Resolution 58/NQ-CP 2023 policies to support enterprises in proactive adaptation, sustainable development toward 2025

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Resolution No. 58/NQ-CP dated April 21, 2023 of the Government on a number of major policies and solutions to support enterprises in proactive adaptation, fast recovery and sustainable development toward 2025
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Official number:58/NQ-CPSigner:Le Minh Khai
Type:ResolutionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:21/04/2023Effect status:

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Fields:Enterprise , Policy


By 2025, there will be 1.5 million enterprises nationwide

On April 21, 2023, the Government issues Resolution No. 58/NQ-CP on a number of major policies and solutions to support enterprises in proactive adaptation, fast recovery and sustainable development toward 2025.

1. Objectives set out by 2025 as follows:

- To strive for the target that there will be 1.5 million enterprises, and 8,000-10,000 business households will be transformed into enterprises;

- The business sector will contribute 65-70% of national GDP, 30-35% of the total workforce in the economy, and 98-99% of the total export-import turnover;

- It is expected that 35-40% of the total enterprises will be engaged in scientific and technological application and innovation activities;

- All business establishments, including enterprises, cooperatives and business households, will have their awareness of digital transformation heightened; at least 30,000 business establishments will be assisted in digital transformation;

- Annually, the number of enterprises included in the list of enterprises with the highest brand value will increase by 10% as ranked by prestigious credit-rating agencies in the world; It is expected that 80% of enterprises will employ trained laborers etc.

2. 4 short-term tasks and solutions:

- Expeditiously removing legal problems and hurdles in order to unclog resources for production and business investment;

- Providing support through reducing expenses for enterprises and increasing their accessibility to preferential capital sources and the State’s resources; Expeditiously promulgating a circular guiding the mechanism on use of state budget funds reserved for recurrent expenditures to assist small- and medium-sized enterprises under Decree No. 80/2021/ND-CP;

- Addressing the breaking of supply chains, diversifying export markets and expanding the domestic market;

- Concentrating efforts on supporting enterprises to create opportunities and stabilize jobs for laborers; stepping up the implementation of policies and solutions to support laborers, organizing training, retraining and further training to raise professional qualifications and skills for workers.

This Resolution takes effect from the date of its signing.

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 58/NQ-CP


Hanoi, April 21, 2023


On a number of major policies and solutions to support enterprises in proactive adaptation, fast recovery and sustainable development toward 2025[1]


Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government; and the November 22, 2019 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Administration;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 39/2022/ND-CP of June 18, 2022, promulgating the Working Regulation of the Government;

At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment,



Over the recent time, the Covid-19 epidemic and complicated geopolitical and economic developments in the world have exerted great impacts on our economy as well as production and business activities of enterprises. In the context of great pressure, difficulties and unprecedented challenges of the world situation, though having limited resources, but under the correct and close leadership of the Party, with the company of the National Assembly, joint efforts, unanimity and high determination of the entire political system, and the cooperation and assistance of international friends, the Government and Prime Minister have resolutely, consistently and promptly directed ministries, sectors and localities to apply various policies and solutions to maintain the macro-economic stability, control inflation under the set targets, maintain reasonable and basically stable exchange rates and interest rates as compared to those in big countries and regional countries which are facing many upheavals, thus helping markedly reduce the pressure on input material and fuel costs so as to remove difficulties for production and business activities.

Therefore, together with the endeavors to surmount difficulties and the spirit of renewal and proactive adaptation of the business community, the production and business activities have showed signs of good recovery. The business sector has seen the encouraging growth rate despite the complicated Covid-19 developments. The confidence of investors and enterprises continues to be consolidated and tends to be positive.

However, the production and business situation in the coming time is expected to meet with numerous difficulties, such as the existent impacts of the Covid-19 epidemic; abnormal developments of climate change, drought and flood; strategic competition of super powers; possible prolongation of the Russo-Ukraine military conflict; inflation in many countries likely to linger in the medium term; petroleum, fuel and material prices remaining high; and the slow recovery and difficulties of big trade partners, etc. In addition, the movement of value chains, requirements of partners and markets toward sustainable production and consumption, and the trends of green economy, digital economy and the Fourth Industrial Revolution vigorously take place; Vietnam’s commitments at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), and the carbon tax and carbon verification measurements applied in many countries in the world are demanding that Vietnamese enterprises renew themselves in order to catch up with new trends, otherwise they will have their competitiveness reduced and lose the opportunity to enter deeply into the global value chains.

