Resolution No. 03/2007/NQ-CP dated January 19, 2007 of the Government on major solutions to direct and administer the implementation of the 2007 socio-economic and state budget plans

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Resolution No. 03/2007/NQ-CP dated January 19, 2007 of the Government on major solutions to direct and administer the implementation of the 2007 socio-economic and state budget plans
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Official number:03/2007/NQ-CPSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:ResolutionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:19/01/2007Effect status:

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 03/2007/NQ-CP

Hanoi, January 19, 2007




2007 is the first year of the our economy's full and comprehensive integration into the world economy and the second year of implementation of the 2006-2010 five-year socio-economic development plan. The fruitful performance of the 2007 tasks is of extremely important significance for the achievement of the objectives set in the 2001-2010 ten-year socio-economic development strategy, the fulfillment of the tasks of the 2006-2010 five-year plan and Vietnam's commitments to the World Trade Organization (WTO).

In order to successfully materialize the XIth National Assembly's Resolution on 2007 socio-economic and state budget plans right from the beginning of the year, branches and authorities at all levels should concentrate resources on applying complete and comprehensive solutions, focusing on performing three central tasks, namely to strive for the highest growth rate (GDP rises 8.5%), to step up administrative reform and to fruitfully prevent and fight corruption. The Government requests ministries, branches and localities to concentrate efforts on implementing the following major solutions:



1. To speed up the elaboration of legal documents with higher quality; to well fulfill the 2007 law- and ordinance-making program of the National Assembly, the working program and action programs of the Government and the specific tasks stated in this Resolution.

2. The Justice Ministry shall submit to the Government a scheme on improvement of the process of elaborating and promulgating legal documents in the direction of minimizing procedures, overcoming overlap or generality and shortening the document-elaborating and promulgating time.

3. The Justice Ministry, other ministries and agencies shall strictly observe the regulations on elaboration of laws and ordinances together with their guiding documents so as to ensure full conditions for enforcement of laws and ordinances right after they come into force.

4. Ministries and administrations at all levels shall concentrate efforts on revising all legal documents already promulgated under their respective jurisdiction; amend, supplement or cancel immediately inappropriate provisions, particularly those on dossiers and procedures for investment and business registration; and at the same time, shall intensify inspection and supervision to detect and handle in time existing problems and troubles.


1. The Finance Ministry shall assume the prime responsibility for reviewing mechanisms and policies, diversifying tools of mobilizing and developing the capital market such as issuance of stocks and bonds to the public, listing of economic groups, corporations and commercial banks on the securities market; revising the provisions on funds for investment in urban infrastructure development, funds for investment in local development, real estate investment funds and securities investment funds in order to specifically determine legal documents to be amended, supplemented or promulgated for implementation right from the first quarter of 2007. It shall enhance management and supervision in order to ensure the stable and sustainable development of the market, especially in the context of integration; and shall attach importance to association between the monetary market and the capital market.

2. In the first quarter of 2007, the Ministry of Science and Technology shall assume the prime responsibility for formulating mechanisms and policies on finance, bidding, placement of orders for scientific and technological projects; on the establishment of science and technology enterprises and scientific and technological organizations operating the enterprise mechanisms; on the development of supporting services for intellectual property, consultancy, technology purchase and sale, technology expertise, evaluation and transfer, and the establishment of technological nurseries; the establishment and operation of risk investment fund; widespread development and raising of the operation efficiency of the technological equipment market and trading floor.

3. The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for formulating mechanisms and policies to encourage the raising of capacity and efficiency of vocational training establishments, labor service-providing establishments; associating vocational training between vocational training establishments and production and business establishments; formulating regulations on encouragement of the expansion of overseas labor markets and the provision of vocational training services by foreign enterprises.

4. In the first quarter of 2007, the Construction Ministry shall promulgate or submit to the Government for promulgation regulations guiding the implementation of the Housing Law and the Real Estate Business Law; solutions to boost the development of real estate market; to experiment and multiple the real estate trading floor models, first of all in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

5. In the first quarter of 2007, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Finance Ministry and the Construction Ministry in, promulgating or submitting to competent bodies for promulgation regulations guiding the implementation of the Land Law; amending, supplementing and perfecting the mechanism and policies on conversion of land use rights into a commodity in the direction of simplicity and convenience.

It shall supervise and guide localities to continue with measures for administrative reform in land use planning and management, land use right grant and exercise, land recovery, ground clearance, land use right auction,...; inspect and recover land areas already allotted or assigned to agencies or units but left unused or used for improper purposes or used late against the schedule provided for by the Land Law; and complete the grant of certificates of land use rights and assets on land by the end of the second quarter of 2007.


1. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall submit to the Government and the Prime Minister for promulgation mechanisms and policies in the direction of:

a/ Creating favorable conditions for the formation and operation of economic groups and corporations conducting multi-line and multi-domain business activities and involving many owners;

b/ Efficiently supporting small- and medium-sized enterprises, first of all in minimizing administrative procedures for their establishment and conversion of production and business activities; in getting access to capital, land, technique and product consumption;

c/ Attracting big foreign economic groups with hi-tech potential to invest in Vietnam;

d/ Clearly defining the functions, powers and responsibilities of state management agencies and owners' representatives for state enterprises;

e/ Speeding up the development of collective economy of various types with diversified cooperation forms, particularly in agriculture and rural development;

f/ Carrying out the program to support enterprises, giving priority to training of administrators and vocational training for laborers; supporting enterprises in trade promotion, investment and branding. Adopting policies to honor talented and successful entrepreneurs who show high devotion and responsibility towards the country, create more jobs and make great contributions to the state budget;

g/ Rationally organizing the gathering and processing of economic information in order to raise the quality of forecasts and supply of information on markets for enterprises.

