Resolution No. 91/NQ-CP 2020 on the Regular Meeting in May

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Resolution No. 91/NQ-CP dated June 11, 2020 of the Government on the Government’s Regular Meeting – May 2020
Issuing body: GovernmentEffective date:

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Official number:91/NQ-CPSigner:Nguyen Xuan Phuc
Type:ResolutionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:11/06/2020Effect status:

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Considering on support mechanisms for teacher suspended of labor contracts due to COVID-19

This is the new task assign to the Ministry of Education and Training at the Resolution No. 91/NQ-CP on the Government’s Regular Meeting – May 2020.

To be specific, the Ministry of Education Training shall and take the prime charge and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Finance and relevant agencies, in considering support mechanisms for workers at education establishments who had temporary postponement of labor contracts, unpaid leave, labor contract termination and not yet eligible for unemployment benefits.

Noticeable, the Government assign to the provinces and cities directly under the Central Government shall seriously and safely organize the high school graduation examination, and the national university and college entrance exam in 2020. Presidents of the People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall be fully responsible for organizing the exam.

In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in, working out an effective regulation scheme to reduce pork prices with appropriate and fundamental solutions, and encourage large-scale investment and application of modern technology, especially technologies to resolve issues at input, breed, and feed stages, accelerate re-population of pig herds associated with taking appropriate solutions to control the African swine cholera and other measures to ensure the interests of consumers.
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Independence – Freedom – Happiness


No. 91/NQ-CP

Hanoi, June 11, 2020





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated June 19, 2015;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 138/2016/ND-CP dated October 01, 2016 promulgating the working regulation of the Government;

Based on the discussion of the delegates and the conclusion of the Prime Minister at the Government’s regular meeting in May 2020held on June 02, 2020,


1. Regarding the socio-economic situation in May and the first 5 months of 2020

The Government unanimously assessed that: With the high determination and efforts of the political system, the business community and the people of the country, there were many highlights in the implementation of the "dual goal" of preventing the pandemic whilst recovering and promoting socio-economy development under the new normal after Covid-19, which consolidated the people s trust in the leadership and direction of the Party and the State. We had prevented and controlled the pandemic, created favorable conditions for economic and social activities to recover quickly and strongly, contributing to enhance the image and reputation of Viet Nam in the international community in the prevention and fight against the Covid-19 pandemic and ensuring safety of the economy. More positive socio-economic results were achieved in May than April. Macroeconomic stability was maintained. Consumer price index fell against the previous month. Lending rates for priority sectors lowered. The monetary, credit and foreign exchange markets were relatively stable. Trade balance of goods in 5 months was nearly USD 2 billion. Disbursement of public investment witnessed positive changes, up 26.15% over the same period in 2019, accounting for nearly 26% of the annual plan. Despite many difficulties caused by the pandemic and natural disasters such as drought, saline intrusion, hail, etc., in principle, the agricultural sector developed stably. Winter-spring rice productivity increased over the same period last year, farmers lives improved. Industrial production showed signs of recovery, industrial production index in May increased by 11.2% over the previous month. Service sector gradually restored, especially inland tourism and transportation. Total retail sales of consumer goods and services in the month increased by 26.9%. PMI in May rose 10 index points, the highest improvement in Southeast Asia. Enterprise development witnessed signs of improvement and recovery. In the whole country, there were 10.7 thousand newly registered enterprises, up 36.1%. Many significant cultural, artistic and communication activities on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the liberation of the South, the reunification of the country and the 130th birthday of the late President Ho Chi Minh encouraged and arouse national pride. The people s health care and social security received due attention. Policies to support people in difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic were actively implemented, receiving the attention and support of the people. The labor market received positive signals, labor, and employment situation gradually stabilized. The fields of education, training, science and technology made positive changes. Foreign affairs received due attention. National defense, security, social order and safety were maintained. Traffic order and safety were guaranteed.

However, the country still faces many difficulties and challenges. The Covid-19 pandemic in the world shall remain complicated, trade tensions shall continue its upward trend. Inflationary pressure increased. Many key export commodity groups tended to decrease. State budget balance faced various difficulties. Budget deficit tended to increase. Disbursement of public investment improved but remained slow. Production and business activities in many fields remained difficult, affecting employment and life of workers.

