceeding 2,000 hectares.

(Details are provided in Appendix IV to this Decision).

3. Plans on development of the system of tourist areas, resorts and golf courses

To focus on developing Pho Hien tourist area; Da Hoa-Da Trach tourist area; Cay Da and La Tien Temple tourist area; Ecopark Van Giang eco-tourism area; and Nom village tourist area.

To continue to invest in completing the Red River golf course project in Khoai Chau district in association with the formation of a sports leisure and entertainment area; to complete the golf course system and develop high-class services and utilities in Van Giang district; to develop potential golf courses in combination with eco-cities and eco-tourism in Hung Yen city, Khoai Chau and Phu Cu districts and other localities with potential.

4. Plan on development of research and training zones

To invest in the construction of the province’s hi-tech research and trial production area on an area of around 20 hectares which is to be located in Hung Yen city.

To concentrate on synchronous investment in technical infrastructure of the Pho Hien University Area for attracting domestic and international universities and academies, research and development centers, and research institutes, etc., thus contributing to the training and development of high-quality human resources.

5. Plan on organization of concentrated agricultural production areas:

- To arrange agricultural production spaces in the direction of effectively utilizing land and ecological conditions in the province and hydraulic-work infrastructure in order to form and develop concentrated large commodity agricultural production areas, and form green strips and green belts between urban areas, focusing on high-quality hi-tech rice production areas in An Thi, Phu Cu and Tien Lu districts; cash-crop production areas in Yen My, Kim Dong, Tien Lu and Phu Cu districts; flower and ornamental plant growing areas in Van Giang, Van Lam, Yen My, Khoai Chau and Kim Dong districts; medicinal plant production areas in Khoai Chau, Van Lam and Kim Dong districts and Hung Yen city; and fruit tree areas in Khoai Chau, Tien Lu, Kim Dong and Phu Cu districts and Hung Yen city.

- To shift farm-based concentrated livestock production from areas with high population density and urban areas to areas with low population density, communes and districts having land potential for livestock production development; to form concentrated livestock production areas far from urban areas, industrial parks and residential areas; to focus on forming concentrated livestock production areas and hi-tech livestock production areas in Khoai Chau, Phu Cu, An Thi, Tien Lu, Van Lam, Yen My and Kim Dong districts.

- To develop hi-tech intensive aquaculture areas in Khoai Chau, Phu Cu, An Thi and Tien Lu districts.

6. Plan on identification of military zones and security zones

To build military zones and security zones so as to ensure the solid national defense posture in the provincial defense area, and areas ready to serve the performance of national defense tasks, thereby meeting requirements of the tasks of protecting national defense and security and maintaining social order and safety in each region and locality in the province.

The arrangement and construction of works and areas for national defense and security purposes in the province must comply with master plans on land for national defense and security purposes for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050, as approved by competent authorities.

7. Plan on development of river plain areas

To study the socio-economic development of the entire area of the Red River and Luoc river plains in order to bring into the fullest play potential and advantages of such river plain areas; to attract investment in, and exploit, promote, conserve and embellish, historical relics and cultural heritages in association with service and tourism development; to develop hi-tech agriculture, circular agriculture, clean agriculture, organic agriculture and multi-functional agriculture in a sustainable manner; to form a complete road and waterway traffic system; to build a number of inland waterway ports and landing stages; to study developing ecological urban centers and houses, commercial centers, resorts, entertainment, entertainment and sports areas, and golf courses in places fully satisfying the law-specified conditions, ensuring compliance with the laws on dikes and disaster preparedness; the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 257/QD-TTg of February 18, 2016, approving the master plan on flood prevention and control and the master plan on dikes for the Red River and Thai Binh river system; the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 429/QD-TTg of April 21, 2023, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 257/QD-TTg of February 18, 2016; and amending and supplementing decisions (if any) of competent authorities.


1. Plans on development of the transport network

To develop the transport network in conformity with the national master plan and plan on development of the transport sector, which is synchronous, modern and interconnected to promote regional linkages.

a/ Roads:

- Expressways and national highways must comply with the Prime Minister-approved master plan and plan to implement the master plan on the road network for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050.

