Resolution 152/NQ-CP 2022 orientations for socio-economic development in Central Highlands

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Resolution No. 152/NQ-CP dated November 15, 2022 of the Government promulgating the Government’s Program of Action to implement the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW of October 6, 2022, on orientations for socio-economic development and national defense and security assurance in the Central Highlands region through 2030, with a vision toward 2045
Issuing body: GovernmentEffective date:

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Official number:152/NQ-CPSigner:Pham Binh Minh
Type:ResolutionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:15/11/2022Effect status:

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By 2030, per-capita GRDP of Central Highlands will reach about VND 130 million

On November 15, 2022, the Government issues Resolution No. 152/NQ-CP promulgating the Government’s Program of Action to implement the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW of October 6, 2022, on orientations for socio-economic development and national defense and security assurance in the Central Highlands region through 2030, with a vision toward 2045.

Accordingly, the average GRDP growth rate in the 2021-2030 period will reach 7-7.5%. By 2030, per-capita GRDP will reach about VND 130 million, equivalent to USD 5,000; the ratio of agro-forestry-fisheries will be about 29.5%; industry-construction, about 26.9%; service sector, about 38%; the forest coverage rate will surpass 47%; the rate of clean and hygienic water access will reach 100% for urban inhabitants and 98% for rural inhabitants, etc.

To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the following tasks and solutions must be focused on: Carrying out public communication about, and creating a consensus in formulating, and organizing the implementation of, programs and plans of action to implement Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW; Developing culture, social affairs and human resources; improving the material and spiritual life of the people, etc.

This Resolution takes effect on the date of signing.

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

     No. 152/NQ-CP


Hanoi, November 15, 2022


Promulgating the Government’s Program of Action to implement the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW of October 6, 2022, on orientations for socio-economic development and national defense and security assurance in the Central Highlands region through 2030, with a vision toward 2045[1]


Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government; and the November 22, 2019 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration;

Pursuant to the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW of October 6, 2022, on orientations for socio-economic development and national defense and security assurance in the Central Highlands region through 2030, with a vision toward 2045;

At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment in Document No. 7988/TTr-BKHDT of November 4, 2022, and Document No. 8161/BKHDT-KTDPLT of November 13, 2022;

Based on the sheets of the cabinet members’ opinions,


Article 1. To promulgate together with this Resolution the Government’s Program of Action to implement the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW of October 6, 2022, on orientations for socio-economic development and national defense and security assurance in the Central Highlands region through 2030, with a vision toward 2045.

Article 2. This Resolution takes effect on the date of signing.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees, and related agencies, organizations and individuals shall implement this Resolution.-

On behalf of the Government
For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister



To implement the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW of October 6, 2022, on orientations for socio-economic development and national defense and security assurance in the Central Highlands region through 2030, with a vision toward 2045

(Promulgated together with the Government’s Resolution No. 152/NQ-CP
of November 15, 2022)

The Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW of October 6, 2022, on orientations for socio-economic development and national defense and security assurance in the Central Highlands region through 2030, with a vision toward 2045 (below referred to as Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW), has set out the following objectives:

By 2030, the Central Highlands will become a region with fast and sustainable development based on a green and circular economy; will be rich in national cultural identity and a unique destination attractive to domestic and international tourists; develop a highly efficient agricultural economy based on science and technology, innovation and digital transformation; form a number of large-scale agricultural products bearing international brands from processing centers; basically form important transport infrastructure facilities and digital infrastructure facilities; upgrade the system of cultural institutions; basically address issues of residential land and production land for ethnic minority people; improve the people’s material and spiritual life; conserve and develop ecosystems of forests, particularly watershed forests, and biodiversity; ensure water source security; firmly maintain national defense and security in border areas; ensure and stably maintain political security and social order and safety; and consolidate and strengthen Party organizations, the political system and the great national unity bloc.

