Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP 2020 major solutions guiding the realization of the development Plan 2020

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Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 01, 2020 of the Government on major tasks and solutions guiding the realization of the Socio-economic development Plan and State budget estimates for 2020
Issuing body: GovernmentEffective date:

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Official number:01/NQ-CPSigner:Nguyen Xuan Phuc
Type:ResolutionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:01/01/2020Effect status:

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Fields:Finance - Banking , Policy


Strive to the end of 2020, to increase charter capital for the AgriBank

On January 01, 2020, the Government issues the Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP on major tasks and solutions guiding the realization of the Socio-economic development Plan and State budget estimates for 2020.

Accordingly, by the end of 2020; commercial banks meeting minimum capital requirements under the Basel I; commercial banks in which the State holds at least 50% of charter capital and the Viet Nam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (hereinafter referred to as the AgriBank) shall be timely increased charter capital. To achieve the above goals, the Government requires Ministries, agencies and branches to intensify inspection, examination and monitoring, especially in high risk areas; to regulatory sandbox for fintech activities…

In addition, the Government also requires relevant agencies to continue drastic reforms and develop an independent and self-reliant economy; complete and make public values of more than 90 State-owned enterprises planned to be equitized; withdraw capital from more than 100 enterprises as planned. On the other hand, to focus on removing obstacles, improving business environment and increase global competitiveness index by 10 places; make public a white book on enterprises.

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No. 01/NQ-CP

Independence - Freedom - Happiness 

Hanoi, January 01, 2020




Major tasks and solutions guiding the realization of the Socio-economic development Plan and State budget estimates for 2020



Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated June 19, 2015;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolutions: No. 85/2019/QH14 dated November 11, 2019 on socio-economic development plan for 2020, and No. 86/2019/QH14 dated November 12, 2019 on State budget estimates for 2020.




In 2019, despite numerous difficulties and challenges, the socio-economic situation continued with positive developments, important and comprehensive achievements across fields. This is the second consecutive year all 12 socio-economic goals have been realized or outperformed. Macro-economy remained stable, inflation was put under control at low level; the economy expanded 7.02%, becoming one of the fastest-growing economies in the region and the world; the quality of growth and investment efficiency improved and labor productivity increased by 6.2%, total factor productivity (TFP) to the GDP growth reached 46.11%. Total export-import valued rose to US Dollar 517 billion, making 2019 the fourth consecutive year Viet Nam enjoyed trade surplus; disbursed volume of foreign direct investment broke new record of US Dollar 20.4 billion. Economic structure continued positive changes; industries and sectors recorded stable growth; national competitiveness ranking jumped by 10 places. Cultural and social aspects witnessed positive progress, about 1.6 million jobs were created; multidimensional poverty rate reduced by 1-1.5%; sports sector gained a lot of achievements, providing source of inspirations to economic, cultural and social development; living standards continued improvements. National defense and security were strengthened; social order and safety were maintained; diplomacy and international integration were enhanced, making significant contributions to the maintenance of a peaceful environment and reflecting the role and position of the country on the international arena.

The year 2020 is of significant importance as it is the final year of the Government’s current tenure and the last year of the implementation of the five-year socio-economic development plan (2016-2020). It is also the year to prepare for the next five-year development plan (2021-2025) and for the 10-year development strategy (2021-2030). In addition, it is also eventful year as the country will celebrate 90th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, 75th founding anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam, now the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, 130th birthday anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh, 90th anniversary of the tradition day of the Viet Nam Fatherlands Front; organize Party congresses at all levels, the 13th National Party Congress, and elections for the local-level People’s Council and the 15th National Assembly.

