Decree 29/2025/ND-CP define the functions, tasks, powers of the Ministry of Finance

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Decree No. 29/2025/ND-CP dated February 24, 2025 of the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance
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Official number:29/2025/ND-CPSigner:Ho Duc Phoc
Type:DecreeExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:24/02/2025Effect status:

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Fields:Finance - Banking , Organizational structure
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No. 29/2025/ND-CP


Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Hanoi, February 24, 2025


Defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of
the Ministry of Finance



Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated February 18, 2025;

At the proposal of the Minister of Finance;

The Government promulgates the Decree defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance.


Article 1. Position and functions

The Ministry of Finance is a governmental agency, which shall perform the state management of Strategy, plans for socio-economic development; planning; development investment and business investment activities in Vietnam and offshore business investment from Vietnam, investment promotion activities; the state budget; the state budget fund; public debt; foreign aid to Vietnam and Vietnam’s aid provided to other countries; taxes, charges, fees and other state budget revenues; state reserves; finances for non-budget state financial funds; public properties; customs; accountancy; audit; prices; securities; insurance; bidding; enterprises, collective economy, cooperative economy, business households; economic zones; financial and other service activities under the Ministry’s state management; statistics; implementation of policies for social insurance, health insurance, act as a representative of the owner of state capital amounts invested in enterprises in accordance with law regulations.

Article 2. Tasks and powers

The Ministry of Finance shall perform the tasks and exercise the powers as stipulated in the Law on the Organization of the Government, the Decree on defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, and specific tasks and powers as follows:

1. To submit to the Government draft laws and draft resolutions of the National Assembly, draft ordinances and draft resolutions of the National Assembly Standing Committee, and draft decrees and draft resolutions of the Government under the Ministry’s approved annual lawmaking programs and plans, and programs, projects and schemes as assigned by the Government or the Prime Minister.

2. To submit to the Government or the Prime Minister medium-term, long-term and annual development strategies, master plans, programs and plans in the fields under the Ministry’s state management; and drafts of decisions, directives and other documents of the Prime Minister in accordance with law regulations.

3. To promulgate circulars, decisions, directives and other documents under the Ministry’s state management.

4. To direct, guide, inspect and organize the implementation of legal documents, policies, strategies, master plans and plans after they are promulgated or approved, and other legal documents under the Ministry’s state management; to inform, disseminate and educate about the laws in the fields under the Ministry’s state management.

5. Regarding social-economic development strategies and plans; development strategies and plans for sectors within the scope of management of the Ministry; planning

a) To formulate the country’s 5-year and annual socio-economic development plans and social-economic development strategies; development strategies and plans for sectors and fields within the scope of management of the Ministry; national overall master plans and regional master plans; plans on implementation, policies, solutions, resource allocation and publicization of national overall master plans and regional master plans after they are approved;

b) To formulate the Government’s action programs for the implementation of 5-year socio-economic development plans after they are approved by the National Assembly; to advise the Government and Prime Minister on general socio-economic mechanisms and policies and coordination in macroeconomic management and administration; to assist the Government in administering the implementation of plans on some sectors and fields as assigned by the Government or Prime Minister;

c) To synthesize major macro balances of the national economy; to propose solutions for firmly maintaining balances according to strategic objectives and plans to achieve the goals of socio-economic development plans;

d) To carry out the formulation and provide advices on general affairs regarding mechanisms and policies to mobilize and use development resources for implementation of socio-economic development strategies and plans, types and methods of development investment and development of economic sectors, economic restructuring associated with growth model renewal, and coordination in regional and inter-regional development;

dd) To guide ministries, sectors and localities in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of their plans; to monitor, evaluate, and report on, the implementation of the country’s socio-economic development plans on a monthly, quarterly, annual, mid-term and 5-year basis;

e) To assume the prime responsibility for appraising provincial master plan formulation tasks and provincial master plans; to submit to the Government the establishment of the appraisal council for national overall master plan formulation tasks and the appraisal council for national overall master plans; to submit to the Prime Minister the establishment of the appraisal council for regional master plan formulation tasks and the appraisal council for regional master plans;

g) To guide ministries, ministerial-level agencies and provincial-level People’s Committees in formulating, and organizing the implementation of, master plans.

