Resolution No. 44/NQ-CP dated November 09, 2010 of the Government on the Regular Government Meeting of October 2010

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Resolution No. 44/NQ-CP dated November 09, 2010 of the Government on the Regular Government Meeting of October 2010
Issuing body: GovernmentEffective date:

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Official number:44/NQ-CPSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:ResolutionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:09/11/2010Effect status:

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Fields:Administration , Policy


Increasing measures to valorize prices and stabilize markets in the last months of 2010


On November 09, 2010, Government issued the Resolution No. 44/NQ-CP on the Regular Government Meeting of October 2010. Within that, The Government agrees that the socio­economic situation of October and the first 10 months of the year continue to develop positively. The economy recorded a relatively high growth. The macro economy was further improved and the major economic balances basically assured; budget revenues were fairly high, meeting in time spending needs and reducing deficit; development investment was further accelerated and funds were disbursed positively; exports highly increased and trade deficit further decreased. Industrial production, agriculture and services all grew relatively high. Social security continued to be assured; culture, information, education, healthcare science and technology and environmental protection received due attention and achieved positive results. The 1,000th anniversary of Thang Long-Hanoi was successfully organized, creating an atmosphere of enthusiasm and pride nationwide. External relation activities recorded important achievements, with the country properly fulfilling the role of ASEAN presidency and enjoying a higher status and prestige in the international arena. Administrative reforms, settlement of complaints and denunciations and anti-corruption work continued to be promoted and progressed. The political and social situation continued to be stable, national defense firmly maintained and social order and safety assured.

Nevertheless, the economy is facing many difficulties and challenges: natural disasters and floods in the central region inflicted great damage in human lives and property, and continue to be complicated and unpredictable; epidemics are at risk of widespread transmission to affect production and people's life; the shortage of electricity was not yet basically addressed; the world market prices fluctuate in a complicated manner, thus influencing foreign exchange rates; market prices tend to increase and put pressure on inflation in the last months of 2010.

In the last two months of 2010, the Government requests ministries, branches and localities to closely monitor complicated developments of the world market situation, propose appropriate and timely policies and solutions; continue to direct the drastic implementation of the solutions set forth in the Government's Resolution No. 03/NQ-CP of January 15, 2010, Resolution No. 18/NQ-CP of April 6, 2010 and other resolutions, and in the Prime Minister's Directive No. 1875/CT-TTg of October 11, 2010, on increasing measures to valorize prices and stabilize markets in the last months of 2010.

The State Bank of Vietnam shall continue implementing monetary policy in a proactive and flexible manner in response to market signals and in accordance with the objectives of enhancing macroeconomic stability and curbing inflation and with the growth objective; stabilizing exchange rates and foreign currency markets to ensure supply of sufficient foreign currencies for necessary production and business requirements of businesses.

In this meeting, The Government heard and opined on the draft national strategy on borrowing and debt repayment during 2010-2020, with a vision for the 2030-2050 period submitted by the Minister of Finance.
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No. 44/NQ-CP

Independence - Freedom – Happiness

Hanoi, November 09, 2010





On November 6, 2010, the Government held its October 2010 regular meeting discussing and resolving on the following matters:

1. Reports on the socio-economic situation of October and the first 10 months of 2010, and forecasts about the world and Vietnamese economic situations; damage and results of flood control and measures to remedy damage and stabilize production and people s life in central provinces in the wake of the recent typhoons and floods; the implementation of the resolution of the September Government meeting and the Government s work agenda of October 2010; the inspection and settlement of complaints and denunciations and anti-corruption work in October 2010; and administrative reform work in October 2010, which were presented by the Minister of Planning and Investment, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Minister-Director of the Government Office, the Inspector General of the Government and the Minister of Home Affairs.

a/ In face of the destruction of natural disasters and floods in central provinces, together with the people nationwide, the entire political system has expressed great concern about human and property damage and losses caused by floods and shared these losses with the administrations and people in the natural disaster-stricken areas. The Government praises and highly values efforts of the administrations and people in flooded areas; armed forces for their active and proactive effective rescue and salvage efforts; voluntary relief forces from the central to local levels for their timely presence and assistance in limiting and overcoming consequences of natural disasters. The Government acknowledges and appreciates the care and material and spiritual support of fellow- citizens, units, organizations and enterprises nationwide, and overseas Vietnamese as well as international aid for people in flooded areas to overcome difficulties and remedy damage, and restore and stabilize their production and life.