The regional and global landscape is forecasted to continue with unexpected developments; global economic growth, trade and investment flows may continue to slow down; strategic competition, geopolitical tensions, trade conflicts between a number of countries and major economies as well as protectionism may continue to intensify. Domestically, achievements gained during the past over 30 years have made our country’s stronger while political and social stability and public trust have been increasingly consolidated. However, there remain shortcomings and limitations in our economy which will continue to face difficulties and challenges. The decree of economic openness is high while the quality, efficiency and competiveness of the economy is still low. The East Sea situation may continue to be complicated, tense and unexpected. Climate change, natural disasters, and epidemics may produce increasingly greater impacts on production and people’s life. The sense of responsibility of a number of cadres and civil servants remains limited, many shun or pass their responsibility. Prompt, drastic and responsible working attitude must be further promoted across the country.


By inheriting the past achievements and promoting innovative and active spirit built since the beginning of the current Cabinet’s tenure, the Government identifies the motto of action as follows: “Discipline, Integrity, Action, Responsibility, Creativity, Effectiveness”, with a focus on the following 06 issues:

1. Continue to improve socialist-oriented market economy institutions, free up resources, create fair and open environment conducive to investment and business; increase the quality of law-making in association with improving the efficiency and effectiveness of administration and implementation of legislation.

2. Concentrate on macro-economic stabilization, inflation control, and improvement of productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness as well as internal capacity and resilience of the economy. Speed up restructuring of the economy in association with growth model transformation in a more practical and effective manner; accelerate the implementation of key national projects; further promote the role of key economic regions and mega urban areas.

3. Maintain fast and sustainable development in association with cultural and social development, environmental protection, and improvement of the quality of material and spiritual life. Promote high-quality human resource training in association with the development of science and technology and innovation. Strengthen management of land and natural resource, protect the environment, prevent and control natural disasters and epidemics, adapt to climate change.

4. Seriously reorganize and streamline the State apparatus, reform administration. Strengthen discipline and drastically combat corruption, wastefulness and wrongdoings.

5. Consolidate national defense and security, improve the effectiveness of diplomatic activities and international integration; firmly safeguard independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity and peaceful environment for national development; heighten the country’s global prestige and position. Fruitfully implement and organize the implementation of the free trade agreements to which Viet Nam is a signatory; well fulfill the role as the ASEAN Chairmanship 2020, AIPA Chair, and non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2020-2021 tenure.

6. Proactively carry out information and communication work in order to create social consensus  and spread the aspiration for building a powerful Viet Nam; tighten coordination between agencies, Fatherland Font, and mass organizations at all levels; promote the patriotic and innovative spirit in all sectors and levels, well organize commemorative events.


1. Continue development and improvement of the synchronous, modern and feasible legal framework meeting requirements of innovation, development and international integration; seriously organize the implementation of legislation

1.1. Set up a working group responsible for reviewing legal documents and identifying obstacles, shortcomings and overlapping regulations, propose necessary amendments to free up all resources in favor of socio-economic development.

1.2. Raise the quality of legal documents to ensure comprehensiveness, unity and feasibility. Focus on developing and improving draft laws planned for 2020; promptly issue legal documents on detailed implementation of the laws and ordinances passed by the National Assembly and the National Assembly Standing Committee. Improve the effectiveness of legal dissemination and education and strictly organize the implementation of legislation. Enhance administrative decentralization and assignment of power, free up land and natural resources in favor of development.

1.3. Continue development and improvement of institutions and laws for full, comprehensive and effective advancement of markets, especially land use right market, capital market, labor market, science and technology market. Perfect financial, accounting, price evaluation, and credit ranking standards in line with international practices. Continue improving legal framework for payment, accelerate non-cash payment, including non-cash payment for public services.

1.4. Study and develop pilot legal framework, mechanisms and policies for the development of modern technological products and services, and products and services of digital and sharing economy, etc., toward facilitating application of new technologies and business models by enterprises as well as fair competition between new and traditional enterprises for the sake of consumers.

1.5. Innovate the mechanisms for mobilizing, allocating and using resources in favor of development. Focus on improving draft laws on investment, enterprises and public-private partnership for submission to the National Assembly for consideration and approval in order to create favorable legal environment for mobilizing private sector’s resources and for improving the quality and effectiveness of investment cooperation.

