Resolution No. 41/NQ-CP 2020 the regular meeting in March

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Resolution No. 41/NQ-CP dated April 09, 2020 of the Government on the Government’s regular meeting on March 2020
Issuing body: GovernmentEffective date:

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Official number:41/NQ-CPSigner:Nguyen Xuan Phuc
Type:ResolutionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:09/04/2020Effect status:

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Fields:Medical - Health , Policy


The Government directs to reduce electricity price

On April 09, 2020, the Government issues the Resolution No. 41/NQ-CP on the Government’s regular meeting on March 2020, stating some solutions for socio-economic development during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Regarding solutions to promote social housing development, the Government requests to supplement an additional VND 1,000 billion for Vietnam Bank for Social Policies as stimulated under Resolution No. 71/2018/QH14 and add VND 2,000 billion to subsidize interest rates for 04 commercial banks appointed by the State Bank of Viet Nam to provide support for social housing lending.

Regarding the draft Resolution on measures to support people facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government requires to ensure the following principles: Supporting those whose income had significantly reduced, those losing jobs, or having their employment stopped, and unable to sustain a minimum living standard due to direct impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and avoid stretching support to all subjects.

The Government also requests the Ministry of Finance to reduce electricity price and electricity expenses for electricity users to remove difficulties in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic following the proposal of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

This Resolution takes effect on the signing date.

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No. 41/NQ-CP

Independence - Freedom - Happiness 

Hanoi, April09, 2020




The Government’s regular meetingonMarch 2020




Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated June 19, 2015;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 138/2016/ND-CP dated October 01, 2016 promulgating the working regulation of the Government;

Based on the discussion of the delegates and the conclusion of the Prime Minister at the Government’s regular meeting in March 2020which isheld on April 01, 2020,




1. Regarding the COVID-19 situation, the socio-economic situation in March and the first quarter of 2020, the implementation of Directive No. 11/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister

The Government unanimously assessed that: Over the past few months, all branches, levels, localities, the political system, the business community and the people of the whole country have united to drastically, synchronously and effectively deploy undertakings and solutions of the Party and the State as well as directions of the Government and the Prime Minister and had achieved some initial successes in preventing and controlling the spread of the disease, while fulfilling the tasks of socio-economic development and ensuring social security. These efforts were highly appreciated by the international community and had created strong consensus and trust among the citizens. The Government highly appreciated and praised the solidarity, unity, and willingness of many businesses, agencies, units, organizations and individuals, the people of the country as well as people living overseas joining hands to support. This clearly expressed Viet Nam’s spirit and essence, especially the dedication, fearlessness of difficulties or dangers, self-sacrificing of the health sector, the military and police forces working on the front lines to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Due to negative impacts on many aspects of the country s socio-economic life created by the COVID-19, the economic growth (GDP) in the first quarter of 2020 merely reached 3.82%, the lowest growth rate over the past 10 years. However, compared with other countries in the region and around the world, this was relatively high, indicating the efforts and determination of all levels, branches, business communities and the people of the country. Macroeconomic conditions were relatively stable. Inflation was kept under control. Budget revenue attained 25.9% of the total annual estimates, up 1.8% over the same period. Export reached USD 59.08 billion, up 0.5%, of which that of the domestic sector increased by 8.7%, 8 items recorded export turnover of over USD 1 billion, and trade surplus reached USD 2.8 billion. Although the agricultural sector was heavily affected by drought, saline intrusion and disease outbreaks, some sectors and products still achieved good growth rates. Despite decent growth rates, processing and manufacturing industries continued to play a driving force in boosting economic growth. E-commerce was promoted, supply of goods was guaranteed. Special attention had been paid to social security and health care, including research and application of science and technology in disease prevention and control. Information technology was strongly applied to innovate teaching and learning. Education and curriculum contents were also streamlined. Active actions were taken to deliver and communicate information about COVID-19 prevention and control. Security, national defense and foreign affairs were strengthened. Social order and safety were guaranteed.