The Government requests ministries, branches and localities to continue coordinating and directing rescue, salvage and relief forces to collaborate with the administrations and people in natural disaster-stricken areas in expeditiously seeking the missing; visiting families of dead victims and providing timely support for families with destroyed houses and property; mobilize available forces and vehicles to access and relieve famine for people in flood-isolated areas; take measures to remedy flood consequences, expeditiously rebuild socio-economic infrastructure facilities, restore the environment and prevent, combat and stamp out diseases and epidemics likely to occur in the wake of floods, quickly stabilize production and people s life; enhance capacity for rescue, salvage and relief forces at all levels, ready plans for effective response to natural disasters and limiting to the utmost damage under the motto "proactive prevention and adaptation for development." The Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned agencies in, studying and proposing a program for building houses in response to natural disasters and climate change in regions and localities frequented by natural disasters and soon submit it to the Prime Minister for decision.

b/ The Government agrees that the socio­economic situation of October and the first 10 months of the year continues to develop positively. The economy recorded a relatively high growth. The macro economy was further improved and the major economic balances basically assured; budget revenues were fairly high, meeting in time spending needs and reducing deficit; development investment was further accelerated and funds were disbursed positively; exports highly increased and trade deficit further decreased. Industrial production, agriculture and services all grew relatively high. Social security continued to be assured; culture, information, education, healthcare science and technology and environmental protection received due attention and achieved positive results. The 1,000th anniversary of Thang Long-Hanoi was successfully organized, creating an atmosphere of enthusiasm and pride nationwide. External relation activities recorded important achievements, with the country properly fulfilling the role of ASEAN presidency and enjoying a higher status and prestige in the international arena. Administrative reforms, settlement of complaints and denunciations and anti-corruption work continued to be promoted and progressed. The political and social situation continued to be stable, national defense firmly maintained and social order and safety assured.

Nevertheless, the economy is facing many difficulties and challenges: natural disasters and floods in the central region inflicted great damage in human lives and property, and continue to be complicated and unpredictable; epidemics are at risk of widespread transmission to affect production and people s life; the shortage of electricity was not yet basically addressed; the world market prices fluctuate in a complicated manner, thus influencing foreign exchange rates; market prices tend to increase and put pressure on inflation in the last months of 2010.

In the last two months of 2010, the Government requests ministries, branches and localities to closely monitor complicated developments of the world market situation, propose appropriate and timely policies and solutions; continue to direct the drastic implementation of the solutions set forth in the Government s Resolution No. 03/NQ-CP of January 15, 2010, Resolution No. 18/NQ-CP of April 6, 2010 and other resolutions, and in the Prime Minister s Directive No. 1875/CT-TTg of October 11, 2010, on increasing measures to valorize prices and stabilize markets in the last months of 2010, focusing on the following solutions;

- The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall, depending on their assigned functions and tasks, coordinate with localities in intensifying price valorization work, controlling increases in consumer goods prices; chairpersons of provincial-level People s Committees shall concentrate on directing functional agencies to effectively perform the tasks assigned by the Prime Minister in Directive No. 1875 of October 11, 2010, and at the same time promptly form teams to supervise the observance of regulations on price registration, declaration and posting and sale at posted prices, making sure that all organizations and individuals fully and strictly comply with price management regulations, all goods, first of all essential ones, have their prices publicly posted and be sold at posted prices, and severely handle under law violations of price management regulations and announce them in the mass media.

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries, branches and agencies in, further directing the implementation of measures to boost export and reduce trade deficit to below the planned level; continue reviewing and proposing solutions to removing difficulties for businesses in production, business, import and export activities; continue strongly developing the domestic market and proactively assuring supply-demand balances for goods, especially essential consumer ones, preventing the scarcity of goods which would cause price hikes during the last months of the year and calendar and lunar new year holidays; directing the settlement with the most effective measures of the shortage of electricity, drastically implementing measures to save electricity, reducing blackouts and incrementally balancing electricity sources in both short and longer terms. The Ministry shall coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Construction in regulating additional power load, in case of compulsory electricity reduction, arranging additional load for a number of cement and steel plants, saving electricity and supplying sufficient electricity for irrigation in the winter-spring crop and for necessary production sectors.

- The State Bank of Vietnam shall continue implementing monetary policy in a proactive and flexible manner in response to market signals and in accordance with the objectives of enhancing macroeconomic stability and curbing inflation and with the growth objective; stabilizing exchange rates and foreign currency markets to ensure supply of sufficient foreign currencies for necessary production and business requirements of businesses.

