Resolution 01/NQ-CP 2025 major tasks to implement the socio-economic development plan and State budget estimate
Issuing body: | Government | Effective date: | Known Please log in to a subscriber account to use this function. Don’t have an account? Register here |
Official number: | 01/NQ-CP | Signer: | Pham Minh Chinh |
Type: | Resolution | Expiry date: | Updating |
Issuing date: | 08/01/2025 | Effect status: | Known Please log in to a subscriber account to use this function. Don’t have an account? Register here |
Fields: | Finance - Banking , Policy |
On major tasks and solutions to implement the socio-economic development plan and State budget estimate in 2025
Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated June 19, 2015; the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Governments dated November 22, 2019;
Pursuant to the Resolution No. 158/2024/QH15 of the National Assembly dated November 12, 2024 on socio-economic development plan in 2025,
In 2024, despite numerous difficulties and challenges, our country witnessed rapid and clear recovery month after month, with GDP accelerating quarter after quarter, and achieved remarkable outcomes across all fields that were better than 2023, with all 15 socio-economic targets fulfilled or exceeded. The country managed to maintain macro-economic stability, strongly promote growth, and ensure major balances while overspending, public debt, and government debt fell to far below the prescribed limits. GDP growth was estimated at 7.09%, making Vietnam one of the fastest-growing economies in the region and the world and was highly valued by international organizations. Consumer price index was tamed relatively well at 3.63% despite the increase in the prices of some goods and services and basic monthly salary by the State. The whole-year budget revenue was estimated to surpass the preset target by 19.8%, trade surplus was estimated at US$24.77 billion. Tangible results were recorded in the implementation of three strategic breakthroughs on institutions, infrastructure development and human resource development. The business environment continued to improve, contributing to consolidating confidence of businesses, individuals and investors; foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows neared US$38.23 billion, making Vietnam among top 15 developing countries with the largest FDI volume while FDI disbursement was estimated to reach a new record high of around US$25.35 billion, an increase of 9.4%. Vietnam was ranked 44th out of 132 countries on the global innovation index rankings, up 2 places from 2023. Material and spiritual life continued to improve; consequences of natural disasters were timely overcome. National defense and security were strengthened; national independence and sovereignty were firmly safeguarded; social order and safety were ensured. External relations and international integration, especially high-level diplomatic activities, were strongly promoted and achieved important results conducive to ensuring peace, stability, cooperation and development, and to consolidating and enhancing Vietnam's position and prestige on the international arena.
The above achievements are proof of our country's outstanding efforts, and carry especially important significance, contributing to creating foundations, momentum, and confidence for us to achieve greater achievements in 2025 and in the period 2025-2030.
The aforesaid results came as a result of: (i) the serious compliance with the leadership of the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, the General Secretary and other senior leaders by the Government and administrations at all levels; (ii) the solidarity and unity with high determination, great efforts, decisive actions; (iii) the close and effective coordination of agencies within the political system, as well as the support of people, business community and international friends.
2025 is of special importance as it is the final year of implementing the five-year Socio-economic development plan for 2021-2025. It is also the year to implement the revolution on streamlining the apparatus of the political system, to organize Party congresses at all levels toward the 14th National Party Congress, and to prepare and consolidate the fundamental factors for Vietnam to confidently enter the new era – the era of the nation's rise to prosperity, toward successful realization of the 10-year Socio-economic development strategy for 2021-2030.
In the meantime, regional and international situation was forecast to continue complex and unexpected evolutions; the global economy may recover slowly and unevenly while risks tend to increase. Our economy is projected to sustain positive growth pace amid both opportunities and challenges interwoven, and domestic shortcomings that have persisted for years, along with risks such as storms, droughts, and saltwater intrusion, etc.
I. Viewpoints and key focuses
The Government requests all levels, sectors and localities to stay focused on achieving the GDP growth rate of at least 8 percent and striving for two-digit GDP growth under favorable conditions. Localities need to strive to accelerate GRDP growth to at least 8-10 percent. Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and other cities and provinces that are growth poles need to strive to achieve growth rates higher than the average national growth level.
The Government also requests all levels, sectors and localities to promote the power of solidarity, the spirit of innovation, daring to think, daring to do, the will of self-reliance, and the desire to rise; join hearts and minds, demonstrate high determination, great efforts, and decisive actions.
1. Fully grasp and seriously implement the resolutions of the Party and the National Assembly, especially the Resolution adopted at the 13th National Party Congress; coordinate closely between agencies in the political system; proactively and actively prepare for and successfully organize Party congresses at all levels toward the 14th National Party Congress.
2. Thoroughly analyze and evaluate the implementation of the five-year socio-economic development plan for 2021-2025, strive for achieving the highest outcomes of the preset targets. Induce strong, decisive, and comprehensive innovation in economic management so that the country can firmly enter the era of prosperity and development.
3. Stick closely to reality, promptly respond to arising problems in the spirit of "dare to think, dare to do, dare to make breakthroughs for the common good".
4. Tighten discipline; promote power decentralization. Continue to promote prevention and fight against corruption, wastefulness and negative phenomena
5. Build and develop the country in the spirit of "autonomy, confidence, self-reliance, self-reliance, and national pride".
II. Major tasks and solutions
1. Identifying institutional breakthroughs as "breakthrough of breakthrough". Further promote the review, supplementation and improvement of institutions associated with improving the effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement; continue to focus on reducing and simplifying administrative procedures and business regulations, removing bottlenecks, creating favorable conditions for people and businesses
a) Timely and fully institutionalize the Party's policies and guidelines; resolutions, conclusions, and directive documents of the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, and the National Assembly. Focus on building and ensuring the progress and quality of law projects under the 2025 Law and Ordinance Building Program. Innovate thinking in law making, abandoning the thinking of "if you can't manage it, ban it", "if you don't know, don't manage it"; promote the "management by results" method; complete the legal system to ensure transparency, uniformity and fairness.
Timely and fully institutionalize the Party's policies and guidelines; resolutions, conclusions, and directive documents of the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat, expeditiously amend the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents and the Law on Enterprises; continue to review and propose amendments to the Investment Law; complete regulations on organizational structure, and power decentralization to serve the implementation of the revolution in organizing the State apparatus; create a favorable environment for investment, production, business, and promote digital transformation.
Proactively and urgently build legal corridors and incentive mechanisms for new fronts, high-tech projects, large projects, new trends; legal framework for digital transformation, green growth, and circular economy; legal framework for fast, healthy and effective development of all types of markets (finance, securities, science and technology, startups, innovation, labor, real estate, carbon credit trading...).
Promoting the role of the Steering Committee in reviewing and organizing the handling of problems in the legal system. Urgently review, supplement, and complete legal regulations that are no longer appropriate, overlapping, or incomplete; research and promulgate a number of breakthrough mechanisms and policies to solve outstanding, complex problems that cause loss and waste; if necessary, promulgate a law amending many laws or resolutions to handle arising issues that are not yet regulated in the existing law. Strengthen discipline, improve coordination efficiency between levels and branches in the work of developing legal documents, closely linking law development with law enforcement.
b) Strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement, improve the strict and consistent law enforcement mechanism, and ensure respect for the Constitution and the law. Timely develop and promulgate according to authority documents detailing and guiding the implementation of laws and resolutions passed by the National Assembly at its 8th working session, especially revised laws and law amending many laws on public investment, investment, planning, investment in the form of public-private partnerships, bidding, state budget, management, use of public assets, national reserves, accounting, independent audit, securities, management tax... Summarize specific mechanisms, policies, and pilot models for legalization associated with promoting decentralization, and expanding the scope and subjects of application. Strengthen the prevention and resolution of international investment disputes according to Directive No. 33-CT/TW dated May 21, 2024 of the Secretariat. Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of state management in the fields of judicial administration, judicial assistance, legal aid, legal support for businesses... Implement well international cooperation on law development; perfecting the law on mutual legal assistance; focus on providing legal aid at the People's Court and in criminal investigations 24/7. Promote guidance on law implementation and communication on policies and laws
Focus on reducing and simplifying administrative procedures and business regulations in a practical and effective way, amending, supplementing or abolishing unnecessary administrative procedures and regulations; do not allow inappropriate new procedures, business regulations, standards that lead to increasing costs, causing difficulties and troubles for people and businesses. Continue to effectively implement the master program on administrative reform; build an effective, dynamic administrative system and a safe, transparent, low-cost investment and business environment meeting international standards
2. Prioritize strongly promoting economic growth associated with maintaining macroeconomic stability, controlling inflation, ensuring major balances of the economy and achieving a high surplus
a) Coordinate policies closely, synchronously, harmoniously and effectively to support production and business and promote growth drivers
Implement credit solutions in accordance with macroeconomic developments, credit capital needs, and the economy's ability to absorb capital; direct credit institutions to steer credit to production and business areas, priority areas; strictly control credit for potentially risky areas, reduce operating costs, increase the application of information technology, digital transformation and other solutions to strive to lower lending interest rates. Closely monitor the gold market, deploy solutions to manage the gold market in accordance with the law.
