Decision 36/QD-TTg 2024 approve information and communications infrastructure master plan for 2021-2030

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Decision No. 36/QD-TTg dated January 11, 2024 of the Prime Minister on approving the information and communications infrastructure master plan for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision toward 2050
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:36/QD-TTgSigner:Tran Luu Quang
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:11/01/2024Effect status:

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Fields:Information - Communications


Through 2025, investing in 2 - 4 additional international telecommunications cable lines

On January 11, 2024, the Prime Minister issues Decision No. 36/QD-TTg on approving the information and communications infrastructure master plan for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision toward 2050.

1. Development requirements through 2025 for postal network shall be to form 3 regional postal centers across the country to ensure an average exploitation capacity of over 11,000 tons of postal items/day; with average service range of 350 km; simultaneously:

- Forming the national public postal network including the regional postal centers (MegaHub) and the zone postal centers (Hub); connecting the regional postal centers and connect the regional postal centers and zone postal centers;

- Forming 14 zone postal centers across the country to ensure an average exploitation capacity of over 4,500 tons of postal items/day; with average service range of 115 km.

2. Development requirements through 2025 for telecommunications infrastructure shall be to invest in 2 - 4 additional international telecommunications cable lines; simultaneously:

- The mobile broadband network meets national standards on service quality, with a target average download speed of at least 40 Mb/s for 4G networks and 100 Mb/s for 5G networks; 100% of the population at the mature age has smart phone;

- 100% of high-tech parks, concentrated information technology parks, research, development and innovation centers can access the Internet with a minimum speed of 1Gb/s;

- 100% of the Party and State agencies at central-to-commune level are connected to the data transmission network specialized to serve the Party and State agencies.

- Vietnam is among top 20 countries in the world in converting the Internet to IPv6;

- Vietnam is among top 50 countries according to the information and communication technology development index (IDI) of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), etc.

3. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, sectors and People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities in managing and organizing the implementation of information and communications infrastructure master plan. Periodically organize evaluation of the implementation of the master plan, review and adjust the master plan according to regulations. Announce the master plan according to regulations.

This Decision takes effect from the date of its signing.
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No. 36/QD-TTg



Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Hanoi, January 11, 2024


On approving the information and communications infrastructure master plan for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision toward 2050




Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated June 19, 2015; the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration dated November 22, 2019;

Pursuant to the Law on Planning dated November 24, 2017; the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of Eleven Laws Related to the Planning Law dated June 15, 2018; the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of Thirty-Seven Laws Related to the Planning Law dated November 20, 2018;

Pursuant to Decree No. 48/2022/ND-CP dated July 26, 2022 of the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Information and Communications;

Pursuant to Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP dated May 7, 2019 of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Planning Law;

Pursuant to Decision No. 1532/QD-TTg dated October 8, 2020 of the Prime Minister approving the task of formulating information and communications infrastructure master plan for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision toward 2050;

At the request of the Minister of Information and Communications and the appraisal report No. 05/BC-HDTD-QHHT dated March 30, 2022 of the Council for appraisal of information and communications infrastructure master plan for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision toward 2050.




Article 1. To approve the information and communications infrastructure master plan for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision toward 2050 (hereinafter referred to as the Master Plan) with the following contents:


The information and communications infrastructure is a unified whole, formed on the basis of links between the postal network, digital infrastructure, information technology industrial infrastructure, national digital transformation platforms and systems on assurance of cybersecurity, network security, creating a safe and reliable environment for the development of digital government, digital economy, and digital society.

The information and communications infrastructure is the infrastructure for national digital transformation, opening up new development space for the economy and society, linking development in the digital space with the physical communication development space, creating a favorable environment for innovation to improve national competitiveness.

The information and communications infrastructure is prioritized for development under the orientation of Make in Vietnam, use of products and solutions owned by Vietnamese people to ensure cybersecurity, network security and national sovereignty.

The digital platform is developed as a new infrastructure to quickly, universally and comprehensively deploy essential social activities in the digital environment.

The information and communications infrastructure meets the safe and reliable creation, transmission, storage, processing, and sharing of digital data, ensuring cyber security and safety, contributing to strengthening national defense and maintaining security.

The data is a resource that promotes socio-economic development, creates new driving forces and enhances national competitiveness. The cloud computing development resources are prioritized, making Vietnam one of the regional data centers.

The digital technology industry is a fundamental industry that requires special policy mechanisms to promote development.

Perform synchronous master plan of information and communications infrastructure, modern technology with sharing orientation, integration of national telecommunications infrastructure master plan, reasonable inheritance of invested information and communications infrastructure development, closely linked with physical socio-economic infrastructure and creation of corresponding digital entities in digital space.


1. Postal network

Development orientations

- Develop a synchronous, modern postal network, linking the real world and the digital world, becoming one of the essential infrastructures of the country and the digital economy.

- Plan the postal network with redundancy to ensure the integrity and non-interruption of supply chain in any emergency.

Development requirements through 2025

Achieve the targets set out in part 2, part 4, part 5 of section III. Objectives to 2025 in Decision No. 654/QD-TTg dated May 30, 2022 of the Prime Minister approving "the postal development strategy through 2025, with orientations toward 2030":

- Form the national public postal network including the regional postal centers (MegaHub) and the zone postal centers (Hub); connect the regional postal centers and connect the regional postal centers and zone postal centers; focus on promoting and orienting the sharing of public postal network infrastructure with postal enterprises; the total service exploitation capacity of the postal network reaches over 93,000 tons of postal items/day, the inter-provincial and international delivery time (processing time between centers) is maximum 5 days, the intra-regional delivery time is maximum 2 days.

- Form 3 regional postal centers across the country to ensure an average exploitation capacity of over 11,000 tons of postal items/day; with average service range of 350 km.

- Form 14 zone postal centers across the country to ensure an average exploitation capacity of over 4,500 tons of postal items/day; with average service range of 115 km.

Development requirements through 2030

 - Build 3-5 regional postal centers across the country; the average exploitation capacity of the postal center of reaching over 15,750 tons of postal items/day.

- Under development needs, build new zone postal centers according to the master plan approved by the Prime Minister, upgrade one or two zone postal centers to become regional postal centers.

- Zone postal centers with an average exploitation capacity of over 5,000 tons of postal items/day.

2. Digital infrastructure

a) Telecommunications infrastructure

Development orientations

The broadband telecommunications network ensures large capacity, high speed, modern technology, and widely integrated Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure to ensure harmonious development, well serving digital transformation and digital government, digital economy, digital society and security and defense.

Development requirements through 2025

- The fixed broadband network meets national standards on service quality with the objectives of universalizing it to all villages and hamlets, ensuring that 100% of households have access to fiber optic cable when needed with 90% of users to be able to access the fixed Internet, with an average speed of 200 Mb/s; 90% of socio-economic organizations such as enterprises, production and business establishments, universities, hospitals, and offices in urban areas can access the Internet with an average speed of 01 Gb/s.

- The mobile broadband network meets national standards on service quality, with a target average download speed of at least 40 Mb/s for 4G networks and 100 Mb/s for 5G networks; 100% of the population at the mature age has smart phone.

- 100% of high-tech parks, concentrated information technology parks, research, development and innovation centers can access the Internet with a minimum speed of 1Gb/s.

- 100% of the Party and State agencies at central-to-commune level are connected to the data transmission network specialized to serve the Party and State agencies.

- Implement and invest in 2 - 4 additional international telecommunications cable lines.

- The domain name ".vn" is the national brand, reaching at least 1 million domain names, accounting for at least 60% of domain names used in Vietnam; in terms of domain names, Vietnam ranks first in ASEAN, belongs to the top 10 countries in Asia, and the top 20 - 30 countries in the world.

- Vietnam is among top 20 countries in the world in converting the Internet to IPv6.

- Low latency Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure is available at all high-tech parks, centralized information technology parks, research, development and innovation centers; 100% of essential infrastructure such as transportation, energy, electricity, water, and urban area infrastructure are capable of integrating IoT applications and sensors.

- Vietnam is among top 50 countries according to the information and communication technology development index (IDI) of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

Development requirements through 2030

- The fixed broadband access network infrastructure is invested and upgraded to ensure that 100% of users have access at speeds above 1Gb/s.

- The 5G mobile broadband network covers 99% of the population, aiming to develop the next generation of advanced mobile network.

- Develop 4-6 additional international submarine fiber optic cable lines.

- The digital radio transmission and broadcasting system is capable of providing high-quality programs and value-added services in large centrally run cities, class-I cities and urban areas and surrounding areas.

b) Data center and cloud computing infrastructure

Development orientations

- Form large-scale data centers, following green standards, closely following energy zone planning; ensure the data centers are synchronously connected, the data is interconnected and has mutual redundancy capabilities, promoting the development of big data industry; improve performance and effectively exploit the existing data centers.

- The data generated in Vietnam must be stored in Vietnam in accordance with the law, ensuring data security and protecting the users' personal data.

- Prioritize and encourage the use of cloud computing owned by Vietnamese enterprises, serving flexible, stable and effective connectivity and management of resources and data, strictly complying with the regulations on cybersecurity.

Development requirements through 2025

- Form and deploy national data centers as infrastructure to serve national databases and other shared databases in accordance with law. The State shall assume the prime responsibility for organizing construction, management, exploitation and operation. The objectives, scale, type, role, scope, and orientation of exploitation and use of each national data center are carried out according to the decision of the authorities with competence in approval of national data center schemes and projects, comply with law, ensure investment efficiency, have no overlap or waste. Prioritize the early deployment of national data centers that serve the role of providing shared infrastructure for the state agencies; integrate, synchronize, store, exploit, share, analyze and coordinate data to become an infrastructure to provide government cloud computing services, support policy planning, create development, build digital government, digital economy, digital society, ensure national defense and security, especially the National Data Center as stipulated in Resolution No. 175/NQ-CP dated October 30, 2023 of the Government on approving the National Data Center Scheme.

