Decision 377/QD-TTg 2023 approve Master Plan of Quang Binh province in 2021-2030

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Decision No. 377/QD-TTg dated April 12, 2023 of the Prime Minister approving the Master Plan of Quang Binh province for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:377/QD-TTgSigner:Tran Hong Ha
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:12/04/2023Effect status:

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By 2030, the total number of tourist arrivals to Quang Binh will be around 10 million

On April 12, 2023, the Prime Minister issues Decision No. 377/QD-TTg approving the Master Plan of Quang Binh province for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050.

Accordingly, the Master Plan sets out the following objectives: The average GRDP growth rate will be 8.4-8.8%/year; Budget revenues will reach VND 13 trillion; The total number of tourist arrivals to the province will be around 10 million; The proportion of digital economy to the GRDP will be 25%; All primary schools, over 85% of early childhood schools, and 95% of lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools will attain national standards; The rate of under-5 children suffering stunting malnutrition will fall to below 14%, etc.

By 2050, Quang Binh province will become a dynamically developing economy of the Central Vietnam and the whole country, serving as an important connection point in the (seaward) North-South and East-West economic corridors. To efficiently bring into full play the province’s potential and advantages, particularly unique and globally prominent values of Phong Nha-Ke Bang national park as a world natural heritage, thereby positioning the province as a top tourism destination in Southeast Asia with gigantic cavern system, diverse ecosystems and abundant cultural values where high-class wellness, leisure and sports services are provided in association with community interests and sustainable tourism development.

This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 377/QD-TTg


Hanoi, April 12, 2023


Approving the Master Plan of Quang Binh province for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050[1]



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government; and the November 22, 2019 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration;

Pursuant to the November 24, 2017 Planning Law;

Pursuant to the June 15, 2018 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of Eleven Laws concerning Planning;

Pursuant to the November 20, 2018 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of Thirty-Seven Laws concerning Planning;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 61/2022/QH15 of June 16, 2022, on further improvement of effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of planning policies and laws and a number of solutions to remove difficulties and obstacles in, and accelerate the formulation and improve the quality of, master plans for the 2021-2030 period;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP of May 7, 2019, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Planning Law;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 11/NQ-CP of February 5, 2018, on organization of the implementation of the Planning Law;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 119/NQ-CP of September 27, 2021, on tasks and solutions to improve the quality and accelerate the formulation of master plans for the 2021-2030 period;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 616/QD-TTg of May 7, 2020, approving the task of formulating the Master Plan of Quang Binh province for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

At the request of the People’s Committee of Quang Binh province in Report No. 506/TTr-UBND of March 23, 2023, requesting approval of the Master Plan of Quang Binh province for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050; Report No. 868/BC-HDTD of February 14, 2022, on appraisal results and results of the review of the dossier of the Master Plan of Quang Binh province in Document No. 7383/CV-HDTD of October 17, 2022, of the Appraisal Council for Provincial Master Plans for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050; and opinions of the Ministry of Planning and Investment in Document No. 1696/BKHDT-QLQH of March 10, 2023,



Article 1. To approve the Master Plan of Quang Binh province for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050 (below referred to as the Master Plan), with the following principal contents:


The planning scope and boundaries of Quang Binh province cover the whole of its mainland territory and marine space determined in accordance with the 2012 Law of the Sea of Vietnam and the Government’s Decree No. 40/2016/ND-CP of May 15, 2016, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Marine and Island Resources and Environment.


1. Development viewpoints

a/ The Master Plan must conform to the Strategy for national socio-economic development for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2045, and development orientations set forth in national-level and regional master plans; the province’s socio-economic development must be based on the aroused aspiration for national development; to concentrate efforts on building an autonomous economy on the basis of bringing into full play the province’s comparative advantages, developing high-quality human resources, and applying scientific and technological advances to production, management and execution activities.

b/ To bring into fullest play the province’s available potential and advantages and mobilize external resources for socio-economic development toward green and sustainable growth; to concentrate efforts on applying science, technology, innovation, digital technology and digital transformation as a foundation and driving force for improving productivity, quality and competitiveness of the economy; to renew the way of thinking and action, take the initiative in getting the best of opportunities brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution; to develop circular economy and urban centers in association with eco-environment protection; to exploit and efficiently use natural resources and firmly maintain ecological balance, protect landscapes and proactively adapt to climate change.

c/ To closely combine socio-economic development with environmental protection in a sustainable manner, thereby creating a safe and humane living environment, attaching importance to social management and expanding democracy in association with ensuring discipline and order; to build a digital society while properly addressing social issues and creating favorable conditions for improving the material and spiritual lives of the people of all strata, particularly policy beneficiaries, people with meritorious services to the nation, the poor, disadvantaged people and ethnic minority people.

d/ To step up the building of a digital administration; to basically and comprehensively renew management and administration activities of administrations at all levels for the purpose of serving the people and enterprises; to build a code of conduct and working style of civil servants and public employees to meet task requirements; to create an attractive investment environment for attract investors and tourists for local socio-economic development.

dd/ To closely combine socio-economic development with consolidation of national defense and security, raise the efficiency of external and international cooperation activities, firmly maintain the national sovereignty over border areas and islands; to build an orderly, disciplined and safe society, ensuring the people’s peaceful and happy life.

2. Development objectives through 2030

a/ General objectives:

To ensure rapid and sustainable economic growth on the basis of bringing into full play the province’s potential and advantages, fully utilizing scientific, technological and innovative achievements; to build the province into a dynamic economy in the Central Vietnam, focusing on service and tourism sectors; clean industries, renewable energies, and processing and manufacturing industry; and hi-tech, ecological, responsible and sustainable agriculture; to invest in building complete and modern technical and social infrastructure systems; to renovate leading and management methods; to step up administrative reform; to tighten discipline and order; to improve effectiveness and efficiency; to focus on developing and raising the quality of human resources; to remarkably improve the material, cultural and spiritual lives of the people; to firmly maintain political security and social order and safety; to raise disaster prevention and control capacity, proactively adapt to climate change, and protect the ecological environment. By 2030, to strive for the objective that Quang Binh will become a fairly developed province of the Central Vietnam.

b/ Specific targets:

- Economic targets:

+ The average GRDP growth rate will be 8.4-8.8%/year.

+ Structure of the economic sectors in the GRDP: The industry-construction sector will account for 38-38.5%; service sector, 45-45.5%; agro-forestry-fisheries sector, 12.5-13%; and taxes less subsidies on products, 3.5-4%.

+ The production value of the industry-construction sector will grow at an average rate of 14-14.5%/year; service sector, 7.5-8%/year; and agro-forestry-fisheries sector, 3.5-4%/year.

+ The entire society’s total investment capital for the whole period will reach VND 375-425 trillion.

+ Budget revenues will reach VND 13 trillion.

+ Per-capita GRDP will reach VND 145-150 million.

+ The total number of tourist arrivals to the province will be around 10 million.

+ The proportion of digital economy to the GRDP will be 25%.

- Social targets:

+ The average population growth rate for the 2021-2030 period will be around 0.6%/year. By 2030, the province’s population will reach 960,000; the population of the working age will reach 540,000.

+ The proportion of trained workers to the total workforce of the economy will surpass 75%, of whom those possessing diplomas or training certificates will reach 36%.

+ The proportion of social insurance-covered workers to the total workforce will surpass 65%; all local people will be covered by basic health insurance.