2. The Finance Ministry shall promulgate or submit to the Government or the Prime Minister for promulgation mechanisms and policies aiming:

a/ To step up the reorganization and renewal of state enterprises; in 2007, to equitize 550 state enterprises, including a number of corporations, state-run commercial banks, state enterprises operating in the insurance and banking domains, public-utility enterprises, and list the equitized state enterprises on the securities market. To audit all state-run economic groups and corporations. To strictly control the transformation of state enterprises into one-member limited liability companies. State enterprises conducting production and business without efficiency shall be reorganized in strict accordance with regulations;

b/ To step up activities of the State Capital Investment and Business Corporation; in the second quarter of 2007, ministries, branches and provincial-level People's Committees shall basically complete the transfer and receipt of the rights to represent the state capital owner at enterprises having gone through equitization and ownership conversion from 2006 backward according the provisions of the Enterprise Law. To identify criteria for definition of equitized public-utility enterprises for handover to ministries or provincial-level People's Committees for continuing to act as representatives of owners of state capital portions;

c/ To follow the market principles in equitization of enterprises, associating equitization with development of the securities market;

d/ In the first quarter of 2007, to submit to the Government amendments and supplements to the Regulation on financial management of state companies and management of state capital investment in other enterprises in the direction that state companies with capital particularities, which are being transformed and assigned to perform a number of socio-economic tasks of the State, may make deductions for setting up reward and welfare funds based on the business results and amounts remitted into the state budget;

e/ To step up the socialization of educational, medical, cultural, physical training and sport activities; to encourage the development of non-public units providing educational, medical, cultural or sport services;

f/ To guide the implementation of a number of provisions on rearrangement of land and houses, offices, production and business establishments of non-business units, socio-economic organizations, and enterprises.

3. Line ministries and People's Committees of all levels shall continue to renew for elimination all inappropriate permits and regulations which obstruct production and business activities. To severely handle and replace persons who show irresponsibility or deliberately trouble or delay the grant of permits, the clearance of operation registration procedures, the implementation of regulations on finance and taxes for production and business activities of enterprises, or the clearance of administrative procedures for people, ensuring substantial improvement in these domains, especially at the grassroots level, in 2007.


1. The Finance Ministry shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with:

a/ The Trade Ministry, the line ministry, and localities in:

Elaborating for submission to the Government in the second quarter of 2007 a detailed scheme on gradual conversion of price control according to the market mechanism, creating conditions for enterprises to conduct cost-accounting, raise their adaptability to the market mechanism and international economic integration;

Perfecting price-administering policies and mechanisms applicable to essential commodities and services, reducing loss subsidies, ensuring the supply-demand balance, controlling the market, and preventing speculation and market as well as price fluctuation. The State shall only directly administer the prices of a number of essential commodities and services of great impacts on production and people's life (electricity, diesel oil, preventive vaccines);

As from 2007, applying the market price mechanism to such commodities as cement, iron and steel, fertilizer, paper, coal (excluding coal supplied for electricity generation); not subsidizing gasoline prices and oil prices by the end of 2008; and continuing to realize the electricity price-regulating schedule;

b/ The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, relevant ministries, branches and localities in submitting to the Government regulations on irrigation charge exemption and reduction for agricultural production and on non-collection of farmers' contributions to construction of rural infrastructure;

c/ The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in promulgating assorted charges for environmental protection; define liabilities and remedies applicable to environment-polluting organizations and individuals;

d/ The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and provincial-level People's Committees in amending and supplementing regulations on methods of determining land prices and price levels suitable to the specific conditions of each region and each locality, first of all land prices in ground clearance compensation, in projects involving change of land use purposes, and land prices in adjacent areas;

e/ The Health Ministry, the Education and Training Ministry, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Post and Telematics in formulating a scheme on renewing the public-service charge-administering mechanism in line with the socialization policy; and at the same time, creating more favorable conditions for public service-providing establishments to conduct cost-accounting and effecting fair competition.

2. The Industry Ministry shall coordinate with the Finance Ministry and local administrations in realizing the electricity sale price-regulating schedule for the 2006-2010 period, first of all, organizing the implementation of the Prime Minister's Decision No.276/2006/QD-TTg of December 4, 2006, on regulation of electricity prices.

3. The Trade Ministry shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with:

a/ Ministries and agencies being members of the domestic market administering team in, actively monitoring market developments, promptly handling or proposing the Prime Minister to handle arising problems in order to ensure the demand-supply balance for essential commodities; intensifying the market management and the fight against smuggling and trade frauds; and ensuring food hygiene and safety;

b/ The Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Finance Ministry, the State Bank of Vietnam and agencies in raising the quality of forecasts for and analysis of commodity and service demand-supply developments, particularly in regions and localities frequented by natural calamities, epidemics, during festivities or New Year festivals,... promptly taking necessary measures to limit negative impacts.



1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall:

a/ Coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in expeditiously revising, finalizing and approving according to competence the plans on development of agriculture and rural economy; and at the same time, direct and guide local People's Committees in formulating and promulgating in 2007 their plannings on development of agriculture and rural economy in their respective localities in line with the planning of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;

b/ Conduct preliminary review of 5 years' materialization of the Resolution of the fifth plenum of the IXth Party Central Committee on accelerating agricultural and rural industrialization and modernization; submit in the fourth quarter of 2007 to the Caucus Commission of the Government a scheme on agricultural and rural development for submission to the Politburo in the first quarter of 2008;

c/ Organize the implementation of rural craft development programs; promulgate criteria for crafts, traditional craft villages and artisans;

d/ Submit to the Government for promulgation a decree detailing and guiding the implementation of the Law on Dykes. In the third quarter of 2007, submit to the Prime Minister a program on consolidation and upgrading of the Red River Thai Binh river dyke systems till 2010, a program on renewal and raising the efficiency of irrigation work management and exploitation, creating improvements in irrigation management;

e/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with localities in, perfecting and consolidating the system for management and examination of plant varieties, animal breeds, forestry saplings, agricultural supplies; and strictly prohibit the sale and supply of fake varieties and poor-quality strains;

f/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Health Ministry, the Ministry of Science and Technology and localities in, intensifying the inspection of quality of agricultural and forestry products as well as supplies in service of agricultural production and the observance of the Regulation on concentrated cattle and poultry slaughtering in urban centers and industrial parks; and direct the building of areas for production of clean products, first of all vegetables and tea, ensuring food hygiene and safety;