6. Regarding the state budget management

a) To summarize, formulate and submit to the Government national 5-year financial plans, national 3-year financial-state budget plans; annual state budget estimates and central-budget fund allocation plans in accordance with the Law on the State Budget; to adjust national 5-year financial plans, state budget estimates and central-budget fund allocation plans (if any); to assume the prime responsibility for considering and proposing the total annual funds for recurrent expenditures for national target programs in the course of formulation and submission of such programs to competent authorities; to balance and allocate funds for annual recurrent expenditures for implementation after the programs are approved;

b) To formulate and submit to the Government plans on additional estimates of the increased state budget revenues, plans on the allocation and use of the increased revenues and saving of expenditures of the central budget, and plans on adjustment of state budget estimates in accordance with regulations;

c) To formulate and submit to the Prime Minister draft decisions on assignment of budget collection and spending tasks to every ministry, ministerial-level agency, government-attached agency and central agency, collection and spending tasks, the percentages (%) of division of revenues subject to division and levels of additional funds from the central budget for every province or centrally run city in accordance with the Law on the State Budget;

d) To decide according to competence or submit to the Prime Minister for decision the use of central budget reserves and the use of the central financial reserve fund and other financial reserve sources in accordance with law regulations;

dd) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, other central agencies and provincial-level People’s Committees in, formulating and submitting to the Government or Prime Minister for the latter to provide for, or provide according to competence the allocation quotas and budget expenditure regimes, norms and quotas in accordance with the law regulations on the state budget;

e) To provide guidance on the requirements on, contents of, and time limit for, the formulation of 05-year financial plans, 3-year financial-state budget plans and annual state budget estimates; to notify the amounts of budget revenue estimates, total amounts and amount for every sector covered by the budget’s recurrent expenditures to ministries, government-attached agencies and other central agencies; total budget revenues in localities and estimates of local budget expenditures to every province or centrally run city;

g) To organize the implementation of state budget estimates and administer the central budget according to the competence; to monitor and urge the implementation of budget estimates at all levels;

h) To inspect the allocation of assigned budget estimates of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and other central agencies; to guide the budget management and administration by ministries, sectors and localities; to direct and inspect the performance of budget collection and spending tasks by ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, other central agencies and localities;

i) To organize and direct the accounting and account finalization of state budget funds and periodically report on implementation of budget revenue and expenditure estimates in accordance with law regulations;

k) To appraise and summarize the final accounts of budgets of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and other central agencies; to summarize the final accounts of local budgets under the Law on the State Budget; to summarize and submit to the Government for submission to the National Assembly for approval the final accounts of the state budget;

l) To make advances from central budget funds according to the competence or under decisions of competent authorities in accordance with the Law on the State Budget and guiding documents;

m) To recover advanced amounts from central budget funds;

n) To formulate state financial statements nationwide and report them to competent state agencies in accordance with law regulations;

o) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and agencies in, formulating and submitting to the Government for decision of financial policies and solutions under the state management of the Ministry of Finance in order to control and combat inflation or deflation in the economy.

7. Regarding the development investment management

a) To assist the Government in performing the unified state management of public investment, investment in the form of public-private partnership (PPP) and other development investment forms; to issue or submit to the competent authorities for issuance of legal documents on public investment, investment in the PPP form and other development investment forms, and general regulations on the management of national target programs;

b) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors and localities in, setting principles, criteria and quotas for the allocation of public investment capital from the state budget; to set principles and criteria for allocation of funds for large-scale and inter-regional key projects creating a driving force for socio-economic development of the country and regions;

c) To assume the prime responsibility for, and synthesize general affairs on development investment; to set the total and structure of development investment capital for the entire society, medium-term and annual public investment plans/investment plan adjustment; to report to the competent authorities of assignment of plans for public investment from the state budget, determination of state budget funds for development investment of the country by sector and field in annual and 3-year financial-state budget plans; to summarize the total funds for national target programs, public investment programs, important national projects, and large-scale and inter-regional key projects with spillover effects promoting the socio-economic development of regions and localities and the list of programs, tasks, and projects funded by the central budget and included in medium-term public investment plans;

d) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies in, appraising the capital sources and the ability to balance the capital for national target programs, important national projects, and public investment programs and projects for which the investment policy is decided by the Government or the Prime Minister;

dd) To report to the Government and the Prime Minister on the implementation of plans, disbursement of public investment capital, finalization of completed projects funded by public investment capital, and carry out the disclosure in accordance with regulations;

e) To act as the standing member of the state appraisal council for national target programs and projects for which the investment policy is approved by the National Assembly; to act as the standing member of the Interdisciplinary Appraisal Council for Investment Projects in the Form of Public-Private Partnership subject to investment policy decision by the Prime Minister; to appraise investment policy for programs and projects subject to investment policy decision or approval by the Prime Minister in accordance with the Law on Public Investment and the Law on Investment in the form of Public-Private Partnership;

g) To inspect, supervise, and carry out overall evaluation of, investment activities; inspect, and supervise programs and projects of public investment, and investment in the PPP form in accordance with law regulations.

h) To act as the focal point in performing the state management of industrial parks and economic zones, free trade zones and economic zones of other forms; to propose models, mechanisms and policies on development of industrial parks and economic zones, free trade zones and economic zones of other forms; to appraise requests for the establishment, and expansion and adjustment of boundaries, of economic zones, free trade zones and economic zones of other forms.