- The Ministry of Finance shall concentrate on directing localities to collect 2010 state budget revenues higher than planned in combination with strictly managing expenditures to ensure thrift and efficiency; intensify inspection, control and management of tax registration and declaration; further review and simplify customs procedures to reduce difficulties for businesses in import and export activities.

- The Ministry of Health shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and branches and localities in, studying and adopting effective measures to manage medicine prices and reducing overloaded work for hospitals.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, branches and localities in, further directing the removal of difficulties and problems for and speeding up the construction of and disbursement of investment capital for projects funded with state budget, government bond and ODA and FDI capital, striving to accomplish the 2010 plan; and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in preparing the implementation of the 2011 socio­economic development plan and state budget before the end of December of 2010.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, branches and localities in, directing the remedy of natural disaster and flood consequences, helping people stabilize their production and life; make preparations for the winter-spring crop; and proactively prevent and fight crop and livestock diseases and epidemics.

- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall direct information and communications agencies and the mass media to raise their social responsibility, step up unbiased, truthful, diversified and accurate information and propaganda on the Party line and state policy and law, the socio-economic situation and the Government s direction and administration work, thus forming social consensus in the implementation of national socio-economic development tasks.

- Ministries, branches and localities shall expeditiously review their tasks and projects to be implemented through the end of the year along the line of completing tasks and projects directly related to the fulfillment of the 2010 socio-economic development targets; actively prepare and submit remaining projects under the 2010 work program; prepare review reports on the implementation of targets, tasks and solutions in 2010 direction and administration work and propose tasks and solutions for 2011.

- Ministries and ministerial-level agencies shall urge and direct the drafting and finalization of documents detailing laws and ordinances having taken effect, and submit them to the Government and Prime Minister for consideration and promulgation in the fourth quarter of 2010; and proactively prepare the implementation of the resolutions of the XIIthNational Assembly, 8th session, especially those on the 2011 socio-economic development plan and state budget estimate.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries, branches and localities in, drafting a government resolution on measures to direct and administer the 2011 socio-economic development plan and state budget estimate, and submit it to the upcoming conference between the Government and local leaders.

- Assigned cabinet members shall direct careful, complete and uniform preparation of answers to questions at the 8th session of the XIIthNational Assembly, supplementing and clarifying matters of concern to National Assembly deputies and voters, focusing on those of the Vietnam Shipbuilding Industry Group (Vinashin); the Central Highlands bauxite mining project; curbing of inflation, control of prices of consumer goods, especially medicines, diary products and essential goods; the shortage of electricity and its solutions; development investment in agriculture and rural areas and the materialization of the Party Central Committee Resolution on agriculture, farmers and rural areas; floods and overcoming of natural consequences and major orientations in response to climate change and sea level rise, etc.

- Regarding the Vietnam Shipbuilding Industry Group (Vinashin), on the basis of legal documents and assigned functions and tasks, concerned cabinet members shall direct the review, clarification and proposal of the public and transparent handling of responsibilities of concerned organizations and individuals in accordance with party rules and state laws before the opening of the 14th Central Party Committee plenum, the XthCongress.

- Ministries, branches and localities shall further direct the maintenance of social order and safety and traffic safety during National Assembly sessions, party congresses at all levels and the XIth National Party Congress and other major events in the coming time; accelerate administrative procedure reforms and complete phase 3 of Project 30.

The Ministry of Public Security shall direct localities to increase effective anti-crime measures.

The Government Inspectorate shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Office of the Central Steering Committee Against Corruption in, intensifying inspection and urging ministries, branches and localities to direct the fight against corruption and wastefulness; and thoroughly and effectively settle citizens and businesses complaints and denunciations.

2. The Government heard and opined on the draft national strategy on borrowing and debt repayment during 2010-2020, with a vision for the 2030-2050 period submitted by the Minister of Finance.

The Government requests cabinet members to study and give specific opinions on the draft strategy; assigns the Ministry of Finance to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and concerned agencies in, assimilating opinions of cabinet members to finalize the draft strategy and submit it to the Prime Minister before reporting it to the Political Bureau and the National Assembly Standing Committee.

3. The Government opined on the draft ordinance on consolidation of legal documents submitted by the Minister of Justice, and the Minister-Director of the Government Office presented a summary report on opinions of cabinet members on the draft ordinance.

The Minister of Justice shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Government Office in assimilating opinions of cabinet members to finalize the draft ordinance; and, by authorization of the Prime Minister and on behalf of the Government, present this ordinance to the National Assembly Standing Committee.-




Nguyen Tan Dung



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