Official Dispatch 5522/BYT-MT the form of commitment to prevent Covid-19

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Official Dispatch No. 5522/BYT-MT dated July 12, 2021 of the Ministry of Health regarding the COVID-19 prevention and control plan template for production and business establishments and the form of commitment to prevent pandemic at boarding houses for workers
Issuing body: Ministry of HealthEffective date:

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Official number:5522/BYT-MTSigner:Do Xuan Tuyen
Type:Official DispatchExpiry date:

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Issuing date:12/07/2021Effect status:

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Fields:Medical - Health


Plan template for COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control for production establishments

The Official Dispatch No. 5522/BYT-MT regarding the COVID-19 prevention and control plan template for production and business establishments and the form of commitment to prevent pandemic at boarding houses for workers is issued by the Ministry of Health on July 12, 2021.

In order to unify and create favorable conditions for production and business establishments and localities in actively developing plans for COVID-19 prevention and control and plans for handling when there is a suspected/confirmed case of COVID-19, the Ministry of Health has developed a plan template for production and business establishments and a commitment form for pandemic prevention and control at boarding houses for workers.

According to the plan template for COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control, the production and business establishment must prepare sufficient material facilities and equipment for pandemic prevention and control according to its size and characteristics, and the number of workers, such as: Temporary isolation room; Checkpoints to measure body temperature at entrance gates, QR code scanning point; Surveillance cameras to perform and support tracing at working locations, canteens and public areas; Masks, anti-drop glasses, gloves, anti-pandemic clothing; Non-contact thermometer; Automatic body temperature meter with the number of 200 workers or more/work shift; Hand sanitizer, disinfectant chemicals, cleaning tools, waste containers with lids; etc.

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No. 5522/BYT-MT
Regarding the COVID-19 prevention and control plan template for production and business establishments and the form of commitment to prevent pandemic at boarding houses for workers

Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Hanoi, July 12, 2021


To: People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities.


Recently, the Ministry of Health (the Standing Agency of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control) has issued the Decision No. 2194/QD-BCDQG dated May 27, 2020, guiding the prevention, control, and assessment of the risk of COVID-19 infection at the workplaces and dormitories for workers and the Decision No. 2787/QD-BYT dated June 5, 2021, guiding pandemic prevention and control plans when COVID-19 cases are recorded at the production and business establishments or industrial parks. However, through the process of implementation and supervision in provinces and cities, it has been shown that production and business establishments have not yet developed a plan for COVID-19 prevention and control and plan for handling when there is a suspected/confirmed case of COVID-19 at the workplace or already have but those plans were not suitable with their actual conditions. Many localities have not yet implemented regulations to prevent and control the pandemic at boarding houses for workers

In order to unify and create favorable conditions for production and business establishments and localities in actively developing plans for COVID-19 prevention and control and plans for handling when there is a suspected/confirmed case of COVID-19 (hereinafter referred to as the plan template), the Ministry of Health has developed a plan template for production and business establishments (Appendix 1) and a commitment form for pandemic prevention and control at boarding houses for workers (Appendix 2) for the provincial People's Committee to consider specific instructions for production and business establishments and units.

The Ministry of Health hereby requests the provincial People's Committee to consider to disseminate, implement and guide the plan template for production and business establishments under the management and the form of commitment to prevent and control the pandemic at boarding houses for workers for authorities at grassroots level to implement according to actual situation and regulations of the locality.

For further information, please contact the Ministry of Health (the Division of Occupational Health Management - the Health Environment Management Agency; phone number: 024 3227 2855).





Do Xuan Tuyen




No. ........./KH-.............

Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Location, Month/Date/Year



(Attached to the Ministry of Health’s Official Dispatch No.    /BYT-MT dated July, 2021)


Pursuant to the Decision No. 2194/QD-BCDQG dated May 27 of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, 2020, promulgating “the Guidance on the prevention, control, and assessment of the risk of COVID-19 infection at the workplaces and dormitories for workers” and relevant documents;

Pursuant to the Decision No. 2787/QD-BYT dated June 05, 2021 of the Ministry of Health, on the promulgation of the Guidance for pandemic prevention and control plans when COVID-19 cases are recorded at the production and business establishments or industrial parks.

