Resolution 99/NQ-CP on the Action Program to implement the Resolution on the 2021-2025 socio-economic development plan

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Resolution No. 99/NQ-CP dated August 30, 2021 of the Government promulgating the Program of Action of the Government of the 2021-2026 tenure for implementation of the National Assembly’s Resolution on the 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development plan
Issuing body: GovernmentEffective date:

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Official number:99/NQ-CPSigner:Pham Minh Chinh
Type:ResolutionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:30/08/2021Effect status:

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The 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development plan

The Resolution No. 99/NQ-CP promulgating the Action Program of the Government for the 2021-2026 tenure to implement the National Assembly's Resolution on the 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development plan is issued on August 30, 2021 by the Government.

The plan consists of 23 targets; including a number of important targets such as the gross domestic product (GDP) will be 6.5-7% per year on average during the 5 years; processing and manufacturing industries will account for over 25% of GDP while the digital economy will account for around 20% of GDP; etc. In order to ensure fast and sustainable economic growth, the Government assigns ministries, central and local agencies the following tasks:

Firstly, to give priority to protect the people's health and lives; drastically prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic; absolutely not to be subjective, negligent, lose vigilance; to step up the implementation of the nationwide vaccination campaign in a timely, safe, scientific and effective manner in order to achieve herd immunity at the latest by the end of 2021 or in early 2022.

By 2025, to reduce at least 10% of the number of public non-business units nationwide and 10% of non-business payrolls receiving salaries from the state budget in comparison with 2021; strive to have at least 20% financial autonomy units; continue to reduce on average 10% of direct expenditure from the state budget to public non-business units compared to the 2016-2020 period.

Noticeably, the Government requests to concentrate resources to implement wage reform from July 01, 2022; not to use the residual salary reform source for capital construction investment and other purposes unless otherwise permitted by the National Assembly's resolution, etc.

This Resolution takes effect on the signing date.

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 99/NQ-CP


Hanoi, August 30, 2021



Promulgating the Program of Action of the Government of the 2021-2026 tenure for implementation of the National Assembly’s Resolution on the 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development plan[1]



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government; and the November 22, 2019 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 16/2021/QH15 of July 27, 2021, on the 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development plan;

At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment,



Article 1. To promulgate together with this Resolution the Program of Action of the Government of the 2021-2026 tenure for implementation of the National Assembly’s Resolution on the 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development plan.

Article 2. This Resolution takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities, chairpersons of Members’ Councils and Chief Executive Officers of state economic groups and corporations, and related agencies, organizations and individuals shall implement this Resolution.-

On behalf of the Government
Prime Minister


Independence - Freedom - Happiness



for implementation of the National Assembly’s Resolution on the 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development plan

(Promulgated together with the Government’s Resolution No. 99/NQ-CP
of August 30, 2021)

Based on the objectives, targets, and major tasks and solutions stated in the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 16/2021/QH15 of July 27, 2021, on the 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development plan, the Government promulgates the Program of Action of the Government of the 2021-2026 tenure for implementation of the National Assembly’s Resolution on the 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development plan (below referred to as the Action Program) with the following principal contents:


To ensure rapid and sustainable economic growth on the basis of intensifying macroeconomic stability, developing science, technology and innovation, and promoting to the utmost the country’s potential and advantages; to strive to reach an economic growth rate higher than the average rate of the 2016-2020 five- year period for Vietnam to become a developing country with a modernity-oriented industry, and surpass the lower-middle income level by 2025. To increase productivity, quality, effectiveness and competitiveness of the economy; to implement in a synchronous manner solutions for effectively remedying impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic for quick economic restoration and development; determinedly not to let health and economic and social crises happen. To strongly promote the cultural value and strength of Vietnamese people and creativity of each individual. To step by step develop an orderly, disciplined, safe, healthy, democratic, fair and civilized society; to ensure the people’s safe and happy life and “leave no one behind”. Throughout the process of national development, to pay attention to assurance of social security and welfare and improvement of the people’s material and spiritual lives. To develop a green economy, attach importance to environmental protection and effective response to climate change and non-traditional security threats. To intensify national defense and security; to resolvedly and perseveringly fight to firmly protect national independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity and maintain an environment of peace and stability for national development. To enter into international integration in a proactive and active manner, improve the effectiveness of external work and the position and prestige of Vietnam in the international arena.


The 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development plan sets out 23 targets, including some important ones, specifically as follows: The average GDP growth rate for the whole 5-year period will be 6.5-7%; the proportion of processing and manufacturing industries will reach over 25% of GDP; the digital economy will account for around 20% of GDP; the total factor productivity (TFP) will contribute around 45% to growth; the average state budget deficit will be around 3.7% of GDP; the rate of poor households measured according to multidimensional poverty standards will annually reduce by 1-1.5%; 95% of the population will be covered by health insurance; and the forest coverage will not be lower than 42%.


1. The formulation and promulgation of the Action Program aim to make authorities and sectors thoroughly grasp, and direct them to concentrate efforts on strictly and effectively organizing the implementation of, the National Assembly’s Resolution on the 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development plan, thus effectively implementing the Resolution of the XIIIth National Party Congress, strongly responding to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s call that everybody will join hands to proactively and resolvedly push back the pandemic, create firm conditions for realizing the mottos: “protecting the people’s  health and lives against the pandemic is an important and top priority task; ensuring social security and timely supporting vulnerable subjects and subjects meeting with difficulties due to the pandemic are key, thorough and long-term tasks; and further supporting enterprises, well preparing conditions and being ready to take every opportunity to restore production and business and boost growth and sustainable development are necessary and urgent tasks.”

2. The Action Program concretizes the 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development objectives and orientations adopted by the National Assembly into specific tasks, programs and schemes linked with the functions and tasks of the Government in conformity with characteristics and conditions for implementation, ensuring maximum practicability, effectiveness and feasibility; and inherits and promotes achievements and positive experiences and remedies limitations and shortcomings in organization of implementation in the previous period.