In the coming period, the domestic, regional and world situation will see advantages and opportunities intertwined with difficulties and challenges. In order to attain the objectives set forth in the Resolution of the 13th  National Party Congress and accomplish the 2021-2025 five-year socio-economic development objectives and targets approved by the National Assembly, Vietnam needs to vigorously renew the growth model, restructure the economy and improve the socialist-oriented market economy; and raise the productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the economy, in which the business community acts as the pioneering, core and important force to ensure successful achievement of the set objectives.

 In order to support the Vietnamese enterprises in proactive adaptation, fast recovery and sustainable development in quantity and quality to really become an important force to ensure the economic autonomy, the Government requests ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and provincial-level People’s Committees to resolutely and efficiently materialize the following viewpoints, objectives, and focal tasks and solutions to support and develop enterprises:


1. To thoroughly study and fully and effectively implement the resolutions, guidelines, line and policies of the Party and the State regarding encouraging the development of enterprises; to protect the lawful ownership of property and the business freedom rights of the people and enterprises as provided by the Constitution and law; to facilitate development and control risks, making healthy the business investment environment; not to criminalize economic and civil relations while severely handling all law-breaking acts; to consolidate the confidence of the community of enterprises and entrepreneurs; to guarantee the right to equality for all enterprises, regardless of their types and economic sectors, in the opportunity to access resources and policies.

2. To continue accompanying and assisting to the utmost enterprises for them to develop, considering the removal of hindrances and difficulties for enterprises a primary political task. To unclog the bottlenecks as soon as possible and as the most efficiently as possible, mobilizing and liberating social resources for development investment. To heighten the spirit of self-reliance, mobilizing the strength of the great national unity and the involvement of the entire political system and the business community, and expanding international cooperation.

3. To ensure the stability, consistency, predictability, clarity, transparency, efficiency and substance of policies; to further improve the business investment environment toward openness, convenience, safety and friendliness which is close to international standards; to simplify the stage of pre-licensing inspection while intensifying post-licensing inspection based on clear, transparent and reasonable standards and criteria; to step up technological application and digital transformation in the system of state management agencies.

4. To proactively formulate policies and prepare necessary resources for supporting enterprises in proactive adaptation to future upheavals, step up innovation for higher competiveness and fast and sustainable development.

5. To support enterprises with central and focal points, taking up new business trends; to develop new business models based on innovation, digital economy, sharing economy, circular economy, green economy and sustainable business; to boost the formation of leading enterprises in a number of potential sectors and fields, creating new driving forces for growth and realizing sustainable goals.



1. General objectives: To support and develop enterprises to help them proactively adapt to the new situation and stabilize production and business activities and assist them in fast recovery, innovation, sustainable development of production and business, raising of their competitiveness, and deep involvement in the regional and global production network and value chains, and in ensuring their growth both quantitatively and qualitatively, thus contributing to building an independent and self-reliant economy, and ensuring proactive, intensive, extensive, substantive and efficient international economic integration.

2. Specific objectives:

By 2025:

a/ To strive for the target that there will be 1.5 million enterprises, and 8,000-10,000 business households will be transformed into enterprises.

b/ The business sector will contribute 65-70% of national GDP, 30-35% of the total workforce in the economy, and 98-99% of the total export-import turnover.

c/ It is expected that 35-40% of the total enterprises will be engaged in scientific and technological application and innovation activities.

d/ All business establishments, including enterprises, cooperatives and business households, will have their awareness of digital transformation heightened; at least 30,000 business establishments will be assisted in digital transformation.

dd/ Annually, the number of enterprises included in the list of enterprises with the highest brand value will increase by 10% as ranked by prestigious credit-rating agencies in the world.

e/ All enterprise-related administrative procedures will be eligible for provision of online public services.

g/ It is expected that 80% of enterprises will employ trained laborers.


A. Group of short-term tasks and solutions:

1. Expeditiously removing legal problems and hurdles in order to unclog resources for production and business investment

a/ Ministries, sectors and localities shall:

- Expeditiously scrutinize and remove hurdles for investment projects already licensed but not yet implemented or currently implemented with a view to unclogging investment resources for production and business and economic development; and step up the implementation and disbursement of public investment funds.

