Decision 895/QD-TTg 2024 approving the National Master Plan on Forestry for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050

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Decision No. 895/QD-TTg dated August 24, 2024 of the Prime Minister approving the National Master Plan on Forestry for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:895/QD-TTgSigner:Tran Luu Quang
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:24/08/2024Effect status:

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Fields:Agriculture - Forestry
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No. 895/QD-TTg


Hanoi, August 24, 2024


Approving the National Master Plan on Forestry for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050[1]



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government; and the November 22, 2019 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration;

Pursuant to the November 24, 2017 Planning Law;

Pursuant to the November 15, 2017 Forestry Law;

Pursuant to the November 20, 2018 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of Thirty-Seven Laws concerning Planning;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 81/2023/QH15 of January 9, 2023, on the National Overall Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 39/2021/QH15 of November 13, 2021, on the National Land-Use Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050, and the 2021-2025 five-year National Land Use Plan;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 90/NQ-CP of June 16, 2023, promulgating the Government’s Action Program for implementation of the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 81/2023/QH15 on the National Overall Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050, and the Plan for implementation of the National Overall Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period, a vision toward 2050;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 37/2019/NQ-CP of May 7, 2019, detailing a number of articles of the Planning Law; and the Government’s Decree No. 58/2023/ND-CP of August 12, 2023, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP of May 7, 2019, detailing a number of articles of the Planning Law;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 156/2018/ND-CP of November 16, 2018, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Forestry Law; and the Government’s Decree No. 91/2024/ND-CP of July 18, 2024, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 156/2018/ND-CP of November 16, 2018, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Forestry Law;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 995/QD-TTg of August 9, 2018, assigning ministries to formulate the national master plans on sectors for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 536/QD-TTg of April 17, 2020, approving the task of formulating the National Master Plan on Forestry for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 523/QD-TTg of April 1, 2021, approving the Strategy on development of Vietnam’s forestry for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 326/QD-TTg of March 9, 2022, on allocation of quotas of the National Land-Use Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050, and the 2021-2025 five-year National Land Use Plan;

Pursuant to Report No. 01/BC-HDTDQH of July 31, 2024, of the Council for Appraisal of the National Master Plan on Forestry for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

At the proposal of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in Report No. 5704/TTr-BNN-LN of August 6, 2024,



Article 1. To approve the National Master Plan on Forestry for the 2021-2030 period, a vision toward 2050 (below referred to as the Master Plan), with the following principal contents:

1. Scope and objects

a/ Scope of the Master Plan: The entire territory of Vietnam, including a number of islands and archipelagoes.

b/ Objects of the Master Plan:

Forestry land (including land with forests and forestless land planned for forest development), forestry infrastructure facilities such as cultivar nurseries, roads for forest product transportation, and works serving forest protection such as forest protection stations, watch posts and firebreaks.

2. Viewpoints

- To manage the protection, development and use of forests in a sustainable manner; to ensure harmonization of the goals of socio-economic development, environmental protection, social affairs, and national defense and security assurance; to conserve biodiversity resources, and stably maintain the rate of forest coverage and value of forest environment services, and respond to climate change.

- To ensure chain-based linkage from forest protection, forest development and forest use to processing and trade of forest products to raise the value of forests.

- To ensure publicity and transparency of, and participation of organizations, households, individuals and residential communities in, forestry activities.

- To comply with forestry-related treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party.

3. Objectives

a/ General objectives

To build the forestry industry into an economic and technical sector on the basis of establishing, managing, protecting, developing and sustainably using forest resources and forestry land; to ensure the broad and equitable participation of organizations and individuals in forestry activities and mobilization of different social resources; to bring into the fullest play the potential, role and value of forests for sustainable development; to make increasing contributions to socio-economic development, environmental protection, conservation of natural resources and biodiversity, response to climate change.

b/ Specific objectives

- To maintain the rate of national forest coverage stably at 42%-43%, attaching importance to raising the quality of forests, especially the existing natural forests.