Strengthen State financial-budget discipline; promote the application of digital transformation in State budget collection and expenditures, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of State budget revenue and expenditure management; ensure correct, complete and timely budget collection; restructure revenue sources to ensure sustainability, expand budget collection bases and combat transfer pricing and tax evasion, effectively manage revenue sources arising from e-commerce transactions, business on digital platforms, and cross-border transactions; drastically implement digital transformation, mandatory regulations on electronic invoices for all industries and fields, and at the same time inspect, test and supervise the implementation process. Urge the collection of outstanding tax debts and reduce the rate of tax arrears; strive for State budget revenue in 2025 to be about 10% higher than the estimate for 2024. Thoroughly save expenses; strive to save about 10% more regular expenses and increase the 2025 estimate compared to the 2024 estimate to supplement investment for the Lao Cai – Hanoi - Hai Phong railway project; control overspending and public debt safety targets within safe and reasonable limits, and at the same time research and consider taking advantage of the available room for public debt, government debt, and overspending to mobilize more resources for development. Research and evaluate to propose and consider extending policies on exemption, reduction, extension of taxes, fees, charges, land rent... to support growth and remove difficulties for production and business.
Closely monitor price developments of strategic goods on the world market, international and regional developments, proactively analyze, forecast, and promptly warn of risks affecting the domestic price level; implement according to authority or propose and advise competent authorities on appropriate, flexible, and effective measures, solutions, and response scenarios, ensuring the target of controlling inflation in 2025 at about 4.5% according to the Resolution of the National Assembly. Strictly implement regulations on price declaration, price posting, and publicizing price information.
Effectively implement the Decree on the establishment, management and use of the Investment Support Fund, ensuring investor confidence and maintaining the attractiveness of Vietnam's investment environment. Strongly develop the financial market and capital market to mobilize resources for the economy; strive to upgrade the stock market in 2025. Synchronously deploy solutions to promote safe, healthy and sustainable development of the real estate market.
b) Strongly develop the domestic market; deploy activities to connect supply and demand and promote trade; increase total retail sales of goods and service revenue by about 10-12%. Closely monitor the market situation, implement measures to ensure the balance of supply and demand of goods, especially during peak holidays and New Year, deploy solutions to stimulate consumption, promote domestic trade, avoid shortage of goods and goods price fever. Organize the effective implementation of the domestic market development project associated with the Campaign "Vietnamese people prioritize using Vietnamese goods". Implement well the work of preventing goods origin fraud; proactively perfect the trade defense system to protect the economy, businesses, and domestic market, ensuring compliance with international commitments. Take solutions to manage and regulate production and stabilize supply and demand of essential goods.
Improve the quality of services, especially food, accommodation, and tourism services; enhance attraction of international tourists. Strive to welcome and serve 22-23 million international tourists and 120-130 million domestic tourists in 2025.
c) Take stronger, more drastic and more timely solutions to accelerate the disbursement of public investment capital from the beginning of 2025, especially for important national projects, key works and national target programs; take public investment to lead private investment, strengthen public-private cooperation. Strengthen power decentralization and increase the responsibility of leaders in deciding investment policies and investment projects.
Resolutely recover capital allocated for projects that are not implemented according to the approved plan or projects that are not really necessary and investments that have not been effective; resolutely eliminate projects that are not really necessary; prioritize budget resources from both central and local levels to carry out projects connecting provinces, connecting regions, connecting nationally and internationally, especially connecting economic centers and localities that are growth poles. Localities should proactively balance local resources to invest in projects to promote connectivity within the province. Continue to effectively implement Resolution No. 111/2024/QH15 dated January 18, 2024 of the National Assembly to accelerate the implementation and disbursement of national target programs.
Build an effective mechanism to selectively attract foreign investment capital, in a number of potential areas capable of creating breakthroughs and new driving forces for growth such as chip, semiconductor, innovation, green hydrogen... Create the most favorable conditions and encourage businesses to deploy research and development activities or cooperate in technology transfer in Vietnam; select potential investors in key areas to proactively approach and invite them to invest in Vietnam.
d) Promote exports and trade promotion, expand and diversify the supply chain, production chain and import and export markets associated with improving product quality, participating more deeply and widely in regional and global supply chains. Effectively exploit opportunities from 17 signed FTAs; promote exports to major markets; promote trade with new and potential markets in the Middle, Latin America, and Africa markets, striving for a sustainable trade surplus. Ensure the progress of negotiations to upgrade the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) and the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) version 3.0, participate in negotiations on the ASEAN-Canada FTA (ACAFTA) and the Vietnam-European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Free Trade Agreement and promptly complete domestic approval procedures for these agreements to take effect.
Continue to innovate and promote digital transformation programs at the highest level in trade promotion activities and connecting supply and demand. Maintain regular trade promotion conferences with the system of overseas Vietnam Trade Offices; regularly update information on foreign market conditions, especially regulations, standards, and conditions that can affect Vietnam's import and export activities and provide necessary recommendations for localities, associations and businesses.
dd) Promote and create breakthroughs for new growth drivers, develop green economy, circular economy, e-commerce, and new, effective business models; promote emerging industries and fields such as big data, cloud computing, optoelectronics, internet industry, internet of things, biomedical industry, new energy, cultural industry, entertainment industry; exploit outer space, marine space, underground space. Complete the sandbox mechanism to support the development of the digital economy, green economy and circular economy. Support businesses in applying artificial intelligence and promoting digital transformation, green transformation, low carbon emissions, resource savings, sustainable development (ESG); promote export of green and environmentally friendly products. Research and propose appropriate mechanisms and policies to promote the formation, operation and development of digital technology enterprises, creating more "digital jobs", including businesses that deal with emissions from digital transformation activities to contribute to environmental protection. Develop and complete the master plan for national e-commerce development for the period 2026-2030.