- Review, and create conditions for fast implementation of, investment and construction procedures for qualified real estate projects in localities so that real estate and construction enterprises can implement such projects according to the approved investment decisions to ensure early completion and introduction of products
to the market.

b/ The Ministry of Construction and provincial-level People’s Committees shall expeditiously study and propose solutions to remove difficulties in terms of legal matters and  construction investment procedures for real estate projects; continue to strictly supervise activities of the real estate market and the capital mobilization by real estate and construction enterprises; study and supplement regulations on financial prudence in capital mobilization by real estate enterprises; and report thereon to the Prime Minister in the second quarter of 2023.

c/ The Ministry of Transport, related ministries and sectors, and localities shall step up the implementation and disbursement of public investment funds for construction of socio-economic infrastructure facilities, especially national key and important projects, unclog resources for production and business activities of enterprises, and adopt solutions to reduce ocean freight for enterprises.

d/ The Ministry of Finance shall:

- Direct the General Department of Vietnam Customs to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities in, studying and simplifying to the utmost the current administrative procedures or considering the application of priority export and import procedures to support enterprises in optimizing the time and expenses in stages performed domestically so as to accelerate the process and procedures for import of essential commodities and speed up the export of agricultural products and groups of key export commodities.

- Continue tax administration reform for individual business households with a view to gradually reducing the difference between tax policies applicable to enterprises and those applicable to business households; and report thereon to the Prime Minister in the second quarter of 2023.

- Monitor and evaluate the operation of the corporate bond market under the Government’s Decree No. 08/2023/ND-CP of March 5, 2023, amending, supplementing, or ceasing the effect of, a number of articles of the decrees providing for private placement and trading of corporate bonds on the domestic market and the offering of corporate bonds to international market.

dd/ The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall study adjusting provisions in the technical regulations on aquatic-product processing wastewater as suitable to the practical conditions, technological capacity, specific factors of the sector and international practices, particularly the phosphorous criteria; consider formulating separate technical regulations for aquaculture wastewater with provisions suitable to practical conditions and specific characteristics of the aquaculture sector; and report thereon to the Prime Minister in the second quarter of 2023.

e/ The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies and localities in, studying, accelerating and resolutely implementing solutions to remove the “IUU” yellow card imposed by the European Union, including the modification of regulations on logging and the digitalization of the process of inspection and fishing certification; reports thereon to the Prime Minister in the second quarter of 2023.

g/ The Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security in, studying and scrutinizing standards and technical regulations on fire prevention and fighting for construction projects; the Ministry of Public Security shall scrutinize standards on fire prevention and fighting, simplify procedures, create favorable conditions and reduce expenses for enterprises while still ensuring the absolute safety; resolutely direct the struggle against crimes related to black credit, and report to the Prime Minister on the results of three years’ implementation of the Prime Minister’s Directive No. 12/CT-TTg of April 25, 2019, on intensifying the prevention and fighting of crimes and law violations related to black credit activities, which shall be completed in the second quarter of 2023.

h/ The Ministry of Science and Technology shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and related agencies in, studying the amendment of regulations on repurposing of science and technology development funds of enterprises for performance of the following tasks: investing in incubators in the fields related to science and technology and innovation; placing orders for innovation products; and investing in innovation startup enterprises; and report thereon to the Prime Minister in the second quarter of 2023.

i/ The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, sectors, localities and associations of enterprises in, studying mechanisms and policies to promote the formation of the force of sole proprietorships with leading role in a number of key domains and economic sectors with competitive advantages; and report thereon to the Prime Minister in the second quarter of 2024.

k/ The Government Inspectorate shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries, sectors and bodies in, minimizing the inspection activities under regulations, and formulating a Directive in replacement of the Prime Minister’s Directive No. 20/CT-TTg of May 17, 2017, on rectifying activities of inspecting and examining enterprises; particularly, resolutely reduce overlaps in inspection and examination activities in the fields of tax and social insurance and other specialized inspection activities; and submit them to the Prime Minister in the second quarter of 2023.

2. Providing support through reducing expenses for enterprises and increasing their accessibility to preferential capital sources and the State’s resources

a/ The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in:

- Further stepping up forecasting activities, ensuring effective coordination between the monetary-fiscal policies and other macro-policies, and balancing central budget funds to support those heavily affected by petroleum prices such as fishermen, transport enterprises and low-income earners under regulations.

- Continuing to resolutely and efficiently apply solutions to provide support in terms of taxes, charges, fees and land rental already issued by competent authorities in order to implement the Program on socio-economic recovery and development.