8. Regarding business investment activities in Vietnam and offshore business investment from Vietnam; investment promotion activities

a) To manage business investment activities in Vietnam and offshore business investment from Vietnam; to organize investment promotion activities and guide investment procedures;

b) To assume the prime responsibility for appraising investment policy for investment projects subject to investment policy approval by the Prime Minister and the National Assembly in accordance with the Law on Investment;

c) To carry out procedures for the grant, modification and invalidation of offshore investment registration certificates;

d) To guide the implementation of the regime on handling, updating of information and reporting on investors’ problems and recommendations related to the application and enforcement of law in the course of carrying out business investment activities;

dd) To organize the inspection, supervision, evaluation of activities of domestic investment, foreign investment in Vietnam and offshore investment from Vietnam in accordance with law regulations.

9. Regarding taxes, charges, fees and other state budget revenues

a) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, formulating and submitting to competent authorities for promulgation, and guide and inspect the implementation of, legal documents on taxes, charges, fees and other state budget revenues;

b) To uniformly manage, direct and inspect the collection of taxes, charges, fees and other state budget revenues in accordance with law regulations for tax, customs and other agencies assigned by the State to collect charges, fees or other state budget revenues;

c) To decide according to competence or propose the competent authorities to decide on exemption, reduction, refund, retrospective collection and write-off of taxes, extension of late-payment interest payment, fines for charges, fees or other state budget revenues in accordance with law regulations, and matters arising in the course of implementation of bilateral or multilateral treaties on charges, fees or other state budget revenues;

d) To promulgate regulations on procedures and professional processes of collection and payment of taxes, charges, fees and other state budget revenues in accordance with law regulations; to provide guidance on professional operations of tax declaration, calculation and payment of taxes, charges, fees and other state budget revenues, and other relevant professional operations;

dd) To examine and control sources of state budget revenues and the observance of the law on state budget collection and payment, and handle according to competence violations of the law on taxes, charges, fees and other state budget revenues in accordance with law;

e) To assess the conformity of policies on taxes, charges, fees and other state budget revenues with the other current mechanisms and policies and the socio- economic situation in each period for making timely adjustment, amendment and supplementation according to competence or propose competent agencies to do so.

10. Regarding the management of budget funds, state reserve funds and non-budget state financial funds and the management of the state budget fund

a) To uniformly manage, direct, inspect, and take responsibility for the budget funds and the state budget fund at the State Treasury; to manage the state reserve fund and non-budget state financial funds in accordance with law;

b) To organize the implementation of state budget expenditures strictly according to assigned estimates and the law-prescribed conditions in accordance with the law on the state budget;

c) To control, pay and account-finalize state budget expenditures via the State Treasury system in accordance with law;

d) To provide guidance on professional operations of collection, payment, and reporting on revenues and expenditures, of the state budget fund; to handle according to competence violations of the law on management of the state budget fund, state reserve funds and non-budget state financial funds;

dd) To promulgate, or propose competent authorities to promulgate, the mechanism of financial management applicable to non-budget state financial funds; to guide and inspect the management and use of non-budget state financial funds.

11. Regarding the management of national reserves

a) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and agencies in, making and submitting to competent authorities the lists and detailed lists of national reserve commodities, total national reserve levels and national reserve plans;

b) To promulgate national technical regulations and techno-economic norms on, and perform quality management of, national reserve commodities and standards on national reserve warehouses (except standards on national reserve warehouses of the Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of National Defence) in accordance with law;

c) To promulgate regulations on financial management regime, maximum purchase prices, minimum sale prices, and damage compensation prices, of national reserve commodities, and levels of expenses for purchase, sale, receipt, issue, preservation, insurance, relief and aid for national reserve commodities in accordance with law regulations;

d) Based on the approved state budget estimates and national reserve plans, to ensure financial sources for national reserve activities of ministries and sectors managing national reserve commodities; to appraise and summarize the final accounts of budget expenditures for national reserves;

dd) To carry out examination of national reserves in accordance with law;

e) To organize the implementation of regulations on management, restoration, receipt, issue, purchase, sale, and alternative exchange, of national reserve commodities in accordance with law regulations.