Pursuant to ............

The company/enterprise hereby issues the plan for COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control and plans for pandemic prevention and control when there are confirmed cases at the company/enterprise with the following information:


1. Name of the enterprise: .............................................................

2. Business line: .........................................

3. Tax identification number: .......................

4. Total number of employees: ..............................

- The number of local employees: ......................

- The number of employees from other provinces: ……………….

- The number of workers staying in boarding houses in the area

- The number of workers staying in the enterprise’s dormitories: …………….

- The number of workers having long-term contracts: ……………………

- The number of workers having short-term contracts: …………………

- The number of workers having contracts with more than one company: ................

- The number of foreign workers: .....................

5. The number of workers and areas by each workshop/production line/production area/working location (attached to the horizontal plan of production areas):

- Workshop 1: ............. area ...............

- Workshop 2: ............. area ...............

- Workshop 3: ............. area ...............

- …………………………………………………………….

- Total area of the enterprise: .......................................................................

6. Other information:

- Working time (work shift): .................................................................

- Total area of the canteen: ................... The number of workers/meal shift: …………………

- The number of workers using shuttle buses of the enterprise: .....................

7. Focal point for the pandemic prevention and control at the enterprise:

- Full name: ………………………

- Telephone number: …………………..

- Email: …………………………..

- Qualification: ………………………

- Title and position: ..........................

8. Health department:

8.1. For an enterprise that organizes health department:

Total number of health staff: ……………………

Officers in charge of health care:

- Full name: ………………………..

- Telephone number: …………………….

- Email: …………………………….

- Qualification: ……………………

8.2. For an enterprise that signs a contract of providing health care services for its workers

- Name of the contracting party: .............................

- Address of the contracting party: .............................

- Total number of health staff: ……………………

- Name of officers in charge of health care:

+ Full name: ………………………..

+ Telephone number: …………………….

+ Email: …………………………….

+ Qualification: ……………………


1. General objectives:

- To actively and early detect and promptly handle suspected cases and confirmed cases in the enterprise.

- To ensure safe production and realize “dual goals”; limit the impact of the pandemic on the enterprise’s production and business activities.

2. Specific objectives:

- When no cases have been recorded: To fully implement regulations on pandemic prevention and control, assess risks, organize rehearsals for any situations, and early detect workers at risk of infection.

- Upon detecting any cases in the enterprise: To localize, promptly and thoroughly handle the outbreak in order to minimize the spread. To ensure environmental sanitation and disinfection at the enterprise.

- When there is a pandemic spreading in the workplace: To quickly respond, localize, promptly and thoroughly handle the outbreak in order to minimize the spread in the workplace and community.

3. Requirements:

Leaders and workers in the enterprise must understand the purpose and seriously implement the Plan for COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control and plans for handling when there are confirmed cases to minimize the risk of infection in the enterprise.


1. Crowded places in the enterprise (such as gates, elevators, meeting rooms, staff dining rooms, production line-based work areas, closed areas with air conditioning, shared parking areas, etc.):

- Location 1: ……………..

- Location 2: ……………..

- …………………….

2. Frequently touched surfaces need to be cleaned and disinfected at the enterprise (stair rails, door handles, elevator buttons, ATMs, vending machines, water dispensers, phones, computers, shared control buttons, microphones, microphone buttons, desk tops, etc.).

- Location 1: ……………..

- Location 2: ……………..

- …………………….

3. Service providers/contractors of the enterprise (providing food portions, foodstuffs, food, raw materials, services of security, transporting experts, workers, banking, electricity, waste collection and treatment, logistic, water supply and drainage repair and maintenance, etc.)

- Contractor 1: ............. The number of employees ................

- Contractor 2: ............. The number of employees ................

- Contractor 3: ............. The number of employees ................

- ……………………………………………………………………….

4. Shuttles buses for workers (if any).

- The number of buses: ………………..

- The number of workers onboard shuttle buses: ................

5. The COVID-19 pandemic development in places of residence of workers and place where the enterprise is located.

- To monitor and update on a daily basis .... (the number of F0, F1, F2 cases, etc.)


