Decision 1516/QD-TTg 2023 approving the Master Plan of Hai Phong city for the 2021-2030 period

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Decision No. 1516/QD-TTg dated December 2, 2023 of the Prime Minister approving the Master Plan of Hai Phong city for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:1516/QD-TTgSigner:Tran Hong Ha
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:02/12/2023Effect status:

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Fields:Construction , Policy


The Master Plan of Hai Phong city for the 2021-2030 period

On December 2, 2023 of the Prime Minister issues Decision No. 1516/QD-TTg approving the Master Plan of Hai Phong city for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050.

1. By 2050, Hai Phong will be a large seaport city in the region and the world with three pillars of development: seaport-logistic services; green, smart, modern industry and international marine tourism center; the city’s population will be about 4.5 million, with a high level of development among top cities in Asia and the world.

2. Hai Phong city’s gross regional domestic product (GRDP) contribution to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) by 2030 will reach about 6.8%. The average GRDP growth rate in the 2021-2030 period will increase by roughly 13.5%/year with the industry-construction sector increasing by about 15.3%/year (with industry increasing by 15.8%/year and construction, by 12.2%/year); the service sector, around 12.5%/year; and agro-forestry-fisheries, about 0.9%/year;

3. To prioritize the development of key industries that lead the city’s economic growth, including:

  • Electronic products and information technology;
  • Seaport and logistic services
  • Trade.

To strive for the target that these three groups of industries will account for 55-60% of the added value in the city by 2030.

This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.
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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 1516/QD-TTg


Hanoi, December 2, 2023



Approving the Master Plan of Hai Phong city for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050[1]



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government; and the November 22, 2019 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration;

Pursuant to the November 24, 2017 Planning Law;

Pursuant to the June 15, 2018 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of Eleven Laws Concerning Planning;

Pursuant to the November 20, 2018 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of Thirty-Seven Laws Concerning Planning;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 61/2022/QH15 of June 16, 2022, on continuing to raise the effect and effectiveness of implementation of planning policies and laws and a number of solutions to remove difficulties and obstacles, speed up the progress of formulation and improve the quality of master plans for the 2021-2030 period;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 81/2023/QH15 of January 9, 2023, on the National Overall Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP of May 7, 2019, detailing a number of articles of the Planning Law;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 58/2023/ND-CP of August 12, 2023, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP of May 7, 2019, detailing a number of articles of the Planning Law;

Pursuant to the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 45-NQ/TW of January 24, 2019, on development of Hai Phong city up to 2030, with a vision toward 2045;

Pursuant to Resolution No. 108/NQ-CP of November 26, 2019, promulgating the Government’s Action Program to implement the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 45-NQ/TW of January 24, 2019, on construction and development of Hai Phong city.

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1412/QD-TTg of September 15, 2020, approving the task of formulating the Master Plan of Hai Phong city for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

At the proposal of the People’s Committee of Hai Phong city in Report No. 129/TTr-UBND of September 29, 2023, Official Dispatch No. 2619/UBND-TH dated October 25, 2023, Report No. 363/BC-UBND of October 25, 2023, Official Dispatch No. 2747/UBND-TH of November 6, 2023, and Official Dispatch No. 2916/UBND-TH of November 22, 2023, approving the Master Plan of Hai Phong city for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050; Report No. 5588/BC-HDTD of July 14, 2023, on appraisal results, of the Council for Appraisal of Provincial Master Plans  for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050; and Official Dispatch No. 7896/BKHDT-QLQH of September 25, 2023, of the Ministry of Planning and Investment,



Article 1. To approve the Master Plan of Hai Phong city for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050 (below referred to as the Master Plan) with the following main contents:


The scope and boundary of the Master Plan of Hai Phong city embrace the entire mainland territory of Hai Phong city and the marine space determined in accordance with relevant laws.


1. Development viewpoints

a/ The Master Plan must be consistent and synchronized with national development orientations and visions, the spirit of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 30-NQ/TW of November 23, 2022, on socio-economic development and assurance of national defense and security in the Red River Delta up to 2030, with a vision toward 2045, the country’s socio-economic development strategy, national strategies, national-level master plans, the Master Plan on the Red River Delta for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050, and the Resolution of the 16th Congress of the Hai Phong Municipal Party Committee; proactively seize opportunities, promote the city’s special advantage as the “main gateway to the sea” of the North, and build Hai Phong into a modern marine economic center, economic connection center and driving force for development of the Red River Delta, the North and the whole country.

b/ To focus on developing a number of modern fields of science and technology, especially the marine economic field, so that Hai Phong can truly take the lead in the national industrialization and modernization cause, soon become a city with a modern industry-service sector and hi-tech, organic, green and circular agriculture associated with digital transformation, and a modern, international marine economic center.

c/ To build and develop Hai Phong city on the basis of effectively exploiting advantages, potential, correlations and linkages with the northern coastal provinces, the Red River Delta region, and the northern provinces, and international connections; to reasonably expand and distribute development space, closely linking the process of industrialization and modernization with urbanization.

d/ To closely combine economic, cultural, social and environmental development with assurance of national defense, security and external relations, contributing to safeguarding national sovereignty over the sea and islands; to ensure the safety of life and production of the people and businesses both in the mainland and on the sea and islands; to promote comprehensive, extensive, flexible and effective international integration, focusing on international economic integration and making of the full use of international resources for socio-economic development.

dd/ To complete a synchronous and modern technical and social infrastructure system, first of all, prioritize the building of transport infrastructure facilities to smoothly connect seaports with the inland regions, thus serving as a basis for the strong development of logistics services and infrastructure for the development of digital economy, digital society and digital government.

e/ To use efficiently and economically resources, especially land resources, water resources, forest resources, marine resources and minerals; to develop green economy and circular economy; to protect the environment, conserve nature and improve the quality of biodiversity; to proactively prevent and control disasters, adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Vision toward 2050

Hai Phong will be a large seaport city in the region and the world with three pillars of development: seaport-logistic services; green, smart, modern industry and international marine tourism center; the city’s population will be about 4.5 million, with a high level of development among top cities in Asia and the world. To transform the growth model toward greenizing economic sectors, applying the circular economy model based on science and technology, applying digital technology and digital transformation, developing green, sustainable infrastructure, and building a green lifestyle. The people will be entitled to high-quality social services; the social security system will be sustainable; social assistance services will be diverse and professional, and promptly support and protect vulnerable subjects. Fine cultural values ​​and identities will be preserved and promoted. The living environment will be good, nature-friendly and adaptive to climate change.

3. Development objectives up to 2030

a/ General objectives

To build and develop Hai Phong into a major seaport city, leading the country in the cause of industrialization, modernization and digital transformation; act as the driving force for development of the North and the whole country with  modern, smart and sustainable industries and a synchronous and modern transportation infrastructure system conveniently connected to other regions in the country and to the world by road, rail, sea, air and inland waterway; a leading modern marine economic center up to international level in Southeast Asia with seaport services, logistics and marine tourism being the focuses; and an international center for education, training, research, application and development of science and technology. The people’s material and spiritual lives will be constantly improved to be on par with typical cities in Asia; social order and safety guaranteed; and national defense and security maintained.

b/ Specific objectives and targets

- Economically:

(1) Hai Phong city’s gross regional domestic product (GRDP) contribution to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) by 2030 will reach about 6.8%. The average GRDP growth rate  in the 2021-2030 period will increase by roughly 13.5%/year with the industry-construction sector increasing by about 15.3%/year (with industry increasing by 15.8%/year and construction, by 12.2%/year); the service sector, around 12.5%/year; and agro-forestry-fisheries, about 0.9%/year;

(2) Economic structure: The industry-construction sector will account for 51.7% (with industry accounting for 46.8%); service sector, 43.2%; agro-forestry-fisheries, 1%; and taxes less subsidies on products, 4.1%;

(3) Per capita GRDP (calculated at the current price) will be about VND 558 million, equivalent to USD 21,700;

(4) The contribution of total factor productivity (TFP) to economic growth by 2030 will reach 56-59%;

(5) The social labor productivity will grow by 8.9-10.7%/year on average;

(6) The digital economy will account for about 40% of the city’s GRDP;

(7) The state budget revenue in the city in 2030 will reach VND 300-310 trillion, of which domestic revenue will reach VND 90-98 trillion;

- Socio-culturally:

(1) To maintain the city’s human development index (HDI) in the top 5 provinces and cities in the country;

(2) The rate of schools meeting national standards: 85% of early childhood schools; 95% of primary schools; 90% of lower secondary schools; and 90% of upper secondary schools.

(3) The rate of trained workers with degrees and certificates will reach 52%;

(4) The number of hospital beds and medical doctors per 10,000 inhabitants will reach 45 and 16, respectively;

(5) The poverty rate will be below 0.1%;

(6) The rate of people participating in health insurance will surpass 98%;

(7) To create jobs for over 60,000 workers/year;

(8) The urban unemployment rate will be below 3%;

(9) 100% of commune-level administrative units and 60% of district-level administrative units will have culture, information and sports centers up to law-prescribed standards.

- Environmentally:

(1) 100% of population will be supplied with clean water;

(2) 100% of domestic solid waste will be collected and treated up to standards and technical regulations;

(3) 100% of industrial parks, cottage industry zones and urban centers will have centralized wastewater treatment systems meeting environmental technical regulations;

(4) The forest coverage rate will surpass 9% of the total natural area.