- Concentrating efforts on studying and finalizing solutions to reduce land rental for enterprises and organizations and submitting them to competent authorities for decision and early implementation; continuing to coordinate with ministries, sectors and associations in reviewing and proposing to the Government the adjustment of export and import duty rates for input materials in service of production in order to support domestic production and business activities.

- Expeditiously promulgating a circular guiding the mechanism on use of state budget funds reserved for recurrent expenditures to assist small- and medium-sized enterprises under the Government’s Decree No. 80/2021/ND-CP of August 26, 2021, which shall be completed in April 2023.

- Scrutinizing and evaluating difficulties and hurdles in the implementation of the Government’s Decree No. 34/2018/ND-CP of March 8, 2018, on the establishment, organization and operation of credit guarantee funds for small- and medium-sized enterprises, and proposing remedies; and reporting thereon to the Prime Minister in the second quarter of 2023.

- Coordinating with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in adopting solutions to reduce costs of input materials and supplies in service of agricultural production and fisheries, particularly animal feeds.

b/ The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in applying solutions to reduce costs of input materials and supplies in service of agricultural production, particularly animal feeds.

c/ The Ministry of Construction shall guide and settle according to competence or advise the Government and Prime Minister on removing difficulties and hurdles related to project management, expense management, construction norms, building materials, and management of construction quality and construction contracts; and guide and examine localities in the announcement of prices of common building materials in localities in accordance with law in the second quarter of 2023.

d/ The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall:

- Enhance monitoring and directing petroleum principal enterprises and distribution enterprises to strictly comply with the regulations on petroleum reserves for circulation, not letting the petroleum supply shortage occur; and proactively calculate and adopt solutions to ensure domestic supply autonomy.

- To study and propose the amendment of the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 28/2014/QD-TTg of April 7, 2014, providing for the structure of electricity retail prices, adding “tourist accommodation establishments” to the subjects of application of electricity retail prices which are equal to those applicable to production sectors in accordance with the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 08-NQ/TW of January 16, 2017, on developing tourism into a spearhead economic sector; and report thereon to the Prime Minister in the second quarter of 2023.

- To formulate and apply solutions to electricity efficiency and conservation, attaching importance to demand response activities.

dd/ The State Bank of Vietnam shall:

- Direct credit institutions to further concentrate credit capital in service of production and business activities of enterprises, especially the priority domains, promoting the development according to the guidelines of the Government and Prime Minister; and step up the implementation of the Government’s Decree No.  31/2022/ND-CP of May 20, 2022, on interest rate support from the state budget for loans taken by enterprises, cooperatives and business households.

- To step up the development of cashless payment and digital transformation; and assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors in, finalizing a Decree on regulatory sandboxes for financial technology (Fintech) activities in the banking sector.

e/ Provincial-level People’s Committees shall:

- Formulate and implement the plan on reduction of water use charges for enterprises in localities.

- Accelerate the construction of rural traffic systems in service of agriculture as well as rural laborers’ daily travel to factories; and appropriately develop and expand concentrated areas for agricultural production and aquaculture.

- Announce prices of common building materials in localities according to jurisdiction and law; examine, scrutinize and closely manage prices of building materials; direct attached agencies and units to regularly monitor and closely follow the construction market so as to update and announce prices of building materials in accordance with law.

3. Addressing the breaking of supply chains, diversifying export markets and expanding the domestic market

a/ The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries, sectors, trade associations and foreign partners in, stepping up activities to support enterprises in diversifying sources of supply, partners, suppliers of input raw materials, fuels, auxiliary materials and components in order to meet production and business demands; support sectors and enterprises in responding to trade barriers, including trade remedies; enhance support for enterprises in raising their capacity to participate in global value chains, apply e-commerce in approaching market and diversifying export markets, direct the system of overseas trade offices to actively support enterprises in connecting with partners and entering into foreign markets, intensifying the application of information technology, and expanding the domestic market; restructure commodity items and markets, avoiding the dependence on a number of certain markets; connect enterprises in using one another’s commodities, firmly maintaining and controlling the domestic market; and coordinate with other ministries, sectors and localities in promptly removing difficulties arising in cross-border import and export activities.

b/ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall direct overseas-based Vietnamese representative missions to actively support enterprises in connecting with partners and entering into foreign markets; step up mobilizing and encouraging entrepreneurs and intellectuals being overseas Vietnamese to meet, connect, cooperate in investment, business and consumption of products and commodities of Vietnamese enterprises in the markets of foreign countries.