1. To promulgate the decision on establishment of the Steering Committee (made according to the Form No. 1 provided in Appendix 1), with the following members:

- Head of the Committee: Director

- Standing members: Health department

- Other members: Representatives of departments, trade unions/workers’ representative organization, leaders of production teams/workshops, person in charge of safety and hygiene, etc.

- Specific tasks regarding pandemic prevention and control of members in the Steering Committee shall be detailed.

2. The Steering Committee has regulations on meeting periodically or urgently according to the pandemic situation.

3. To regularly received information on the pandemic development on the Ministry of Health’s website ( and the local e-portal.

4. To promulgate internal rules, regulations applicable to workers and guests to ensure COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control.

5. To sign commitment on implement regulations on pandemic prevention and control with the Management Board of the industrial park/district-level People’s Committee according to the Form No. 3 provided in Appendix 1.

6. To request workers and service providers (providing meals, transporting workers and other services) to sign in the commitment to comply with the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control according to the Forms No. 2, 4, 5 and 6 provided in Appendix 1.

7. To carry out self-assessment of the risk of infection and update on the COVID-19 safe map.

8. To organize the inspection and surveillance of the pandemic prevention and control by itself according to the Form No. 7 provided in Appendix 1.

9. To assign person to closely inspect and monitor the implementation.

10. To propose measures.


1. Preparing sufficient material facilities for pandemic prevention and control according to size and characteristics of the enterprise and the number of workers.

- Temporary isolation room (location and equipment in such room). To review and make separate way to the temporary isolation room.

- Checkpoints to measure body temperature at entrance gates, QR code scanning point.

- To review and arrange more handwashing points with soap/hand sanitizer at high-risk locations.

- To install surveillance cameras to perform and support tracing at working locations, canteens and public areas.

- To sign a contract with the unit responsible for cleaning and disinfecting when there is a confirmed case.

2. Preparing adequate equipment for pandemic prevention and control according to size and characteristics of the enterprise and the number of workers.

- Masks, anti-drop glasses, gloves, anti-pandemic clothing

- Non-contact thermometer

- Automatic body temperature meter with the number of 200 workers or more/work shift.

- Hand sanitizer, disinfectant chemicals, cleaning tools, waste containers with lids.

- Documents/media, surveillance cameras

- Rapid antigen test (the enterprise may sign a contract with an eligible unit).

- Vaccinations for workers

- Online meeting/work management equipment.

- To strengthen ventilation fans in the workplace.

3. Management of workers and guests

3.1. Guests:

- To make health declaration according to current regulations. The department that receives the health declaration form shall check the location the guest has traveled to within the past 14 days, if the declarant has been to the pandemic area (updated daily by the enterprise's Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control from the website of the Center for Disease Control of the province/city and of the Ministry of Health), they must immediately report to the enterprise’s Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control.

- To check guests’ temperature, the wearing of masks and ask them to using hand sanitizer

- To keep records (people in contact with such guests, departments, time and place of meeting).

Note: If a customer coming for work has passed through a pandemic area, it is necessary to ensure that such customer has completed his/her quarantine period. If not, he/she must be put in to the temporary isolation room. To report to the focal point for pandemic prevention and control in the enterprise; contact local medical center for solution.

3.2. Workers:

- To make a list of workers including full information about their boarding houses and places of residence.

- To request workers to:

+ Comply with 5K rules, install Bluzone app, make mandatory health declaration as required.

+ Sign the commitment with the employer according to the Form No. 2 provided in Appendix 1.

+ Report to the employer/focal point for pandemic prevention and control of the enterprise when going to/from a pandemic area or participating in high-risk gathering events within 14 days (updated daily by the enterprise’s Steering Committee for COVID-19 Control and Prevention from the website of the Center for Disease Control of the province/city and the Ministry of Health).

+ If a worker is F1 or F2 (in the locality of residence), he/she must report to the focal point for pandemic prevention and control at the establishment, and coordinate in localizing and tracing at the establishment.

+ Any worker who is subject to quarantine measure must report his/her health status on a daily basis to the focal point for pandemic prevention and control.

+ Workers who have symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc. are not allowed to go to the workplace, and must report to the manager and visit the doctor. They only are allowed to go to work when such symptoms are gone.