Seriously, fully and promptly implement the National Strategy on Green Growth for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050. Promptly promulgate a list of green economic sectors integrated into Vietnam's economic sector system; soon complete the Decree on the pilot mechanism for circular economic development. Develop and complete preferential financial policies to encourage investment in green projects. Adopt credit solutions consistent with green growth goals; direct credit institutions to promote credit supply to green economic sectors and green projects. Actively complete the set of national green criteria to serve as a basis for identifying and classifying economic activities.
e) Timely adopt solutions to manage and regulate production, stabilize supply and demand of goods, especially essential goods, firmly ensure food security, energy security, adequate supply of electricity and gasoline in all situations
3. Complete the rearrangement of the State apparatus; strengthen decentralization of authority, improve responsibility of leaders; further promote the prevention and combat of corruption, waste, wrongdoings, and group interests; tighten discipline and administration associated with inspection, supervision, power control and resource allocation, improve enforcement capacity
a) Drastically and effectively implement the policy of streamlining and rearranging the organizational apparatus of agencies and organizations in the direction of "Lean - Compact - Strong - Effective - Effective - Effective", reforming state governance, promoting transparency, decentralization, creativity, self-reliance, self-reliance and accountability of all levels, especially leaders; abolish the "ask-give" mechanism; continue to rearrange administrative units at district and commune levels. Review and study amendments to Laws on organizational structure of the political system (Law on Government Organization, Law on Local Government Organization...); reshape functions, tasks and consolidate internal organization, ensuring continuous and smooth operations, without overlap or duplication, improving effectiveness and efficiency. Implement well policies for cadres, civil servants, public employees, and armed forces in the process of rearranging the organizational structure of the political system. Effectively deploy the project "Consolidating organizational structure, improving state management capacity and law enforcement on digital transformation from central to local levels by 2025, with a vision to 2030. Innovate, reorganize and improve the level of autonomy of public service units, promote the socialization of a number of public services, especially in conditional areas, innovate state budget allocation in the form of ordering and assigning tasks associated with products and quality of public services.
b) Strengthen discipline and administrative discipline. Put in place breakthrough mechanisms and policies to build a contingent of officials and civil servants with a solid foundation in political ideology, expertise, good moral qualities, high sense of responsibility, dare to think, dare to do, dare to cope with difficulties and challenges, capable of thinking independently, creatively, and dare to come up with breakthrough solutions, especially in handling complex situations and bottlenecks; promulgate mechanisms and policies to motivate and protect officials and civil servants who work and contribute for the common good.
c) Strictly implement Regulation No. 131-QD/TW dated October 27, 20231 of the Politburo on controlling power, preventing and combating corruption and wrongdoings in inspection, supervision, enforcement of Party discipline and in inspection and auditing activities, Regulation No. 189-QD/TW dated October 8, 2024 of the Politburo regulating power control, prevention and combat of corruption and wrongdoings, management and use of public finances and assets. Effectively implement the National Strategy on preventing and combating corruption and wrongdoings until 2030. Promote supervision, appraisal and post-inspection handling, especially inspection conclusions monitored and directed by the Central Steering Committee for Prevention and Combat of Corruption, Wastefulness and Negative Phenomena. Organize effective enforcement of legal regulations on implementing inspection and examination conclusions and promptly resolve denunciations and recommendations on corruption, wastefulness, and negative phenomena; increase the rate of recovery of money and assets due to violations, negative acts, and corruption. Focus on preventing and combating waste throughout society. Effectively deploy the activities of the Steering Committee on wastefulness prevention and combat headed by the Prime Minister. Promptly amend the Law on thrift practice and wastefulness prevention. Build a culture of savings, and fight waste. Focus on reviewing and removing difficulties and obstacles of projects, especially invested renewable energy projects, BOT projects, and stagnant real estate projects. Complete the comprehensive inventory of public assets at agencies, organizations, units and infrastructure assets invested and managed by the State according to Resolution No. 74/2022/QH15 dated November 15, 2022 of the National Assembly and Decision No. 213/QD-TTg dated March 1, 2024 of the Prime Minister. Accelerate the progress of rearranging and handling houses and land at agencies, organizations and units. Inspect and strictly handle violations that cause great wastefulness.
d) Effectively carry out citizen reception and resolve complaints and denunciations. Resolve promptly, legally, and in accordance with reality complaints and denunciations under authority right from the time they arise at the grassroots, especially complaints and denunciations related to Party Congress personnel at all levels. Strive to complete targets and tasks of civil judgment enforcement and administrative judgment enforcement in 2025.
4. Complete a synchronous and modern strategic infrastructure system, prioritizing key and important national transport infrastructure projects, highway systems, high-speed railways, inter-regional projects and large-scaled urban infrastructure, digital transformation infrastructure; connect the expressway system with airports and seaports and deploy high-speed rail and urban rail systems
a) Steer resources to complete the goal of having 3,000 km of highways and over 1,000 km of coastal roads by 2025. Accelerate the implementation of the North-South Expressway component projects in the 2021-2025 period; important and dynamic projects such as Ring Road No. 4 of Hanoi Capital Region, Ring Road No. 3 of Ho Chi Minh City, My Thuan - Can Tho Expressway, and Khanh Hoa - Buon Ma Thuot, Bien Hoa - Vung Tau, Chau Doc - Can Tho - Soc Trang, Cao Lanh - An Huu, Hoa Lien - Tuy Loan, Cao Lanh - Lo Te, Lo Te - Rach Soi expressways, and projects connecting with Ho Chi Minh Road, etc.; strive to basically complete Long Thanh International Airport, ports in Lach Huyen area, start construction of Lien Chieu port; complete investment procedures for Can Gio international seaport; putting into operation terminal 3 of Tan Son Nhat International Airport and terminal 2 of Noi Bai International Airport. Speed up investment preparation procedures for strategic and important national transport infrastructure projects, especially expressways planned for the period 2026 - 2030, promptly upgrade and expand a number of expressways as planned; strive to complete procedures and start construction of the Lao Cai – Hanoi - Hai Phong railway in 2025; prepare to invest in the Lang Son – Hanoi, Mong Cai - Ha Long - Hai Phong railway lines and speed up the progress of preparing and completing investment procedures for the entire high-speed railway project on the North - South axis.
b) Focus on removing difficulties and obstacles in the implementation process of large-scale infrastructure projects, especially in compensation and resettlement; ensure the supply of raw materials, controlling raw material prices and land use targets to speed up progress and ensure quality of expressway projects. Put in place breakthrough, practical and effective solutions, especially mechanisms and policies to attract investment in infrastructure projects in the public-private partnership mode; report to competent authorities to approve guidelines, mechanisms and policies to completely resolve existing problems in a number of investment projects under the public-private partnership method. Continue to review, complete and supplement construction norms to serve key projects of the transport sector; investment capital rate and general construction price to serve the management of construction investment costs, especially for urban railway and high-speed railway projects.
c) Focus on effectively implementing the National Power Development Plan VIII and the Plan for resource mobilization to implement the Political Declaration establishing the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP). Continue to review and adjust the National Power Development Plan VIII to suit development requirements. Urgently issue documents detailing and guiding the implementation of the Electricity Law (revised). Research and develop mechanisms and policies to develop electricity, renewable energy, and hydrogen; restart nuclear power, in accordance with the goals, planning, conditions, and advantages of socio-economic development. Focus on completing and putting into operation large and important power projects such as: Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant Expansion Project (480 MW), Quang Trach 1 (1,430 MW). Start construction and complete the 500 kV Lao Cai - Vinh Yen transmission line, and the 500 kV Monsoon - Thach My transmission line.
d) Build and develop a synchronous and modern digital infrastructure. Promote commercialization of 5G technology and 6G technology research; develop telecommunications satellites and upgrade national telecommunications infrastructure. Organize the implementation of the Program to provide public telecommunications services. Research, develop and promulgate technical regulations to ensure Internet quality on 3G, 4G, 5G mobile networks, quality of terrestrial fixed broadband Internet services using FTTH/xPON technology, regulations on installation of telecommunications peripheral cable networks. Develop, perfect and optimize platforms according to the National Digital Transformation Program. Increase the rate of using new generation IPv6 addresses on the Vietnamese Internet to 70% in 2025.
dd) Focus on developing cultural, educational, health infrastructure, and respond to climate change. Develop agricultural and rural infrastructure to serve the restructuring of the agricultural sector associated with building new rural areas. Prioritize investments in irrigation works, dikes, dams, irrigation reservoirs... that are critical, damaged, at risk, and at risk of unsafety.
Continue to invest in renovating, upgrading and building new fisheries infrastructure; irrigation infrastructure to serve agricultural production, agricultural and forestry seed infrastructure, water supply works to serve production and daily life in rural areas, ensuring that rural residents are provided with adequate clean water.