3. The Action Program shall serve as a basis for ministries, central agencies and localities to build their own plans and action programs and at the same time to organize the implementation thereof so as to contribute to successfully implementing the 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development plan.

4. To ensure synchronism and consistency in implementation of the 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development tasks and solutions. To clearly identify tasks of authorities and sectors; to uphold responsibilities of heads of ministries, central agencies and localities in organization of implementation.


1. To thoroughly grasp and synchronously and effectively implement the Resolution of the XIIIth National Party Congress, resolutions of Congresses of Party Committees of different levels, and resolutions of the National Assembly and Government. To combine economic development with cultural and social development and realization of social progress and justice right in every step and every policy and throughout the development process. To ensure national defense and security, maintain an environment of peace and stability and protect the environment, prevent and fight natural disasters and respond to climate change.

2. To regard protection of the people’s health and lives as the first and foremost priority; to resolvedly prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic, adhering to the principles of flexibility and creativity, avoiding rigidity, and based on specific conditions at each time, and in each place, locality, geographical area, agency, or unit, prioritizing epidemic prevention and control over socio-economic development or vice versa as appropriate. To grasp the situation and take the initiative in formulating appropriate and feasible solutions for adaptation to the prolonged pandemic.

3. To uphold the spirit of self-reliance for self-improvement, considering internal strength the fundamental factor and long-term and decisive strategy while regarding external strength as an important, necessary and breakthrough factor; “to turn threats into opportunities”, considering difficulties and challenges the motive force for development and affirmation of capacity; to mobilize the strength of the national unity bloc; to grasp practical circumstances, give accurate evaluation of and forecasts about the situation, show great determination and efforts and take drastic actions with set focuses and targets. In the situation where the COVID-19 pandemic is forecast to undergo complicated and unforeseeable developments and be prolonged, it is necessary to concentrate on improving the economy’s independence and self-reliance so as to mitigate impacts of instabilities and abnormal changes to the people’s health, ensure social security and economic and social development; to create conditions for the economy to quickly adapt and effectively respond to all circumstances caused by the impacts of the pandemic, not falling into unexpected passive circumstances that might lead to health, economic and social crises.

4. To further accelerate the renewal cause; to unceasingly develop and adopt new approaches so as to create breakthroughs in the new context. To attach importance to reviewing, disseminating, expanding, and bringing into the fullest play of, precious lessons and experiences, good models and effective methods. To continue applying policies and models which have become “ripe” and clarified, and proven by reality to be righteous as well as effectively implemented and agreed by majorities; to apply on a pilot basis new policies and models to deal with issues which are not yet governed by regulations and issues of which governing regulations are no longer appropriate with reality, while drawing experiences and gradually expanding the application, avoiding both perfectionism and impatience.

5. To concentrate on removing institutional difficulties in the direction that the authority that establishes a legal institution will be in charge of removing difficulties caused by such institution, and reporting issues that fall beyond its competence to the immediate superior authority. To boost the delegation and decentralization of powers and individualize responsibilities in parallel with increasing inspection, supervision and power control; to conduct review, evaluation, commendation, and disciplining work in a timely and strict manner; to further study, supplement and improve policies to protect those who dare to think, dare to do and dare to bear responsibility for the sake of common interests. To mobilize and effectively use all resources for development; to boost public-private cooperation.

6. To build the Government and administrations at all levels toward solidarity, integrity, discipline, streamlining, effect and effectiveness; to be proactive and innovative; to serve the people; to thoroughly grasp the motto of considering interests of the country and the nation first and foremost; to “regard the people as the root”, stemming from the people’s lawful rights and interests and legitimate aspirations. The more difficult and complicated it is, the more it is necessary to unite and unify; to adhere to principles, promote democracy, and mobilize collective intelligence in the spirit of humility and willingness to learn and listen. To stick to reality, stem from reality, respect reality, and take reality as a measure. To proactively and closely coordinate with agencies in the state apparatus and political system, creating consensus and high unity in both awareness and action.


1. Focusing on realizing the dual goals of COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control together with socio-economic restoration and development but, based on the actual situation and specific geographical areas, choosing priorities, putting the people’s health and life first and foremost and ensuring social security

a/ To absolutely refrain from being subjective or negligent or losing vigilance; to continue to study and review practical experiences, supplement, improve and effectively implement epidemic prevention and control measures such as testing, “5K” (in Vietnamese), vaccination, specific drugs, technology, and other measures; to take the initiative in adopting plans and scenarios to promptly respond to all circumstances. To strengthen the leadership and drastic direction of Party Committees at all levels  and the administration of administrations at all levels; to continue to mobilize the strength of the entire political system, the entire Party, the people and the army. To firmly maintain security and order and ensure the safety for the people in all circumstances.

b/ To boost the implementation of the nationwide vaccination campaign in a timely, safe, scientific and effective manner so as to achieve herd immunity by the end of 2021 or the beginning of 2022 at the latest. To mobilize all resources for epidemic prevention and control, especially strengthening public-private cooperation; to accelerate import of vaccines, technology transfer, research and domestic production of vaccines, then strive to ensure self-supply of vaccines as soon as possible.

c/ To organize the timely and effective implementation of the Government’s Resolution No. 86/NQ-CP of August 6, 2021, on urgent solutions to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic to implement the XVth National Assembly’s Resolution No. 30/2021/QH15 dated July 28, 2021.

d/ To administer the fiscal policy in a strict manner and the monetary policy in a  proactive, flexible and prudent manner with a harmonious combination of policies  to control inflation, maintain macroeconomic stability, ensure the major balances of the economy, create favorable conditions for production and business activities, and support economic recovery. To tighten discipline in finance-state budget. To save current expenditures to supplement resources for development investment and other necessary and urgent tasks. To make the fullest use of recovery of global trade, investment shifting and new-generation free trade agreements. To study, develop and implement a feasible and effective economic recovery and development program.