- Arrange permanent workers according to workshops, work shifts and when transporting workers.

- Review, arrange and organize jobs at the workplace to ensure safe distance as prescribed. Have a mechanism to allow workers to work from home.

- Develop a plan to take sample on a weekly basis for workers as prescribed.

- Develop a vaccination plan for workers.

4. Prevention of COVID-19 infection in working and production areas.

- Hand sanitizer solution must be fully equipped at convenient locations in the entry/exit areas of the workshops and the doors of the working rooms. For departments that have to be in contact with many people: A transparent partition system must be installed; hand sanitizer must be equipped.

- To develop plans to organize meetings, conferences, events, mass gathering activities in the online form or comply with regulations on pandemic prevention and control when organizing meetings.

- Depending on the design of the factory or office, ventilation can be enhanced by opening doors and windows, using fans. In case of using air conditioners in closed rooms, after each work shift, the doors should be opened.

- 100% of workers must wear masks during their working time or work shift.

- When the social distancing measure is imposed under regulations of the Government or the National Steering Committee or related ministries and sectors, the number/density of people gathering at the workshop must comply with the requirements at that time.

5. Prevention of COVID-19 infection in the enterprise's public areas

Public areas of an enterprise include: cafe, library, lactation room, gym, ATM automatic teller machine, public water dispenser, automatic vending machine, elevator, stairs, etc.

Safety measures to minimize the risk of infection must be applied in public areas such as:

- To arrange adequate hand sanitizer at convenient places and soap at hand washing faucets.

- Frequently touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, stair handrails, handrails, elevator control panels, electrical switches, computer keyboards, shared phones, push buttons at ATMs, automatic vending machines, public water dispensers, etc., must be cleaned and disinfected at least twice a day.

+ To stick or hang images, posters/posters, such as 5K messages, time to wash hands, instructions on wearing a mask properly, etc., in conspicuous places.

- When the social distancing measure is imposed under regulations of the Government or the National Steering Committee or related ministries and sectors, the number of people gathering at each public area must be in accordance with the applicable requirements and cafe, gym and library must be suspended from operation.

6. Ensuring food safety, and pandemic prevention when organizing shift meals at the enterprise.

6.1. Units contracted to provide meals:

- To sign a commitment on implement regulations on COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control between the enterprise and food portion provider according to the Form No. 4 provided in Appendix 1.

- To assign person to closely inspect and monitor the implementation.

6.2. Organizing shift meals:

- To arrange separate food portion

- To ensure to wash hands before and after eating:

+ A hand washing area with soap and disinfectant solution must be fully equipped in the canteen. Hand wash basin must always be equipped with enough water and soap.

+ Take measures to monitor and remind to ensure 100% of workers wash their hands before and after eating.

+ Hang posters instructing 06 steps to wash hands for pandemic prevention and control at hand wash basins and canteen.

- Cleaning and disinfecting:

+ Workers must move in/out of the canteen in an orderly manner, keep a safe distance, and limit contact with others.

+ To clean and disinfect dining tables and partitions after each meal shift.

+ To monitor the daily cleaning and disinfection, check the concentration of disinfectant solution.

+ To limit the use of cash and meal vouchers.

- Canteen density:

+ The recommended density is 1 person/m2.

+ Employers shall, based on the number of workers and the area of the canteen, continue to stretch meals, keep safe distance, increase ventilation, install partitions, arrange staggered and fixed seats for meal shifts with different time, etc. Install surveillance cameras for tracing.

+ To encourage employers to organize on-site meals. To restrict workers from eating outside by themselves.

- To keep safe distance, increase ventilation, install partitions and surveillance cameras, arrange staggered and fixed seats for meal shifts with different time.

- To arrange areas for washing hands before and after eating.

- To clean and disinfect immediately after each eating.

- To take measures to minimize the use of cash or meal tickets for payment.

7. Organizing the transport of workers to meet pandemic prevention and control requirements:

7.1. For persons using personal vehicles or public vehicles:

- To comply with 5K rules, install and use Bluezone app, record the travel schedule.

- For public vehicles, it is necessary to record information about the vehicle. It is not allowed to use public transport vehicles when showing any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath.