- To strive for the targets that the average growth rate of forestry production value will reach 5%-5.5% per year; the export value of timber and forest products will reach USD 20 billion by 2025 and USD 25 billion by 2030; and the value of domestic sale of timber and forest products will reach USD 5 billion (equivalent) by 2025 and USD 6 billion (equivalent) by 2030.

- The average area of production forests planted or protection forests and special-use forests planted will reach 238,000 hectares or 8,600 hectares per year, respectively; the average area of natural forests restored will reach 22,500 hectares per year; and the area of forests with sustainable forest management certification will surpass 1 million hectares by 2030.

- The output of domestically exploited timber will reach 35 million cubic meters by 2025 and 50 million cubic meters by 2030.

- The value of revenues from production forests planted per area unit will increase by 1.5 folds by 2025 and 2 folds by 2030 against the 2020’s figures.

- Revenues from foreign environment services will increase by 5% per year on average, with around VND 3.5 trillion per year in the 2021-2025 period and around VND 4 trillion per year in the 2026-2030 period.

- Infrastructure and information technology systems of the forestry industry, especially infrastructure serving forest fire prevention and fighting, will be synchronously invested.

- By 2030, the whole forest area owned by organizations will be managed in a sustainable manner in order to raise the efficiency of conservation of natural biodiversity resources and ensure the protection function of forests, minimizing violations of the forestry law.

c/ Visions toward 2050

- By 2050, to build the forestry industry into an economic and technical sector, promoting the potential and advantages of tropical forest resources; to apply modern and environmentally friendly technologies; to create multiple products and services of high added value for proactive participation in the global supply and value chains; to make increasing contributions to the country’s sustainable development; to contribute to improving the people’s livelihood, developing green economy and circular economy in association with the preservation and promotion of traditional cultural identities and survival space of ethnic minorities, firmly maintaining national defense and security.

- To manage forests in a sustainable manner, and conserve natural resources and biodiversity; to ensure environment security and water security, combat forest loss, forest degradation and soil degradation, minimize the impacts of disasters, and proactively respond to climate change; to actively participate in and fully and responsibly implement international commitments.

4. Orientations for national forestry planning to 2030

a/ Regarding the area of forests and forestry land

The forestry land area planned for the 2021-2030 period is 15,845,500 hectares, including 2,454,900 hectares of land under special-use forests, accounting for 15.5%; 5,229,600 hectares of land under protection forests, accounting for 33%; 8,164,000 hectares of land under production forests, accounting for 51.5%; and 14,696,800 hectares of land with forests, accounting for 92.7%, of the forestry land area.

(Details are provided in Appendix I to this Decision).

Specifically, division shall be made based on three types of forests:

- Land under special-use forests:

The total area of land under special-use forests will be 2,454,900 hectares by 2030, up by 126,500 hectares against the 2020’s figure. The area of land with forests will reach 2,371,500 hectares, accounting for 96.6% of the total area of land under special-use forests.

The total number of special-use forest zones will reach 225 by 2030, covering a total area of 2,649,523 hectares (including also marine components).

(Details are provided in Appendix II to this Decision).

- Land under protection forests:

The total area of land under protection forests will reach 5,229,600 hectares by 2030, down by 282,500 hectares against the 2020’s figure.

The area of land with forests will reach 4,769,200 hectares, accounting for 91.2% of the total area of land under protection forests.

- Land under production forests:

The total area of land under production forests will reach 8,164,000 hectares by 2030.

The area of land with forests will reach 7,556,100 hectares, accounting for 92.6% of the total area of land under production forests.

(Details are provided in Appendix III to this Decision).

b/ Regarding development of forestry production

- Forest protection: The total area of forests protected in the 2021-2030 period is 138,812,000 rotated hectares (excluding the area of planted forests under investment and the area of forests restored for regeneration), or an average of 13,881,000 hectares per year.