- For roads managed by the province:

To renovate and upgrade 15 existing provincial roads and build 12 new ones; to upgrade or build urban roads and district roads under master plans on urban areas and rural areas and master plans on construction of district and inter-district areas.

(Details are provided in Appendix V to this Decision).

b/ Waterways

Inland waterways: In addition to waterways managed by central authorities, to include in master plans the waterways managed by the locality (Bac Hung Hai, Sat, Cuu Yen, Chanh, Dien Bien and Tam Do riverways will be renovated and upgraded to reach grade V or higher grade). To develop inland waterway ports and landing stages under master plans on inland waterway infrastructure, technical and specialized master plans and other relevant master plans in accordance with relevant laws.

(Details are provided in Appendix VI to this Decision).

c/ Railways

To set orientations for planning of the railway network, ensuring conformity with the Prime Minister-approved master plan on the railway network for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050.

(Details are provided in Appendix VII to this Decision).

d/ Inland container depots and logistics centers

To develop the system of inland container depots in order to optimize the transportation of exported goods and imported goods of each area in the province; to form logistics centers in combination with inland container depots.

(Details are provided in Appendix VIII to this Decision).

dd/ Other transport infrastructure works

- Bus stations: To build bus stations of districts, cities and towns in locations with convenient traffic infrastructure under master plans of districts, cities and towns. By 2030, to build bus stations in the province, ensuring that there will be at least 1 bus station of grade 4 or higher grade for every district, town or city; to further promote the mobilization of social resources for investment in the construction of bus stations in localities.

- Parking lots: To build parking lots in the central areas of districts, cities and towns and in industrial parks, residential areas, trade-service areas and administrative areas; at the same time, to formulate policies to promote the mobilization of social resources for investment in the construction of public parking lots in localities.

- Rest areas: To invest in the construction of rest areas on a number of key traffic routes of the province.

2. Plans on development of energy and power supply network

To develop power sources and power grids in line with the viewpoints, objectives, orientations and plans for development of power sources and power grids, as well as criteria and arguments in the Master Plan and Plan for implementation of the Prime Minister-approved National Power Development Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050.

To continue to build, upgrade and renovate transformer stations and power lines of 500 kV, 220 kV and 110 kV, medium- and low-voltage lines connected to new power sources to meet the increasing load demand, particularly in industrial parks, cottage industry zones and urban areas; to gradually lay underground the existing medium- and low-voltage power networks; to ensure safe and stable power supply.

(Details are provided in Appendix IX to this Decision).

3. Plans on development of information and communications infrastructure:

- To develop the telecommunications infrastructure network; to improve the quality of broadband mobile networks providing services to 100% of the population in combination with investment in and upgrading of underground infrastructure facilities, and lay underground peripheral infrastructure facilities.

- To develop interconnected, complete and modern information technology infrastructure, digital infrastructure, and the Internet of Things (IoT) in order to serve comprehensive digital transformation, development of the digital economy, digital society and digital government; to build a data integration center applying cloud computing technology, and a platform for data integration and sharing, thereby creating a foundation for the development of synchronous e-administrations within the national e-government architectural framework.

- To develop postal services into digital ones; to effectively operate and apply the address code platform associated with digital maps (Vpostcode); to develop the press and communications industry to be professional and modern; to form and develop a safe and convenient digital environment for sustainable development on the basis of intensive science and technology application.

(Details are provided in Appendix X to this Decision).

4. Plans on development of hydraulic-work, water supply and drainage and wastewater treatment networks:

- To develop a modern hydraulic-work system, ensuring effective watering and irrigation to serve agricultural production and water drainage to serve the people’s livelihood and economic sectors; to build, upgrade, renovate and complete the existing system of hydraulic structures in order to take the initiative in watering, irrigation, domestic water supply, and drought and flooding prevention and control, thus contributing to the sustainable socio-economic development, environmental protection and climate change adaptation.

