Resolution 129/2024/QH15 2025 Law- and Ordinance-Making Program and adjustments to the 2024 Law- and Ordinance-Making Program

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Resolution No. 129/2024/QH15 dated June 08, 2024 of the National Assembly on the 2025 Law- and Ordinance-Making Program and adjustments to the 2024 Law- and Ordinance-Making Program
Issuing body: National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of VietnamEffective date:

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Official number:129/2024/QH15Signer:Tran Thanh Man
Type:ResolutionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:08/06/2024Effect status:

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Fields:Administration , Justice
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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 129/2024/QH15


Hanoi, June 8, 2024



On the 2025 Law- and Ordinance-Making Program and adjustments to the 2024 Law- and Ordinance-Making Program[1]



Pursuant to the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

Pursuant to Law No. 57/2014/QH13 on Organization of the National Assembly, which had a number of articles amended and supplemented under Law No. 65/2020/QH14;

Pursuant to Law No. 80/2015/QH13 on Promulgation of Legal Documents, which had a number of articles amended and supplemented under Law No. 63/2020/QH14;

Considering the National Assembly Standing Committee’s Report No. 824/TTr-UBTVQH15 of May 13, 2024, on the tentative 2025 Law- and Ordinance-Making Program and adjustment to the 2024 Law- and Ordinance-Making Program; and Report No. 859/BC-UBTVQH15 of June 7, 2024, on explanation of, assimilation of opinions on, and revision of, the draft Resolution on the 2025 Law- and Ordinance-Making Program and adjustments to the 2024 Law- and Ordinance-Making Program;



Article 1. Evaluation of the situation

The National Assembly basically agrees with the evaluation of progress and results of the implementation of the legislative program as stated in the National Assembly Standing Committee’s Report.

In 2023 and the first months of 2024, the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Government, and related agencies and organizations continued to perpetuate and promote achievements recorded in the lawmaking work, especially the spirit of “proactive legislation” since the beginning of the 15th National Assembly tenure, unceasingly making efforts and enhancing creativity with practical improvements and renovations in order to overcome difficulties and effectively implement the Political Bureau’s Conclusion No. 19-KL/TW and legislative tasks under the National Assembly Standing Committee’s plans, thereby completing the legislative program on schedule, ensuring quality, promptly removing difficulties and obstacles, promoting socio-economic recovery and development, further improving the legal system, thus contributing to the fruitful performance of socio-economic development tasks. However, there remain shortcomings and limitations in the formulation and implementation of the law- and ordinance-making programs which need to be addressed so as to further improve the quality and efficiency of the legislative work in the upcoming time.

Article 2. Adjustments to the 2024 Law- and Ordinance-Making Program

1. To add the following draft laws to the 2024 Law- and Ordinance-Making Program for submission to the National Assembly for opinion at the 7th session (June 2024) according to the procedures for consideration and passage of laws at a single session and fast-track procedures:

a/ Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of Land Law No. 31/2024/QH15, Housing Law No. 27/2023/QH15, Law No. 29/2023/QH15 on Real Estate Business, and Law No. 32/2024/QH15 on Credit Institutions (the official title of the Law will be considered and decided by the National Assembly upon the consideration of this Law for passage);

b/ National Assembly’s Resolution on value-added tax (VAT) reduction (reported to the National Assembly for resolution in the Resolution of the 15th National Assembly’s 7th session.

2. To submit the following draft laws to the National Assembly for opinion at the 8th session (October 2024):

a/ Law on Digital Technology Industry;

b/ (Revised) Law on Electricity.

Draft laws that have been well prepared by the Government and obtained lawmakers’ high consensus in the National Assembly’s discussions shall be considered by the National Assembly Standing Committee in coordination with the Government for submission to the National Assembly for passage at the 8th session according to the procedures for consideration and passage of laws at a single session;

c/ Law on Teachers;

d/ Law on Management and Investment of State Capital at Enterprises;

dd/ (Revised) Law on Excise Tax;

e/ (Revised) Law on Enterprise Income Tax;

g/ Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Oversight Activities of the National Assembly and People’s Councils;

h/ Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Advertising Law.