Facing this situation, the Government requested ministries, branches and localities not back down from difficulties, continue to make efforts to realize the "double goal", avoid being subjective, take a good control the Covid-19 epidemic, prevent the disease spread in the community; carry out more drastically the tasks and solutions on socio-economic development, strive to reach the highest level of the targets of the 2020 plan; stick to goals on macroeconomic stabilization, inflation control, accelerating the disbursement of public investment capital; clearly identify this as an important political task. And at the same time, the Government requested to focus on properly implementing the following contents:

- Continue to closely monitor the situation of the world and the region, especially the major and domestic partners to proactively take appropriate and timely policies and solutions. Focus on speeding up the effective implementation of social security, credit, and fiscal support packages for people with difficulties caused by the pandemic. At the same time, the Government requested to urgently formulate programs and plans to organize the implementation of the Government s Resolution No. 84/NQ-CP dated May 29, 2020 on tasks and solutions to continue removing difficulties for production and business, promoting disbursement of public investment and ensuring social order and safety in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Accelerate the arrangement, equitization and divestment of state-owned enterprises. Continue to effectively implement the Government s Resolutions No. 35/NQ-CP and 02/NQ-CP in order to drastically improve the business environment, enhance competitiveness and promote businesses development, especially small and medium enterprises.

- Each ministry, branches and localities were requested to quickly overcome difficulties, strongly restore production and business activities, create jobs and stabilize the people s life; take advantage of opportunities, accelerate economic restructuring, improve internal capacity in each industry and each field; innovate ways of doing things, continue to uphold the available potentials and advantages, attract all resources for development of branches, domains and localities. Especially, the pillar localities, economic locomotives of the whole country, and key economic regions must make efforts to create spill-over effects in recovering economic development after the pandemic, attract investment resources for development, striving to fulfil the objectives, tasks and targets on socio-economic development in 2020.

- The State Bank of Viet Nam shall continue to operate monetary policy proactively, flexibly, effectively, in close coordination with fiscal and other policies to contribute to controlling inflation and maintaining macro-economic stability, ensuring liquidity and credit capital for the economy, contributing to the socio-economic development.

- The Ministry of Finance shall strengthen the financial and state budget disciplines, thoroughly practicing saving on recurrent expenditures, direct the implementation of measures to prevent and combat troubling, harassment and negative behaviors at tax and customs offices for strict violation handling. The Ministry was requested to guide, synthesize proposals and recommendations of the People s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities related to the allocation of funds to support those in need caused by the Covid-19 pandemic issued under Decision No. 15/2020/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister, and report this to competent authorities as prescribed.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and other ministries, agencies and localities in, monitoring and speeding up the implementation of plans on disbursement of public investment capital from the state budget and ODA loans, promptly remove difficulties for each project to accelerate the implementation and disbursement progress as prescribed.

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall coordinate with ministries, branches, and localities to boost domestic consumption demand and strongly develop the domestic market. The Ministry was requested to promote linkages to develop supporting industries, create conditions for Vietnamese enterprises to participate in regional and global value chains, collaborate with the Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises to direct and speed up energy projects, urgently review and restructure the power source, ensure sufficient supply of electricity for production and daily life of the people, and report to Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung to consider appropriate development of wind and solar power sources.

- The Ministry of Construction shall coordinate with the Viet Nam General Confederation of Labor and localities, especially Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City and key economic regions in promoting the development of social houses for factory workers and low-income people. The Ministry shall take appropriate measures to remove difficulties, promote the healthy development of the real estate market; coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in researching and formulating solutions to problems of tourism and resort real estate projects; study, formulate and propose to the Government a number of mechanisms and policies to develop low-cost commercial properties; summarize the implementation results of the program to support the construction of houses for people with meritorious services to the revolution according to Decision No. 22/2013/QD-TTg dated April 26, 2013 for reporting to the Prime Minister.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in, working out an effective regulation scheme to reduce pork prices with appropriate and fundamental solutions, and encourage large-scale investment and application of modern technology, especially technologies to resolve issues at input, breed, and feed stages, accelerate re-population of pig herds associated with taking appropriate solutions to control the African swine cholera and other measures to ensure the interests of consumers. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development was requested to actively cope with natural disasters, epidemics and meticulously organize the development of agricultural production, ensuring sufficient supply of clean water for people in drought and saltwater intruded areas. The Ministry shall coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in implementing solutions to restructure and expand the export markets of agricultural products.

- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and localities in formulating mechanisms and measures for land management in areas with strategic locations in national economic and defense-security terms.

- The Ministry of Transport shall focus on speeding up the implementation of key transport projects such as: Terminal T3 at Tan San Nhat international airport terminal; 02 projects to renovate and upgrade runways, landings and taxiways of Tan Son Nhat and Noi Bai Airports; Long Thanh International Airport Project, immediately implement procedures for public investment projects and PPP projects under the North - South Expressway Project. The Ministry of Transport shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises in urgently proposing to unlock reciprocal capital sources of the Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project, and continue to remove difficulties and speed up the implementation of the project for automated non-stop toll collection.

- The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall urgently report to the Prime Minister the overall program to celebrate the War Invalids and Martyrs Day 27/7, reviewing 10 years of implementing the Project on Social Work Development for the 2010-2020 period. The Ministry was assigned to coordinate with the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Information and Communications and localities to properly implement the Prime Minister s Directive No. 23/CT-TTg on bolstering solutions to ensure children s rights and child protection. The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall organize the provision of guidelines on healthy entertainment activities for children, paying special attention to preventing children’ drowning in the summer. People s Committees at all levels, schools and educational institutions shall clearly identify their responsibilities, coordinate with families, and supervise mass organizations in the prevention and fight against child violence, and strictly handle acts of violence committed against children.

The Ministry was requested to urge localities to organize the implementation of support policies under the Prime Minister s Decision No. 15/2020/QD-TTg ensuring publicity, transparency, simplification of processes, procedures and create favorable conditions for beneficiaries. Provincial-level People s Committees shall accelerate the review and approval to timely provide support to the right subjects. The Government Portal, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs’ portal, and localities shall publish information of activities supporting the people and businesses in difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic for people’ monitoring, and at the same time strengthen inspection and governance to ensure support was delivered to the right people and prevent profiteering behaviors. At the same time, the Ministry shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the concerned ministries and agencies in reviewing, evaluating and proposing the Prime Minister to consider the amendment of Decision No. 15/2020/QD-TTg dated April 24, 2020 to identify appropriate selection criteria and create favorable conditions for businesses in difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic to access credit to pay wages for employees during business suspension.

- The Ministry of Health shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in, handling specific cases and strictly controlling the funding of international organizations and aid countries to ensure their efficient use and prevent wasting of resources.

- The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall guide and restructure the tourist market, focusing on boosting the domestic tourist market; coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications to foster information and communication, and promote domestic tourism with the messages “Viet Nam is safe for tourism” and “Vietnamese people travel in Viet Nam”. The Ministry was also assigned to continue to drastically implement programs to stimulate domestic tourism.

- The Ministry of Education and Training shall coordinate with localities to direct schools to intensify organization of entertainment activities at schools, coordinate teaching swimming skills for students to prevent drowning in summer holidays. It was assigned to prepare conditions for the implementation of the new school education program, especially the introduction and use of new grade 1 textbooks; assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and relevant agencies and agencies, in expeditiously submitting to the Prime Minister a specific financial mechanism of the Viet Nam-Japan University; assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministries of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, Home Affairs, Finance and other related ministries and agencies in considering support mechanisms for workers at education establishments who had temporary postponement of labor contracts, unpaid leave, labor contract termination and not yet eligible for unemployment benefits, regimes and policies for educational institutions affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, policies for online teaching and training of teachers. The Ministry of Education and Training shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and concerned ministries and branches in, directing the strict inspection, examination and supervision of high school graduation examination, and the national university and college entrance exam in 2020, closely coordinate and promote the role of the Viet Nam Fatherland Front in carrying out the task.