2. Continuing to formulate and improve synchronous institutions for development, first of all, institutions of the socialist-oriented market economy

a/ To further inherit important theoretical achievements attained over more than 35 years of renewal, stemming from Vietnam’s realities and selectively absorbing the world’s experiences to formulate and improve the legal system to be complete, consistent, feasible, public, transparent, stable, and internationally competitive and operate fully and synchronously according to the rules of the market economy under the management of the State; to regard the people’s lawful and legitimate rights and interests as the center; to promote innovation, meet  requirements for sustainable socio-economic development, national defense and security in new conditions. To timely promulgate documents detailing laws and ordinances. To step up the review, supplementation and improvement of legal regulations that are no longer appropriate, overlapped, incomplete or problematic, especially those on planning, investment, business, land, finance and budget, public property, tax, etc., following the approach that each authority and sector will have to proactively and actively amend and improve its own regulations; to promptly study amending or replacing mechanisms and policies that are no longer suitable with reality in order to remove bottlenecks and solve outstanding problems that cause loss and waste and ensure the generality, comprehensiveness and consistency in the legal system. When necessary, to propose the National Assembly to promulgate omnibus laws or pilot resolutions to solve newly arising issues which have not been governed by laws or of which governing laws have revealed many problems and shortcomings and are no longer suitable with realities. To report to competent authorities for pilot separation of ground clearance work from investment projects to accelerate implementation progress of projects. To strongly renew, promote decentralization and delegation of powers and clearly define responsibilities together with inspection, supervision and power control and improvement of the effectiveness of coordination in leadership, direction and administration work. To strengthen the effect and effectiveness of law enforcement activities and guarantee the law supremacy.

b/ To formulate, apply on a trial basis and improve policies and legal frameworks for the development of digital infrastructure, digital industries, digital business models and products; to synchronize the laws on enterprises, innovative startups, intellectual property, trade, investment and business to facilitate the process of national digital transformation and the development of new products, services, and business models applying high technologies, models of the sharing economy, transaction and management of digital assets, venture investment, new payment methods, and electronic authentication and identification systems.

c/ To improve the quality of analysis, forecast and warning; to complete information and statistical systems. To promptly complete the National Overall Master Plan, National Master Plan on Marine Space, National Land Use Master Plan, national sectoral master plans, regional master plans, provincial master plans and specialized master plans. To further boost the decentralization and delegation of powers, individualization of responsibilities in association with power control and enhancement of coordination, inspection and supervision; to create initiative, flexibility, creativity and enhancement of responsibility of subordinate-level authorities. To continue to improve institutions and policies in the field of finance-budget. To develop capital markets, insurance markets, etc., so as to mobilize long-term capital sources for development investment and reduce pressure on capital supply through bank credit channels.

d/ To organize the implementation of activities to realize trade agreements that have come into force. To focus on consolidating traditional export markets, expanding and diversifying import and export markets. To enhance trade remedies capacity, build technical barriers to protect production and consumer interests in line with international commitments. To strengthen market inspection and control in order to prevent smuggled goods, counterfeit goods, inferior quality goods and trade fraud.

dd/ To accelerate the effective implementation of the campaign “Vietnamese people give priority to using Vietnamese goods.” To focus on building and developing the Vietnamese Brand in association with positive and outstanding values ​​of product brands. To develop e-commerce in harmony with traditional commerce.

3. Accelerating economic restructuring in association with changing the growth model, improving productivity, quality, effectiveness and competitiveness; developing digital economy and digital society

a/ To implement the national program on increasing productivity; to focus on development of national products. To form domestic and international supply chains and value chains and formulate regulations on quality assurance and traceability.

b/ To organize the effective and substantial implementation of contents on restructuring production and service industries, including:

- Regarding industry:

+ To develop a number of fundamental industries such as energy industry, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, chemicals, fertilizers and materials. To prioritize the development of a number of spearhead industries, new technologies, hi-tech industries and supporting industries such as information and telecommunications technology, electronics, artificial intelligence, robot manufacturing, automotive industry, biotechnology, biomedical electronics, software production, digital products, clean energy, and renewable energy. To concentrate on strongly developing the processing and manufacturing industry in association with smart technology; to attach importance to development of green industry. To speed up the progress of large-scale industrial projects with spillover effects; and at the same time, completely handle behind-schedule and inefficient projects.

+ To amend and supplement problematic, contradictory and overlapping mechanisms and policies to unleash the industrial development power of both the public sector and the private sector. To concentrate on formulating and improving the policy framework for industrial development. To completely develop the domestic industrial production system through upgrading and comprehensively developing supply chains and value chains of industries.

+ To restructure energy sources in the direction of increasing cooperation in the development of external supply sources and diversifying the development of domestic energy supply sources. To renew mechanisms and policies, develop a synchronous, interconnected, modern and efficient energy market. To greenize the energy industry toward strongly developing renewable and clean energy sources to meet development requirements and ensure energy security; to implement the program to save electricity in production, transmission and distribution; to ensure electric safety and prevent power loss.

- Regarding construction: To further decentralize powers for the management of and investment in work construction. To improve the system of construction standards, technical regulations, norms and prices. To boost administrative reform in construction investment, improve the capacity of actors involved in construction activities, and intensify inspection and examination. To gradually develop the building materials industry into a strong economic sector on the basis of rational and effective exploitation of mineral resources, and environmental and ecological protection. To concentrate on solutions to develop a stable and sustainable building materials market, increase the rate of alternative building materials that conserve mineral resources and energy, and are environmentally friendly.

- Regarding agriculture: To boost agricultural restructuring. To develop large-scale concentrated commodity agriculture toward modernity, application of high technology, increase in added value and sustainable development. To encourage the development of green, clean, ecological, organic, hi-tech, smart, and climate change-adapting agriculture. To formulate appropriate mechanisms and policies to develop the market and promote consumption of key and potential product groups.