12. Regarding the management of public property

a) To perform the unified state management of public property in accordance with law; to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities in, formulating and submitting to competent authorities for promulgation legal documents on management, use and operation of public property, and compulsory purchase and requisition of property in accordance with law regulations;

b) To assume the prime responsibility for the formulation of, formulate and promulgate according to competence, or submit to the Government or Prime Minister for promulgation, regulations on standards and norms for public property use under the assignment of the Government and the Prime Minister;

c) To decide according to competence or submit to the Prime Minister for decision the ownership establishment, delivery, reallocation, handover, sale or ownership transfer of public property in accordance with law;

d) To announce the list of goods and services subject to national-level centralized procurement according to competence and the roadmap decided by the Prime Minister; to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, guiding the implementation of centralized procurement in accordance with law;

dd) To give opinions on the Scheme, plan on the operation of public property for the purpose of joint venture or association and the Scheme on operation of public property in accordance with the law on management and use of public property;

e) To guide and inspect the implementation of law regulations on management and use of public property in accordance with law; to summarize the situation of management and use of public property nationwide, and report it to the Government for submission to the National Assembly; to carry out statistics, analysis, forecasting, and disclosure of public property.

13. Regarding bidding management

a) To perform the unified state management of bidding in accordance with law regulations; to assume the prime responsibility for formulating, and submitting to the competent authority for the promulgation legal documents on contractor selection and investor selection in accordance with the laws on bidding and investment in the PPP form;

b) To assume the prime responsibility for formulating and promulgating within its competence sample documents on contractor selection and investor selection in accordance with the laws on bidding and investment in the PPP form;

c) To organize the appraisal of the general contractor selection plan, contractor selection plan subject to decision by the Prime Minister, and other cases assigned by the Prime Minister in accordance with law regulations;

d) To guide and inspect the implementation of regulations on contractor and investor selection in accordance with the laws on bidding and investment in the PPP form; annually compile the implementation of bidding activities and report on it to the Prime Minister .

14. Regarding management of state capital at enterprises; registration, development and management of corporate finance, finance of collective economy and business households

a) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries and branches in, formulating and submitting to the Government or the Prime Minister for promulgation according to the competence of programs, plans, mechanisms and policies on registration and development of enterprises, collective economy and business households; policies for improvement of the business investment environment; mechanisms for management of corporate finance for all types of enterprises of all economic sectors; financial mechanisms for the development of collective economy and cooperatives;

b) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries and branches in, formulating and submitting to the Government or the Prime Minister for promulgation according to the competence of programs, plans, mechanisms and policies for the arrangement and reform of state-invested enterprises; mechanisms for management, investment, supervision, examination and inspection of investment of state capital in enterprises; conversion of public non-business units into enterprises; and mechanisms for management and use of state support for enterprises, collective economy organizations and cooperatives from the state budget and other funding sources of the State;

c) To assume the prime responsibility for, or participate in, the investment of the State’s capital and financial support in enterprises; to monitor, supervise, examination and inspect the investment of the State’s capital in enterprises after it is approved by competent authorities; to settle policies upon the reorganization or restructuring of the State’s capital in enterprises in accordance with law; to monitor and consolidate the nationwide situation of restructuring and reforming of state-invested enterprises;

d) To carry out supervision, examination and inspection of the investment of state capital in enterprises by the owner’s representative bodies in accordance with law;

dd) To coordinate with the owner’s representative bodies in formulating and implementing the plans on supervision of enterprises; to carry out thematic supervision or supervision at the request of the Government or Prime Minister; to propose to the owner’s representative bodies the solutions on management, investment, state capital at enterprises;

e) To coordinate in evaluating the production and business efficiency of state-invested enterprises, representatives of state capital at enterprises in accordance with law regulations;

g) To exercise the rights and fulfill the responsibilities of representative bodies of the owner of state capital amounts at enterprises in accordance with law and as assigned by the Government or Prime Minister;

h) To summarize, analyze, evaluate, formulate and submit to the Prime Minister for decision plans on regulation of capital sources and funds of state-invested enterprises in accordance with the Government's regulations;

i) To summarize and report to the Prime Minister and the Government on the production and business efficiency and the performance of the task of providing public services and products as assigned; the restructuring, equitization of and divestment from enterprises nationwide; to specifically examine the financial statements of state-invested enterprises when so requested by the Prime Minister;

k) To manage the registration of enterprises, cooperative economic organizations and business households; to guide procedures for registration for enterprises, cooperative economic organizations and business households; to inspect, monitor and summarize enterprise registration, online enterprise registration and post-registration activities nationwide;

l) To verify and synthesize reports on the management and investment of state capital in enterprises by the owner’s representative bodies on an annual basis nationwide for submitting them to the Government in order to report to the National Assembly;

m) To support innovation and startup activities; to renew the growth model on the basis of science and technology development within the scope of the Ministry’s state management in accordance with law.