In the coming time, the COVID-19 pandemic is forecasted to continue with complicated, unpredictable changes and could adversely affect the country s socio-economic development. The Government s viewpoints are to always consider the health and life of the people a top priority, stay determined to prevent and control COVID-19 disease outbreak, and striving to ensure social security, the minimum living needs of the people, especially the poor, vulnerable subjects and jobless people. The Government shall continue taking perseverant and consistent steps in maintaining macroeconomic stability, ensuring balances of the economy, and at the same time taking advantage of opportunities, preparing conditions for immediate recovery and breakthroughs after the disease had been controlled. The Government requested branches, levels and localities to strictly implement the Call of the General Secretary, President Nguyen Phu Trong as well as policies and measures to prevent and control COVID-19, especially the Directives No. 15/CT-TTg of March 27, 2020, and 16/CT-TTg of March 31, 2020 of the Prime Minister and the Guidance of the National Steering Committee on COVID-19 Prevention and Control. At the same time, the Government requested branches, levels and localities to promptly, drastically and synchronously perform urgent tasks and solutions to remove difficulties for production and business, and ensure social security specified in Directive No. 11/CT-TTg of March 4, 2020 of the Prime Minister. Attention must be paid to implementing some of the following key contents:

- Ministries and agencies managing and administering the macro-economy and ministries managing branches and domains shall continue to closely follow up with the situation, take the initiative in developing and implementing management plans and scenarios, strictly control inflation according to the objectives set out, strive to reduce the price of pork, remove or reduce administrative procedures to shoulder burdens with people and businesses, and prevent any escalation in prices of essential goods and services.

- Ministers, heads of agencies and Chairmen of the People s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities shall concentrate on promoting administrative reforms, especially those associated with information technology application to remove obstacles and speed up the implementation and disbursement of public investment and ODA capital, especially for key and large-scale projects. They were requested to resolutely reduce and transfer investment capital of slow disbursement projects, and strictly handle cases causing delays, irresponsible behaviors or regulation violations.

- The State Bank of Viet Nam shall continue implementing monetary policy in a proactive and flexible manner to stabilize exchange rates and foreign exchange markets, directing the effective implementation of Directive No. 11/CT-TTg, striving to further reduce lending rates, ensuring credit growth in line with capital demand of the economy, focusing on production, business and policy and priority subjects, ensuring liquidity for citizens and businesses’ demand for credit and payment, as well as maintaining safe and smooth banking transactions.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with other ministries, branches and localities in urgently elaborating scenarios aligned with situation developments, together with timely solutions, especially breakthrough solutions when disease had been controlled, and submit to the Government a draft Resolution to remove difficulties for production and business, speed up the disbursement of public investment capital, and ensure social order and safety in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and agencies in studying and proposing a general support package, which shall include additional investment capital for projects falling short of capital, investing in social works, especially social houses. The Ministry shall expeditiously appraise investment policies of the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the 2021-2030 period in accordance with the Law on Public Investment, and complete this before April 15, 2020. On that basis, the Committee for Ethnic Minorities shall urgently collect comments and complete the Proposal of investment guidelines and submit it to the Government as prescribed.

- The Ministry of Finance shall urgently submit to the competent authorities for promulgation policies on extension, postponement, exemption or reduction of taxes, charges and fees, promoting thrift practice and waste combat, especially regular spending, avoiding allocating expenditures for tasks that are not really urgent, limiting expenses for organizing conferences/seminars and traveling abroad, strictly managing the state budget reserves, giving priority to the prevention and control of natural disasters and epidemics, ensuring sufficient funding for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the State Bank of Viet Nam in urgently reviewing loans for budget balancing from international financial institutions, ensuring to meet demand for investment, disease prevention and control and social security. The Ministry of Finance shall preside and coordinate with the National Steering Committee 389 and the functional forces to strengthen inspection and prevention of smuggling and trade frauds, especially for goods serving the COVID-19 prevention and control.