To implement the Strategy for Sustainable Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050, and strategies for development of crop production, livestock production, fisheries and forestry for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2045. To organize the effective implementation of the Political Bureau’s Conclusion No. 81-KL/TW of July 29, 2020, and the Government’s Resolution No. 34/NQ-CP dated March 25, 2021, on assurance of national food security through 2030. To accelerate innovation of organizational forms of agricultural production associated with value chains through the development of farm economy, agricultural cooperatives and cooperative groups conducting production in coordination with people. To continue to implement the national target program on building a new-style countryside linked with the process of urbanization toward intensiveness, effectiveness and sustainability.

- Regarding services: To develop new types of services, build service ecosystems in the fields of finance, banking, insurance, legal services, healthcare, education-training, culture-arts, tourism, science, technology, telecommunications, information technology, logistics, transportation, and distribution, etc. To accelerate the completion of structures of financial markets, increase linkage between the short-term capital market with the banking system and long-term capital market, and organize the corporate bond trading market under the unified management of the State. To encourage the development of diversified financial institutions, and organizations providing accounting, auditing and valuation services, etc. To develop the bond market into an important channel for mobilizing medium- and long-term capital for the economy. To comprehensively develop the insurance and securities markets to be safe and sustainable. To further improve the legal framework for prize-winning entertainment activities and develop the prize-winning entertainment market to be modern, transparent and efficient, in association with promoting the development of tourism and trade. To attach importance to developing multimodal transport and logistics services on the basis of application of science and technology.

To continue to promulgate and implement policies for developing tourism into a spearhead economic sector. To realize the objectives set out in the master plan on the tourism system for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2045. To concentrate on planning and investment to form a number of national tourist sites meeting international standards. To build and position national tourism brands associated with a dominant and unique image imbued with national cultural identity. To intensify the management of cultural tourism activities involving religious, ecological and historical factors. To focus on solving bottlenecks in tourism infrastructure, especially overload at airports, a number of seaports and special-use inland waterway ports; to improve infrastructure and quality of railway services for tourists.

c/ To continue effectively restructuring public investment toward targeted investment, focusing on key sectors and fields, national large, important projects that create regional and inter-regional connections and spillover effects and increase impetus for growth. To strive for the target that  the disbursement rate of public investment funds in the 2021-2025 period will surpass 90% of the plan set by the National Assembly. To promote the compliance with the Law on Public Investment, determine to address thinned-out and prolonged investment. To continue reviewing and improving the law on public investment toward accelerating the delegation of powers and decentralization while ensuring unified management and operational effectiveness and effect.

d/ To continue reorganizing state enterprises; to improve the legal framework on state enterprises to ensure the compatibility with new laws and legal documents. To attach responsibilities of ministries, sectors, localities, and state economic groups and corporations, especially the heads, with the speeding up of the restructuring, equitization and divestment from non-core industries. To strengthen and develop a number of large-scale, well-performing and competitive state economic groups. To raise operational effectiveness of equitized state enterprises. To develop a contingent of highly qualified, professional state enterprise managers.

dd/ To continue improving the legal framework on banking operations; to drastically implement solutions to restructure the system of credit institutions and settle non-performing loans so as to improve the financial capacity, competitiveness and governance and management capacity of credit institutions. To step up the restructuring of banking services on the basis of intensifying the application and development of modern technologies as well as cashless payments in the economy. To boost the diversification and raise the quality of products in the securities market. To expand the investor base and increase the transparency and effectiveness of the market’s operation and promote the development of intermediary institutions.

e/ To speed up the renewal of organizational and managerial systems, improve the quality and operational effectiveness of public non-business units for them to become streamlined units with rational structure, self-control capacity, advanced governance and operational effectiveness and effect. By 2025, to reduce the number of public non-business units nationwide by at least 10% and the number of state budget-salaried non-business payrolls by 10% against the 2021’s figures; to strive to have at least 20% of units enjoying financial autonomy; to reduce direct expenses from the state budget for public non-business units by 10% compared with the 2016-2020 period’s figure. To speed up socialization, especially in sectors, fields and localities in which the non-public sector has performed well; to mobilize and effectively use all resources for investment in developing the public non-business service market in the socialist-oriented market economy.

4. Boosting the mobilization, allocation and effective use of resources

a/ To attract to the utmost all investment resources, diversify forms of mobilization and use of resources, especially investment resources from the non-state sector. To make full inventories, evaluation, statistics and accounting of all resources of the economy. To study the renovation of mechanisms for state budget decentralization to increase the central budget’s decisive role and encourage the proactivity and creativeness of localities in mobilizing resources for socio-economic development. To prioritize the attraction of resources for developing key economic regions, growth poles, large urban centers, spearhead sectors and national key works. To focus on removing difficulties for stagnant investment projects of all economic sectors.

b/ To boost public-private cooperation to mobilize all resources for development. To carry out public-private partnership projects, first of all BOT projects, to develop strategic infrastructure on the principle of harmony of interests and sharing of risks among the State, investors and people.

c/ To create all favorable conditions for fast and sustainable development of the private economy with a diversified scale and quality to become one of the most important impetuses of the economy. To form and develop large domestic private economic groups  with strong potential and regional and international competitiveness combined with the building of business brands.

d/ To establish a mechanism for coordination among ministries, sectors and localities in making and implementing foreign investment policies and laws and strengthening the linkage between the domestic economic sector and foreign-invested sector. To rectify the management and implementation of investment projects to ensure economic-social-environmental effectiveness, conformity with planning and satisfaction of criteria for project selection and screening. To formulate preferential internationally competitive policies and incentives for large, important projects to attract strategic investors and transnational groups to set up their head offices and establish research and development and innovation centers in Vietnam.