In the vision toward 2045, the Central Highlands will become a sustainably developing region with a green and circular economy; some provinces in the region will be ranked in the group of above-average developed localities of the whole country; conserve and develop forest ecosystems; form a number of high-quality tourist zones and attractive destinations for domestic and foreign tourists; form large production areas for industrial trees, fruit trees, vegetables and flowers and a renewable energy center of the whole country; develop a modern and complete infrastructure system; ensure harmonious development of economic, cultural and social affairs, environmental protection and national defense and security assurance; ensure a prosperous and happy life for the people; promote the cultural identity as a foundation for development; firmly maintain national defense, security and social order and safety; build a border of peace, friendship and cooperation for mutual development, and clean and comprehensively strong Party organizations and the political system; and consolidate the great national unity bloc.

In order to effectively implement Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW, the Government promulgates the Program of Action with the following contents:


1. The Resolution on the Government’s Program of Action to implement Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW must be formulated on the basis of adhering to the viewpoints and objectives stated in Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW in order to build and develop the Central Highlands into a region with fast and sustainable development based on a green and circular economy; being rich in national cultural identity, and a unique destination attractive to domestic and international tourists.

2. The Program of Action aims to concretize the objectives, tasks and solutions stated in Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW with practical tasks and solutions of the Government, associated with plans on organization of implementation thereof under a specific roadmap with a view to achieving the objectives set forth in the Resolution. The Program of Action serves as a basis for ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and provincial-level People’s Committees to formulate their own action programs and plans according to their assigned functions and tasks and organize the drastic, synchronous and effective implementation thereof, exerting every effort to achieve the objectives set forth in Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW.

3. The Program of Action aims to demonstrate the Government’s directions in the spirit of accompanying the provinces in the Central Highlands region; at the same time, to clearly define the role and major tasks for the Government, Prime Minister, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, and People’s Committees of the provinces and cities in the Central Highlands region, and the Southeastern and Central Coast regions to focus on directing the formulation and implementation of breakthrough guidelines and policies; improving legal institutions and mechanisms for coordinating and linking the development of the region and sub-regions; adjusting or adding special mechanisms and policies on development of the Central Highlands region; mobilizing and allocating resources for the implementation of important projects to ensure the construction and development of the Central Highlands region in harmony between economic, cultural and social development, protection of natural resources and the environment closely associated with national defense, security and external affairs.

4. Specific targets by 2030

- The average GRDP growth rate in the 2021-2030 period will reach 7-7.5%. By 2030, per-capita GRDP will reach about VND 130 million, equivalent to USD 5,000; the ratio of agro-forestry-fisheries will be about 29.5%; industry-construction, about 26.9%; service sector, about 38%; product tax minus subsidy, about 5.6%; and digital economy, 25-30%, of GRDP. The urbanization rate will reach 37.2-40.7%; the rate of communes meeting new-style countryside standards will be about 85%, of which the rate of communes meeting advanced new-style countryside standards will be about 50%.

- In the 2021-2030 period, the average growth rate of social labor productivity will reach about 6.5%; the contribution of total factor productivity (TFP) to GRDP growth will be about 39%. By 2030, the rate of trained laborers possessing diplomas or certificates will reach 25-30%. The rate of poor households classified according to multidimensional poverty standards will be reduced by 1-1.5% per year. The percentage of poor households among ethnic minority people will be reduced by more than 3% per year. The percentage of education institutions meeting national standards will be about 60%, for early childhood education; about 65%, for primary education; about 75%, for lower secondary education; and about 60%, for upper secondary education. There will be 32 patient beds and 11 medical doctors per 10,000 people. The health insurance coverage rate will be 90%.

- By 2030, the forest coverage rate will surpass 47%. The rate of clean and hygienic water access will reach 100% for urban inhabitants and 98% for rural inhabitants. The percentage of hazardous wastes collected and treated under regulations will reach 98%. To strive to reach the rate of 100% for the following criteria: percentage of hazardous solid wastes generated from production, business and service activities and health establishments to be collected and disposed of; and percentage of operating industrial parks that have centralized wastewater treatment systems up to environmental standards. The rate of municipal solid wastes to be collected and disposed of under regulations will reach 95%.