1.6. Issue regulations on new salary and social insurance regime in 2020. Amend and supplement regulations on financial autonomy, establishment-reorganization-dissolution of public non-business units in a bid to improve the performance of these units. Improve mechanisms and policies to transform public non-business units into joint stock companies in an open, transparent and effective manner, ensuring the State’s interests.

1.7. Review, amend and supplement regulations on advertisement, management, supply and use of broadcasting and television services in accordance with the reality

2. Consolidate macro-economic foundations, control inflation, and ensure macro balances for fast and sustainable development

2.1. Employ active, flexible, cautious monetary policy in association with fiscal policies and other policies to maintain macro-economic stability, control inflation, support production and business and accelerate economic growth. Regulate interest and exchange rates flexibly in line with market developments; increase foreign reserves if possible. Ensure proper credit growth in association with improving credit quality, steering credit to priority areas; strictly control credit flows to highly risky domains in a bid to meet people’s credit demand and prevent “black credit”. Approve and deploy a national comprehensive financial strategy through 2025, orientations to 2030.

2.2. Pursue strict and effective fiscal policy in a transparent manner. Strictly pursue thrift practice and combat wastefulness, heighten the responsibility for State budget management. Focus on improving the effectiveness of management of State budget collection; restructure budget revenue items, drastically counter budget revenue loss, transfer pricing and tax evasion; sufficiently, timely collect taxes, charges, fees and other revenues into the State budget.

To operate the state budget expenditures according to the assigned estimates; give priority for the allocation of funds to organize the Party Congress at all levels, activities in the years that Vietnam is ASEAN Chairperson, 41st AIPA President; ensure the ratio of budget spending on education, training, science and technology, environmental protection, and investment in cultural fields.

Effectively manage and use public assets; mobilize additional resources for development investment. Improve the effectiveness of public debt management, guarantee prompt debt payment in a bid to improve national credit ratings in 2020. Allocate enough resources for reforming salary and social insurance policies in line with the relevant Resolution adopted by the Party Central Committee. Implement proper market-based price roadmap for electricity and other essential public services.

3. Maintain positive trade balance. Boost exports, especially farm produce; prevent risks caused by imbalanced export-import in some markets; diversify and reduce dependence on some markets. Proactively harmonize trade relations with major partners. Utilize opportunities from free trade agreements to facilitate exports and penetrate new market. Seriously implement Project on enhancing State management on prevention of trade remedy evasion and origin fraud; effectively control imports and improve capacity of trade remedy, early warning, and settlement of international trade and investment disputes, properly protect domestic production. Complete ratification of the Viet Nam-EU free trade agreement (EVFT) and Viet Nam-EU investment protection agreement (EVIPA); actively prepare for effective implementation of new-generation free trade agreements; design proper plans for joining new free trade agreements.

2.4. Issue and effectively implement Strategy for domestic trade development, Overall plan for national e-commerce development for the period 2021-2025; speed up information technology application in trade activities, combining e-commerce and traditional commerce activities. Effectively implement measures to ensure supply-demand balance, foster linkages between production and distribution of goods, and strengthen value chain connectivity with a focus on agricultural products. Accelerate development of brand for Vietnamese products and the campaign “Vietnamese prioritize using Vietnamese products”.

2.5. Improve analysis and forecasting capacity and quality of statistic information system. Continue fruitful implementation of Law on Statistics, Viet Nam Statistics Development Strategy, and major statistics schemes, particularly the scheme on statistics of unobserved economic areas, population and housing statistics, and evaluation of GDP size. Formulate a system of early warnings and forecasting data for socio-economic development, sectors and fields that could be shareable. Step up exploitation of statistical data.