- When the social distancing measure is imposed under the order of the Government or the National Steering Committee or related ministries and sectors, the number of people on board on the shuttle bus must comply with the applicable requirements.

7.2. Units providing shuttle buses for workers

- To sign commitment on implement regulations on COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control between the enterprise and unit providing shuttle buses for workers according to the Form No. 5 provided in Appendix 1.

- To assign person to closely inspect and monitor the implementation.

8. Requirements on pandemic prevention and control for other service providers

- To sign commitment on implement regulations on COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control between the enterprise and service provider according to the Form No. 6 provided in Appendix 1.

- To assign person to closely inspect and monitor the implementation.

9. Ensuring environmental sanitation, disinfection, and increasing ventilation in the workplace.

- To ensure the adequate provision of clean water around the clock for eating, drinking and living, equip adequate rest rooms as prescribed.

- To ensure daily cleaning and disinfection in the rooms/departments, canteens, dormitories, worker shuttle buses, etc. It is necessary to pay attention to the use of disinfectants in accordance with regulations, such as using chemicals with sterilization function, ensuring proper use, correct dosage, storing chemicals in the right places.

- To increase ventilation or open windows, doors, use fans.

- To regularly clean and maintain ventilation systems, fans and air conditioners.

- To collect domestic waste on a daily basis and dump it in the right place, arrange enough garbage and waste containers with tight lids and place them in convenient locations.

10. Plan to organize training and propaganda at the enterprise

- To provide training courses for workers, health staff, the enterprise’s Steering Committee for Pandemic Prevention and Control on risk factors, measures, and regulations on the prevention and control of COVID-19 at the enterprise.

- To propagandize information on COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control for workers and customers (if any).

+ Propaganda information includes: 5K message, time to wash hands, instructions on wearing a mask properly, etc.; regulations on pandemic prevention and control of the enterprise; the latest pandemic development information.

+ Hang or stick posters and notices of instructions on COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control at: working and production areas; canteen; public areas (shared areas at the workplace, canteens, restrooms, ATMs); on transport vehicles so that workers/customers can read and follow.

+ To promote communication activities (radio, communication corner, building internal information network, email, etc.).

+ Propagandize in conspicuous and high-traffic places.


*Note: Specific tasks of each person in each step shall be assigned clearly.

I. When there is a case of cough, fever, shortness of breath

1. Notifying health staff/focal point for pandemic prevention and control/manager of the enterprise.

2. Providing and guiding such case to wear medical masks properly.

3. Guiding such person to limit contacting with surrounding people, avoiding close contact (less than 1 meter) with others.

4. Transferring such case to the arranged temporary isolation room using the separate way.

5. Making a phone call to the hotline of the provincial Department of Health or the Ministry of Health (phone number: 1900 9095) or a health agency according to local regulations for advice and, if necessary, visiting a medical establishment for examination and treatment.

6. It is not allowed to use public transport vehicles to visit the medical establishments.

7. Regularly updating the worker's health status.

8. Making a list of contacts and disinfecting at the workplace at request of the health agency.

9. In case the worker who shows signs of cough, fever, shortness of breath, etc. is absence from the workplace, he/she is asked to self-monitor health status at home, notify the employer and local health agency.

II. When a case is confirmed at the enterprise

1. Upon receiving information about the confirmed case at the enterprise

- Immediately reporting to the director of the enterprise to make a decision to temporarily block the entire enterprise or each workshop/production line/production team/production area/working location where the confirmed case (F0 case) is working on the basis of the actual situation to serve the tracing, quarantine and sampling.

- At the same time, notifying the confirmed case and request him/her not to move, not to contact surrounding people, wear a medical mask and wait for instructions.

- Informing the assigned force (specifying the assigned unit/individual) to make a separate way from the area where the confirmed case works to the temporary isolation room.

- Instructing the confirmed cases to move along the separate way to the temporary isolation rooms.

- Immediately notifying the local health agency for sending him/her to the quarantine and treatment establishment.

- Informing the assigned unit (specifying the assigned unit/individual) responsible for zoning and disinfecting all areas related to the confirmed case according to the instructions of the health agency.

- Notifying all workers present at the enterprise; requesting workers to stay in their workshops; asking workers to seriously make health declaration, implement 5K rule; avoiding to cause confusion and worry for workers.