- Regarding space and infrastructure:

(1) The urbanization rate will be 74-76%;

(2) The city will basically meet the criteria of a special-grade urban area. To establish a city under Hai Phong city in Thuy Nguyen district; to complete the conversion of 50% of rural districts into urban districts;

(3) In the 2021-2030 period, the social housing floor area will increase by about 3.5 million m2;

(4) 100% of communes will meet model new-style countryside standards; 100% of rural districts will meet model or advanced new-style countryside standards; the city will be recognized as completing the task of building new-style countryside.

- Regarding national defense and security:

(1) To ensure national defense and security and maintain national sovereignty; to closely and harmoniously combine economic, cultural and social development with consolidation of national defense and security; to maintain political security and ensure social order and safety;

(2) To fulfill 100% of military service-related targets; and 100% targets on building of the military reserve force;

(3) The rate of wards meeting legal access standards will reach 100%;

(4) The rate of criminal cases investigated and discovered will surpass 92%.

4. Key tasks and development breakthroughs

a/ Seaports and logistic services: To build Hai Phong city into an internationally linked center with modern logistics services and Lach Huyen and Nam Do Son ports into a port cluster functioning as a combined gateway-international transshipment port. To promote the application of digital technology in seaport and logistic services. To establish Hai Phong Southern Coastal Economic Zone, studying the formation of a free-trade zone with breakthrough and outstanding mechanisms and policies being applied in successful free-trade zones in the world.

b/ Digital transformation: Hai Phong will be the country’s top locality in digital transformation and building of digital government, digital society and digital economy. To carry out comprehensive digital transformation under the National Digital Transformation Program. To fundamentally and comprehensively renew the leadership, management and administration activities of the Party and State agencies, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee and socio-political organizations in the city based on the application of digital technology and digital data. To strongly develop the digital economy, first of all, the three economic pillars of hi-tech industry, seaport-logistics, and tourism-trade. To form and develop a safe and convenient digital environment to serve to the utmost production, business and daily-life activities of inhabitants.

c/ Tourism development: To build Cat Ba-Do Son beach tourism complex to be highly attractive, combined with Ha Long bay to become an international marine tourism center; to form the city’s typical tourism products associated with sea and islands and historical and cultural relics; to link the city with provinces in the Red River Delta to become a tourism center connected to the region and the world. To effectively promote the potential, strengths, especially the values ​​of the world natural heritage of Ha Long bay-Cat Ba archipelago.


1. Orientations for development of important sectors and fields

1.1. General orientations

To prioritize the development of key industries that lead the city’s economic growth, including: (1) electronic products and information technology; (2) seaport and logistic services; and (3) trade. To strive for the target that these three groups of industries will account for 55-60% of the added value in the city by 2030.

To promote sectors with many development prospects such as: digital economy; real estate business; finance, banking and insurance; tourism, culture and art services; health services; high-quality education and human resource training services; offshore wind power; construction; etc.

To continue to maintain in a reasonable, effective and sustainable manner sectors that exploit the city’s typical traditional strengths such as: costume production; production of electrical equipment; production of machinery and equipment; consumer engineering and transport mechanical engineering; plastic and rubber processing; ship building and repair; etc.

1.2. Orientations for development of each sector

a/ Industry-construction

To fully exploit available potential and advantages so that the industry-construction sector will continue to play the role of an economic pillar of Hai Phong city.

To develop industry in the direction of modernity, high technology and low emission to be competitive, possess high added value, deeply and comprehensively join the global production networks and value chains and, at the same time, be ready to participate in the defense industry production chain when necessary. To extensively and intensively deploy industrial development, focusing on intensive development, creating a breakthrough in improving productivity, quality and competitiveness of industrial products. To focus on developing modern industries with advantages such as mechanical manufacturing engineering, transport mechanical engineering, electronic industry, etc.; to promote the development of smart production and smart factory models. To prioritize the development of a number of new industries such as chip, semiconductor and robotic industries, environmental industry, renewable energy industry, and new material industry. To restore a number of industries that used to be Hai Phong’s advantages, especially the ship building and repair industry. To expand and build more industrial parks and cottage industry zones; to establish the coastal economic zone south of Hai Phong. To promote the formation of industrial clusters and specialized industrial parks. To study the building of a center to support the development of supporting industries in the Red River Delta region.

To develop the construction industry up to a high level in the fields of engineering, work construction, construction materials, and urban and housing development. To apply advanced technology in urban construction, housing development and construction of infrastructure facilities. To strongly develop construction enterprises capable of undertaking the engineering and construction of large-scale projects with complex technical requirements.

b/ Service industries

To rapidly develop service industries with high quality, efficiency and competitiveness. To promote the application of digital technology in the service sector, focusing on seaport services, logistics, tourism and trade.

To develop Hai Phong city into a modern international logistic center. To invest in developing modern, smart and sustainable logistics systems and wholesale markets; to promote e-commerce; to form goods exchanges and fair and exhibition centers and complexes. To build trade and financial centers up to national or international level; and trade service centers associated with airport services (Cat Bi, Tien Lang), a new urban center north of Cam river (Thuy Nguyen), and An Duong, etc. To form trade, service, culinary streets in the historic inner city area. To build wholesale markets in Do Son, Thuy Nguyen, Vinh Bao, Kien Thuy, An Lao, etc.

To focus on exploiting the advantages of marine tourism resources in Cat Ba-Do Son in association with provinces in the Red River Delta toward building Hai Phong into a regionally and internationally linked tourism center. To develop Hai Phong into a key tourism center of the country with diverse and unique products in association with promoting the values ​​of the Red River civilization (sea and island tourism, cultural-historical tourism, agricultural experiential tourism, wellness tourism, etc.); to pay attention to the formation of linkage between the tourism sector and other sectors and fields in the value chain of tourism products.

c/ Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

To develop agriculture in an efficient, sustainable and ecological manner toward hi-tech smart urban agriculture and value chain-based organic, circular agriculture on the basis of forming disease-free specialized production units, creating agricultural products that meet domestic and international standards. To develop livestock production units associated with concentrated slaughtering and hi-tech agricultural zones and areas.

To encourage economic sectors to invest in agricultural development based on product chains. To strongly develop preservation and deep processing industries to increase the added value of agricultural products. To boost digital transformation in agricultural development.

To promote agricultural development associated with tourism, building of eco-friendly, climate change-adaptive, new-style countryside.

To modernize and develop fisheries production along the value-added chain, increase the proportion of hi-tech production, associated with preservation of the environment and ecological landscape; to promote aquaculture in suitable areas; to develop an offshore fishing fleet.

To properly protect natural forest areas. To develop coastal aquaculture combined with planting and protecting mangrove forests. To improve the quality of special-use forests and coastal protection forests.

d/ Sea-island economy

To effectively exploit the city’s position and potential for developing marine economic sectors, turning Hai Phong into a modern marine economic center of international level. To strongly develop maritime economic sectors, marine tourism, aquaculture and fishing, renewable energy and new marine economic sectors. To establish a coastal economic zone south of Hai Phong. To build Hai Phong into an international center for training, research and application of marine science and technology.

To carry out economic development in island districts in association with performance of national defense and security tasks and conservation of biodiversity and marine ecosystems. To build a fisheries logistics and search and rescue center on Bach Long Vi island. To control marine resource exploitation to ensure the resilience of marine ecosystems.

2. Orientations for development of other sectors and fields

a/ Education and training

To develop Hai Phong into a top high-quality education center in the Red River Delta and the country. To strive for the target that by 2030, Hai Phong will become an international center for education, training, research, application and development of science-technology and marine economy.

To continue to fundamentally and comprehensively innovate education and training. To modernize general and early childhood education systems on the basis of ensuring the basic educational foundation and linking different forms and levels of education and degrees of training. To prioritize investment in developing and gradually replicating a number of models of advanced schools meeting international integration requirements at the general education level. To develop higher education facilities to meet the requirements for development of high-quality human resources, scientific application and technological innovation; to increase international cooperation in higher education.

To build and develop a system of education and training institutions, paying special attention to training in disciplines and occupations in marine economy. To rearrange and reasonably develop the system of vocational training schools to provide hi-tech human resources meeting socio-economic development requirements of the Red River Delta, especially the disciplines in which Hai Phong has advantages such as information technology, mechanical manufacturing engineering, port and maritime services, ship and floating vehicle building, fisheries logistic services, aquaculture, fishing and aquatic product processing techniques, etc. To prioritize the attraction of foreign direct investment to build international inter-level schools and universities that meet international standards.

To attract all resources of society to strongly develop education, training and vocational education. Human resource training should be linked with the labor needs of industrial parks, cottage industry zones and businesses in the city; to encourage businesses to participate in vocational training for employees.

b/ Health and health care

To develop Hai Phong into one of the large, modern, high-quality health centers to meet the needs for health care and protection of the people in the city and the Red River Delta.

To strongly develop the system of municipal- and district-level hospitals so that municipal-level hospitals will be on par with central-level hi-tech specialized centers in a number of specialized, spearhead and hi-tech medical fields, especially take the lead in the country in maritime medicine, marine accident rescue and hyperbaric oxygen therapy; and become a satellite of some central-level top hospitals.