g/ Coordinate with localities in selecting high-yield and disease-resistant strains to be put into production in order to minimize damage caused to farmers due to poor quality of strains; work out measures to actively support them in strains and technology; well implement key programs on bio-technology application and development in agricultural and rural development till 2020; and prioritize the commodity production of farm produce and the concentrated raising of cattle and poultry;

h/ Intensify inspection and monitoring so as to detect in time and take the initiative in zoning off, preventing, handling, stamping out epidemic nidi against crops and domestic animals, not letting them spread or reoccur;

i/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and join local People's Committees in, applying measures to combat droughts, ensuring adequate water for agricultural production and daily life of people; at the same time, take measures to actively prevent, combat and alleviate natural disasters; in the second quarter of 2007, submit to the Government for promulgation a national strategy on natural disaster prevention, combat and alleviation; coordinate with the Ministry of Fisheries in directing localities to ensure food hygiene and safety, to disallow the use of antibiotics and substances banned from use in agricultural production and agricultural and aquatic product processing.

2. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall take specific measures to raise the quality of meteorological and hydrographical forecasts; associate natural disaster propaganda and warning with epidemic warning so that people understand and take the initiative in taking measures to prevent and combat natural disasters and epidemics.

3. The Ministry of Fisheries shall assume the prime responsibility for studying and supplementing the planning and surveys for assessment of aquatic resources; speed up the construction of fish ports and storm shelters; raise the quality of and reorganize fishing fleets for efficient and safe offshore fishing; and encourage investment in aquatic product processing and export in association with aquaculture development.

4. The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Finance Ministry shall take the initiative in formulating solutions to mobilize more capital for investment in construction of socio-economic infrastructure in rural areas, focusing first of all on investment in irrigation, communications, education, public health, water supply, telecommunications and rural electricity.

5. The Finance Ministry, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the State Bank of Vietnam shall, according to their respective functions, revise and supplement mechanisms and policies on land use tax, technical support, and capital source access for enterprises, especially small- and medium-sized enterprises, to conduct production, business and service activities in rural areas in order to create more positive improvements in the development of agriculture and rural economy.

6. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall review and supplement necessary regulations to ensure convenience for the establishment and operation of shareholding enterprises or cooperatives in rural areas, creating conditions for farmers to become shareholders directly participating in the management of production and business activities of shareholding enterprises or cooperatives.

7. The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Culture and Information shall take the initiative in coordinating with local administrations in applying appropriate measures to support rural people in production skills, vocational training and job creation; and well settle burning questions on culture, social affairs and environment in rural areas.

8. The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Finance Ministry shall prioritize the allocation of capital sources (low prices) to the Social Policy Bank in order to expand its loans for hunger elimination and poverty alleviation and to production and business households in regions meeting with difficulties and areas inhabited by ethnic minority people.


1. Ministries, branches and localities shall base themselves on socio-economic development strategies and plans, development plans or their branches or localities to direct and administer the achievement of the objectives set for 2007; concentrate efforts on development of the production of products with competitive edges; attach importance to the development of industries and construction in association with the development of services, urban development and environmental protection.

2. State-run economic groups, corporations and enterprises shall concentrate efforts on production and business development right from the first months and first quarter; apply scientific and technological advances to production and management in order to raise the quality and lower the costs of products, ensuring the accomplishment of the 2007 plan.

3. The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Transport shall expeditiously finalize the investment preparations for projects on upgrading of the North-South road and railway, roads and railways linking with neighboring countries and other urgent traffic projects invested by the central government.

4. The Construction Ministry shall direct and guide units and localities in raising the construction quality and management of urban planning; and intensify the management and close supervision of the implementation of urban development planning and regulation, particularly in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.


1. The Trade Ministry, the Finance Ministry, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Telematics, the Ministry of Transport and the General Department of Tourism shall, within the ambit of their respective functions and assigned tasks, coordinate with agencies and localities in studying and promulgating according to their respective competence or submitting to the Government or the Prime Minister for promulgation specific mechanisms and policies in the direction of:

a/ Strongly developing services with great potential and high competitiveness. Perfecting the mechanism for management and organization of the distribution system based on commodity lines; developing in a synchronized manner distribution services on the domestic market: wholesale, retail, agency and franchise;

b/ Formulating domestic commercial groups strong enough and capable of competing in distribution and consumption with foreign distribution groups. Strictly controlling monopoly in couple with creating a favorable environment for enterprises of all economic sectors to participate and fairly compete in the service market.

2. The Trade Ministry shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Finance Ministry, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and relevant agencies in, clearly defining the specific tasks to be performed by ministries and branches, first of all in 2007, in order to make full use of opportunities and conditions brought about by international economic integration to expand markets, promote advantages, step up export, attract investment capital sources, advanced technologies and management experience of foreign countries; and at the same time, to limit the negative impacts in the integration process.

3. The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Finance Ministry shall take the initiative in applying appropriate measures and creating favorable conditions for stepping up offshore investment in proper forms; in the first quarter of 2007, shall organize a conference on offshore investment.

4. Ministries, branches and localities shall work out specific measures to efficiently tap the advantages brought about by the WTO admission in order to boost economic, trade and investment cooperation; realize programs on cooperation with ASEAN, programs on Mekong sub-region cooperation; build trans-Asia roads and land roads as well as railways linking with neighboring countries.

5. The Finance Ministry, the Ministry of Telematics, the Ministry of Transport, the State Bank of Vietnam, Vietnam National Administration of Tourism and relevant ministries and branches shall work out specific measures to raise the quality of services in their assigned domains. In 2007, ministries, branches and provincial-level People's Committees shall concentrate mainly on stepping up the promotion of Vietnam tourism; develop eco-tourism, resort tourism and high-quality tourism; raise the capacity and quality of domestic transport services; raise the competitiveness of international sea and air transportation; encourage the development of new services, services with high intellectual contents, business support services and services for rural production and daily life; and develop legal, scientific and technological, education and training, medical, cultural, information, sport, employment and social welfare services.


