Decision 389/QD-TTg 2024 approve Master Plan on protection and exploitation of aquatic resources for 2021-2030

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Decision No. 389/QD-TTg dated May 09, 2024 of the Prime Minister approving the Master Plan on protection and exploitation of aquatic resources for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:389/QD-TTgSigner:Tran Luu Quang
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:09/05/2024Effect status:

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 389/QD-TTg


Hanoi, May 9, 2024


Approving the Master Plan on protection and exploitation of aquatic resources for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050[1]



Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government; and the November 22, 2019 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration;

Pursuant to the November 24, 2017 Law on Planning;

Pursuant to the November 21, 2017 Law on Fisheries;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP of May 7, 2019, detailing a number of articles of the Law on Planning; and the Government’s Decree No. 58/2023/ND-CP of August 12, 2023, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP of May 7, 2019, detailing a number of articles of the Law on Planning;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 26/2019/ND-CP of March 8, 2019, detailing a number of articles of, and providing measures to implement, the Law on Fisheries;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 339/QD-TTg of March 11, 2021, approving the Strategy for development of Vietnam’s fisheries through 2030, with a vision toward 2045;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 541/QD-TTg of April 20, 2020, approving the task of formulating the Master Plan on protection and exploitation of aquatic resources for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

Pursuant to Appraisal Report No. 14/BC-HDTDQH of January 26, 2023, of the Council for Appraisal of the Master Plan on protection and exploitation of aquatic resources for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050;

At the proposal of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development,



Article 1. To approve the Master Plan on protection and exploitation of aquatic resources for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050 (below referred to as the Master Plan) with the following principal contents:


Waterbodies in the inland and marine areas under the sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction of Vietnam, including marine areas of Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagoes.


1. Viewpoints

- The Master Plan closely follows the Party’s policies and guidelines and the State’s policies and laws on protection and exploitation of aquatic resources; conforms to strategic orientations for socio-economic, fisheries and marine economy development; conforms to the national overall master plan, master plan on national marine space, land use master plans, and relevant master plans in order to ensure the uniformity and synchronism; and helps guarantee national interests and assure national defense and security.

- To protect and sustainably develop aquatic resources, protect the habitats of aquatic species in adaptation to climate change and sea level rise; to conserve biodiversity, and increase waterbodies that are protected or conserved in marine and inland areas on the basis of prudent approach and ecosystem-based approach.

- To protect and exploit aquatic resources in association with interests and responsibilities of communities and in conformity with natural and socio-economic conditions in different regions and economic sectors; to contribute to assuring social security and gender equality, and sharing interests and responsibilities of organizations and individuals in benefiting from the exploitation and use of aquatic resources or being engaged in sectors or occupations that directly affect aquatic resources.

- To exploit aquatic products in suitability to the potential of aquatic resources and in an efficient, sustainable and responsible manner, ensuring the harmony between socio-economic development and environmental protection, thus contributing to ensuring food security and nutrition and increasing values and incomes for the people on the basis of science and technology application, digital transformation, state management capacity improvement and fisheries production reorganization.

2. Objectives

a/ General objectives by 2030

To protect, conserve and develop aquatic resources in waterbodies of all types and conserve marine biodiversity, thus contributing to realizing the objectives set in the 12th Party Central Committee’s Resolution No. 36-NQ/TW of October 22, 2018, on the Strategy for sustainable development of Vietnam’s marine economy through 2030, with a vision toward 2045; to develop sustainable and responsible exploitation of aquatic products in conformity with international integration requirements; to protect the environment, adapt to climate change and stay proactive in disaster preparedness; to contribute to improving the people’s material and spiritual life, assuring social security, protecting Vietnam’s sovereignty, sovereign rights, jurisdiction, security, order and national interests on rivers and the sea.

b/ Specific objectives by 2030

- Regarding protection and development of aquatic resources

+ To establish and efficiently operate 27 marine reserves on a total marine area of around 463,587 hectares zoned off for conservation, accounting for some 0.463% of the natural area of national maritime zones (those under the national jurisdiction).

+ There will be 149 zones in maritime zones (59 zones for aquatic resource protection, 63 zones subject to definite-time fishing ban, and 27 zones as artificial habitats for aquatic species) and 119 inland zones (66 zones for aquatic resource protection and 53 zones subject to definite-time fishing ban) zoned off for protection of aquatic resources, concentrated breeding areas and nursery habitats of aquatic species.