- Form at least 03 national multi-purpose data center clusters. The national multi-purpose data center is a national-scale data center, serving socio-economic activities and operation of the state agencies. The national multi-purpose data center is built, managed, exploited and operated by enterprises. The state agencies can hire the services of the national multi-purpose data center to meet the requirements for serving operations of the state agencies in accordance with law.

- Form the zone multi-purpose data center clusters. The zone multi-purpose data center is a zone-scale data center, serving socio-economic activities and operation of the state agencies. The zone multi-purpose data center is built, managed, exploited and operated by enterprises. The state agencies can hire the services of the zone multi-purpose data center to meet the requirements for serving operations of the state agencies in accordance with law.

- Form 1 - 2 regional data centers to serve the needs of Vietnamese financial centers and regional and international ones.

- The data centers meet the green standards according to international standards, in which the power usage effectiveness (PUE) of the newly constructed data centers does not exceed 1.4.

- The capacity of data centers is guaranteed to meet the cloud computing market revenue scale of about 1% of GDP.

- 100% of the Government agencies use the cloud computing ecosystem for the digital Government.

- 70% of Vietnamese enterprises use cloud computing services provided by domestic enterprises.

Development requirements through 2030

- Develop the large-scale data center clusters according to green standards, connect and share to form a network of data center clusters to promote the big data industry, including formation of at least 03 national data center clusters in accordance with Resolution No. 175/NQ-CP dated October 30, 2023 of the Government on approving the National Data Center Scheme.

- 100% of the state agencies, the state-owned enterprises and over 50% of the people use cloud computing services provided by domestic enterprises.

3. Information technology application infrastructure

Development orientations

- Prioritize focusing the development resources in the direction of doing first, doing well, and focusing on digital platforms with national-scale infrastructure to serve many applications and services, serving as a shared digital platform for many socio-economic fields, serving essential social activities in the digital environment.

- The digital platform is an information system serving online electronic transactions, operating under the model of using digital technology to create a network environment that allows many parties to participate in transactions and provide services to organizations and individuals, it can be used immediately, is simple, convenient, flexible on demand, easy to disseminate on a large scale, without requiring self-investment, management, operation and maintenance of the participating parties.

Development requirements through 2025

Achieve and exceed the targets on information technology application in Part 1, Section II, Decision No. 749/QD-TTg dated June 3, 2020 of the Prime Minister approving "the National Digital Transformation Program through 2025, with orientations toward 2030", the targets in section III, Decision No. 942/QD-TTg dated June 15, 2021 of the Prime Minister approving "E-Government development strategy towards the digital government in the period of 2021-2025, with orientation toward 2030" and the targets in parts 1a, 2a, section III, Decision No. 411/QD-TTg dated March 31, 2022 of the Prime Minister approving the "National strategy for developing digital economy and digital society through 2025, with orientation toward 2030”.

Development requirements through 2030

- The national-scale digital platforms are completed and operate smoothly to meet the requirements of digital government, digital economy, and digital society.

- All people can access and use advanced digital services with high quality and reasonable prices.

4. Cyber security and safety for digital government, digital economy and digital society

Development orientations

- The cyber security and safety are a prerequisite, linked and parallel to digital transformation activities in the entire process of design, testing, evaluation, operation and exploitation.

- Develop technical systems, solutions, and platforms to ensure cyber security and safety to serve the digital government, digital economy, and digital society for stable and sustainable development, contributing to ensuring national security.

- Focus on deploying systems and platforms to ensure cybersecurity, network security for the people and security of data, electronic transactions in the network environment.

- Popularize basic cybersecurity tools and services for agencies, organizations, enterprises and all people.

Development requirements through 2025

Build digital trust, build a civilized and healthy Vietnamese network environment. Build the People's Security Posture system in cyberspace capable of commanding, connecting, sharing information, receiving and early processing information harmful to national cyberspace from the ministries, sectors, localities, telecommunications, Internet, and digital content service enterprises:

- 100% of the information systems of state agencies are under assurance of safety at the information system level.

- 100% of the ministries, the ministerial-level agencies, and the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities ensure cybersecurity according to the 4-layer model.

- 100% of terminal equipment of the state agencies are installed with solutions on assurance of cybersecurity.

- Each agency, organization, and enterprise has at least 01 professional unit to protect cybersecurity. Each person has at least 1 tool to protect cybersecurity.

- Vietnam's cybersecurity product ecosystem reaches 100% categories. Develop 3 - 5 key information security products and services, dominate the domestic market, and have international competitiveness.

- The annual cybersecurity market revenue increases by 20 - 30%.

- 100% of Internet users have access to information, awareness-raising materials, skills and tools, and services with basic cybersecurity.

- Maintain the ranking of 25 to 30 leading countries in the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) according to the assessment of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

Development requirements through 2030

- Vietnam has become one of Asia's leading centers for ensuring cyber security and safety.

- Form a market for ensuring cyber security and safety, with competition and influence throughout the region and the world. Vietnamese digital technology enterprises take advantage of open source technologies to be technologically autonomous and develop, master the Vietnamese cyber security and safety market, contributing an important role in assurance of cybersecurity, network security for digital government, digital economy and digital society.

5. Information technology industry

Development orientations

Develop the information technology industry based on digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, cloud computing, Internet of Things. etc.; strengthen the strong application of digital technology in all fields of economic and social life to form a digital technology industry. The digital technology industry develops rapidly and sustainably with a focus on restructuring from assembly and processing to creating “Make in Vietnam” electronic, telecommunications and information technology products and services, contributing to create new development space for the country (digital government, digital economy, digital society) and deeply participate in high-value added stages in the world digital technology industrial production value chain:

- Form a system of centralized information technology parks with reasonable scale in terms of premise area, reasonable distribution in terms of professional fields and geographical locations to ensure investment efficiency.

- Plan concentrated information technology parks to form inter-sector clusters and specialized product groups with high efficiency and according to the advantages of key localities, zones and areas, ensure sustainable development of the environment, economy - society, defense and security, while ensuring the effective and targeted use of land resources.

Development requirements through 2025

- Form and implement schemes and projects of 12 - 14 concentrated information technology parks and members of the software park chain in localities across the country, creating clusters of concentrated information technology parks in some zones, ensuring linkage in research, technology mastery and production of digital technology products to meet the requirements for developing digital government, digital economy and digital society.

- Build a number of concentrated information technology parks in provinces and cities that meet the conditions in accordance with law, ensuring capital sources to deploy the construction of centralized information technology park infrastructure (from investment capital of enterprises and local state budget), there have been the projects on investment in development and production of large-scale information technology products.

- Prioritize the implementation of the centralized information technology parks with projects to establish centers for research - development and production of “Make in Vietnam” digital technology products to serve national digital transformation.

Development requirements through 2030

Form 16-20 concentrated information technology parks and members of the software park chain. Attract investment and strongly develop the concentrated information technology parks in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang, Hai Phong, Can Tho and some areas with strong development of information technology industry. Upgrade and expand the connection of the concentrated information technology parks in a number of localities in the zone to become the large concentrated information technology parks of the region, including research and development centers of large international technology corporations.


The information and communications infrastructure ensures (i) increased intelligence based on data and new technologies; (ii) green, adapting to climate change; (iii) covering and connecting multi-level spatial (water surface, water bed, ground surface, underground space, air space) and multi-dimensional spaces between levels; (iv) securely merge the entire physical world with the digital world to adapt to all complex and urgent changes; expand operating space; meet sustainable development in all aspects of politics, economics, society, environment, security and defense.


1. Postal network

Postal network includes: Public postal network and postal network serving the Party and State agencies (KT1).

a) Public postal network

The national public postal network master plan includes the regional postal centers and the zone postal centers.

The provincial and centrally run city postal network master plan ensures that the average service radius of the public postal network is maximum 3 km/service point; 100% of communes have service points with attendants.

- Regional postal center

Orientation of space allocation

+ Work out the master plan for regional postal centers with convenient traffic locations, point-to-point trunk connections, distance from the location of the regional postal center to the central province (as a province located in the center of the service area of the regional postal center) with no more than 15 km, the distance to the airport and seaport of less than 100 km, ensuring optimal cost and transportation distance with the zone postal centers.

+ Work out the master plan for regional postal centers in the North, Central and South of Vietnam.

Type of the work

The regional postal center belongs to the category of civil works, public works, and service works according to Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP dated January 26, 2021 of the Government detailing a number of provisions on quality management, construction and maintenance of construction works.

Role of the work

The regional postal center plays the role of a sorting, transit and connection center for inter-regional postal transportation, allowing point-to-point trunk connection between regional postal centers, spoke connection between the regional postal center to the zone postal center.

Scale of work:

+ The Northern regional postal center with minimum area of 30 hectares.

+ The Central regional postal center with minimum area of 14 hectares.

+ The Southern regional postal center with minimum area of 56 hectares.

Orientation for exploitation and use

+ The regional postal center serves postal operation and logistics activities for e-commerce.

+ The regional postal centers are shared for postal enterprises to jointly exploit and use on a commercial basis, without discrimination.

Work technology

+ The technologies applied at the regional postal center include: automatic loading and unloading, automatic lifting, automatic postal storage, automatic sorting, sorting technologies and other advanced technologies.

+ The systems and equipment in the regional postal center are monitored through a sensor system, supporting the overall process management.

- Zone postal center

Orientation of space allocation

Work out the master plan of the regional postal center with convenient location for traffic, spoke connection with the provincial postal center in the zone and other zone postal centers. The location of the zone postal center ensures optimal transportation costs and distance to the provincial postal centers and post offices and service points.

Type of the work

The zone postal center belongs to the category of civil works, public works, and service works according to Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP dated January 26, 2021 of the Government detailing a number of provisions on quality management, construction and maintenance of construction works.

Role of the zone postal center

+ The zone postal center acts as a direct connection with the regional postal center, spoke connection with the provincial postal center and other regional postal centers.

+ The main functions include

• Sorting, connection and processing of goods, transshipment of goods within the zone and outside the zone.

• Fulfillment of e-commerce orders.

• Bonded warehouse for cross-border e-commerce goods.

• Distribution warehouse for the retail market.