Ministries, branches and localities, when allocating investment capital from 2007 state budget capital sources, should address the situation of thinned-out investment; concentrate capital on important works and projects, particularly irrigation works, multi-purpose facilities and mountain irrigation projects, works and projects in the education-training and science-technology sectors and arrange enough contributed domestic capital for ODA projects.

To concentrate investment capital on speeding up the construction of specialized hospitals, regional hospitals and intensive health centers; to increase investment in provincial- and district-level hospitals. To arrange adequate investment capital for scientific and technological development in the spirit of the Resolution of the second plenum.

1. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall:

a/ Maintain monthly briefings on production, business and investment; make sum-ups and recommendations to the Government at its regular meetings;

b/ Submit to the Government or the Prime Minister for promulgation mechanisms and policies to encourage social investment; assume the prime responsibility for and join relevant ministries and branches in assessing and reviewing the implementation of mechanisms and policies of encouraging various economic sectors, including foreign-invested enterprises, to invest in developing infrastructure systems in forms of BOT, BT..., thereby proposing competent agencies to amend and supplement regulations to suit the new situation;

c/ Study the appropriate amendment and supplementation of necessary contents of the existing regulations so as to see in 2007 actual improvements in the attraction of foreign direct investment capital, particularly from transnational groups and developed countries. In the second quarter of 2007, submit to the Prime Minister for promulgation a list of domains requiring encouragement or restriction of offshore direct investment;

d/ Take the initiative in proposing measures to remove all difficulties and problems in order to speed up the disbursement of capital for ODA programs and projects; raise the efficiency of activities of the inter-branch working group; harmonize procedures with donors in order to cut transaction costs and raise the aid effectiveness; and publicize information on ODA to ministries, branches and localities;

e/ Coordinate with the Finance Ministry in summing up and assessing the situation of capital allocation by ministries, branches and localities, promptly proposing solutions to raise the responsibilities of ministries, branches and localities in formulating, administering and implementing the 2007 development investment plans;

In 2007, localities shall arrange part of capital in the assigned 2007 plans and sources of 2006 state budget revenues topping the target in order to pay the capital construction debts owed by the local budgets;

f/ Submit to the Prime Minister amendments and supplements to the master plans on economic regions, key economic zones and economic corridors; address their overlaps and ensure their feasibility;

g/ Monitor the implementation of the Land Law, the Enterprise Law, the Bidding Law and guiding documents; promptly remove difficulties and problems for localities and establishments;

h/ Guide and supervise the decision on, and appraisal of, state budget-funded investment projects on the principle that investment shall be decided only when the capital sources are clearly identified and available within the allocated capital sources;

i/ Guide ministries, branches and localities in re-determining the investment policies and efficiency of big state budget-funded projects on which the functional bodies still hold divergent opinions, and propose to the Prime Minister appropriate handling measures;

j/ Supervise ministries, branches and localities in realizing the Government's direction on non-allocation of investment capital to projects failing to meet the set requirements; suspend projects having no clear plans on capital mobilization and projects being under construction but lacking capital sources; at the end of the first quarter of 2007, report the results thereof to the Prime Minister;

k/ Coordinate with the Finance Ministry in revising in the first quarter of 2007 the list of projects to be invested with Government bonds;

l/ Guide and supervise the application of solutions to raise the efficiency and effectiveness of construction management at all stages from formulation and approval of plannings, investment preparation, investment decision to investment execution, attaching special importance to the stage of survey and design (quality of design, rational designing scheme, the suitability of selected materials, and applicable designing standards);

In 2007, the completed investment projects of Groups A and B shall continue to be audited before the financial settlement of works;

m/ In the second quarter of 2007, submit to the Prime Minister a regulation on combating closedness in state budged-funded investment, first of all combating closedness in project consultancy and supervision and designing consultancy by different ministries.

2. The Industry Ministry shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Construction Ministry in, regularly monitoring, inspecting and urging right from the first months of 2007 the construction of national key projects on fuel and petroleum; take the initiative in handling or report to the Prime Minister for handling difficulties and problems, ensuring that these projects are executed according to schedule and with efficiency.

3. The Finance Ministry shall issue Government bonds according to plan for works and project for which the procedures have been completed and the implementation conditions have been met; promulgate a regulation on operations of urban development funds in localities; and finalize mechanisms to support and create conditions for enterprises to expand the issuance of corporate bonds.

4. All ministries, branches and localities that have works or projects funded with Government bond capital shall formulate specific plans on the use of capital for each work or project and organize the implementation thereof right from the first months of 2007; and notify the Ministry of Planning and Investment before the 20th day every month of the implementation schedule and matters to be handled for the Ministry of Planning and Investment to sum up and report to the Prime Minister on handling schemes.

5. The Ministry of Transport shall coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Finance Ministry in stepping up the realization of the mechanism of assigning the right to exploit and use for a given duration a number of infrastructure works such as bridges, roads, etc., in order to increase capital sources for maintenance and investment in the development of traffic infrastructure.

6. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall monitor the implementation of the Land Law and documents guiding the implementation thereof; scrutinize immediately the land regulations and procedures, land use planning, land use purpose change, ground clearance, and construction of common infrastructure in industrial parks and services.

7. Ministries, branches and localities shall organize the supervision of investment projects right at the time of project formulation and appraisal, arrange investment capital, ensuring that investment projects conform with the approved plannings and plans; and at the same time, intensify the supervision, examination and inspection of by state enterprises' investment.


1. The Finance Ministry shall:

a/ In the first quarter of 2007 submit to the Government for promulgation documents guiding the Tax Management Law; assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies in, reviewing and assessing the experimental application of electronic customs procedures for its expansion; continue with the scheduled reform of the tax system, particularly regulations on charges, tax collection and tax refund in all three aspects: tax policy, modernization of administrative management of taxes and tax consultancy services;

b/ Preliminarily review the experimental elaboration of medium-term financial plans and spending plans and propose schemes for widespread application of this model; and step by step shift to the mode of budget use management based on results;

c/ In the second quarter of 2007, submit to the Government for promulgation a decree on mobilization, management, distribution and use of voluntary contributions (at home and abroad), and charity funds to support people to overcome consequences of natural disasters, epidemics, fires, fatal diseases...

