Official Dispatch 3428/SGDDT-CTrTT Da Nang 2021 on-site teaching at education institutions in the city
DA NANG CITY PEOPLE’S COMMITTEE No. 3428/SGDDT-CTrTT On organizing the on-site teaching at education institutions in the city | THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness Da Nang, November 18, 2021 |
To. | - The Divisions of Education and Training of districts; - Schools and centers under the Department of Education and Training. |
Continuing to implement the Official Dispatch No. 7509/UBND-KGVX dated November 08, 2021 of the City People's Committee, on the preparation of conditions for organizing the on-site teaching at education and training institutions in the city; the Notice No. 674/TB-VP dated November 16, 2021 of the Office of the City People's Committee, on the conclusion of Comrade Ngo Thi Kim Yen - Vice Chairwoman of the City People's Committee, Standing Deputy Head of City Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control at the meeting of the Steering Committee on November 15, 2021, the Department of Education and Training announces the organization of on-site teaching at education institutions in the city as follows:
1. Conditions for organizing the on-site teaching
a) Ensuring the requirements specified in the Official Dispatch No. 3318/SGDDT-CTrTT dated November 9, 2021, of the Department of Education and Training, on ensuring safe adaptation and effective control over the COVID-19 pandemic upon organizing the on-site teaching.
b) Only education institutions in areas of level-1 and level-2 pandemic risk shall organize on-site teaching; education institutions in areas of level-3 and level-4 pandemic risk shall continue to organize online teaching. When an area has a change in the pandemic risk level, the education institutions at the area shall actively change the form of teaching organization, from on-site teaching to online teaching and vice versa.
c) For their students, officials, teachers, and employees residing in areas of level-3 and level-4 pandemic risk that may not participate in on-site teaching; education institutions shall be responsible for guiding and organizing the at-home studying for students, assigning teachers to teach instead of teachers in areas of level-3 and level-4 pandemic risk.
2. Time to organize the on-site teaching
a) From November 22, 2021, for students in 12th grade.
b) From November 29, 2021 for students in 10th and 11th grades.
c) Time to organize the on-site teaching for children, primary students, lower secondary students and other students shall be announced later.
3. The Department of Education and Training shall conduct an actual examination of the plans to organize on-site teaching of education institutions before implementation.
The Department of Education and Training announces the above to the heads of units and schools for information and prompt implementation of them./.
Le Thi Bich Thuan