Joint Circular No. 11/2015/TTLT-BYT-BNV dated May 27, 2015 of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Home Affairs providing code and criteria for professional title of public health

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Joint Circular No. 11/2015/TTLT-BYT-BNV dated May 27, 2015 of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Home Affairs providing code and criteria for professional title of public health
Issuing body: Ministry of Home Affairs; Ministry of HealthEffective date:

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Official number:11/2015/TTLT-BYT-BNVSigner:Tran Anh Tuan; Nguyen Viet Tien
Type:Joint CircularExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:27/05/2015Effect status:

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Fields:Medical - Health
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Effect status: Known


Joint Circular No.11/2015/TTLT-BYT-BNV dated May 27, 2015 of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Home Affairs providing code and criteria for professional title of public health

Pursuant to the Law on Officials dated 15 Novembers 2010;

Pursuant to Decree No. 29/2012/ND-CP dated 12 April 2012 of the Government providing for recruitment, employment and management of officials;

Pursuant to Decree No. 204/2004/ND-CP dated 14 December 2004 of the Government on salary regulation for cadres, public servants, officials and armed forces; Decree No. 17/2013/ND-CP dated 19 December 2013 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 204/2004/ND-CP dated 14 December 2004 of the Government on salary regulation for cadres, public servants, officials and armed forces;

Pursuant to Decree No. 63/2012/ND-CP dated 31 August 2012 of the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Health;

Pursuant to Decree No. 58/2014/ND-CP dated 16 June 2014 of the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Home Affairs;

The Minister of Health and the Minister of Home Affairs issue this Joint Circular providing for the code and criteria for professional title of public health.

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope of regulation and subjects of application

1. This Joint Circular provides for code, criteria for professional title, appointment and salary arrangement as per professional title of public health.

2. This Joint Circular applies to the public health officials working in public medical facilities.

Article 2. Code and classification of professional title

1. Senior public health (grade I) Code: V.08.04.08

2. Primary public health (grade II) Code: V.08.04.09

3. Public health (grade III) Code: V.08.04.10

Article 3. Criteria for professional ethics

1. Being dedicated to serving the career of care, protection and improvement of people’s health.

2. Understanding and complying well with the code of conduct of officials of health sector.

3. Practicing profession in accordance with regulation and procedures for technical profession and other regulations of law.

4. Constantly studying to improve level and professional qualification.

5. Respecting and listening to opinions of community on the needs of health and intervention solutions to improve the community health.

6. Being honest, respectful and collaborative with colleagues.

Chapter II


Article4. Senior public health (grade I) - Code: V.08.04.08

1. Duties:

a) Monitoring, analyzing and diagnosing the community health:

Directing and implementing the scientific research to identify causes and risk factors impacting the community health; identifying the priorities of health problems for settlement;

Taking charge of and developing the monitoring system of reality of health community and assessing the monitoring system;

Preparing dossier on reality of health community;

Implementing the integration of public medical information system through interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary cooperation.

b) Making plan for handling the prioritized health issues:

Taking charge of planning and selecting effective solutions in dealing with the prioritized health issues of community based on the availability of resources and participation of community;

Taking charge of monitoring, support and assessment of implementing the plan for settlement of prioritized health issues;

Take charge of aggregation, analysis and recommendation of planning and development of policies on public health area.

c) Performing plan and effectiveness assessment:

Taking charge of coordination and plan implementation, mobilization of resources of community, information, education and communication on protection and improvement of community health, risk management and community health;

Taking charge of monitoring, support, assessment of progress and effectiveness of plan implementation and supplementation and adjustment of plan and intervention in accordance with the course of implementation as needed;

Taking charge of implementation of statistics and making report on the course of plan implementation and arising problems;

Taking charge of taking measures to maintain and expand the community healthcare plan;

Combining with the healthcare system to ensure the effective implementation of relevant intervention program to protect and improve the community health.

d) Taking charging of or participating in scientific research subjects;

dd) Taking charge of developing the contents of materials of teaching and specialized technical re-training for public health officials or students;

e) Taking part in assessing the plan for care and protection of community health upon requirement.