2. In the second quarter of 2007, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall submit to the Prime Minister mechanisms, policies, economic, financial and budgetary solutions to socio-economic development and security and defense maintenance in the 2007-2010 period in the northern midland and mountainous regions, the Central Highlands, western South Vietnam, northern and coastal Central Vietnam.

3. The Construction Ministry shall review and assess the purchase, sale and trading of residential houses under the Government's Decree No. 61-CP of July 5, 1994, and propose to the Government new solutions to this issue.

4. Ministers, heads of government-attached agencies, heads of central agencies, and presidents of provincial-level People's Committees shall perform the following tasks:

a/ To assign the 2007 plan tasks and state budget estimates to their respective units for implementation right from the beginning of the year; to publicize the 2007 state budget estimates according to regulations; to take the initiative in applying coordinated measures to create sources for wage and social security policy reform;

b/ In 2007, ministries, central agencies, provinces and centrally run cities shall direct their respective agencies and units to take the initiative in arranging and using the 2007 state budget estimates, ensuring the fulfillment of their assigned tasks; at the same time, thoroughly practice thrift and combat waste, in the use of electricity, funds and fuel;

c/ In October 2007, ministries, branches and localities shall preliminarily review and report on the results of implementation of mechanisms and policies on delegating the rights to autonomy and accountability to administrative agencies, public non-business units; and send the reports to the Finance Ministry and the Home Affairs Ministry for sum-up and report to the Prime Minister before December 31, 2007;

d/ Localities shall work out specific measures to step up production and business, striving to increase local budget revenue by at least 3% over the 2007 assigned estimates; at the same time shall intensify examination, inspection, and severe handling of acts of violating the law on state budget collection, combating smuggling, trade frauds and tax evasion;

e/ In the first quarter of 2007, the Finance Ministry shall make a report to the Prime Minister on the results of handling tax arrears; propose to the Government for submission to the National Assembly Standing Committee solutions to the definite handling of tax arrears which cannot be recovered and have existed for many years;

f/ As of 2007, the revenues from lotteries shall not be included in the state budget balance; provinces and centrally run cities shall direct the management and use of these revenues for investment in important social welfare facilities in their respective localities, concentrating investment in educational and medical works. These revenues shall not be used for other purposes.

5. The State Bank of Vietnam shall:

a/ Focus on directing the flexible implementation of monetary policies according to the market principles, ensuring the control of exchange rates, interest rates and inflation; coordinate with the Finance Ministry in well effecting close coordination between monetary and fiscal policies in order to stabilize macro-economy, encourage export, increase foreign currency reserves, practice thrift in consumption, concentrate capital on development investment; continue to renew technologies, strongly develop the banking service systems; to well materialize the scheme on development of non-cash payment in the 2006-2010 period, with orientation towards 2020; to adopt policies to encourage the strong attraction of remittances from overseas;

b/ Actively apply specific measures to restructure, and raise the administration capability and competitiveness of, credit institutions; focus on directing state-run commercial banks to strictly observe the equitization roadmap already approved by the Prime Minister, first of all the Vietnam Bank for Foreign Trade, the Mekong Delta Housing Development Bank, the Vietnam Bank for Investment and Development, the Vietnam Bank for Industry and Commerce; and continue to consolidate and develop the system of people's credit funds;

c/ In the first quarter of 2007, submit to the Prime Minister regulations on a number of banking credit policies for agricultural and rural development to create conditions for organizations and individuals to access credit capital sources, raising the lending levels and satisfying the demand for capital for agricultural commodity production;

d/ Join the Finance Ministry in finalizing regulations on application of international standards to credit activities, assessment of the financial status, credit safety ratios, non-performing debts..., and measures to make healthy the financial status, raise the credit quality and competitiveness of commercial banks; and intensify inspection and control to ensure safety for operations of credit organizations.

6. The Finance Ministry shall assume the prime responsibility together with the State Bank of Vietnam and relevant agencies for applying appropriate measures to encourage the development of investment funds, financial companies and other financial institutions in order to create capital sources for the economy; at the same time, shall control and well manage the operations of the stock market, particularly measures regarding conditions on listing, founding and operations of investment funds...

In the second quarter of 2007, it shall submit to the Prime Minister financial and monetary supervision mechanisms to ensure that the process of capital transfer in the economy proceeds smoothly and healthily.


1. The Trade Ministry shall join the National Committee for International Economic Cooperation in submitting to the Government in the first quarter of 2007 an action program for realization of WTO commitments.

2. The Justice Ministry shall assume the prime responsibility for scrutinizing and specifically adjusting existing legal documents stated in the above-said action program, including the contents on direct application of Vietnam's commitments stated in the National Assembly's Resolution No.71/2006/QH11 of November 25, 2006.

3. The commodity associations shall step up activities in support of enterprises: enquiring into WTO's principles and regulations; identifying difficulties and advantages in the course of realizing the commitments; formulating action programs and business strategies; reorganizing production and business, raising competitiveness; raising the capability to grasp information and enquire into business law and practices of foreign markets; raising management qualifications and training human resources.

4. In order to take the initiative in realizing WTO commitments and other commitments to international organizations to which Vietnam is a member and to support the process of international economic integration, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of central agencies and relevant localities shall, according to their respective functions, concentrate on directing the following major tasks:

a/ To perfect the systems of general application of legal documents and specialized legal documents in order to further improve the investment environment, production, export and import, distribution and service, legal assistance as well as other assistance permitted by the WTO;

b/ To study, analyze and assess difficulties and challenges in the course of realizing international commitments, taking the initiative in applying measures to develop domestic production and services in conformity with the WTO principles;

c/ To step up administrative reform, simplifying such administrative procedures as procedures for setting up of enterprises, performance of tax obligations and customs procedures, attaching importance to reviewing permits and conditional regulations for production and business activities; to intensify the combat against red-tape, corruption and harassment; ensure transparency, specificity and publicity while clearly defining the responsibilities of heads of state bodies and civil servants;

d/ To attach importance to training of human resources to meet the requirements, of economic renewal and international economic integration.

