Resolution No. 11/NQ-CP 2020 the regular meeting in January

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Resolution No. 11/NQ-CP dated February 14, 2020 of the Government on the Government’s regular meeting in January, 2020
Issuing body: GovernmentEffective date:

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Official number:11/NQ-CPSigner:Nguyen Xuan Phuc
Type:ResolutionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:14/02/2020Effect status:

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Fields:Administration , Policy


The Government: consider the combat against nConV epidemic as "fighting against the enemy"

On February 14, 2020, the Government issues the Resolution No. 11/NQ-CP on the Government’s regular meeting in January, 2020.

Accordingly, the Government requests that ministries, agencies and localities to consider the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic as a particularly important task, avoid being neither subjective nor confused and wavering. They were requested to stay proactive and practical in all respects in responding to the epidemic, willing to endure partial economic losses to protect the health and lives of the People. mobilize the entire political system to join hand; consider the epidemic combat as "fighting against the enemy".

In additional, the Government assign to the Ministry of Finance to assume the prime responsibility for and agree with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Industry and on import tax exemption for materials for the production of masks, antiseptic sanitizer, other necessary materials and equipment in service of the COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control, strictly manage the importation to prevent behaviors taking advantage of policies to seek personal profits.

Especially, The State Bank of Viet Nam shall direct credit institutions to restructure loan repayment term, exempt or reduce interest rates, maintain debt groups and make new loans to stabilize production and business, support and solve difficulties for enterprises and individual borrowers who were damaged due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The Ministry of Finance was requested not to raise electricity prices and public services until the requirements of price stability and control had not met the targets set by the National Assembly. 
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Independence - Freedom - Happiness 

No. 11/NQ-CP

Ha Noi, February 14, 2020




Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated June 19, 2015;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 138/2016/ND-CP dated October 01, 2016 promulgating the working regulation of the Government;

Based on the discussion of the Cabinet members and the conclusion of the Prime Minister at the Government’s regular meeting in January 2020held on February 05, 2020,


1. Regarding the socio-economic situation in January 2020; prevention of the epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus (nCoV)

The Government agreed that: In January 2020, the macroeconomic conditions continued to be stable; exchange and interest rates, financial and monetary market were managed in a proactive and proper manner; inter-banking interest rates tended to decrease. State budget revenue increased by 4.8%, in which revenue from domestic sources increased by 10.2%; revenue from crude oil increased by 33.7%. Realized State investment capital climbed up by 8.4%. Total foreign investment increased by 179.5%; disbursement of foreign direct investment rose by 3.2%. Total retail sales of consumer goods and service grew by 10.2%; goods and service market witnessed energizing developments, Vietnamese products dominated the market and were highly trusted by the people. Foreign arrivals to Viet Nam increased by 32.8%, the highest growth rate ever. Business conditions continued to be improved; due attention was paid to business development; total registered capital of newly established businesses within the month rose by 76.8%, the highest rate over the past 4 years. During the Lunar New Year 2020, all levels, sectors, mass organizations, communities, and businesses properly took care of people according to the Directive of the Party’s Secretariat, the directions of the Government and the Prime Minister. Policies for war invalids, martyrs families, people with meritorious services to the Revolution, poor households and people in areas affected by natural disasters, epidemics, remote areas, disadvantaged areas, border areas and islands were timely implemented. Many organizations, businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals had been showing noble gestures by sharing and helping disadvantaged people to celebrate Tet. Everyone and every home had an opportunity to welcome the Spring and happily celebrate the Lunar New Year in a cozy, reunited, joyful, and safe environment. The exciting atmosphere of the Lunar New Year together with significant and comprehensive socio-economic development results in 2019 and the activities to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam contributed to creating new faith, new spirit, and new motivation for the country to continue sturdily entering a new stage of development. People s health care and food safety assurance received due attention and were properly implemented. In particular, promptly responses were taken; drastic and synchronous solutions were implemented to prevent and control the acute respiratory disease caused by the new coronavirus (officially named COVID-19) to minimize the disease spread, which was highly appreciated by the people of the whole country and international organizations. Traffic accidents reduced in all three criteria. Defence and security were maintained. Foreign affairs achieved many positive results.