In order to successfully implement the above-mentioned objectives and specific targets, the Government requests ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies, and chairpersons of People’s Committees of the provinces in the region to focus on directing the implementation of the following groups of key tasks and solutions:

1. Carrying out public communication about, and creating a consensus in formulating, and organizing the implementation of, programs and plans of action to implement Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW

- To expeditiously carry out the thorough dissemination and study of the contents of Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW and formulate programs and plans of action to implement the Resolution so as to create a consensus in awareness of authorities at all levels and in all sectors about the role, position and importance of the Central Highlands region.

- To heighten the determination of authorities at all levels and all sectors on the task of building and developing the region, especially in terms of regional connectivity, specific mechanisms and policies, resource allocation, human resources, and external relations, in order to bring into the fullest play potential and advantages of the region, and solve major problems arising in the region as well as interdisciplinary and inter-regional issues.

2. Ensuring rapid and sustainable regional economic development

- To accelerate the growth rate of the region’s economy, regarding agro-forestry development as a focus and support column; industrial development as a driving force; and tourism development as a breakthrough; to restructure the regional economy toward a green and circular economy associated with changing the growth model in the direction of improving efficiency based on high technology, digital transformation and high added value.

- To develop a highly efficient, ecologically friendly, organic, large-scale agricultural economy associated with specialized farming areas and climate change adaptation; to focus on developing key fruit trees (durian, avocado, passion fruit, rambutan, jackfruit, etc.), industrial trees (coffee, rubber, cashew, pepper, tea), medicinal plants, vegetables, flowers, and cattle farming in order to ensure environmental protection and supply of sufficient materials for the processing industry; to develop farming of cold-water fishes (salmon and sturgeon) of high economic value and caged aquaculture in lakebed areas of hydraulic structures and hydropower plants in the basins of Sesan, Srepok, Ba and Dong Nai river systems.

To develop the forestry economy and improve living standards for forest workers; to stabilize the population settlement and create jobs for people permanently living in their homeland; to attach importance to forest restoration, protection and development; to strictly protect existing natural forest areas, particularly protection forests and special-use forests; to zone forests for natural regeneration or forests for natural regeneration combined with additional planting for forest enrichment; to rehabilitate forests for planting of replacement forests in exhausted and poor-quality forest areas; to adopt appropriate policies to develop the forest economy and economic activities under the forest canopy; to increase revenues from the provision of forest environmental services and carbon credit sale services; to  lease the forest environment on a pilot basis to grow and develop medicinal plants and non-timber forest products, thereby creating jobs for people, and increasing revenues for reinvestment in forest protection and sustainable development; to mobilize non-state resources for forest development and biodiversity conservation; to develop planted forests and production forests in areas with appropriate conditions to develop the forestry economy and supply raw materials for plants producing and processing forest products; to adopt appropriate mechanisms and policies to support forces, households, people and communities in forest management and protection; to adopt policies on sedentary farming, resettlement and job creation for ethnic minority people living in protection forest and special-use forest areas.

- To prioritize the sustainable development of bauxite and alumina exploitation and processing industry and aluminum and aluminum product processing industry; to develop the mechanical engineering industry to serve agricultural production and agro-forest product processing; to maintain the stable and sustainable hydropower generation on the basis of ensuring environmental protection and people’s livelihood; to intensify attraction of investment and transfer of technology for development and storage of renewable energy; to study the possibility of on-site power supply for development of the aluminum metallurgy industry.

- To develop the region’s service, tourism and logistics sectors based on digital platforms toward higher quality and diversify services focused on ecotourism and cultural tourism, associated with the development of agriculture, smart logistics system and border-gate economy, particularly international border gates; to form and develop various forms of organization of modern markets, including commodity exchanges for key products of the region; to promote the development of e-commerce; to concentrate efforts on building a number of national product brands for coffee, rubber, durian, butter, pepper, etc.