+ The number of employed workers will be 18,000 per year;

+ The rate of poor households will fall to below 2.5%;

+ All primary schools, over 85% of early childhood schools, and 95% of lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools will attain national standards; all districts, towns and cities will attain the standards on pre-primary education universalization.

+ The rate of under-5 children suffering stunting malnutrition will fall to below 14%.

+ The number of patient beds per 10,000 people will reach at least 50.

+ The average life expectancy will reach 73.7 years.

+ All ranked historical and cultural relics will be renovated and embellished; there will be 2 or 3 more relics ranked as special national relics. To submit a dossier of the Phong Nha-Ke Bang national park to the UNESCO for the latter to recognize it also as a world biosphere reserve.

- Environmental targets:

+ The rate of solid wastes collected and treated in urban centers will surpass 98%.

+ All industrial parks and cottage industry zones will have concentrated wastewater treatment systems.

+ The forest coverage rate will be kept stable at around 68%.

- Targets concerning technological infrastructure and urban and rural areas:

+ The numbers of fixed-line phone and mobile phone subscribers and fixed broadband Internet subscribers per 100 people will surpass 135 and 35, respectively.

+ The urbanization rate will reach around 38%; all provincial urban areas will basically satisfy criteria on smart city platform.

+ The rate of communes recognized as having attained the new-style countryside standards will surpass 90%. There will be 2 or 3 district-level administrative units attaining the new-style countryside standards or completing the task of new-style countryside building.

+ All urban inhabitants will have access to clean water; 65% of rural inhabitants will have access to clean water up to quality-related technical regulations with the minimum ration of 60 liters/day.

- National defense, security, social order and safety targets:

To take the initiative in firmly grasping the situation and proactively responding to any possible circumstances; to effectively prevent and respond to traditional and non-traditional security challenges, thereby facilitating the building of the all-people national defense posture associated with the people’s security posture and ensuring social order and safety; to build an orderly, well-ruled and safe society and ensure the people’s peaceful and happy life.

3. Development priorities of the province

- The two growth driving-force centers: (1) Phong Nha-Ke Bang national tourist site, which will become a high-class tourist center in Southeast Asia; and (2) Hon La economic zone, which will become a driving-force economic zone contributing to economic growth.

- Three urban centers: (1) Dong Hoi city and the vicinities, with Dong Hoi city being the nucleus and satellite and gateway urban centers connected to Dong Hoi city, including Quan Hau and Hoan Lao urban centers (including also the expanded spaces), and Viet Trung and Dinh Muoi urban centers; (2) The northern urban center with Ba Don town as the nucleus associated with Quang Trach district center, Hon La economic zone, and Tien Hoa; and (3) The southern urban center, with Kien Giang township as the nucleus (which will become a town in the future) and satellite urban centers of Le Ninh and Ang Son.

- Three economic corridors: (1) The economic corridor in the coastal delta along national highway 1A and coastal roads; (2) The east-west economic corridor along national highway 12 connecting Cha Lo international border gate, Ba Don town and Hon La seaport; and (3) the midland and mountainous economic corridor  along Ho Chi Minh Road and the eastern North-South expressway.

- Four economic development pillars: (1) Concentrating investment in the development of the province’s tourism into a really spearhead economic sector with tourism brand of Quang Binh on the international tourism map, considering this a breakthrough for economic growth and restructuring; (2) Focusing on industrial development, attaching importance to and calling for investment in the development of power and renewable energy generation, processing and manufacturing industries; (3) Developing hi-tech agriculture toward commodity production with high added value and hi-tech application to serve as a launching platform for the province’s economy; and (4) Developing efficiently and sustainably marine economy in association with maintenance of national defense and security and protection of the national sovereignty over sea areas and islands.

4. Development breakthroughs of the province

- To concentrate on mobilizing resources for investment in building complete and modern infrastructure facilities, giving priority to important fields and projects likely to create breakthroughs and great spillover effects, including the traffic system ensuring uninterrupted connection (efforts shall be concentrated on completing the eastern North-South expressway before 2025); tourism infrastructure facilities; essential and important infrastructure facilities in industrial parks and economic zones; information technology infrastructure facilities aimed toward the goal of building digital economy, digital society and digital administration; and key vocational education and training institutions meeting requirements of the training of human resources, particularly high-quality human resources in such key sectors as tourism and industry.

- To renew and improve institutions, mechanisms and policies to facilitate the mobilization and efficient utilization of resources, and remove obstacles to promote socio-economic development; to enhance the facilitative role of state management agencies in the province; to regard the people and enterprises as the center of administrative reform, and improvement of the business investment environment, competitiveness and capacity for digital transformation in order to attract domestic and foreign investors and talented people to the province.

- To develop human resources, particularly human resources with high professional and technical qualifications, to meet the demand for human resources of new industries and high-value tourism; to attach importance to discovering, training and employing talented people; to renew the regime of recruiting, employing and preferentially treating talented people in state management and administration, science-technology and innovation; to link training institutions with enterprises in vocational training and job creation to meet the labor market’s needs; to step by step improve and improve all-round qualifications of managerial staffs and workers in order to meet international economic integration needs.

5. Vision toward 2050

Quang Binh province will become a dynamically developing economy of the Central Vietnam and the whole country, serving as an important connection point in the (seaward) North-South and East-West economic corridors. To efficiently bring into full play the province’s potential and advantages, particularly unique and globally prominent values of Phong Nha-Ke Bang national park as a world natural heritage, thereby positioning the province as a top tourism destination in Southeast Asia with gigantic cavern system, diverse ecosystems and abundant cultural values where high-class wellness, leisure and sports services are provided in association with community interests and sustainable tourism development.


1. Orientations for development of important sectors of the province

a/ Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

To build the province’s modern, sustainable, commodity production and concentrated agriculture with high productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness on the basis of developing hi-tech agriculture, smart agriculture and clean agriculture in adaptation to climate change; to focus on developing key and typical products of each ecological region with potential and advantages; to attract enterprises, cooperatives and farms into cooperation and association for investment in agriculture and rural areas in order to closely combine production with preservation, processing, brand building and sale with a view to heightening the product value chain.

By 2030, the agro-forestry-fisheries production value will grow by 3.5-4%/year on average (in which, agriculture will grow by 3.6%, fisheries, 4.8%, and forestry, 3.7%). The proportions of the value of agro-forestry-fisheries products produced through cooperation and association activities or produced according to good agricultural practices (GAP) or the equivalent will be 12% and around 10%, respectively; livestock production will account for 55-60% of the agricultural production value. The total fisheries output will reach 122,000 tons. The rate of production forest areas with sustainable forest management certification will account for 25%.

b/ Industry

To develop industry into a key sector serving as a driving force for achieving the growth and economic restructuring objectives toward industrialization and modernization; to attach importance to key industries with competitive edges, such as power and renewable energy industry; agro-forestry-fisheries product processing (focusing on wood and wood product processing, processing of food and farm produce for export); production of construction materials (cement, high-quality cement and lime, non-baked bricks); textile and garment industry and supporting industries in association with raising of technological level and innovation, taking advantage of achievements brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution; to promote the development of cottage industries and rural crafts and trades; to restore, consolidate and expand craft villages and traditional craft villages; to focus on developing a number of products with high added value for tourism and export.