3. To submit the following drafts to the National Assembly Standing Committee for consideration and passage:

a/ Ordinance on Litigation Costs (with adjusted criminal litigation costs, civil litigation costs, administrative litigation costs and litigation costs for assessors);

b/ Ordinance on Management and Protection of the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Relic Area (with the adjusted regime of management and protection of the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Relic Area as it is a particularly important work for national security and concurrently a particularly important historical-cultural relic within the Ba Dinh historical-cultural relic complex).

Article 3. The 2025 Law- and Ordinance-Making Program

1. At the 9th session (May 2025):

a/ To submit 12 draft laws and 1 draft resolution to the National Assembly for passage:

1. Law on Gender Reassignment;

2. Law on Digital Technology Industry;

3. (Revised) Law on Electricity;

4. (Revised) Law on Chemicals;

5. Law on Teachers;

6. Law on Management and Investment of State Capital at Enterprises;

7. (Revised) Law on Excise Tax;

8. (Revised) Law on Enterprise Income Tax;

9. (Revised) Law on Employment;

10. Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Oversight Activities of the National Assembly and People’s Councils;

11. Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Advertising Law;

12. Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations;

13. National Assembly’s Resolution on the 2026 Law- and Ordinance-Making Program and adjustments to the 2025 Law- and Ordinance-Making Program.

b/ To submit 10 draft laws to the National Assembly for opinion, including:

1. Law on Water Supply and Drainage;

2. Law on Transfer of Sentenced Persons;

3. Law on Extradition;

4. (Revised) Law on Railways;

5. Law on Management of Urban Development;

6. Law on Participation in the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces;

7. (Revised) Law on Enforcement of Civil Judgements;

8. Law on Mutual Legal Assistance in Civil Matters;

9. Law on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters;

10. Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Product and Good Quality.

2. At the 10th session (October 2025):

a/ To submit 10 laws to the National Assembly for passage, including:

1. Law on Water Supply and Drainage;

2. Law on Transfer of Sentenced Persons;

3. Law on Extradition;

4. (Revised) Law on Railways;

5. Law on Management of Urban Development;

6. Law on Participation in the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces;

7. (Revised) Law on Enforcement of Civil Judgements;

8. Law on Mutual Legal Assistance in Civil Matters;

9. Law on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters;

10. Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Product and Good Quality.

b/ To assign the National Assembly Standing Committee to coordinate with the Government and related agencies in considering and deciding, according to its competence, on addition of drafts to be submitted to the National Assembly for opinion.

Article 4. Organization of implementation

1. The National Assembly Standing Committee shall coordinate with the Government and related agencies in directing the review of legislative tasks and drawing up a priority list of drafts that need to be included in the Law- and Ordinance-Making Program from now until the end of the tenure, with a focus on directing the preparation of and proposing the addition of such list to the Program; decide on modification and supplementation of the Program to meet practical requirements; study and propose new legislative tasks for formulating a scheme on orientations for the law-making program of the 16th National Assembly tenure, and submit it to a competent authority for consideration and decision. In case of necessity, it shall report to the National Assembly for organizing additional sessions or prolonging duration of regular sessions, or dividing a session into phases for consideration and passage of more laws and resolutions.

2. The National Assembly Standing Committee, the Government, agencies, organizations, and National Assembly deputies shall improve their sense of discipline and responsibility in order to ensure the strict implementation of the Law- and Ordinance-Making Program; refrain from submitting to the National Assembly drafts neither accompanied with complete dossiers and documents of required quality nor within the set time limit; refrain from proposing the addition of a draft to the Program at a time too close to the projected opening time of or during a session of the National Assembly, unless such is truly necessary and urgent; strengthen the control of power, combat negative practices, and prevent “group interests” and local interests in the legislative work.