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall proactively coordinate with concerned ministries and branches to focus on removing difficulties and obstacles and put large-scale industrial and construction projects into operation. The Ministry was requested to coordinate with the Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises to focus on urgently addressing shortcomings of 12 weak projects in the Industry and Trade sector following the Scheme approved by the Prime Minister and tasks assigned by the Steering Committee of the Government. The Ministry was tasked to focus on exploiting, promoting the domestic market, developing retail distribution system, continue to strongly deploy the campaign “Vietnamese people prioritize using Vietnamese goods” and the program “Vietnamese goods conquering Vietnamese people”, coordinate with localities in formulating plans to ensure basic goods and services serving the people. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Finance and related ministries and agencies in comprehensively evaluating the current situation and forecasting rice supply and demand to formulate a plan to ensure sufficient rice for export, domestic consumption and reserves. The Ministry shall strive to sustain traditional export markets while seeking to expand new markets, prepare conditions to take advantage of opportunities for export promotion created by the EU-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic had been stopped. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and related agencies in reducing electricity price and electricity expenses for electricity users to remove difficulties in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic following the Proposal of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Document No. 22/BC-BCT dated April 1, 2020.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall focus on properly performing the task of ensuring food security, proactively take measures to timely restore and develop production and trade in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, monitor the weather, drought and saltwater intrusion to timely direct and guide localities to formulate appropriate production plans, continue to promote the prevention and control of animal and plant diseases, proactively prevent and combat desert locust swarms. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall continue to coordinate with the concerned ministries and branches to formulate synchronous solutions to stabilize pork prices, promote repopulation of pig herds to meet demand of the domestic market and export, remove the EU yellow card for fisheries as soon as possible, urgently complete documents detailing the Law on Forestry, and strengthen directing the implementation of measures to protect forests, prevent and fight against forest fires, especially in the Central Highlands, South Central and Southern regions.

- The Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprise shall timely detect difficulties or problems to provide support and create the best conditions for corporations and groups to develop production, business and implement plans in 2020.

- The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and localities in organizing the implementation of social security policies, ensuring their publicity, transparency, reach to the right beneficiaries and readiness of solutions to prevent policy profiteering.

- The Ministry of Education and Training shall promote teaching via television and Internet, strongly apply information technology in teaching and learning, and urgently report to the Prime Minister the National High School Graduation and National University Entrance Examination Plan in 2020 in accordance with the practical situation.

- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and concerned ministries and agencies in conducting surveys and evaluating comprehensively the causes of drought and saltwater intrusion in the Mekong River Delta region, as well as proposing synchronous, effective, feasible solutions and report to the Prime Minister.

- The Ministry of Transport shall proactively speed up key transport infrastructure projects, especially urgent projects such as the eastern section of the North-South Expressway Project and My Thuan - Can Tho Expressway Project, and speed up the completion of automated non-stop toll collection system.

- Ministries and branches shall review bilateral agreements, deploy online contract signing to promote their earliest adoption and prevent any postponement; and organize online conferences at different levels to prepare for the ASEAN Summit in June 2020 and the end of 2020 according their respective assigned tasks.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the concerned ministries, agencies and localities in properly preparing contents to organize the ASEAN Summit in June 2020, properly fulfill the task of protecting citizens, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

- The Ministry of National Defense shall closely monitor the situation in the East Sea, take the initiative in coping with and promptly providing advices and recommendation, avoid passiveness, and properly fulfill the assigned task related to the COVID-19 prevention and combat.

- The Ministry of Public Security shall strengthen the management of immigration activities, proactively formulate plans and scenarios to closely coordinate with functional forces, ensuring absolute safety and security in isolated centres/areas, focus on suppressing all kinds of crimes, especially organized crimes, black credit, theft, robbery, etc., strictly punish violations of preventive measures against the COVID-19 pandemic, including criminal handlings for acts showing signs of criminal offenses.

- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall direct telecommunication and digital enterprises to actively join hands, assist ministries, branches and localities in applying technological solutions, speeding up the digital transformation process, ensuring smooth communication for epidemic prevention and control, expanding the capacity of Internet connection bandwidth, improving the quality of telecommunication services, especially services for online work, online teaching and learning, promoting information and communication on COVID-19 prevention and control, focusing on praising examples of good people with good deeds or noble gestures, spirit of solidarity of the whole nation joining hands to prevent and combat disease, as well as policies to ensure social security, remove difficulties, promote production and business. The Ministry of Information and Communications was tasked to promptly reject false information, causing confusion in the public.