By 2030, the industrial production value (calculated at the 2010 prices) will reach VND 48.3 trillion with the average growth rate of 14-14.5%/year; the index of industrial production (IIP) will grow by 13% per year on average for the 2021-2030 period.

c/ Tourism

To develop the province’s tourism into a spearhead economic sector and one of breakthroughs to promote socio-economic growth and development and economic restructuring in association with community interests and sustainable development; to strive for the target that the province  will become one of the most attractive tourism destinations of Vietnam and an adventure tourism center of Asia with unique and local identities-imbued images, including adventure tourism, cavern tourism, cultural-historical tourism, sports tourism, sea tourism, high-class wellness tourism, etc. The Phong Nha-Ke Bang national park will be recognized as a national tourist site with maintenance of the criteria for being recognized by UNESCO as a world natural heritage twice. By 2030, the contribution of the tourism sector to the province’s GRDP will reach 10-12%.

d/ Marine economy

To strive to help the province’s marine economy basically attain sustainable development criteria; to form the marine ecological culture; to proactively adapt to climate change and sea level rise; to make new scientific advances become factors directly promoting comprehensive and sustainable development of the marine economy. By 2030, purely marine economic sectors will contribute 15-20% to the province’s GRDP; the economic value of coastal districts, towns and cities will account for 85-90% of the province’s GRDP. At least half of sea areas will undergo basic surveys in marine resources and environment. All coastal economic zones, industrial parks and urban centers will be planned and built in a sustainable, eco-friendly and smart manner in adaptation to climate change and sea level rise.

2. Orientations for development of other sectors and fields

a/ Trade and services

To develop the province’s trade toward modernity and higher capability for participating in the supply-demand regulation and balancing, thereby ensuring uninterrupted goods circulation and sufficient supply of essential materials and commodities for production and life and protecting interests of consumers and producers; to attract resources of all economic sectors for upgrading and completing trade infrastructure facilities; to accelerate digital transformation in service provision activities; to develop services in support of the e-government as well as support and logistic services for e-commerce; to ensure that every person and every enterprise will have access to and safely and conveniently use financial products and services meeting their needs.

To strive for the target that in the 2021-2030 period, the average growth rate of the total retail sales and service turnover will be 13.5-14% (in which the total retail sales will grow by 13.4%/year), while that of export turnover and import turnover will be 9.6%/year and 6.6-7.1%/year, respectively.

b/ Science and technology

To intensify the research and application of new scientific and technological advances in order to improve labor productivity, quality and value of products, particularly those with the province’s major advantages; to vigorously renew mechanisms for science and technology research and innovation management activities, thereby facilitating science and technology research and transfer under the market mechanism and upholding the autonomy of science and technology research institutes; to raise the science and technology potential and level of the whole province; to strongly develop the science and technology market in association with the development of the national science and technology database; to enhance the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights; to intensify international integration and cooperation on science and technology; to strive for the target that by 2030, the labor productivity and total factor productivity (TFP) will contribute at least 35% to economic growth.

c/ Information and communications

To promote the development of digital and information technology infrastructure facilities, thereby increasing the proportion of digital economy in each sector or field. Such modern technologies as cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), big data, blockchain, etc., will be widely applied. Smart urban services will be developed and fully provided in the province. To build a professional, humane and modern press and communications sector. By 2030, to maintain and gradually increase the ranking of Quang Binh province in the Digital Government Index for provinces and cities throughout the country; to strive for the target that over 80% of local adults will have e-payment accounts; to build and develop 5G and 6G mobile networks to all urban areas, and commune, ward and township centers in the province; to lay underground 30-35% of the province’s total peripheral cable network infrastructure facilities; to lay underground 45-55% of urban peripheral cable network infrastructure facilities; to increase the rate of shared use of passive telecommunications infrastructure facilities to more than 70%.

d/ Health and people’s health care  

To create a remarkable progress in the protection of, care for, and improvement of, the people’s health in the new situation in the province; to improve both physical and mental health, stature, life expectancy and living quality of the people; to reduce the morbidity rate and disease-induced mortality rate and ensure food safety, thus contributing to increasing the life expectancy and basic health indicators of the people; to consolidate, and raise the capacity and operation efficiency of, the health care system from the provincial level to the grassroots level, thereby ensuring that every person will be eligible for health management and care and effective disease prevention and control; to develop the province’s health system toward fairness, efficiency, quality and sustainability; to gradually integrate and combine health care with tourism development; to improve the competitiveness of the production and provision of pharmaceuticals and health services.

By 2030, to basically address the situation of overload at medical examination and treatment establishments; the numbers of patient beds, medical doctors and pharmacists per 10,000 people will reach over 50, 14, and over 3, respectively; the mortality rate of under-5 and under-1 children will be reduced to below 1.2% and 1%, respectively; over 90% of the total population will be satisfied with health services.

dd/ Education and training

To develop the education and training scale in a rational and firm manner in parallel with making investment in upgrading physical foundations and improving the quality of teachers; to diversify education and training forms in order to increase education resources, scale and chances for everyone; to pay attention to education for people with disabilities; to attach importance to education for ethnic minority people; to comprehensively develop the cause of education toward standardization, synchronization and modernization; to apply information technology in education and training activities, attaching importance to 3 objectives: raising the people’s intellectual standards, training human resources, and fostering talented people.

By 2030, all primary schools, over 85% of early childhood schools, and 95% of lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools will attain national standards; all districts, towns and cities will attain pre-primary education universalization standards; the rate of malnourished children in early childhood education institutions will fall to below 2.5%; all children of school age will be able to go to school.

e/ Vocational education, labor and employment

To continue renewing and creating a remarkable progress in training quality and efficiency of vocational education; to develop the system of vocational education institutions with diverse training methods and levels, particularly high-quality training in the direction of application and practice, in order to meet the labor market’s demand for trained human resources both in quantity and quality and structure of occupations and qualification levels. Every year, the province’s labor market will be supplied with 20,000 skilled workers. Vocational education institutions in the province will have to train 25,000 trainees per year and enroll 17,000 new students every year.

To improve the quality of the state management of labor and employment in conformity with the national development trend; to expand and increase capacity of enterprises engaged in the provision of services of sending persons abroad to work as guest workers and develop these enterprises to meet the province’s demand for offshore employment; to implement regimes and policies toward workers in order to achieve the goal of establishing harmonious, stable and progressive industrial relations in enterprises; to strive to reduce the general unemployment rate to 2.3% in the 2021-2025 period, which shall be maintained at below 2.1% in the 2025-2030 period.

g/ Social security

To strive to achieve the goal of sustainable poverty reduction combined with the socio-economic development goal, prioritizing improvement of the people’s livelihood in order to generate stable incomes for sustainable poverty reduction and limit poverty relapse; to ensure social security, improve living standards, and increase incomes for the people, especially those in communes hit by extreme difficulties and communes where a large ethnic minority population lives; to create favorable conditions for the poor and poor households to get convenient access to basic social services; to enhance the leadership and direction by, and mobilize the involvement of, the entire political system to guarantee the exercise of children’s rights and protect children; to direct the prevention and combat of social evils, particularly drug-related evils; to concentrate efforts on implementing preferential regimes and policies for people with meritorious services to the revolution.

By 2030, all people hit by unexpected difficulties will receive timely assistance; 90% of people in special plight will be provided with social assistance services suitable to their needs, at least half of whom will receive comprehensive social assistance services.

h/ Culture and sports

To enhance the leadership from the provincial level to the grassroots level in organizing the family work; to integrate the family work and domestic violence prevention and control into the movement “all the people unite to build a cultured life”; to develop culture and sports in order to affirm the province’s role as an economic, cultural and tourist center and, at the same time, ensure the provision of quality and efficient services meeting the people’s ever-increasing demand for cultural enjoyment and physical exercise; to conserve and promote tangible and intangible cultural heritages in association with sustainable tourism development.

