Official Telegram 17/CD-UBND on urgent measures to prevent, control COVID-19 pandemic

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Official Telegram No. 17/CD-UBND dated August 01, 2021 of the People's Committee of Hanoi City on the implementation of urgent measures to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic
Issuing body: People's Committee of HanoiEffective date:

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Official number:17/CD-UBNDSigner:Chu Ngoc Anh
Type:Official TelegramExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:01/08/2021Effect status:

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Fields:Medical - Health


Hanoi: To establish concentrated quarantine establishments with the capacity of receiving up to 5,000 cases/district

This content is prescribed in the Official Telegram No. 17/CD-UBND on the implementation of urgent measures to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic issued by Hanoi People’s Committee on August 01, 2021.

Accordingly, the Hanoi Capital High Command shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with departments, sectors and People's Committees of districts and towns in, reviewing locations and proposing the establishment of concentrated quarantine establishments with the capacity of receiving 3,000 - 5,000 cases per district or town and the location for the city's field hospital.

Also in accordance with this Official Dispatch, no one is allowed to leave the City during the social distancing period according to the Prime Minister's Official Telegram No. 1063/CD-TTg dated July 31, 2021, except for those authorized by the government. Chairpersons of People’s Committees of districts and towns shall be held responsible before the Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee if their citizens leave their respective areas without permission.

Besides, Hanoi People’s Committee  also requests to actively assess high-risk areas in the locality, especially in hospitals, industrial parks, industrial clusters, craft villages, spontaneous markets, trade centers, supermarkets, essential stores, densely populated areas, concentrated quarantine areas, blockade areas; approve plans on pandemic prevention and control of agencies and units operating in localities; actively decide on taking stricter restrictions during the social distancing period such as blocking an area:  residential area or group, ward, commune or township to promptly prevent the risk of infection in the community.

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No. 17/CD-UBND


Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Hanoi, August 01, 2021




On the implementation of urgent measures to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic




- Agencies, units, unions, central socio-political organizations in Hanoi City;

- Diplomatic missions and international organizations in the City;

- The Hanoi Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and municipal socio-political unions;

- Directors, Heads of Departments, agencies and sectors in the City;

- Chairpersons of People’s Committees of districts and towns.


The pandemic development is still complicated. Besides, in recent days, in addition to confirmed cases detected through screening of cases with SARs-CoV-2 symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, loss of taste, etc., Hanoi continued to record a number of complicated clusters of cases with fast-spreading rate originating from other pandemic areas. In the implementation of the call for COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control of the General Secretary, the Official Telegram of the Standing Member of the Secretariat, the Government’s Resolution on implementation of urgent measures to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic at the first session of the 15th National Assembly; the Prime Minister’s Official Telegram 1063/CD-TTg dated July 31, 2021; the Directive No. 05-CT/TU dated July 30, 2021 of the Hanoi Municipal Party Standing Committee; and in order to early control and prevent the pandemic from spreading in the City, Hanoi People's Committee hereby requests Directors and Heads of Departments, agencies and sectors in the City, Chairpersons of People's Committees of districts and towns, and agencies, units unions, central socio-political organizations, diplomatic missions and international organizations in the City; the Hanoi Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and municipal socio-political unions to coordinate to perform the following tasks:


1. The entire government system at all levels must deeply grasp the spirit of the Directive No. 05-CT/TU dated July 30, 2021 of the Hanoi Municipal Party Standing Committee, in which the collective responsibility of the party committees and authorities at all levels is strengthened, associated with upholding personal responsibility, especially the head. Besides, the proactive implementation from the grassroots level and the people's sense of compliance as shown in the results of pandemic prevention and control at the grassroots level which is a measure of the prestige, capacity and responsibility of the party committees, the heads, and shall be used as a basis for staff evaluation, emulation classification, etc. To timely praise and reward organizations and individuals with effective performance, and at the same time remind, criticize and strictly discipline those with ineffective performance through inspection and supervision; to attach collective responsibility to party committees and authorities at all levels with upholding the head responsibility; publicize the exemplary cases.