- To consolidate and develop clean water supply infrastructure in association with the building of new-style countryside and the construction of infrastructure of related sectors; to continue to build the complete and synchronous system of clean water supply facilities, and construct pump stations and domestic water supply pipeline networks so as to increase the rate of households supplied with clean water; to limit the exploitation of groundwater sources; for water plants currently exploiting groundwater, it is only permitted to exploit groundwater under granted exploitation licenses; the expansion, capacity increase or construction of clean water plants may only be carried out with the use of surface water sources directly exploited or purchased from neighboring surface water plants; to improve the efficiency of the management of the system of water supply facilities, and apply advanced management processes to improve productivity and efficiency of production and business activities.

- To continue to upgrade, expand, and improve the efficiency of collection and treatment of, large-scale centralized wastewater treatment systems in urban centers, industrial parks and cottage industry zones; to build urban and rural wastewater drainage systems. Urban and rural wastewater shall be collected and treated up to standards before being discharged into the environment. Industrial wastewater and medical wastewater shall be collected and treated at industrial and medical establishments up to standards and regulations before being discharged to receiving waters. The construction of wastewater treatment systems needs to facilitate the application of centralized wastewater treatment and decentralized wastewater treatment, depending on the nature of wastewater and natural conditions in certain areas, taking into account management conditions; to prioritize and focus on building domestic wastewater collection and treatment systems in residential areas that discharge wastewater directly into the Bac Hung Hai system and urban areas of grade IV or higher grade.

(Details are provided in Appendix XI to this Decision).

5. Plans on development of waste treatment zones and cemeteries

a/ Plan on development of waste treatment zones:

- To invest in the construction of large-scale centralized waste treatment plants with advanced and modern technologies to meet the demand for domestic waste treatment in the locality.

- Waste collection and treatment: Domestic solid wastes and ordinary industrial solid wastes of districts, towns and cities shall be collected and brought to solid waste treatment zones of such districts, towns and cities; hazardous solid wastes shall be collected and treated at establishments with the function of treating hazardous solid wastes; medical solid wastes shall be collected and treated and brought to treatment zones in different areas and clusters.

(Details are provided in Appendix XII to this Decision).

b/ Plan on development of cemeteries

To build cemeteries and crematoriums under urban master plans and master plans on construction of rural areas; to arrange funeral homes in urban centers to ensure satisfaction of urban classification standards. 

6. Plan on development of fire protection infrastructure

To plan areas for the construction of fire protection and rescue infrastructure facilities in the centers of districts, towns and cities, urban areas, industrial parks, cottage industry zones and commercial zones highly prone to fire and explosion, protection forests and special-use forests, ensuring convenience in terms of traffic, water sources, communications, conformity with the national sectoral master plan on fire protection infrastructure and compliance with current regulations.

To invest in physical and technical foundations and works for emergency response, training, commanding, vehicle inspection and scientific-technological research on fire protection and rescue, etc., ensuring satisfaction of the requirements of building regular, elite and modern fire protection and rescue police forces and conformity with the functions, tasks and scale of operation of each unit.


1. Plans on health infrastructure development

- To develop a health system that meets the people’s needs for medical examination and treatment; to improve the efficiency of the preventive health and disease control system.

- To train and develop human resources of sufficient quantity, quality and structure to meet the people’s needs for health protection, care and improvement; to promote the mobilization of social resources for investment in building modern private hospitals and non-public medical establishments.

- To upgrade infrastructure, physical foundations and medical equipment at provincial hospitals, health agencies and units and health centers of districts, provincial cities and towns to serve the performance of the task of public health protection, care and improvement.

(Details are provided in Appendix XIII to this Decision).

2. Plans on education and training infrastructure development

- To invest in the development of a system of standardized, advanced and modern educational institutions at all levels; to promote the mobilization of social resources and attract resources for investment in education and training.

- To invest in upgrading vocational education-continuing education centers, and coordinate with vocational education institutions in providing intermediate-level training.

- To develop a network of higher education and vocational education institutions, research and training zones by 2030 to meet the labor market’s demand for high-quality human resources in terms of quantity, quality, occupational structure and training level.