- To tap more potential for science and technology development and innovation; to intensify the application, research and transfer of scientific and technological advances and technological innovation in order to solve problems arising in practical production and business activities so as to serve the socio-economic development and national defense and security assurance for each locality and the region, attaching importance to research and application of high technology, clean technology, digital technology and biotechnology in highly efficient agricultural production, clean energy, renewable energy, tourism, environmental protection, and climate change adaptation, and directly exploit advantages of localities in the region; to develop information technology infrastructure and digital infrastructure facilities, and build the region’s information systems and databases serving digital government, digital economy, digital society and regional linkage.

- To continue effectively settling issues related to residential land and production land for the people, particularly ethnic minority people; to definitively resolve land-related outstanding complaints and disputes, particularly land-related disputes between the people and agricultural and forestry farms and units of state enterprises; to take the initiative in detecting and early handling risks leading to class disputes and complaints.

- To enhance environmental management and protection and take the initiative in adapting to climate change; to ensure rational, economical and efficient use of natural resources, particularly water resources; to increase the water storage capacity of reservoir facilities, ensuring water security for the region and some localities in the Central Coast region; to rationally restructure crops, especially for water-deficient areas; to apply economical watering solutions and technologies; to intensify international cooperation in management of and sharing of benefits from water resources.

- In the North Central Highlands sub-region (consisting of Gia Lai and Kon Tum provinces): To maintain the hydropower industry and develop renewable energy and medicinal plants; to form eco-tourism areas, and tourist areas associated with national parks and protected areas. The sub-region’s economic development space will be associated with the Central Coast provinces along national highways 14, 19 and 24 and the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia border corridor. In the middle Central Highlands sub-region (Dak Lak province): To focus on developing renewable energy and agro-forestry product processing industry, particularly coffee production, processing and export; to develop trade service and goods transshipment centers. The sub-region’s economic development space will be associated with Khanh Hoa and Phu Yen provinces along national highways 26 and 29 and the Buon Ma Thuot-Khanh Hoa expressway. In the southern Central Highlands sub-region (consisting of Lam Dong and Dak Nong provinces): To focus on developing of high-quality services and resort tourism; hi-tech agriculture; bauxite and alumina exploitation and processing industry and aluminum processing industry. The sub-region’s economic development space will be associated with the Southeastern region along national highway 20 and the Dau Giay-Lien Khuong and Chon Thanh-Gia Nghia expressways.

- To ensure urban development and population settlement suitable to the typical conditions in terms of ecology and cultural identity of the Central Highlands; to reserve green space areas, typical landscapes, and modern, smart and environmentally friendly infrastructure facilities; to organize the urban network based on three dynamic urban centers, namely Buon Ma Thuot city as the region’s central urban area; Da Lat city as the center of the South Central Highlands sub-region; and Pleiku city as the center of the North Central Highlands sub-region; to promote urban linkages, attaching importance to the formation of satellite urban centers to support development functions with the central urban center; to step by step form a number of border urban centers with trade and service functions associated with the advantages of border gates and international traffic connection; to prioritize the allocation of resources to stabilize residential areas for ethnic minority people in conformity with living and production habits of ethnic minority people.

3. Developing culture, social affairs and human resources; improving the material and spiritual life of the people

- To improve the intellectual level as well as material and spiritual life of the people; to form a civilized lifestyle and cultured families among ethnic minority people; to conserve and promote cultural, belief and religious values, fine traditions, and typical historical and cultural relics of the Central Highlands ethnicities; to maintain and build public space areas in villages and hamlets for community cultural activities associated with Rong houses, long houses and Gong Festival; to attach importance to the conservation and promotion of world heritages, special national relics, and typical cultural heritages of the region and cultural heritages of ethnic minority people; to continue consolidating and improving the system of regional-level cultural and sports facilities; to renovate, upgrade, build and properly maintain the operation of centers for cultural and communal activities from the provincial level to villages and hamlets; to mobilize social resources for accelerated modernization and expansion of the network of cultural centers in cities, urban areas and key tourist areas.