5. Speeding up the construction and development of a modern and synchronous strategic infrastructure system

a/ Regarding transport infrastructure: By 2025, to basically complete the eastern section of the North-South expressway, the first phase of the Long Thanh International Airport; to arrange investment capital for and apply suitable solutions to ensure the feasibility and investment efficiency of a number of urgent coastline routes from Quang Ninh province to Kien Giang province. To continue building important seaports according to master plans; to soon put into operation urban railway lines; to submit investment policy for high-speed railway routes to competent authorities; to boost the linkage between domestic and regional urban centers; to invest in infrastructure linking the northern midland and mountainous regions with the Red River delta region and Hanoi capital; to invest in, and upgrade routes linking Central Highlands provinces with the Southeastern region and southern central coastal provinces, and develop transport infrastructure linking the Mekong River delta region with the Southeastern region and Ho Chi Minh City.

b/ Regarding digital infrastructure: To make investment to boost the development of information technology and telecommunications infrastructure. To soon complete the building and put into operation and use important databases, national linking and sharing platforms, the national data center, regional and local data centers and smart urban centers with synchronous and unified connectivity. To synchronously build and develop digital infrastructure and national data infrastructure to ensure technical infrastructure safety and information security.

c/ Regarding energy infrastructure: To wipe out monopoly and irrational barriers in using and developing the system of physical foundation and infrastructure services in the energy sector; to adopt mechanisms and policies for investment in building power transmission systems in separation from state monopoly on power transmission. To firmly ensure national energy security, encourage the development of smart power grids, renewable energy and participation of the non-state economic sector. To establish and develop a number of renewable energy centers in regions and localities with advantages. To strive to annually reduce the energy intensity by 1-1.5%.

d/ Regarding climate change-resilient agriculture and rural infrastructure: To build key hydraulic structures and reservoirs in the Central Highlands, Southern Central and Mekong River delta regions. To upgrade and modernize strategic and climate change-resilient infrastructure, especially in agriculture and rural areas in the Mekong River delta, Central coastal and Central Highlands regions. To build inter-commune, district-level and regional infrastructure to ensure system-based connectivity, especially for hydraulic work and transport, and the rural commerce infrastructure system.

dd/ Regarding commerce infrastructure: To focus on attracting investment in developing a number of forms of key commerce infrastructure such as regional wholesale market systems to increase accessibility between sellers and buyers; and logistics centers to facilitate the circulation of farm produce.

6. Improving human resources’ quality combined with innovation, application and strong development of science and technology

a/ To determine education-training and science-technology development as a top national policy. To focus on effectively implementing the Party Central Committee’s Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW of November 4, 2013, on fundamental and comprehensive renewal of education and training; to continue improving the national education system under the 2019 Education Law. Based on the national qualifications framework, to diversify modes of training following open education models and prepare human resources for digital transformation and development of digital economy and digital society. To build a strategic framework for development of higher education and plan the network of higher education institutions; to develop high-quality higher education institutions up to regional and international standards; to increase educational quality accreditation and ranking of universities.

To promote the formation of strong research teams and set up models of training institution-based businesses; to combine education-training with scientific research and technology transfer to create Vietnam’s intellectual and innovative products. To promote the provision of high-quality teaching of foreign languages at all training levels.

b/ To implement the Vocational Education Development Strategy for the 2021-2030 Period. To attach importance on training of human resources possessing high skills and professional qualifications to meet requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. To develop a modern, synchronous and unified information system on the national labor market linked with education-training information systems to improve the connection of labor supply-demand on the market through the application of digital transformation and information technology. To effectively operate the national population database and the national linking and sharing platform; to set up and link synchronously and uniformly the system of national, regional and local data centers. To conduct national digital transformation and digital transformation in Vietnamese enterprises. To formulate mechanisms and policies that set orientations for labor restructuring. To comprehensively and synchronously reform employees’ wage policy, adhering to the principle of using productivity and production and business efficiency as a basis for pay rise. To carry out a labor market development support program through 2030.

c/ To focus on improving institutions, policies and laws in conformity with market mechanisms and international practices, prioritize resources for science and technology development and innovation, and promote the development of digital economy and digital society, attaching importance to removing barriers regarding the system of laws and economic and financial policies and administrative procedures for scientific and technological activities and innovation. To formulate specific outstanding mechanisms and policies for science and technology and innovation to actually become a major impetus for economic growth.

d/ To formulate mechanisms on, and apply, regulatory sandbox, promote the application of new technologies, innovations and new business models. To prioritize investment in developing and bringing into play the efficiency of national hi-tech parks. To bring into play the role of enterprises’ science development funds in promoting research, innovative startups and technology application and transfer.

To concentrate on development of fundamental research and applied research on core technologies. To boost the development of social sciences closely associated with natural sciences and technologies. To comprehensively restructure the system of public scientific and technological research institutions. To increase the operational capacity and effectiveness of research institutions and national key laboratories.

dd/ To boost the association between enterprises and research institutes and universities, following the enterprise-centered approach while universities and research institutes will act as strong research entities to provide scientific and technological solutions to meet the requirements of enterprises and society. To attach importance to developing the network of intermediary organizations specialized in broking, appraisal and assessment of technology transfer and provision of support for research on decoding and mastering transferred technologies. To enhance the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. To speed up the construction of the Vietnam National Innovation Center’s facilities in Hanoi, establish other facilities in Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City. To promote the linkage between the network of national innovative startups and the networks of innovations and Vietnamese experts at home and abroad. To expand and improve the effectiveness of international cooperation in science and technology and innovation.

7. Promoting the development of regional linkage, economic zones and urban areas

a/ To study zoning in a rational manner. To formulate mechanisms and policies to uphold the role of key economic regions as growth impetus, thus soon creating new impetus regions and new growth poles and strongly promoting intra-regional and inter-regional connectivity. To improve institutions and legal systems on regions; to study the system of laws governing local administrations. To study and promulgate regulations on coordination in regional and inter-regional administration; to formulate specific mechanisms and policies to promote regional development and connectivity.

b/ To formulate breakthrough and internationally competitive institutions, mechanisms and policies for a number of locations and urban centers boasting special advantages that are selected for building economic and financial centers. To diversify, effectively exploit and use resources for urban development and urban economy and renewal of urban finance. To strongly develop satellite urban areas in a number of major urban centers, combine  urban development with development of rural areas and coastal ecological urban zones, form and develop strong marine economic centers in association with protection of sea and island sovereignty. To annually report to the National Assembly for the latter to assess the pilot implementation of specific mechanisms and urban administration mechanims.