2. Criteria for training and re-training level:

a) Having finished the specialty of level II or being a doctor of public health specialty or preventive medicine specialty;

b) Having foreign language proficiency Level 4 (B2) or higher as regulated in Circular No. 01/2014/TT-BGDDT dated 24 January 2014 of the Ministry of Education and Training issuing the framework of foreign language competence of 6 levels applied in Vietnam;

c) Having computer level to meet the skills of using basic information technology as regulated in Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT dated 11 March 2014 of the Ministry of Information and Communications regulating the criteria for skill of using information technology;

d) Having certificate of senior public health re-training (grade I)

3. Criteria for professional qualifications:

a) Understanding viewpoint and policies and laws of Party and State on protection, care and improvement of people’s health and the orientation of public health specialty development in the country and the world.

b) Identifying the environmental and social factors affecting the community health;

c) Identifying the prioritized health issues of community and recommending appropriate measures of settlement;

d) Formulating plans and strategies, assessing the policies and organizational system of activities of protection and care for community health upon assignment;

dd) Being able to assess the implementation of health programs in community;

e) Monitoring and promptly detecting diseases and organizing the prevention and control of diseases in community;

g) Being able to integrate, mobilize and carry out the interdisciplinary coordination to implement strategies and policies effectively;

h) Being the chairman or secretary or main participant (50% of time or more) of scientific research subject at ministerial level or equivalent or chairman of 02 scientific research subject at basic level or specialized scientific invention with satisfactory acceptance.

i) The official receiving an in-grade promotion from the title of primary public health (grade II) to the title of senior public health (grade I) must have the time to hold the title of primary public health (grade II) or equivalent of at least 06 years, in which the most recent period of holding the title of primary public health (grade II) is 02 years.

Article 5. Primary public health (grade II) -Code: V.08.04.09

1. Duties:

a) Monitoring, analyzing and diagnoses the community health:

Developing and implementing the scientific research to identify causes and risk factors affecting the community health; identifying the prioritized community health issues for settlement;

Developing the monitoring system of reality of health community and assessing the monitoring system;

Preparing dossier on reality of health community;

Implementing the integration of public medical information system through interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary cooperation.

b) Making plan for handling the prioritized health issues:

Planning and selecting effective solutions in dealing with the prioritized health issues of community based on the availability of resources and participation of community;

Planning the monitoring, support and assessment of course of plan implementation;

Carrying out the aggregation, analysis, recommendation and planning of policies related the public health field.

c) Performing plan and effectiveness assessment:

Coordinating and implementing plan, mobilizing resources of community, information, education, communication, protection and improvement of community health; managing risks and community health;

Monitoring and assessing progress and effectiveness of implementation, supplementation and adjustment of plan; making interventions in line with implementation course as needed;

Implementing statistics and making report on the course of plan implementation and arising problems;

Recommending and taking measures to maintain and expand the community healthcare plan;

d) Taking part in scientific research;

dd) Directly taking part in specialized technical and professional re-training for lower-level public health officials or students;

e) Organizing directly implementing the technical and professional medical guidelines related to the public health specialty.

2. Criteria for training and re-training level:

a) Having finished the specialty of level I or having master degree of public health or preventive medicine specialty;

b) Having foreign language proficiency Level 3 (B1) or higher as regulated in Circular No. 01/2014/TT-BGDDT dated 24 January 2014 of the Ministry of Education and Training issuing the framework of foreign language competence of 6 levels applied in Vietnam or have certificate of ethnic language for the working position with required use of ethnic language.

c) Having computer level to meet the skills of using basic information technology as regulated in Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT dated 11 March 2014 of the Ministry of Information and Communications regulating the criteria for skill of using information technology;

d) Having certificate of primary public health re-training (grade II).

3. Criteria for professional qualifications:

a) Understand viewpoint and policies and laws of Party and State on protection, care and improvement of people’s health and the orientation of public health specialty development in the country and the world.

b) Having skills to identify the social and environmental factors affecting the community health;

c) Identifying the prioritized health issues of community and taking appropriate measures of settlement.

d) Making plan and recommending solutions and organizing activities of protection and care for community health;

dd) Having skills of monitoring and assessment of implementation of health programs in community

e) Having skills of monitoring and prompt detection of diseases and prevention and control of disease in community;

g) Being able to apply information technology in management of community health;

h) Being the chairman or secretary or main participant (50% of time or more) of scientific research subject at basic level or equivalent or specialized scientific invention with satisfactory acceptance.

i) The official receiving an in-grade promotion from the title of public health (grade III) to the title of primary public health (grade I) must have the time to hold the title of public health (grade III) or equivalent of at least 09years, in which the most recent period of holding the title of public health (grade IIi) is 02 years.