3. Accelerate restructuring of the economy in association with transforming growth model, improving productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness in a more substantial and effective manner

3.1 Quickly deploy the 2019 Law on Public Investment, 2020 public investment plan, speed up progress of allocation and disbursement of public investment capital. Resolutely and timely transfer capital from slowly implemented projects to quickly implemented ones; take measures to complete slowly implemented projects. Improve the effectiveness of using public investment capital, accelerate information technology application in monitoring and evaluating investment, integrate data on investment and disbursement. Foster online bidding to ensure openness and transparency.

3.2. Effectively implement the Law on amending and supplementing some articles of the Law on credit institutions, the National Assembly Resolution on pilot settlement of non-performing loans of credit institutions. Fruitfully settle weak credit institutions, finalize and approve plans to handle the worst banking institutions. Intensify inspection, examination and monitoring, especially in high risk areas. Issue regulatory sandbox for fintech activities in the fields of banking and non-cash payment. Strive to ensure commercial banks meeting minimum capital requirements under the Basel II; by the end of 2020; timely increase charter capital for commercial banks in which the State holds at least 50% of charter capital and for the Viet Nam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.

3.3. Continue drastic reforms so that State economy, collective economy and private economy play core role in developing an independent and self-reliant economy while pursuing social progress and equality. Promptly issue a Decree amending and supplementing Decrees No. 126/2017/ND-CP, No. 91/2015/ND-CP, and No. 32/2018/ND-CP in order to timely remove obstacles in equitizing and divesting capital from State-owned enterprises and to increase charter capital for commercial banks in which the State holds at least 50% of charter capital. Complete the target of revenue from equitization and divestment for public investment in accordance with the Resolution of the National Assembly. Complete and make public values of more than 90 State-owned enterprises planned to be equitized; withdraw capital from more than 100 enterprises as approved plans. Improve governance capacity and production efficiency of State-owned enterprises as well as quality of information on performance of State-owned enterprises; formulate a data system aimed at enhancing supervision of State-owned enterprises in the direction of openness and transparency. Settle obstacles related to EPC contracts and restructure financial and credit issues of slowly-implemented and inefficient projects of the industry and trade sector. Deploy conclusion of the Political Bureau and the Resolution of the Party Central Committee on reforming, developing and improving the effectiveness of collective economy and agriculture and forestry companies; make public a white book on cooperatives.

3.4. Focus on removing obstacles, improving business environment, sharpening national competitiveness and heightening rankings of global indexes; develop plans and concrete solutions to increase global competitiveness index by 10 places; make public a white book on enterprises. Increase the number, size and quality of enterprises; speed up restructuring of enterprises towards sustainability and innovation. Quickly implement policies to support small and medium-sized enterprises and allocate sufficient resources for implementation of programs on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises. Improve the competitiveness and linkages of the business community. Encourage the development of strong private economic corporations as well as their involvement in mega projects. Create favorable conditions for household businesses to transform into enterprises; develop plans and specific solutions to realize the goal of one million enterprises by the end of 2020.

3.5. Accelerate restructuring of sectors based on promoting comparative advantages and scientific and technological application

Focus on developing spearhead industries with huge potential, advantages and high added-values; raise proportion of manufacturing and processing. Continue developing some industries that could meet the economy’s demand for basic production materials. Promote development of supporting industries, strengthen partnership with foreign-invested enterprises; further increase participation in regional and global value chain. Restructure the real estate market in association with implementation of the National housing strategy while strengthening control to ensure the stability of the real estate market.

Accelerate the development of high-tech agriculture. Rice farming land may be flexibly switched to other crops or aquaculture for higher earnings. Drastically deploy measures to prevent spread of African hog cholera. Mull over solutions to remove the European Commission’s “yellow card” warning on Vietnamese fisheries sector. Effectively implement programs and plans on forestry protection and development; increase the existing natural forest areas and quickly restore coastal forest system.