- Ministries, branches and localities shall deploy virtual meetings. The Government Office was assigned to assume the prime responsibility for organizing surveys, connecting meetings and conferences of the Government leaders with the ministries, branches and localities, and expanding the scope of E-cabinet system deployment. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and Defense in ensuring information security of online meetings. Ministries, agencies and localities shall ensure sufficient funding, arrange equipment and transmission lines, deploy connection with specialized data transmission network infrastructure serving virtual meetings, and expand applying virtual meetings in running their jobs.

2. Regarding the Report on additional assessment of the implementation results of the socio-economic development plan in 2019

The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall collect comments from the Governmentmembers, complete the Report on additional assessment of the implementation results of the socio-economic development plan in 2019 and the implementation of the socio-economic development plan in 2020. The Minister of Planning and Investment was authorized by the Prime Minister to act on behalf of the Government to submit to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly and National Assembly as prescribed.

3. Regarding the draft Resolution on measures to support people facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice, the State Bank of Vietnam and concerned ministries and agencies in scrutinizing all relevant subjects, collecting comments of the Government Members, completing the draft Resolution, submitting to the Prime Minister for consideration and signing for promulgation on the following principles: supporting those whose income had significantly reduced, those losing jobs, or having their employment stopped, and unable to sustain a minimum living standard due to direct impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (avoid stretching support to all subjects); sharing responsibilities between the State and enterprises in ensuring social security with employees, with a reasonable division between central and local budgets; clearly defining the responsibilities of state management agencies, local governments and enterprises in identifying and ensuring to deliver support to the right beneficiaries, publicity and transparency, while preventing profiteering.

- The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall review and evaluate the target groups of support in detail by each locality and send them to the Ministry of Finance as a foundation for reviewing the support funding.

- The Ministry of Finance shall review the support funding and report to the competent authorities as prescribed.

4. Regarding the adjustment of the tasks assigned in the Government s Resolution No. 105/NQ-CP dated November 19, 2019

In order to ensure the effectiveness of state management and the inheritance and consistency of legal documents on public investment, the Government agreed to:

- Stop the implementation of Mission No. 2, Point A, Section II in Appendix I of Resolution No. 105/NQ-CP on the "Scheme on solutions to ensure co-financed capital of the State in public-private partnership projects and ODA projects for infrastructure development in the 2021-2030 period".

- Integrate co-financing solutions for public-private partnership projects and ODA projects into the "Scheme on building a synchronous infrastructure system in the 2021-2030 period to create strategic socio-economic development breakthroughs in the spirit of Resolution No. 13-NQ/TW", which was assigned by the Prime Minister to the Ministry of Planning and Investment to implement Mission No. 1, Point A, Section II in Appendix I of Resolution No. 105/NQ-CP.

5. Regarding the additional assessment of the implementation results of the State budget in 2019 and the implementation of the State budget estimates in 2020

The Ministry of Finance shall collect comments from the Government Members, complete the Report on additional assessment of the implementation results of the State budget in 2019 and the implementation of the State budget estimates in 2020. The Minister of Finance was authorized by the Prime Minister to act on behalf of the Government to submit to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly and the National Assembly as prescribed. The Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for the data and contents of the Report.

6. Regarding the draft Decree to extend the deadline for paying tax and land rent

The Ministry of Finance shall review the possibility in balancing the state budget, collect the appraisal opinions of the Ministry of Justice, associations and enterprises so as to create the most favorable conditions for enterprises affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, finalize the draft Decree, and submit it to the Prime Minister for signing and promulgation.

After the Decree issuance, the Ministry of Finance shall continue to monitor and update difficulties and problems of enterprises, and report to the Government and the Prime Minister.

7. Regarding the draft Decree amending Clause 3, Article 8 of Decree No. 20/2017/ND-CP

The Ministry of Finance shall collect comments from the Government Members, finalize the draft Decree, ensuring to harmonize the State and enterprises’ interests, so as not to create the negative asking-giving mechanism, and submit it to the Prime Minister for signing and promulgation as of March 31, 2020.

8. Regarding the preparation for the 9th session of the 14th National Assembly

In order to ensure the quality and preparation progress of the 9th session of the 14th National Assembly, the Government required the Government Members to:

- Urgently submit to the Government and the Prime Minister for promulgation 17 documents detailing the Laws that had taken effect as assigned before April 15, 2020.