- To complete technical infrastructure, formulate special incentive mechanisms, and create conditions for attracting universities to build their divisions in Pho Hien University Campus.

- To establish at least 1 inclusive education support center in the province; to facilitate the establishment of private specialized educational institutions in districts.

(Details are provided in Appendix XIV to this Decision).

3. Plans on science, technology and innovation infrastructure development:

- To invest in building a complete and modern infrastructure system to serve the science, technology and innovation development; to establish and develop a network of innovation centers; to develop science, technology, digital government, digital economy, digital society, etc.; to take the initiative in seeking new technologies at home and abroad, entering into cooperation in transfer of technologies and scientific research and technological development results; to intensify science and technology application and innovation in all sectors and fields.

- To invest in upgrading and additionally supplying equipment to management units, public non-business  science and technology units and public science and technology organizations in the province; to establish regional hi-tech research zones and hi-tech centers; to invest in hi-tech research and pilot production zones.

4. Plans on cultural, physical training and sports infrastructure development

- To build a system of standard cultural and sports institutions to meet the people’s demand for conditions for creation and enjoyment of cultural and sports values.

- To build a provincial multi-purpose sports complex; to build basic sports and physical training facilities in districts and cities; to build playgrounds and training grounds in districts, towns, cities, communes, wards, townships and residential areas.

- To invest in, conserve and embellish, and promote the value of, historical and cultural relics and scenic places, giving priority to national cultural and historical relics.

- To increase the State’s investment and promote the mobilization of social resources for the conservation and promotion of the value of cultural heritages, ensuring practicality and effectiveness.

(Details are provided in Appendix XV to this Decision).

5. Plans on social security infrastructure development

To invest in building, renovating and upgrading care establishments for people with meritorious services and social security establishments in the province, ensuring sufficient conditions for provision of care and assistance to social beneficiaries.

To encourage organizations and individuals to establish social aid establishments.

(Details are provided in Appendix XVI to this Decision).

6. Plans on commercial infrastructure development

- To develop multi-purpose trade complexes to meet the people’s shopping, leisure and entertainment needs; to attract investment in projects on the Hung Yen Fair-Exhibition Center, department stores, supermarkets, wholesale markets, rural markets and other infrastructure facilities serving the province’s tourism and service development.

- To develop a petroleum and gas storage and supply infrastructure system to ensure adequate, safe and uninterrupted petroleum and gas supply for socio-economic development, security and national defense in the province and region.


1. To ensure that land resources are surveyed, evaluated, put in statistics, inventoried and used in an economical, efficient and reasonable manner to serve socio-economic development; national defense and security; education, culture and sports development; environmental protection and climate change adaptation; and to create a driving force for the province’s development; to ensure reasonable land allocation and use on the basis of balancing the land demand of sectors and fields in conformity with the targets set in the approved national land-use master plan for the 2021-2030 period.

2. Targets related to repurposing of agricultural land into non-agricultural land, residential land and land for infrastructure development shall be calculated and determined on the basis of orientations for development of sectors and fields and local development needs so as to implement spatial and territorial development plans and build infrastructure facilities and projects, and reported o competent authorities for consideration and decision.

3. The People’s Committee of Hung Yen province shall formulate provincial land use plans, and district-level land use master plans and plans in conformity with plans on land allocation and zoning based on functions and land types in provincial master plans for use as a basis for land recovery, land allocation, land lease and land repurposing for national defense and security and socio-economic development and for national and public interests in accordance with the land law.

(Details are provided in Appendix XVII to this Decision).