To strive for the target that by 2030, 90% of households and 95% of villages and residential quarters in the province will be conferred with cultured family or cultured village/residential quarter title; 90% of agencies, units and enterprises will attain the cultural standards; over 42% of local population will regularly do physical exercises or play sports; over 33% of local families will be conferred the title “sports families”.

3. Plans on organization of socio-economic activities

a/ Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

- In forest and mountainous areas (mainly in the province’s western areas): To plant, tend and zone off for nurturing and protection forests, particularly watershed protection forests, in association with eco-tourism development; to develop combined agro-forestry models, plant economic forests and indigenous timber trees of high economic value, develop non-timber forest products, medicinal plants, and silvopasture, and build material timber areas.

- In hilly areas (mainly in Bo Trach, Quang Trach and Tuyen Hoa districts): To rearrange rubber tree plantations and forestation areas toward development of crop varieties adaptable to climate change, such as water melon, lemongrass, grass for livestock production, rose myrtle, forest trees, industrial crops, fruit trees, medicinal plants, and material cassava. To plant Caribbean pine trees in hilly areas with arid soil and high gradient; peppercorn plants and gum trees in areas with thick arable soil layers; and large-timber forests and indigenous trees in remote and deep-lying areas; and trees for non-timber forest products in some areas.

- In delta areas (mainly in Quang Trach, Bo Trach, Quang Ninh and Le Thuy districts, and Ba Don town): These areas have advantages for developing crop production, livestock production and concentrated aquaculture. To step up the field plot accumulation and swap, expanding large-area fields under crops of high marketability and climate change adaptability; to form intensive farming areas combined with investment in crop production, livestock production and aquaculture models in order to increase the income value and economic efficiency per area unit; to restructure crops on low-yield rice fields, thereby forming concentrated production units; to develop concentrated, household-based or farm-based livestock production.

- In sandy coastal areas (6 coastal districts, towns and cities): To develop cash crops and vegetables up to VietGAP standards; to develop concentrated, household-based or farm-based livestock production (raising chicken, pigs, cattle, aquatic animals, etc.) in combination with planting of forage grass; to properly manage and protect protection forest areas, ect.

b/ Industry

- The industrial area in the north of the province, with its nuclei being Hon La economic zone; the industrial parks of Hon La seaport, Hon La II, western gateway, and Quang Trach; and the cottage industry zones of Quang Tho, Quang Long (Ba Don town), Canh Duong and Quang Trach center (Quang Trach district) and Thanh Trach (Bo Trach district): This area will serve as a driving force for the province’s industrial development in the 2021-2030 period with a number of key projects (Quang Trach Thermo-Power Plants I and II and gas-fueled power projects), and will become an industrial urban area where hi-tech projects and projects with environmentally friendly or advanced technologies will be prioritized, with such sub-industries as mechanical engineering, informatics-electronics, component assembly, aquatic product processing, salt industry, and electric power generation and distribution industry. Spaces of these industrial parks and cottage industry zones will be connected to spaces of economic zones and are opened seaward in order to ensure traffic convenience for export via seaports and, at the same time, maintain isolation from residential areas with large traffic systems.

- The industrial area in the province’s center: This industrial area is located in Dong Hoi city and its vicinities adjacent to Bo Trach and Quang Ninh districts. It consists of the industrial parks of Bo Trach, northern Dong Hoi, northwestern Dong Hoi and northwestern Quan Hau, and the cottage industry zones of Thuan Duc, Loc Ninh, Bac Nghia, Phu Hai, Nghia Ninh and Dong Son (Dong Hoi city), Nam Trach, Dai Trach and My Trach (Bo Trach district) and Quan Hau township (Quang Ninh district). In this industrial area, priority will be given to clean and environmentally friendly industries, while attracting consumer goods, labor-intensive and hi-tech industries producing garment and leather footwear and processing agro-forestry products for export, etc. These industrial parks and cottage industry zones are located in the west of Dong Hoi and Quan Hau urban areas and isolated from urban residential spaces with open spatial axes along major traffic routes and rivers and closely connected with other urban spaces in terms of spatial organization direction and assurance of convenient technical infrastructure connection. At the same time, to build social infrastructure facilities (particularly houses) to serve industrial park officers and workers, and cultural and sports institutions to serve workers.

- The southern industrial area: This area consists of Cam Lien and Bang industrial parks and the cottage industry zones of My Duc, Sen Thuy and Thai Thuy (Le Thuy district), and Nam Long, Gia Ninh, Hai Ninh, An Ninh, Tan Ninh and Hien Ninh (Quang Ninh district). Since this area is for development of intensive farming, industrial crops forest planting, so priority will be given to agro-forestry-fisheries product processing, construction material production and quarrying industries; and development of wind and solar power generation along the coast of Quang Ninh and Le Thuy districts.

- The key construction material production area of the province (production of other non-metallic minerals), which is located in the districts of Tuyen Hoa (Tien Hoa, Chau Hoa, Van Hoa and Phong Hoa; Tien Hoa and Tuyen Hoa center cottage industry zones), and Quang Ninh (Van Ninh): In this area, to tap the province’s potential and advantages in limestone materials with large reserves and high quality for development of the industry of producing construction materials, such as cement, clinker, industrial lime, high-quality calcium carbonate, etc.

c/ Trade: (i) Urban centers, including Dong Hoi city, Ba Don town and concentrated trade areas of district townships; (ii) coastal delta areas; (iii) mountainous rural areas; and (iv) border areas around border gates.

d/ Tourism: (i) Phong Nha-Ke Bang national tourist site; (ii) Dong Hoi city and adjacent sea tourist sites; (iii) the cultural, historical, wellness and nature experience tourism center in the south of the province; and (iv) the northern area of the province and Vung Chua-Dao Yen area.

dd/ Provincial-, district- and commune-level politico-administrative, educational, health, cultural, physical training and sports, and information and communications works are located in city, town, district, commune, ward and township centers.

4. Plans on development of transport networks

a/ Plans on development of national transport infrastructure facilities

- National highways, expressways, railways, waterways and airways will be developed under national master plans.

- Inland container depots: To plan Cha Lo inland container depot on an area of 5-10 hectares, with a cargo throughput of 13,500-27,000 TEU for connection mainly with Hon La seaport; to consider developing inland container depots in economic zones, industrial parks, on national highways 8 and 12A and in logistics centers; to prioritize locations where inland container depots can be associated with logistics centers and conveniently connected to seaports, roads, railways, inland waterways and river-sea routes.

b/ Plans on development of provincial-level transport infrastructure facilities

- Roads: The provincial road system consists of 31 routes while the coastal road system consists of 8 routes. Urban, district and commune roads shall be built under urban, rural and district and inter-district area master plans. To plan 22 car terminals in districts, towns and cities.

- Inland waterways: In addition to the 3 centrally managed inland waterways, to plan 10 locally managed inland waterways. To develop inland waterway ports and landing stages under master plans on inland waterway infrastructure, technical and specialized master plans and other relevant master plans and in accordance with relevant regulations.

(Details are provided in Appendices I, II, III and IV to this Decision).