- Regarding exploitation of aquatic products

+ The total number of fishing vessels will be around 83,600. 

+ Proportion of fishing occupations: Drag-net fishing: 10%, purse-seine fishing: 6.1%, gill-net fishing: 40.3%, hook fishing: 18.9%, falling-net fishing: 3%, trap fishing: 2.9%, other fishing occupations: 16.6%, and fishing logistics: 2.2% of the total number of fishing vessels.

+ The total workforce will be reduced to around 600,000.

+ The system of fishing ports and storm shelters for fishing vessels will be completed into an interconnected and inter-regional one to meet the demand for anchorage and fishing logistics services.

c/ Vision toward 2050

Vietnam will become a country with a sustainably developed and modern fisheries sector on a par with that of the developed countries in the region and the world; marine biodiversity and inland waterbodies will be conserved and developed; the people’s material and spiritual life will be improved; the fisheries sector will contribute to assuring social security and protecting the national sovereignty, security, order and interests on the country’s rivers and marine areas.


1. Protection and development of aquatic resources

a/ Development orientations

- To restore aquatic resources, particularly aquatic species of high economic value, endangered, precious and rare aquatic species and endemic aquatic species; to enhance the management, evaluation, conservation, protection and regeneration of aquatic resources in inland and marine waterbodies of all types.

- To increase the scale and area of sea areas where aquatic resources are conserved and protected; to establish, and organize the effective management of, marine reserves; to combine conservation with development of marine ecotourism, thus contributing to protecting and sustainably using marine ecosystems and natural resources; to protect spaces of classified historical and cultural relics and scenic places and develop marine tourism economy.

- To regard areas subject to definite-time fishing ban as areas for concentrated breeding and nursery habitats of aquatic species, or areas for protection of aquatic resources; to specify fishing occupations and gear banned from use for aquatic resource exploitation as they might cause harms or destruction of aquatic resources and habitats of aquatic species and aquatic ecosystems.

- To build artificial habitats for endangered, precious and rare aquatic species, aquatic species of high economic and scientific value, indigenous aquatic species, and endemic aquatic species in marine areas.

- To preserve, conserve and develop genetic resources of endangered, precious and rare aquatic species, indigenous aquatic species, endemic aquatic species, and aquatic species of high economic value; to diversify forms of preservation of genetic resources, and select potential aquatic species for investment in breed research and production in order to proactively regenerate and restore aquatic resources and promote economic development.

- To supervise and forecast habitats of aquatic species; to promptly detect and treat environmental pollution and degradation in inland and marine waterbodies.

- To apply science and technology and carry out digital transformation in the management, conservation and protection of aquatic resources, protection of sea turtles and animals, and reduction of bycatch of aquatic species.

- To mobilize the participation of communities, socio-political organizations and enterprises in the conservation, protection, regeneration, restoration and development of aquatic resources.

- To consolidate the system of state management agencies in charge of marine conservation, and build the contingent of highly professionally capable officers; to establish local fisheries resources surveillance forces in accordance with the 2017 Law on Fisheries; to deploy fisheries resources surveillance forces to carry out patrol and control in marine reserves.

b/ Planning contents for the 2021-2030 period

- For marine areas

+ To maintain 6 established marine reserves and establish 21 marine reserves, including 11 national-level marine reserves and 16 provincial-level marine reserves (details are provided in Appendix I to this Decision).

+ To identify 59 zones for aquatic resource protection (details are provided in Appendix II to this Decision).

+ To identify 63 zones subject to definite-time fishing ban (details are provided in Appendix III to this Decision).

+ To build 27 artificial habitats for aquatic species (details are provided in Appendix IV to this Decision).

+ To preserve genetic resources of 138 endangered, precious and rare aquatic species, indigenous aquatic species, endemic aquatic species, and aquatic species of high economic and scientific value in natural and artificial environments and in laboratories.

+ To identify and protect natural migration routes of 16 aquatic species, including 7 fish species, 5 sea turtle species, 3 cuttlefish species and 1 sentinel crab species.

- For inland areas

+ To identify 66 zones for aquatic resource protection, including 14 zones on lakes/reservoirs and 52 zones on rivers (details are provided in Appendix V to this Decision).

+ To identify 53 zones subject to definite-time fishing ban, including 19 zones on lakes/reservoirs and 34 zones on rivers (details are provided in Appendix VI to this Decision).