2. To actively assess high-risk areas in the locality, especially in hospitals, industrial parks, industrial clusters, craft villages, spontaneous markets, trade centers, supermarkets, essential stores, densely populated areas, concentrated quarantine areas, blockade areas; approve plans on pandemic prevention and control of agencies and units operating in localities; actively decide on taking stricter restrictions during the social distancing period such as blocking an area:  residential area or group, ward, commune or township to promptly prevent the risk of infection in the community.

3. To give priority to a number of urgent measures: (1) Tracing as much as possible in the shortest time; (2) Screening cases with symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, loss of taste, etc.; (3) Speeding the screening and testing on large scale in at-risk areas and people returning from pandemic areas; concentrated areas to ensure efficiency, practicality and economy as decided by health agencies; (4) Isolating, supervising and testing people returning from pandemic and other locations and areas with risks as advised by health agencies.

4. To mobilize all forces and assign specific tasks, provide guidance on procedures to ensure safety in pandemic prevention and control when performing tasks to reduce the load for frontline forces.

5. To strengthen on-site and mobile inspection and supervision, strictly handle cases of violations against regulations on COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control.

6. To urgently and timely implement supporting policies under the Decision No. 3642/QD-UBND dated July 21, 2021, on implementation of a number of policies supporting COVID-19 hit employers and employees in the City.

7. To request agencies, units, unions, central and municipal socio-political organizations, diplomatic missions and international organizations in the City to strictly comply with social distancing rule, ensuring the proper implementation of regulations on social distancing and the number of people working at the office;

8. To synchronously implement effective models in pandemic prevention and control in establishments such as “three layers” or “four on spot” model;

9. To urgently develop plans and purchase medical supplies and equipment according to scenarios to prevent and control pandemic under the Government’s Resolution to implement the Resolution No. 30/2021/QH15 at the first session of the 15th National Assembly; the Government’s Resolution No. 79/NQ-CP dated July 22, 2021, and instructions of ministries and central sectors in a transparent and effective manner, avoiding negativity and loss. To request review, activate and implement plans and scenarios with stricter restrictions.

10. Medical examination and treatment establishments in the City (including central hospitals, municipal hospitals and private hospitals) must develop plans for a safe hospital and submit them to People's Committees of districts and towns for approval; implement the “four on spot” plan (working, eating - living, and resting - treating on the spot), and organize to provide comprehensive treatment for patients, limiting the number of caregivers in hospitals, strictly control people in and out of hospitals, assign forces alternately working at hospital every 7 - 14 days; only medical examination and treatment establishments meeting safe COVID criteria provided by the Ministry of Health are allowed to operate.

11. Heads, Directors of Departments, sectors and branches in the City and Chairpersons of People’s Committees of districts and towns shall directly report to the Municipal People’s Committee and consult the standing agency of the Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Party Standing Committee and Municipal People’s Council to timely decide pandemic prevention and control measures by sectors, fields, areas and policies supporting forces participating in pandemic prevention and control, vulnerable groups, organizations and enterprises affected by the pandemic, contributing to remove difficulties in production and business, ensuring social security.


1. Chairpersons of People’s Committees of districts and towns shall

- Focus on strongly and drastically directing to effectively and timely implement specific measures and tasks for pandemic prevention and control in line with the Directive No. 05-CT/TU dated July 30, 2021 of the Hanoi Municipal Party Standing Committee; the Directive No. 17/CT-UBND dated July 23, 2021 of the Chairman of Hanoi People’s Committee and the issued Resolutions, Plans, Directives and documents of Central agencies, Municipal Party Committee and Hanoi People's Committee; to seriously and consistently implement social distancing under the Directive No. 17 and stricter restrictions could be imposed in line with real situation.

- Mobilize the grassroots forces and promote propaganda to raise the citizens’ sense of voluntariness in order to actively participate in the pandemic prevention and control, strictly comply with the City's regulations. Strictly control and immediately take necessary measures to support life and health; provide food, foodstuffs for the poor and unemployed people so that they can feel secure to “stay where they are” at quarantine areas and blockade areas.