- Forest development:

+ Development of forest tree cultivars: To step up scientific research, selecting new cultivars with high productivity and quality, and indigenous tree cultivars which grow fast with high productivity and quality in service of development of production forests and large-timber forests, ensuring the average supply of 575 million trees per year. To strictly manage sources of cultivar supply, ensuring that the rate of controlled forest tree cultivars will reach at least 95% by 2030. To support the establishment of forest nurseries and hi-tech cultivar centers, based on each region’s demand for forest tree cultivars, with high-quality tree cultivars adaptable to climate change. To build 5-7 hi-tech forestry zones, each having a hi-tech cultivar production sub-zone with the capacity of around 200 million cultivars per year;

+ Forest plantation: To plant 2,467,200 hectares of forests, including 1,178,400 hectares in the 2021-2025 period, an average of 235,700 hectares per year (with 178,400 hectares of newly planted forests, an average of 35,700 hectares per year); and 1,288,800 hectares in the 2026-2030 period, an average of 257,800 hectares per year (with 88,800 hectares of newly planted forests, an average of 17,800 hectares per year). The area of large-timber forests planted by 2030 is expected to reach 1 million hectares, including around 700,000 hectares of large-timber forests planted and around 300,000 hectares of large-timber forests transformed from small-wood forests.

+ Forest restoration for regeneration: This shall be carried out for 934,000 rotated hectares, an average of 93,400 hectares per year, including 687,200 rotated hectares in the 2021-2025 period, and 247,200 rotated hectares in the 2026-2030 period. The restored area in the 2021-2030 period will reach 280,900 hectares.

+ Development of scatteredly planted trees: To develop 690,000 trees in the 2021-2025 period, an average of 138,000 trees per year. In the 2026-2030 period, to strive to reach 80% of the scatteredly planted trees in the 2021-2025 period.

- Development of non-timber forest products: To intensify measures to protect and develop valuable non-timber forest products, and species in danger of extinction; to rationally and sustainably exploit species of non-timber forest products; to form zones of non-timber forest materials, helping turn out products that are distinctive for each region and suit the market demand; to prioritize the development of pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food products.

- Sustainable forest management and forest management certification. By 2025, the area of forests with sustainable forest management certification will reach around 500,000 hectares, which will rise to 1 million hectares by 2030.

- Exploitation of timber from planted forests, scatteredly planted forest trees, household gardens, and liquidated rubber plantations: The exploited output will reach 35 million cubic meters of timber by 2025 and 50 million cubic meters of timber by 2030.

- Processing and trade of timber and forest products: To prioritize the use of modern, automated and professionalized equipment. To promote the development of technologies creating quality products of high added value. To develop high-quality human resources through renewing training curricula, linking training with reality; training on the basis of order placement and enterprises’ demand. To prioritize the use of state budget funds for investment in, and upgrading of, physical foundations for training units. To prioritize the development of timber trading centers at hi-tech forestry zones; to build one international trading center for timber products; to formulate programs and plans for trade promotion and market development.

- Development of forestry infrastructure:

+ To maintain the system of existing forestry roads and construct around 6,000 kilometers of new forestry roads, including around 3,000 kilometers in the northern midland and mountainous region; around 100 kilometers in the Red River Delta region; around 1,100 kilometers in the northern and coastal Central Vietnam region; around 1,000 kilometers in the Central Highlands region; around 500 kilometers in the southeastern region; and around 300 kilometers in the Mekong River Delta region;

+ Development of works and infrastructure: To build, and ensure stable operation of, working offices of around 400 special-use forest management boards and protection forest management boards; to build around 350 forest protection stations and forest ranger stations, and around 5,400 kilometers of firebreaks in special-use forests and protection forests and other infrastructure facilities serving forest management, protection and development.

- Development of forest environment services:

To continue with the provision of existing forest environment services; to study and increase forms and payers of forest environment service charges, specifically as follows:

+ To maintain the collection of forest environment service charges for the regulation of water supply for hydropower works, domestic water and industrial water;

+ To study and increase service types and forest environment service charge payers, such as forest carbon sequestration, eco-tourism, leisure, entertainment, and aquaculture services, etc.