1. Plans on construction of inter-district areas:

a/ Hung Yen city area will be the center of the southern development area, one of the three central urban centers, and the political administration, economic, cultural, education and training, scientific and technological center of the province; and serve the development of ecological and smart urban centers, tourism, services and hi-tech industries.

b/ Van Giang urbanization area will be a central area for economic development (services, trade, industry and housing development), culture, science and technology, education-training in the region and an important traffic and exchange hub of the Hanoi Capital region, northern key economic region, Red River delta and the whole country.

c/ My Hao urbanization area will be a key economic development area in a general and multi-sector direction with a modern and complete service infrastructure system; and serve as a cultural, educational, financial, commercial and tourism center and an important road traffic hub, with a strategic national security and defense position in the province.

d/ The industrial development area along expressways (Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway, etc.) will be the province’s dynamically developing urban and industrial area with a system of large and densely populated urban centers and industrial parks and cottage industry zones.

dd/ The heritage linkage and tourism development area along the Red River will be a landscape area with valuable historical and cultural relics and planned for agricultural and ecotourism development.

e/ The eastern inter-district industrial development area will be an area for dynamic industrial and service development associated with modern agricultural development with high productivity and quality, and serve as the eastern development impetus of the province.

2. Plans on construction of district areas:

a/ Tien Lu district area will be a multi-sector and general development area with a system of modern and complete service infrastructure facilities connected with Hung Yen city; and serve an agricultural commodity production area where the new countryside will be built in the southern part of the province and a potential reserve area for Hung Yen city’s development.

b/ Phu Cu district area will be a multi-sector and general development area specialized in clean industry, commodity agriculture, urban services and eco-tourism; and serve as a development linkage between Hung Yen and Hai Duong provinces, a service area connected with Hung Yen city, and a traffic hub of the southeastern part of Hung Yen province.


1. Plans on environmental protection

a/ Environmental protection

The province will be divided into 3 areas for environmental protection, including:

- Strictly protected area, embracing inner quarters of grade-I, grade-II and grade-III urban centers (Hung Yen city, My Hao, Van Giang and Van Lam urban centers); areas where water sources are used for domestic water supply and class-1 protection zones of historical-cultural relics as specified in the cultural heritage law.

- Low-emission area, embracing green spaces in buffer zones of grade-I, grade-II and grade-III urban centers, rural concentrated residential areas, and inner quarters of grade-IV and grade-V urban centers.

- Other areas, including concentrated industrial and cottage industry development sub-zones; high-quality agricultural development sub-zones; eco-tourism and Red River service development sub-zones.

(Details are provided in Appendix XVIII to this Decision).

b/ Environmental monitoring

To develop monitoring infrastructure, equipment and network for each environmental component; to locate air, surface water, groundwater and soil environment and river sediment monitoring points.

c/ Orientations for environmental protection in waste treatment facilities and cemeteries

Orientations for environmental protection in waste treatment facilities: Waste treatment facilities shall be located outside urban centers to ensure a safe environmental sanitation distance in accordance with current standards and far from water sources and windy areas; have complete technical infrastructure systems for thorough collection and treatment of leachate using advanced and modern technologies.

To set planning orientations for building of cemeteries and crematoria in urban centers under urban master plans, and commune cemeteries under rural construction planning orientations; to locate cemeteries in urban centers up to urban classification standards; to maintain existing cemeteries until they are filled up; to relocate cemeteries from urban development areas or those that fail to meet environmental requirements.

2. Plans on mineral resource protection, exploitation and use

- To exploit, process and efficiently use mineral resources without affecting the environment and scenic spots in the province. For the 2021-2030 period, to close mines with expired exploitation duration or depleted deposits; to plan and expand mineral mines and mine minerals for use as construction materials in accordance with law.

- To ensure the completeness, consistency and conformity of plans on protection, exploration and exploitation of sand and minerals for use as construction materials in Hung Yen province for the 2021-2030 period with approved master plans and plans on protection, exploration and exploitation of sand and mineral resources for use as construction materials.

- To ensure the conformity of plans on protection, exploitation and use of mineral resources with the Prime Minister-approved master plan on exploration, exploitation, processing and use of minerals for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050; national sectoral master plans and other relevant master plans.

(Details are provided in Appendix XIX to this Decision).

3. Plans on exploitation, use and protection of water resources; prevention, control and remediation of water-caused harms

- To distribute water sources to different subjects for exploitation and use in the following order of priority: (i) water for domestic use; (ii) water for industry; (iii) water for tourism and services; and (iv) water for agriculture, fisheries and other fields.