5. Focus on restructuring industries and fields and within industries associated with innovating growth models in the direction of strengthening the application of science and technology, promoting innovation, improving productivity, quality, efficiency, competitiveness, autonomy, adaptability and resilience of the economy
a) Restructure manufacturing and service industries
- Regarding industry: Continue to promote industrial restructuring towards modernization, in-depth development, improving productivity, quality, added value and competitiveness of products of advantaged industries. Prioritize the development and mastery of new technologies and emerging industries and fields such as chip, semiconductor and artificial intelligence. Effectively deploy the Semiconductor Industry Development Strategy. Strongly develop supporting industries, strengthen links between foreign-invested sectors and domestic sectors. Continue to improve the capacity of design, construction, and construction management of modern, complex, large-scale projects, prepare resources well so that domestic contractors are capable of deeply participating and implementing in the process of construction and operation of key projects such as the North-South high-speed railway, railway lines connecting to China and nuclear power project. Promote decentralization to localities in project appraisal, design, estimates, and remove legal obstacles in project implementation. Research and develop green, energy-saving, environmentally friendly, low-carbon building materials, construction materials and construction components used for coastal and island projects. Research and develop programs and projects to use materials to replace natural sand (crushed sand, sea sand, ash, slag, gypsum...
- Regarding agriculture: Continue to build agriculture in the direction of "Ecological agriculture, modern countryside, civilized farmers"; strongly shift agricultural production thinking to agricultural economic thinking. Develop circular, low-carbon, and environmentally friendly farming. Promote high-tech industrial livestock farming associated with brand building and development; continue to expand livestock farming applying Vietnam's good agricultural practices (VietGAP), encouraging cooperative models in livestock farming in an ecological, green, and organic direction. Develop the fisheries industry in the direction of formulating ecological farming areas, intensive farming applying high technology, biosafety farming, replicating linked chain farming models with high economic efficiency; develop marine aquaculture on an industrial scale; gradually reduce inshore fishing output, improve the efficiency of offshore fishing in accordance with resource reserves, combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, and remove the "yellow card" of the European Commission. Protect, develop and use the existing forest area effectively and sustainably to enrich the forests, maintaining forest coverage at over 42.02%; improve productivity and quality and promote the value of each type of forest and the special-use value of the forest ecosystem. Continue to effectively implement the National Target Program to build new rural areas for the period 2021 - 2025, with a focus on developing the rural economy and increasing income for rural residents in a direction associated with the process of in-depth, effective and sustainable urbanization
- Regarding services: Restructure service industries based on modern technology, applying the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Develop a number of industries, products and services with high level of knowledge and technology content and competitive advantages. Implement the international financial center project in Ho Chi Minh City and the regional financial center in Da Nang; build free trade zones in some key economic localities
Develop tourism in a professional, modern, effective and sustainable manner so that tourism truly becomes a spearhead economic sector. Establish several tourism service centers with high-quality, branded and competitive tourism products associated with unique identities. Focus on solving tourism infrastructure bottlenecks, especially overload at airports and high airfare prices; improve railway infrastructure and service quality in favor of tourists.
Continue to develop multimodal transport and logistics services on the basis of applying science and technology, improving the capacity, quality and effectiveness while reducing logistics costs. Promote the expansion of the network of specialized maritime transport routes, effectively implement agreements on cross-border transport of goods and passengers.
b) Continue to speed up the restructuring of State budget revenues and spending, improve the effectiveness of State budget management, allocation and use; accelerate the implementation of the Conclusion No. 93-KL/TW dated September 06, 2024 of the Politburo on continued innovation of State budget decentralization mechanism in the direction of strengthening the proactiveness of localities, relevant agencies and units. Amend, supplement and perfect tax management institutions, especially for new production and business activities in the digital economy and cross-border transactions; enhance inspection and combat of pricing transfer, ensure correct, sufficient and timely budget collection and expand tax base.
c) Continue to effectively restructure pubic investment (both central and local budgets) towards focusing capital on key sectors and fields of the economy, key works and projects, regional and national connectivity. Resolutely not spread investment capital, formulate a medium-term public investment plan for the 2026-2030 period, ensuring no more than 3,000 projects using central budget sources. The central government only invests in projects on regional connectivity and international connectivity. Create a breakthrough in attracting domestic and foreign private sector capital in form of public-private partnerships. Innovate and enhance the role of investment monitoring and evaluation, resolutely abolish the "ask-give" mechanism. Make information public and transparent and strengthen monitoring, evaluation, inspection, and prevention of corruption, loss, and waste in public investment. Promote the application of information technology and computerization in investment monitoring and evaluation. Build and prepare well works and projects, especially key national projects in the period 2026-2030.
d) Drastically implement the project to restructure the system of credit institutions associated with handling bad debts in the period 2021-2025. Focus on implementing the plan to handle and restructure commercial banks subject to special control. Strengthen and improve the effectiveness of monitoring the operations of credit institutions, especially weak credit institutions. Improve credit quality, strengthen bad debt handling, and limit newly arising bad debts. Drastically deploy the National Action Plan to implement Vietnam's commitments on preventing and combating money laundering, terrorist financing and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Continue to deploy solutions to promote digital transformation, non-cash payments and ensure security, safety and confidentiality in banking activities; the value of non-cash payments will be 25 times higher than the GDP by the end of 2025.
dd) Improve the investment and operational efficiency of state-owned enterprises in a comprehensive, transparent, effective and sustainable manner through management innovation, optimizing production methods, improving the quality of human resources. Focus on innovating staff work, recruiting and hiring high-quality human resources; consider piloting the hiring of foreign executives and business leaders who are not party; develop appropriate remuneration and salary mechanisms and policies.
Focus on organizing and implementing the Project to restructure state-owned enterprises for the 2021-2025 period, ensuring publicity, transparency and compliance with legal regulations. Strengthen management and improve the efficiency of using, exploiting and handling real estate of state-owned enterprises in accordance with the provisions of land law, law on management and use of state capital invested at enterprises.
e) Completely handle outstanding and long-lasting issues, especially issues related to bond and stock issuance. Focus on reviewing and completely removing difficulties and obstacles of projects to fully release the remaining resources for growth and development. Promptly study and promulgate a number of breakthrough mechanisms and policies to resolve outstanding and complex problems causing loss and waste.
g) Create an environment conducive to strong development of private enterprises, making them truly an important driving force of the economy. Continue effective implementation of the Resolution No. 41-NQ/TW dated October 10, 2023 of the Politburo on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese businesses in the new period. Build mechanisms to prioritize the formation and development of new production forces, and strongly develop large-scale enterprises. Develop mechanism for direct support (in terms of finance or infrastructure) to selectively attract foreign investment. Promote multi-party business linkages, linkages between State-owned enterprises, private enterprises and FDI enterprises, and formulation of regional and global supply chains through business partnerships. Strive to raise the GDP share of private economic sector to about 55 percent this year.
Develop dynamic and effective collective economy and cooperatives to contribute to creating jobs, increasing income, eliminating hunger and reducing poverty, building new rural areas and ensuring social security. Strengthen links between collective economic organizations and other economic sectors, especially state-owned enterprises.
6. Focus on developing high-quality human resources, particularly for such sectors as chip and semiconductor, in association with promoting scientific research, technological development and application, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Effectively implement the task of comprehensive reform of education and training in accordance with the Conclusion No. 91-KL/TW dated August 12, 2024 of the Politburo. Promptly finalize the draft version of the Law on Teachers. Continue effective implementation of the Preschool Education Program and the 2018 General Education Program in the direction of strongly shifting the educational process from mainly equipping knowledge to comprehensively developing leaners' capacity and qualities; promote STEM education in general education to meet the requirements of training high-quality human resources associated with technological development and application, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. Expand preschool education for preschool children from three to five years old and innovate preschool education program. Pay attention to developing tertiary training programs to reach international standards; promote substantive autonomy among universities; increase the number of students per ten thousand people by 2025. Pay attention to strengthening moral and lifestyle education for pupils and students. Encourage the development of new school models such as digital schools, smart schools, etc.; continue to improve the national educational system in the direction of openness, connectivity, fairness, and equality, promote learning society and life-long learning; promote the application of information technology and digital transformation in education. Strengthen physical and technical facilities and minimum teaching equipment for preschool, high school, and continuing education levels. Continue to resolve the shortage of teachers at all levels, especially in areas with particularly disadvantaged socio-economic conditions, ethnic minority areas. Strengthen international integration in education.