Scale of work:

+ Zone 1 postal center (Located in Phu Tho, serving Vinh Phuc, Phu Tho, Tuyen Quang, Ha Giang, Yen Bai, Lao Cai provinces): more than 12 hectares;

+ Zone 2 postal center (Located in Son La, serving Hoa Binh, Son La, Dien Bien, Lai Chau provinces): more than 5 hectares;

+ Zone 3 postal center (Located in Thai Nguyen, serving Thai Nguyen, Bac Kan, Cao Bang provinces): more than 5 hectares;

+ Zone 4 postal center (Located in Hai Duong, serving Hung Yen and Hai Duong provinces): more than 8 hectares;

+ Zone 5 postal center (Located in Bac Giang, serving Bac Ninh, Bac Giang, Lang Son provinces): more than 12 hectares;

+ Zone 6 postal center (Located in Hai Phong, serving Hai Phong city and Quang Ninh province): more than 15 hectares;

+ Zone 7 postal center (Located in Nam Dinh, serving Ha Nam, Nam Dinh, Thai Binh, Ninh Binh provinces): more than 10 hectares;

+ Zone 8 postal center (Located in Nghe An, serving Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh provinces): more than 15 hectares;

+ Zone 9 postal center (Located in Khanh Hoa, serving Binh Dinh, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan provinces): more than 12 hectares;

+ Zone 10 postal center (Located in Dak Lak, serving Gia Lai, KonTum, Dak Lak provinces): more than 7 hectares;

+ Zone 11 postal center (Located in Binh Duong, serving Binh Duong, Binh Phuoc, Dak Nong, Tay Ninh provinces): more than 19 hectares;

+ Zone 12 postal center (Located in Dong Nai, serving Dong Nai, Lam Dong, Vung Tau provinces): more than 23 hectares;

+ Zone 13 postal center (Located in Tien Giang, serving Tien Giang, Long An, Ben Tre provinces): more than 10 hectares;

+ Zone 14 postal center (Located in Can Tho city, serving Can Tho city and Hau Giang, Soc Trang, Bac Lieu, Ca Mau, An Giang, Kien Giang, Tra Vinh, Vinh Long, Dong Thap provinces): more than 26 hectares;

+ The Central regional postal center (Located in Da Nang city, serving Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue, Da Nang, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai provinces): more than 14 hectares.

Orientation for exploitation and use

+ The zone postal center serves postal operation and logistics activities for e-commerce.

+ The zone postal centers are shared for postal enterprises to jointly exploit and use on a commercial basis, without discrimination.

Work technology

+ The technologies applied at the zone postal center include: automatic loading and unloading, automatic lifting, automatic postal storage, automatic sorting, sorting technologies and other advanced technologies.

+ The systems and equipment in the zone postal center are monitored through a sensor system, supporting the overall process management.

Principle of selection

+ If the locations are located in the same locality: Upgrade and expand the current center in accordance with the master plan, ensuring the inter-regional connection functions corresponding to the projected output.

+ Utilize and upgrade 07 postal centers of the existing public postal network: Centers in Hanoi, Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Can Tho and Nghe An if there is still land fund for development. The zone 9 postal center is newly planned in Khanh Hoa, acting as the center of Zone 9.

+ If the cover of locations is not overlapped: Carry out new construction, and design routes connecting with the existing centers according to the spoke model.

b) KT1 postal network

Modernize the KT1 postal network, enhance safety and security for the postal network serving the Party and State agencies.

Implement delivery plans in emergency cases in accordance with law.

Orientation of space allocation

Work out the master plan of 3 regional centers of the KT1 postal network in the North (Hanoi City), the Central (Da Nang City) and the South (Ho Chi Minh City).

Type of the work

Important works related to national security.

Role of the work

The network is established and connected to the public postal network to maintain the acceptance, transportation and delivery of letters, packages of documents; documents and objects containing state secrets; ensure the quick, accurate and prompt direction and administration of the Party and State agencies in all circumstances.

Scale of work:

+ The Northern center (located in Hanoi) with minimum area of 0.15 hectares.

+ The Central center (located in Da Nang) with minimum area of 0.03 hectares.

+ The Southern center (located in Ho Chi Minh City) with minimum area of 0.036 hectares.

Orientation for exploitation and use

The work is only used exclusively to provide KT1 postal services for serving the Party and State agencies from the central to commune levels.

2. Digital infrastructure

a) Telecommunications infrastructure

- Public telecommunications network

+ International transmission system

The international transmission system not only ensures that Vietnam's transmission capacity to the world has large bandwidth, high speed, with assurance of cybersecurity, but also expands the space for some urban areas to become the regional data center (Digital Hub).

Orientation of space allocation

. Implement and invest in 4 - 6 additional undersea fiber optic cable lines to serve domestic needs and meet regional data center requirements, with landing points at the convenient locations along the coast, prioritize locations with the existing landing stations, with connections to island districts and large islands of Vietnam, including planning 01 fiber optic cable line in the Gulf of Thailand, it is expected to locate the landing station in the area on the Ha Tien - Rach Gia - Ca Mau economic corridor, with connection to Phu Quoc island district and large islands of Vietnam, with priority given to islands with grid electricity.

. Develop fiber optic cable lines to serve the inter-regional and inter-Asia connections on the East - West economic corridors.

. Maintain and upgrade the existing land fiber optic cable lines.

Type of the work

. Specifically determined according to the Ordinance on protection of important works related to national security and its guiding documents.

. Construction work grade: special grade according to the Circular 06/2021/TT-BXD dated June 30, 2021.

Role of the work

Ensure high-capacity, high-speed Vietnam-to-international connection, level the load with the existing international cable lines, increase network safety, ensure improvement of quality of telecommunications services provided to users and ensure that the uninterrupted quality of the user's Internet connection in all circumstances.

Scale of work:

Vietnam's total international connection capacity on all international land and marine fiber optic cable lines serving domestic needs by 2025 shall reach about 60 Tb/s.

Orientation for exploitation and use

The telecommunications enterprises invest and use international fiber optic cable lines, ensuring the effective capacity exploitation and saving the investment capital.

+ National trunk transmission system

Orientation of space allocation

. The national trunk transmission system shifted from focusing on development along the North - South axis to expanding development along the East - West axis, helping to improve backup capacity and load distribution for the national trunk network, meeting the new infrastructure and service requirements on low latency and high bandwidth.

. Add connection points and other connection methods to the national transmission line, divide into segments for easy management, increase network performance, to meet the infrastructure and service development of zones, regions, island districts, and large islands of Vietnam.

. Increase the connection capacity to the large-scale data centers. Increase the fiber optic connection capacity in the region where the data centers are located, the region with direct connection between the data centers.

. Add a trunk fiber optic cable line along the North-South expressway and newly built expressways, meeting the need for domestic transmission capacity and serving backup purposes.

Type of the work

. Specifically determined according to the Ordinance on protection of important works related to national security and its guiding documents.

. Construction work grade: Grade I according to the Circular 06/2021/TT-BXD dated June 30, 2021.

Role of the work

Transmit the national telecommunications and Internet traffic.

Scale of work:

The national transmission system’s scale extends to all regions, ensuring optimal capacity and connection for all localities across the country.

Orientation for exploitation and use

The telecommunications enterprises cooperate in investing and using the same national trunk network, ensuring the effective capacity exploitation and saving the investment capital.

+ Satellite transmission system

Replace 02 Vinasat-1 and Vinasat-2 satellites according to the usage roadmap.

Orientation of space allocation

. Vinasat-1 and Vinasat-2 satellites and their replacement satellites use the locations of Vietnam's the registered geostationary orbits.

. Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite systems use low Earth orbit, from 400 km above the Earth's surface.

Type of the work

. Specifically determined according to the Ordinance on protection of important works related to national security and its guiding documents.

. Construction work grade: special grade according to Circular 06/2021/TT-BXD dated June 30, 2021.

Role and location of the work

The satellite transmission system ensures transmission needs regardless of terrain, beyond the territory, serving socio-economic development, serving information for the Party and State agencies, serving the prevention and control of disasters, natural disasters, floods and storms, ensuring security, national defense and maintaining national sovereignty over satellite orbit locations.

Scale of work:

Ensure the coverage capacity equivalent to the coverage area of the existing Vinasat 1 and 2 satellites.

Orientation for exploitation and use

Prioritize the use of satellite systems to cover remote areas, border areas, seas, islands, and areas not yet covered by microwave, fiber optic cable, and mobile broadband, serving the socio-economic development, serving the prevention and control of disasters, natural disasters, storms and floods, ensuring communication for the Party and State agencies, security and national defense.

+ Vietnam’s Internet system

Expand the domestic Internet connections through direct peering connections, connect to the Internet eXchange Points (IXP), and to the Vietnam National Internet eXchange (VNIX). Expand the regional and international Internet connections, especially develop submarine fiber optic cables, making Vietnam one of the regional connection centers and data centers. Convert the entire Vietnamese Internet network to the new generation Internet protocol (IPv6) address application. Promote the construction of a platform to monitor domestic and international Internet access performance and improve the ability to ensure the quality of Vietnam's Internet network.

Vietnam National Internet eXchange (VNIX)

Expand the connection objects (the Internet service providers, the content enterprises, the State agencies, the organizations and enterprises with independent networks in Vietnam and international networks), and expand VNIX connection points at the large data centers in Vietnam to facilitate the connection and exchange of domestic Internet traffic, reduce latency, increase service quality, reduce connection costs, and service costs for organizations and enterprises renting services at data centers. The enterprises provide Internet services connect to each other and at the same time connect and route through VNIX to form Vietnam's Internet connection infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of digital infrastructure development and the goal of ensuring safety and continuous operation of the entire Vietnam Internet network in case of problems with domestic and international telecommunications networks.

Orientation of space allocation

VNIX connection points are established at many points in major cities such as: Hanoi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City, etc. and expanded in regional data centers.

Type of the work

. Internet exchange station (Internet Exchange - IX) according to international models and standards.

. Specifically determined according to the Ordinance on protection of important works related to national security and its guiding documents.