- No one is allowed to leave the City during the social distancing period according to the Prime Minister's Official Telegram No. 1063/CD-TTg dated July 31, 2021, except for those authorized by the government. Chairpersons of People’s Committees of districts and towns shall be held responsible before the Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee if their citizens leave their respective areas without permission.

- Localities and units shall proactively and actively share their experiences and effective models and measures to prevent and control pandemic; request every agency, unit or enterprise located in the locality to develop working plans, production and business plans, ensuring the proper implementation of regulations on social distancing and the number of people working at the office, especially central agencies, organizations and enterprises; at the same time, promote the responsibility of setting an example of these agencies to the grassroots. 

- Take responsibility for organizing the vaccination against COVID-19 to the right subjects in localities according to the Government's Resolution No. 21/NQ-CP dated February 26, 2021, on purchase and use of COVID-19 vaccines and the Plan No. 170/PA-UBND dated July 21, 2021 of Hanoi People’s Committee on the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Hanoi.  Ensure the principles of equity and transparency in accessing COVID-19 vaccines; effectively organize the propaganda for the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in the City so that citizens can understand purposes and meaning of the vaccination, support and comply with the City’s instructions. Continue to implement the rapid vaccination campaign, in order to achieve herd immunity while ensuring vaccination safety.

- Coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Department of Industry and Trade in, organizing the consumption of farmers’ agricultural products at mobile and fixed stores, ensuring pandemic prevention and control requirements;

- Take direct and comprehensive responsibility in the pandemic prevention and control to ensure living for citizens; promptly report authorities at district and town levels, and the Municipal People’s Committee of issues beyond their competence for timely directions and solutions.

2. The Departments of Health shall

- Act as the standing agency of the Municipal Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in timely providing official information on the pandemic and mobilizing experts and health managers to consult pandemic prevention and control solutions.

- Urgently develop plans and organize the timely procurement of medical supplies and equipment to respond to the pandemic at moderate, high and very high levels in the spirit of saving efficiency according to the fund balancing capability of the budget; be ready for a bad situation; avoiding negative issues in the procurement.

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant Departments, sectors, agencies and units in, carefully reviewing and advising treatment plants for 20,000 patients, and report the Municipal People’s Committee before August 05, 2021;

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Departments and sectors of Construction, Natural Resources and Environment, Finance, Hanoi Capital High Command and relevant units in, urgently completing the pilot plan on setting up 1,000 beds to treat asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic patients at Den Lu 3 Condominium and put it into operation from August 02, 2021.

- Improve the testing capacity for the City: Develop a plan to allocate PCR testing machines to ensure safety, efficiency for the right purposes; to mobilize staff (students of universities, medical colleges in the area and school health network) to support and organize human resource training on sampling, preservation and transportation; advise and report to the Municipal People's Committee to request the Ministry of National Defence to direct affiliated hospitals in the area (108 Military Central Hospital, 103 Military Hospital, Military Medical Academy, Vietnam -Russia Tropical Center and military units with RT-PCR laboratories) to support testing capacity. Timely organize the purchase of biological products, chemicals and consumable supplies for the pandemic prevention and control.

- Review and immediately implement the safe hospital model according to the “four on spot” principle.

- Urgently review and proactively purchase to ensure forces for effectively organizing the system and network to care for and treat people infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus according to treatment tiers. Focus and prioritize on improving capacity and treatment quality, especially for critically ill patients in order to minimize deaths from COVID-19;

- Direct professional works in the implementation of vaccination, ensure the number of injection points and injection lines in a quick, safe and effective manner; coordinate in allocating among localities and priority target groups, avoid letting vaccines expire;

- Strengthen the mobilization of public and private health staff (especially intensive care staff) to participate the pandemic prevention and control in localities. Take appropriate measures to improve the quality and increase the quantity of doctors, nurses and technicians.

- Focus on giving spiritual encouragement, ensuring protective equipment, and providing material support to health staff and forces directly participating in pandemic control; make a plan for rational use of health staff, in case where the health force is not required, to guide other forces and the people for the implementation;

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Finance, relevant agencies, units and localities in, reviewing and additionally proposing appropriate regimes and policies towards health staff and frontline forces of pandemic prevention and control;

- Mobilize the effective combination of the public and private health systems in the implementation of anti-pandemic measures.