+ To preserve genetic resources of 94 endangered, precious and rare aquatic species, indigenous aquatic species, endemic aquatic species, and aquatic species of high economic and scientific value in natural and artificial environments and in laboratories.

+ To continue protecting natural migration routes of 5 endangered, precious and rare aquatic species, including Konoshiro gizzard shad (Clupanodon punctatus), hinese gizzard shad (Clupanodon thrissa), marbled eel (Anguilla marmorata), shortfin eel (Anguilla bicolor), and hilsa herring (Tenualosa ilisha).

+ To identify and protect natural migration routes of 7 aquatic species, including: Anhvu carp (Semilabeo notabilis), spotted lentil fish (Hemibagrus guttatus), bagarius, Mekong giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas), giant barb (Catlocarpio siamensis), giant pangasius (Pangasius sanitwongsei), and mad barb (Leptobarbus hoevenii).

2. Exploitation of aquatic resources

a/ Planning orientations

- To gradually reduce the output of fished aquatic products and adjust proportions of fished aquatic products among marine areas to match aquatic resource reserves; to selectively fish aquatic products of high economic value.

- To change the number of fishing vessels and the structure of fishing occupations in inland and marine waterbodies to suit the catchability of aquatic resources, particularly reducing the proportion of drag-net fishing in marine areas; to associate the development of fishermen’s livelihood with the development of aquaculture, ecotourism and recreational fishing.

- To consolidate and renovate fisheries groups, teams, cooperatives and associations; to organize the value chain-based processing of fished aquatic products, attaching importance to increasing the production value. By 2030, around 80% of fishing vessels operating in onshore and offshore areas will participate in the production linkage chains at sea.

- To apply science and technology and carry out digital transformation in the management of aquatic resource exploitation activities, preservation of fished aquatic products and modernization of fisheries management at sea.

- To create high-quality human resources for participation in the exploitation of aquatic resources to meet technological development and international integration requirements.

- To efficiently and sustainably exploit the aquatic resource potential in natural lakes, reservoirs, rivers and streams; to associate exploitation with protection and development of aquatic resources, biodiversity and adaptation to climate change; to ensure livelihood for the people, particularly ethnic minority people and low-income earners in northern midland and mountainous areas, the Central Highlands and the Mekong River delta.

- To invest in and synchronously develop infrastructure facilities and logistics services for aquatic resource exploitation.

b/ Planning contents for the 2021-2030 period

- Fishing vessels

+ By 2030, the total number of fishing vessels will be 83,600, specifically as follows:

  • Fishing vessels by fishing area: around 39,000 (with a length of between 6 meters and under12 meters) for coastal areas, accounting for 46.6%; around 17,060 (with a length of between 12 meters and under 15 meters) for onshore areas, accounting for 20.4%; and around 27,540 (with a length of 15 meters or more) for onshore areas, accounting for 33% of the total.
  • Fishing vessels by fishing occupation: 8,360 for drag-net fishing, accounting for 10%; 5,110 for purse-seine fishing, accounting for 6.1%; 33,700 for gill-net fishing, accounting for 40.3%; 15,840 for hook fishing, accounting for 18.9%; 2,480 for falling-net fishing, accounting for 3%; 2,450 for trap fishing, accounting for 2.9%; 13,840 for other fishing occupations, accounting for 16.6%; and 1,820 for fishing logistics, accounting for 2.2% of the total.

+ Structure of occupations by fishing areas by 2030:

  • In coastal areas: Gill-net fishing will account for 57%, hook fishing, 16.2%, trap fishing, 2.2%, and other occupations, , 24.6%, of the total number of fishing vessels operating in coastal areas.
  • In onshore areas: Drag-net fishing will account for 15.5%, gill-net fishing, 29.1%, purse-seine fishing, 7.3%, hook fishing, 28.2%, falling-net fishing, 3.1%, trap fishing, 5.3%, other occupations, 9.2%, and fishing logistics, 2.3%, of the total number of fishing vessels operating in onshore areas.
  • In offshore areas: Drag-net fishing will account for 20%, gill-net fishing, 23.6%, purse-seine fishing, 14.2%, hook fishing, 17.1%, falling-net fishing, 7.1%, trap fishing, 2.5%, other occupations, 9.6%, and fishing logistics, 5.2%, of the total number of fishing vessels operating in offshore areas.
  • According to the national roadmap for adjustment of the occupation structure and reduction of the number of fishing vessels, provinces and centrally run cities shall reduce by at least 12% of their total numbers of fishing vessels compared to 2020 in order to facilitate the efficient and sustainable development of fishing activities.