However, right from the beginning of 2020, the country had to face with many difficulties and challenges. Domestically, saline intrusion and landslides occurred in the Mekong Delta; heavy rain accompanied by tornadoes and hail in some northern mountainous provinces. The outbreak of COVID-19 disease was extremely dangerous to health and life, greatly affecting the lives of the people and many industries. Consumers’ price index (CPI) of January soared to the highest level over the past 7 years due to the impact of epidemics, natural disasters and high shopping and consumption demand during the Lunar New Year. Disbursement of public investment remained slow. During Tet holiday, particularly serious traffic accidents and firecrackers still occurred in many localities, strikes and unpaid wages before Tet in some businesses still happened. Meanwhile, the world situation witnessed many adverse and more challenging issues due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic in China, which has spread to many countries; trade tensions among major countries, protectionism and restriction of cross-border trade and investment continued to develop; geopolitical tensions and conflicts occurred in some areas. It was forecasted that in the near future, many risks would still persist, especially the impacts of epidemics, natural disasters and other abnormal factors.

Against that backdrop, the Government agreed to continue taking drastic measures to prevent and fight the COVID-19 epidemic while determining to stick to macro-economic stabilization, ensure key major balances of the economy, make the highest effort to achieve the growth and socio-economic targets. Ministries, agencies and localities were requested to embrace their political determination, urgently, drastically, synchronously and effectively deploy socio-economic development tasks and solutions in 2020 with an active, dynamic, creative, and sharp spirit, having appropriate and timely measures to prevent and control the epidemic to minimize and compensate for damages caused by the epidemic in their respective fields.

a) Regarding prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic:

- The Government requested ministries, agencies and localities to consider the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic as a particularly important task, avoid being neither subjective nor confused and wavering. They were requested to stay proactive and practical in all respects in responding to the epidemic, willing to endure partial economic losses to protect the health and lives of the People.

- The National Steering Committee for COVID-19 prevention and control, Steering Committees of localities, ministries, agencies and People s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities shall strictly, synchronously and drastically adopt disease prevention and control measures and solutions according to the directions of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat in Official Dispatch No. 79-CV/TW of January 29, 2020, the Prime Minister s instructions at Directives No. 05/CT-TTg dated January 28, 2020, 06/CT-TTg dated January 31, 2020, Official Letter No. 156/CD-TTg dated February 2, 2020, Notice No. 43/TB-VPCP dated February 6, 2020 on the conclusions of the Prime Minister; mobilize the entire political system to join hand; consider the epidemic combat as "fighting against the enemy", have plans and scenarios to deal with all situations, avoid being passive, unprepared, and prevent the further spread of the disease.

- The Ministry of Health shall be the focal point to urge and inspect the implementation of the directions of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat, the Government and the Prime Minister; focus on information, communication, and provision of recommendations on disease prevention and control in order to improve people s knowledge and ensure psychological stability of the people; formulate and update plans to actively cope with epidemic situations.

- The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Health in providing guiding documents for the implementation of a number of specific regimes and funding mobilization for COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control to ensure that the state budget be allocated in an proper payment order in accordance with the law. The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for and agree with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and concerned agencies in performing the Prime Minister s guidance in Official Dispatch No. 197/TTg-KTTH dated February 7, 2020 on import tax exemption for materials for the production of masks, antiseptic sanitizer, other necessary materials and equipment in service of the COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control, strictly manage the importation to prevent behaviors taking advantage of policies to seek personal profits.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for and collaborate with the Ministry of Health and other related agencies in working closely with China, other countries, international partners and WHO to update the international situation in implementing synchronous prevention and control measures, with a high efficiency and in harmony with external relations, and at the same time facilitating trade and investment activities…

b) Regarding responses to impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on socio-economic development:

- Each ministry, ministerial-level agency, Government-attached agency, and local-level People s Committee shall continue to closely monitor the situation, evaluate and quantify the impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on production, business and growth activities of each industry, field and area, especially its impacts on import-export, agriculture, industry, tourism, transportation and services to update the growth scenario in accordance with the direction of the Prime Minister in Dispatch No. 733/VPCP-KTTH dated February 3, 2020; strongly foster production and business, strive to achieve the set objectives and tasks on socio-economic development; propose appropriate solutions and measures to limit the impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak, in which attention must be paid to adopting solutions to accelerate disbursement of public investment, especially the remaining public investment capital in 2019, speeding up the implementation of investment projects, especially major construction projects such as Trung Luong - My Thuan Expressway Project, North - South Expressway Project, Long Thanh International Airport Project, the Project of improving and upgrading the Ha Noi - Ho Chi Minh City railway...; quickly settle investment procedures for FDI, ODA projects, domestic investment projects and the establishment of new businesses to promote social investment, striving to reach the goal of one million enterprises by 2020; simplify administrative procedures, remove difficulties and obstacles for businesses, create the most favorable business and investment environment for production and business; maximize resources, mobilize ODA, concessional loans of donors while ensuring safety of public debt and supplementing resources for growth; and formulate plans and solutions with specific roadmaps to accelerate restructuring of each sector and each field in order to improve resilience and minimize effects and impacts of adverse events.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for synthesizing, updating and finalizing the growth scenario, studying the contents of the Scheme on improving the internal capacity and autonomy of the economy in the context of international integration. The Ministry was requested to propose radical solutions, measures, as well as directing and executing measures to properly fulfill macroeconomic stability, inflation control and socio-economic development targets approved by the National Assembly following the Government s direction. This must be reported to the Prime Minister as soon as possible.

c) Regarding key tasks:

- All levels, branches and State administrative agencies from the central to local levels shall strengthen administrative discipline and order, highly concentrate on properly performing the assigned tasks, avoiding any work stagnation, strictly implement the Official Dispatch No. 122a/CD-TTg dated January 30, 2020 of the Prime Minister on urging the implementation of major tasks after the Lunar New Year 2020.

- The State Bank of Viet Nam shall continue to closely monitor developments, regulate monetary policy in a proactive, flexible, and prudent manner and closely coordinate with fiscal and other macroeconomic policies to control inflation, maintain macroeconomic stability, stabilize money and foreign exchange markets; continue to mobilize credit for priority areas, production and business; direct credit institutions to restructure loan repayment term, exempt or reduce interest rates, maintain debt groups and make new loans to stabilize production and business, support and solve difficulties for enterprises and individual borrowers who were damaged due to the COVID-19 outbreak; continue to promote non-cash payment methods. The State Bank of Viet Nam shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies in responding to and providing additional information and documents to protect and improve the rating results and minimize corrective actions for Viet Nam required by the multilateral assessment delegation of the Asia-Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG).

- The Ministry of Finance shall continue to update the situation, formulate plans to meet and exceed the state budget targets according to the National Assembly s Resolutions and Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 1 January 2020 of the Government. The Ministry shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries, agencies and localities in immediately implementing measures to manage, control and stabilize prices of commodities under the direction of the Steering Committee for Price Regulation, especially prices of essential commodities to meet the needs of the people, prices of supplies and medical equipment for disease prevention and control, and goods and services priced by the State. The Ministry was requested not to raise electricity prices and public services until the requirements of price stability and control had not met the targets set by the National Assembly. The Ministry of Finance shall facilitate the speedy import and clearance of goods as input materials for production of products used for disease prevention and control; as well as allocate funding for disease prevention and control. The Ministry was requested to focus on balancing resources to properly implement the roadmap for salary and social insurance reform under the Resolution of the Party Central Committee in association with administrative reform, staff downsizing, and promoting socialization of public non-business units.

- Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, and Chairmen of People s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall urgently allocate and assign detailed plans on public investment capital in 2020; accelerate the implementation and disbursement of public investment in 2020 right from the beginning of the year, especially capital for infrastructure works damaged by natural disasters, major projects, important projects and national target programs, projects funded by ODA and foreign concessional loans, ensuring the implementation and disbursement of the remaining funds of 2019 and the allocated capital in 2020; promote deployment of online tenders; complete investment procedures in accordance with the projects for which funding was expected to be mobilized from general provisions for medium-term public investment plan of the central budget in the 2016-2020 period and the list of projects in the Appendix attached to Resolution No. 797/NQ-UBTVQH14 dated October 24, 2019 of the National Assembly Standing Committee on the plan to allocate VND 10,000 billion from adjustments to reduce the capital expected to be allocated to important national projects of the medium-term public investment plan for the 2016-2020 period. These must be submitted to the Ministry of Planning and Investment before February 28, 2020 for synthesis and reporting to the Prime Minister.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall synthesize and report to the Prime Minister to adjust and supplement the medium-term public investment plan of the central budget in the 2016-2020 period. This included projects that had fulfilled investment procedures and medium-term investment plans must be supplemented to serve as a basis for allocation of investment capital in the central budget in 2020 before March 31, 2020; plans on allocation and detailed assignment of investment plans of the central budget capital in 2020 of ministries, central agencies and localities, including the detailed list and level of capital allocated for each project. The Ministry of Planning and Investment was requested to synthesize and report on the capital plans in 2020 of ministries, central agencies and localities, which had not assigned in detail capital plans to projects in accordance with provisions of the Law on Public Investment before April 30, 2020. It was also requested to urgently improve the draft Law on Public Private Partnership (PPP) to submit to the National Assembly for approval.

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Health and localities having border gates to strengthen negotiations with partners and promptly handle difficulties and problems in import and export activities of goods, especially agricultural products, raw materials for the production of supplies and medical equipment in service of epidemic prevention and control. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall proactively seek new markets, promote domestic consumption and processing of exported agricultural, aquatic, and fruit products, for which exports had declined due to the COVID-19 outbreak impacts; organize the distribution, circulation and supply of goods in the domestic market, ensuring sufficient supply and meeting the consumption demand of the people; direct the inspection and strictly handle speculation, which caused artificial scarcity in the market, collaborate with other ministries, functional agencies and localities to strengthen prevention and combat against smuggling and trade frauds; drastically prevent and combat frauds of origin. The Ministry of Industry and Trade was requested to provide direction to accelerate the progress of and put into operation key, large-scale industrial projects, ensuring sufficient supply of electricity and water for production and daily life of the people.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall actively control diseases in livestock and poultry production, especially African swine cholera and bird flu; urgently formulate a national plan to prevent and combat African hog cholera outbreak in the period of 2020-2025; continue strictly implementing the European Council (EC) recommendations for removing its yellow card; synchronously deploy urgent solutions to prevent and combat drought, water shortage and saltwater intrusion. The Ministry shall actively coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade to promote the promotion and development of key, potential and niche markets. It was requested to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with localities affected by natural disasters in synthesizing reports and submitting them to the Ministry of Finance for allocating financial support to the affected people according to regulations.

- The Ministry of Transport shall coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and localities to strictly implement Decree No. 100/2019/ND-CP on penalties for road traffic violations; coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in prioritizing transportation of specific goods, ensuring goods trade between Viet Nam and China.

- The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall coordinate with relevant agencies and localities in reviewing the employment situation of enterprises, especially enterprises in labor shortage and employing Chinese laborers to deploy appropriate solutions to ensure production and business activities.

- The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall prepare for a conference on inbound tourism to ensure tourism industry’s achievements of the growth targets and report to the Prime Minister in February 2020.

- The Ministry of Education and Training shall actively and strictly implement measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic at educational institutions; organize cleaning and disinfecting 100% of classrooms. The Ministry was also requested to formulate a plan for compensatory teaching to ensure teaching quality meeting the prescribed educational program.