5. In the first quarter of 2007, the Trade Ministry shall complete the law on competition against dumping, against subsidies and origin of goods; formulate standards on environment, health and techniques, food hygiene and safety, and establish a system of exports and imports quarantine; build a system of service codes according to WTO classification; mutually recognize the agreements between Vietnam and other countries in various domains in order to provide legal assistance and prevent and combat trade protectionism in the foreign market and at the same time, ensure equality in trade in the domestic market.



The Ministry of Education and Training shall:

a/ In the second quarter of 2007, submit to the Government a strategy on educational development till 2015 with orientations toward 2020; concentrate on directing the renewal of programs, contents and methods of education and training at different levels according to the approved schemes; and renew training activities to serve in a practical manner socio-economic development and integration requirements;

b/ Study and promulgate or submit to competent bodies for promulgation regulations on gradual implementation of market mechanisms in university training in technical and technological branches;

c/ Coordinate with the Finance Ministry, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and relevant agencies in perfecting policies to speed up the realization of undertaking on educational socialization; promulgate policies to encourage the development of non-public educational establishments; policies on investment preferences for developing and raising the efficiency of operations of non-public schools and community study centers; transform a number of public educational and training establishments into people-founded or private ones; determine and publicize criteria and conditions for founding universities, colleges and secondary vocational schools, including foreign-invested schools; on the basis of the system of existing universities, concentrate investment on construction of a number of universities and key faculties of international standards;

d/ In the third quarter of 2007, assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and relevant ministries and branches in, elaborating and submitting to the Government a decree on investment cooperation with foreign countries and a scheme on international integration in the field of education and training;

e/ Coordinate with the Finance Ministry in renewing the financial management mechanism and tuition regime in schools; fully observe the regimes of tuition reduction and exemption and scholarship grant to poor pupils, policy pupils and outstanding pupils;

f/ Coordinate with the Finance Ministry, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and relevant agencies as well as localities in applying measures to enhance social resources for construction of educational infrastructure, prioritizing the development of education and training in regions meeting with socio-economic difficulties; continue completing the systems of schools and classrooms as well as material and technical foundations for all educational levels, expand the network of boarding and semi-boarding schools, and ensure adequate teachers and minimum conditions for teaching and learning at educational institutions in difficulty-hit areas;

g/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, branches and localities in, intensifying the direction of educational renewal at all levels; raise the capability of education and training management, ensuring strict compliance with the development orientations, intensifying the examination, inspection and supervision of law observance in the field of education, training and vocational training; renew the operation mechanism, raising autonomy and accountability of schools, first of all universities; further step up the campaign against negative phenomena in the educational sector; build up the system of objective and honest examination of education and training quality.


The Ministry of Science and Technology shall:

1. Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries, branches and localities, in stepping up scientific research, technology transfer and application of scientific and technological achievements to production and business, creating vigorous developments in productivity, quality and efficiency of the economy; raising the quality and commerciality of scientific and technological products; and fully observing the legal provisions on intellectual property;

2. Renew its operation and formulate a regulation to associate science and technology with education and training, research and teaching with production and business in order that universities and training establishments step by step become venues for enterprises to place their orders for human resource training and hi-tech application; substantially renew the management mechanism applicable to science and technology; continue with the autonomy and accountability mechanism applicable to public scientific and technological organizations, particularly the financial mechanism, with a view to associating scientific and technological activities with the application of their results to reality; to switch technological research and development organizations to operate under the mechanism applicable to scientific and technological enterprises; encourage the strong development of scientific and technological enterprises of all economic sectors.

3. Concentrate state investment capital on national key research programs, key products and scientific and technological spearheads of a number of key domains while stepping up the socialization of scientific and technological activities; coordinate with other ministries, branches and localities in speeding up the formulation and promulgation of regulations on operation of national key laboratories; and speed up the construction of Hoa Lac hi-tech park and Ho Chi Minh City hi-tech park;

4. In the second quarter of 2007, submit to the Government for promulgation, mechanisms and policies on investment cooperation with foreign countries, a strategy on international integration in scientific and technological domains, policies on attraction of foreign and domestic investors and enterprises, particularly big groups, to invest in hi-tech branches, particularly investment in Hoa Lac hi-tech park, Ha Tay province, and Ho Chi Minh City hi-tech park; and form a national fund for technological renewal.


1. The Ministry of Culture and Information shall:

a/ In the third quarter of 2007, submit to the Government a scheme on international integration and WTO admission in the culture-information domain; foster the morality, lifestyle and working style in accordance with law in all aspects of social life and in business, and a cultured lifestyle among adolescents; enhance the direction of inspection, examination and reorganization of activities of restaurants, dance halls, liquor bars, and karaoke bars;

b/ Coordinate with other ministries, branches and localities in applying mechanisms and policies to raise the quality and expand the popularization of cultural products; continue developing strongly and raising the quality of information and press, radio and television broadcasting, book publishing and distribution activities in all regions; discover and foster cultural talents and encourage cultural and artistic creation so as to have works of high ideological and artistic value;

c/ Study and promulgate or submit to competent authorities for promulgation complete mechanisms and policies on management of the press and publication, redressing shortcomings in press and publishing activities; and promulgate specific regulations on responsibilities of administrative agencies of all levels in publicizing all activities, supplying information to the press and people according to law.

2. The Physical Training and Sport Committee shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with localities in, associating the socialization of physical training and sport activities with the intensive and extensive development of the physical training and sport movement in the entire society and the development of high-achievement physical training and sports; and direct the implementation of the program on "Raising the physical strength and stature of Vietnamese."