- The fishing workforce

+ To apply science and technology and carry out mechanization in order to reduce the number of people directly working on board fishing vessels.

+ To organize training and coaching for workers engaged in aquatic resource exploitation, and masters and chief engineers of fishing vessels.

- Infrastructure facilities and logistics services for aquatic resource exploitation activities

+ To build and complete fishing ports and storm shelters for fishing vessels, especially on islands and in offshore areas; to form interconnected and inter-regional systems for fisheries logistics services, making the best use of geographical locations suitable to natural conditions and in association with fishing grounds.

+ To build stations for provision of services, logistics, preliminary processing, preservation and transshipment of aquatic products on islands; to continue investing in 5 major fisheries centers in Hai Phong, Da Nang, Khanh Hoa, Ba Ria-Vung Tau and Kien Giang associated with key fishing grounds and the Can Tho fisheries development center associated with the aquaculture areas in the Mekong River delta.

+ To develop logistics services for fishing activities at sea, wholesale markets and auction markets for aquatic products, and invest in the development of support industries to serve aquatic resource exploitation.

+ To apply science and technology to the manufacturing of vessel hulls and engines, fishing gear, information equipment, and tools and equipment serving fishing activities.

3. The land and water surface use demand by 2030

- The total area of national marine zones to be zoned off for aquatic resource protection and biodiversity conservation is around 2.79 million hectares (equivalent to some 2.79% of the total marine area).

- The total area to be zoned off for aquatic resource protection on water surface of major rivers and lakes/reservoirs is around 44,570 hectares.

- Facilities for preservation of genes and commercial breeds within spaces of marine reserves and research institutes.

- The total demand for use of land and water surface areas for the development of fishing ports and storm shelters will be at least 5,504 hectares, including 630 hectares of land and 4,874 hectares of water surface.


1. Mechanism and policy solutions

- To review and revise or promulgate legal documents, standards and technical regulations on protection and exploitation of aquatic resources, particularly those on assurance of quality of fishing vessels, areas subject to restricted operation of fishing vessels at sea, and management of recreational fishing in association with the development of the fishermen’s community, to be compliant with the Law on Fisheries and Law on Biodiversity and realities of sectors and localities and international law.

- To study formulating the following policies:

+ Policies on investment in essential infrastructure facilities for marine reserves; to provide support for the co-management of aquatic resource protection; to provide support to fishermen during the definite-time fishing ban period nationwide; to provide support for changing fishing occupations that greatly affect aquatic resources, the environment and ecosystems to environmentally friendly ones or to non-fishing occupations; to provide job training support for fishermen to shift from fishing occupations to other occupations or combine fishing occupations with other service activities.

+ Policies to promote and attract organizations and individuals, particularly the fishermen’s community, to participate in investment in, formation, management and development of marine reserves, zones for aquatic resource protection and artificial habitats for aquatic species.

+ Policies on value chain-based and linkage production, linking all stages of the production process from exploitation and preservation to processing and sale of products; application of scientific and technical advances in the exploitation and preservation of products on board fishing vessels in order to reduce post-harvest loss and increase the added value of aquatic products.

+ To encourage, and create conditions for, organizations and enterprises of all economic sectors to participate in fishing port development investment and operation; to mobilize social resources for investment in the development of fishing port infrastructure and fisheries production, trading and service work items.

+ Policies on training of masters, chief engineers and crewmembers of fishing vessels, providing them with knowledge and skills for disaster preparedness, and search and rescue; training in aquatic product exploitation and preservation techniques based on advanced technologies on board fishing vessels; training in aquatic resource exploitation and protection for fishermen’s children studying at vocational schools, colleges and universities nationwide.

2. Finance and investment solutions

- To mobilize resources at home and abroad for investment in construction of fisheries infrastructure facilities and information systems, development of science, technology and human resources and transfer of scientific and technological advances in aquatic resource exploitation and protection.

- To intensify the mobilization of social resources and attraction of non-budget capital sources for the regeneration of aquatic resources, establishment and management of marine reserves, zones for aquatic resource protection and artificial habitats for aquatic species.

- To increase the State’s investment funds for the management, building and development of marine reserves and artificial habitats for aquatic species; to research, apply and transfer technologies; to carry out fisheries extension and human resource training; to build grade-I and grade-II fishing ports and storm shelters for fishing vessels; to increase the state budget’s investment in accordance with relevant regulations and based on the state budget’s fund-balancing capacity.