5. Plans on development of the electricity system (electricity supply network)

To develop electricity sources in accordance with the province’s socio-economic development orientations and national electricity master plans; to continue upgrading and renovating the existing 500 kV, 220 kV and 110 kV transformer stations and transmission lines and building new ones, and medium- and low-voltage transmission lines hooked to new electricity sources to meet the increasing load demand, especially in economic zones, industrial parks and cottage industry zones; to gradually replace intermediary transformer stations with 110 kV ones or new medium-voltage feeder lines; to step by step lay underground the existing medium- and low-voltage electricity networks; to ensure attainment and maintenance of electricity criteria according to the national criteria on new-style countryside building; to ensure safe and stable electricity supply for remote and deep-lying areas.

(Details are provided in Appendices V and VI to this Decision)

6. Plans on development of information and communications infrastructure facilities

- Telecommunications: To continue upgrading capacity and technology of, and expanding, the North-South transmission lines running through the province; to establish terrestrial satellite stations for receiving and processing maritime emergency, safety and rescue signals via satellite systems (LUS, LES); to relocate the Dong Hoi Radio Broadcasting Center of the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) to the new location in Quang Ninh district; to continue investing and upgrading underground technical infrastructure facilities, lay underground peripheral networks, develop technical infrastructure facilities of passive telecommunications and IoT, etc.

- Post: To upgrade and develop the network of post offices, postal service spots with modern equipment; to develop postal agents and offices in industrial parks, tourist sites and densely populated areas; to transform postal business models in order to improve the operation efficiency of postal service spots; to build the system of postal address codes in association with digital maps, Vpostcodes, QR codes and PostID codes of the people; to digitalize the provision of traiditional postal services based on PostID platform.

- Information technology: To upgrade and develop modern and complete information technology infrastructure facilities; to build more wide-area networks on the basis of special-use data transmission networks in order to ensure high-speed information and data connection and sharing among state agencies; to complete local government service platforms (LGSPs); to build and uniformly apply the province’s identification and authentication verification platform; to develop the province’s e-data center, smart operation center and cyberinformation security supervision center to meet requirements of the building of an e-administration, development of a digital administration and provision of smart urban services; to develop the hardware, software and digital content industry and information and communications technology service industry.

7. Plans on development of the hydraulic-work and water supply network

a/ Plans on development of the inter-district hydraulic-work network

- Gianh river area and vicinities: To upgrade existing reservoirs and spillways, attaching special importance to upgrading and raising the water supply capacity of Vuc Tron reservoir to irrigate around 2,050 hectares of cultivation land and 150 hectares of aquaculture land and supply water for industrial and domestic use in Hon La economic zone; to supply water to Quang Chau clean water plant; to invest in building works to convey and regulate usable and exploitable water sources of reservoirs to the northern area of Bo Trach district; to upgrade and build complete sluice gates and embankments for saltwater intrusion prevention to increase their operation frequency; to study solutions to drain floods and mitigate inundation for the Phong Nha-Ke Bang area; to complete Rao Nan hydraulic-work system; to build Chau Giang reservoir (Quang Tien commune, Quang Trach district), Khe Da reservoir (Quang Minh, Ba Don), Na Hang reservoir (Phuc Trach commune, Bo Trach district), Cay Sen reservoir (Xuan Trach commune, Bo Trach district), etc., and pumping stations and small hydraulic structures in coastal sandy areas.

- Nhat Le river area: To complete the system of dikes and embankments along Le Ky and Nhat Le rivers to protect Dong Hoi city; to build new reservoirs (Bang and Khe Van) to create water sources to irrigate cultivation land areas, supply water for aquaculture and domestic use in residential areas and mitigate floods for Le Thuy and Quang Ninh areas; to study solutions to mitigate inundation for Le Thuy and Quang Ninh areas and Dong Hoi city; to upgrade and modernize the system of sluice gates for saltwater intrusion prevention and freshwater retention in My Trung, Quang Ninh district; to completely build flood spillways and the system of canals and ditches of Trooc Trau reservoir to ensure water supply and drought combat.

- Other facilities: To build Khe Doi reservoir (Minh Hoa district), pumping stations, small hydraulic structures and reservoirs in coastal sandy areas to irrigate cash crops and supply water for domestic use; to upgrade and improve the system of reservoirs and dams in the province in order to ensure safety for works and downstream areas; to complete the system of internal embankments in association with the dredging of drainage canals, and upgrade and solidify river dikes and embankments.

b/ Plans on development of the inter-district water supply network     

- Urban water supply: To apply the method of inter-urban water supply (Dong Hoi - Quang Ninh; Ba Don - Quang Trach district center, etc.); to rationally operate the existing water supply works; to upgrade the existing water supply works and build new ones in conformity with urban development.

- Industrial water supply: For industrial parks that are located outside or far from urban centers, water supply facilities shall be built depending on water sources in each area.

- Rural water supply: To build new water supply systems consisting of treatment facilities and pipelines in communes where no water supply system exists; to combine these systems with a number of previously built works in order to form clusters of water supply facilities to regulate and support one another.

(Details are provided in Appendix VII to this Decision).

8. Plans on development of waste treatment facilities

- Domestic solid waste treatment facilities: To build 2 solid waste treatment complexes in Ly Trach commune (Bo Trach district) and Quang Tien and Quang Luu communes (Quang Trach district); to upgrade and expand solid waste treatment facilities in Truong Thuy commune (Le Thuy district) and Vinh Ninh commune (Quang Ninh district), Cha Lo solid treatment facility in Dan Hoa commune (Minh Hoa district); to build Thuong Trach solid waste treatment facility; to build solid waste incinerators in remote communes that are difficult to access.

- Construction solid waste treatment facilities: To build plants for sorting and recycling construction solid wastes in combination with solid waste landfills in Loc Ninh commune (Dong Hoi city), and Quang Tien and Quang Luu communes (Quang Trach district); and build 7 solid waste landfills in districts and towns.

- Hazardous industrial solid waste treatment facilities (using incineration technology): These facilities will be built in Hong Hoa commune (Minh Hoa district); Quang Tien and Quang Luu communes (Quang Trach district); and Vinh Ninh commune (Quang Ninh district).

- Hospital solid waste treatment facilities: To maintain and operate the existing hazardous solid waste treatment facilities in hospitals (using the autoclave technology).

9. Plans on development of social infrastructure and other infrastructure facilities

a/ Trade and service infrastructure facilities

- By 2030, the province will have 183 markets. In cities, towns, townships and industrial parks, to build grocery stores and convenience stores near concentrated residential areas and traffic routes. In rural areas, to locate grocery stores in commune cluster centers, inter-district and inter-commune markets, and industrial spots. To develop trade centers and the system of modern supermarkets in urban centers and commune centers under urban master plans, rural master plans and relevant master plans.

- By 2030, to build 3 petrol and oil depots in Hon La economic zone; to expand and upgrade 2 petrol and oil depots in Thanh Trach (Bo Trach district); to build 1 liquefied natural gas depot in Hon La economic zone. The building of petrol, oil and gas depots in the province will be based on the master plan on petrol, oil and gas reserve and supply infrastructure facilities and relevant master plans approved by competent authorities.

- Import-export and logistics service centers will be located in seaports, economic zones and land border gates.

b/ Education and training infrastructure facilities

By 2030, the province will have some 199 early childhood schools, 187 primary schools, 170 lower secondary schools, and 34 upper secondary schools. To develop the Quang Binh continuing education center into a training and working capacity improvement center; to update and additionally provide knowledge and train skills for everyone; to consolidate and develop centers for nurturing and education of children with disabilities; to establish, or upgrade one of the existing centers for education of children with disabilities into, a provincial-level inclusive education development support center; to develop Quang Binh University into a prestigious and quality multi-level and multi-disciplinary training center, and consider establishing a upper secondary school and technology research and transfer center attached to the University.