4. Concentrating efforts on supporting enterprises to create opportunities and stabilize jobs for laborers; stepping up the implementation of policies and solutions to support laborers, organizing training, retraining and further training to raise professional qualifications and skills for workers

a/ The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for:

- Completing in the second quarter of 2023 the guidance on support for job training for employees working in small- and medium-sized enterprises under the Government’s Decree No. 80/2021/ND-CP of August 26, 2021, detailing a number of articles of the Law on Support for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises.

- Based on practical situation, continuing to scrutinize, study and adopt appropriate solutions to support employees in enterprises.

- Closely monitoring the developments of industrial relations and labor changes in enterprises, establishing channels to collect information on labor-employment situation and industrial relations in localities; surveying the labor recruitment demands at enterprises in order to promptly connect labor supply sources at enterprises planning to arrange laborers due to difficulties in seeking goods orders to maintain production activities.

- To evaluate, and advise competent authorities on promulgation of, policies on training support to raise professional qualifications and skills for workers to be ready for adaptation to job changes, if any.

b/ The Vietnam Bank for Social Policies shall continue stepping up the implementation of programs on provision of concessional loans to priority subjects defined under the Program on socio-economic recovery and development.

c/ Localities shall speed up the disbursement of the house rental support package for workers; step up the application of information technology and provide specific guidance for enterprises in the process of online management and approval of dossiers, creating favorable conditions for workers and enterprises to benefit from the support policy.

B. Group of medium- and long-term tasks and solutions:

1. Continuing to improve the business investment environment, reducing and simplifying the regulations related to business activities

a/ Ministries, sectors and localities shall:

- Focus on dealing with inadequacies in unspecific, overlapping and contradictory provisions of legal documents in the fields of investment, land, construction, and natural resources and environment; integrate legal documents in order to ensure the consistency, synchronism, transparency, easy inquiry, understandability and accessibility of the legal system; proactively reduce or simplify or propose competent authorities to reduce or simplify regulations which create new barriers and difficulties for investment and production and business activities, except cases of necessity in which it is required to assess impacts on enterprises; and scrutinize administrative procedures related to enterprises toward simplification or proper modification for efficient application of digital technology and provision of online public services.

- Formulate and submit to competent authorities for promulgation master plans in the fields or geographical areas under their management for use as basis for enterprises to formulate their investment, production and business plans and strategies with a long vision and sustainability.

- To step up the implementation of the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 882/QD-TTg of July 22, 2022, approving the National Action Plan on green growth in the 2021-2030 period, Decision No. 687/QD-TTg of June 7, 2022, on the Scheme for development of circular economy in Vietnam, and Decision No. 167/QD-TTg of February 8, 2022, on the Program on support for enterprises in the private sector in conducting sustainable business in the 2022-2025 period.

- Organize periodical dialogues between ministries, sectors and local administrations and enterprises with a view to promptly removing difficulties and hurdles; substantively assess the process of handling petitions of the business community; raise the efficiency of public investment; and promote investment of enterprises, contributing to fast and sustainable economic growth.

b/ The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall:

- Accelerate the implementation of the Scheme on development of the domestic market in association with the Campaign “Vietnamese prioritize the use of Vietnamese goods” in the 2021-2025 period, the Program on trade development in mountainous, deep-lying, remote and island areas in the 2021-2025 period, and the National Program on development of e-commerce to stimulate domestic consumption.

- Formulate and materialize solutions to develop a number of big domestic retail groups, which can compete in the region, playing the core role, conducting the market under the Strategy on development of domestic trade up to 2030, with a vision toward 2045; study, formulate and submit to competent authorities for promulgation the strategies on development of textile-garment, leather-footwear, automobile, steel, paper, milk, and plastic industries, etc., for use as basis for enterprises to formulate their long-term, sustainable business plans and strategies.

c/ The Ministry of Justice shall organize the efficient implementation of the Program on legal support for small- and medium-sized enterprises in the 2021-2025 period.

d/ The State Bank of Vietnam shall facilitate a stable and safe monetary and banking environment, promoting healthy competition, ensuring discipline and rule, law supremacy, and respect for market rules; proactively and flexibly administer monetary policies in synchronous and efficient coordination with fiscal policies and other macro-economic policies in order to control inflation.