15. Regarding the management of loan borrowing and payment of the Government, public debts, foreign debts of the nation, international aid sources for Vietnam and Vietnam’s loan and aid sources for foreign countries

a) To formulate and submit to the competent authorities for promulgation, or promulgate according to competence policies and regimes on the management of loan borrowing and payment of the Government, public debts in accordance with law;

b) To assume the prime responsibility for formulating and monitoring criteria for public debt safety, 5-year plans on borrowing and payment of public debts, 3-year programs on debt management and annual plans on public debt borrowing and payment of the Government, annual limits of loans borrowed for on-lending and the Government’s annual limits of guarantee for submission to competent authorities for approval;

c) To assist the Government in performing the unified state management of public debt borrowing and payment; to perform state finance management of the Government’s foreign loans;

d) To mobilize capital for the state budget and for development investment through the issuance of debt instruments, conclusion of domestic and foreign loan agreements and from other lawful financial sources;

dd) To act as the lender’s representative of the Government for loans lent to foreign governments, and act as the borrower’s representative of the Vietnamese Government and State; to organize negotiations on, and conclusion of, framework agreements, treaties and agreements on borrowing of foreign loans of the Government as assigned by the Government or Prime Minister; to assume the prime responsibility for submitting to competent authorities for approval of the proposals of projects using ODA loans or concessional loans of foreign donors; to appraise according to competence investment policy for prefeasibility study reports, programs and projects using ODA loans or foreign concessional loans; to assume the prime responsibility for determining the domestic financial mechanism applicable to projects using foreign loans; to provide on-lend loans for programs and projects approved by competent agencies; to implement the capital disbursement and record foreign debt as the borrower, to guide, examine and supervise the capital disbursement and financial management for foreign loans and aid of the Government;

e) To assume the prime responsibility for formulating plans on arrangement of state budget funds for foreign debt payment; to formulate plans on disbursement of ODA loans and concessional loans, and annual plans on the state budget’s counterpart funds for ODA-funded programs and projects;

g) To issue and manage the Government guarantee for enterprises and policy banks in accordance with law;

h) To guide and organize the payment of debts from the state budget with regard to the Government’s loans, and performance of the guarantor’s obligations; to manage the Debt Payment Accumulation Fund;

i) To uniformly perform the state management of foreign aid sources for Vietnam and Vietnam’s loan and aid sources for foreign countries;

k) To act as the focal point for summarization and announcement of information on debt norms and public debt figures in accordance with the law on public debt management.

16. Regarding accountancy and audit

a) To formulate and submit to competent authorities for promulgation development policies on accounting and audit activities, regulations on accounting and audit (including independent audit and internal audit), and the regime of finance-budget reporting and publicity;

b) To promulgate regulations on accounting and audit principles, standards, professional methods and operations;

c) To submit to competent authorities for promulgation criteria and conditions on accountants, chief accountants, auditors, certified public accountants, accounting practitioners; and criteria and conditions for establishment of accounting or independent audit service enterprises;

d) To grant, re-grant, modify or revoke certificates of eligibility for provision of accounting and independent audit services, and certificates of accounting and independent audit practice registration; to suspend the accounting and independent audit practice and suspend the provision of accounting and independent audit services in accordance with law;

dd) To guide, inspect and supervise the implementation of the laws on accounting, audit, and provision of accounting and independent audit services; and accounting and independent audit practice, and handle violations in the implementation of the laws on accounting, audit, and accounting and independent audit practice.

17. State management of securities and the securities market

a) To formulate and submit to the competent authorities for promulgation legal documents on securities and the securities market;

b) To formulate, and submit to the Prime Minister for decision the establishment, dissolution, operation model, ownership forms, functions, rights and obligations of the Vietnam Exchange, the Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation, and the establishment of subsidiaries of the Vietnam Exchange;

c) To grant, re-grant, extend, modify and revoke licenses and securities practice certificates and written certifications related to securities and securities market activities; to approve changes, suspension and cancellation related to securities and securities market activities in accordance with law;

d) To manage, supervise and examine securities and securities market activities; to manage securities and securities market service activities in accordance with law;

dd) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, applying measures to ensure security and safety of the securities market.