Role and location of the work

VNIX is a national Internet exchange station that operates neutrally, is a connection point, optimizes Internet traffic exchange, and reserves connection directions for networks of the agencies and the enterprises. It well supports the construction of data centers and serves as a basis for building platforms to improve the quality of domestic and international Internet access in Vietnam, improve the ability to ensure quality and safety of Vietnam's Internet network. Participate in international connections, with regional and international Internet exchange stations, contributing to turning Vietnam into a regional data center.

Orientation for exploitation and use

. Focus on promoting domestic traffic exchange connections, connecting independent networks, peering connections, connecting Internet service providers (ISPs), Internet content providers (ICPs), data center service providers, content distributors (CDNs), cloud computing, state agency networks; provide the ability to connect and exchange traffic and provide services between the domestic and foreign connection members according to international models and standards to optimize, ensure backup safety for domestic connections, reduce dependence on international connections. Participate in international connections with regional and international Internet exchange stations (IX), diversify connection types, and improve the quality of international Internet access.

. Connect and use new generation IPv6 Internet addresses, promote the complete conversion of Vietnam's Internet network to IPv6 in accordance with the roadmap for converting Internet to IPv6 in the world and Vietnam.

National DNS system

The national DNS system ensures stable and continuous operation for the Vietnamese national domain name ".vn". Deploy the root server system (DNS Root) in Vietnam; develop the national DNS system according to international standards, apply new technologies such as DNSSEC, IPv6, etc., enhance quality and reliability when accessing and using Internet services in Vietnam to serve safe and reliable development of digital infrastructure, digital government, digital economy, and digital society.

Orientation of space allocation

Deploy and set up the primary national DNS domain name server clusters in major cities such as: Hanoi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City, etc. and expand the distribution of secondary national DNS server clusters domestically and internationally; place (colocation/hosting) servers at the data centers of enterprises providing Internet access and connection services in Vietnam to ensure the server system is closest to users, increase response speed, and reduce domain name access time and domain name safety, services using ".vn" domain names globally.

Type of the work

. The national DNS system follows international models and standards.

. Specifically determined according to the Ordinance on protection of important works related to national security and its guiding documents.

Role and location of the work

. The national DNS system is a national level system, the center of Vietnam's Internet network, interconnected with the international root domain name server system (DNS Root) to help ".vn" domain names and services using ".vn" domain name to be accessible throughout the international Internet. Manage all ".vn" domain name record data, transfer hierarchy to the lower-level domain name servers, receive and answer domain name queries when the users access the Internet. Enhance quality and reliability when accessing and using Internet services in Vietnam, serving the development of digital infrastructure, digital Government, digital economy, and digital society in a safe and reliable way.

. The national DNS system, along with DNS Root systems located in Vietnam, connect to the Vietnam National Internet eXchange (VNIX) and networks of Internet service providers, ensuring the continuous operation of the ". vn” domain name on the Vietnamese Internet in case of international Internet connection problems.

Orientation for exploitation and use

. Develop the national DNS system applying the latest international technologies and standards to meet the development of 5G, IoT, IPv6, IPv6+.

. Deploy the latest domain name security technologies to ensure authentication and reliability when accessing the ".vn" domain names.

+ Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure

Develop the edge data centers, connect to the data centers, prioritize in areas near users, convenient for energy access, and deploy flexibly in accordance with market needs for IoT infrastructure with low latency, high reliability, etc.

Promote the integration of IoT sensors into communication infrastructures such as transportation, energy, logistics, city government, healthcare and education, in public infrastructure planning and construction. Build a comprehensive IoT data management and sharing platform, exploiting the full value of data from many different sources.

Basically complete the nationwide IPv6 transition for mobile IoT and have the ability to allocate IPv6 addresses to mobile IoT users. In the smart home sector, promote the completion of IPv6 transition in smart home platforms, home IoT sensor terminals, and support IPv6-based access management.

Role of the work

Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure is an infrastructure using sensor technology and appropriate transmission media to provide services: collection, transmission, and processing of information between people, machines, and things.

Orientation for exploitation and use

Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure is integrated into socio-economic infrastructure for modernization and intelligentization, thereby contributing to making socio-economic infrastructure more efficient and safer, more reliable, more environmentally friendly.

+ Broadband access network:

Fixed broadband to users

Promote the implementation of the program "One fiber optic cable line for each household". Promote investment, construction, and development of the high-speed fixed broadband infrastructure (Gb/s, Tb/s), increase the development of FTTH fixed broadband subscriptions to households. Basically complete the transition of copper cable networks to fiber optic cables in old residential areas, strengthen the fiber optic network in urban areas, provide the high-speed access services, and flexible bandwidth options for household users and cities with speeds over 200 Mb/s. Realize fiber optic access to villages and communes, provide the access services with speeds over 200 Mb/s in places with conditions and achieve flexible bandwidth options of up to 100 Mb/s for 95% of rural household users. Promote the application of ultra-high-speed, high-capacity optical transmission technology in 100% of the state agencies, socio-economic organizations such as universities, hospitals, etc., in urban areas, high-tech parks, centralized information technology parks, research, development and innovation centers with Internet access.

Role of the work

The "One fiber optic cable line for each household" program acts as an infrastructure connecting households with the digital services with the requirements on large bandwidth, high speed and stability.

Orientation for exploitation and use

The "One fiber optic cable line for each household" program is a program on development of the digital infrastructure integrated into the socio-economic infrastructure.

Mobile broadband to users

Promote the implementation of the program "every citizen have their own smartphone". Promote investment, construction, and development of the high-quality mobile broadband infrastructure (4G/5G and next generation) nationwide; implement a roadmap to stop old mobile technology (2G/3G). Expand WLAN coverage in the public areas, the tourist attractions, and the industrial parks.

Strengthen the connection between the planning of the centralized information technology parks and the industrial parks with the urban master plan to meet the needs of building broadband infrastructure for the users. Coordinate the construction of the satellite communications systems to complement and integrate with the terrestrial information and communications infrastructure. Deploy according to needs, flexibly choose the wireless broadband access technologies using satellites to provide coverage in mountainous areas, seas and islands.

Role of the work

The "every citizen have their own smartphone" program provides the ability to connect people with the required digital services anytime, anywhere.

Orientation for exploitation and use

The "every citizen have their own smartphone" program is a program to develop the digital infrastructure integrated into the socio-economic infrastructure.

+ Radio - Television transmission and broadcasting network

Ensure that all people living in the territory of Vietnam can receive and watch essential television channels broadcast on terrestrial and satellite digital television infrastructure.

Develop the national digital radio transmission and broadcasting infrastructure and improve quality and expand coverage using similar technology to ensure continuous implementation of political tasks.

Deploy the radio and television broadcasting methods on the Internet, applications on smart mobile devices, etc. to meet the increasingly diverse needs of a large domestic and international audience.

Orientation of space allocation

. The digital radio transmission and broadcasting system is built and distributed nationwide, deployed in advance in areas with high needs.

. The digital television transmission and broadcasting system has been upgraded to more modern digital television standards, meeting the recording and viewing needs of households and ensuring bandwidth savings.

Type of the work

. Specifically determined in accordance with law on protection of works related to national defense and national security and its guiding documents.

. Construction work grade: Grade I according to Circular 06/2021/TT-BXD dated June 30, 2021.

Role and location of the work

Transmit the television and radio program channels to serve the political, foreign affairs, defense and security tasks of the Party and State to all people domestically and internationally.

Scale of work:

The radio and television transmission and broadcasting system has nationwide coverage, the seas and islands of Vietnam and internationally.

Orientation for exploitation and use

. For satellite television: Maintain the satellite transmission and broadcasting infrastructure with broadcasting stations of the telecommunications enterprises and the satellite television broadcasting centers managed by Vietnam.

. For digital terrestrial television: Maintain the DVB-T2 transmission and broadcasting network of the key multimedia agencies and the television transmission and broadcasting enterprises.

. For television via cable network: Invest and develop a broadband multi-service fiber optic transmission network to develop the modern digital cable television combined with the broadband Internet television.

. For digital broadcasting: Select the standards and develop the digital radio infrastructure for commerce and entertainment.

. For analog broadcasting: Maintain the analog broadcasting systems at the press agencies in parallel with the digital broadcasting systems.

- Specialized telecommunications network serving the Party and State agencies

+ Specialized data transmission network

Develop the specialized data transmission network to become a unified, stable, safe, and seamless basic transmission infrastructure, connecting four administrative levels from the Central to the commune level, connecting components of the e-Government and the digital Government.

The specialized data transmission network organization includes the trunk network (regional center, backup center, urban network and provincial centers) and the access network; the network operation center and the network operation and exploitation centers.

Orientation of space allocation

Arrange locations for regional centers and backup centers; network operation center in Hanoi and 03 network operation and exploitation centers in Hanoi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City; equipment installation locations at provincial, district and commune centers nationwide.

Type of the work

. The specialized data transmission network is an important national information system, ensuring level information security in accordance with Decree No. 85/2016/ND-CP dated July 1, 2016.

. Specifically determined in accordance with law on protection of works related to national defense and national security and its guiding documents.

Role of the work

Ensure capacity, information security and redundancy in serving the e-Government, towards the digital Government; as the basic transmission infrastructure in connecting information systems, interoperating, and sharing data to serve the digital Government.

Scale of work:

Connect the information systems and the databases of the Party, the State, the National Assembly, the ministries, the sectors and the localities nationwide. The scale of deployment of the backup center has a minimum area of 0.2 hectares.

Orientation for exploitation and use

Specialized data transmission network connecting the Party and State agencies from central to commune level; connecting information systems, platforms, and applications serving the e-Government and the digital Government.

+ Voice information network serving the Party and State agencies

Upgrade and modernize the terrestrial fixed voice information network and establish the terrestrial mobile network; deploy private subsystems and basic security solutions, ensuring level-5 information security to serve confidential and urgent communications of the Party and State leaders and subjects as required.

Orientation of space allocation

. The central switching system and satellite stations of the voice information network serving Party and State agencies are located in Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City.

. Subscriber’s terminal: Installed at the central Party and State agencies, working areas of the Party and State leaders and the network's service subjects.