- The provinces and cities directly under the Central Government shall seriously and safely organize the high school graduation examination, and the national university and college entrance exam in 2020. Presidents of the People s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall be fully responsible for organizing the exam. Localities were requested to increase investment in school facilities and teachers, ensuring adequate conditions for teaching and learning, meeting the requirements of educational renovation, especially the implementation of the new general education program.

- Ministry of Science and Technology shall continue to promote the implementation of the Program to Support the National Innovative Start-up Ecosystem, the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights; promote the development of enterprises engaged in science and technology activities, innovation, application of science and technology in service of the development of areas, domains and localities.

- The Ministry of Home Affairs shall coordinate with ministries, branches, and localities in organizing the evaluation and timely proposal of rewards to concerned individuals and collectives participating in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 pandemic.

- Standing Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh was assigned to direct relevant agencies to research and propose solutions to ensure early response and avoid asset wasting caused by economic and corruption cases.

- Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh and Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam were assigned to direct the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Health and related ministries and agencies to review and formulate appropriate plans to open a number of international routes connecting with transshipment points to bring Vietnamese overseas, foreign experts, business managers, high-tech workers and investors into Viet Nam, ensuring epidemic prevention and safety in the community.

- The Ministry of Defense shall direct functional forces to closely follow the situation, proactively respond to arising situations, maintain national sovereignty and ensure the highest safety of marine economic activities.

- The Ministry of Public Security shall continue to monitor and follow the situation, proactively respond to arising situations, ensure national security, social order and safety before the Party Congress at all levels; focus on suppressing criminals, especially forms of fraud to appropriate properties in finance, banking, real estate sectors, investment projects, brokerage services of employment and study abroad, e-commerce, network security, etc.; speed up patrol and control activities for maintenance of security and order, traffic order and fire and explosion prevention and ensuring safety for the people and businesses.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries, agencies, and localities in, preparing plans for careful organization of the 36th ASEAN Summit.

- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries, branches and localities in continuing to perform tasks and solutions to accelerate the development of e-Government at national and local levels, e-businesses, and electronic payment; urgently complete the legal corridor for some new digital business models. The Ministry was assigned to direct press agencies to enhance information and communication on the success in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 pandemic, solutions and policies to remove difficulties, new models and good experiences in promoting socio-economic recovery and development, promptly reflect obstacles and inadequacies to be removed and positive changes in the country s socio-economic development. The Ministry of Information and Communications was tasked to continue to organize press agencies, especially for magazines, coordinate and instruct the Ministry of Education and Training to ensure information security when applying software and online teaching tools, support prices, packages and other infrastructure to facilitate technology application in teaching.

- The Government members shall monitor and grasp issues concerned by the National Assembly deputies, voters and the people, actively prepare, make explanatory reports and provide complete information related to the respective branches and fields under their management to National Assembly deputies as well as press agencies; pay special attention to the fulfilment of commitments and promises at previous meetings.

- Ministries, agencies and localities shall, according to their functions, tasks, domains and geographical areas, properly prepare the preliminary review and evaluation of the 6-month implementation of the assigned tasks and solutions to remove difficulties and successfully accomplish the objectives and tasks of 2020; prepare to develop socio-economic development plans, state budget, public investment in 2021 and the 2021-2025 period to create a solid foundation for national rehabilitation and development in the coming time.

2. Regarding removing difficulties and handling proposals of enterprises during the Covid-19 pandemic

The Government requested:

- Ministries, branches, and localities, according to their assigned functions and tasks, urgently and seriously implement the Government s guidance in the Government s Resolution No. 84/NQ-CP dated May 29, 2020 and relevant legal documents; continue reviewing, amending and supplementing overlapping and contradictory regulations according to their respective competence or submitting them to competent authorities as prescribed to remove or improve the business investment environment, attract investment, and promote production and business development.

- The Government Office transfer proposals which had not been considered and solved according to report No. 728/PTM-KTTH dated May 26, 2020 of the Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry to ministries and functional agencies for consideration and handling according to their respective competence; monitor and synthesize the handling enterprises petitions and report to the Prime Minister.

3. Regarding the Draft Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control

The Ministry of Health was assigned to assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Government Office, the Ministry of Justice and the concerned ministries and agencies in collecting comments from the Government Members, finalizing the draft law, and reporting to the Prime Minister before reporting to the National Assembly on behalf of the Government, as authorized by the Prime Minister.