- To synchronously implement solutions to improve the quality of and efficiently use human resources, particularly those from local ethnic minority groups, regarding it as one of the breakthrough steps for fast and sustainable development of the region; to build high-quality training centers in Buon Ma Thuot city and Da Lat city; to increase the scale of universities and colleges, giving priority to developing Tay Nguyen University; to develop the labor market, connecting information on labor market in the region with provinces in the Central Coast region and Southeastern region; to promote linkage and cooperation in training highly qualified human resources for occupations to meet the region’s development requirements; to develop and improve the quality of education, training and vocational education, especially for ethnic minority people in the Central Highlands; to adopt policies to support ethnic minority students in boarding and semi-boarding schools; to raise the quantity and quality of cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers who are ethnic minority people; to create jobs, ensure social security and properly perform poverty reduction work.

- To improve the quality of health services; to protect and care for and improve the people’s health; to intensify training and transfer of applied scientific and technological advances in medical examination and treatment; to improve the effectiveness of disease prevention and control activities; to promptly respond to health emergencies and overcome consequences of disasters and catastrophes; to build a central-level general hospital and a regional-level center for disease control; to consolidate the region’s grassroots health and preventive medicine systems.

- To review and adjust master plans, organize population relocation, and ensure sustainable and safe livelihood for people in areas frequently affected by disasters and climate change; to pay attention to supplying sufficient domestic water, ensuring environmental sanitation, providing information and other social services for the poor, particularly people in ethnic minority, deep-lying and remote areas.

4. Developing important transport infrastructure facilities and unique tourist services

- To develop transport infrastructure facilities in a synchronous and modern manner, ensuring convenient connection of the whole region to domestic and international seaports and airports. By 2030, to complete a number of important transport infrastructure facilities, namely Quy Nhon-Pleiku, Khanh Hoa-Buon Ma Thuot, Gia Nghia-Chon Thanh, Tan Phu-Bao Loc and Bao Loc-Lien Khuong expressways; to expand and upgrade Lien Khuong airport to grade 4E and Pleiku airport to grade 4C; to expand Buon Ma Thuot airport; to restore and renovate the Thap Cham - Da Lat railway to serve tourists; to study investing in the western North-South expressway (Ngoc Hoi-Pleiku, Pleiku-Buon Ma Thuot, and Buon Ma Thuot-Gia Nghia), and the railway connecting the Central Highlands (Da Nang-Kon Tum-Gia Lai-Dak Lak-Dak Nong-Binh Phuoc).

To develop tourism in a focused manner, associated with ecological and environmental protection, form tourist areas of national or regional stature, and build brands for regional tourism; to focus on attracting investment in the development of specific tourist areas and routes and unique tourism products in association with the cultural identity of the region; to build large tourist service centers, namely Da Lat city with Tuyen Lam lake, Dan Kia lake-Suoi Vang; Dak Lak and Dak Nong with Yokdon national park and the space of Gong culture in the Central Highlands; Gia Lai-Kon Tum with Bo Y international border gate, Mang Den tourist area, and Yaly lake tourist attraction; and Dak Nong global geopark; to develop ecotourism associated with local communities, ethnic minority villages, national parks and protected areas; to develop the inter-regional tourism market associated with provinces in the Central Coast and Southeastern regions; and intra-regional tourism associated with advantageous products: tourism for sightseeing and cultural and geological research, mountain resort tourism, forest trekking, agricultural and rural ecology, and adventure sports; to build an international-level healthcare center, gradually forming healthcare tourism and medical tourism products in Da Lat city.