Type of the work

. The voice information network serving the Party and State agencies is an important national information system, ensuring level-5 information security according to Decree No. 85/2016/ND-CP dated July 1, 2016.

. Specifically determined according to the Ordinance on protection of important works related to national security and its guiding documents.

Role of the work

Ensure regular communication needs and confidential and urgent communication needs from the Party and State leaders and the important affiliated contacts.

Scale of work:

The voice information network serving the Party and State agencies has a nationwide scale.

Orientation for exploitation and use

The Ministry of Information and Communications manages and operates the voice information network to serve the Party and State agencies.

+ The special system of telegraph network serving the Party and State agencies

Develop the special system of telegraph network to become a system serving the emergency and confidential information of the Party and State in all circumstances, including: Complete network organization according to Decision No. 03/2020/QD-TTg dated November 18, 2020 of the Prime Minister; use equipment with modern technology; prioritize radio frequency allocation master plan; use basic security solutions to ensure level-5 information system security in accordance with law.

Orientation of space allocation

Master network station in Hanoi, central station in Da Nang, southern central station in Ho Chi Minh City, provincial telegraph station, island district telegraph station and mobile telegraph station.

Type of the work

Specifically determined according to the Ordinance on protection of important works related to national security and its guiding documents.

Role of the work

The special system of telegraph network is a private telecommunications network, serving the special requirements for emergency and confidential communications for the Party and State agencies.

Scale of work:

The master network station in Hanoi, the regional central stations in Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang, each component station under the master network station, the regional central stations have a minimum area of 0.1 ha. The provincial and island district stations have a minimum area of 0.1 ha; the mobile stations are used while moving or temporarily stopping at unfixed locations, serving information for the Party and State agencies in the emergency and confidential cases.

Orientation for exploitation and use

The special system of telegraph network is a strategic information system, using modern technology, on par with countries in the region and the world, ensuring smooth information, safety and security in all circumstances, effectively and promptly serving the communication requests of the Party and State agencies, especially in emergency and confidential cases.

b) Data center and cloud computing infrastructure

- Data center infrastructure

Develop the data center network in harmony with energy master plan, take advantage of zone advantages in connection infrastructure, transportation infrastructure, human resources, based on development needs and take into account security and defense factors.

Form and deploy at least 02 national data centers. Arrange the national data centers in the following order of priority: (1) in the key economic regions; (2) in the socio-economic regions. The key economic regions include: Northern, Central, Southern key economic regions and the Mekong Delta region. The socio-economic regions include: socio-economic region of the Northern Midland and Mountainous Region; the Mekong Delta region; the Highland region; the Southeast region; the North Central region, the Central coastal region and the Red River Delta region.

Form at least 03 national multi-purpose data center clusters. Arrange the national multi-purpose data center clusters in the following order of priority: (1) in the key economic regions; (2) in the socio-economic regions. The key economic regions include: Northern, Central, Southern key economic regions and the Mekong Delta region. The socio-economic regions include: socio-economic region of the Northern Midland and Mountainous Region; the Mekong Delta region; the Highland region; the Southeast region; the North Central region, the Central coastal region and the Red River Delta region.

The zone multi-purpose data centers are located in the following regions: the Northern Midland and Mountainous Region; the Mekong Delta region; the Highland region; the Southeast region; the North Central region, the Central coastal region and the Red River Delta region.

The edge data centers are connected to the national data centers, the national multi-purpose data centers and the zone multi-purpose data centers, with priority given to areas near users, convenient for energy access, with flexible deployment under market needs with new infrastructure and service requirements on low latency, high reliability, etc.

In case the multi-purpose data centers do not meet the data center usage requirements of localities or do not meet specific data center requirements, other data centers are developed in accordance with provincial planning. The localities shall propose to add the above data centers to the provincial master plan.

Criteria for determining the location of data centers: close distance to national trunk network nodes; ability to supply sufficient power source, ensuring stability and continuity (at least 02 electronic supply sources for different medium voltage stations, with priority given to locations near hydroelectric or renewable energy projects, ensuring synchronization with the national energy master plan); in locations with favorable, flat terrain, with low risk of natural disasters, and political and social stability (priority given to localities with low average temperatures); close distance to universities, which are capable of providing high quality human resources; have convenient transportation system.

Deploy the remote monitoring of data centers to meet safety and service quality requirements.

Type of the work

Specifically determined in accordance with law on protection of works related to national defense and national security and its guiding documents.

Role of the work

+ The national data center serves national databases and other shared databases as prescribed by law.

+ The national multi-purpose data center serves socio-economic activities and operation of the state agencies.

 + The zone multi-purpose data center serves socio-economic activities and operation of the state agencies.

Scale of work:

Under the demand by period in the country and region:

+ The national data centers have the required construction floor area of about 70,000 m2, electrical capacity of about 79 MW.

+ The national multi-purpose data center clusters have a total required construction floor area of about 310,000 m2; electrical capacity of about 375 MW.

+ The scale of the regional multi-purpose data center is specifically determined in regional master plans under its needs.

Orientation for exploitation and use

+ Optimize the data interaction between the data centers.

+ Improve operational quality, have a monitoring system for energy resource usage for green development.

Economic and technical indicators of the work

+ National data center: Uptime TIER 3 standard or ANSI/TIA 942-B rated 3 standard or equivalent Vietnamese standard or higher, complying with standards and regulations issued by the competent state agencies.

+ Regional data center: Uptime TIER 3 standard or ANSI/TIA 942-B rated 3 standard or equivalent Vietnamese standard or higher, complying with standards and regulations issued by the competent state agencies.

Work technology

+ The data centers follow green standards, save energy, have high reliability, availability and security, large-scale real-time or non-real-time computing capacity to meet the national number transition demand.

Work out the master plan for data centers according to open standards and open architecture.

- Regional data center (Digital Hub)

Orientation of space allocation

Associated with the selection of pilot areas for the special zone mechanism so that Vietnam's regional data centers can apply specific mechanisms and have conditions for priority in investment and development to become the Digital Hubs.

Type of the work

The regional data centers not only provide services to the domestic market but also to regional and international countries.

Role of the work

It is a centralized place to store and process data, serve cloud computing operations and transfer Internet traffic of global telecommunications, information technology and digital content service providers with a scale of service supply in a wide area, many neighboring countries/regions/areas.

Scale of work:

The regional data center has a total required construction floor area of about 170,000 m2; electric capacity of about 413 MW.

Location of the work

The regional data centers are located in locations near the financial centers.


Fully meet the international standards for the data centers, comply with the environmental standards.

- Cloud computing

+ Build and master the cloud computing technology, diversify deployment models and types of services provided to serve the digital transformation needs of the state agencies, the enterprises and the society.

+ Build a unified Government cloud computing infrastructure (CGC) according to the 1+N model on the basis of planning and cloud connection of the state agencies in the ministries, sectors and localities (AGC) to create an environment to store and share the resources and develop the shared services for the digital government on a national scale flexibly, effectively and quickly; connect and effectively exploit the enterprise cloud systems (EGC) to provide cloud computing infrastructure for the digital government, ensuring:

. Meet the professional requirements, the standards and the technical regulations to serve the digital government.

. Use open technology to ensure transparency, reliability and cybersecurity.

. Orient large enterprises to provide private cloud computing services to provide services to the Government in accordance with the standards and the technical instructions issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications. Connect to the cloud computing service platforms of the major cloud computing service providers in Vietnam according to the multicloud model.

c) Orientation for market, service and technology development

- Orientation for market development

+ Orientation for telecommunications market development

. Develop sustainably the telecommunications market, ensuring a healthy competitive environment, with at least 3 enterprises participating in each market to promote competition.

. Promote internal resources, create conditions for the economic sectors to participate in the telecommunications development to continue innovating telecommunications business licensing policies and gradually equitize the telecommunications enterprises without the need for the state to hold controlling shares.

. The State continues to hold controlling shares in a number of service providers with network infrastructure that are of particular importance to the operation of the entire national telecommunications infrastructure and directly affect socio-economic development, national defense and security to develop the telecommunications market according to socialist orientation and ensure national defense and security in telecommunications activities.

. Maintain 3-4 strong groups and corporations operating in the direction of specialization and professionalization in the field of construction and development of telecommunications infrastructure, meeting the needs of the digital economy on the basis of effective use of infrastructure, resources and telecommunications resources. Strictly control economic concentration and management; allocate telecommunications resources and resources appropriately to combat monopoly trends in telecommunications activities.

. For the wholesale market, promote the development of many types of enterprises providing services without network infrastructure such as mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) and intermediary enterprises that resell services, etc., diversify the service ecosystem, with priority given to licensing MVNOs to provide services associated with ecosystems to promote consumption of data and IoT services.

. Encourage and create conditions for all organizations, enterprises, and individuals to use digital infrastructure as an environment to carry out their activities, carry out innovation, and create new values.

. Encourage and have policies to support telecommunications enterprises with sufficient capacity and conditions to expand business and invest in foreign markets on the basis of compliance with the law and ensuring business efficiency.

+ Orientation for new market development

. Promote the development of new service markets: IoT, artificial intelligence, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), extended reality (XR), mobile payment.

. Establish appropriate rules to protect and promote competition for digital infrastructure, especially for digital platforms.

. Build a legal basis for establishing harmonious economic relationships between enterprises providing digital infrastructure and organizations, enterprises and individuals using digital infrastructure in operation.

- Orientation for service development

+ Orientation for telecommunications service development

. Develop new telecommunications services in accordance with the trend of technology convergence and the trend of moving to cloud computing, and promote the development of telecommunications application services to improve the efficiency of using invested telecommunications networks.

. Maintain public services to narrow the digital gap between regions and communities.

. Improve the quality of telecommunications services on the basis of building, supplementing, amending, promulgating and applying standards, technical regulations, and regulations on quality management of telecommunications services in accordance with the rapid development of technologies and services.

. Strengthen law enforcement in the field of service quality through the publication, standard conformity, regulation conformity, inspection, supervision, testing, examination, and administrative sanctions in a strict and prompt manner to further improve service quality to meet the diverse needs of the people.