- To improve water quality, remedy water pollution in river sections and water sources within the province that are currently polluted or fail to meet the intended use purposes; to maintain and protect the quality of unpolluted surface water in order to ensure the satisfaction of the water quality standards for the planning period.

- To effectively control existing and new wastewater sources generated during the planning period: Industrial, domestic and medical wastewater and other types of wastewater shall be collected and treated up to relevant technical regulations.

4. Plans on natural disaster prevention and control and climate change response

a/ To identify areas highly prone to disasters in the province, including areas prone to tropical low pressure, storms, typhoons, super typhoons, flood, landslides, seepage through dikes, etc.

b/ To devise key and priority solutions to effectively respond to climate change for different industries, sectors and areas

- To carry out public communication and education to raise the entire population’s awareness about negative impacts of climate change and concurrently raise their sense of responsibility for climate change response activities.

- To complete the database serving the work of direction and management of the natural disaster prevention and control in all sectors and fields; to install monitoring and surveillance systems in key areas for natural disaster prevention and control.

- To raise the disaster forecasting and warning capacity and proactively prevent and control such frequent disasters as flood, inundation and drought, and to adapt to climate change; to evacuate people from natural disaster-hit areas for resettlement.

c/ Plans on flood prevention and control for diked river sections and plans on development of the dike system and infrastructure facilities for disaster prevention and control

- Flood protection assurance level: to ensure the flood safety for the Red River and Luoc river with a 300-year return period (the frequency of 0.33%) by 2030 and a 500-year return period (the frequency of 0.2%) by 2050.

- Upgrading and reinforcement of the existing dike system: To complete the construction of cross-sections of dikes; to handle hidden defects to improve dike quality and build dike toe corridors; to upgrade and build works on dikes, culverts under dikes, dike protection embankments and other works, etc.; to solidify surfaces of auxiliary dikes; to additionally build deficient dike sections in order to complete the dike system for flood prevention and control.

- To  improve flood drainage capacity of river stretches; to build a monitoring system and improve its flood forecasting and warning capacity; to formulate plans on response to excessive floods; to increase the efficiency of the management of dike management units’ physical foundations and equipment; to tighly manage the riverbed sand and gravel exploitation, storing of construction materials on river stretches, waterway dredging and regulation, and adopt appropriate plans on relocation of works from dike protection corridors; to raise the public awareness about dike protection, etc.

- To manage and use river stretches in compliance with the dike, natural disaster prevention and control laws and other relevant laws.

- To determine locations and areas of existing concentrated residential areas permitted for existence and river stretch areas that can be studied for construction under the Prime Minister-approved anti-flood master plans and master plans on dikes of the Red and Thai Binh river system and review and add areas that meet the criteria specified in the aforesaid master plans.

(Details are provided in Appendix XX to this Decision).


- Based on development orientations for key sectors and fields, to determine massive and important projects that can create a driving force for boosting the socio-economic growth and development for making and attracting investment, depending on the demand and capacity for balancing and mobilization of investment capital in each period, ensuring the conformity with orientations and law.

- Projects prioritized for investment in the province that have been identified in the national overall master plans, national land use master plans, national sectoral master plans, and Red River delta master plans shall be implemented under Resolutions and Decisions approving the aforesaid master plans.

(Details are provided in Appendix XXI to this Decision).


1. Regarding the mobilization of investment capital

Based on regulations on public investment and the state budget balancing capacity, to prioritize investment capital for building important technical infrastructure and social infrastructure facilities so as to direct and attract investment from other economic sectors, thereby creating resources to promote rapid and sustainable development of the province’s growth driving force areas. For other capital sources, to diversify investment forms, promote the investment form of public-private partnership (PPP) and other investment forms, and at the same time promote domestic and foreign investment in infrastructure development and production and business projects in the province.

To intensify the administrative reform, improve the investment and business environment, improve the provincial competitiveness, and create breakthroughs in attracting investment in infrastructure development in accordance with law, particularly the transport infrastructure system; to attract more foreign direct investment in the entire society’s investment.