To consolidate and develop the grassroots health system, telehealth, and family doctor model; to develop preventive medicine, improve capacity, and take the initiative in epidemic prevention and control. To reform the medical service management and provision system and synchronously manage electronic health records for the people.

To combine modern medicine with traditional medicine and military medicine with civilian medicine so as to improve service capacity of the entire city’s health system. To increase the research into, and exploitation of, marine pharmaceutical resources. To encourage investors and businesses to invest in the field of health and people’s health care. To adopt policies on attraction of, incentives for, and training and development of, medical human resources in the city.

c/ Science, technology, innovation and digital transformation

To concentrate on research, application and transfer of technologies to develop the city’s key economic sectors: electronics, mechanical manufacturing engineering, transport mechanical engineering, logistic services, maritime medicine, marine pharmacy, etc. To research and apply modern science and technology to serve green economic development, environmental protection, and marine environmental pollution and salinity treatment; to apply new technologies in the production of anti-corrosion materials and marine construction materials. To boost domestic and international cooperation in scientific research and innovation.

To build digital government, digital economy and digital society and build smart cities so as to create the main driving force for the city’s economic growth, create breakthroughs in productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness, renew the growth model and ensure sustainability. To develop digital technology businesses and increase the proportion of digital economy in the city’s GRDP. To build and develop startup, innovation, and artificial intelligence zones and centers in Hai Phong.

To develop incubation centers, innovation startup support centers and startup models. To build and develop the city’s innovative startup support network linked to the national innovative startup support network.

d/ Culture and sports

To build and develop Hai Phong into a culture, sports and tourism center of the Red River Delta. To promote the cultural and human strengths of the port city of Hai Phong, creating great spiritual strength and boosting rapid and sustainable socio-economic development. To invest in embellishing, upgrading, protecting and effectively exploiting historical-cultural relics and ancient architectural works.

To build cultural institutions that are suitable with the urbanization process and worthy of a big city; to conserve tangible cultural works and promote the beauty of intangible culture. To continuously improve the cultural and spiritual lives of the people; to proactively cooperate with, and promote Hai Phong’s cultural values ​​to, other localities in the country and the world.

To accelerate mobilization of social resources for physical training and sports; to intensively and sustainably develop physical training and sports activities and develop high-performance sports, focusing on sports in which the city has advantages. To renovate and upgrade existing sports facilities; to invest in building physical training and sports facilities, facilitating training, competing and hosting national and international tournaments. To adopt policies to attract, and provide incentives to, sports talents.

dd/ Social security

To ensure stable jobs and better income for workers moving from rural to urban areas; to pay attention to accommodation for immigrant workers to help them settle down and establish a career.

To continue implementing the policy “investment in social security and welfare must be one step ahead of economic development”. The city’s regimes and policies for people with meritorious services and policy beneficiaries will be increasingly better and among the best in the country. To fully, promptly, synchronously and effectively implement programs, projects and policies on incentives for people with meritorious services, sustainable poverty reduction and social assistance; to pay attention to and create conditions for disadvantaged people to better access basic social services and integrate themselves into the community. To properly perform the task of taking care of children and the elderly, promoting gender equality and the advancement of women. To pay attention to improving the material and spiritual lives of the people, especially those in the two island districts of Cat Hai and Bach Long Vi. To develop a diverse social security system and improve the effectiveness of social assistance.

e/ National defense, security and external affairs

To build Hai Phong into a solid defense area in line with its important strategic position in national defense and security for Military Region 3 and the whole country and a safe and friendly city; to create a favorable environment for socio-economic development, ensuring a peaceful life for the city’s people. To build defense works according to relevant master plans, ensuring national defense and security while serving production and business. To prioritize consolidating, renovating and building national defense and security works along the sea-island border route in Bach Long Vi, Cat Hai, Do Son and Tien Lang; to build Nam Do Son port into a gateway port for international transshipment combined with national defense and security tasks when required. To build a search and rescue center on Bach Long Vi and Cat Hai islands and in Do Son. To build the city’s revolutionary, regular, elite and modern armed forces to meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation.

To consolidate and expand cooperative and friendly relations with countries, localities and territories around the world, international organizations, and large businesses and corporations. To boost activities to promote and attract FDI and ODA in a selective manner, prioritizing projects that have spillover effects, high added value and advanced technology, are environmentally friendly, and conform to development orientations of the city.

3. Plan on organization of socio-economic activities

To organize socio-economic activities after the development space organization model of “a multi-center city and satellite urban centers”, creating transport corridors associated with economic belts and urban corridors, promoting intra-regional and regional connectivity and territory-based assignment and cooperation so as to ensure that the potential, strengths, comparative advantages, and competitive advantages of each locality of the city and in the Northern economic triangle area, the Northern key economic region and the Red River Delta will be brought into the fullest play and complement one another for mutual development, specifically as follows:

- Two economic belts include: (i) the coastal economic belt, which will be reserved for development of service-tourism-urban centers toward the sea; (ii) the industrial and service economic belt from Lach Huyen port to the North (Thuy Nguyen district), the West (along national highway 10), the South (along Van Uc river), connecting to the network of industrial parks and cottage industry zones in the Red River Delta and Hai Phong port system.

- Seaport, logistics, industrial, trade and financial service centers (associated with coastal economic zones, industrial parks, new urban areas, etc.).

- Historic urban centers (trade, tourism, etc..): architectural spaces and works of high values will be embellished and conserved, landscape renovated and infrastructure upgraded with a view to creating the identity of a city with a rich history.

- The administrative-political center will be concentrated in the new urban area (North of Cam river).

- Marine tourism centers will be located in Do Son, Cat Ba, etc.

- To form a new urban center in the Nam Do Son area. To build a coastal economic zone south of Hai Phong. To prioritize the development of projects on building industrial parks, cottage industry zones, logistics centers of international level, and urban centers along the coastal roads and roads connecting thereto, taking advantage of the area planned for construction of the Nam Do Son port and international airport in Tien Lang district.


1. Orientations for reorganizing district- and commune-level administrative units

By 2025: To reorganize district- and commune-level administrative units whose natural area and population are below 70% of the law-prescribed standards; district-level administrative units whose natural area is below 20% and population is below 200% of the law-prescribed standards; and commune-level administrative units whose natural area is below 20% and population is below 300% of the law-prescribed standards. To adjust the boundaries of district-level administrative units to expand Hong Bang district and establish An Duong district and establish a city under Hai Phong city in Thuy Nguyen district (including the entire Vu Yen island).

By 2030: To reorganize the remaining district- and commune-level administrative units whose natural area and population are below 100% of the law-prescribed standards; district-level administrative units whose natural area is below 30% and population  is below 200% of the law-prescribed standards; and commune-level administrative units whose natural area is below 30% and population is below 300% of the law-prescribed standards.

The standards on natural area and population of administrative units must comply with the National Assembly Standing Committee’s Resolution on standards and classification of administrative units. When formulating and implementing the master plan on reorganization of district- and commune-level administrative units for the 2023-2030 period, in addition to the standards on natural area and population, it is necessary to take into account the results of reorganization of administrative units in the previous period and administrative units that have been kept stable for a long time, are located in isolated areas, and possess specific factors and rural administrative units that have been planned to be developed into urban administrative units.

The determination of the scope, boundaries and specific geographical names and implementation of plans on reorganization of administrative units must comply with decisions of the competent authority.

2. Plan on the urban system

Hai Phong city is a centrally run grade-I urban center. By 2030, the urban system will include: the inner-city area (9 districts, including the existing 7 districts of Hong Bang, Ngo Quyen, Le Chan, Hai An, Kien An, Do Son and Duong Kinh and 2 districts to be established: An Duong and Kien Thuy); 1 grade-III urban area (Thuy Nguyen city, embracing the whole Vu Yen island); 4 grade-IV urban areas; and 6 grade-V urban areas.

To build on a pilot basis a smart urban area in Thuy Nguyen and expand the model to other districts in the city. After 2030, to develop An Lao, Vinh Bao and Tien Lang rural districts into towns; and Cat Hai rural district into an island urban district.

(Details are provided in Appendix I to this Decision).

3. Plan on territorial organization in rural areas

To develop rural areas associated with the building of a new-style countryside, meeting industrialization and modernization requirements; to maximize natural conditions and use land economically and efficiently; to ensure sustainability, long-term settlement, adaptation to climate change, and mitigation of potential damage caused by disasters. To conserve and develop craft villages associated with tourism and trade services and develop products under the “One Commune, One Product” (OCOP) program.

For rural areas in Thuy Nguyen city and rural districts expected to be developed into towns, including An Lao, Vinh Bao and Tien Lang: to develop rural areas in the direction of modernization, focusing on development of new sectors and trades and specialization such as cottage industry production-construction and services. To develop technical and social infrastructure services, tourism and leisure tourism, striving to meet urban standards.

To expand and arrange rural residential areas in sync with transportation infrastructure, electricity supply, and water supply and drainage, taking into account access to social, educational and health services. Residential quarters will be arranged to be intermingled with agricultural and industrial production spaces that need to be developed, increase the density and develop infrastructure connecting concentrated residential clusters. To clearly demarcate the space of residential areas and agricultural production units so as to reserve land for future development.