2. Promoting digital transformation and innovation in enterprises

a/ The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall:

- Step up the support for enterprises in digital transformation under the Law on Support for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises in order to heighten their production and business efficiency, capacity and comparative advantages.

- Efficiently operate the Vietnam National Innovation Center in order to support and develop the startup and innovation ecosystem, contributing to renewing the growth model on the platform of scientific and technological development; and efficiently organize the annual forum connecting Vietnam Innovation Investment Fund and the National Innovation Network.

b/ The Ministry of Information and Communications shall:

- Step up the implementation of the Program on national digital transformation up to 2025, with orientations toward 2030, and the National Strategy on development of Vietnamese digital enterprises to 2030; and build new infrastructure facilities (such as 5G network, data centers, etc.).

- Study formulating a mechanism on transparency in open data sources in the public sector, creating favorable conditions for technology enterprises to access digital resources for development of innovation products and services.

c/ The Ministry of Science and Technology shall:

- Study and step up the development of the force of science and technology enterprises, continuing to support qualified enterprises to enjoy corporate income tax, land and credit policies under regulations.

- To study, propose and efficiently implement the program on support for development of science and technology enterprises, and national programs managed by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

d/ The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries, sectors and localities in, stepping up digital transformation in the field of agriculture, mobilizing social resources, and concretizing specific norms for each stage and roadmap of implementation.

dd/ Provincial-level People’s Committees shall formulate plans and allocate resources to support enterprises, especially small- and medium-sized enterprises, in localities to carry out digital transformation, innovation and technology transfer as suitable to enterprises.

3. Providing support for labor restructuring and improving the quality of human resources to meet the requirements of innovation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

a/ The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall:

- Coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications in applying information technology in order to organize job transaction sessions and assist employers in online recruitments; organize job connection and transactions with the coordination among localities in regions, inter-regions or nationwide; and invest in the establishment of modern online job exchanges in order to directly connect employees and employers without barriers in geographical space.

- Study the policy on part-time jobs in the agriculture and fisheries sectors with a view to creating favorable conditions for enterprises to recruit seasonal laborers while creating jobs and eliminating hunger and reducing poverty for farmers.

- Step up the implementation of solutions, policies and programs on training of skilled human resources for enterprises.

- Diversify capital sources so as to promote the creation of new jobs, high-quality jobs, sustainable jobs and green jobs in service of digital transformation and response to climate change, and jobs for disadvantaged subjects in deep-lying and remote areas.

b/ The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Education and Training, Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and Ministry of Science and Technology in, stepping up the development of human resources in service of innovation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

c/ Provincial-level People’s Committees shall annually formulate plans and allocate resources for providing support in training and business startup consultancy, heightening the business administration capacity for the contingent of enterprise managers; and raise professional skills and carry out job transformation for workers.

4. Improving efficiency of the implementation of policies and resources for support of enterprises in raising their competitiveness and being proactive in international integration, grasping and catching up new business trends and new market trends

a/ The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall continue to step up the implementation of the Law on Support for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises, focusing on providing support for enterprises transformed from business households, and for innovation startups, digital transformation and participation in the value chains; organize the implementation of the Program on providing support for sole proprietorships to carry out sustainable business in the 2022-2025 period, including support for enterprises in application of the models of circular economy, inclusive business and sustainable business.

b/ The Ministry of Finance shall prioritize the balancing and allocation of state budget funds reserved for recurrent expenditures for implementation of policies to support enterprises in sustainable production and business, restructuring and transformation of technologies toward modernization and lower carbon emission in accordance with the Law on the State Budget and relevant legal documents.

c/ The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall step up the implementation and diversification of forms of national programs on trade promotion, industrial extension, domestic market development and national brand building; intensify providing training, consultancy and information for enterprises to take advantage of free trade agreements, firmly grasp the requirements on technical conditions, sustainable business and lower carbon emission of partners and international market; and efficiently implement the early-warning trade information system with a view to providing enterprises with information to avoid dumping lawsuits or relevant information upon approaching the export markets.

d/ The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in stepping up the implementation of solutions to support the formation and development of connection chains of production, processing, consumption, export and traceability of essential commodities, farm produce and food, making full use of the purchasing power of the domestic market; and study proposing the development of domestic material zones in service of agricultural production to substitute imported materials in order to be proactive in supply sources and prices.

dd/ The State Bank of Vietnam shall direct credit institutions to develop and concentrate on capital for provision of loans for enterprises investing in the field of green economy and lower carbon emission in service of the goal of green growth in accordance with law.

e/ Provincial-level People’s Committees shall prioritize the allocation of funds to support small- and medium-sized enterprises, focusing on support for small- and medium-sized enterprises transformed from business households and innovation startup small- and medium-sized enterprises participating in industrial clusters and value chains, small- and medium-sized enterprises owned by women, small- and medium-sized enterprises intensively employing female laborers, small- and medium-sized enterprises being social enterprises, and small- and medium-sized enterprises conducting sustainable business.