To formulate breakthrough policies and mechanisms in accordance with law to attract strategic investors capable of leading and forming an ecosystem of key sectors and industries; to promote the mobilization of social resources for investment in education and training, healthcare, environmental protection and other social welfare fields.

2. Human resource development solutions

To develop high-quality human resources; to closely connect the development of human resources with the development and application of science and technology; to implement programs and projects on training of high-quality human resources for key and spearhead sectors and fields; to attach importance to finding, fostering and promoting talents and training human resources for development of knowledge-based economy.

To study mechanisms and policies to attract investment in non-public vocational training institutions under the Master Plan, thereby creating breakthroughs regarding training scale; to strengthen connection between vocational training institutions and labor-employing enterprises, and organize training in the form of order placement.

3. Environmental protection solutions

To enhance the capacity of state management agencies in charge of environmental protection; to review and specify their management functions and tasks and arrangement of their organizational structures; to improve the management capacity of persons in charge of environmental management at all levels; to increase and diversify investment capital sources for environmental protection, especially investment in waste treatment, pollution treatment and environmental rehabilitation in polluted and degraded areas; to strengthen the organization of public communication and education to raise awareness about environmental protection, green growth and development of green economy.

4. Scientific and technological development and digital transformation solutions

To develop a network of science and technology institutions; to research and apply achievements of the industrial revolution to the socio-economic development, especially in the production and trading of the province’s key products participating in the global value chain.

To formulate digital transformation programs and plans, focusing on digital infrastructure and digital databases, thereby laying a foundation for development of digital government, digital economy and digital society; focusing on building e-government and smart cities; to accelerate the realization of cashless payment and electronic health records.

5. Development linkage mechanisms and policies

To effectively implement the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 30-NQ/TW of November 23, 2022, on socio-economic development, national defense and security assurance in the Red River delta region through 2030, with a vision toward 2045.

To study and promulgate mechanisms and policies on various fields in order to attract resources for development, such as mechanisms and policies to develop dynamic regions, policies to attract large investors, policies to develop sectors producing eco-friendly products, and policies to support the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises.

To regularly review administrative procedures, develop an e-government; to improve the operation quality of the province’s Public Administration Service Center; to enhance the responsibility, professionalism, dynamism and creativity of cadres and civil servants while performing duties.

To continue to effectively implement programs on cooperation with localities that have signed such programs with Hung Yen province, and at the same time expand cooperation with other localities.

6. Urban and rural development management and control solutions

To study global models and practices in the management of urban and rural development so as to improve the management and enforcement capacity of administrations; to apply advanced technical measures in the management of urban and rural development so as to facilitate the modern, civilized and eco-friendly development; to formulate and synchronously implement mechanisms and policies to develop central urban centers into modern and smart ones to lead and create spillover effects and connect urban areas.To closely monitor and manage the construction of complete social infrastructure and technical infrastructure systems for connecting common infrastructure networks of the province and neighboring areas; to continue to effectively implement national projects and programs on urban development in response to climate change and for disaster and epidemic prevention and control; to renovate, embellish, reconstruct and upgrade urban centers; to build and develop smart cities.

7. Proper implementation of national defense assurance, and political security and social order and safety maintenance

To continue to properly implement resolutions of the Party Central Committee, the Political Bureau, the province’s resolutions, directives, plans and action programs on the province’s national defense and military tasks; the Party’s and the State’s resolutions and directives on the task of protecting security and order; to implement measures to improve the inspection quality and effectiveness.

8. Organization and monitoring of the implementation of the Master Plan

To organize the formulation of action plans and regularly update, concretize and include contents of the Master Plan into programs, schemes and 5-year and annual plans.

To regularly monitor and evaluate results of the implementation of the Master Plan; to promptly detect and handle or propose competent authorities to handle violations.


Detailed list of maps of the Master Plan on Hung Yen province for the 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision toward 2050.

(Details are provided in Appendix XXII to this Decision)

Article 2. Organization of implementation

1. The Master Plan approved in this Decision serves as a basis for making urban master plans, rural master plans, technical and specialized master plans of Hung Yen province in accordance with relevant laws.