1. Plan on development of the system of economic zones

To expand the space of coastal economic zones in the city in conformity with the city’s development goals, becoming a multi-sector marine economic center of the Red River Delta and the whole country, having a system of modern and synchronous technical and social infrastructure facilities associated with environmental protection, sustainable development, and ensuring national defense and security. To adjust the boundaries of Dinh Vu-Cat Hai economic zone to expand the land area for industrial and service development. To establish a coastal economic zone south of Hai Phong with an area of ​​about 20,000 hectares (when land-use criteria, conditions and norms allocated by the Prime Minister and set in other relevant regulations are met).

(Details are provided in Appendix II to this Decision).

2. Plan on development of the system of industrial parks

To focus on developing the existing 14 industrial parks in a synchronous, smart and ecological manner in both technical and social infrastructure. To establish 20 industrial parks with a total area of ​​about 7,700 hectares (when land-use criteria, conditions and norms allocated by the Prime Minister and set in other relevant regulations are met).

(Details are provided in Appendix II to this Decision).

3. Plan on development of the system of cottage industry zones

To develop 31 cottage industry zones with a total area of ​​about 2,150 hectares, ensuring the most economical, sustainable and efficient use of land resources associated with environmental protection.

(Details are provided in Appendix II to this Decision).

4. Plan on development of research and training facilities

To promote existing scientific research facilities in the city (research institutes and universities). To study building an innovation center to support and develop the startup ecosystem and support businesses in technology renewal.

To form research and development (R&D) centers associated with the maritime economy to attract world-class maritime organizations and experts. To build a center for technology and science and technology enterprise incubation; an R&D center for information technology-smart city software; to build R&D centers specialized in high technologies in such areas as the North of the Cam river, Nam Dinh Vu, Van Uc, Tien Lang, etc.

5. Plan on development of tourist areas

Do Son tourism-service area will be a center for convention and event tourism combined with sports, entertainment, religious events and marine festivals. Cat Ba, Long Chau and Bach Long Vi will be tourist service areas with the function of  protection and preservation of the ecological environment. The Old Quarter area and Thuy Nguyen will be tourism-trade areas developed based on historical and architectural values, promoting tourism space associated with relics of the Bach Dang Giang historical victory. To form a cultural heritage tourism route: Cai Beo-Bach Dang Giang-Elephant Mount-Nguyen Binh Khiem Temple relic site-Mac Dynasty Memorial Area, etc.

6. Plan on development of physical training and sports facilities

To develop high-performance sports and professional sports on the basis of promoting advantages and attaching importance to Olympic sports. To invest in upgrading Lach Tray Stadium toward modernity to host big international and regional sport events; to invest in developing a water sports center in Thuy Nguyen district and a regional sports complex in Kien Thuy-Do Son area. To make further investment to complete the construction of the City Sports Complex in Duong Kinh district. To develop a number of golf courses meeting international standards (by 2030, Hai Phong city is expected to have 8 golf courses meeting international standards).

7. Plan on development of conservation areas and areas where exist historical-cultural relics and scenic spots that need to be preserved, renovated and restored

To preserve, repair and restore national- and municipal-level conservation areas and relics and areas where exist historical-cultural relics and scenic spots that need to be preserved, renovated and restored. To conserve and promote intangible cultural heritages.

To conserve and sustainably exploit important natural ecosystems of Cat Ba national park and Bach Long Vi marine reserve; to protect and effectively exploit the Thai Binh estuary and Van Uc estuary areas, Tien Lang district.

8. Plan on development of concentrated agricultural production units

To develop agricultural production units associated with the corridors of the Da Bach, Cam, Lach Tray, Da Do, Van Uc and Thai Binh rivers. Concentrated agricultural production units include: organic rice production units in Tien Lang, Thuy Nguyen, Vinh Bao, Kien Thuy and An Lao districts; organic vegetable production units in Vinh Bao, An Lao, Tien Lang, Kien Thuy and An Duong districts; organic fruit production units in Thuy Nguyen, Vinh Bao, An Lao and Cat Hai districts; cattle and poultry raising areas in Tien Lang, Vinh Bao and An Lao districts; marine aquaculture areas in Cat Hai and coastal areas of ​​Tien Lang district; and offshore industrial-scale marine aquaculture combined with protection of security-national defense and sea-island sovereignty in the Cat Ba-Bach Long Vi area.

To form national- and municipal-level hi-tech agricultural zones and technology-applied agricultural areas in Kien Thuy, An Lao, Tien Lang, Vinh Bao, Thuy Nguyen, etc.

To build a system of wholesale markets for agricultural and aquatic products in Thuy Nguyen, Do Son, An Lao, Vinh Bao and Kien Thuy; and concentrated livestock and poultry slaughterhouses in the city’s urban  and rural districts.

To build a large fisheries center in Hai Phong. To build a fisheries logistics and search and rescue center in the Northern region in Bach Long Vi and a near-shore storm shelter area in Cat Hai and an offshore storm shelter area in Bach Long Vi.


1. Plan on development of the transport network

a/ Roads

To upgrade and expand inter-regional roads and build Ninh Binh-Hai Phong expressway. To study and build a main urban road connecting Hai Phong international port with National Highway 18 and the road connecting road 359 to Quang Yen (Quang Ninh province) via Ben Rung bridge.

To build, upgrade and renovate the road system, including provincial roads and coastal roads; urban roads, district roads, commune roads, and rural transport according to approved relevant master plans. To develop radial urban axes and the city’s belt roads. To build multi-level interchanges at junctions with high traffic density; to build a new system of overpasses and bridges on main axes. To plan a new urban highway (North-South direction) accessible to the historical inner-city area.

To convert bus stations in densely populated urban areas into parking lots and build 8 new inter-provincial bus stations. To arrange land for construction of parking areas and parking lots in the city in a reasonable manner and in conformity with the demand in each area, associated with service works and green spaces.

To upgrade existing bus routes and open new ones. To form rapid bus routes in the city. To expand the master plan on underground transport and space system for combination with trade and service projects.

b/ Railways

To build new Hanoi-Hai Phong railway sections (on the Lao Cai-Hanoi-Hai Phong and Lang Son-Hanoi-Hai Phong railway routes) which will run parallel with the Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway (to the Nam Hai Phong station), connecting Hai Phong international gateway port with Dinh Vu, Nam Do Son and Lach Huyen harbors; Nam Dinh-Thai Binh-Hai Phong-Quang Ninh coastal railway (including also the Nam Hai Phong-Ha Long railway section). To build 4 urban railway lines and stations connecting urban centers, functional areas and major transport hubs of the city. To gradually convert the existing inner-city section of the Hanoi-Hai Phong railway into an urban railway. To invest in building inner-city subway lines.

c/ Inland waterways

To develop tourist wharves combined with trade and tourism services along the Cam river and in Cat Hai and Do Son; passenger wharves at the center of Cat Ba and in Cai Vieng and Got ferry terminals, Cat Hai, Hai An and Do Son. To upgrade the system of inland waterway ports on the rivers of Da Bach, Cam, Kinh Mon, Van Uc and Lach Tray.

To build a locally managed inland waterway system in accordance with the approved master plan on inland waterway infrastructure. To upgrade existing inland waterways to at least grade-IV standards. To develop coastal waterways connecting major estuaries of the city and neighboring provinces such as Van Uc, Lach Tray, Thai Binh, Tra Ly, and Diem Dien and connecting to Lach Huyen seaport area so as to take advantage of river-sea combined transport; inland waterways around islands of the Cat Ba archipelago for tourist transport; and specialized inland waterways connecting Cai Gia urban center with the Cat Ba island fairway.

d/ Seaports and inland clearance deports

Hai Phong seaport will be in the seaport group No. 1 with the scale and functions of a special seaport under the Master Plan on development of Vietnam’s seaport system for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050, comprising Lach Huyen wharf area; Dinh Vu wharf area; Cam River-Pha Rung wharf area; Nam Do Son and Van Uc wharf areas; Bach Long Vi island district wharf area; pontoon quays and transshipment anchorage zones; and storm shelter zones. To complete investment in Lach Huyen wharf area and relocate wharves on the Cam River; to invest in developing wharves in Nam Do Son-Van Uc wharf area. To upgrade the system of Dinh Vu inland clearance deport cluster with a capacity of 300,000-550,000 TEU per year; to build new Kien Thuy inland clearance deport with capacity of 100,000-150,000 TEU per year.

dd/ Airports and aerodromes

To upgrade and expand Cat Bi International Airport under the approved master plan. To plan the construction of specialized aerodromes in Do Son, Cat Ba and Bach Long Vi to serve tourism and rescue. To study the construction of an international airport in Tien Lang district.

(Details are provided in Appendix IV to this Decision.)

2. Plan on development of the power supply network

To focus on developing renewable energy sources in accordance with the overall energy master plan and national power development plan with priority given to the development of offshore wind power sources; to prioritize and encourage the development of biomass power and waste-to-energy.

To continue building, upgrading and renovating transformer stations and 500kV, 220kV and 110kV power lines, medium-voltage and low-voltage lines connected to new power sources to meet increasing load needs, especially in economic zones, industrial parks, and cottage industry zones. To develop medium-voltage and low-voltage grids in accordance with local construction and urban master plans in the direction of upgrading 10kV grids to 22kV or 35kV ones; to gradually eradicate intermediate transformers and replace them with 110kV stations or new medium-voltage feeders. To gradually replace the existing overhead medium-voltage and low-voltage power grids with underground ones, ensuring safe and stable power supply for production and residential use, especially in two island districts.