(Details are provided in Appendix VIII to this Decision).

c/ Vocational education, labor and employment, and social security infrastructure facilities

- By 2030, there will be 2 employment service establishments managed by the province; to develop at least 1 or 2 more non-public enterprise(s) with the function of sending persons abroad to work as guest workers.

- By 2030, the province will have at least 20 vocational education institutions, including 12-14 public ones and 6-8 non-public ones.

(Details are provided in Appendix IX to this Decision).

- To maintain the existing 7 establishments providing social assistance to and nurturing people with meritorious services to the revolution; to intensify investment in upgrading and expanding these establishments to increase tneir operation capacity; to build 9 more establishments by 2030.

(Details are provided in Appendix X to this Decision).

d/ Health and health care infrastructure facilities

By 2030, the province’s system of public health establishments will have 9 public hospitals, 8 district-level medical centers, 151 commune-level medical stations, and units engaged in preventive medicine, disease control, food safety and hygiene, population, and testing; to develop the system of non-public health establishments in urban areas and densely populated areas to better meet the people’s needs for medical examination and treatment and health care.

(Details are provided in Appendix XI to this Decision).

dd/ Cultural and sports infrastructure facilities

The system of cultural and sports institutions will be completely built at the three administrative levels. All industrial parks in the province will have sufficient cultural and sports institutions to serve cultural and physical training activities of workers. The network of historical relics and scenic spots will be arranged in clusters or along traffic routes, including: (1) Key relics along the Truong Son road within the heritage area and its vicinities; (2) Relics in Dong Hoi city; (3) Relics and scenic spots in association with Ngang mountain pass and its northern vicinities; (4) Relics in Tuyen and Minh Hoa districts; (5) Relics in Quang Ninh district; and (6) Historical relics associated with the Bang eco-tourism site.

(Details are provided in Appendix XII to this Decision).

e/ Tourism infrastructure facilities

To mobilize resources for investment in completing technical infrastructure facilities, ensuring full satisfaction of conditions for proposing the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism to recognize the Phong Nha-Ke Bang national tourism site; to attract investment in building technical infrastructure facilities in major tourism centers and tourism spots, especially in the Phong Nha-Ke Bang area (Bo Trach district), Vung Chua-Dao Yen area (Quang Trach district), Nhat Le-Bao Ninh area (Dong Hoi city), Quang Tho ward (Ba Don town), Hai Ninh commune (Quang Ninh district), Trung Hoa and Tan Hoa communes (Minh Hoa district), and Kim Thuy and Ngan Thuy communes (Le Thuy district), and cultural and historical tourism sites and spots in the south of the province; to develop golf courses and sports complexes associated with wellness tourism and urban centers in appropriate locations in accordance with land-use master plans and other relevant master plans and regulations.

g/ Science and technology infrastructure facilities

To build the Metrological Standard Center in Dong Phu ward (Dong Hoi city); to invest in upgrading the Scientific and Technological Experiment Station in Vinh Ninh commune (Quang Ninh district) to serve the testing and development of plant varieties and livestock breeds in the province; to invest in raising the operation capacity of the Science and Technology Application and Statistics Center in Dong Hoi city to serve high technology research and development for the production and processing of scientific and technological products; to intensify investment in physical foundations and equipment in order to raise the province’s science and technology potential.

h/ Public communications

To build the province’s capable multi-media press agencies that are able to apply modern technologies; to facilitate the convergence of press agencies and publications, modeling of digital transformation, and application of IoT, AI and big data technologies; to develop printing establishments to meet the market’s demand; to develop the publication distribution network, giving priority to remote, deep-lying and border areas; to reorganize and merge district-level radio and television stations with other non-business units in districts; to upgrade, modernize and digitalize equipment and devices; to develop transmission and broadcasting infrastructure facilities to meet requirements of technology and service convergence; to concentrate resources on establishing commune-level radio stations or transforming the existing ones by means of application of information-telecommunications technology; to install public e-bulletins in district, town and city centers connected with the provincial and central source information systems; to build the province’s external information database; to upgrade the external information cluster of the Cha Lo international border gate.

i/ Fire prevention and fighting infrastructure facilities

By 2030, to continue renovating and upgrading physical foundations, accommodations, and working facilities of officers and soldiers of the Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue Police force to meet practical requirements of fire prevention and fighting activities; to continue investing in building and upgrading offices of the Fire and Rescue Brigade in the north of the province; to invest in building working offices of the fire and rescue brigades in Tuyen Minh area and Le Thuy district area.

Water supply, road and information and communication systems to serve fire prevention and fighting activities will continue to be upgraded and completely improved in compliance with fire prevention and fighting, salvage and rescue regulations.

k/ System of road border gates

By 2030, road border gates in the province will include: (1) Cha Lo international border gate (at present, there exists the road international border gate; in the future, a railway international border gate will be built); (2) Ca Roong border gate (auxiliary border gate); (3) Chut Mut border gate (which will be upgraded into a main border gate); and (4) Doc May border gate (an auxiliary border gate will be built).

10. National defense and security

To build the all-people national defense system and all-people national defense posture in association with the firm people’s security posture; to combine socio-economic development with the assurance of national defense and security and building of the defense zone; to synchronously implement solutions to maintain security and social order and safety; to enhance cyberinformation security.                


1. Plans on development of functional zones and cottage industry zones

a/ Plans on development of the system of economic zones and industrial parks

- Hon La economic zone shall be developed into a general economic zone, focusing on developing the power industry, supporting industries, and a cargo transhipment and cruise ship service port.

- Cha Lo border-gate economic zone shall be developed into an economic and urban center in the west of the province, a transhipment hub and a goods import-export and service center of the province with Laos and Thailand.

- Industrial parks: by 2030, there will be 10 industrial zones covering a total of around 2,285 ha.

(Details are provided in Appendix XIII to this Decision.)

b/ Plans on development of cottage industry zones

To build 38 cottage industry zones on a total area of around 757 ha by 2030 with the goal of promoting the multi-sector development.

(Details are provided in Appendix IX to this Decision.)

c/ Plans on development of the system of tourist sites and attractions

- The Phong Nha - Ke Bang tourist site will develop special tourism products, including cave exploration and such main types of tourism as eco-nature conservation tourism, community tourism, wellness tourism, and cultural-historical tourism; research and exploration of biodiversity, indigenous culture and archaeological relics. The tourism space in this area lies on the Ho Chi Minh road as the main linking space for tourism exploitation in the western region.

- Dong Hoi city and adjacent sea tourism areas (connected via national highway 1A and the coastal road system) will develop types of high-class tourism associated with sea-wellness (resorts, golf courses and high-class leisure), cultural-historical tourism, various types of entertainment and leisure, etc.

- The cultural-historical and wellness tourism and nature exploration center in the south of the province (mainly in Le Thuy district and part of Quang Ninh district; connected with national highway 1A, coastal roads, Ho Chi Minh road and lateral roads) will develop cultural-historical tourism, tourism associated with great personalities, wellness and nature exploration, etc.