Focus on improving the quality of services, especially tourist service, promote the values of cultural heritages, gradually develop national image and brand. Develop postal services and fast delivery services based on application of modern technologies. Cut costs and improve effectiveness of logistics services. Advance marine-based economy in association with formation and development of strong marine economic centers.

4. Effectively mobilize resources, speed up infrastructure development, promote role of key economic regions and mega urban areas

4.1. Accelerate progress of the North-South Expressway, promptly issue investment decision for Long Thanh International Airport and organize the implementation of urgent and important projects that create spill-over effects.

4.2. Focus on removing obstacles against key projects of the electricity sector to ensure sufficient power supply. Facilitate the deployment of power generation and transmission projects; advance development of renewable energy, especially solar power, in association with environmental protection.

4.3. Promote the role of mega urban areas, remove bottlenecks to further attract resources for the development of modern urban areas in association with rural development. Advance development of infrastructure for water supply-drainage and public transport in synchronicity with housing development based on a proper roadmap. Continue fixing traffic congestion and water logging situation in Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh City and other cities.

4.4. Innovate and improve information and communication technology infrastructure, develop synchronous and modern digital infrastructure. Foster development of the Vietnamese digital eco-system; gradually master fundamental technologies that facilitate transformation to digital economy.

4.5. Continue reviewing and improving breakthrough mechanisms and policies, heighten quality of planning to spur development of key economic regions and region-to-region connectivity. Effectively implement the Law on Planning and other relevant laws, ordinances and resolutions, quickly develop national planning scheme, regional planning schemes, and provincial planning schemes for the 2021-2030 period, vision to 2050 and timely adjust the existing planning schemes in favor of socio-economic development.

5. Focus on improving quality of human resources in association with advancing innovation and development of science and technology

5.1. Focus on overcoming shortcomings and limitations to create fundamental changes in education and training. Develop a healthy, democratic and disciplined education environment; strengthen school security and safety; pay attention to physical education and skills for pupils and students. Review and rearrange education and training establishments; speed up university autonomy, provide effective support for scientific research, innovation and start-up at educational facilities; step up cooperation between vocational training facilities and businesses. Innovate and improve the quality of vocational training, increase the rate of trained labor, especially vocational training for rural residents. Effectively implement policies on training, attracting and using scientific labor force like excellent students and foreign prestigious researchers and scientists.

5.2. Develop sound mechanisms and policies to turn science, technology and innovation into a key driving force for growth and improvement of productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the economy. Restructure and implement national scientific and technological programs for the 2021-2025 in the direction of placing businesses into the center of the national innovation system. Develop the National Innovation Center and encourage mobilization of investment capital from the entire society for the development of science and technology and innovation and for establishment of research and development centers in Viet Nam. Strengthen scientific and technological capacity, focus on developing new and fundamental technologies of the 4th industrial revolution. Comprehensively develop eco-system for startup and innovation; enhance connectivity between domestic and foreign innovation networks. Develop breakthrough policies to spur development of products, services and new business models. Effectively deploy measures to support management and development of intellectual properties of enterprises. Strictly control import of technologies, especially used technologies while encourage import of high technologies.

6. Attach importance to cultural and social development, pursue social progress and equality, and improve material and spiritual life

6.1. Vigorously promote the values of Vietnamese culture and people; develop more specific policies and measures for cultural and social development, human development shall be harmonized with economic growth. Speed up the development of cultural industry. Well prepare for organization of major anniversaries. Preserve and promote the values of cultural heritages in association with sustainable development of tourism. Promote the achievements gained by sports sector over the past years and well prepare for the Tokyo Olympics 2020 and for hosting 31st SEA Games in Viet Nam in 2021.

6.2. Fully and effectively implement preferential policies for people with meritorious services to the revolution in an open and transparent.