(Details are provided in Appendix V to this Decision.)

3. Plan on development of the telecommunications network and digital infrastructure

To develop a modern telecommunications network to meet the needs of transition to a digital economy, digital government, and digital society. To build the city’s data centers in synch with the country’s data infrastructure. To build smart urban operations centers in new urban centers; centers for application of digital programs and big data centers. To gradually connect to the network of smart urban centers in the Red River delta and the country’s smart urban network.

To attract investment in building new information technology industrial areas in Nam Dinh Vu, Kien Thuy and Tien Lang. To build a regional public postal center in Thuy Nguyen. To review and reorganize the system of commune postal-cultural service points. To develop modern radio and television infrastructure, improve coverage quality and expansion.

To build and develop hi-quality broadband infrastructure; to develop 5G cellular network infrastructure; to apply next-generation Internet protocol to the city’s Internet network; to develop Internet of Things connection infrastructure; to deploy sensor integration and apply digital technology to essential infrastructure; to develop shared-use infrastructure. To deploy an electronic identification and authentication system to serve electronic transactions in the city. To complete and supplement fiber optic cable lines in coastal areas, urban areas, and industrial parks. To lay underground transmission lines, prioritizing new traffic routes, tourist areas, relics, and new urban centers.

(Details are provided in Appendix VI to this Decision.)

4. Plan on development of the hydraulic-work network

To renovate and upgrade the hydraulic-work system for irrigation and water supply, water drainage and environmental protection, including Da Do, An Hai, Thuy Nguyen, Vinh Bao and Tien Lang hydraulic-work systems. To implement projects on upgrading the system of works relating to water sources protection and increase of water supply and water storage capacity; to invest in building hydraulic works on canals and in the basins of the main canals, including Da Do River, An Kim Hai River, Re River, Gia River, Hon Ngoc River, Canal I (Tien Lang agricultural irrigation system), and Chanh Duong, to protect water sources and remedy pollution of water sources.

To implement projects to renovate and upgrade under-dike culverts, water conveyance channels before and after sluices, and grade-1 canals so as to increase freshwater exploitation, water drainage and salinity prevention capacity. To upgrade existing and build new freshwater reservoirs and hydraulic-work systems to serve people’s life and production on Cat Ba and Bach Long Vi islands. To build sluice gates on the Moi River, Thai Binh River and Hoa River to prevent salinity and retain freshwater, contributing to proactively responding to climate change and sea level rise. For urban areas, to ensure that rational water surface areas (balancing lakes, reservoirs, etc.) will account for at least 5% of the urban construction land area.

(Details are provided in Appendix VII to this Decision.)

5. Plan on development of the water supply network

By 2030, the total water demand in Hai Phong city will reach 1.2 million m3/24 hours. To continue to build, renovate and upgrade urban, rural and industrial water supply systems to ensure water supply for residential use up to standards and serve production.

(Details are provided in Appendix VIII to this Decision).

6. Plan on development of rainwater and treated wastewater drainage systems; wastewater treatment

By 2030, urban areas must have wastewater collection and treatment systems; the percentage of urban wastewater treated up to technical regulations will surpass 90%.

All factories in industrial parks, cottage industry zones and craft villages must have internal wastewater treatment facilities for treatment of wastewater before conveying  to centralized wastewater treatment stations. Decentralized factories must have their own wastewater treatment facilities that meet environmental standards.

To continue to upgrade, expand and improve the efficiency of wastewater collection and treatment of large-scale centralized wastewater treatment systems in urban areas, economic zones, industrial parks, cottage industry zones and craft villages, ensuring that wastewater are treated up to environmental technical regulations before discharged into receiving waters.

(Details are provided in Appendix IX to this Decision).

7. Plan on development of waste treatment facilities and cemeteries

To effectively classify, collect and treat residential solid waste; to focus on building and multiplying models of solid waste classification at source, and collecting, recycling and reusing organic waste, agricultural by-products and livestock waste.

To collect, transport, and treat industrial and medical solid waste at waste treatment facilities that meet environmental standards, especially hazardous waste must be collected and transported under regulations.

To arrange waste treatment facilities in the city in an appropriate manner. To prioritize the application of incineration technology in waste treatment areas; to adopt a roadmap for changing technology and stopping waste burial in Trang Cat and Dinh Vu areas.

To gradually close, and restore the environment in, temporary landfills in Kien Thuy, An Lao, Thuy Nguyen, Cat Hai, Vinh Bao and Tien Lang districts. To invest in construction and renovation of solid waste transfer stations and collection points to facilitate the collection and transportation of solid waste to centralized treatment areas.

(Details are provided in Appendix X to this Decision).

To close Ninh Hai cemetery (Duong Kinh district) and Nghia Lo cemetery (Cat Hai district); to upgrade and expand Phi Liet cemetery (Thuy Nguyen district); to construct Dong Rung cemetery (Tien Lang district), An Son cemetery (Thuy Nguyen district) and district-level cemeteries. To prioritize investment in and development of cremation with modern technologies.

8. Plan on development of systems of fishing ports and storm shelters for fishing vessels

To build a large fishery center in Hai Phong city associated with the Gulf of Tonkin fishing ground in Thuy Nguyen district. To build fishing ports, fishing wharves, and storm shelters for fishing vessels which are modern, adaptive to climate change and are in sync with fishery logistics service areas.

9. Plan on development of fire prevention and fighting

To build a fire prevention and fighting and rescue infrastructure network meeting safety requirements for production and people’s life. To build barracks for fire prevention and fighting and rescue teams in the Dinh Vu-Cat Hai and Tien Lang-Vinh Bao areas and fire prevention and fighting and rescue teams in districts; to fully equip necessary means to serve fire prevention and fighting and rescue work. To install more fire hydrants on roads, residential quarters and production areas according to technical regulations.


1. Plan on development of the network of health establishments

By 2030, the system of medical examination and treatment facilities in the City includes municipal-level general and specialized hospitals, district-level medical centers/general hospitals, and 1 standard medical station in each commune, ward and township. To invest in upgrading physical foundations and equipment for hospitals and medical examination and treatment facilities toward modernity. To build laboratories that meet standards in the 4 fields of pharmacy, chemistry, biology and food testing. To intensify the attraction of resources to build and develop health establishments, private hospitals and hi-quality international hospitals. To develop the Vietnam-Czech Friendship Hospital into a regional general hospital.

(Details are provided in Appendix XI to this Decision).

2. Plan on development of the network of education and training establishments and vocational education establishments

To prioritize allocating sufficient land for education (early childhood education, general education, continuing education and specialized schools) in master plans on development of urban and housing areas (including also houses for workers), ensuring that all geographical areas will have national-standard schools at all levels of education according to regulations.

To invest in building functional rooms, subject-based classrooms and physical foundations and procuring learning equipment to help improve the quality of teaching and learning, meeting learning needs of pupils at all levels. To encourage the mobilization of social resources for development of private and non-public education establishments; to attract investment in building hi-quality international schools.

To invest in upgrading and building new classrooms, teaching equipment, and machinery in universities, colleges and vocational education establishments, ensuring the number and area of ​​classrooms up to standards, in association with the society’s labor needs.

To develop schools that meet international standards associated with new urban areas with synchronous and modern urban infrastructure systems; to associate the development of universities and vocational training institutions with centers for research and application of maritime studies, oceanography, and maritime economics.

To build Vietnam Maritime University into a national key university, conducting research and training to serve sustainable development of the marine economy; to develop Hai Phong University into a multi-disciplinary applied university of the advanced level. To prioritize promoting investment in construction and development of Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

(Details are provided in Appendix XII to this Decision).

3. Plan on development of cultural and sports institutions

To continue to invest in embellishing, upgrading, protecting and effectively exploiting historical and cultural relics. To strive for the targets that 100% of newly built and upgraded municipal-level cultural institutions and works will have modern physical foundations; and 100% of commune-level administrative units and 60% of district-level administrative units will have cultural, information and sports centers up to standards under regulations. To invest in upgrading and equipping synchronous physical foundations for professional art units. To build a number of flower gardens, parks, amusement and entertainment areas in the city.

To build modern physical training and sports infrastructure facilities to serve the needs of practice and competition. To build a regional physical training and sports complex in the Kien Thuy-Do Son area. To complete the building of a physical training and sports complex in Duong Kinh district; to expand the boat racing training area in Thuy Nguyen district and a marine sports and rescue training center in Van Ngang and Do Son. To build and upgrade municipal- and district-level physical training and sports facilities up to standards.

(Details are provided in Appendix XIII to this Decision).

4. Plan on development of commercial infrastructure

To construct and modernize trade centers, fairs and exhibition centers associated with shopping tourism. To develop multi-functional, complex and general trade centers up to the level of the Southeast Asia region, and supermarkets to meet the needs of shopping combined with entertainment.

To develop logistics service areas, mainly in Hai An, An Lao, Cat Hai, Tien Lang and Kien Thuy districts; to form a new logistics service space in Kien Thuy and Tien Lang districts associated with the Nam Do Son port, Hai Phong southern coastal economic zone, coastal highway and international airport in Tien Lang district.

To develop petroleum and gas storage and supply infrastructure in areas with deep-water seaports and convenient for connection to the supply system. To prioritize investment in oil and gas storage systems in Nam Dinh Vu port, Lach Huyen port and Nam Do Son port. To continue to exploit existing oil and gas storages; to expand, increase the capacity and invest in building 5 new oil and gas storages.