- The north of the province and Vung Chua - Dao Yen area (covering districts and towns of Quang Trach, Ba Don, Tuyen Hoa and Minh Hoa; connected via the national highway 12A) will develop cultural-historical tourism products and eco-tourism products based on advantages in natural resources, exploration tourism, adventure theme parks, etc.

d/ Plans on organization of concentrated agricultural production zones

To arrange concentrated production areas for rice, maize, cassava, peanuts, assorted vegetables, fruit trees, medicinal plants, rubber trees, peppercorn plants in regions with suitable terrain and area and close to consumption or processing locations; to develop cattle and poultry husbandry and indigenous livestock based on ecological areas; to develop forest spaces in headwater areas of Long Dai river and large reservoirs (the southwestern belt area); Gianh river and large reservoirs (the northwestern forest belt area); Roon river and large reservoirs (the northeastern forest belt area); to carry out onshore fishing (from the coast to the shoreline) and aquaculture along the river bank; to form organic and concentrated hi-tech agricultural zones for rice, vegetables, medicinal plants, fruit trees, beef cows, poultry, and saltwater and brackish water shrimps; to form concentrated organic production zones in potential localities.

2. Plans on the system of urban centers and rural areas

a/ Urban spatial development orientations: By 2030, there will be 16 urban areas, including 1 grade-II urban area (Dong Hoi); 1 grade-III urban area (Ba Don), 2 grade-IV urban areas (expanded Hoan Lao and Kien Giang); and 12 grade-V urban areas, including 6 existing urban areas (Dong Le, Phong Nha, Quan Hau, Quy Dat, Viet Trung farm, and Le Ninh farm) and 6 new urban areas (Hon La, Quang Phuong, Dinh Muoi, Tien Hoa, Cha Lo and Phuc Trach).

b/ To form medium- and large-scale concentrated residential areas that are conveniently linked with provincial, district and inter-district transport systems, and linked with inter-commune and inter-regional routes. Areas where urban housing is planned to be developed shall be harmonized with areas with developed infrastructure facilities under the provincial urban development program. To focus on developing residential areas in localities near industrial parks.

3. Plans on construction of inter-district areas

a/ The northern area covers Ba Don town and Minh Hoa, Tuyen Hoa and Quang Trach districts, Hon La economic zone, and Cha Lo border-gate economic zone with the central urban area being Ba Don town and Hon La economic zone. This will be a general economic development area that accommodates industrial production, economic trade-border gate exchange; agriculture, forestry, fisheries and other general commercial services. As it borders on the south of Ha Tinh province and north of Quang Binh province and links Vung Ang and Hon La economic zones, the province boasts strength to develop its marine economy and border gate economy.

b/ The central area covers Dong Hoi city, Bo Trach district and the north of Quang Ninh district (Quan Hau town, Luong Ninh and Vinh Ninh communes). This will be a general economic development area where trade, hi-quality, international-class tourism and multiple industries play the key role; to protect the Phong Nha - Ke Bang world natural heritage, and develop agriculture, forestry, fisheries and services supporting marine economy.

c/ The southern area covers Le Thuy district and communes of Quang Ninh district (excluding Quan Hau town, Luong Ninh and Vinh Ninh communes which have been included in the central area). This area will accommodate the development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, renewable energy generation, industries, cultural-historical, wellness and ecological tourism, new coastal urban areas, and services supporting the marine economy; and act as a bridge linking urban areas and provinces bordering Quang Binh to the south; to exploit the strengths of the south of Quang Binh province and the north of Quang Tri province in order to develop farms and tourism.


1. Plans on environmental protection and biodiversity conservation

a/ Plans on zoning of environmental protection areas

- Strictly protected areas include densely populated areas of grade-II urban centers; recognized historical and cultural relic protection areas; nature reserves; protection forests; domestic water supply areas or areas having other sensitive elements and subjects that need strict protection.

- Low-emission areas include buffer zones of strictly protected areas, buffer zones of natural heritage sites, biodiversity corridors, important wetlands, areas with high biodiversity, natural forest ecosystems, coral reefs, seagrass and aquatic ecosystems that need protection; densely populated areas of grade-IV and grade-V urban centers and concentrated rural residential areas, and tourism and service development areas.

- Other areas include remaining areas under the province’s management.

(Details are provided in Appendix XV to this Decision)

b/ To combine the use of appropriate technologies in the solid waste treatment; to develop an environmental monitoring network, covering specialized networks (baseline environmental monitoring, environmental impact monitoring, etc.).

c/ To conserve, develop and sustainably use biodiversity resources; to strictly manage and protect the existing natural forest area; to restore and improve the quality of natural forests to conserve biodiversity, use and provide forest environment services; to focus on forest development so that by 2030 the total large timber forest area will reach 30,000 ha and FSC-certified forest area will reach 30,000 ha; to develop the forestry infrastructure system to serve forest protection and development.

2. Plans on exploitation, use and protection of natural resources

To review existing mineral master plans, survey potential areas and propose new master plans on mines that are capable of meeting the mineral demand of projects in the province by 2030 and the following years.

- In the 2021-2025 period: To plan the exploration, exploitation and processing of 95 mines and mining spots on a total of around 1,993 ha with projected total reserves of around 219.1 million tons, 107.13 million m3 and 2.5 liters of mineral water per second.

- In the 2026-2030 period: To continue investing in the exploration and exploitation of existing spots planned for the 2021-2025 period, and at the same time plan the protection, exploration, exploitation and processing of 51 mining spots on a total area of around 657 ha.

(Details are provided in Appendix XVI to this Decision.)

3. Plans on exploitation, use and protection of water resources; prevention, control and remediation of water-caused harms

a/ Function-based zoning of water sources: Region I - Roon river basin and its adjacent areas; Region II - upstream area of Gianh river; Region III - the midland and Gianh river delta; Region IV - Dinh and Ly Hoa river basins; Region V - Nhat Le river basin.

b/ The order of priority for distribution of water sources is as follows: (1) For domestic use; (2) for maintaining minimum flows of rivers and streams; (3) for industrial use, giving priority to important industrial parks and economic zones in the province; (4) for agricultural use; (5) for other service sectors.

c/ To determine backup sources for supply of domestic water. To build a network of monitoring and supervision of water resource exploitation and use; to set orientations for water regulation, exploitation and use works and develop water resources in the planning period in order to improve the water exploitation and use efficiency of regulation works, especially the water regulation in water shortage months in different regions.

4. Plans on disaster prevention and control and response to climate change

Zoning of risks for each type of disasters in the province, including typhoons and tropical depressions; flash floods; landslides; saltwater infiltration, drought; water shortage; extreme cold; to continue investing in upgrading and repairing existing dikes, particularly dikes at strategic locations; to build a number of river and sea dike sections under master plans. By 2030, to consolidate river dike sections to control rainy season floods with a flood-hit frequency of 2%, summer-autumn floods with a flood-hit frequency of 10%; the sea dike system to cope with high tides with a frequency of 5% equivalent to magnitude-10 storms; to ensure flood drainage, flow rate and dike safety for the construction of works spanning diked rivers under anti-flood plans for diked river sections and dike master plans under current regulations and standards.


1. Allocation of land use targets: By 2030, the total natural land area will be 799,876 hectares, in which the agricultural land area will be 715,987 hectares; non-agricultural land area, 75,878 hectares; unused land area, 8,011 hectares.

(Details are provided in Appendix XVII to this Decision.)

2. Plans on land recovery: By 2030, the total area of all types of land to be recovered will be around 16,701 hectares, including 15,074 hectares of agricultural land; 1,627 hectares of non-agricultural land.

3. Plans on land repurposing: By 2030, the total area of all types of land to be repurposed will be around 40,126 hectares, including 17,569 hectares of agricultural land repurposed to non-agricultural land; 21,445 hectares of agricultural land with a changed land use restructure; 1,112 hectares of non-agricultural non-residential land repurposed to agricultural land.