2. Coordinating with health agencies and local authorities:

- Reviewing all workers in the enterprise according to the management list (number of people present, number of night shift workers, number of people on vacation, number of people on business trips).

- Urgently tracing all close contacts (F1 cases), cases of contact with F1 cases (F2 cases) through work shift arrangements, surveillance cameras, information from managers, COVID-19 safety teams.

- Grouping and separating areas for F1 cases (separating cases with the same working location and exposure risk in group F1 cases) and F2 cases to prepare for sampling and quarantine according to regulations.

3. Officer .... (specifying full name and title ....) shall make the List of workers being F1, F2 cases and other cases not at the enterprise at the time of the blockade in order to:

- Send to the provincial Department of Health/district-level medical center where such workers are living for handling as prescribed.

- Coordinate with health agencies to notify these persons to stay at home/places of residence, make health declarations and implement pandemic prevention and control measures at the request of health agencies.

4. Health department of the enterprise (specifying name of the focal point ...) shall cooperate with local health agency to take samples for at-risk workers.

5. Health department of the enterprise shall continue to cooperate with local health agency to assess the epidemiological relationship of workshops/production lines/production teams/production areas/other working locations with the area where the F0 case works.

6. Handling when test results are available

6.1. Scenario 1: No more cases are detected; all tested samples of the enterprise are negative.

- Notify to lift the blockade

- Inform the assigned unit (specifying the assigned unit....) responsible for zoning and disinfecting all areas related to F1 and F2 cases.

- Review all workers in the enterprise according to the management list to continue to monitor, supervise and periodically perform screening tests.

6.2. Scenario 2: Many cases in the same workshop/production line/production team/production area/working location are confirmed.

- Notify the confirmed cases and request them not to move, not to contact surrounding people, wear medical masks and wait for instructions.

- Inform the assigned force (specifying the assigned unit ...) to make a separate way from the area where the confirmed cases work to the temporary isolation rooms.

- Instruct the confirmed cases to move along the separate way to the temporary isolation rooms.

- Immediately notify the local health agency for sending him/her to the quarantine and treatment establishment.

- Coordinate with health agencies and local authorities in urgently tracing all F1 and F2 cases for quarantine according to regulations. All workers working in the same workshop/production line/production team/production area/working location where the confirmed case works shall be considered F1 cases and immediately subject to concentrated quarantine. F2 cases shall be quarantined at home.

- Inform the assigned unit (specifying the assigned unit) responsible for zoning and disinfecting all areas related to the confirmed case according to the instructions of the health agency. Period of quarantine after disinfection is at least 30 minutes.

- Notify to suspend the workshop's operation for 48 - 72 hours for cleaning and disinfecting; review F1 and F2 cases, re-arrange workers for production activities.

6.3. Scenario 3: Many cases are detected in most workshops/production lines/production teams/production areas/working locations.

- Temporarily blockade the entire enterprise.

- Isolate F0 cases on the spot and immediately notify health agencies for quarantine, treatment and implement zoning and disinfection according to regulations.

- Urgently trace all F1 and F2 cases for quarantine according to regulations. All workers in the enterprise shall be considered F1 cases and subject to concentrated quarantine.

- Inform the assigned unit (specifying the assigned unit) responsible for disinfecting the enterprise according to the instructions of the health agency.

III. Upon detecting a close contact of the confirmed case (F1 case) in the enterprise

1. Upon receiving information about the F1 case at the enterprise

- Immediately reporting to the director of the enterprise to make a decision to temporarily block the entire enterprise or each workshop/production line/production team/production area/working location where the F1 case is working to serve the tracing, quarantine and sampling.

- At the same time, notifying the F1 case and request him/her not to move, not to contact surrounding people, wear a medical mask and wait for instructions.

- Informing the assigned force (specifying the assigned unit/individual ...) to make a separate way from the area where the F1 case works to the temporary isolation room.

- Instructing the F1 case to move along the separate way to the temporary isolation room.

- Immediately notifying the local health agency for sending him/her to the quarantine and treatment establishment.

- Informing the assigned unit (specifying the assigned unit/individual) responsible for zoning and disinfecting all areas related to the F1 case.