To continue to exploit LPG warehouses, build the Northern LNG Warehouse, and build new LNG warehouses for supply to industrial households, to research for building a LNG warehouse in the Van Uc estuary area, Tien Lang district.

To expand and build the Hai Phong - Thai Binh LNG gas pipeline system and low-pressure LNG gas distribution pipeline systems.

(Details are provided in Appendix XIV to this Decision).

5. Plan on development of social facilities to nurture and care for people with meritorious services to the revolution and the elderly; and social assistance facilities

To maintain social facilities to nurture and care for people with meritorious services to the revolution in Do Son district.

To expand, upgrade and increase the admission capacity of existing social assistance facilities; to adopt policies to encourage organizations, individuals and enterprises to invest in construction and management of social assistance facilities.

(Details are provided in Appendix XV to this Decision).

6. Plan on development of science and technology infrastructure

To build a centralized information technology park and an innovation and technology incubation center. To build a science and innovation park with the main function of research, training, pilot production, incubation and transfer of technologies, and creative startup incubation; technology incubation centers, innovation centers, and creative startup support centers. To attach importance to investment in science and technology information infrastructure, especially database systems connected to the national science and technology database system.


Land resources shall be fully surveyed, evaluated, inventoried, quantified and accounted in the national economy and planned for efficient, rational, economical and sustainable use with a long-term vision, thus meeting requirements for socio-economic development, maintenance of national defense and security, development of education, culture and sports, environmental protection, and adaptation to climate change, and creating a driving force for the development of the city. To ensure reasonable distribution and use of land on the basis of balancing land-use demands of sectors and fields in conformity with national land-use targets in the 2021-2030 period, and actual situation and development needs of the city.

(Details are provided in Appendix XVI to this Decision).


1. Plan on construction of inter-district areas

The city will have 3 inter-district areas: western inter-district area, southern inter-district area and sea and island inter-district area.

The western inter-district area, consisting of Thuy Nguyen, An Duong and An Lao districts, will be the administrative and political center of Hai Phong city; the gateway connecting Hai Phong with Hanoi and the industrial corridor via national highway 18; an industry, logistics, education, health, science and technology center in the Northern Coastal region.

The southern inter-district area, consisting of Kien Thuy, Tien Lang and Vinh Bao districts, will be the gateway connecting Hai Phong with the future international airport and coastal provinces via the Hai Phong-Thai Binh coastal road; a hi-tech agro-processing center in the Northern Coastal region; and an international aviation service center in the future which will be step by step developed in the field of logistics services.

The sea and island inter-district area, consisting Cat Hai and Bach Long Vi districts, is the natural gateway and a diverse ecosystem combining wetlands, primary forests, and seas and islands; and will be a fisheries logistics and search and rescue center in the North where socio-economic development will be associated with assurance of national defense and security.

2. Plan on construction of district areas

To plan 8 district areas in conformity with the city’s overall development targets and orientation, including:

- Thuy Nguyen district (embracing the entire Vu Yen island) will be developed into a city under Hai Phong city; a new urban center associated with the new administrative and political center of Hai Phong city; a center of industry, trade, services, finance, cultural tourism and entertainment, health, education; a regional fisheries center; a key area for modern, smart and sustainable industrial development; serve a driving force for the development of the marine economy. By 2030, to meet criteria of green-smart and civilized urban development.

- An Duong district will be developed into an urban district of Hai Phong city with socio-economic development towards urbanization, construction of synchronous technical and social infrastructure on the basis of developing industries in an selective and eco-friendly manner. It will be a driving-force center for the city’s development of hi-tech industry, urban agriculture, ecology, and services, with the focus being tourism, logistics, and accommodation services.

- Kien Thuy district will be developed into an urban district of Hai Phong city. To organize spaces for economic zones and industrial parks in some areas of Kien Thuy district. To develop services, especially logistics services, and industries on the basis of exploiting the coastal road and national-level transport works planned to be built in Kien Thuy district. To develop urban hi-tech agriculture.

- Tien Lang district will be developed into a town under Hai Phong city. To organize functional spaces in some areas of Tien Lang district. To develop industries and services on the basis of exploiting national-level transport works and functional areas planned to be built in the district in order to promote the district’s economic restructuring towards industry-services-agriculture. To attach importance to forming concentrated agricultural areas for typical plants of Hai Phong city, and hi-tech agricultural areas.

- An Lao district will be developed into a town under Hai Phong city. To organize spaces for appropriately developing the agricultural sector against the backdrop of the city’s rapid urbanization, serving as a buffer zone for the development of electronics and hi-tech industries. To build concentrated agricultural production areas, hi-tech agricultural areas.

- Vinh Bao district will be developed into a town under Hai Phong city. To organize functional spaces in some areas of Vinh Bao distric. To develop assorted industries based on effective exploitation of functional spaces, national- and municipal-level infrastructure works in the district. To attach importance to development of concentrated agricultural areas for typical plants of Hai Phong city, and hi-tech agricultural areas.

- Cat Hai district will be developed into a sea and island urban district of Hai Phong city. To develop Cat Hai district to become a key marine economic center of the city and smart island district, of which Cat Ba island will be a national and international eco-tourism center and Cat Hai island, a seaport service center, logistics service center, and modern hi-tech industrial park. To develop diverse and synchronous modes of transportation connecting islands to the mainland, speed up investment in construction of wharfs and infrastructure works at Hai Phong international gateway port. To develop the economy towards services, industry-construction and fisheries. To prioritize the construction of defense and security works on sea and island routes.

- Bach Long Vi district is the outpost island district of the Fatherland. To ensure socio-economic and infrastructure development closely linked to assurance of national defense and security on seas and islands. To build Bach Long Vi island into a center for fisheries logistics and search and rescue in the North. To study and effectively exploit potential of offshore wind power. To prioritize the construction of defense and security works on sea and island routes.


1. Plans on environmental protection and nature and biodiversity conservation in the city

a/ Environmental zoning

Hai Phong city will have strictly protected areas, low-emission areas and other areas which serve as a basis for the implementation of environmental protection solutions, specifically as follows:

- Strictly protected areas, including 5 areas: (i) concentrated residential areas in urban centers; (ii) surface water sources used for domestic water supply; (iii) nature conservation areas; (iv) category-1 protection areas of historical-cultural relics; and (v) core areas of natural heritage sites in accordance with the law on environmental protection.

- Low-emission areas, including 6 areas: (i) buffer zones of conservation areas; (ii) important wetland areas identified in accordance with law; (iii) corridors for protection of surface water sources used for domestic water supply; (iv) concentrated residential areas being the inner areas of grade-IV and grade-V urban centers; (v) aquatic recreation facilities; and (vi) other environmentally sensitive areas that are vulnerable to environmental pollution impacts and need to be protected.

- Environmental areas other than those mentioned above. 

b/ Nature and biodiversity conservation

To conserve, preserve and promote the value of the World Natural Heritage Site of Ha Long bay-Cat Ba archipelago; to maintain the stability of the city’s existing conservation areas on Cat Ba and Bach Long Vi islands, attaching special importance to conserving precious and rare endemic genetic resources; to proactively adapt to climate change.

c/ Environmental monitoring plans

To develop monitoring infrastructure facilities, equipment and network for each type of environment; to build monitoring stations for air environment, surface water environment, coastal water environment, groundwater environment, soil environment and sediment environment in coastal and estuarial areas, etc.; to build an automatic environmental monitoring station to monitor seawater environment and an air environment monitoring station.

(Details are provided in Appendix XVII to this Decision).

2. Plans on protection, exploitation and use of mineral resources

a/ Areas for exploration, exploitation, use and protection of mineral resources

To intensify the survey and assessment of quality and reserves of minerals and deposit scale of mineral resources, particularly marine resources and minerals, in order to ensure the provision of sufficient reliable information and data on geology and minerals, contributing to the development of the marine economy, meeting socio-economic development requirements and ensuring national defense and security in the city.

To raise the effectiveness and efficiency of the state management of mineral resources in the city in accordance with law; to carry out inspection and review and revoke mining licenses for enterprises showing poor performance and failing to comply with law during operation. People’s Committees at all levels shall, within the ambit of their tasks and powers, protect unexploited mineral resources in their localities.

The plan on exploration and exploitation of mineral resources in Hai Phong city must be consistent with the national master plan on exploration, exploitation, processing and use of minerals for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050, and other relevant master plans.

b/ Areas where minerals are available but are not yet exploited or are banned from exploitation and which need protection during the planning period

Land areas where exist historical-cultural relics or scenic spots already ranked or zoned off for protection in accordance with the Law on Cultural Heritages; areas of special-use forest land, protection forest land or land planned for planting of protection forests, and geological reserves; land areas planned for national defense and security purposes or affecting the performance of national defense and security tasks; land areas used by religious establishments; land areas within protection corridors or scope of transport, irrigation and dike works; water supply and drainage, waste treatment, power transmission, petroleum and gas conveyance and communication systems; areas included in the master plan on construction of seaports and aquaculture areas.