6.3 Continue innovating social assistance work; develop an effective and sustainable social security system, provide assistance to vulnerable groups, especially disabled persons and people affected by natural disasters and epidemics. Strengthen information technology application in implementation of social security policies. Mobilize all resources and diversify community-based forms of assistance for vulnerable people. Accelerate the development of social housing, especially for workers and low-incomers, and ensure housing safety for people in flood-hit areas. Accelerate rebuilding of old apartment buildings.

6.4 Continue reviewing and improving mechanisms and policies on sustainable poverty reduction, spread effective poverty reduction models, and promote community-based poverty reduction initiatives. Effectively implement the National Target Program on sustainable poverty reduction and the campaign “All nation joins hands to support the poor” to leave no one behind; prioritize resources for implementation of policies to support disadvantaged, ethnic and mountainous areas in order to speed up poverty reduction; facilitate access to basic services by the poor, especially those who live in extremely poor areas.  Conduct general census on poor and near poor households for 2021-2025 period.

6.5. Develop a comprehensive, transparent, competitive and sustainable labor market in association with enhancing and promoting the role of the State in management and regulation of the labor market for effective exploitation of the workforce. Continue increasing the coverage of social insurance and unemployment insurance. Improve the capacity and effectiveness of managing foreigners working in Viet Nam.

6.6. Improve the quality of population, counter child malnutrition, especially those in disadvantaged and mountainous areas, gradually reduce gender inequality at birth. Strengthen preventive medicine, improve physical strength of people prevent and control harms of tobacco and alcohol, and step up implementation of the Vietnamese people’s physical strength program. Reform financial mechanisms and operations of communal-level healthcare system to make sure that it serves as the first destination for disease prevention, healthcare, management  and treatment of non-communicable diseases for local residents. Quickly complete construction of the facilities of central hospitals. Strengthen management of the quality of medicines. Continue raising healthcare insurance coverage rate.

6.7. Fully implement the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and recommendations of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. Comprehensively realize measures to build safe, friendly and healthy living environment for children. Fruitfully implement the National Action Program on prevention and control of home violence and child abuse. Take more measures to prevent child injuries; impose strict punishments on those who violate legal regulations on children. Speed up the building of communes and wards fit for children; consolidate and development child protection service system; provide assistance for protection and care for children in disadvantaged circumstances, rural, ethnic and mountainous areas in order to gradually reduce the gap of living conditions among regions and areas; improve the quality of live and create opportunities for equal development of all children.

6.8. Continue effective implementation of policies on caring and promoting the role of the elderly, promote gender equality and women’s progress in a practical and effective manner. Accelerate and diversify communication activities to improve awareness of gender equality.

6.9. Focus on effective implementation of ethnic and religious policies. Strive to fulfill the implementation of the National Target Program on new rural development and sustainable poverty reduction for the period 2016-2020; mull over the development of new policies for the next stage. Focus on deployment of the Master plan for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for 2020-2030 period that has been approved by the National Assembly.

6.10. Step up the fight against social evils, especially the evils of drug, superstition, manifestations and behaviors of morality degradation that cause negative impacts on the society.

7. Strengthen management of natural resources and environmental protection; actively adapt to climate change, and prevent natural calamities

7.1. Strictly administer planning and land use plans, fix obstacles to facilitate the development of land use right market, accumulation and concentration of land, and large-scale farming. Continue proper management decentralization, step up bidding for the rights to exploit mineral resources. Effectively monitor the exploitation and use of water resources; ensure quality of water sources for daily life; promote mechanisms for cross-border water sharing.

7.2. Mull over amendments to the regulations and criteria for environmental protection in line with regional and international standards. Fix obstacles related to site clearance for building waste collection and treatment plants. Reduce plastic waste and enhance international cooperation in handling marine plastic waste. Collect and recycle hard waste. Encourage and foster the environmental industry; gradually develop circular economy.

7.3. Strictly control sources of waste, especially in craft villages and rural areas; uphold the responsibilities of businesses and people. Strengthen inspection and examination in exploitation and use of land, sand, gravel, etc. and activities that cause pollution to the environment and water resources. Handle environmental, water and air pollution, especially in Ha No and other mega urban areas.