5. Focusing on improvement of regional connectivity institutions and policies

- To reach a high consensus among authorities at all levels and in all sectors about the position, role and importance of the region and regional and inter-regional connections in order to create a unified economic space, put an end to bottlenecks, mobilize and effectively use resources, and raise regional competitiveness; to formulate and institutionalize mechanisms for regional development coordination and connection so as to raise the efficiency of intra-regional connection activities and connection with the Southeastern region and Central Coast provinces; to improve institutions, create a consistent legal framework, and facilitate the implementation of plans on implementation of cooperation agreements in the region and the Mekong Sub-region, particularly accelerated cooperation in the Greater Mekong Sub-region and cooperation in the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia Development Triangle; to actively participate in cooperation activities within the framework of ASEAN and between ASEAN and partners, regional countries and other international institutions.

- To formulate, and organize the implementation of, the master plan on the Central Highlands region and the master plan for each locality in the region for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050, ensuring connectivity, synchrony, unity, efficiency and sustainability toward a green and circular region with rich identity based on such typical factors as human, culture, nature and historical traditions associated with assurance of national defense and security of the region; to organize rational spaces for the development of important transport infrastructure facilities and unique tourist products; to restore, protect and develop forests, develop highly efficient agriculture and protect water sources.

- To adopt appropriate mechanisms and policies on forest protection and forest economy development; to develop  a number of large-scale agricultural products; to mobilize, allocate and integrate investment resources for essential, important and key programs, projects and infrastructure facilities as a foundation for fast and sustainable development; to study financial and tax policies for large-scale hydropower projects and import and export activities at border gates as appropriate, ensuring harmony between state budget revenues and local stability and development; to prioritize the use of official development assistance and concessional loans for socio-economic infrastructure development in the region; to attract more foreign direct investment in the fields of hi-tech agriculture, agro-forest product processing industry, renewable energy and tourist services in conformity with regional and local master plans; to set criteria for identification of urban centers in conformity with the specific conditions of the region toward green and sustainable urban centers.

- To step up administrative reform, and create an open and favorable business investment environment to serve enterprises and people; to effectively exploit the land areas formed from the construction of transport infrastructure facilities for development reinvestment; to delegate powers to localities to invest in centrally managed infrastructure facilities in the provinces, especially transport facilities, to bring into play the initiative of localities, and mobilize all resources for investment in transport infrastructure development.

6. Firmly ensuring national defense and security, improving the efficiency of external affairs

- To enhance the national defense and security work and intensify external affairs; to resolutely safeguard independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity; to ensure political security and social order and safety; to deepen external relations, especially those with neighboring countries, regional countries, and within the framework of cooperation in the Mekong Sub-region, such as cooperation in the Greater Mekong Sub-region and cooperation in the Vietnam - Laos - Cambodia Development Triangle; to maintain an environment of peace and stability for national development; to bring into play the efficiency of econo-national defense zones, thus contributing to consolidating the national defense - security posture and the people’s solid posture in border areas and areas largely inhabited by ethnic minority people; to build a number of dual-use works to serve the economic development and life of the people and national defense tasks; to continue building border patrol roads concurrently serving as residential roads; to coordinate with Cambodia in completing the bilateral legal framework on border management, management of border gates and land border demarcation; to undertake close cooperation in national defense, security and external affairs and proactively carry out people-to-people exchanges with the neighboring countries.

- To focus on building the all-people national defense and the all-people national defense posture associated with a solid people’s security posture, ensuring synchrony and comprehensiveness; to concentrate resources on important political, economic, national defense and security targets and areas largely inhabited by ethnic minority people and religion followers; to continue building strong armed forces of Military Zone 5 and the Central Highlands region, meeting requirements and tasks in the new situation; to build capacity for grassroots-level forces engaged in security and order assurance; to promote and flexibly and creatively apply communication and education forms and measures as suitable to different subjects as well as cultural and social characteristics of the Central Highlands region; to firmly maintain political security and social order and safety, take the initiative in preventing, fighting and resolutely defeating the “peaceful evolution” plot and subversive riots of hostile forces; to grasp and master the situation, prevent and promptly crack down on disruptive activities, illegal demonstrations and cyber attacks so as to firmly maintain national defense and security in the region and the whole country; to assign the Ministry of Public Security to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities in, formulating a scheme on assurance of security and order in the Central Highlands region and surrounding areas in the current situation.