3. Plans on exploitation, use and protection of water resources, and on prevention, control and remediation of water-caused harms

a/ Allocation of water resources

To prioritize the allocation of water sources in the following order: (1) water for domestic use; (2) water for industrial production; (3) water for tourism and services; (4) water for agriculture; (5) water for fisheries; and (6) water for other fields.

b/ Protection of water resources

To efficiently exploit abundant surface water sources of the river system in the city, ensuring sufficient quantity and quality of fresh water and rational distribution by area and season so as to best meet the people’s demand for domestic water use and production requirements; to modernize works for regulating, exploiting and using water, developing water resources, and improving water storage capacity.

To build a water resource monitoring network to meet the requirements of monitoring water flows and quality at different locations on rivers; to prevent the risk of water pollution; to strictly manage and supervise wastewater from production establishments and residential areas; to manage water drainage spaces, ensuring flow circulation on rivers and canals.

To carry out public communication for raising the awareness of rational and economical use of water resources; to strictly sanction organizations and individuals that violate the State’s regulations on exploitation and use of water resources.

c/ Prevention, control and remediation of water-caused harms

To maintain the forest coverage in coastal areas and coastal wetland areas with a view to preventing waves for protection of sea dikes, river dikes and islands; to properly manage sand and gravel exploitation in areas prone to erosion and landslides.

To prevent, control and remedy land collapse and subsidence; seawater intrusion; floods and drought, especially in coastal areas; to intensify coordination with provinces and cities in the Red River delta in the exploitation, use and protection of water sources.

To effectively organize the hydro-meteorological information system for drought monitoring and detection; to ensure water efficiency and intensify the application of water storage measures; to restructure crops as suitable to drought situation.

4. Plans on disaster prevention and control and climate change response

a/ Zoning of risk-prone areas for each type of disasters in the city

- Bach Long Vi island district, which is the first to be hit by storms before they hit the mainland.

- Thuy Nguyen rural district and Hai An, Hong Bang and Ngo Quyen urban districts, which are frequently affected by thunderstorm, lightning and hailstorm.

- Tien Lang and Thuy Nguyen districts and Bach Long Vi island district, which are most vulnerable to heavy rain.

- Kien Thuy, An Lao, Tien Lang and Thuy Nguyen rural districts and Kien An and Do Son urban districts, which are greatly affected by floods and inundation.

- Ngo Quyen and Do Son urban districts and Thuy Nguyen and Kien Thuy rural districts, which are most affected by sea level rise.

- Do Son urban district and Bach Long Vi and Cat Hai island districts, which are frequently affected by gale on the sea.

b/ Plans on disaster risk management and climate change response

- To formulate plans and options, and prepare manpower, supplies, vehicles and necessities according to the mottos “on-site commanding, on-site forces, on-site facilities, and on-site supplies and logistics” and “proactive prevention, prompt response, and expeditious and effective remediation” from the people as well as authorities at all levels and sectors to ensure response to disaster scenarios.

- To distribute disaster prevention and control areas and strictly control climate change response.

- To develop and update the database on disaster prevention and control in the city; to increase the provision of hydro-meteorological and climate change information serving the socio-economic development, education, health, security and national defense activities; to provide the people with guidance on access to climate information and forecasts so as to effectively adapt to climate change.

- To build and consolidate the network of hydro-meteorological stations serving hydro-meteorological monitoring, warning and forecasting, disaster prevention and control, and climate change response.

c/ Plans on development of disaster prevention and control infrastructure facilities

- To build, upgrade and complete a number of river dike and sea dike systems that are unstable and important to ensure the safety of dike systems and rainwater and flood drainage sluices; to build and upgrade important works in areas highly prone to flooding in urban and coastal areas and disaster prevention and control works in order to improve the ability to respond to disaster emergencies and worsening disasters as a result of climate change.

- In-field irrigation work: To dredge canals and rivers, maintain embankments and electric pump stations, and devise water storage measures.

- To build water-level monitoring stations.

- To build a waste treatment plant with advanced and modern technologies to gradually reduce waste landfill in the city’s inner areas; to build a waste treatment plant with advanced and modern technologies for rural areas; to strive to stop waste landfill in urban areas by 2030; to promote waste recycling and reuse.


Based on development orientations of spearhead sectors and fields, to determine large and important projects that can create motivation for growth and socio-economic development for investment and investment attraction, depending on the demand and ability to balance and mobilize investment capital in each period.

(Details are provided in Appendix XVIII to this Decision).


1. Mobilization and use of investment capital

To increase the effect and effectiveness of administration of state budget revenue and expenditure and public investment. To tighten financial-budgetary discipline; to strengthen the management, exploitation and use efficiency of financial resources and public assets at all budgetary levels associated with prevention and combat of corruption, negative practices and waste. To review the rearrangement and handling of houses and land of agencies, organizations, units and businesses in the city so as to allocate and use these houses and land properly, lawfully and effectively and, at the same time, use financial resources generated from abundant land for local socio-economic development. To effectively implement the particular mechanisms and policies on finance, budget and investment specified in the National Assembly’s resolutions applicable to Hai Phong city.

To efficiently use the source of capital generated from natural resources, especially land resources, for the state budget. To study and exploit land values for infrastructure development and apply real estate-related tax and charge policies to generate revenue sources for urban operation and maintenance. To closely coordinate with related ministries, sectors and localities in promoting proper implementation of central budget-funded projects in the city and the Red River Delta. To effectively use public investment capital, create spillover effects, and attract investment capital from non-state and foreign-invested sectors.

To promote administrative reform and improve the business investment environment to create a breakthrough in attracting investment capital in the form of public-private partnership (PPP) with the principle of “using public investment as a motive to lead private investment”, especially for infrastructure development projects. To prioritize attracting domestic and foreign strategic investors that possess advanced technologies and large capital sources and make long-term commitments to Hai Phong, especially in the city’s pillar economic sectors. To vigorously attract investment in economic zones, industrial parks, Do Son and Cat Ba tourist centers, new urban areas and social housing projects.

To strongly develop the private economic sector in terms of quantity, quality, efficiency and sustainability for it to actually become one of the important driving forces in promoting the transformation of development modes and restructuring of Hai Phong city’s economy.

To promote investment and trade promotion programs, widely provide domestic and foreign investors with information about the Master Plan and development orientations of Hai Phong city. To encourage transport companies, shipping lines and large industrial production corporations to set up headquarters or regional offices in Hai Phong.

2. Development of human resources

To focus on retraining and regular training of the workforce in association with rapid transformation of labor structure, especially in rural areas; to reduce the proportion of workers in the informal sector; to form a skilled workforce, closely linking training to employment. To increase the scale and improve the quality of the population; to focus on developing social houses and workers’ accommodations associated with cultural institutions to ensure material and spiritual lives for workers, creating a competitive advantage in attracting workers to work and live for a long term in Hai Phong city.

To innovate, develop and improve the quality of vocational education to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization of Hai Phong city. To formulate competency-based training programs based on national occupational skill standards or determine outcome standards based on disciplines, occupations and job positions corresponding to each training level. To boost the mobilization of social resources for vocational education and encourage foreign investors to invest in and establish vocational education institutions in Hai Phong city.

To adopt mechanisms and policies to attract experts, scientists and exceptional talents to work in Hai Phong city.

3. Environmental protection

To reasonably use natural resources, especially in areas planned for simultaneous development of multiple sectors and fields, in the direction of symbiosis for mutual development. To maintain the stability of existing protected areas in Hai Phong city (Cat Ba National Park, Bach Long Vi Marine Protected Area, etc.).

To apply environmental management standards of developed countries; to develop and apply models of circular economy, cleaner production, and energy and resource conservation, etc., for all sectors and fields in Hai Phong city.

To strictly control sources of pollution and treat wastes in urban and rural areas, especially in industrial parks and cottage industry zones. To carry out environmental impact assessment of projects in a serious manner and strictly manage the implementation of approved environmental impact assessment plans.

To formulate plans for effective response to disasters (storms, floods, etc.) and climate change, especially in coastal and riverside localities and islands. To focus on information and communication about the role and significance of environmental protection. To promote inter-provincial cooperation with neighboring localities in environmental protection, especially in protection of the marine environment, water environment, forests and biodiversity and pollution treatment in adjacent and common areas; to promote international cooperation and develop science and technology on environmental protection.

4. Science, technology, innovation and digital transformation

To promote the application of science and technology and train human resources specialized in marine-related fields; to build the Vietnam Maritime University into a national key university in research and training serving the goal of sustainable development of the marine economy. To build the brand of Hai Phong in organizing scientific conferences and international exhibitions, introduction and trading of products of the marine science and technology and some other fields.

To build and develop startup, innovation and artificial intelligence zones and centers. To continue to support the application and transfer of scientific and technological advances to develop key products and advantages of Hai Phong city. To strengthen the linkage between businesses and institutes, schools and research institutions. To encourage businesses to participate in scientific and technological research and application and innovation. To attract large corporations and businesses to establish innovation centers and research and development (R&D) centers. To adopt mechanisms and policies to support research activities based on their outcomes. To boost international cooperation in research, application and transfer of science and technology.

To promote dissemination of, and raise awareness about, digital transformation. To prioritize investment in developing digital infrastructure and digital platforms. To develop shared-use databases, ensuring connectivity with national databases and use open databases to simplify administrative procedures related to the people and businesses. To ensure cyber security and build trust in the cyberspace.