- The Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Public Security shall continue to closely follow up with the situation, provide accurate assessment and forecast to advise and promptly handle defense and security situations, avoid passiveness or lack of readiness; strengthen national defense and security assurance. They were requested to combat and promptly prevent plots, tricks, and sabotage activities of hostile forces, reactionaries, political opportunists.


- The Ministry of Public Security shall direct to speed up investigation process of corruption cases currently under direction of the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption according to the plan. The Government Inspectorate shall urgently issue inspection conclusions and urge the implementation of the inspection conclusions, ensuring the work schedule of the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the concerned ministries and branches in preparing and properly organizing high-level diplomatic activities; closely follow up with policy adjustments of countries and major economic centers to put forward appropriate guidelines and solutions.

- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall direct to fortify information and communication of guidelines and policies of the Party and State, important direction and executive solutions of the Government and the Prime Minister; encourage and inspire the spirit of learning, working, production and business in the whole society; inculcate and spread moral values ​​and humanities. The Ministry shall vigorously fight and remove false and inaccurate information, especially false information on the internet, strictly handle violations against regulations on information. The Ministry of Information and Communications was requested to mobilize the entire Vietnamese technology community to join hands to show their responsibility and mission to support to resolve social issues, especially in the prevention and control of epidemics. The Ministry shall collaborate with the Ministry of Health in disseminating knowledge on disease prevention and control to the people.

2. Regarding customs procedures for goods imported, temporarily imported for re-export in service of the Formula One motor race

The Government unanimously agreed with the proposal of the Ministry of Finance and the Ha Noi Municipal People s Committee on: Import license and condition exemptions for goods imported for the Formula One motor race, goods imported to serve the Formula One motor race shall be categorized as imported goods in service of urgent requirements under Point n, Point 7, Clause 3, Article 1 of Decree No. 74/2018/ND-CP dated May 15, 2018 government. All goods imported and temporarily imported to serve the Formula One motor race shall be allowed to be cleared at the Northern Hanoi Customs Sub-Department under the Ha Noi Customs Department.

The Ministry of Finance was assigned to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and agencies in studying and proposing amendments to the relevant provisions of Decrees No. 59/2018/ND-CP dated April 20, 2018 and No. 08/2015/ND-CP dated January 21, 2015 to align with practical requirements.

3. Regarding the Proposal to develop a Law on Mobile Police

In principle, the Government agreed to approve the Proposal to draft Law on Mobile Police proposed by the Ministry of Public Security in order to improve the legal foundation for building a regular, elite, modern and protective mobile police, to ensure to properly fulfill the roles of a core force to protect national security, social order and safety, and at the same time to respect and ensure the basic human rights, rights and obligations of citizens in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.

4. Regarding the proposal to formulate a Resolution of the National Assembly on agricultural land use tax exemption

The Government unanimously agreed with the proposal to draft a Resolution of the National Assembly on agricultural land use tax exemption, which had been proposed by the Ministry of Finance to continue implementing the exemption of agricultural land use tax in accordance with Resolution No. 55/2010/QH12 and Resolution No. 28/2016/QH14 until December 31, 2025.

- The Ministry of Justice was assigned to supplement the draft Resolution to the Government s Proposal for adjusting the Program in 2020 to report to the National Assembly Standing Committee and the National Assembly.

- The Ministry of Finance was assigned to collect comments from the Government members to complete the proposal dossier to formulate the Resolution of the National Assembly on agricultural land use tax exemption. On that basis, the Ministry of Finance s Party Committee shall report to the Politburo as prescribed. Based on the conclusions of the Politburo, the Ministry of Finance shall adopt recommendations, complete the draft and report to the Prime Minister before the Minister of Finance, as authorized by the Prime Minister, reports to the National Assembly Standing Committee and the National Assembly on behalf of the Government.