1. Within the ambit of their assigned functions, tasks and powers, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies or government-attached agencies, and chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees shall:

a/ Expeditiously concretize and institutionalize the policies and solutions assigned to them in the Resolution in specific documents for prompt and efficient implementation.

b/ Regularly examine and supervise the implementation, ensuring the progress of implementation of the objectives, tasks and reporting regime stated in this Resolution. With regard to the monitoring, survey and evaluation of objectives: The Government Office is accountable for the objectives stated at Item e, Clause 2, Section II; the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the objectives stated at Items a, b and d, Clause 2, Section II; the Ministry of Science and Technology, the objectives stated at Item c, Clause 2, Section II; the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the objectives stated at Item d, Clause 2, Section II; and the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, the objectives stated at Item g, Clause 2, Section II, of this Resolution.

c/ Promptly synthesize petitions, difficulties and problems of enterprises within the sectors, fields and geographical areas assigned to them for management in order to settle them or forward them to competent bodies for settlement.

d/ Strictly handle officials and civil servants who cause difficulties for and harass enterprises in accordance with law.

2. The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall sum up petitions, difficulties and problems of enterprises and forward them to state agencies for settlement; send to the Prime Minister quarterly reports on the implementation situation and concurrently to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for synthesis, monitoring and publicization on the Enterprise Support Portal; actively organize activities of policy and law consultation and comment; step up the setting of orientations and launching campaigns for building up entrepreneurs’ ethics, business culture of law supremacy, social responsibility and interest harmony in the community of Vietnamese entrepreneurs and enterprises; and enhance the mobilization of enterprises and associations of enterprises to participate in formulating and implementing the master plans on development of commodity lines and regional and local economies.

3. Associations of enterprises and trade associations shall:

a/ Formulate specific and feasible programs and measures in order to further raise the quality of activities and properly perform the role as organizations representing the business community and the contingent of entrepreneurs and employers in Vietnam; encourage and promote the role of the contingent of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the period of accelerated industrialization, modernization and international integration; establish and widely develop ethical standards, culture of law supremacy, social responsibility, interest harmony of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the socialist-oriented market economy, promoting the spirit and responsibility of Vietnamese enterprises and entrepreneurs toward the country and the nation.

b/ Proactively study and evaluate the challenges, opportunities, new business trends and new market trends of sectors and fields, especially the requirements on sustainable business and green business; and promptly provide information, guidance and consultancy for member enterprises and commodity lines.

c/ Represent, and increase the interests of, their members in domestic and international relations; act as a bridge in carrying out policy advocacy and maintaining dialogues with the Government and ties with domestic and foreign agencies and organizations on laws and policies regulating the operation of the business community.

d/ Closely coordinate with central and local agencies providing support for enterprises in formulating and efficiently implementing programs and solutions in support of enterprises, promoting the business connection between domestic enterprises and foreign enterprises, among local enterprises, and between economic groups and big enterprises and small- and medium-sized enterprises.

dd/ Sum up petitions, difficulties and problems of enterprises for forwarding to state management agencies for settlement and, at the same time, send copies thereof to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for synthesis, monitoring and publicization on the Enterprise Support Portal.

4. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and agencies in, urging, inspecting and supervising the implementation of this Resolution, and send annual reports thereon to the Government; and conduct surveys, evaluation and preliminary and final reviews and propose the amendment and supplementation of this Resolution.


1. This Resolution takes effect from the date of its signing and replaces the Government’s Resolution No. 35/NQ-CP of June 15, 2016, on support for and development of enterprises through 2020.

2. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees shall be personally responsible before the Government and Prime Minister for the organization and results of implementation of this Resolution.-

On behalf of the Government
For the Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister

[1] Công Báo Nos 687-688 (04/5/2023)

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