7.4. Enhance the capacity in forecasting and providing early warnings of natural disasters, especially for extreme weather phenomena. Actively cope with climate change, natural disasters, droughts and saltwater intrusion; accelerate the effective implementation of programs/projects on climate change adaptation, especially those related to sea level rise. Drastically implement measures for sustainable development of the Mekong Delta in adaptation with climate change.

8. Improve efficiency and effectiveness of State management, spur administrative reform, inspection, settlement of complaints and denunciations, and drastically combat corruption, waste and wrongdoings

8.1. Timely provide instructions for implementation of new policies on reforming and re-arranging the State apparatus, striving to reduce the State workforce by 10% in the 20150-2021 in accordance with the Resolution No. 39-NQ/TW; restructure and reduce the number of public employees in association with salary reform. Step up decentralization in association with improving governance capacity of all sectors and levels; strengthen administrative discipline, uphold the responsibility of leaders [at all levels]. Strive to realize the goal of re-arranging administrative units in the 2019-2021 period right this year. Heighten the sense of responsibility and morality of cadres and civil servants. Conduct review of the Master plan for administration reform for the 2011-2020 period and develop another Master plan for the 2021-2030 period.

8.2. Prioritize resources to effective realization of e-government development tasks; foster application of information technology and e-government development towards a digital Government, digital economy and digital society. Bolster handling of work online while strengthening connectivity between State administrative agencies and socio-political, occupational organizations and businesses. Effectively deploy online public service model; continue perfecting single-window information systems and connect online public service portals with the National Online Public Service Portal; enhance the accession to public services by disadvantaged groups. Focus on developing information systems serving performance of the Government, the Prime Minister, ministries, agencies and localities as well as information systems serving citizens and businesses. Drastically cut administrative procedures and business conditions; drastically reform specialized inspection, shifting to post-customs clearance inspection; reform customs procedures towards e-customs in line with international standards; eliminate unofficial costs for businesses.

8.3. Step up modernization of justice, develop civil status data, national data on handling of administrative violations in favor of citizens and businesses, contributing to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of State management in this domain and supporting operation of the justice sector. Employ preventive measures and handle complaints by investors.

8.4. Comprehensively implement measures to increase the effectiveness of citizen reception work and settlement of complaints and denunciations. Strengthen inspection and review and completely resolve pro-longed complaints and denunciations; ensure close coordination between the central and local levels in order to avoid emergence of new “hotspots” that may undermine social order and safety.

8.5. Comprehensively and drastically deploy measures to fight corruption and wastefulness. Strengthen inspection and examination of the performance of public duties. Speed up progress of investigation, prosecution and judgment enforcement of corruption cases and fully recover State assets. Drastically deal with wrongdoings and harassments.

8.6. Timely implement contents enshrined in the National action program on prevention and control of money laundering and terrorist financing for the 2019-2020 period. Actively make public information and documents proving the effectiveness of money laundering and terrorist financing work.

9. Consolidate and enhance national defense and security capacity, closely combine security-defense tasks with socio-economic development, improve effectiveness of diplomatic activities and international integration

9.1. Proactively monitor, analyze, evaluate the international and regional situations, timely propose solutions to firmly protect national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity; firmly maintain political stability and national security, ensure social order and safety; firmly maintain peaceful and stable environment for national development. Domestically, timely detect and paralyze sabotaging activities of hostile forces; ensure cybersecurity, economic security, social security, and safety of strategic zones in all circumstances. Absolutely protect security and safety for party congresses all levels, the 13th National Party Congress, ASEAN meetings, and activities of the Party and State leaders and foreign delegations to Viet Nam.