- To review and evaluate the urgency and necessity of investment in fisheries development projects in the coming period; to prioritize the allocation of funds for construction commencement and early completion of investment projects and projects serving IUU fishing combat; to ensure synchronous investment in and completion of projects on fisheries logistics service infrastructure projects to serve the performance of the task of IUU fishing combat.

- Resources for implementation of the Master Plan will be mobilized or allocated from the state budget, non-budget funds and other lawful capital sources. State budget funds shall be allocated in accordance with the laws on the state budget and public investment. Other capital sources shall be mobilized in accordance with law.

3. Environmental, scientific and technological solutions

- To research and apply information technology, digital technology and artificial intelligence in the management of aquatic resource protection and exploitation activities (zoning of areas for fishing vessel management and monitoring, fishing logs, origin tracing, fishing ground forecasting, etc.).

- To build digital data and digital map infrastructure, ensuring their integrity and interconnectivity among ministries, sectors and localities to serve the sharing of data on aquatic resource conservation, protection and exploitation, and monitoring of habitats of aquatic species in Vietnam’s marine areas and inland waterbodies.

- To research, apply and transfer scientific and technological advances for fuel efficiency and use of environmentally friendly materials (application of solar, wind or tidal energy, use of power-efficient lamps, etc.) in the exploitation and preservation of aquatic products; to mechanize and automate the exploitation of aquatic resources and building of ship hulls with new materials; to innovate fishing gear and technical processes, and use selective equipment and fishing gear to increase productivity and product quality and reduce labor and risks.

- To research and apply scientific and technological advances in the preservation of genetic resources and artificial breeding of indigenous, endemic, endangered, precious and rare aquatic species and those of high scientific and economic value.

- To formulate and promulgate environmental management plans and implement solutions to collect and reduce wastes generated from aquatic resource exploitation and protection activities.                      

- To apply science, technology and technical advances to facilitate the efficient and economical use of materials, fuels and aquatic resources, thereby mitigating environmental pollution caused by fisheries activities.

4. Public communication and awareness improvement solutions

- To raise the role and sense of responsibility of local leaders; to carry out public communication, education and dissemination of laws concerning aquatic resource exploitation and protection, responsibilities and interests of the community, especially fishermen engaged in fishing, the youth and pupils at all school grades in localities.

- To mobilize socio-professional organizations to participate in public communication to gradually improve the awareness of fishermen about aquatic resource protection; to improve the awareness of local administrations at all levels, vessel owners, crewmembers and fishermen about disaster preparedness and climate change.

- To carry out public communication about the implementation of guidelines and policies on aquatic resource protection and exploitation among domestic communities and overseas Vietnamese, with a view to getting support of the international and regional communities and overseas Vietnamese, while limiting negative and unfavorable information.

- To use forms of public communication suitable to local cultural traditions, conditions and subjects, such as application and utilization of advantages of digital technology, social media and grassroots information systems; to make television series, short films and publications about aquatic resource protection and exploitation, and publish them on local newspapers or broadcast them on local radio and television; to organize contests about aquatic resource protection and exploitation with participation of local people.

- To coordinate with local administrations and socio-political-professional organizations nationwide, particularly religious organizations, in intensifying the public communication among Buddhist monks, nuns and followers and local people and enterprises to mobilize their participation in the release of appropriate aquatic animals during annual festivals, rituals and new-year festivals into waterbodies in order to regenerate and develop aquatic resources.

- To organize training courses for public communication about regulations on aquatic resource protection and development among local fisheries management officers and population communities.

- To incorporate contents of public communication about aquatic resource protection and exploitation in official curricula and extra-curricular programs of schools at all grades in the national education system.

- To encourage organizations and individuals, especially enterprises engaged in such marine economy sectors as tourism and renewable energy, to participate in the regeneration of aquatic resources and restoration of habitats of aquatic species.

5. Training and capacity building solutions

- To train, further train, retrain and develop human resources specialized in aquatic resource exploitation, protection and development to meet reality and international integration requirements.

- To intensify training and further training courses for improvement of professional skills and qualifications for masters, chief engineers and crewmembers of fishing vessels; to transfer new and modern techniques and technologies for the exploitation and preservation of aquatic products; to operate and use modern machinery and equipment on board fishing vessels.