2. Responsibilities of the People’s Committee of Hung Yen province:

a/ To organize the announcement and publicization of the Master Plan in accordance with the planning law.

b/ To complete the Master Plan’s dossier in accordance with this Decision; to take responsibility for the accuracy of data, documents, diagrams, maps and databases in the Master Plan’s dossier after it is reviewed and completed; to update database on the Master Plan’s dossier into the national planning information system and database under Clause 20, Article 1 of the Government’s Decree No. 58/2023/ND-CP of August 12, 2023.

c/ To formulate and submit for promulgation the plan on implementation of the Master Plan; to organize the implementation of the Master Plan in association with directing the performance of socio-economic development tasks; to periodically evaluate the implementation of the Master Plan and review and adjust the Master Plan in accordance with law.

d/ To study, formulate and promulgate according to its competence or submit to competent authorities for promulgation mechanisms, policies and solutions suitable to the province’s development requirements and in accordance with law to mobilize resources for implementation of the Master Plan.

dd/ To organize the formulation and adjustment of urban master plans, rural master plans, technical and specialized master plans, ensuring the uniformity and consistency with the Master Plan; to intensify the inspection and supervision of the implementation of the Master Plan; to strictly handle institutional and individual violators in accordance with law.

e/ To review the Master Plan to ensure its conformity with relevant plans and master plans approved by competent authorities and adjust the Master Plan in case of having controversial contents as specified at Point c, Clause 1, Article 2 of the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 61/2022/QH15 of June 16, 2022, and report to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.

g/ To report projects with phased investment after 2030 to competent authorities for approval of investment ahead of schedule, if there is a need for investment to facilitate the socio-economic development and resources can be mobilized for implementation.

3. The investment policy approval or decision and implementation of investment projects in the province, including projects not stated in development plans of sectors and fields, plans on development of functional zones, technical and social infrastructure and the list of projects expected to be prioritized for implementation promulgated together with this Decision, must be conformable with development orientations specified in Article 1 of this Decision and other relevant master plans and implementation plans (if any); at the same time, persons in charge of investment policy approval or decision shall take responsibility before law for their decisions.

In the course of studying and implementing specific projects, agencies competent to approve or decide on investment policy shall take responsibility before law for determining the location, area, scale, capacity and investment phase in conformity with the ability to mobilize resources, progress and practical development of the province, completely and properly implementing order, procedures and competence, and complying with relevant regulations.

4. The chairperson of the People’s Committee of Hung Yen province shall take responsibility before law for: (i) the accuracy of the contents, information, data, figures, documents, diagrams, maps, and databases in the Master Plan in accordance with the law on state secrets and other relevant laws; (ii) the appendices to this Decision, ensuring in conformity, synchronization, and consistency with relevant master plans; (iii) assimilation, explanation and reservation of appraisal and review opinions, and participation of related ministries, sectors, localities, organizations and individuals; (iv) strictly and fully realizing the commitments specified in the People’s Committee of Hung Yen province’s Report  No. 23/TTr-UBND of April 19, 2024, and Official Letter  No. 1375/UBND-TH of May 22, 2024; (v) projects and works that are being reviewed and handled according to inspection, examination, investigation and audit conclusions and executed judgments (if any) and may only be implemented after such conclusions and judgment are implemented/executed or approved by competent authorities in accordance with law.

5. Related ministries, ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies shall, within the scope of their assigned functions and tasks, take responsibility for guiding the People’s Committee of Hung Yen province in the course of implementation of the Master Plan; coordinate with the People’s Committee of Hung Yen province in proposing policies, mechanisms, solutions, mobilizing and allocating resources to effectively implement the objectives and orientations of the Master Plan, ensuring uniformity and consistency with the implementation of the 10-year socio-economic development strategy for the 2021-2030 period, strategies, development master plans and plans of sectors and fields and local socio-economic development plans.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect from the date of its signing.

Article 4. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and the chairperson of the People’s Committee of Hung Yen province shall implement this Decision.-

For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister

*The appendices to this Decision are not translated.

[1] Công Báo Nos 745-746 (24/6/2024)

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