7. Focusing on building and rectifying the Party and the political system

- To focus on the implementation of the Resolution of the XIIIth National Party Congress, resolutions, conclusions and regulations of the Party Central Committee, the Political Bureau and the Secretariat regarding Party building and rectification work in association with the implementation of Directive No. 05-CT/TW on learning and following the ideology, morality and style of Ho Chi Minh, thereby creating a substantive change in the building and rectification of the Party and the political system; to efficiently implement guidelines on renewal and organization of a streamlined apparatus, ensuring its effective and efficient operation; to persistently and resolutely fight corruption and negative practices, practice thrift and combat waste; to strengthen the Party’s leadership and all-level administrations’ management; to build and consolidate grassroots Party organizations, and improve the quality of Party members who have a firm political stance and are among vanguards and exemplary in terms of ethics and lifestyle.

- To build a contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees, particularly leaders and managers at all levels, who have a firm political stance, high professionalism, dynamism and creativity, ensuring their quality, quantity and reasonable structure with continuity and inheritance from generation to generation; to pay attention to training and further training of next-generation cadres, female cadres and ethnic-minority cadres; to properly implement regulations on exercise of grassroots democracy, and promote the role of Fatherland Front Committees, socio-political organizations and people’s mass organizations and the role of village elders, village chiefs and prestigious people in the community; to intensify operation of community-based self-governance models at the grassroots level and in ethnic minority, deep-lying and remote areas; to pay special attention to building a great national unity bloc, promoting the strength of the entire political system; to bring into the fullest pay the revolutionary culture traditions, industriousness and self-reliance spirit of the people in the region; to regard villages and hamlets as a very important part and a major area at the grassroots level in the Central Highlands.



1. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies, and chairpersons of People’s Committees of the provinces in the Central Highlands region shall:

a/ Based on their assigned functions and tasks, seriously organize the swift, effective, substantive and comprehensive implementation of the tasks and solutions set forth in Resolution No. 23-NQ/TW and the tasks and solutions mentioned in this Resolution; proactively implement specific tasks and solutions of their ministries, sectors and localities, promptly address arising problems, uphold the responsibility of heads in supervising and organizing the implementation of assigned tasks; and take full responsibility before the Government and Prime Minister for results of implementation by their ministries, sectors and localities.

b/ Before December 31, 2022, formulate and promulgate their own action programs and plans and specific documents for the implementation of this Resolution, clearly and fully defining objectives, tasks and implementation schedule, estimate the output of each task, and assign units in charge of implementation.

c/ In the process of organizing the implementation of this Resolution, promptly propose adjustments to suit the reality, and send them to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for summing up and reporting to the Prime Minister.

d/ Regularly monitor, inspect and supervise the progress and results of implementation of assigned tasks and schemes; annually, sum up and evaluate the practical implementation, and send reports thereon to the Ministry of Planning and Investment before December 15 for summing up and reporting to the Prime Minister.

2. Agencies of the Party and National Assembly, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and socio-political organizations shall closely coordinate with state administrative agencies at all levels in supervising the implementation of official duties, making social criticisms and giving opinions, thus contributing to creating a consensus in organizing the implementation of the Program of Action promulgated together with this Resolution.

3. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall assume the prime responsibility for, and closely and drastically coordinate with the Party Central Committee’s Communication and Education Commission, news and press agencies, ministries, central sectors and localities in, widely disseminating this Resolution.-

[1] Công Báo Nos 869-870 (27/11/2022)

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