- To attract resources for the training and development of high-quality human resources for aquatic resource protection and exploitation; to raise the capacity and physical-technical foundations for aquatic resource research and training institutions, marine reserve management boards, fishing ports, and storm shelters for fishing vessels.

6. International cooperation solutions

- To intensify international cooperation in surveying and researching aquatic resources (both at sea and in the inland), managing migratory fish species, managing marine reserves and transnational aquatic resources protection areas, and combating illegal fishing; to provide financial and technical assistance and aid for projects related to the exploitation, protection and development of aquatic resources, and aquatic resources protection and development funds.

- To effectively implement treaties to which Vietnam is a contracting party, particularly the United Nations Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of December 10, 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Stradding Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (UNFSA), the Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA), the Convention on Biological Diversity, etc., and comply with the code of conduct for responsible fisheries, and combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.

- To formulate programs and projects to attract high-quality foreign investment (such as ODA and FDI) and actively participate in multilateral and bilateral activities to attract cooperation from countries, international organizations and non-governmental organizations so as to promote human resource development, fisheries infrastructure, and research and application of modern science and technology in aquatic resources protection and exploitation.

- To proactively and actively prepare and participate in negotiations with the regional countries on the delimitation of overlapping maritime zones; to reach agreement on allowing fishermen to carry out fishing in other countries’ maritime zones as well as fisheries cooperation activities in accordance with international law and for national interests; to establish and maintain hotlines with the regional countries and international organizations to resolve disputes in aquatic resources protection and exploitation; to respond to climate change, and carry out search and rescue activities to ensure safety for fishermen at sea; to enter into cooperation in information sharing and infrastructure use with the regional countries in order to support Vietnamese fishing vessels and crewmembers to operate safely in maritime zones.

- To enter into international cooperation in sharing of water sources and management of transboundary migratory aquatic species.

- To proactively participate in the global aquatic product supply chain; to harmonize national and international regulations on fisheries.

7. Production organization solutions

- To enhance the management of fishing vessels, ensuring safety in disaster preparedness, to manage fishing intensity, structure of fishing gear codes, fishing seasons and fishing grounds in conformity with the catchability of aquatic resources in each maritime zone and inland water area associated with the number of operating fishing vessels by occupation, vessel length and fished aquatic species.

- To develop and effectively implement the Scheme on fisheries, fishermen and fishing grounds through 2030.

- To formulate a uniform organizational structure and apparatus of marine reserves and fishing port management boards.

- To reorganize value chain-based production, manage the quality and origin tracing of aquatic products from the stage of fishing and preservation to processing and sale, in which purchasing, processing and selling enterprises play the core role in linking and organizing production chains.

- To establish and develop appropriate production organization forms associated with value chain-based production linkages in marine areas to serve as a fulcrum for fishermen, contributing to improving living standards of communities and supporting one another in disaster preparedness and search and rescue, protection of sea and island security and sovereignty and safety in disaster preparedness.

- To formulate mechanisms for linkage and coordination among localities and economic sectors in order to efficiently use, and share interests and responsibilities in the protection and exploitation of, aquatic resources; to carry out trade promotion and build brands of aquatic products.

- To develop co-management in the protection of aquatic resources.

8. Solutions regarding the organization and supervision of implementation of the Master Plan

- To announce the Master Plan in accordance with law.

- To develop and complete a set of criteria for evaluating the implementation of the Master Plan and plans of action for implementation and supervision of implementation of the Master Plan.

- To formulate plans on allocation of funds and mobilization of resources to implement priority programs, schemes and projects.

- To summarize, analyze and evaluate the practical implementation of the Master Plan and results thereof on an annual basis and every 5 (five) years; to propose solutions to improve the implementation effectiveness during the planning period; to recommend adjustments (if any) to the Master Plan to suit the practical production of the fisheries sector and local socio-economic development.

- To intensify the inspection, supervision and evaluation of the implementation of the Master Plan, and promptly resolve recommendations related to the contents of the Master Plan and laws on aquatic resources protection and exploitation.


1. The group of projects on adjustment of boundaries and areas of marine reserves (including 6 projects corresponding to 6 “transitional” marine reserves that have been established as provided in Appendix I to this Decision).

2. The group of projects on establishment of new marine reserves (including 21 projects corresponding to 21 “newly established” marine reserves as provided in Appendix I to this Decision).