Article 6. Public health (grade III) - Code: V.08.04.10

1. Duties:

a) Monitoring, analyzing and diagnosing the community health:

Taking part in formulating and implementing scientific researches to identify causes and risk factors affecting the community health;

Taking part in identifying the prioritized health issues of community for settlement;

Taking part in developing the monitoring system of reality of health community and assessing the monitoring system,

b) Planning the settlement of prioritized health issues:

Taking part in planning the settlement of prioritized health issues based on the availability of resources and participation of community, recommending appropriate solutions to deal with the most effectively the prioritized health issues of community;

Taking part in planning the monitoring, support and assessment during course of implementing the plan for settlement of prioritized health issues of community;

Giving out recommendation as a basis for planning policies related to the public health area.

c) Implementing plan and assessing effectiveness:

Taking part in coordination and implementation of set plan, including the mobilization of community resources, implementation of information, education, communication on protection, care and improvement of health, instructions on appropriate measures to manage risks and health for all subjects in community, participation in medical guidelines in advance and initial health care as needed.

Taking part in monitoring and assessing the progress and effectiveness of implementation of set plan and supplementation and adjustment of plan in cases of necessity;

Implementing statistics and making report on the course of plan implementation and arising problems;

Taking part in recommending measures to maintain and expand the community healthcare plan;

d) Taking part in scientific research subjects;

dd) Providing technical and professional instructions on public health specialty for public health officials and students;

e) Managing resources within the assigned scope.

2. Criteria for professional qualifications:

a) Having graduated from university of public health specialty or higher education or being a doctor of preventive medicine specialty or higher education;

b) Having foreign language proficiency Level 2 (A2) or higher as regulated in Circular No. 01/2014/TT-BGDDT dated 24 January 2014 of the Ministry of Education and Training issuing the framework of foreign language competence of 6 levels applied in Vietnam or have certificate of ethnic language for the working position with required use of ethnic language.

c) Having computer level to meet the skills of using basic information technology as regulated in Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT dated 11 March 2014 of the Ministry of Information and Communications regulating the criteria for skill of using information technology;

3. Criteria for professional qualifications:

a) Understanding viewpoint and policies and laws of Party and State on protection, care and improvement of people’s health and the orientation of public health specialty development in the country and the world.

b) Having skills to identify the social and environmental factors affecting the community health;

c) Identifying the prioritized health issues of community and taking appropriate measures of settlement.

d) Having skills to make plan and recommend solutions and organize activities of protection and care for community health;

dd) Having skills to monitor and promptly detect diseases, prevent, control and assess the implementation of health programs in community;

Chapter III


Article 7. Principles of appointment and salary arrangement as per professional titles for officials

1. The appointment to the professional title for officials specified in this Joint Circular must be based on the work position and assigned duties of officials and under the provisions in Article 8 of this Joint Circular.

2. There is no promotion of salary increase or in-grade promotion of professional title of officials upon appointment from the scale currently held of officials to the corresponding professional title of public health.

Article 8. Professional title’s appointment

The officials who have appointed to the scales of public health as stipulated in Decision No. 28/2005/QD-BNV dated 25 February 2005 of the Minister of Home Affairs on issuing the professional criteria of scales of public health officials, are now appointed to the professional title of public health specified in this Joint Circular as follows:

1. Appointing to the title of primary public health (grade II), Code V.08.04.09 for officials currently holding the scale of primary public health, Code 16a.197.

2. Appointing to the title of public health (grade III), Code V.08.04.10 for officials currently holding the scale of public health, Code 16a.198.