8. Promoting cultural values and strength of Vietnamese people and the strength of the great national unity, realizing social progress and justice, improving people’s living standards and ensuring the harmony between economic development and cultural and social factors

a/ To develop culture in a comprehensive manner in parallel with economic growth and social progress, not sacrificing social progress and justice purely for the sake of economic growth; to regard culture and human development as the objective and concurrently driving force of the renewal process. To inherit and bring into play the fine traditional values imbued with identities of different ethnic groups, learn from the cultural achievements and quintessence of the mankind, strive to build a civilized and healthy society for genuine interests and human dignity. To promote the conservation and embellishment of and uphold tangible and intangible cultural values and historical-cultural relics. To gradually restrict and abolish outmoded customs and practices. To uphold the vanguard and exemplary spirit of behaviors of leaders, cadres, civil servants and party members; to intensify the supervision of the implementation of cultural policies. To effectively fulfill the objectives set in the Master Plan on the network of cultural and sports facilities during the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2045, and the Program on conservation and sustainable promotion of values of cultural heritages in Vietnam during the 2021-2030 period.

To formulate particular cultural development policies, programs and schemes with breakthrough steps regarding mechanisms, resources and physical and technical foundations. Particularly, to mobilize social resources for cultural development. To boost the development of the cultural industry associated with the development of tourism, sports and other industries. To focus on training talents in literature-arts and sports-physical training in order to prove talents and potential of Vietnamese people in the international arena and building high-quality human resources for the country.

To boost the development of mass physical training and sports and community-based sports, and the network of grassroots sports institutions; to focus on development of high-achievement sports and professional sports.

b/ To further improve population-related policies and laws. To develop and improve the effectiveness of the population service provision network. To implement universal health coverage on the basis of universal health insurance. To diversify forms of public-private cooperation, private investment and provision of on-demand medical examination and treatment services; to develop the Family Doctor Model. To promote the advantages of and closely combine traditional medicine with western medicine; to research, test and prove the effects of non-pharmacological diagnosis and treatment methods and traditional medicinal recipes and medicaments.

c/ To increase the health system’s capacity and ensure health security. To intensify the domestic manufacture of medical equipment. To improve mechanisms and policies on the development of the pharmaceutical industry to meet demands for disease prevention and treatment and physical rehabilitation. To strongly boost and facilitate to the utmost the domestic vaccine research and manufacture. To attach importance to preventive medicine, vaccination, screening and early detection and timely treatment so as to improve the stature, physical strength and life expectancy and the number of healthy life years of the Vietnamese people. To pay attention to the development of the network of satellite hospitals and grassroots and school-based health care. To set up a synchronous system of disease control centers at all levels. To enhance public communications so as to improve awareness of employers and employees about the implementation of social insurance and unemployment insurance policies.

d/ To improve and increase managerial effectiveness of, and implement, social policies, ensuring  synchronicity and overcoming overlaps. To improve mechanisms and policies on social insurance and unemployment insurance; to expand the coverage of social insurance. To gradually build and develop a comprehensive universal social security system; to take care of lives of the people, especially people with meritorious services, policy beneficiaries, poor people, women, children, the elderly, disadvantaged people, people in difficult circumstances, and people suffering epidemic-related job loss, in a timely, practical and effective manner. To expand successful poverty reduction models and bring into play community-based poverty reduction initiatives. To step by step narrow the rich-poor gap and the gap in access to basic social services and employment between regions and residential groups. To effectively implement national target programs. To focus on basically satisfying housing demands of people and promote social housing development.

dd/ To effectively implement the Youth Development Strategy for the 2021-2030 Period, the National Strategy on Gender Equality for the 2021-2030 Period and the Program on Gender-based Violence Prevention and Response for the 2021-2025 Period. To build and expand models of gender equality support services and gender-based violence prevention and response. To focus on improving and effectively implement guidelines and policies on ethnic minority affairs of the Party and State in all fields, particularly specific policies on socio-economic development and settlement of pressing problems and difficulties of ethnic minorities.

To promote public communications about gender equality in order to raise the awareness and change behaviors of the community. To gradually develop, complete and standardize the system of drug addiction treatment support services, social and livelihoods assistance for sex workers and trafficked victims to reintegrate themselves into the community.

e/ To renew and promote information and communications to spread the impetus, create inspiration and beliefs for the People, create a high consensus in the society, promote the strength of the great national unity with the motto of  “good deeds remove bad deeds”. To accelerate the patriotic emulation movement. To attach importance to the dissemination and encouragement of good people and good deeds and typical characters. To fight and effectively prevent bad and toxic news; strictly handle cases of taking advantage of the freedom of speech to infringe upon the State’s interests and lawful rights and interests of organizations and citizens. To soon develop a healthy market for cultural and information products and services.

9. Intensifying the management of natural resources and environmental protection; taking the initiative in prevention, control, and mitigation of impacts of natural disasters, and adaptation to climate change

a/ To intensify the dissemination and education of, raise the awareness and sense of responsibility for, and enhance the effectiveness of enforcement of the law  on management of natural resources, environmental protection, and response to climate change. To ensure water source security, and lake and dam safety. To formulate roadmaps, mechanisms, policies, and laws for formation and operation of the models of green economy, circular economy and low-carbon economy, and reduction of greenhouse gas emission. To effectively implement the sustainable development goals set forth under the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

b/ To effectively implement mechanisms on interdisciplinary coordination and supervision in management, exploitation, use and protection of water sources in river basins with the participation of the community. To implement overall solutions for prevention, control, and mitigation of the impacts of flood-tides, inundation, landslides, and saltwater intrusion due to sea level rise, especially in the Mekong River delta, Red River delta, and Central coastal regions; flash floods and mountain landslides in midland and mountainous areas. To strictly implement and improve the quality of environmental impact assessment. To intensify the inspection, examination, and handling of law violations, and prevention and control of crimes in the field of natural resources and environment. To focus on handling of seriously polluting establishments.