The Government shall take measures to direct, urge and examine agencies assigned to charge of the drafting to ensure the drafting quality and progress; give an adequate period of time for discussing and giving opinions on drafts submitted to the National Assembly and National Assembly Standing Committee and contents that need to have National Assembly deputies’ opinions explained or assimilated; expeditiously formulate and promulgate detailing regulations so that they come into force on the same date with laws, ordinances and resolutions; and thoroughly redress late submission of dossiers of drafts.

Agencies, organizations and National Assembly deputies assigned to take charge of the drafting shall carry out in a serious manner the final review of the law implementation, regulatory impact assessment, and collection of opinions of agencies, organizations and individuals in a practical and effective manner. The law drafting must be carried out with high quality requirements, closely adhering to and promptly institutionalizing the Party’s guidelines and policies, meeting requirements of the reality; focusing on carefully reviewing relevant documents in order to detect and handle inconsistent regulations, ensuring consistency and feasibility. Issues that are required by the reality to be regulated in laws and have been clear and practically proven with high consensus shall be proposed to be regulated in laws; issues that are necessary but remain novel and unclear and are still subject to divergent opinions should continue to be researched, summarized in practice, and put for pilot implementation as soon as they are so permitted by competent agencies.

The Ministry of Justice shall enhance its role in appraising, and assisting the Government in formulating, tentative law- and ordinance-making programs, strictly controlling dossiers of drafts for submission to the National Assembly Standing Committee and the National Assembly, ensuring their quality and completeness under regulations; properly act as a focal-point agency assisting the Government in monitoring, inspecting and urging the implementation of legislative tasks, and reporting on implementation results.

3. The Ethnic Council and the Committees of the National Assembly shall continue to uphold their sense of responsibility, foster their capacity and promote democracy in the legislative work; take the initiative in coordinating from the early stage with agencies and organizations in charge of the drafting in the preparation of drafts; renew the method of carrying out consultation and survey for seeking and assimilating opinions, and grasping the reality so as to improve quality and criticism in verifying, assimilating and revising drafts; assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with one another in reviewing laws, ordinances and resolutions in their assigned fields in order to detect inadequate, contradictory and overlapping contents and propose amendments and supplementations to relevant documents; and intensify the supervision and ensure close linkage between the legislative work and law implementation.

The Law Committee shall assume the prime responsibility for, while other Committees of the National Assembly shall participate in, the examination of the draft Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Oversight Activities of the National Assembly and People’s Councils.

4. The Secretary-General of the National Assembly shall promptly direct the summarization of National Assembly deputies’ opinions on draft laws and resolutions when discussing them in National Assembly deputies’ delegations and groups or at the conference hall; coordinate with agencies in charge of the examination and drafting in proposing important and controversial contents of drafts in order to seek opinions of National Assembly deputies; provide sufficient information and materials for National Assembly deputies to discuss and give opinions on drafts.

The Institute of Legislative Studies shall continue to play its role as an agency specialized in policy and advice and legislative information; actively participate in the legislative work, closely coordinate with the Ethnic Council and Committees of the National Assembly in seeking opinions of experts and scientists, and assimilate opinions for finalizing draft laws and resolutions.

5. National Assembly deputies’ delegations and National Assembly deputies shall devote adequate time to studying and seeking opinions of local agencies and organizations, experts, scientists and voters; and organize discussions and give their opinions, thus contributing to finalizing draft laws and resolutions for submission to the National Assembly for consideration and passage/adoption.

6. The Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations shall continue to promote, and improve the quality of, their social criticisms for draft laws. The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall actively give its opinions in the process of formulation and promulgation of policies and laws, especially in the fields of economics, trade, investment, and production and business activities of enterprises.

7. The National Assembly Standing Committee, the Government, and related agencies, organizations and individuals shall closely coordinate with one another in effectively implementing this Resolution.

This Resolution was adopted on June 8, 2024, by the 15th National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its 7th session.-

Chairman of the National Assembly

[1] Công Báo Nos 745-746 (24/6/2024)

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