- Development of eco-tourism in association with forest protection and development:

To scrutinize, and study completing, existing mechanisms and policies, facilitating development of eco-tourism in forest zones in association with the conservation and promotion of traditional cultural identities of local communities; to mobilize social resources for development of eco-tourism in association with forest protection and development.

- To organize the allocation of land and forests to organizations, households, individuals and residential communities with 3,744,600 hectares, including 2,890,100 hectares of land with forests and 854,500 hectares of forestless land.

(Details are provided in Appendix IV to this Decision).

c/ Orientations for region-based forestry development

- The northern midland and mountainous region: The total area of forests and forestry land planned for the 2021-2030 period is 6,065,100 hectares, including 572,400 hectares of land under special-use forests; 2,220,900 hectares of land under protection forests; and 3,258,200 hectares of land under production forests. The forest coverage rate will reach 55.4% by 2030.

- The Red River Delta region: The total area of forests and forestry land planned for the 2021-2030 period is 491,800 hectares, including 104,200 hectares of land under special-use forests; 141,500 hectares of land under protection forests; and 246,100 hectares of land under production forests. The forest coverage rate will reach 20.6% by 2030.

- The northern and coastal Central Vietnam region: The total area of forests and forestry land planned for the 2021-2030 period is 5,819,200 hectares, including 983,700 hectares of land under special-use forests; 2,048,600 hectares of land under protection forests; and 2,786,800 hectares of land under production forests. The forest coverage rate will reach 54.6% by 2030.

- The Central Highlands region: The total area of forests and forestry land planned for the 2021-2030 period is 2,730,400 hectares, including 524,700 hectares of land under special-use forests; 579,300 hectares of land under protection forests; and 1,626,400 hectares of land under production forests. The forest coverage rate will reach 46.7% by 2030.

- The southeastern region: The total area of forests and forestry land planned for the 2021-2030 period is 464,900 hectares, including 194,400 hectares of land under special-use forests; 151,000 hectares of land under protection forests; and 119,500 hectares of land under production forests. The forest coverage rate will reach 18.9% by 2030.

- The Mekong River Delta region: The total area of forests and forestry land planned for the 2021-2030 period is 290,700 hectares, including 75,500 hectares of land under special-use forests; 88,200 hectares of land under protection forests; and 127,000 hectares of land under production forests. The forest coverage rate will reach 5.6% by 2030.

(Details are provided in Appendix V to this Decision).

5. Capital sources

The estimated capital demand for implementation of the Master Plan is VND 217,305 billion, including around VND 106,960 billion for the 2021-2025 period (with around VND 27,517 billion from the state budget, accounting for 26%, and around VND 79,443 billion from other lawful capital sources, accounting for 74%).

The allocation of state budget funds for implementation of the Master Plan must comply with the law on the state budget, the law on public investment, and current regulations on financial management.

6. Solutions

a/ Regarding mechanisms and policies

- To continue reviewing and finalizing the system of legal documents to create a legal corridor for mobilization, management and efficient use of investment resources for forestry development; to promulgate mechanisms and policies aiming to boost chain-based production development; to develop effective and sustainable forms of combined agro-forestry-fisheries production organization; to formulate policies and regulations on traceability in order to ensure that timber that is legally exploited from planted forests and scatteredly planted trees on land outside master plans for forestry purpose can join in the chains of supply of materials for processing, domestic consumption and export.

- To further prioritize the implementation of the policy on allocation of forests to households, individuals and residential communities with regard to forest areas currently managed by communal-level People’s Committees so as to fully promote economic efficiency, raise incomes and improve the life of mountainous inhabitants.

b/ Regarding investment and finance

The State shall ensure budget funds for protection and development of special-use forests, protection forests and natural forests, and for the survey, inventory and development of forest tree cultivars. To encourage and mobilize lawful capital sources for investment in forest protection and development.

c/ Regarding science and technology

To intensify the research, application and transfer of scientific and technical advances in forestry activities, such as forest management and protection, conservation of nature and biodiversity in forest ecosystems, forest development, and forest product processing and trade.