10. Enhancing the effect and effectiveness of state management and  development tectonic capacity; carrying out wage reform; and tightening administrative discipline and order in parallel with developing environment for innovation

a/ To concentrate resources for implementation of the Overall Program on State Administrative Reform for the 2021-2030 Period. To develop a state management apparatus operating with high effect and effectiveness; to review and streamline the state management apparatus of all levels. To properly perform the personnel work so as to select and appoint virtuous and talented persons up to the standards “thrift, integrity, uprightness and public-mindedness” and “public-spiritedness and selflessness”, who possess qualifications, capacity and prestige up to their assigned tasks, especially for leadership positions. To intensify the delegation of powers, decentralization, and individualization of the responsibility for duty performance combined with inspection, supervision and power control. To implement payroll streamlining in association with restructuring and raising the quality of the contingent of cadres, public employees and civil servants. To concentrate resources for wage reform from July 1, 2022. Not to use the redundant wage reform funds for capital construction and other purposes, unless it is so permitted under the National Assembly’s resolutions. To comply with the National Assembly’s resolutions on use of redundant wage reform funds for other purposes, ensuring sufficient funds for wage reform under Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW. 

b/ To effectively implement the program on removal and simplification of regulations related to business operations for the 2020-2025 period. To improve regulations and laws to create favorable conditions for, and protect, officials who are innovative and dare to think, dare to do and dare to take responsibility for the common good. To promote democracy and improve the sense of responsibility and the spirit of setting examples and serving people of cadres, public employees and civil servants. To tighten administrative discipline and order, renew the contents and methods for leadership and direction, and working procedures of agencies and units, to enhance the responsibilities of heads and cadres, public employees and civil servants in accordance with the Constitution and law. To effectively implement the Scheme on renewal of the single-window and inter-agency single-window mechanism in processing of administrative procedures.

c/ To step up the application of information technology in management and direction work. To further intensify the use of e-documents and digital signatures and the processing of work in the cyber environment, ensuring synchronism at all the 4 administrative levels. To effectively operate and develop the National E-Document Exchange Platform, the National Reporting Information System, the Operations Center of the Government and Prime Minister, and the Government’s video conferencing and work processing system. To complete the connection and transferability between state administrative agencies and socio-political-professional organizations and enterprises.

d/ To raise the quality of public services in the fields of judicial administration, judicial support, and legal aid. To strongly develop the legal service market, lawyer activities, law consultancy, legal assistance for enterprises, and judicial support and institutions for out-of-court settlement of disputes. To timely and absolutely settle newly arising complaints and denunciations right at the grassroots level under regulations; to pay attention to the settlement of unsolved complicated and persistent complaints and denunciations.

dd/ To intensify the prevention and fighting of corruption, negative practices and waste in tandem with stepping up the formulation and improvement of laws, mechanisms and policies so that officials “cannot, dare not, do not want, and do not need to commit corruption.” To strictly handle economic and corruption-related cases; to raise the effectiveness of recovery of proceeds from corruption; to prevent acts of causing harassment and troubles to people and enterprises. To adopt mechanisms to encourage and protect denouncers of corruption and waste practices. To intensify the supervision, inspection and examination thereof.

11. Carrying out socio-economic development in association with consolidating and intensifying  national defense and security potential; resolvedly and perseveringly  fighting to protect and firmly maintain national independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity; maintaining an environment of peace and stability for national development.

a/ To closely combine socio-economic development with consolidation and intensification of national defense and security, adhering to the principle that “socio-economic development is the central task while maintenance of national defense and security is the crucial and regular task.” To pay attention to the building of the all-people national defense foundation and posture in association with the people’s security foundation and posture, with the key task of winning the people’s hearts to create a firm ground for national defense.

b/ To enhance the forecasting capacity, thoroughly grasp the situation and firmly maintain the strategic proactive position; to timely and effectively deal with national defense and security circumstances, avoiding passive and unexpected situations. To devise plans for early and remote prevention of the threats of war and conflict and for settlement of disputes by peaceful means in accordance with international law.

c/ To promote the concerted strength and build revolutionary, standardized, well-trained and gradually modernized Army and Public Security forces, of which some arms and forces will be modernized with high aggregate quality and combativeness to be able to meet requirements and perform assigned tasks in every situation.  To intensify the close coordination among the Army, Public Security, and other forces in performing the tasks of ensuring national defense, national security, and social order and safety. To proactively and actively combat and foil all plots and tricks of sabotage of hostile and reactionary forces and crimes.

d/ To effectively implement strategies on international integration and external activities in the fields of national defense and public security for the 2021-2025 period, with a vision toward 2030; to intensify coordination with neighboring countries, and actively and effectively participate in the United Nations’ peacekeeping operations. To build and develop the national defense and security industries toward dual-utility and modernity.

dd/ To ensure security regarding internal political affairs, ideology-culture, and information and communications, cyber security, economic security, social issues-related security, and security of strategic localities; to be prepared for effectively responding to traditional and non-traditional security challenges. To prevent, control, and remedy consequences of, natural disasters and epidemics, and carry out rescue and salvage work. To ensure absolute security and safety for important targets and works, activities of the Party’s and State’s leaders, and the country’s important political, cultural, and diplomatic events. To intensify crime prevention and control work; to control the increase of crimes and serious and extremely serious traffic accidents, and fire and explosion incidents causing extremely
serious consequences.