9.2 Continue cracking down on crimes and social evils with a focus on organized crime, criminal crime involving in “black credit” activities, illegal human smuggling, high-tech crime, corruption etc. Take more measures to ensure traffic order and safety, reduce serious traffic accidents and congestions in mega urban areas.

9.3 Consistently pursue the foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralization and diversification of external relations and active international integration. Resolutely and consistently protect national sovereignty and sovereign rights; well handle emerging issues in the East Sea in line with international law to safeguard the legitimate interests of the nation. Continue consolidating and deepening cooperation with partners, strengthen trust and intertwinement of interests, consolidate cooperation mechanisms, especially with strategic, comprehensive and important partners. Actively participate in and make responsible contributions to multilateral forums. Fully utilize the role as ASEAN Chair 2020, AIPA Chair, and non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the tenure 2020-2021 to further elevate Viet Nam’s global prestige and position and spur socio-economic development. Continue fostering economic diplomacy. Comprehensively deploy cultural diplomacy and protect Vietnamese abroad.

10. Promote information, press, and communication activities, take advantage of the consensus of people of all strata, improve the effectiveness of coordination among agencies, organizations, Fatherland Front Committees, mass organizations at all levels

10.1. Well implement the rights to access to information by citizens, especially those living in remote and ethnic minority areas. Ensure security and safety of information systems, press, and the Internet. Timely prevent and strictly deal with toxic information on social media.

10.2. Continue close and effective coordination between agencies, organizations, fatherland fronts, and mass organizations at all levels to promote the aggregate strength of the whole political system in realizing the socio-economic development and budget plan for 2020.


1. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, and Presidents of provincial/municipal People s Committees shall:

1.1. To thoroughly grasp the motto to maximize the positive aspects, the results achieved in 2019 and from the beginning of the term, urgently overcome the limitations and shortcomings. According to the assigned functions and tasks; seriously, fast, effectively and comprehensively implement tasks and solutions set out in the Conclusion No. 63-KL/TW dated October 18, 2019 of the 12thCentral Party s Executive Committee, the Resolution No. 85/2019/QH14 of the National Assembly on the Socio-Economic Development Plan 2020 and other resolutions of the Party, the National Assembly and tasks, solutions stated in this Resolution; actively implement specific tasks and solutions of their ministries, branches and localities, promptly handle arising problems, create clear changes right from the beginning of the year; take full responsibility to the Government and the Prime Minister for the implementation results of their ministries, branches and localities.

1.2. Before January 20, 2020, to develop and promulgate programs, action plans and specific documents to implement the Resolution; which clearly defines the objectives, tasks, implementation schedule and assignment of the host unit, sends it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for summary and reporting at the Government s regular meeting in January 2020.

1.3. To regularly check and monitor the progress and results of implementation of assigned targets and tasks; quarterly summarize and evaluate the implementation of tasks in Appendix 4, send to the Ministry of Planning and Investment before the 20thof the last month of quarter to synthesize and report to the Government.

1.4. To regularly monitor, evaluate and update the growth scenarios in Appendix 2; the implementation of major targets in Appendix 1, specific targets of sectors and fields in Appendix 3; strive to reach and exceed the assigned targets.

1.5. To summarize and evaluate the implementation of the Resolution within the scope of its assigned functions and tasks, submitting it to the Prime Minister and concurrently to the Ministry of Planning and Investment before November 20, 2020 for summarizing and reporting to the Government at the Government meeting in December 2020.

2. Ministries, branches and industries, in charge of monitoring macro-economic fields, have to coordinate closely and effectively in advising and proposing specific solutions and measures for macroeconomic management, promptly report to the Government and the Prime Minister problems arising in the course of implementation. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Government Office and concerned agencies in urging, monitoring and inspecting the implementation of this Resolution.

3. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Central Propaganda Department, the news agencies, the press, the ministries, central branches and localities in popularizing and widely propagating this Resolution./.

For the Government

The Prime Minister

Nguyen Xuan Phuc

* All Appendices are not translated herein.

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