Focus on developing high-quality human resources associated with promoting scientific research, technology development and application, innovation and entrepreneurship movement in favor of developing knowledge economy, digital economy, green economy, circular economy, basic sciences, engineering, technologies and new industries, particularly artificial intelligence, data science, semiconductor; promulgate policies to encourage higher education institutions to transfer startup projects to localities. Focus on effectively implementing: Project to develop human resources for the semiconductor industry to 2030, with a vision to 2050; Project to develop human resources for high technology development in the period 2025-2035, with a vision to 2045; projects to develop tertiary institutions and to realize the planning for the network of higher education institutions in the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050; Project to develop a system of training and excellence centers in Industry 4.0 technology. Adopt effective policies to attract high-quality human resources to the public sector.
Promote the development of vocational training, link vocational training with the labor market, and meet high-quality human resources. Implement the Vietnam National Qualifications Framework for vocational education levels through quality control during the training and post-training process; develop national vocational skills standards. Effectively deploy Directive No. 37/CT-TTg dated October 7, 2024 on strengthening direction, coordination, and organization of high school graduation exams and university and vocational education entrance exams in 2025; diversify training forms, including work-study, distance training, guided self-study; strengthen the application of information technology, accelerate digital transformation, modernize facilities, and innovate training programs, training methods, and school administration. Organize training to improve expertise, skills, foreign languages and digital transformation capacity for teachers vocational trainers, and experts in key industries and occupations; improve the capacity of teachers and vocational education managers towards modernity and high quality.
Strengthen innovation and improve the quality of political, ideological, ethical, lifestyle, life skills, defense and security education for pupils and students associated with building and promoting the Vietnamese cultural and human value system. Pay attention to educating students about patriotism, national pride, national self-respect, self-reliance, self, and arouse the desire to contribute to the development of a prosperous and happy country.
Promote partnership between educational establishments and businesses in enrollment, training organization and job creation; create models that closely link vocational education and labor market by region and locality, employment service centers, and job fairs; focus on linking training with sending workers to work abroad under contracts. Develop forecasts of vocational education training needs, especially science-engineering-technology professions.
Focus on timely and effective implementation of Resolution No. 57-NQ/TW dated December 22, 2024 of the Politburo on breakthrough development of science, technology, innovation and digital transformation. Continue to improve the legal system on science, technology and innovation in accordance with market mechanisms and international practices, respect the characteristics of creative labor and accept risks and delays in science, technology and innovation activities. Develop the national innovation system in a business-centric direction with universities and research institutes as strong research subjects; adopt incentive policies strong enough to encourage businesses to invest in scientific and technological research and development, set up and effectively use fund for businesses' science and technology development, especially high technology, green technology, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and semiconductor chip production. Remove obstacles in handling assets form through the implementation of scientific and technological tasks using state budget.
Promote the development of synchronous, effective, modern and integrated science and technology market. Foster innovation, creative startup movement, and national digital transformation. Promote the effectiveness of the National Innovation Center in association with the formation and development of in innovation ecosystem, creative startups and strengthening connections and cooperation with the world and the region. Maintain the top-four position in ASEAN in global innovation index (GII) in 2025.
Promote activities on standards, measurement, and quality to support improvement of productivity, product and goods quality, with priority given to strongly developing national quality infrastructure in a centralized and unified direction from central to local levels, associated with Industry 4.0, meeting the requirements of international integration and improving productivity based on the foundation of science, technology, and innovation. Focus on promoting the protection of industrial property rights, developing and exploiting intellectual property to serve economic development and international integration; strengthen the capacity to process industrial property protection applications to meet social needs. Continue to research and widely apply solutions and technologies in the field of atomic energy for peaceful purposes.
Promote national digital transformation in a profound, comprehensive and groundbreaking way, especially building open digital institutions, modern digital infrastructure, a widespread digital economy, high-quality human resources, ensuring network security and safety. Focus on comprehensive digitalization of State management activities, development of digital government, digital economy, and digital citizens. Continue to drastically implement Project No. 06 which focuses on developing the application of population data, e-identification and authentication for national digital transformation for the period 2022-2025, with a vision to 2030.
Digitalize governance, direction, and administration activities of the Government, the Prime Ministers and leaders of ministries, central agencies and localities; develop national digital infrastructure, especially building the national data center, national and specialized databases. Build digital platforms to connect and share data between agencies and organizations to optimize processes and enhance coordination between ministries, agencies, localities and the business community. Improve the quality of online public services and digital services for people and businesses, aiming to provide comprehensive online public service; strengthen supervision, evaluation and accountability of State agencies and competent persons in serving the people. Innovate and improve the quality of operations of the Public Administration Service Centers and One-Stop Shops at all levels; strengthen the digitalization of records and results of administrative procedures. Strive to be in the group of four ASEAN countries leading the UN's e-government rankings in 2025.
7. Comprehensively develop cultural and social fields, ensuring harmonious connection with economic development; ensure social security, improve material and spiritual life of people; continue to innovate and improve the quality of social policies to meet the requirements of building and protecting the Fatherland in the new period
a) Focus on building a healthy cultural environment; pay attention to building grassroots cultural life, continue to organize good implementation of the Movement "All people unite to build cultural life". Organize effective implementation of the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the period 2025-2035. Strongly develop the cultural industry and entertainment industry; create an environment to promote investment in developing a cultural industry that is professional, modern, dynamic, creative, diverse, and rich in national cultural identity. Develop unique products and cultural forms with pervasive power to promote and introduce to the world. Continue to preserve and promote the good cultural values of ethnic groups. Narrow the gap in cultural enjoyment between urban and rural areas, between regions and social classes. Focus on preparing and organizing well events marking the country's major anniversaries such as the 95th founding anniversary of the Party, 50th anniversary of the liberation of the South and national reunification, and 80th anniversary of the National Day, etc.
Continue to implement Conclusion No. 70-KL/TW dated January 31, 2024 of the Politburo on developing physical training and sports in the new period. Formulate and promulgate a digital transformation project in the field of physical training and sports, Vietnam Athletics Development Project for the period 2030-2045. Mull over amendments and supplementation to policies for athletes, coaches, and sport workers in accordance with actual situation and legal regulations. Assume the role as the Chair of the ASEAN Sports Ministers' Meeting in 2025.
b) Implement fully, promptly and effectively the preferential policies for people with meritorious services to the revolution in an open and transparent manner. Promote non-cash payment of preferential benefits to people with meritorious services to the revolution through service organizations suitable to local conditions; build a database on people with meritorious services to the revolution. Carry out well the work of nurturing, caring for and nursing people with meritorious services to the revolution, the movements "repaying gratitude", "drinking water, remember the source", etc. Continue to pay attention to housing support for people with meritorious services to the revolution; focus on implementing Decision No. 21/2024/QD-TTg dated November 22, 2024 of the Prime Minister. Repair and upgrade martyrs' graves, martyrs' cemeteries, and memorials for martyrs. Implement planning for a system of social facilities to nurture and care for people with meritorious services to the revolution for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050.
c) Innovate and improve the quality of social policies in a comprehensive, modern, inclusive and sustainable direction in the spirit of taking people as the center and subject. Apply social security codes for people, complete database system on social policies; promote the provision of social services on digital platforms. Continue to implement synchronously, fully and promptly programs, projects and policies on social assistance ensuring openness, transparency, right subjects, and avoiding policy profiteering. Closely monitor the situation, direct localities to review and provide social assistance for people in need during the Lunar New Year 2025; organize timely emergency relief when natural disasters or epidemics occur.