12. Building modern diplomacy; intensifying the effectiveness of external activities, proactively and actively integrating into the international community in a comprehensive, intensive and extensive manner; stepping up economic diplomacy to develop and raise Vietnam’s position and prestige in the international arena

a/ To effectively implement the foreign policy of independence and self-reliance, multilateralization and diversification of relations to ensure the highest interests of the country and nation; to firmly maintain independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, ensuring an environment of peace and stability, and creating all favorable conditions for realizing national development aspirations. To further develop bilateral relations with key partners and countries to become in-depth, effective and practical; to settle bottlenecks in these relations to create intertwined interests and improve trust.

b/ To intensify international integration and upgrade multilateral diplomacy, uphold the country’s role at multilateral cooperation mechanisms; to actively, proactively, and responsibly participate in international and regional forums and effectively implement international commitments, especially new-generation free trade agreements; to participate in contributing, building and shaping multilateral mechanisms.

c/ To further attach importance to economic diplomacy work for national development, following the people-, locality- and business-centered approach; to make the best use of the country’s position and international conditions and resources for national development. To broaden and enhance the effectiveness of cultural diplomacy and people-to-people diplomacy, practically contributing to promoting the country’s images and brands, and boosting national overall strength.

d/ To strive for basically accomplishing land border demarcation, and settle persistent border and territorial issues, to perseveringly promote the settlement of disputes in the East Sea by peaceful means and in accordance with international law and the United Nations’ 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea.

dd/ To effectively take advantage of the network of overseas Vietnamese missions. To properly perform activities related to citizen protection, overseas Vietnamese, external information and cultural diplomacy for the sake of national security and development while intensively and extensively promoting images of the Vietnamese country and people to the world.

13. Building a completely clean and strong Party, enhancing leadership capacity and combativeness of Party organizations and members, contributing to the building of a law-ruled socialist state of the people, by the people and for the people

a/ To intensify Party building in terms of political aspect, attach importance on Party building regarding ideological work, and focus on Party building concerning moral issues. To devise plans and specific measures to resolvedly and perseveringly struggle for preventing and fighting bureaucracy, harassment, imperiousness, aloofness from the people, manifestations of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation”, and divergence from the goals and ideals of the Party according to resolutions of the 4th Plenum of the XIth and XIIth Party Central Committee, in association with intensification of the implementation of Directive No. 05-CT/TW of May 15, 2016, on studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s Thought, morality, and lifestyle in a practical manner under the Political Bureau’s Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW of May 18, 2021.

b/ To focus on building the contingent of cadres and public employees, especially strategic-level cadres, for them to have sufficient capacity, virtues, and prestige up to their assigned tasks. To bring into play the role, responsibilities, and proactivity of leaders, to strictly comply with Party Central Committee’s Regulation No. 08-QDi/TW of October 25, 2018. To promote the training and building of the contingent of cadres and public employees who possess moral qualifications, professional capacity, sense of responsibility and high professionalism. To attach importance to education of moral qualifications and sense of public duty; and clearly define powers and responsibilities of heads of organizations, agencies and units. To build and perform a working style that enables cadres to work in a scientific, collective, and democratic manner, show respect for the people, stay closed to the people, understand the people, and serve the people, adhere to realities, be willing to learn, and match their deeds with their words.

c/ To further renew the contents and methods for leadership and direction, and working procedures of agencies and units in accordance with the Constitution and law. To raise the effect and effectiveness of power delegation and decentralization, task assignment, and coordination, in association with intensification of inspection and supervision between government-attached agencies/units and local administrations, and between these agencies/units and agencies/units of the Party, National Assembly, and People’s Councils of all levels, the system of judicial agencies, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and socio-political organizations.


1. Based on the tasks assigned in the Action Program and their assigned functions and tasks, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and other central agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees, chairpersons of Members’ Councils and Chief Executive Officers of state economic groups and corporations shall personally direct the formulation and promulgation of their ministries’, agencies’, and localities’ action programs within the 2021-2025 five-year plans and concretize them into annual tasks to be expressed in specific tasks, solutions, programs, schemes and implementation schedules, as well as assignment of specific responsibilities, for reporting to the Prime Minister within the third quarter of 2021, and concurrently, send their action programs to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for summarization and reporting to the Prime Minister.

2. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees shall focus on directing, and intensifying the examination, supervision, evaluation, monitoring, and urging the implementation of the Action Program and action program of each ministry, agency or locality; and annually send reports of the implementation results to the Prime Minister and concurrently to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for monitoring and summarization; and, at the same time, organize the evaluation of the implementation of the set tasks, solutions and targets for promptly proposing amendments and supplements to tasks and solutions in the course of implementation of such action programs.

3. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, agencies, and localities in, monitoring and urging the implementation of these action programs, and periodically report and propose to the Government and Prime Minister  necessary measures to ensure the synchronous and effective implementation of the Action Program; and closely follow relevant contents in the working programs of the Political Bureau,  Central Party Committee Secretariat, Party Central Committee, National Assembly Standing Committee, and National Assembly for reporting under regulations.

4. To boost the coordination between the Government and the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, mass organizations, and socio-political organizations in implementation of the Action Program; to rally and build the great national unity bloc and implement of the slogan “People know, discuss, do, monitor, supervise, and benefit” mentioned in the Resolution of the XIIIth National Party Congress.

5. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Party Central Committee’s Communication and Education Commission, Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and ministries, agencies, and localities in, properly performing information and communications work to reach consensus and create the overall strength of the whole country, upholding the efforts of all authorities, sectors, the business community, and people to strive to excessively accomplish the goals and tasks approved by the National Assembly.

6. In the course of implementation of this Resolution, if necessary, ministries, central agencies and localities should take the initiative in proposing amendments and supplements to the Action Program to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for summarization and reporting to the Government for consideration and decision.-

* The Appendices to the Action Program are not translated.

[1] Công Báo Nos 759-760 (15/9/2021)

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