d/ Regarding public communication for raising public awareness

To raise public awareness about the responsibility to manage and protect forests. To intensify public communication, dissemination and education of the law on forest protection and management, and heighten the people’s sense of forest protection.

dd/ Regarding training and capacity building

To formulate and implement programs, plans and schemes on training and development of human resources meeting the requirements of forestry development in the new period, conformable to the market economy and international integration. To concentrate on training and retraining for capacity building for managerial officials, researchers and lecturers with expertise in such important domains as tree cultivars, silviculture and timber processing, etc. To improve the capacity and increase physical and technical foundations and equipment for forestry training activities.

e/ Regarding international integration

To intensify forestry-related international economic integration, proactively participate in and actively implement international initiatives related to forestry and climate finance, and closely cooperate with multilateral financial institutions (such as WB, ADB, GFF, and GCF), development partners, and international forestry organizations to which Vietnam has acceded.

g/ Regarding organization and supervision of the implementation of the Master Plan

To publicize the Master Plan; to formulate an action plan for implementation and supervision of the Master Plan; to intensify the inspection, supervision and assessment of the implementation of the Master Plan, and promptly settle proposals related to implementation of forestry mechanisms, policies and laws.

7. List of domains prioritized for investment

a/ Domains prioritized for investment by the State

(1) Management, protection, planting and restoration of protection forests and special-use forests. (2) Building of the information system on forestry and database on forests throughout the country and localities. (3) Survey, inventory, monitoring and supervision of developments of forest resources and biodiversity. (4) Scientific research, human resource training and development, and forestry extension. (5) Formulation and finalization of standards, technical regulations and technical guidelines on forestry. (6) Public communication, dissemination and education of the law on forest protection and development. (7) Formulation of plans for sustainable forest management for the entire area of natural forests managed by the State. (8) Allocation of forests to organizations and individuals, and planting of marker posts; and appraisal of forest boundaries for determination of stable forest sections. (9) Capacity building and increase of physical foundations and equipment for the protection, rescue and conservation of endangered, precious and rare forest fauna and flora species. (10) Research, application and transfer of outcomes of scientific research and technological development and training of human resources serving the state management of forestry. (11) Conservation of nature and biodiversity with regard to forest ecosystems. (12) Tree cultivar propagation through tissue culture and embryo nurture technologies; and creation of new cultivars by gene technology. (13) Development and application of mechanization, automation and biotechnology, and use of new materials for higher efficiency and energy efficiency industrial-scale tree cultivar production, and forest planting and tending. (14) Research and application of remote-sensing technology, information technology and biotechnology in forest resource management and protection; and development of multiple values of forest ecosystems. (15) Research and application of high technologies in timber and forest-product exploitation and processing. (16) Building, repair, maintenance and upgrading of infrastructure, and investment in equipment in service of protection and development of special-use forests and protection forests.

b/ Domains prioritized for investment support by the State

(1) Transfer of high technologies, advanced technologies and new technologies in forestry production. (2) Formulation of plans for sustainable forest management and production forest certification. (3) Infrastructure for planting of production forests. (4) Production of high-quality forest tree cultivars. (5) Models of cooperation and linkage in protection and development of forests in areas hit by extreme difficulties. (6) Forest protection and restoration for regeneration with additional planting, with regard to production forests being natural forests in mountainous, border, island and extreme difficulty-hit areas. (7) Support for the development of livelihood-developing communities and improvement of the life of people in buffer zones of special-use forests. (8) Human resource training, further training and development. (9) Investment promotion and market development.

8. Maps and diagrams accompanying the Master Plan

Maps and diagrams accompanying the Master Plan include printed maps and diagrams and digital maps and diagrams:

- Printed maps and diagrams and digital maps and diagrams nationwide:

+ Those of 1:1,000,000 scale include forest status quo maps; maps of status quo of forestry infrastructure; maps of land use status quo for forestry development; maps on planning of the system of special-use forests, protection forests and production forests; diagrams on forestry infrastructure development orientations; and diagrams on orientations for use of land for forestry development.