4. Plans on putting of unused land into use: By 2030, the total unused land areas put into use for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes in the province will be around 9,078 hectares, of which 7,171 hectares will be used for agricultural purposes; and 1,907 hectares for non-agricultural purposes.


(Details are provided in Appendix  XVIII to this Decision.)


1. Investment capital mobilization solutions

To further accelerating the administrative reform; to improve the investment and business environment and provincial competitiveness to mobilize investment capital from all economic sectors; to efficiently use public investment funds, make selective and focused investment in key sectors and fields and projects expected to create spillover effects and promote socio-economic development; to diversify investment forms and promote the form of public-private partnership (PPP) investment and other investment forms and, at the same time, intensify investment promotion at home and abroad to mobilize investment capital sources for infrastructure development and production and business projects in the province.

2. Human resource development solutions

Human resource development solutions that will be prioritized for implementation include: (i) To raise the awareness about the role of human resource development in sustainable development; (ii) To enhance the state management of human resource development; (iii) To effectively implement the human resource planning and development to meet the social demand; (iv) To improve human resources’ physical strength; (v) To train and further train human resources; (vi) To improve the recruitment, training and further training work in order to improve human resource quality; (vii) To bring into full play resources and ensuring funds for human resource development.

3. Environmental protection solutions

To raise the state management capacity for environmental protection,  focusing on investing in environmental protection facilities; to rationally exploit, economically and sustainably use mineral resources, protect marine and coastal environment, prevent land degradation, efficiently and sustainably use land resources, protect and sustainably use water resources, and protect the existing forest coverage; to adopt a mechanism for effective management of all types of wastes, particularly solid waste and wastewater; to improve the awareness and mobilize the participation of all stakeholders in environmental protection and green growth.

4. Science, technology and innovation development solutions

To intensify the transfer and application of scientific and technological advances in production and business activities, particularly hi-tech agriculture, information, communications and digital transformation, tourism, health care and environment; to step up the economic transformation based on digital technology and digital platforms, ICT digital economy, Internet-based digital economy and sectoral digital economy; to expand scientific cooperation with central scientific and technological organizations and international organizations in order to transfer and apply as soon as possible new scientific advances.

5. Development linkage mechanism and policy solutions

Regarding domestic cooperation, to attach importance to fostering relationships with domestic partners in order to achieve the following important objectives: (i) To link the province’s economic sectors with complementary fields in other provinces and cities so as to create synergies and bring about greater socio-economic benefits for the province; (ii) To provide technical assistance to socio-cultural fields in the province.

Regarding international cooperation, to focus on the following solutions: (i) To take the initiative and be active in international integration with economic integration regarded as the focus; (ii) To promote in-depth, practical and effective cooperative ties with foreign localities and partners, particularly those that have established relations; (iii) To closely combine external relations with national defense and security, thus contributing to maintaining a peaceful and stable environment for development.

6. Urban and rural development management and control solutions

To regard the urban and rural development as the key work for long-term and sustainable development of the province. The previous chapters have presented detailed development goals as well as growth initiatives for both urban and rural areas in the province. The province will put forth specific solutions to manage the urban and rural development in order to support and promote the economic growth while minimizing negative impacts on the society and environment.

7. Solutions to raise the effectiveness of the state administrative apparatus

To step up the administrative reform and public finance reform; to build and develop an e-government, intensify the application of information technology in processing administrative procedures and providing online public services; to renew and complete the process of formulating legal documents toward modernity and professionalism.

To reorganize the streamline-oriented state administrative apparatus in order to put an end to the duplication and overlapping of functions and tasks; to reform the official-duty regime, strictly abide by administrative discipline and order, and and raise the use efficiency of working time of cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers.

8. Master Plan implementation and supervision solutions

To publicize the Master Plan in various forms, thereby creating high public consensus in the master plan implementation.

To review, modify and supplement existing general master plans, district area construction master plans, district-level land use master plans and other master plans, and formulate new ones in accordance with the planning law.

To formulate plans of action, and regularly update such plans of action for concretizing the Master Plan’s contents into 5-year and annual plans. All administration levels, sectors and district-level People’s Committees shall review, modify and supplement development programs and plans to ensure their conformity with the approved Master Plan. In the course of implementation, to regularly evaluate and supervise the implementation of the Master Plan under regulations.


A detailed list of maps of the Master Plan is provided in Appendix XIX to this Decision.

Article 2. The Master Plan serves as a basis for the formulation of urban and rural master plans and technical and specialized master plans in the province in accordance with relevant regulations.

1. The People’s Committee of Quang Binh province shall:

a/ Organize the announcement and public notification of the Master Plan after it is approved by the Prime Minister in accordance with the planning law.

b/ Review and complete the system of diagrams, maps and databases in the Master Plan’s dossier in accordance with law and in conformity with contents of the Master Plan approval decision.

c/ Formulate and submit for promulgation the Plan on implementation of the Master Plan; to organize the implementation of the Master Plan in association with directing the performance of the province’s socio-economic development tasks; to evaluate the implementation of the Master Plan in accordance with the Planning Law.

d/ Study, formulate and promulgate according to its competence, or submit to competent authorities for promulgation mechanisms and policies to attract investment, ensure financial resources, social security, national defense and security, develop human resources, science and technology, and protect the environment so as to fulfill the objectives, perform tasks and implement orientations set in the Master Plan.

dd/ Formulate and modify urban and rural master plans and technical and specialized master plans to ensure consistency and synchronization with the approved Master Plan; intensify inspection and examination of the implementation of the Master Plan; strictly handle organizations and individuals that violate the Master Plan.

e/ Review and report to the Prime Minister for consideration and approval modifications of the Master Plan to ensure its consistency with national and regional master plans decided or approved by competent authorities under Point c, Clause 1, Article 2 of the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 61/2022/QH15 of June 16, 2022.

g/ For projects planned for investment after 2030 that need to be invested to serve the socio-economic development and are capable of mobilizing sufficient resources for their implementation, report them to competent authorities for approval of investment as soon as possible.

2. The Chairperson of the People’s Committee of Quang Binh province shall take full responsibility before law and the Prime Minister for the accuracy of contents, information, data, documents, maps and databases in the Master Plan’s dossier; the synchronization and consistency of master plans to avoid overlapping and conflicts.

3. The approval of, or decision on, investment policy and implementation of investment programs, projects and schemes in the province, including also projects not yet identified in sector development plans, plans on development of functional zones, technical and social infrastructure facilities, and the list of projects and their order of priority for investment promulgated together with this Decision, must comply with Article 1 of this Decision and other relevant master plans (if any), thereby ensuring implementation thereof according to law-specified order, procedures, competence and relevant current regulations; at the same time, investment policy deciders shall take full responsibility before law for their decisions.

4. In the course of implementation of specific projects, agencies competent to approve or decide on investment policy shall take full responsibility before law for determining project locations, areas, scale and capacity and investment phases, thereby ensuring the conformity with the province’s practical conditions and development requirements in each period.

Article 3. Related ministries and sectors shall, within the ambit of their assigned functions and tasks, guide the People’s Committee of Quang Binh province in proposing mechanisms, policies and solutions in accordance with law in order to mobilize resources for the efficient implementation of the Master Plan.

Article 4. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 5. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and the Chairperson of the People’s Committee of Quang Binh province shall implement this Decision.-

For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister

* The Appendices to this Decision are not translated.

[1]  Công Báo Nos 681-682 (26/4/2023)

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