4. Regarding the handling of problems in the implementation of Point c, Clause 3, Article 18 and Clause 2, Article 29 of Decree No. 13/2020/ND-CP detailing the Law on Livestock

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development was assigned to assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the concerned ministries and branches in reviewing the overall Decree No. 13/2020/ND-CP, identifying specific difficulties and shortcomings in the implementation of Point c, Clause 3, Article 18, Clause 2, Article 29 of Decree No. 13/2020/ND-CP and current regulations related to the import of live animals into Viet Nam and certificates for circulation in Viet Nam; report in full and in detail the root causes of problems (due to regulations or challenges in regulation enforcement). On that basis, the Ministry shall propose to formulate a Decree amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 13/2020/ND-CP following simplified order and procedures and submit the proposal to the Government before December 31, 2020.

Until Decree No. 13/2020/ND-CP had been revised, the Government agreed to suspend the implementation of Point c, Clause 3, Article 18 and Clause 2, Article 29 of Decree No. 13/2020/ND- CP until the point when the Decree amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 13/2020/ND-CP takes effect.

5. Regarding the promulgation of detailing documents and implementation of tasks assigned by the Government

a) Regarding the promulgation of detailing documents: Ministers and heads of ministerial-level agencies were requested to issue detailing documents which had been suspended, promptly direct and coordinate with concerned ministries and agencies to complete the documents and submit to the competent authorities for promulgation according to regulations.

b) Regarding the implementation of the assigned Work Program and tasks:

Ministers and heads of ministerial-level agencies shall, according to their assigned tasks, urgently direct the development, completion, and submission of projects in the Work Program, which had been suspended, before June 10, 2020, and complete their outstanding tasks. At the same time, they were requested to proactively and duly develop and submit 59 projects under the Work Program in June 2020 and perform the assigned on-going tasks, especially those related to institutional improvement and removing difficulties and obstacles in mechanisms and policies assigned in the Resolution of the Government s regular monthly meeting.

c) Ministries and agencies shall, according to their assignment, prepare seminars and draft guiding and executive documents of the Government and the Prime Minister according to the assigned tasks in Document No. 4108/VPCP-TH dated May 26, 2020.

6. Regarding the draft Law on Forces participating in protecting local security and order

In principle, the Government agreed on the proposal to draft the Law on Forces participating in protecting local security and order.

The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice, the Government Office and concerned ministries and branches in collecting comments from the Government members; continue to revise and complete the Proposal to formulate the Law; report to Standing Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh for comments before submitting to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision-making.

The Minister of Justice was authorized by the Prime Minister to act on behalf of the Government to sign the Proposal to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly on considering and adding the Proposal to formulate the Law into the law and ordinance-making program in 2020, and to submit to the 14th National Assembly for review and comments at the 10th session.

7. Regarding the possibility of balancing the state budget for development investment expenditures in the 2021-2025 period

The Ministry of Finance was assigned to assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Justice and the Government Office in holding a meeting to unify the plan and report to the Standing Committee of the Government for consideration and decision-making by June 15, 2020 before reporting to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly and the National Assembly as prescribed.

8. Regarding the implementation of Resolution No. 17/NQ-CP dated March 7, 2019

Ministries, branches and localities shall continue to seriously and effectively carry out the tasks in 2020 set out in Resolution No. 17/NQ-CP, especially the realization of the target in which at least 30% of online public services at level 4 and at least 30% of periodical reports (excluding confidential contents) shall be sent and received via the National Reporting Information System by 2020; consolidate the Steering Committee for the construction of e-Government at national level, and those of ministries, branches and localities under the Prime Minister s Decision No. 701/QD-TTg dated May 26, 2020; accelerate the construction of an integrated platform for data sharing, which will be connected with the national platform for data sharing; deploy the supervision and operation of a suitable centralized network, ensuring its safety, security and efficiency.

The Ministry of Public Security shall focus on speeding up the implementation of the National Database on Population.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall speed up the implementation of the National Database on Land./.

For the Government

The Prime Minister

Nguyen Xuan Phuc


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