5. Regarding the draft (revised) Law on Medical Examination and Treatment

In principle, the Government agreed with the proposal to formulate a draft (revised) Law on Medical Examination and Treatment. The Ministry of Health was assigned to assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Government Office and concerned ministries and agencies in collecting comments from the Government members and continuing to improve the draft Law to ensure the institutionalization of Central Resolutions on the continual renovation of the organization and management system, improving the quality and efficiency of public non-business units and strengthening the protection, caring and improving the people s health in a new situation. At the same time, this shall overcome the shortcomings and limitations of the active Law on Examination and Treatment in 2009, ensuring its consistency with other related regulations. Besides, it was necessary to review and evaluate the experience of other countries in the world on stipulating requirements on local languages ​​for foreigners practicing medical examination and treatment in the host country. The 02 proposed options shall be analyzed for application in Viet Nam, which will be submitted to the National Assembly for comments and reported to the Prime Minister before submitting to the National Assembly.

6. Regarding the draft Law on Viet Nam Border Guard

In principle, the Government agreed with the proposal to formulate a draft Law on Viet Nam Border Guard. The Ministry of National Defense was assigned to assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Public Security, the Government Office and the concerned ministries and agencies in collecting comments from the Government members, finalizing the draft Law, which shall specify in more details coordination mechanism to avoid overlapping and replication of authority of Customs and other forces. The draft Law shall be reported to the Prime Minister before submitting to the National Assembly.

7. Regarding the Government s Proposal of the Ordinance- and Law-making Program in 2021, and adjustments to the Law- and Ordinance-Making Program in 2020

The Government identified the work of legal building and institutional improvement as a key task. Each member of the Government was requested to pay attention, spend more time on studying and proposing policies, in which policy contents must be scientific, feasible and synchronous. All regulation projects and drafts included in the Government s Proposal of the Ordinance- and Law-making Program in 2021, and adjustments to the Law- and Ordinance-Making Program in 2020 must be submitted in full and approved by the Government according to the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents. The Year 2021 shall be a transition year, with many important tasks. As such, Program development must ensure its feasibility and relevance. It was requested to prioritize the projects and drafts to overcome obstacles and shortcomings, meeting practical requirements of social life and international commitments.

Regarding proposals for law and ordinance formulation that had been approved by the Government, lead ministries and agencies in charge of drafting must urgently complete the dossier sent to the Ministry of Justice for incorporation into the Government’s Proposal of the Ordinance- and Law-making Program in 2021, and adjustments to the Law- and Ordinance-Making Program in 2020.

Standing Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh was assigned to chair meetings with the Ministries of Transport, Public Security, Justice, Home Affairs and relevant ministries and agencies to reach a consensus in handling a number of problems related to the Proposal to formulate a revised Law on Road Traffic, the Proposal to formulate a Law on ensuring road traffic order and safety and the Proposal to formulate a Law on Grassroots Police Force.

8. Regarding the inclusion of the National Assembly Standing Committee’s Resolution promulgating principles, criteria and norms for allocation of public investment capital from the state budget in the 2021-2025 period to the Law- and Ordinance-Making Program in 2020

The Government agreed to ask the National Assembly Standing Committee to include the aforesaid Resolution into the Law- and Ordinance-Making Program in 2020.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment was assigned to complete the dossier in accordance with regulations and send to the Ministry of Justice. On that basis, the Minister of Justice was authorized by the Prime Minister to act on behalf of the Government to report to the National Assembly Standing Committee as prescribed.

9. Regarding the settlement of BOT and BT projects before the effective date of the Finance Ministry s Circular No. 166/2011/TT-BTC dated November 17, 2011

The Ministry of Transport was assign to base on regulations in each period, provisions of the project contract and the transitional provisions of the Government s Decree No. 108/2009/ND-CP dated November 27, 2009, to implement the final settlement of BOT and BT contracts before the Finance Ministry s Circular No. 166/2011/TT-BTC dated November 17, 2011 took effect. Contractual conditions which were contrary to regulations in the respective period shall be annul./.






Nguyen Xuan Phuc



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