- Promptly answering the National Assembly deputies questions and petitions sent to the 9thsession, paying attention to properly responding to the requests, providing specific solutions, avoiding giving general answers or citing Party’s resolutions and regulations.

- Proactively arrange work plans in accordance with the meeting agenda of the National Assembly, ensuring to participate in all question and answer sessions related to their assigned branches and fields. Comprehensively grasp outstanding issues or problems of public concern within the state management scope of their ministries and branches in order to provide focused, concise, proper answers within the prescribed time at question and answer sessions; and at the same time, actively exchange, explain and provide documents and materials to National Assembly deputies, National Assembly delegations and press agencies on issues concerned by National Assembly deputies, voters and the society.

- Enhance personal responsibility, take accountability to the Prime Minister and the National Assembly for preparing documents and reports, assuring their quality, and submitting to the National Assembly on time all documents and reports serving the 9thsession; in which special attention must be paid to the preparation of reports and documents presented at the meetings, ensuring reporting time limits as required; review information and data within the list of state secrets for separate reporting. Especially, the content preparation progress must be consulted with the National Assembly.

- The Government Office shall proactively work closely with the Office of the National Assembly to advise on program development and timing for organizing the 9thsession in accordance with the COVID-19 pandemic situation, and properly prepare the joint meeting between the National Assembly Party Committee and the Government Party s Committee to promptly discuss and agree on the leadership, direction and preparation for the meeting.

- Chairmen of the People s Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities shall strictly follow the Prime Minister s directions and the Government Inspectorate s conclusions on the reception and settlement of complaints and denunciations, prevent mass filing of lawsuits in local areas or to central agencies, especially in Hanoi Capital and Ho Chi Minh City. Hanoi People s Committee shall actively cooperate with the Government Inspectorate and functional agencies in communicating information, mobilizing resources, and taking measures to convince citizens to return to their localities for lawsuit settlement, prevent prolonged mass filing of lawsuits, which could cause insecurity and disorder during the 9thsession of the 14thNational Assembly.

9. Regarding tax exemption for import automobile components

The Government agreed with the proposal of the Ministry of Finance to exempt import tax for VinFast s automobile components to produce and assemble cars and assemblies for export to foreign countries for testing purposes following special cases specified in the Law on Export and Import Tax and Decree No. 134/2016/ND-CP dated September01, 2016.

The Ministry of Finance shall organize the implementation of this process to ensure its publicity and transparency and prevent any acts of profiteering.

10. Regarding the management and maintenance of national railway infrastructure

The Government agreed to allow the Ministry of Transport to continue assigning the national railway infrastructure management and maintenance cost estimate in 2020 to the Viet Nam Railways Corporation for implementation as in 2019 following the Ministry of Transport’s request (Documents No. 2981/BGTVT-KHTC, 3063/BGTVT-KCHT dated March 31, 2020) and the consent of the Ministry of Finance (Document No. 3752/BTC-TCDN dated March 31) 2020) and the Ministry of Justice (Document No. 1155/BTP-PLDSKT dated March 31, 2020).

11. Regarding solutions to promote social housing development

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall supplement an additional VND 1,000 billion for Vietnam Bank for Social Policies as stimulated under Resolution No. 71/2018/QH14 and add VND 2,000 billion to subsidize interest rates for 04 commercial banks appointed by the State Bank of Viet Nam to provide support for social housing lending.

- The Ministry of Construction shall study and propose amendments and supplements to inadequacies in Decree No. 100/2015/ND-CP for submission to the Government for consideration and promulgation in the 4th quarter of 2020 according to simplified order and procedures, and propose innovations in methodologies and mechanisms to solve housing issues for low-income groups.

- The Ministry of Construction shall coordinate with localities, especially Hanoi Capital and Ho Chi Minh City, to focus on directing and properly implementing tasks and solutions to promote social housing development and meet demand of low-income people, especially workers.