1. The Health Ministry shall:

a/ Coordinate with the Finance Ministry in renewing the management mechanism, implementing the autonomy and accountability mechanism suitable to public hospitals; encourage the development of medical establishments under different forms of ownership; and experiment the equitization of a number of hospitals;

b/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Finance Ministry, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and relevant agencies in, perfecting the medical examination and treatment mechanism in association with revising hospital charge regimes on the principle of full accounting of expenses for medical examination and treatment and reasonable division of payment responsibilities between the State, the society and the patient; coordinate with functional bodies in directing and guiding the inspection and examination of food hygiene and safety nationwide; propose mechanisms and policies to develop health insurance and renew its management mechanism; expand types and raise the quality of health insurance, proceeding to all-people health insurance;

c/ Coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Finance Ministry in promulgating or submitting to competent bodies for promulgation mechanisms and policies to encourage various economic sectors to invest in the development of the pharmaceutical industry and the manufacture of medical equipment and instruments; develop the supply networks and market of curative medicines under the strict control of functional bodies; continue to apply coordinated measures to prevent and fight type-A human influenza (H5N1) epidemic and other dangerous epidemics; concurrently well organize the stepping up and raising of the quality of preventive medicine.

2. The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall:

a/ In the first quarter of 2007, formulate and submit to the Government a scheme on renewal of vocational training; scrutinize and reorganize the system of existing vocational establishments in the direction of raising the quality and expanding the scale of vocational training schools and secondary professional schools in order to scale up vocational training in the direction that the vocational training growth rate is higher than the university and collegial training growth rate; increase the rate of enrolment of upper secondary education graduates into universities, colleges, secondary professional schools or vocational training schools. satisfying the demand for skilled laborers in the process of national development; and experiment the equitization of a number of vocational training schools;

b/ Concentrate on directing and guiding the implementation of the national target program on employment; apply specific measures to encourage and mobilize all social resources particularly for the development of small- or medium-sized enterprises of various types in order to create more jobs;

c/ To perfect mechanisms and policies on labor export; well materialize the objective of raising the rate of export of labor trained under the labor export program;

d/ Coordinate with the Health Ministry, the Finance Ministry and relevant agencies in renewing the social insurance system, diversifying insurance types suitable to the market economy. In the second quarter of 2007, submit to the Government unemployment insurance regulations and social welfare policies;

e/ Review, evaluate and work out practical solutions to continue well implementing the policy of preferential treatment of people with meritorious services to the country; mobilize the entire society to participate in gratitude activities; raise the material and spiritual life of people with meritorious services to the country; provide support for agent orange victims, lonely aged people, orphans and disabled people; provide timely and efficient support for natural disaster victims;

f/ Coordinate with agencies, units, organizations and localities in mobilizing the strength of the entire society for preventing and repelling social evils; join the Nationality Committee and relevant ministries and localities in directing the effective implementation of poverty reduction and employment programs....

3. The Committee for Population, Family and Children shall:

Focus on directing and guiding the implementation of the Ordinance on Population; the attainment of the set population targets; and attach importance to raising the quality of population and the rational distribution of population.


1. The Ministry of Transport shall:

a/ In the first quarter of 2007, assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries, branches and localities in, submitting to the Government a scheme on redressing urban traffic congestion, and a scheme on control and gradual reduction of the traffic accident rate to the world's average;

b/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice and relevant agencies in, submitting to the Government amendments and supplements to regulations on sanctioning of violations that raise the sanctioning levels against violators and owners of means directly causing traffic accidents; and reorganize the work of registry, and grant of permits for circulation of vehicles;

c/ In the first quarter of 2007, formulate and submit to the Government a scheme to re-establish traffic safety corridors; coordinate with provincial/municipal People's Committees in supervising the implementation thereof in order that the existing "black spots" shall be completely cleaned off by June 2007 and the encroachment of road traffic safety corridors shall be substantially settled by the end of 2007;

d/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security and other forces in, raising the quality of training, examination and issuance of driving licenses and professional certificates, resolutely not letting unqualified persons operate vehicles joining in traffic;

e/ Formulate, and organize the implementation of, a scheme on further propagation and education to raise the responsibility and professional ethics of car drivers;

f/ Coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and provincial/municipal People's Committees in inspecting traffic vehicles joining in, resolutely not permitting the circulation of vehicles which fail to meet the traffic safety standards;

g/ Specify the contents and time limits for inventory and evaluation of the quantity, types and quality of vehicles, the qualifications of operators at river ferries in localities, and guide local administrations to observe them; at the same time, make a sum-up report thereon and propose to the Government managerial measures and compulsory conditions for professional practice, the responsibility of organizations and individuals in inspecting and supervising the operations of river ferries or upon the occurrence of accidents.

2. The Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Transport, the Vietnam Television Station and the Radio Voice of Vietnam shall coordinate with media agencies, administrations at different levels, organizations, associations and schools in actively working out and applying measures for propagation, dissemination and education of the law on traffic safety suitable to each group of people.

3. Presidents of People's Committees of provinces or centrally run cities, particularly Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, shall, on the one hand, assign tasks to functional agencies and forces and administrations at different levels to strictly apply measures to ensure traffic safety in order to quickly reduce then minimize traffic accidents and their consequences, and, on the other hand, actively promulgate according to competence or submit to competent authorities for promulgation regulations and administrative as well as economic measures to restrict the increase of personal vehicles, particularly motorbikes, in operation, while encouraging the development of mass transit and raising its capacity and quality.

4. The Minister of Public Security and presidents of People's Committees of localities shall expeditiously implement regulations on the duration and quality of roadworthy vehicles so that as of 2007 all vehicles failing to meet the prescribed conditions shall not be permitted to participate in traffic.

5. The National Committee for Traffic Safety shall inspect and urge ministries, branches and localities in the performance of traffic safety tasks defined in this Resolution and other tasks assigned by the Prime Minister.


1. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries, branches and localities in, promulgating or submitting to competent bodies for promulgation mechanisms and policies, aiming:

a/ To continue renewing the management of natural resources and environment toward efficiently and rationally using natural resources; formulating plannings and plans for the management of all natural resources and environment; attaching special importance to the master plan on water resources, and the management and sustainable exploitation of river basins and key economic regions;

b/ To enhance environmental protection, perfect the system of environment assessment norms and criteria, creating vigorous improvements in environmental protection, controlling and well treating wastes, resolutely handling seriously polluting establishments and step by step restoring the environment in areas being polluted beyond the prescribed limit, first of all river basins, industrial zones, craft villages and big cities; to intensify the control of smoke and dust from factories and vehicles; to materialize the national strategy on water resources and the national strategy on environmental protection till 2020;

c/ To encourage different economic sectors to participate in developing services on re-use, recycle and treatment of wastes, encouraging production and business types friendly to the environment; to intensify examination and inspection of the environmental protection. To coordinate with the Trade Ministry, the Finance Ministry and the Ministry of Science and Technology in strictly controlling the import of discarded materials, strictly handling the import of wastes and goods in contravention of regulations on environmental protection.