3. The group of projects on investment in infrastructure of marine reserves (including 27 projects corresponding to 27 marine reserves as provided in Appendix I to this Decision).

4. The group of projects on investment in the establishment of artificial habitats for aquatic species in Vietnam’s maritime zones (including 27 projects corresponding to 27 artificial habitats for aquatic species as provided in Appendix IV to this Decision).

(Details are provided in Appendix VII to this Decision).


The demand for capital for the implementation of the Master Plan through 2030 is about VND 8,166 billion, which will be mobilized and allocated from the state budget, non-budgetary capital and other lawful capital sources.

Article 2. Organization of implementation

1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall:

- Organize the announcement of the Master Plan; formulate a plan to implement the Master Plan; and provide relevant data for updating to the national planning information system and database under regulations.

- Promulgate the list of areas subject to fishing ban for a definite time; and the list of aquatic resources protection areas in accordance with the Law on Fisheries.

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, sectors and provincial-level People’s Committees in, managing and organizing the implementation of the Master Plan; intensify investigation activities to collect and provide data serving the formulation and adjustment of the Master Plan.

- Formulate a plan on inspection and supervision of the implementation of the Master Plan; and regularly evaluate the implementation of the Master Plan, and review and adjust the Master Plan under regulations.

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors in, reviewing and proposing amendments and supplementations to mechanisms and policies to promote and attract investment in aquatic resources protection and development in compliance with general regional and international regulations.

- Evaluate and report on the implementation of the Master Plan at the end of the medium-term 2021-2025 and 2026-2030 periods and, at the same time, review the realization of the Master Plan’s objectives for reporting to competent authorities for consideration and adjustment of the Master Plan’s contents to conform to the practical planning (if any).

- Organize the implementation of tasks, schemes, projects and programs related to aquatic resources protection and exploitation in conformity with the Master Plan’s objectives.

- Consider and approve, and organize the implementation of, priority projects, ensuring their compliance with regulations and approved master plans, effectiveness and feasibility, thereby preventing loss and waste.

2. Ministries and ministerial-level agencies shall, within the ambit of their functions, tasks and powers, coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and provincial-level People’s Committees in allocating human resources and proposing mechanisms and policies to effectively realize the Master Plan’s objectives, ensuring the consistency and harmony with the implementation of the 10-year socio-economic development strategy for the 2021-2030 period, and socio-economic development plans of sectors and localities.

3. Provincial-level People’s Committees shall:

- Within the ambit of their tasks and powers, organize the performance of the state management of aquatic resources protection and exploitation in their localities in accordance with relevant laws.

- Based on practical conditions of their localities, review, adjust or formulate master plans, plans and projects in their localities, ensuring the consistency and harmony with the Master Plan; update contents of their provincial master plans in conformity with  orientations for development, protection and exploitation of local aquatic resources under the Master Plan.

- Allocate land areas for the construction of infrastructure facilities to serve operations of marine reserves as specified in the List of marine reserves for the 2021-2030 period.

- Allocate budget funds and mobilize other lawful financial sources under regulations to effectively implement the contents of the Master Plan as suitable to socio-economic development conditions of their localities.

- Organize the implementation of tasks, schemes, projects and programs related to aquatic resources protection and exploitation in conformity with the Master Plan’s objectives.

- Consider and approve, and organize the implementation of, priority projects, ensuring their compliance with regulations and approved master plans, effectiveness and feasibility, thereby preventing loss and waste.

4. Trade associations in the fisheries sector shall:

- Coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in disseminating, educating and publicizing to the business community and fishermen domestic regulations and international laws on aquatic resources protection and exploitation as well as the code of conduct for responsible fisheries.

- Participate in developing and criticizing planning orientations, solutions, mechanisms and policies for fisheries development; participate in protecting and developing aquatic resources, building brands for aquatic products, carrying out trade promotion activities, and stabilizing and expanding output markets; organize a network to provide market information to the business community and fishermen; participate in vocational training, technology transfer and provision of training for fishermen to develop their livelihoods and implement appropriate occupation change; support organizations and individuals in investing in developing and organizing value chain-based fisheries production in a responsible, qualitative, effective and sustainable manner.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 4. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees and related units shall implement this Decision.-

For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister

* The Appendices to this Decision are not translated.

[1] Công Báo Nos 655-656 (23/5/2024)

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Official Gazette
Decision 389/QĐ-TTg DOC (Word)

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Decision 389/QĐ-TTg PDF

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