3. The Hanoi Capital High Command shall

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with departments, sectors and People's Committees of districts and towns in, reviewing locations and proposing the establishment of concentrated quarantine establishments with the capacity of receiving 3,000 - 5,000 cases per district or town and the location for the city's field hospital;

- Operate and manage all concentrated quarantine areas of the city, coordinate with health agencies and districts, towns to timely receive and manage quarantined subjects according to regulations, ensure the pandemic prevention and control work in quarantine areas, minimize the infection in quarantine areas and from quarantine areas to the community.

4. The Department of Construction shall

- Continue to review construction and housing funds to propose plan to requisition housing funds (commercial, official-duty and social houses, houses for resettlement); dormitories for students of universities, colleges and vocational schools; specialized houses, educational and training institutions, physical training and sports centers, etc. as concentrated quarantine areas, reception areas for treatment of patients;

- Coordinate with the Department of Health, the Department of Finance, the Hanoi Capital High Command and related units to advise and report to the City People's Committee to decide on requisitioning the house funds and works for pandemic prevention and control according to the approved plan.

5. The Department of Industry and Trade shall ensure sources for supply of food, foodstuffs and essential goods for pandemic prevention and control to serve the consumption of people in the city, timely monitor the commodity prices, stabilize prices, especially prices of essential goods; guide and specify the process and form used for purchase of goods in the City.

6. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development shall direct agricultural production in conformity with the needs of the market and people in the pandemic prevention and control, ensuring provision of maximum output for the City.

7. The Department of Transport shall facilitate goods circulation, ensuring safety and smooth goods circulation; connectivity among provinces and localities; make measures to strictly control the departure point and destination in the supply chain, goods circulation and transportation.

8. The Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall

- Coordinate with the Vietnam Fatherland Front in Hanoi city in taking care of the health and life of the people, especially those with meritorious services, families entitled to policies, the poor, women, children, the elderly, and people with disabilities, weak people, people with difficult circumstances; effectively implementing policies of supporting people, employees, employers, people who lose their jobs that are hit by the pandemic;

- Formulate a plan to cremate corpses of the patients in the city and ability to ensure the capacity according to situations and pandemic development in the city.

9. The Department of Information and Communications shall

- Coordinate with the Department of Health to promptly provide information on pandemic prevention and control work in the city in order that the people know, support and actively participate in the work and implement pandemic prevention and control measures; coordinate with the Public Security of the City to strictly handle persons spreading false information that adversely affect pandemic prevention and control;

- Direct the media and press agencies to strengthen communication and diversify methods and forms of communication, create spillovers, raise awareness, inspire people in order that the people trust and agree with pandemic prevention and control measures, strengthen propaganda of good people and good deeds, good practices, propaganda to fight against information for incitement purpose, distorted and untrue statements related to COVID-19 prevention and control;

- Direct the local information system, promote the role of radio stations in communes, wards and townships, and other forms of information provision at localities to regularly and timely disseminate information on directions and administration of the government and the Steering Committee for Pandemic Prevention and Control of from the central to grassroots levels, persuade people to observe regulations and support policies and pandemic prevention and control measures;

- Coordinate with functional agencies of the Ministry of Information and Communications in applying technologies at the request of the National Steering Committee and the Ministry of Health; applying information technology to tracing, testing, vaccination and pandemic prevention and control.

10. The Ministry of Finance shall

- Promptly advise on funding sources for pandemic prevention and control in the City, a plan to support and provide aid for localities facing difficulties of funding sources for pandemic prevention and control, based on proposals of agencies, units, People's Committees of districts, towns;

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Health and related units in, developing guidance and mechanism for signing testing contracts with central, ministerial, sectoral hospitals and private hospitals in the City, ensuring the observance with the State and city's regulations.

Agencies and units of the city and agencies, units, unions, central socio-political organizations, diplomatic missions and international organizations in the City and the People are required to seriously implement this Official Telegram.







Chu Ngoc Anh


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