5. Mechanisms and policies for development linkage

To study and propose the pilot implementation of a number of new models, mechanisms and policies that are predominant and internationally competitive so as to maximize the potential and advantages of Hai Phong city and the Hanoi-Hai Phong-Quang Ninh growth triangle. To coordinate with Quang Ninh province in studying and proposing preferential mechanisms and policies to build and develop the Hai Phong-Quang Ninh area into a modern marine economic center of international level, top of Southeast Asia and a gateway and driving force for development of the region. To coordinate with ministries, central sectors and provinces in the Red River Delta in reviewing and proposing mechanisms and policies for regional development and promoting regional connectivity. To promote the linkage with localities throughout the country, especially provinces and cities in the Red River Delta, effectively exploiting economic corridors and belts and international linkage.

To properly implement the preferential and particular mechanisms and policies on socio-economic development issued by the Party Central Committee, National Assembly and Government. To review, amend and supplement existing mechanisms and policies issued by the municipal administration or issue new ones so as to promote the development of different sectors in an open and attractive direction for investors to promote socio-economic development in the city.

To take advantage of opportunities and advantages brought about by free-trade agreements (FTAs) Vietnam has signed with countries and territories around the world, especially new-generation FTAs, to promote, advertise and export the city’s typical products and goods. To build strategic cooperative relationships with major partners (Japan, the United States, EU, etc.), especially in developing Hai Phong’s spearhead economic sectors. To cooperate more deeply with international organizations to improve knowledge and professional skills, information, etc., especially in the fields of urban management and development, human development, culture, education, environment, response to climate change, etc.

6. Management and control of urban and rural development

To study models and practices of management of rural and urban development in the world to improve the local administration’s management and enforcement capacity; to apply advanced technical measures in management of urban and rural development so as to ensure modern, civilized and environmentally-friendly development. To determine urban architecture and new-style countryside models with typical nuances of a coastal city. To build a smart city associated with circular economy and sustainable development.

To promptly announce and publicize master plans on urban and rural areas and formulate plans on implementation thereof. To regularly review, inspect and urge the implementation of master plans; to promptly detect problems to summarize researches and make appropriate adjustments. To properly manage the process of urbanization, embellishment of old urban areas, land repurposing, migration and movement of employment from rural areas to urban areas, from rural districts to urban districts and the city, etc. To digitalize and transparentize land and population management. To regularly update and make public orientations for functional zoning of urban and rural areas so that people and businesses can easily access information and supervise the implementation.

7. Improvement of the effectiveness and effect of the state administrative management apparatus

To continue to promote administrative procedure reform, maintain the city’s high rankings in the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI), Public Administration Reform (PAR) Index, Satisfaction Index of Public Administration Services (SIPAS), Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI), and Digital Transformation Index (DTI).

To build e-government, widely applying information technology in management and administration, and innovating methods of serving the people and businesses. To effectively operate the city’s Online Public Service Portal. To strive for the targets that 100% of state agencies will make public information on the level of satisfaction of online public service users and 80% of administrative procedures will meet the requirements to be performed online at level 3 or 4.

To complete the organizational structure of state management agencies in Hai Phong city; to accelerate the decentralization, assignment of responsibilities and clarification of functions and tasks of agencies, organizations and individuals, especially heads of state management agencies.

To improve the quality of Hai Phong city’s cadres, civil servants and public employees to meet development requirements in the new period. To restructure and rearrange the contingent of cadres at all levels and in all sectors based on job positions and competency frameworks, ensuring arrangement of cadres, civil servants and public employees to suitable positions as well as reduction of quantity, improvement of quality, and reasonability of the structure of the contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees. To apply the mechanism of performance-based extra average pay for cadres, civil servants and public employees working in the State, Party and mass organizations’ agencies under the management of the municipal administration.

8. Policies and mechanisms

To continue to formulate and implement new breakthrough mechanisms and policies in the spirit of the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 45-NQ/TW, and fully apply the contents of the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 35/2021/QH15, on pilot implementation of a number of particular mechanisms and policies for development of Hai Phong city.

To focus on studying, evaluating and analyzing mechanisms, policies, experience and good practices at home and abroad, especially mechanisms and policies that are being successfully applied in free-trade zones around the world, so as to apply them as suitable to the conditions of Hai Phong city.

To study the pilot implementation of a number of new, breakthrough and particular mechanisms and policies for Hai Phong city, placing them in reasonable correlation with other large cities in the country; to carry out the decentralization and delegation of power associated with responsibilities of local administration and leaders in a number of fields such as management of planning, land, urban management, investment, finance-budget, organization, personnel and salaries, etc.

9. Organization and supervision of implementation of the Master Plan

To organize public announcement of the Master Plan in different forms, creating high consensus in implementation. To review, adjust, supplement or formulate general master plans, master plans on construction of district-level areas, district-level land-use master plans and other master plans in accordance with the planning law, ensuring synchronization and consistency.

To formulate implementation plans, regularly update and concretize contents of the Master Plan into 5-year and annual plans. Authorities at all levels and in all sectors shall review, adjust and supplement their development programs and plans to make them conform to the Master Plan. In the course of implementation, to periodically evaluate and monitor the implementation of the Master Plan in accordance with law.


The list of diagrams and maps of the Master Plan is provided in Appendix XIX to this Decision.

Article 2. Organization of implementation

1. The Master Plan shall serve as a basis for formulating urban and rural master plans, district-level land-use master plans and technical and specialized master plans in Hai Phong city in accordance with law.

2. Responsibilities of the People’s Committee of Hai Phong city:

a/ To organize the announcement and publicization of the Master Plan according to the planning law;

b/ To review and complete the Master Plan’s diagrams, maps, databases and dossier, ensuring consistency with this Decision; to take responsibility for the accuracy of data, documents, diagrams, maps and databases in the Master Plan’s dossier.

c/ To formulate and submit for promulgation a plan on implementation of the Master Plan; to organize the implementation of the Master Plan in association with directing the implementation of socio-economic development tasks in Hai Phong city; to periodically organize evaluation of the implementation of the Master Plan, and review and adjust the Master Plan in accordance with law; to study and apply information technology in management of the Master Plan;

d/ To study, formulate and promulgate according to its competence, or submit to competent authorities for promulgation, mechanisms, policies and solutions on attraction of investment; assurance of financial resources, social security, national defense and security; development of human resources and science-technology, and environmental protection so as to fulfill the objectives, tasks and orientations identified in the Master Plan;

dd/ To organize the formulation and adjustment of urban and rural master plans and technical and specialized master plans, ensuring consistency and synchronization with the Master Plan; to strengthen inspection and supervision of implementation of the Master Plan; to strictly handle violators in accordance with law;

e/ To review the Master Plan after national and regional master plans are decided or approved, and proceed with the procedures for adjustment of the Master Plan in case there are any contradictions between the Master Plan and higher-level master plans under Point c, Clause 1, Article 2 of the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 61/2022/QH15 of June 16, 2022, and relevant regulations, and report such to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.

3. The approval of, or decision on, investment policy and implementation of investment projects in Hai Phong city, including also projects that have not been included in sectoral development plans, plans on development of functional areas, technical infrastructure and social infrastructure and the list of projects prioritized for implementation promulgated together with this Decision, must comply with Article 1 of this Decision and other relevant master plans and plans on implementation thereof (if any), and the law-prescribed order, procedures, competence and relevant regulations; at the same time, the persons who decide on investment policy shall take full responsibility before law for their decision.

Projects and works that are currently reviewed and handled under inspection, examination or audit conclusions or court judgments (if any) may be implemented only after contents of these conclusions or court judgments are fully implemented and competent authorities approve the implementation of such projects and works in compliance with current regulations.

In the course of studying and implementing specific projects, agencies competent to approve or decide on investment policy shall take fully responsibility before law for determining the location, area, scale, capacity and investment phasing of the projects, ensuring conformity with Hai Phong city’s practical development requirements in each period and compliance with relevant current regulations.

For projects planned for investment after 2030, if there is the demand for investment to serve socio-economic development and resources can be mobilized, agencies in charge of implementing such projects shall report such to competent authorities for consideration and approval of earlier investment.

4. The Chairperson of the People’s Committee of Hai Phong city shall take full responsibility before law and before the Prime Minister for the accuracy of the contents, information, figures, documents, diagrams and databases in the Master Plan’s dossier; contents of the municipal administration’s replies, explanation and reserved opinions in response to opinions of related ministries, sectors, localities, organizations and individuals; appendices to plans on development of sectors and fields, plans on development of functional areas and technical and social infrastructure and list of projects prioritized for implementation in the planning period promulgated together with this Decision, ensuring conformity, synchronization and consistency with relevant master plans; seriously and fully implement the commitments stated in Document No. 363/BC-UBND of October 25, 2023, of the People’s Committee of Hai Phong city.

5. Related ministries and sectors shall, within the ambit of their assigned functions and tasks, guide the People’s Committee of Hai Phong city in the process of implementing the Master Plan; coordinate with the People’s Committee of Hai Phong city in studying, formulating and promulgating or submitting to competent authorities for promulgation a number of appropriate mechanisms and policies to mobilize and effectively use resources for implementation of the Master Plan.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 4. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and the Chairperson of the People’s Committee of Hai Phong city shall implement this Decision.-

For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister

* The Appendices to this Decision are not translated.

[1] Công Báo Nos 1297-1298 (10/12/2023)

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