+ Orientation for new service development

. Supply data center services with a focus on cloud computing services to meet the needs of the digital society.

. Develop platforms that provide core digital technologies (IoT, artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, cybersecurity, etc.) as an essential service, acting as soft infrastructure to economic and social development in digital space, creating conditions for product developers to quickly develop their services to provide to the society.

- Orientation for telecommunications technology development

The development and application of telecommunications technology must be consistent with general trends in the world and appropriate to the specific conditions of Vietnam. The deployment time for a new technology needs to be considered on the basis of investment efficiency, market needs, social benefits and the level of technology perfection.

Research and apply new technologies in deploying broadband Internet access networks, including high-altitude mobile broadband connection systems (high-altitude platforms); high-through put satellites (HTS); low-earth orbit (LEO) satellite. Research, invest, and apply open network, network virtualization technologies such as software defined networking (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV), Open RAN network.

Implement a roadmap to stop old mobile technologies and focus on deploying 5G and next generation mobile technologies.

Develop 5G mobile telecommunications infrastructure on the basis of taking advantage of 4G mobile telecommunications networks, enhancing telecommunications infrastructure sharing among mobile telecommunications enterprises.

Research 6G technology so that Vietnam can be one of the early countries to deploy 6G technology in the world.

3. Information technology application infrastructure

Develop the digital platforms to accelerate the digital transformation process naturally, unlock new values and bring clear benefits to the society. The digital platforms have built-in functions to ensure cybersecurity right from the time of design and construction.

Scale of work:

The national-scale digital platforms serve the people, the enterprises, the officials, the civil servants and the public employees on a nationwide scale. The scale of the work is calculated and aggregated into the work scale of the data center and cloud computing infrastructure.

Orientation for exploitation and use of the work

- Develop platforms in direction of supply of synchronous and seamless services at all administrative levels so that they can be used everywhere. The national-scale platforms, applications and services must be done first, done well, and done centrally.

- The national digital transformation platform provides services with immediate use by organizations and individuals, simple, convenient and flexible services on demand; easy to spread on a large scale because there is no need for self-investment, management, operation, and maintenance by organizations or individuals; the more people use it, the cheaper the cost is and the greater the benefit is. Develop digital platforms to maximize the benefits of technology but also ensure to prevent and minimize the risks caused by the technology to the society and the people.

- Exploit the national databases and the specialized databases: Promote the development of the national databases and the specialized databases to lead, link and unify all data in state agencies on sectors and fields serving the construction and development of the digital government applications and services with guaranteed synchronization, unity and efficiency. Promote connection, integration, and sharing between the ministries, the sectors, and the localities through the National Data Exchange Platform (NDXP), the ministerial- and provincial-level data integration and sharing platform (LGSP), especially data from national databases and information systems with scale and scope from central to local levels to help maximize data value; improve the quality of public services provided to the people and the enterprises in a user-centered way, the people and the enterprises do not have to provide information manually and repeatedly to the state agencies; avoid duplicate investments, causing waste.

- Open data and provide open data of the state agencies: Promote the supply of open data to encourage the participation of the community and private sector in providing high-quality public services and solving socio-economic problems; enhance the effectiveness of public administration; improve transparency and reliability of the state agencies; most master data is stored in machine-readable form and shared as an application programming interface (API) service.

- Prioritize the use of digital technology and digital platforms in responding to emergency situations such as public health, natural disasters, accidents, catastrophes and social security, comprehensively improving early warning capabilities and emergency response; develop smart urban services suitable to conditions, specific characteristics, and actual needs, prioritize the development of services that solve urgent problems and major problems in socio-economic development in all areas such as: traffic congestion, environmental pollution, tourism development, healthcare development, education development, agriculture, social order management, construction order, etc. and must ensure effectiveness, avoid formality, waste.

- Create the system that encourage and readily accept digital products, solutions, services, and business models; promote the use of "Make in Vietnam" digital platforms to meet Vietnamese market needs, dominate the Vietnamese market, and from there, reach out to the international market. Promote new management methods for newly relationships.

4. Cybersecurity for digital government, digital economy and digital society

a) Cyberspace safety monitoring

Type of constructions

Technical systems for assurance of cybersecurity.

Role of the work

Develop technical systems for cyber security monitoring in Vietnam. Allow monitoring, analysis, processing, and coordination to ensure national cyberspace security.

Scale of work:

Develop technical systems to serve monitoring activities and ensure the safety of Vietnam's cyberspace, including at least the following systems:

- Develop a system to support monitoring and operating cybersecurity to serve e-Government to promptly forecast, detect, and early warn of network attacks and cybersecurity incidents.

- Develop a platform to monitor information content in cyberspace.

- Develop a big data analysis and processing system for national cybersecurity.

- Develop a platform to serve the cybersecurity incident response coordination network to improve network coordination and development capacity.

- Develop a platform to support the prevention of spam messages, spam emails and spam calls.

- Develop a support system to search for the targeted attacks on information systems in Vietnam.

Orientation for exploitation and use

Develop the fundamental technical systems on a national scale. Allow data sharing and connection. Be capable of allowing ministries, sectors and localities to jointly apply, participate in use and exploitation.

b) Assurance of information system security

Type of constructions

Technical systems for assurance of cybersecurity.

Role of the work

Develop technical systems to serve activities of ensuring cybersecurity for information systems of the ministries, the sectors, the localities and the state-owned corporations and groups; national-scale technical systems for centralized administration and command.

Scale of work:

Develop technical systems to serve information system security activities of agencies, organizations and enterprises, including at least the following systems:

- Develop systems to ensure information security of the ministries, the sectors, the localities and the state-owned corporations and groups.

- Develop a centralized cybersecurity command and operating platform to enhance connectivity, analyze big data, and share cybersecurity risk information with 100% of cybersecurity operations centers (SOCs) of state agencies, SOCs of telecommunications enterprises, SOCs of corporations and groups; strengthen early forecasting and early warning capabilities to help state agencies promptly prevent and handle cybersecurity incidents, avoiding widespread damage.

- Develop a Cybersecurity Operations Center (SOC) service provision platform to meet connection and information sharing requirements, contributing to ensuring cybersecurity for the national digital transformation process: Support the ministries, the sectors and the localities to reduce 90% of the volume and time of implementing the "4-layer" model of ensuring cybersecurity; improve the capacity to ensure cybersecurity for information system administrators.

- Develop a cyber field system to serve information security training, rehearsal and testing.

- Develop solutions to ensure information security for the Government's shared cloud computing, cloud computing connection infrastructure, and serve the popularization of cloud computing services.

- Develop platforms, systems, and solutions to ensure information security for essential and important national technical infrastructure.

- Develop platforms and solutions to ensure information security for digital transformation in industries and fields such as health, education - training, trade, tourism, agriculture, logistics, natural resources - environment, industrial production, etc.

Orientation for exploitation and use

Develop technical systems for private use to ensure information system security of the state-owned agencies, organizations, sectors and enterprises. Be able to connect and share information with the national-scale systems to support centralized monitoring, coordination and processing.

c) Protection of the people in the network environment

Type of constructions

Technical systems for assurance of cybersecurity.

Role of the work

Develop fundamental technical systems to serve the activities of ensuring the people's safety, creating digital trust and popularizing basic information security services for the people in the network environment.

Scale of work:

Develop technical systems for assurance of safety of the people in the network environment, including at least the following systems:

- Develop safe Internet access applications for the people.

- Develop applications and tools to review and detect the possibility that terminal devices have been attacked, infiltrated, or infected with malicious code.

- Develop platforms to popularize basic information security services.

- Develop propaganda platforms, raise awareness and disseminate information security knowledge to users.

- Develop online training and testing platforms to supply basic information security knowledge and skills for the users.

- Develop a platform to support child protection in the network environment.

- Develop a network credit labeling system for the websites of agencies and organizations.

- Develop technical systems to monitor, collect, analyze, classify and process negative information in the network environment.

- Develop technical capacity to prevent sources of cyber-attacks and sources of violating information.

- Develop technical systems on compliance monitoring of the telecommunications and Internet service providers, enterprises and organizations providing services on the Internet.

Orientation for exploitation and use

Develop technical systems to raise awareness, knowledge, skills and popularize basic information security services for the people. Agencies, organizations, and enterprises can all benefit from these systems.

d) Control and development of technology

Type of constructions

Technical systems for assurance of cybersecurity.

Role of the work

Develop technical systems to improve state management capacity and develop cybersecurity technologies, products, and solutions.

Support and promote research and development of a cybersecurity product ecosystem towards forming a cybersecurity industry.

Scale of work:

Develop technical systems to serve research, development and control of technology and cybersecurity solutions, including at least the following systems:

- Develop an information security assessment and verification system.

- Develop a system to support research, analysis, and reproduction of cybersecurity incidents.

- Develop a cybersecurity research and development center, create a favorable environment for research and testing of new cybersecurity products and services.

- Develop a security vulnerability scanning platform for e-Government applications of the ministries, the sectors and the localities to prevent network information insecurity incidents.

Orientation for exploitation and use

Develop technical systems to use to verify and evaluate information security to serve state management and research and development platform systems that agencies, organizations and enterprises can enjoy benefits and use it to support information security.

dd) Enhancement of international influence

Type of constructions

Technical systems for assurance of cybersecurity.

Role of the work

Develop technical systems to analyze and share cybersecurity. Enhance Vietnam's reputation, influence and leading role in cybersecurity in the region.

Scale of work:

Develop technical systems to serve research, development and control of technology and cybersecurity solutions, including at least the following systems:

Develop the Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) to improve connectivity, sharing and enhance international integration and national reputation in cybersecurity.

Orientation for exploitation and use

Vietnam's cybersecurity authorities mainly use this system. The data and information from the system can be shared and provided to the agencies and organizations (including other countries in the region) to enhance coordination and cooperation in cybersecurity.

5. Information technology industry

Orientation of space allocation

- Newly build 2 - 3 concentrated information technology parks in Hanoi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City and surrounding areas by 2030, excluding concentrated information technology parks formed by recognition from other existing types, with the goal of encouraging the transition of industrial parks and other types of zones to a model of high value-added digital technology product production, promoting innovation and sustainable green development. Orient to prioritize the development of the concentrated information technology parks in Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City, aiming to develop high value-added information technology services and products.