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall speed up the materialization of the national strategy on sustainable development, attaching importance to working out sectoral and local agenda 21. To realize the model of sustainable development in different domains and on different scales.


Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government- attached agencies and provincial-level People's Committees shall, according to their respective functions and assigned tasks:

1. Perfect the organization and operation of the system of state administrative bodies, ensuring uniformity, smoothness and modernity in the spirit of the Resolution of the Xth National Party Congress; first of all, perfect the organizational structure of the Government in accordance with its functions as the highest state administrative body; ensure that a ministry manages many branches or many domains, reducing coordinating agencies, reducing deputy-heads and abolishing intermediates; highly concentrate on its leading functions of administrative reform, institution formulation, policy elaboration, inspection and examination, thus creating a favorable legal environment for socio-economic activities

2. Concentrate on directing the simplification of procedures in their respective management scopes and domains by scrutinizing and abrogating improper administrative procedures which cause difficulties to production and business activities of enterprises and daily life of people; decentralizing the administrative procedures; ensuring the transferability, coordination and strict discipline in the implementation of regulations on administrative procedures on the basis of realization of the scheme on simplification of administrative procedures in the state management domains, ensuring highest simplicity, transparency and convenience for enterprises and people. Strictly observe the "one-stop shop" mechanism and apply it step by step in transferability among state administrative bodies of all levels.

3. Continue realizing the strong decentralization of responsibilities and powers to ministries and local administrations in association with clear definition of their respective responsibilities and powers in various domains. Clearly define the scope and contents of state management over economic and social affairs by administrative bodies of all levels; and raise their capabilities to direct the implementation.

4. Apply measures to modernize the administration; and expand the implementation of electronic administrative transactions.

5. Step up the training and fostering of civil servants. Renew and perfect the working regulations with a clear and transparent official duty regime; amend the criteria and titles of civil servants and mechanisms for evaluation of cadres and civil servants, considering their performance quality and efficiency as the yardsticks. Renew the personnel policy and personnel management, build a contingent of fully qualified and capable officials and civil servants in association with the regimes of satisfactory and fair treatment. Raise the efficiency of operations of the system of grassroots administrations.

6. Continue perfecting the legal system on complaints and denunciations suitable to Vietnamese reality and international commitments; vigorously renew mechanisms for settlement of administrative complaints, proceeding to set up a system of administrative jurisdiction bodies under the Prime Minister; enhance the inspection and examination of responsibilities of the heads of state administrative agencies receiving citizens and settling complaints and denunciations; concentrate on directing and settling cases of complicated, prolonged mass complaints or denunciations, especially those related to the execution of investment projects on construction of infrastructures, industrial parks or urban centers.

7. Implement in a synchronized manner the Resolution of the 3rd plenum of the Party Central Committee, laws, resolutions, action programs of the Government on corruption and waste prevention and fighting. Organizationally consolidate and efficiently operate the Central Steering Committee for Corruption Prevention and Fighting and specialized anti-corruption units of ministries, branches in accordance with the provisions of the Anti-Corruption Law; direct and guide the organization and operation of provincial-level Steering Committees for Corruption Prevention and Fighting. Urge and inspect ministries and localities, first of all in branches, localities and units under their charge, in the formulation and implementation of action programs for corruption and waste prevention and fighting, which are really practical, efficient and lawful.

8. Presidents of People's Committees of all levels and heads of agencies shall draw up plans for dialogues with, and reception of, citizens and enterprises, promptly settling their legitimate petitions so as not to let mass complaints occur.

9. Ensure publicity and transparency in management and use of land, public assets, budget spending, capital construction investment; financial management and equitization of state enterprises; mobilization and use of people's contributions and in personnel work.

10. In 2007, concentrate efforts on realizing the plans on focal and key inspection, examination and audit of plannings, capital construction investment, land use management, budget revenue and expenditure management and public property management. Associate socio-economic inspection with inspection of the performance of state management tasks of agencies and units and the performance of official duties by civil servants.

11. Strictly observe the regulations on handling heads of agencies, organizations or units where corruption or waste occurs. Handle in a lawful, timely and public manner corrupt officials and civil servants. Concentrate on directing the investigation and timely handling of detected corruption cases, particularly big cases of wide public concern.

12. Further implement the regulation on grassroots democracy, promoting the supervision by the Fatherland Front and mass organizations; promote the role and responsibility of press agencies in detecting and criticizing acts of corruption and waste, strictly handle by law acts of violating the Press Law, providing untruthful information, taking advantage of information on corruption and waste prevention and fighting to slander, cause internal disunity or reduce people's confidence in the leadership of the Party and the State or harm the national interests.

13. Enhance the Government's direction over the work of maintaining security, defense, social order and safety, well organize the implementation of national programs against crimes, drug abuse, woman and children trafficking, production and circulation of counterfeit money..., maintaining the political and social stability, and creating conditions for socio-economic development.


1. Based on this Resolution and the 2007 working program of the Government, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and provincial-level People's Committees shall draw up their respective action programs, clearly defining objectives, tasks and duration and assigning officials to take charge of specific tasks; monthly and quarterly review and assess the implementation thereof and report thereon according to regulations.

2. The Government shall hold topical conferences with localities in order to promptly handle burning issues arising in the course of materializing this Resolution; at the same time, maintain monthly briefings to review the situation and work out measures to step up the implementation of the 2007 plan and state budget.

3. Before November 30, 2007, ministries, agencies and provincial-level People's Committees shall review the implementation of the Resolution by their respective ministries, agencies and localities and send reports thereon to the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall sums up the results of implementation of the Resolution, assess the performance by each ministry, each agency and each locality and report thereon to the Government at its December 2007 meeting.



Nguyen Tan Dung


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