18. State management of insurance business

a) To formulate and submit to the Government for promulgation legal documents on insurance business; to formulate policies on development of the insurance market;

b) To grant, re-grant, amend, supplement or revoke establishment and operation licenses and suspend operation of insurance enterprises, reinsurance enterprises, Vietnam-based foreign branches, insurance brokerage enterprises, and mutual insurance organizations; to grant, re-grant, amend, supplement, extend or revoke licenses for setting up foreign representative offices in Vietnam, terminate operations of Vietnam-based foreign representative offices;

c) To examine and supervise operation of insurance enterprises; reinsurance enterprises; Vietnam-based foreign branches or representative offices; mutual support organizations providing microinsurance, insurance brokerage enterprises in accordance with law regulations;

d) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, applying necessary measures to ensure the lawful operation of the insurance market;

dd) To manage the use of the Fund for Protection of the Insured;

e) To organize information arrangement and storage and give forecasts about the insurance market.

19. Regarding the financial management of financial institutions and financial services

a) To formulate mechanism and policies on issuance of Government bonds, local government bonds, Government-guaranteed bonds, and corporate bonds in accordance with law; to formulate mechanisms and policies for, and grant, re-grant, modify, extend or revoke business eligibility certificates of credit rating activities, supplementary retirement insurance scheme, and financial institutions operating in the financial market under the Ministry of Finance’s state management in accordance with law;

b) To formulate and submit to competent authorities for promulgation, or promulgate and guide mechanisms, policies and organizational models of lottery, betting, casino and video game business activities in accordance with law;

c) To examine and handle violations in, the implementation of laws on lottery, betting, casino and video game business activities; to grant, re-grant, modify, extend or revoke certificates of eligibility for lottery, betting, casino or video game business in accordance with current law;

d) Formulate and submit to the competent authority for the issuance of the State’s policy credit mechanism, financial mechanisms for policy banks in accordance with law regulations; formulate and submit to the Prime Minister for approval annual plans on the State’s development investment credit loans for policy banks;

dd) Issue or submit to the competent authorities for promulgation the financial mechanism for the State Bank of Vietnam, credit institutions, the Deposit Insurance of Vietnam, the Vietnam Asset Management Company, and other financial institutions (if any) in accordance with law regulations;

e) To inspect the operations of money printing, coinage and destruction, and inspect the management of foreign exchange reserves by the State Bank of Vietnam in accordance with the Government’s regulations;

g) To guide, examine and supervise organizations providing financial, tax consultancy, and other services under the Ministry of Finance’s state management in accordance with law.

20. Regarding customs

a) To formulate and submit to the Government or Prime Minister for promulgation specific regulations on customs procedures, customs inspection and supervision, prevention and combat of illegal cross-border goods transportation and smuggling;

b) To promulgate according to competence documents guiding and directing the implementation of professional operations of customs inspection and supervision; to organize the implementation of laws on taxes and other state budget revenues for imported and exported goods; to prevent and combat smuggling and compile customs statistics in accordance with law;

c) To organize, guide, direct, inspect, and take responsibility for, the performance of tasks of the customs sector in accordance with the Customs Law and other relevant laws; to carry out inspection and handle violations of the customs law according to competence.

21. Regarding price

a) To formulate and submit to the Government and the Prime Minister for approval and organize the implementation of price administration orientations, and report on price administration periodically or irregularly;

b) To formulate and submit to the Government for promulgation regulations on price management decentralization, mechanisms on management of the prices of goods and services subject to the State’s pricing; to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries, sectors and provincial-level People’s Committees in, examining constituents of the prices of goods and services according to competence in accordance with law;

c) To coordinate with related ministries and agencies in, formulating and submitting to competent authorities for decision the prices of goods and services on the lists of goods and services subject to the State’s pricing; to define general methods of pricing goods and services subject to the State’s pricing and provide guidance on the application of the general methods with specific contents, based on proposals from ministries, sectors, branches and provincial-level People's Committees;

To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and agencies in, submitting to competent authorities for consideration the adjustment of the lists of goods and services subject to the State’s pricing, based on proposals of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, and provincial-level People's Committees.

d) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, formulating and submitting to competent authorities the adjustment of lists of goods and services subject to price valorization and lists of goods and services subject to price declaration;

dd) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, formulating and submitting to competent authorities for decision the policies, measures, and time limits for price valorization in accordance with regulations;

e) To make pricing of goods and services subject to its pricing competence under the law on prices and subject to the Ministry of Finance’s pricing; goods and services that fall under the management of various sectors and fields, impact the state budget, and are included in the list of goods and services subject to the State’s pricing, within to the pricing competence of the Ministry of Finance in accordance with law regulations, based on proposals from the agencies assigned to appraise the pricing plans (ministries and ministerial-level agencies managing the sectors and fields);

g) To organize price negotiations for goods and services under the Ministry of Finance’s management in accordance with regulations;

h) To perform the state management of valuation in accordance with law; To issue the Vietnamese valuation standards;

i) To grant, re-grant or revoke certificates of eligibility for provision of valuation services, and suspend the provision of valuation services;

k) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies in, issuing the list of goods and services subject to price declaration; the methods for implementing and receiving price declaration;

l) To inspect the compliance with, and handle violations of, law regulations on price management and valuation in accordance with regulations;

m) To organize the State’s valuation activities in accordance with law regulations.

22. Regarding social insurance

a) To organize the implementation of social and health insurance regimes and policies; to organize the collection of unemployment insurance premiums and payment of unemployment insurance benefits;

b) To manage and use non-budget state financial funds of social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance.

c) To examine the observance of law regulations on social insurance; payment of unemployment insurance and health insurance

premiums and payment of unemployment insurance and health insurance

 benefits for agencies, units, employers, individuals. To examine the use of health insurance funds for by establishments providing insurance-covered medical examination and treatment that have signed contracts with social security agencies in accordance with law;

d) To conduct specialized inspection of payment of social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance premiums in accordance with law;

dd) To advise competent State agencies to formulate, supplement and complete social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance policies and laws.

23. Regarding statistics

a) To formulate, and organize the implementation of, strategies, plans and policies on statistical development; to coordinate and organize statistical activities and provide statistical information in accordance with law;

b) To develop and uniformly manage national, provincial- and district-level statistical information systems; to coordinate the connection and provision of data and information among state statistical information systems; to set standards for, and evaluate the quality of, statistical information in state statistical activities;

c) To establish the system of statistical indicators and statistical reporting regime, and formulate statistical survey and classification programs in accordance with law.

24. Regarding international cooperation

a) To carry out integration, international cooperation in the fields under the Ministry’s state management in accordance with law;

b) To draw up plans and organize negotiations on and implementation of contents in the economic and financial fields in treaties and international agreements as decided by the President, Government and Prime Minister;

c) To organize the conclusion and implementation of treaties and international agreements on the fields under the Ministry’s management as decided by the President, Government and Prime Minister;

d) To represent the Vietnamese Government at bilateral or multilateral economic and financial forums as assigned by the Government.

25. To perform the state management of public services in the fields falling under the Ministry’s management in accordance with law; to manage and direct the operation of public non-business units attached to the Ministry; to manage the Investment Support Fund in accordance with law.

26. To manage and organize the implementation of plans for scientific research, information technology application, digital transformation, innovation, and statistics within the Ministry's management in accordance with law. To establish, manage, and operate in a centralized and unified manner nationwide, ensuring the safety and security of, the information systems and national databases within its management in accordance with law.

27. To perform the state management of activities of associations in the fields under the Ministry’s management in accordance with law.

28. To carry out inspection and examination and settle complaints and denunciations; to prevent and fight corruption; to carry out thrift practice and waste combat in the management and use of allocated assets and funds; to inspect and monitor the situation of law enforcement in accordance with law; to handle according to its competence or propose competent authorities to handle violations falling under the Ministry’s state management in accordance with law.

29. Regarding administrative reform

a) To formulate and submit to the Government for promulgation programs on renewal of mechanisms on public finance management to serve the state administrative reform program in each period;

b) To decide and direct the implementation of the Ministry’s administrative reform program according to the objectives and contents of the state administrative reform program approved by the Prime Minister.

30. To manage the organizational apparatus and civil servant payroll; working positions, rank-based structure of civil servants, professional title-based structure of public employees, and the number of employees in public non-business units; to decide on the rotation, transfer, appointment, relief from duty, dismissal, commendation and disciplining; regimes and policies; training and further training of cadres, civil servants and public employees under the Ministry’s management in accordance with law.

31. To manage and organize the financial work, public properties, development investment and construction under the Ministry’s management in accordance with law.

32. To perform other tasks and exercise other powers as assigned by the Government or Prime Minister and prescribed by law.