12. Regarding the continued piloting the sending of seasonal laborers working in the Republic of Korea under a cooperation agreement between localities of the two countries

The Government agreed with the proposal of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs on continuing to pilot the sending of Vietnamese seasonal workers working in the Republic of Korea under a cooperation agreement between localities of the two countries from January 1, 2020 until the (revised) Law on Vietnamese Laborers working abroad under labor contracts had been passed and taken effect.

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall coordinate with the concerned ministries and branches in guiding localities’ implementation.

13. Regarding the (revised) Law on Residence

The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice and the Government Office in collecting comments from the Government Members, appraisal opinions of the Government Office, finalizing the draft Law, and reporting to the Prime Minister before submitting it to the National Assembly.

14. Regarding the implementation of tasks and some recommendations of associations related to removing difficulties for production and business.

- Ministers and Heads of ministerial-level agencies shall directly direct the implementation of Work Programs, ensuring their quality and progress. Ministries with too many pending projects must submit a monthly report to the Prime Minister, expeditiously speed up the completion of outstanding projects, submit to the Government and the Prime Minister before April 10, 2020, and at the same time, ensure the progress of 21 projects according to the Work Program in April 2020.

- The Working Group shall monitor, urge and inspect the implementation of tasks assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister, focusing on working with the ministries and agencies having many pending projects and slow in implementing tasks assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister, especially the tasks related to simplifying and reducing administrative procedures.

- Related ministries and agencies shall review proposals of trade and industry associations mentioned in Report No. 206/BC-TCTTTg dated March 31, 2020 and resolve according to their competence to remove difficulties for production and business in alignment with the general policy and the actual situation.

15. Regarding the implementation of the eastern section of the North-South Expressway Project and My Thuan - Can Tho Expressway Project; upgrading the runway system and taxiway at Noi Bai Airport and Tan Son Nhat Airport

The Government agreed that:

a) Regarding the North-South Expressway Project

The Government agreed to convert investment form of the 8 PPP projects into public investment fully funded by the State budget.

The Ministry of Transport shall prepare all necessary procedures to immediately implement the projects after receiving the National Assembly’s approval to convert investment form of PPP projects to public investment.

b) Regarding the My Thuan - Can Tho Expressway Project: Approve to convert the project s investment form from public-private partnership to public investment. Timeline for project start, technical traffic opening, and inauguration shall be the end of 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively.

c) Regarding the projects to upgrade the runway system and taxiway at Noi Bai Airport and Tan Son Nhat Airport:

The Government agreed to use part of the additional revenues and the unused estimates of the Central State Budget in 2019 to invest in the projects to upgrade the runway system and taxiway at Noi Bai Airport and Tan Son Nhat Airport in order to ensure security and safety in airport operation and exploitation. This shall be considered an urgent public investment project in accordance with the Law on Public Investment. The order of and procedures of the construction projects shall comply with regulations for construction works under emergency orders.

The Ministry of Finance shall integrate the projects in the plan to allocate the additional revenues and the unused estimates of the Central State Budget in 2019 to report to the competent authority as prescribed.

The Minister of Transport shall take the initiative in making decisions according to his competence and take responsibility before the Government and the Prime Minister to take advantage of airports’ reduced exploitation frequency due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic to deploy the projects effectively, in accordance with regulations so that they can be put into operation as soon as possible.

d) The Ministry of Construction shall urgently report on problems and difficulties in implementing Decree No. 68/2019/ND-CP, propose solutions, and report to the Prime Minister before April 10, 2020.

dd) The Ministry of Justice shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and relevant ministries and agencies in handling issues, inappropriate and ineffective regulations related to investment and construction.

16. Regarding Reports on:The implementation of Resolution No. 35/NQ-CP and Directive No. 26/CT-TTg on supporting and developing enterprises by 2020, the implementation of the Government s law- and ordinance-making program and the promulgation of documents detailing the implementation of laws and ordinances, administrative reforms, the inspection and settlement of complaints and denunciations and the fight against corruption, the implementation of Resolution No. 17/NQ-CP in the 1stquarter of 2020.

Ministries and agencies assuming the prime responsibility in elaborating reports including the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Information and Communications and Government Inspectorate,according to their assigned fuction and task, shall collect opinions from the Government members, complete the task direction and solutions for branches and fields under their management and organize the effective implementation./.










Nguyen Xuan Phuc






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