Effectively implement the Law on the Elderly, the Law on People with Disabilities, and policies to support the elderly and people with disabilities, organize rehabilitation for mentally ill people, autistic children and people with mental disorders. Strive to raise the rate of elderly people having health insurance cards, receiving medical examination and care to 95 percent by the end of 2025. Strengthen inspection and supervision of the operations of public and non-public social assistance establishments.
d) Implement the goal of multidimensional, inclusive, and sustainable poverty reduction, limiting poverty recurrence and poverty generation. Review, amend and supplement poverty reduction policies, avoid overlap and duplication, align with sustainable development goals, ensure gradually increasing minimum living standards and people's ability to access basic social services, especially in ethnic minority and mountainous areas; promulgate conditional support policies, increase social policy credit for the poor, gradually eliminate the "free giving" policy, and promote the internal strength of people and communities to escape poverty.
dd) Continue to implement solutions to expand the coverage rate of social insurance and unemployment insurance. Promptly finalize and issue legal documents guiding the implementation ò the Law on Social Insurance (revised). Timely deploy unemployment insurance policies to support unemployed workers to help them stabilize their lives; support workers to find new jobs. Review and complete database on people who have yet joined voluntary social insurance and family-based health insurance in order to encourage them to participate in voluntary social insurance and family-based health insurance. The proportion of retired people receiving pension, monthly social insurance and social pension benefits is expected to reach 55 percent by the end of 2025.
e) Strengthen the connection between supply and demand, advance the development of the labor market; strengthen management of foreign workers in Vietnam. Focus on amending and supplementing the Employment Law (revised) and legal documents guiding this law after it is passed. Promote sustainable job creation and effective labor use through programs, projects, and credit policies to support job creation and support workers to participate in the labor market. Implement synchronously and effectively policies, programs and projects on employment support; monitor and evaluate loan activities, improve the efficiency of the National Employment Fund; focus on creating jobs for youth, middle-aged workers, disadvantaged workers and female workers; focus on supporting migrant workers from rural to urban areas, industrial zones and border workers.
Develop the labor market information system, step up the application of information technology, digital transformation and digitization. Continue to improve the legal framework, quality management, and operations of employment service organizations; invest in the development of a system of public employment service centers, establish a mechanism for public employment service centers to become a true market institution, participate in the market and become a tool for state management of the labor market and ensuring rights for workers. Improve capacity and promote forecasting of labor demand and vocational training needs of enterprises in terms of quantity, quality, industry structure, and qualifications of workers in enterprises.
Continue to promote the work of sending Vietnamese workers to work abroad according to Directive No. 20-CT/TW dated December 12, 2022 of the Secretariat. Stabilize and maintain traditional markets, expand manpower export to high-income markets, suitable to the qualifications and skills of workers. Instruct businesses to proactively prepare labor resources and effectively foster vocational and foreign language skills for workers working abroad. Simplify administrative procedures, improve the quality of public services in the field of manpower export. Monitor and grasp information about Vietnamese workers working abroad to promptly handle arising problems, ensuring the legal rights and interests of workers and businesses. In 2025, send about 130,000 workers to work abroad under contracts.
Well manage the issuance of work permits to foreign workers working in Vietnam; continue effective implementation of Directive No. 09-CT/TW dated September 9, 2021 of the Secretariat on attracting, managing and effectively utilizing foreign workers in Vietnam. Collect information about workers to serve as basis for labor management associated with the national population database and other databases.
Monitor and grasp the situation and labor relations, support the parties to overcome difficulties and ensure the rights of employees and employers according to regulations; implement preventive measures to minimize labor disputes, strikes and support the resolution of arising cases. Effectively implement Directive No. 31-CT/TW dated March 19, 2024 of the Secretariat on continuing to strengthen the Party's leadership on occupational safety and hygiene in the new situation. Organize the review of the implementation of the Law on Occupational Safety and Hygiene; complete the system of the Vietnamese standards on occupational safety and hygiene.
g) Implement Directive No. 34-CT/TW dated May 24, 2024 of the Secretariat on strengthening the Party leadership over social housing development in the new situation. Focus on effective implementation of the National strategy for housing development through 2030, with a vision to 2045; the project to build at least one million housing apartments for low-income people and industrial workers for the period 2021-2030 and local-level programs and plans on housing development. Strive to build more than 100,000 social housing units by the end of 2025.
h) Improve the forecasting, monitoring and early detection capacity, promptly and effectively control epidemics and public health emergencies. Deploy a roadmap to increase the number of vaccines in the Expanded Program on Immunization for the period 2021-2030; successfully implement the Expanded Immunization Plan for 2025. Organize and implement the Project to establish the Central Disease Control Agency. Promote solutions to improve the quality of medical examination and treatment services at all levels; improve people's satisfaction rate. Focus on expanding remote medical examination and treatment right from the grassroots level, technology transfer and timely support for lower-level medical facilities. Continue to implement programs and projects on population work, with a focus on the Vietnam Population Strategy through 2030, the Project on controlling sex imbalance at birth, and the Program to adjust fertility levels suitable to regions until 2030.
Ensure adequate supply of quality, safe, effective and reasonably priced drugs, vaccines, and medical equipment for the protection and improvement of people's health. Strengthen management of drug prices, ensuring the pharmaceutical market remains stable. Focus on promoting the review and supervision of medical waste management within medical facilities and surrounding areas, strictly handle violations; raise the treatment rate of medical waste to 98 percent.
Strengthen the management of non-communicable diseases and mental health disorders, food security, medical environment, school health, occupational diseases, accidents. Pay attention to the healthcare of the elderly, the poor, and ethnic people. Develop traditional medicine and pharmacy. Increase investment and mobilize resources to develop the healthcare system, continue to innovate the operating mechanisms and financial mechanisms of public non-business units. Implement a roadmap for universal health insurance. Complete regulations related to specific health workforce training, promulgate, adopt professional competency standards and training program standards. Enhance quality management and support training for medical personnel in disadvantaged areas.
Promote digital transformation and application of artificial intelligence, improve the effectiveness of science and technology activities in the healthcare sector. Strengthen direction and guidance on e-health management.
i) Focus on improving the lives of ethnic minorities, border areas, islands, and disadvantaged areas; synchronously and effectively deploy strategies, programs, schemes, projects and policies on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, especially the National Target Program for Socio-economic Development in Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas for the Period 2021-2025 (phase I). Develop a feasibility study report of this program for phase II (2026-2030). Pay more attention to preservation, embellishment and promotion of the fine cultural values and traditions of ethnic minorities and mountainous areas. Implement well the goal of great national unity. Monitor and grasp the life, economic, cultural and social situation of ethnic minority and mountainous areas.
Implement well the work of human resource development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas; enhance dissemination of laws and administration reform, promptly and substantively remove obstacles related to ethnic work and policies. Implement religious and belief policies well, proactively prevent and resolutely fight against acts of taking advantage of beliefs and religions to sow division and sabotage the great national unity block, and strengthen religious security.
k) Effectively implement Conclusion No. 83-KL/TW dated June 21, 2024 of the Politburo on salary reform; promptly remove obstacles, especially new contents related to bonuses for cadres, civil servants, public employees and armed forces. Study and put forward measures to handle unreasonable problems arising in the regime for a number of subjects and occupations (education and health workers; consider to further increase public sector salaries, pensions, social insurance benefits, monthly benefits, and preferential benefits for people with meritorious services to the revolution.
l) Continue to build a safe, friendly and healthy living environment to for comprehensive development of children, ensuring better implementation of children's rights. Protect and care for children in special circumstances; control and reduce the number of children suffering from abuse, accidents, injuries, especially drowning and traffic accidents.
Promote gender equality for the advancement of women; ensure substantive equality between men and women in terms of opportunities, participation and benefits in all fields; combat domestic violence. Continue to promote the active role of the National Committee for the Advancement of Vietnamese Women; effectively implement the National Strategy for Gender Equality for the period 2021-2030 and programs and projects to promote gender equality.
m) Improve the effectiveness of social evils prevention and combat. Effectively implement the National Target Program on Drug Prevention and Control through 2030. Continue to perfect and effectively implement policies, laws, programs and projects on drug rehabilitation, prostitution prevention and control, and support for victims of human trafficking; research and propose a project to amend and supplement the Ordinance on prostitution prevention and combat.