- Build a number of concentrated information technology parks in provinces and cities that meet the conditions prescribed by law, and allocate space by the region as follows:

+ The Northern midland and mountainous region: Organize space to develop information technology park infrastructure to serve the production of information technology, electronics - telecommunications hardware in Thai Nguyen, Lang Son, and Bac Giang provinces.

+ The Red River Delta region: Localities in the Northern dynamic region including: Hanoi, Bac Ninh, Quang Ninh, Hai Phong are the leading sub-regions in the country in improving the efficiency of information technology resources, focusing on developing a number of information technology industrial production and modern services such as: high-tech electronics industry, software production, IoT products, etc., participating in the global production chain.

+ The North Central region and the Central coastal region: Build Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Da Nang, Thua Thien - Hue, Quy Nhon, Khanh Hoa into major regional centers for information technology industry development and a focal point connecting the region with other economic regions of the whole country.

+ The Southeast region: Develop the Southeast region with Ho Chi Minh City as the nucleus for developing information technology human resources and being the center for research, transfer and application of information technology industry in the region and the whole country. The three provinces of Dong Nai, Binh Duong and Ba Ria - Vung Tau form a dynamic information technology industry region, attracting investment in the production of electrical and electronic products, IoT products, etc. for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the digital transformation in Vietnam.

+ The Central Highlands: Build Buon Me Thuot to become the center of the Southern Central Highlands sub-region, PleiKu city, become the center of the Northern Central Highlands sub-region to develop a number of digital technology services and products to solve social problems, digital transformation of the region, industrial products of information technology, electronics - telecommunications hardware.

+ The Mekong River Delta region: Develop Can Tho city into a regional data industry center, a center for developing the region's information technology industry, where the diverse, high-quality information technology services and industries are concentrated, focusing on the digital transformation of agriculture and sustainable development, responding to climate change in the region.

Type of the work/Role of the work

Build concentrated information technology parks to create technical infrastructure and a favorable business environment for operation of information technology enterprises, contributing to the development of the country's key economic sector - information technology sector. The centralized information technology park is also an incubator for development of new enterprises, for start-up and innovation activities. At the same time, the concentrated information technology parks are also important human resource training centers for the country in general and the information technology sector in particular.

Develop data industrial zones in the concentrated information technology parks: Prioritize the development and arrangement of data industrial zones in the concentrated information technology parks located near the data centers, with favorable geographical locations, stable geology and on-site human resources meeting the needs of data industrial park development.

Orientation for exploitation and use

- Develop the concentrated information technology parks to create an ecosystem, improve competitiveness and the content of Vietnamese information technology products in the global production value chain; as well as, promote the results and values of successful operating zones, creating a spread for concentrated information technology zones across the country.

- Develop information technology, electronics - telecommunications hardware: Master a number of important telecommunications and digital technology devices that contribute to digital transformation such as 5G and next generation network devices and IoT devices.

- Software development: Develop platforms, applications, and solutions for the digital government, the digital administration, the digital economy, and the digital society.

- Development of digital content: Build a digital content ecosystem for Vietnamese people. Lead the Vietnamese digital content market.

- Development of digital technology services: deploy Make in Vietnam digital technology products and solutions to solve social problems and digital transformation.

Technical-economic indicators

The conditions and criteria as prescribed by the Government and consideration of additional criteria are as follows:

- Prioritize the development of the centralized information technology parks to ensure sustainability, comply with the principle of promoting local strengths, and create conditions for linking regional economic development and industry clusters; not spread evenly across administrative boundaries; create new driving force areas along economic corridors, improve quality, operational efficiency, increase added value and be environmentally friendly.

- The information technology park focuses on promoting the development of Make in Vietnam information technology industrial products; Develop the information technology industry in the region changes the socio-economic face of the locality

- Remove from the master plan the concentrated information technology parks that are not deployed or are no longer suitable for development requirements; reduce the area of zones with slow implementation according to approved orientations, strategies and master plan, not bringing investment efficiency and causing waste of land resources.

- Level of synchronization with urban development, services, population and housing distribution in a comprehensive plan, to facilitate the attraction of investment in infrastructure development.

- Ability to attract investment capital from the domestic and foreign investors.

- Prioritize the formation of the concentrated information technology parks or members of software park chains near data centers and universities to attract high-quality human resources.

Land use orientation

Based on the national land use master plan for the period of 2021-2030, with vision toward 2045 and 5-year land use plan (in the period of 2021-2025), the land for the centralized information technology park belongs to the land fund for high-tech parks, industrial parks, non-agricultural land.

Attach and promote local comparative advantages; promote regional connectivity; create new motivation along economic corridors; create a transformation in the quality of local growth.


The land use arrangement for the development of national information and communications infrastructure must be consistent with the national land use master plan and the national marine spatial master plan.

Encourage the integration of information and communications infrastructure works with the works to develop digital technology industry, digital government, digital economy, and digital society in the direction of forming an ecosystem to improve the efficiency of exploiting resources to serve economic and social development and ensure national defense and security. Under the development needs, provincial planning and relevant regulations, the localities allocate appropriate land areas.


Under the Appendix issued together with this Decision.


1. Solutions on mechanisms and policies

a) Group of solutions on improving mechanisms and policies

Review and propose amendments and supplements to the system of legal documents to encourage innovation, creativity, mobilize a variety of resources for infrastructure development, and promote digital transformation in the field of information and communications and ensure cyber security and safety.

b) Group of solutions on building mechanisms and policies to stimulate the domestic demand

Develop policies to encourage and promote the state agencies, the enterprises and the people to use cloud computing service platforms provided by Vietnamese enterprises.

c) Group of solutions on promoting links and developing information and communication infrastructure in sync with other fields

- Develop policies regulating coordination, sharing, and common use of information and communications infrastructure with socio-economic infrastructure to increase investment efficiency and effectively use national resources.

- The policy allows the data centers to apply the mechanism of purchasing electricity directly at the source.

- The policy encourages and enforces the use of shared national digital platforms, promotes data connection and interoperability to improve the efficiency of infrastructure exploitation and save social resources.

- Implement the national land use master plan in the field of information and communications to ensure effective use of public postal network infrastructure, data center infrastructure and centralized information technology parks during the period of 2021-2025 and the following periods.

d) Group of solutions on ensuring national defense and security

- Unify awareness from the central to local levels to ensure that the cyber security and safety are the responsibility of the entire political system, in which the National Steering Committee for Cyber Safety and Security shall coordinate the coordination between 4 forces (the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Central Department of Propaganda and Education). These forces proactively and coordinately carry out their assigned functions and tasks. Regularly disseminate and thoroughly grasp the Party's guidelines, policies and laws of the State on cyber security and safety, consider it an important task of the political system.

- Raise awareness and responsibility of all-level Party committees, administrations, Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, the people, and the enterprises in ensuring cyber security and safety. The head of the Party Committee shall directly lead, direct and be responsible for cyber security and safety, proactively review and clearly identify key issues to direct effective implementation. Promote the effective participation of the masses in ensuring cyber security and safety and proactively respond to risks and challenges from cyberspace.

- Form the People's Security Posture in cyberspace in close combination with the All-People National Defense Posture in cyberspace. Complete policies to protect national security and the country's interests in cyberspace. Develop and complete legal documents as a basis for coordination between agencies implementing tasks of the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Defense, the management agencies of the Ministry of Information and Communications, and responsibilities of enterprises in ensuring security and national defense. Research, develop and promulgate a mechanism for sharing infrastructure to ensure cyber security and safety between management agencies of the Ministry of Information and Communications and functional units of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Defense.

- Improve self-control capacity in cyber security and safety. Focus on mobilizing diverse resources to improve research capacity on cyber security and safety; promote investment in cyber security and safety infrastructure; promote the application of cyber security and safety products and services to serve security and defense goals in a direction that allows combining with the goal of socio-economic development to quickly move towards mastering core technologies in cyber security and safety.

- Ensure cyber security and safety in the process of selecting and deploying services and technologies for information and communications infrastructure; prioritize the use of Vietnamese cyber security and safety products. Apply regulations to protect important national information systems in design, construction, development, operation and use stages. Ensure cyber security and safety during the design, construction, operation and exploitation of information and communications infrastructure (including building useful systems such as the National Cyber Security Center, etc.).

- Organize the issuance of licenses to use radio frequencies for the state-owned enterprises directly serving national defense and security for economic development combined with national defense and security tasks in accordance with the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Radio Frequencies.

- Mobilize resources to serve the development of cyber security and safety. The State ensures funding for national cyber security and safety; arrange funding for cyber security and safety to reach at least 10% of funding for science and technology, digital transformation, and information technology application.

- Focus on building mechanisms, policies, laws and deploying activities to train and develop human resources in cyber security and safety; build a team of high-quality information security and cyber security scientists, engineers, and young talents. Implement the Scheme on "Training of human resources for cyber security through 2025, with a vision toward 2030" and the Scheme on "Training and development of information security human resources for the period of 2021-2025".

- Strengthen international cooperation activities, with priority given to cooperation with countries that are strategic partners and large, reputable international organizations to enhance Vietnam's role and position in cyber security and safety in the international arena through proactive, positive and responsible participation in the development of general regulations and recommendations on cyber security and safety.

2. Solutions for science, technology, and environment

- Encourage corporations and enterprises to invest in research and development and master new technologies such as: New generation telecommunications networks, IoE (Internet of Everything), artificial intelligence (AI), big data and blockchain technology, etc., cooperate with domestic and abroad research facilities, purchase and receive transfer of the advanced technology; encourage and support the intellectual property copyright registration activities, etc.

- Build digital infrastructure and broadband connections to all people and enterprises; develop digital platforms with promotion of innovation, supply of technology as services such as: artificial intelligence digital platforms, IoT, data analysis, digital payments, etc. to support innovation activities and innovative startups in the field of information and communications.