Article 3. Organizational structure

1. Department of National Economic Issues.

2. Department of State Budget.

3. Department of Investment.

4. Sectoral Economic and Finance Department.

5. Department of Finance for National Defense and Security.

6. Department for Local and Regional Economy.

7. Department of Planning Management.

8. Department of Financial Institutions.

9. Department of Personnel and Training.

10. Legal Department.

11. Department of Finance Inspectorate.

12. Ministry Office.

13. Department of Debt Management and Foreign Economic relations.

14. Department of Public Asset Management.

15. Public Procurement Agency.

16. Tax, Fee and Charge Policy Supervisory Authority.

17. Insurance Supervisory Authority.

18. Department of Accounting and Auditing Regulations.

19. Department of Price Management.

20. State-owned Enterprise Development Agency.

21. Private Enterprise and Collective Economy Development Agency.

22. Foreign Investment Agency.

23. Department of Financial Planning.

24. Information Technology and Digital Transformation Department.

25. Department of Taxation.

26. Department of Customs.

27. Department of National Reserves.

28. National Statistics Office.

29. State Treasury.

30. State Securities Commission.

31. National Institute for Economics and Finance.

32. Vietnam Investment Review.

33. Vietnam Economic & Financial Review.

34. Academy of Policy and Development.

35. Vietnam Social Security.

The organizations defined in Clauses 1 thru 30 are administrative organizations assisting the Minister in performing the state management function; and the organizations defined in Clauses 31 thru 34 are public non-business units, the organization defined in Clause 35 is the specialized unit under the Ministry of Finance.

The Department of National Economic Issues may organize 3 divisions; the Department of State Budget, 4 divisions; the Department of Investment, 4 divisions; the Sectoral Economic and Finance Department, 4 divisions; the Department for Local and Regional Economy, 4 divisions; the Department of Financial Institutions, 4 divisions; the Department of Personnel and Training, 6 divisions; the Legal Department, 4 divisions.

The Department of Taxation is organized and operates at three levels​: the Department of Taxation; (12 units); 20 Sub-Departments of Taxation; 350 Inter-district Taxation Teams.

The Department of Customs is organized and operates at three levels​: the Department of Customs (12 units); 20 Sub-Departments of Customs; 165 customs agencies at border gates/outside border gates.

The Department of National Reserves is organized and operates at two levels​: the Department of National Reserves (7 units); 15 Sub-Departments of National Reserves (with a total of warehouse locations of at most 171).

The National Statistics Office is organized and operates at three levels​: The National Statistics Office (14 units); 63 Statistics Sub-Departments; 480 Inter-district Statistics Teams.

The State Treasury is organized and operates at two levels​: The State Treasury (10 units); 20 regional State Treasury (with a total of no more than 350 transaction offices).

The Vietnam Social Security is organized and operates at three levels​: The Vietnam Social Security (14 units); 35 Social Security Departments of regions; 350 Inter-district Social Security Offices.

The Department of Taxation, the Department of Customs, the Department of National Reserves, the National Statistics Office, the State Treasury, the State Securities Commission, and the Vietnam Social Security have has their seal bearing the National Emblem.

The Minister of Finance shall define the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of the organizations and units attached to the Ministry of Finance; regulate the number of advisory and assisting units of the Sub-Departments and equivalent units under the Departments and equivalent agencies under the Ministry; and submit the list of other public non-business units under the Ministry to the Prime Minister for approval.

Article 4. Transitional provisions

The Minister of Finance shall be responsible for the organization and arrangement in order that the Department of Taxation, the Department of Customs, the Department of National Reserves, the National Statistics Office, the State Treasury, the State Securities Commission, and the Vietnam Social Security operate under the new model within at most 03 months from the effective date of this Decree.

Article 5. Effect

1. This Decree takes effect on March 01, 2025.

2. To repeal the following legal documents:

a) Decree No. 14/2023/ND-CP dated April 20, 2023 of the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance;

b) Decree No. 89/2022/ND-CP dated October 28, 2022 of the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Planning and Investment;

c) Decree No. 89/2020/ND-CP dated August 04, 2020 of the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of Vietnam Social Security;

d) Decree No. 36/2015/ND-CP dated April 17, 2015 of the Government defining the criteria for establishment of Customs Departments of provinces, inter-provinces and centrally run cities; and prescribing organization, tasks and operation of customs offices at all levels.

Article 6. Implementation responsibility

1. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces, centrally-run cities shall implement this Decree.

2. The Minister of Finance shall be responsible for the reorganization of 63 Statistics Sub-Departments under the National Statistics Office to their operation according to regions.

During the implementation process, the Minister of Finance shall consolidate and report any arising difficulties or obstacles to the Government for the amendment and supplementation of this Decree.


On behalf of the Government

For the Prime Minister

Deputy Prime Minister

Ho Duc Phoc

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