8. Proactively cope with climate change, prevent and control natural disasters, enhance management of natural resources and environmental protection; harmonize the relationship between economic development and environmental protection.
a) Drastically deploy strategies, plans, and programs of action to implement initiatives and commitments of Vietnam at the COP26 and COP28. Focus on realizing the Conclusion No. 81-KL/TW dated June 4, 2024 of the Politburo to actively adapt to climate change, enhance management of natural resources and environmental protection. Develop and finalize documents detailing the implementation of the provisions of the Law on Environmental Protection, including standards and regulations on climate change and ozone layer protection. Monitor the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and build a new Nationally Determined Contributions for the 2025-2035 period; organize the implementation of greenhouse gas inventory at all levels; supervise activities aimed at climate change adaptation and greenhouse gas emissions, propose greenhouse gas emission quotas and pilot the organization of carbon market for specific fields. Promptly take measures to reduce air pollution in big cities, including Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Effectively implement the Project to develop one million hectares of high-quality and low-carbon rice in association with green growth in the Mekong Delta region.
b) Improve the usage effectiveness and take measures to mobilize financial resources from land, natural resources, minerals for development. Continue to develop and submit for issuance of documents detailing the implementation of the 2024 Land Law. Focus on completing and putting into use of a centralized, unified, multi-purposed land information system and land database, provide online public services in the field of land in urban areas, improve the indicators of "land access", "land registration", and "quality of administrative management of land". Strictly control and ensure transparency and openness in land recovery, compensation, support and resettlement, ensure the legitimate rights and interests of those whose land is recovered by the State. Deploy land concentration models in accordance with the real conditions of each locality; investigate and overcome land degradation and decline in land quality. Improve State management of the exploitation and use of natural resources and of environmental protection; strengthen the application of information technology in management and formation of databases on geology and minerals.
c) Focus on effectively implementing strategies for sustainable sea-born economic development, sustainable exploitation and use of natural resources, marine and island environmental protection; national marine spatial planning, and national planning on exploitation and use of coastal resources. Review and put forward amendments and supplementation to the Law on Marine and Island Resources and Environment and documents detailing the implementation of this Law; supplement mission documents for management of marine resources and environment to create full legal corridor for sustainable development of marine economy. Formulate a Project to develop Hai Phong-Quang Ninh area into a modern marine economic center. Strengthen bilateral and multilateral sea cooperation based on the principle of ensuring national sovereignty, territorial integrity and mutual benefits. Focus on cooperation with maritime powers, especially take advantage of support and cooperation of countries in the East Sea region.
d) Ensure water security, safety of reservoirs and dams, and prevent depletion of water resources. Continue to monitor and supervise the operation of reservoirs according to inter-reservoir process, ensuring daily information updates of all reservoirs. Conduct online monitoring and supervision of major hydropower reservoirs. Develop comprehensive planning for the Ba, Vu Gia-Thu Bon river basins; Ca, Tra Khuc, Kon-Ha Thanh river basins in the period of up to 2030, vision to 2050. Monitor and supervise fluctuations in flow and water quality for transnational water sources; speed up international cooperation with upstream countries and international organizations in protecting and effectively using water resources in trans-boundary river basins, especially the Mekong and Red Rivers.
dd) Continue to modernize the hydro-meteorological network, improve monitoring, forecasting and warning capacity, especially disasters related to storms, tropical depressions, heavy rains, flash floods, landslides to meet development requirements and serve prevention and mitigation of damages caused by natural disasters in the new context. Develop and effectively implement the Project to prevent and control subsidence, landslides, flooding, drought and saltwater intrusion in the Mekong Delta and the Project to prevent and control landslides and flash floods in the Central and Northern regions. Maintain and operate the national environmental information system and database; study and propose solutions to apply information technology and digital transformation in nature and biodiversity conservation.
9. Strengthen regional connectivity, implement national planning, regional planning, and provincial planning; speed up progress and improve the quality of urbanization and urban economy.
a) Continue to drastically, synchronously and effectively the resolutions of the Politburo on socio-economic development, ensure national security and defense of six socio-economic regions. Continue to perfect institutions and legal system for regions, ensure effective regional coordination and linkage for regional development and investment promotion. Promote the role of regional coordinating councils in handling intra-regional and inter-regional issues, effectively implement regional plannings and plans to realize regional plannings.
b) Finalize, approve and implement plans to implement provincial-level plannings of provinces and centrally-run cities and national-level sectoral plannings. Study and formulate special mechanisms and policies to promote regional development and regional connectivity.
c) Continue implementation of Resolution No. 06-NQ/TW dated January 24, 2022 of the Politburo on sustainable urban planning, construction, management and development through 2030, vision to 2045. Focus on implementing and disseminating the content of the Law on Urban and Rural Planning and the Overall Planning for urban and rural systems for the 2021-2030 period with vision to 2050. Study and put forward a national program for urban renovation and reconstruction and urban technical infrastructure development for the 2026-2030, and the Project on development of some modern coastal areas in association with sustainable and climate-resilient tourism development.
Effectively implement the National Urban Classification Plan for the 2021-2030 period; the Vietnam Climate-resilient Urban Development Project for the 2021-2030; the Vietnam Green Growth Urban Development Project through 2030; the Vietnam Smart and Sustainable Urban Development Project for the 2018-2025, orientations toward 2030, which pilots the application of smart urban criteria and climate-resilient urban criteria; the National Program to Ensure Safe Water Supply and Prevent Clean Water Loss for the 2021-2025 period, and the Orientation for development of water supply and drainage in urban areas and industrial parks through 2025, vision to 2050.
10. Strengthen and consolidate national defense and defense potential, firmly protect national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity; continue to build and consolidate all-people defense posture, national security posture in association with people's heart and mind posture; firmly protect security and social order and safety.
a) Perform well the function of providing strategic advice to the Party and State on defense and security tasks. Proactively research, grasp, evaluate and accurately forecast the situation, promptly advise and successfully handle situations, without being caught by surprise. Focus on building a "smart, compact and strong" army. Organize military parades to mark the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the South, 80th anniversary of the National Day, and the 80th anniversary of the traditional day of the People's Public Security.
Proactively develop combat plans appropriate to actual situation. Regularly improve vigilance, maintain high combat readiness, strictly manage airspace, sea areas, borders, inland areas, cyber-security, especially strategic areas and key areas, firmly protect sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national interests. Strengthen training to prepare for all situations. Build, manage and protect the national borders of peace, friendship, cooperation and development; strictly control entry and exit activities. Coordinate closely with central commissions, ministries and agencies to lead and direct the defense work, promote aggregate strength, effectively mobilize resources for building and consolidating the all-people national defense posture; mull over the development of modern defense technologies to serve the task of protecting the country. Well implement the policy of closely combing national defense and security with socio-economic development in each area and across the nation.
Prepare well for dealing with non-traditional security challenges in a timely and effective manner. Develop and promulgate documents, plans and programs at national level; proactively cope with natural disasters. Maintain effective international cooperation in natural disaster response, search and rescue, overcoming war consequences, clearing bombs and mines, handling toxic chemicals, and the United Nations peacekeeping operations.
b) Absolutely protect safety and security of the Party and State leaders' activities, important political, cultural and social events of the country, key targets, delegations, international conferences in Vietnam, party congresses at all levels, plenary meetings of the 13th Party Central Committee, plenary meetings of the 14th National Assembly, and activities commemorating the 80th anniversary of the August Revolution and the Independence Day, among others.
Strengthen control of security and social order situation, especially issues that may affect Vietnam's security and interests in order to timely advise the Party and the State on formulating related guidelines and policies to firmly protect the Fatherland early and from afar. Focus on preventing, controlling and neutralizing plots, intelligence activities, espionage activities, terrorist activities, sabotage activities, and activities aimed at inciting protests that disrupt security and order. Well protect internal political security, ensure security for the process of selecting personnel for party congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Party Congress, protect the ideological foundation of the Party; ensure information and communication security, network security and economic security. Enhance protection of religious security; completely handle disputes and complaints, especially cases related to land, religion, and ethnicity to prevent the formation of security and order "hotspots". Ensure security and order in strategic areas such as the Northwestern region, the Central Highlands, and the Southwestern region.