- Promulgate standards and regulations on information and communication infrastructure; technical guidelines on connection, sharing, and common use of national digital platforms to ensure safety and effective use of data resources:

+ Apply advanced technologies in the public postal network such as: Automatic loading and unloading, automatic lifting, automatic storage of postal items, automatic sorting and sorting, IoT device system, etc. to support other enterprises' postal networks to connect to the system, unify the entire process, make the most of resources, reduce national logistics costs, improve national competitiveness, and compete in the international supply chain.

+ Stop deploying old generation mobile telecommunications technology according to the roadmap and re-plan the radio frequency band for use in next generation mobile systems. From 2025, focus on developing the 5th generation mobile information network (5G). Allocate the sufficient telecommunications resources (frequencies, number stores, domain names, etc.) according to market mechanisms to ensure the provision of telecommunications service quality on par with the region and the world.

+ Research and select national digital broadcasting standards according to the criteria of making the most of existing infrastructure, minimizing investment and exploitation costs; in accordance with Vietnam's national radio frequency spectrum use master plan; in accordance with recommendations of international radio, television and telecommunications organizations; widely accepted and applied by countries, organizations, radio and television stations around the world.

+ The components of information and communications infrastructure must ensure information security and meet the criteria for natural disaster prevention and control right from the design, production and manufacturing stages.

 + The development of telecommunications and digital infrastructure must meet and withstand the level of natural disaster risks appropriate to the natural disaster characteristics of each region and locality to ensure sustainable development; contributing to industry development, socio-economic development and proactive adaptation to climate change.

+ Apply the green regulations and standards when investing in new data centers or upgrading data centers to ensure green criteria and investment efficiency in the planned national data center.

+ Build key laboratories to develop key Make in Vietnam products for the digital government, the digital economy, the digital society, the digital transformation, the smart production, the smart agriculture, etc.

3. Solutions for human resource development

+ Implement human resource training programs in the field of information and communications; develop high-quality human resources, closely linking human resource development with the development and application of science and technology.

- Prioritize the development of the concentrated information technology parks near scientific cities, universities, research facilities, and large data centers to improve the quality of human resources and create the connection among universities - enterprises - centralized information technology park.

- Research and issue criteria for innovating training programs to adapt to the development of technology and the Information and Communications sector; develop training programs and plans to ensure sufficient resources in quantity and quality.

4. Solutions for market and service development

Create and manage the market well to ensure fair competition between the enterprises with and without infrastructure, creating motivation for the enterprises to innovate in providing information and communication services.

5. Solutions for mobilizing investment capital

a) General solution

- Mobilize all resources to invest in developing information and communication infrastructure. Restructure public investment towards focusing on investment in information and communications infrastructure. Distribute investment capital with focus on dynamic projects, with pervasiveness and connection between methods, taking into account the balance between regions.

- Use state budget to invest in national data centers. The national multi-purpose data centers and the zone multi-purpose data centers serve multiple purposes invested by the enterprises. Other data centers use appropriate capital from the investor and comply with the approved master plan.

- Mobilize social resources in building information and communications infrastructure in the direction of enterprises investing together and using the same infrastructure, especially developing national digital postal platforms and building regional and zone postal centers, broadband infrastructure and data centers; build a shared passive telecommunications infrastructure system such as: antenna poles, cable poles, culverts, tanks, cables, etc. Develop and promulgate mechanisms and policies on capital, investment, technology solutions and appropriate business models to attract investment in digital infrastructure and postal infrastructure. In addition to postal enterprises designated by the State and mobilizing potential enterprises in the market, the enterprises are currently participating in the last-mile delivery segment.

- Organize the implementation of Decision No. 22/2021/QD-TTg dated July 22, 2021 of the Prime Minister on criteria for classification of wholly state-owned enterprises and partially state-owned enterprises subject to ownership transformation, reorganization or state capital withdrawal in the 2021-2025 period

- Provide the financial support from the public telecommunications service fund for the poor, near-poor households, the households in disadvantaged areas and other social policy beneficiaries with broadband connections and smartphones. Provide financial support for the enterprises to deploy digital infrastructure in difficult and remote areas. Improve the ease of use of information and communication networks in rural and remote areas.

- Encourage the domestic enterprises to participate in building a national digital radio transmission and broadcasting system, moving towards forming a digital radio transmission and broadcasting market to provide high quality radio services and value-added services towards the convergence of technology and multimedia, meeting the increasing needs of the listeners.

b) Solutions for mobilizing capital outside the budget

- Complete mechanisms and policies to encourage investment in information and communications infrastructure in the forms of PPP, BT, BOT, etc. Expand forms of joint implementation between the State and the people; encourage and honor organizations and individuals with many contributions to building information and communication infrastructure, especially in rural, remote and ethnic areas. Innovate and strengthen foreign investment promotion; have appropriate mechanisms and policies to attract investment in the fields of information and communications infrastructure.

- Issue mechanisms and policies so that the enterprises investing in developing information and communications infrastructure can access the credit conveniently. Research and implement the preferential credit programs (programs on investment stimulus loans, loans with preferential interest rates) to invest in new development of information and communications infrastructure.

- Create favorable conditions for the private economy to access and use information and communications infrastructure equally at reasonable costs.

- Attract investment from creative startup investment funds and domestic and foreign venture capital funds to build an information technology, electronics - telecommunications industrial ecosystem and prioritize the use of Make in Vietnam information technology industrial products in the concentrated information technology parks.

6. Solutions for international cooperation

- Proactively and actively participate in activities of international and regional organizations related to the development of information and communications infrastructure of which Vietnam is a member; ready to promote its leading role in areas where Vietnam has strengths; proactively and actively participate in building new international legal frameworks, standards and principles on information and communications infrastructure in accordance with Vietnam's goals and interests.

- Conduct international cooperation to keep up with world development trends, experience in management and development in the field of information and communication infrastructure in the world.

- Conduct investment promotion, focusing on attracting large technology corporations from strategic partners among the information and communication powers.

- Develop policies to attract foreign investment and implement information technology commitments in future trade agreements that Vietnam participates in.

7. Solutions for organizing, implementing and monitoring the master plan

- Organize public announcement of information and communication infrastructure master plan, creating high consensus among the socio-political organizations, the enterprises, the investors and the people upon implementation.

- Coordinate synchronously and closely the master plan implementation process between central and local levels, ensuring that the local plans must comply with the orientations of information and communication infrastructure master plan; coordinate between the ministries and the sectors to handle inter-sectoral issues, ensuring consistency, synchronization and effectiveness of information and communications infrastructure master plan.

- Implement the data-based master plan management. Organize the statistics, collect accurate data, analyze and accurately forecast the market development. Annually review master plan implementation and industry-related contents in national master plan, zone master plan, and local planning. Promptly propose to ensure implementation, adjustment, amendment and supplementation of the master plan.

- Connect to the national information system and database on the master plan developed, managed and exploited by the Ministry of Planning and Investment according to Article 41 of the Law on Planning.

Article 2. Implementation organization

1. The Ministry of Information and Communications

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, sectors and People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities in managing and organizing the implementation of information and communications infrastructure master plan. Periodically organize evaluation of the implementation of the master plan, review and adjust the master plan according to regulations. Announce the master plan according to regulations.

- Develop an information system for strategic management and planning of the information and communication sector, provide the relevant data to update the information system and national database on the master plan.

- Organize planning of technical and specialized nature to promulgate or submit to the competent authorities for promulgation.

- Coordinate with relevant ministries and sectors and the provincial People's Committees to guide natural disaster prevention and control measures for information and communication infrastructure.

- Coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment in arranging the annual budget to implement the master plan.

2. The ministries, the ministerial-level agencies, the government-attached agencies

- The ministries and sectors, according to their functions, tasks, and powers, are responsible for coordinating with the Ministry of Information and Communications to ensure synchronization between the sector master plans in charge and this master plan.

- The ministries and sectors, according to their functions, tasks, and powers, shall allocate resources and propose policy mechanisms to effectively implement the objectives of the master plan, ensuring consistency and synchronization with the implementation of the 10-year socio-economic development strategy (2021-2030), socio-economic development plans of each sector and locality.

- The ministries and sectors, according to their functions, tasks, and powers, shall proactively organize and implement relevant tasks according to this master plan.

- Organize the construction of digital technology systems and digital platforms to serve the digital transformation of sectors and fields.

- Direct and guide enterprises, especially the state-owned enterprises, to develop strategies, production and business plans, and arrange capital sources to implement this master plan.

3. The People's Committees of centrally-run cities and provinces

- The People's Committees at all levels, within the scope of their tasks and powers, shall organize and implement state management of information and communications infrastructure in accordance with relevant laws within their localities; enhance the common use of inter-sectoral infrastructure, strictly manage land funds to serve the implementation of the master plan.

- Develop master plans, plans, and projects in the localities to ensure consistency and synchronization with this master plan. Update local planning content to ensure compliance with local information and communication infrastructure development orientations according to this master plan.

- Proactively deploy and prioritize the application of digital technology, information and communication infrastructure, cybersecurity, etc. to improve the quality of planning, implementation, and management of projects in particular as well as all agricultural and industrial activities, infrastructure development and management, smart urban construction, etc.

4. The Vietnam Television, the Voice of Vietnam, the Vietnam News Agency and other media and press agencies shall: Assume the prime responsibility for and proactively coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications and other ministries, sectors and localities in organizing extensive propaganda and dissemination of this master plan.

5. The corporations and the enterprises in the field of information and communications

The corporations and the enterprises in the field of information and communications shall develop and organize the implementation of their development master plans and plans in accordance with the information and communications infrastructure master plan for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision toward 2050.

Invest, upgrade and expand information and communications infrastructure to meet the requirements of economic and social development and ensure national defense and security.

6. The Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations and other social organizations established in accordance with the law and, within the scope of their tasks and powers, shall supervise, propagate and mobilize the people to implement this Decision.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect from the date of its signing.

Article 4. The ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies, the heads of the Government-attached agencies, the chairpersons of the People's Committees of centrally-run cities and provinces are responsible for the implementation of this Decision.






Tran Luu Quang


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