Article 9. Salary arrangement

1. The professional titles of public health specified in this Joint Circular are entitled to application of professional payroll for cadres and officials in the State non-business units (Table 3) issued with Decree No. 204/2004/ND-CP dated 14 December 2004 of the Government on regulations on salary for cadres, public servants, officials and armed forces, particularly as follows:

a) The title of senior public health (grade I) is entitled to the application of salary scale of official of type A3 (group A3.1), from salary ratio between 6.20 and 8.00;

b) The title of primary public health (grade II) is entitled to the application of salary scale of official of type A2 (group A2.1), from salary ratio between 4.40 and 6.78;

c) The title of public health (grade III) is entitled to the application of salary scale of official of type A1 from salary ratio between 2.34 and 4.98;

2. The salary arrangement of professional titles of official specified in Clause 1 of this Article for officials who have been salaried in the scales of public health as prescribed in Decision No. 28/2005/QD-BNV dated 25 February 2005 of the Minister of Home Affairs on issuing the professional criteria of scales of public health officials and Decree No. 204/2004/ND-CP dated 14 December 2004 of the Government on salary regulation for cadres, public servants, officials and armed forces is done as follows :

The officials qualified for appointment to the professional title of public health with ratio of salary scale equal to that of previous scale shall be salaried with the same salary scale and % of extra-seniority allowance (if any) received in the previous scale (including the calculation of time to consider the increase in salary scale for the next time or extra-seniority allowance if any in the previous scale) in the appointed professional title.

Ex : Mrs. Nguyen Thi G has scale (Code 16a.118), 4thgrade, salary ratio 3.33 from 01 May 2013. Now she is qualified and is appointed to the title of public health (grade III), Code V.08.04.10, then, her salary ratio 3.33, 4thgrade of the title of public health (grade III) is effective from the date of decision signing. The time to consider the increase in salary scale for the next time is from 01 May 2013.

3. The in-grade promotion of title for public health officials is done after they are appointed by the competent authorities to the professional title of pulic health specified in this Joint Circular and are salaried as guided in Clause 1, Section II of Circular No. 02/2007/TT-BNV dated 25 May 2007 of the Ministry of Home Affairs providing instructions on salary arrangement upon scale increase, scale shift and switching of types of public servant and official.

Chapter IV


Article10. Implementation effect

1. This Joint Circular takes effect from 16 July 2015.

2. This Joint Circular supersedes Decision No. 28/2005/QD-BNV dated 25 February 2005 of the Minister of Home Affairs on issuing the professional criteria of scales of public health officials.

Article 11. Transitional provisions

The officials who have been appointed to the scales of public health under the provisions in Decision No. 28/2005/QD-BNV dated 25 February 2005 of the Minister Home Affairs on issuing the professional criteria for scales of public health officials now are appointed to the titles of public health officials specified in this Joint Circular, the organ having the authority to manage and employ such officials are responsible for create conditions for them to supplement the missing criteria of appointed title of public health.

Article12. Implementation organization

1. This Joint Circular is the ground to carry out the recruitment, employment and management of public health officials in the public medical facilities.

2. The non-public medical facilities may apply the provisions in this Joint Circular for recruitment, employment and management of contingent of public health officials at their medical facilities;

3. The Heads of public medical facilities directly managing and employing officials are responsible for:

a) Reviewing the working positions at their units, formulating plans for appointment of title of public health under their management to be submitted to the competent authorities for consideration, decision or issuing decisions under decentralized authority.

b) Deciding the appointment of title public health under their management to the respective title of public health under their authority or decentralization or authorization after the plan for appointment of professional title is approved by the competent authorities.

4. The Ministries, ministerial-level organs, governmental organs, People’s Committee of provinces and centrally-run cities are responsible for:

a) Directing the units under their management to carry out the appointment of professional titles, salary arrangement for public health official in the public medical facilities;

b) Approving the plans for appointment of title and salarying for public health officials in the public medical facilities under their management from the current scale of official to the respective title of public health specified in this Joint Circular; settling under their authority all problems during appointment of professional titles and salary arrangement;

c) Deciding the appointment of professional titles and salary arrangement for public health officials under their management to the respective titles of public health in the public medical facilities under their authority.

d) Making report on result of appointment of professional titles and salary arrangement for public health officials in the public medical facilities under their management to be submitted to the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Article11. Implementation responsibilities

1. Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of governmental organs; Chairman of the People s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities and organs, organizations and individuals concerned are liable to execute this Joint Circular.

2. Any problem or difficulty arising during the implementation should be promptly reported to the Ministry of Health for aggregation and in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs for review and settlement./.

For the Minister of Home Affairs

The Deputy Minister

Tran Anh Tuan

For the Minister of Heath

The Deputy Minister

Nguyen Viet Tien

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