+ Those of 1:50,000 scale include maps of planning on special-use forest zones.

- Provincial-level digital maps of 1:100,000 scale include forest status quo maps; maps of planning on the system of special-use forests, protection forests and production forests; and diagrams on forestry infrastructure development orientations.

(Details are provided in Appendix VI to this Decision).

Article 2. Organization of implementation

1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

a/ To be accountable for the accuracy of data, documents, diagrams, maps and databases in the dossiers of the Master Plan, ensuring consistency with contents of this Decision, compliance with the planning law and relevant regulations; to store and retain the approved dossiers of the Master Plan according to regulations.

Within 30 days after the Master Plan is approved, to complete the handover to localities with forests the digital maps of 1:100,000 scale (including forest status quo maps; maps of planning on the system of special-use forests, protection forests and production forests; and diagrams on forestry infrastructure development orientations for each province or centrally run city.

b/ To organize the announcement and publicization of the Master Plan according to planning law; to formulate a plan for implementation of the Master Plan; to provide relevant data for updating to the national information system and database on planning as prescribed; to advise on the implementation of necessary solution tasks according to the planning law and relevant laws.

c/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, sectors and provincial-level People’s Committees in, managing and organizing the implementation of the Master Plan; to periodically report on and evaluate the implementation of the Master Plan at the end of the 2021-2025 period and 2026-2030 period; at the same time, to review and evaluate the implementation of the objectives set in the Master Plan for reporting to competent authorities for consideration and adjustment of the Master Plan to suit reality in each period.

d/ To participate in formulating, and organizing the implementation of, policies, master plans, programs, schemes and projects as suitable to the requirements of the Master Plan.

dd/ In case there is a change in quotas in the National Land-Use Master Plan, to proactively make proper adjustments of the planning quotas for three types of forests and incorporate them in the Master Plan.

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment

To coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in balancing and allocating investment capital from the state budget for implementation of the Master Plan in accordance with the Law on Public Investment Law; to coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and related agencies in inspecting and supervising the implementation of the Master Plan, ensuring conformity with relevant master plans.

3. The Ministry of Finance

To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, balancing and allocating non-business funds from the central budget for realization of the contents of the Master Plan; to coordinate with others in inspecting and supervising the implementation of the Master Plan, ensuring conformity with relevant master plans.

4. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

To assume the prime responsibility for performing the unified management of land-use master plans and plans; to coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Management in guiding localities in the implementation of the Master Plan, conservation of nature and biodiversity, environmental protection, and response to climate change; to inspect and supervise forest protection and development management activities, ensuring conformity and consistency with land management activities.

5. Other related ministries and ministerial-level agencies

To coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in including their respective tasks in the Master Plan; to coordinate with others in inspecting and supervising the implementation of forestry planning in conformity with their specialized sectors within the ambit of their functions and tasks.

6. Provincial-level People’s Committees

a/ Within the ambit of their tasks and powers, to organize the state management of forestry in their localities in accordance with law in localities; to strictly manage land areas serving implementation of the Master Plan.

b/ Based on local reality, to review and formulate or adjust master plans, plans and projects in localities, ensuring uniformity and consistency with the Master Plan; to update contents of relevant master plans, schemes and projects being implemented in localities, ensuring their compliance with orientations for forestry development in localities according to the Master Plan, so as to meet the requirements of sustainable development, environmental protection and response to climate change.

c/ In the course of formulating relevant master plans, the master plan-formulating agencies shall ensure that the contents of those master plans can be integrated with the Master Plan.

d/ To allocate budget funds and mobilize other lawful financial resources for materialization of the contents of the Master Plan, ensuring compliance with legal provisions and local socio-economic development conditions.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 4. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached bodies, chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees, and related organizations and individuals shall implement this Decision.-

For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister

* The Appendices to this Decision are not translated.

[1] Công Báo Nos 1035-1036 (07/9/2024)

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