- Informing all workers present at the enterprise; requesting workers to stay in their workshops; asking workers to seriously make health declaration, implement 5K rule; avoiding to cause confusion and worry for workers.

2. Coordinating with health agencies and local authorities:

- Reviewing all workers in the enterprise according to the management list (number of people present, number of night shift workers, number of people on vacation, number of people on business trips).

- Urgently tracing all F2 cases through work shift arrangements, surveillance cameras, information from managers, COVID-19 safety teams.

3. Officer .... (specifying the name) shall make the List of workers being F2 cases and other cases not at the enterprise at the time of the blockade in order to:

- Send to the provincial Department of Health/district-level medical center where such workers are living for handling as prescribed.

- Coordinate with health agencies to notify these persons to stay at home/places of residence, make health declarations and implement pandemic prevention and control measures at the request of health agencies.

4. Health department of the enterprise (specifying name of the person ...) shall cooperate with the provincial Department of Health, provincial Center for Disease Control to take samples for at-risk workers upon the health agency's requests.

5. Regarding the F1 case’s test result:

- If it is negative, the whole enterprise may continue to operate normally and strengthen self-inspection and supervision of the implementation of pandemic prevention and control at the enterprise.

- If it is positive, regulations specified in Section 6 of Part II shall be complied with.

IV. Upon detecting a person in contact with close contacts of the confirmed case (F2 case) in the enterprise

- Immediately reporting the enterprise’s director.

- Coordinating with the local health agency to take testing samples for F2 case (if request).

- Guiding F2 case to quarantine at home and wait for his/her test result.

- Contact local health agency to receive F1 case's test result

+ If the test result is negative, F2 case may go to work normally and self-monitor his/her health status, implement 5K rule.

+ If the test result is positive, regulations specified in Section II shall be complied with.

V. In case the time of receiving information about a confirmed case is outside the working time.

1. Immediately reporting the enterprise’s director to temporarily suspend the enterprise's operation for cleaning, disinfecting and tracing F1 and F2 cases and waiting for test result from local health agency.

2. Informing the assigned unit (specifying the assigned unit) responsible for disinfecting entire enterprise, especially working area of the confirmed case.

3. Tracing, making the list of F1 and F2 cases and sending it to the local health agency.

4. Waiting for test results of F1 and F2 cases from the local health agency before deciding to resume operation.

VI. Layout diagram of temporary quarantine area at the enterprise, quarantine waiting area for F1 cases or organizing to take samples for testing.

1. Arranging the temporary quarantine area with the following size:

- 01 - 10 confirmed/suspected cases

- 10 - 50 confirmed/suspected cases

- 50 - 100 confirmed/suspected cases

- More than 100 confirmed/suspected cases

2. Arranging concentrated quarantine area inside or outside the enterprise (if any)

3. Ensuring food, drink and meal, etc. for workers.





























Organizing scenario rehearsals





All workers and leaders must seriously implement this plan. Individuals and departments assigned to tasks in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic shall be responsible for fulfilling their assigned responsibilities and tasks and taking responsibility before the leaders for failure to complete their tasks.


Certification of local health agency

Approval from the Management Board of industrial park/Chairperson of the district-level People's Committee

The Director
(Sign and seal)



1. Assessment of infection risk for each workshop

2. Handling plan for each workshop. Such a plan must be attached with the factory diagram and instructions for moving from the workshops to the temporary isolation area, the gathering area for F1, F2 cases

3. The closure of each workshop or the entire enterprise when there is an F0 case shall be based on the results of epidemiological investigation and pandemic prevention and control work of the enterprise. Only the department where the F0 case works shall be closed if the enterprise effectively separates, divides the working area, limits cross contact between workshops and departments.

4. In case the enterprise has many F0 cases and F1 cases, it shall coordinate with the local health agency and the provincial Steering Committee for Pandemic Prevention and Control to implement concentrated quarantine according to the local scenario.

5. In the scenarios, the scope of zoning close contacts shall be determined by the enterprise, based on the camera system and working location.

6. The enterprise shall actively prepare the alternative staffing plan at working positions suitable to the situation.


* All Appendices are not translated herein.

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