Be proactive in taking solutions to curb and reduce crime in a substainable manner; drastically suppress crime, social evils, especially murder and property fraud, gambling, "black credit", crime related to youth, human trafficking, transnational drug trafficking and transportation lines; strictly handle crime using high technologies, fraud in cyberspace.
Promote the work of ensuring traffic order and safety, urban order, fire prevention and fighting; deploy comprehensive measures to reduce traffic congestion in big cities and key routes; strictly handle violations regarding use of alcohol and drug when driving vehicles.
11. Promote synchronous, effective and comprehensive deployment of foreign affairs and international integration; firmly maintain a peaceful, stable, and favorable environment, attract resources in favor of national development, consolidate and enhance Vietnam's prestige and position on the international arena.
Continue to consolidate the diplomatic posture, sustain and further deepen the relations with neighboring countries, major countries and partners in a substantial and long-term fashion. Step up high-level diplomatic activities, deepen bilateral relations with major partners, enhance political trust and intertwinement of interests. Take advantage of opportunities from expanding and upgrading relations with partners, translate agreements and commitments into practical programs and projects. Implement the Conclusion No. 71-KL/TW dated February 16, 2024 of the Politburo on major tasks and solutions to implement the foreign policy of the 13th National Party Congress and other related projects. Strengthen coordination between the Party diplomacy, State diplomacy, and people-to-people diplomacy to promote the aggregate strength and specific advantages of each sector, especially in strategic research, strategic forecasting and strategic advice. Timely, substantially, and fruitfully implement Vietnam's commitments with countries, review and report to the Prime Minister on the implementation of these commitments on a quarterly basis.
Continue to fight and protect national sovereignty and territorial integrity, appropriately handle emerging issues, maintain peaceful and stable maritime and land borders, comply with international law, agreements, and legal documents signed between Vietnam and partners, accelerate border economic cooperation.
Promote economic diplomacy with new orientations and groundbreaking new approaches. Develop plans and actively implement specialized diplomatic activities, particularly technology, semiconductor, digital transformation, new energy associated with the need to renew growth model, and promote new driving forces for new phase of breakthrough development. Fruitfully take advantage of the free trade agreement network, especially the EU-Vietnam free trade agreement, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership while promoting negotiations to sign new cooperation frameworks, mulling over the possibility of joining new economic connectivity initiatives with a view to ensuring national interests. Continue to speed up the signing and implementation of cooperation deals in strategic fields like digital transformation and green transition with important partners.
Promote and elevate the stature of foreign affairs and multilateral diplomacy through active and proactive participation in formulating, leading and building the rules for global governance and settlement of common issues. Promote the campaign to win seats on important multilateral agencies and forums; speed up the intermediary and conciliation role in a number of issues where Vietnam has interests, capabilities and advantages. Prepare well for hosting important multilateral events in 2025, especially the 4th Partnership for Green Growth and Global Goals (P4G) Summit, the 16 UNCTAD Ministerial Meeting, and APEC Year 2027 in Vietnam.
Well organize events to celebrate founding anniversaries of diplomatic relations with China (75th anniversary), Russia (75th anniversary), the U.S. (30th anniversary), Indonesia (70th anniversary), Germany (50th anniversary), Cuba (65th anniversary), the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (75th anniversary), and the EU (35th anniversary); enhance cohesion and coordinate more closely and synchronously between politic diplomacy, economic diplomacy and overseas Vietnamese work to make positive contributions to national development process, promote soft power, and heighten the nation's position and prestige. Continue to innovate and effectively implement the overseas Vietnamese work, consular work and citizen protection work. Speed up the implementation of the Strategy for cultural diplomacy through 2030.
12. Be more proactive in information and propaganda work to create motivation and inspiration, encourage innovation; improve the effectiveness of mass mobilization work and create social consensus.
Fully and deeply reflect the messages and activities of the leaders of the Party, the State, the National Assembly, and the Government; closely follow the conclusions and resolutions adopted by the Party Central Committee, the National Assembly, and the Government to focus on popularizing the solutions to socio-economic development in 2025, as a premise toward the Party congresses at all levels and the 14th National Party Congress; provide official and reliable information to the people, actively mobilize the strength of national solidarity to successfully realize the Resolution adopted at the 13th National Party Congress.
Focus on disseminating the Party's guidelines, the State's laws and policies and major and important events in 2025; actively disseminate good deeds; stick to reality and increase information provision to contribute to create a favorable environment for national development, defense and security. Effectively protect the Party's ideological foundation; resolutely fight against wrongful acts and distorted views and arguments of hostile forces; feedback on issues of public concern; prevent and remove bad, toxic and false information; strictly handle violations of organizations and individuals. Promote patriotic emulation movements in a practical and effective manner; implement well the principle of grassroots democracy, further promote the role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its members and social organizations in order to contribute to creating social consensus and strengthening national solidarity block.
III. Organization of implementation
1. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and Government-attached bodies, and Chairpersons of provinces and centrally-run cities shall:
a) Maximize the positive aspects and results achieved, make efforts to overcome limitations and inadequacies in all fields; seriously implement the tasks and solutions enshrined in the Conclusion No. 97-KL/TW dated October 5, 2024 of the 10th plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee, Resolution No. 158/2024/QH15 of the National Assembly on socio-economic development plan for 2025, Resolution No. 159/2024/QH15 of the National Assembly on State budget estimate for 2025, and other Resolutions adopted by the Party and the National Assembly; promptly handle emerging problems, create clear changes right from the beginning of the year; take full responsibility before the Government and the Prime Minister for the implementation of this Resolution.
b) Before January 20, 2025, develop and promulgate action programs/plans and documents to implement this Resolution. These programs/plans and documents need to specify targets and tasks and implementation progress, and report to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for synthesis and reporting to the Government at the Cabinet meeting in January 2025.
c) Regularly monitor, inspect and supervise the progress and outcomes of the implementation of the assigned targets and tasks; quarterly summarize and evaluate the implementation of their targets and report to the Ministry of Planning and Investment prior to the 20th of the last month of each quarter for synthesis and reporting to the Government.
d) Summarize and evaluate the implementation of this Resolution within their scope of management and prepare the contents for the Government's Resolution No. 01 for 2026, and send to the Ministry of Planning and Investment prior to November 15, 2025 for synthesis and reporting to the Government at its meeting in December 2025.
2. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and Government-attached bodies shall proactively monitor domestic and international developments, enhance analysis, evaluation and forecasting capacity to take timely, comprehensive and synchronous measures in order to utilize opportunities and minimize negative impacts on the economy, businesses and people; strengthen digital transformation, perform timely and accurate statistics and reporting regime; update growth scenario of their sectors and fields on a quarterly basis and report to the Ministry of Planning and Investment to synthesize and update the national growth scenarios.
3. Ministries and agencies in charge of monitoring macroeconomic affairs shall be responsible for coordinating closely and effectively in advising and putting forward concrete measures and solutions to macroeconomic management, promptly report to the Government and the Prime Minister any problems arising in the implementation process. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shalle take prime responsibility and coordinate with the Government Office and relevant agencies to monitor and inspect the implementation of this Resolution.
4. Ministries, agencies and localities formulate scenarios and targets for growth and budge revenues in 2025 and report to the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Government Office. On that basis, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with ministries, agencies and localities to synthesize, review and propose indicators in accordance with the overall national growth scenario, and then report to the Government for consideration and publication of these indicators in January 1, 2025. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall also be responsible for monitoring, evaluating and periodically update and report to the Government on implementation of these indicators on a quarterly basis.
5. The Ministry of Finance shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with ministries, agencies and localities to guide the scope and subjects of regular expenditure savings to increase the 2025 estimate compared to 2024 estimate (in addition to 10 percent savings).
6. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with the Central Commission for Communication and Education, media agencies, ministries, and localities to organize the dissemination of the contents of this Resolution./.
On behalf of the Government
The Prime Minister
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