Decree No. 21/2008/ND-CP dated February 28, 2008 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 80/2006/ND-CP dated August 9, 2006, detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on environmental protection

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Decree No. 21/2008/ND-CP dated February 28, 2008 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 80/2006/ND-CP dated August 9, 2006, detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on environmental protection
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Official number:21/2008/ND-CPSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:DecreeExpiry date:

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Issuing date:28/02/2008Effect status:

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Fields:Natural Resources - Environment
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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 21/2008/ND-CP

Hanoi, February 28, 2008





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the November 29, 2005 Law on Environmental Protection;
Pursuant to the June 29, 2006 Law on Standards and Technical Regulations;
At the proposal of Minister of Natural Resources and Environment;


Article 1.

- To amend and supplement a number of articles of the Government's Decree No. 80/2006/ND-CP dated August 9, 2006, detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Environmental Protection (below referred to as Decree No. 80/2006/ND-CP).

1. To amend and supplement Article 4 as follows:

Article 4.

- Transitional provisions, review and conversion of environmental standards into environmental technical regulations.

1. Environmental standards announced by the State for compulsory application shall be converted into environmental technical regulations as follows:

a/ Standards of surrounding environment quality shall be converted into technical regulations on surrounding environment quality;

b/ Standards of waste shall be converted into technical regulations on waste.

2. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall review and convert national standards of surrounding environment quality and national standards of waste promulgated before January 1, 2007, into national technical regulations on surrounding environmental quality and national technical regulations on waste.

3. The review and conversion of standards of surrounding environment quality and standards of waste into technical regulations on surrounding environment quality and technical regulations on waste shall be conducted in accordance with the current provisions of law on standards and technical regulations.

2. To amend and supplement Article 5 as follows:

Article 5.

- Responsibilities, order and procedures for formulation, promulgation and stipulation of application of environmental technical regulations.

1. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall formulate and promulgate national technical regulations on surrounding environment quality and national technical regulations on waste and stipulate roadmaps and coefficients for application of national technical regulations on waste for regions, areas and sectors.

2. Provincial-level People’s Committees shall formulate and promulgate local technical regulations on waste to suit their local characteristics.

Local technical regulations on waste must be stricter than national ones and be applied according to corresponding roadmaps and coefficients of regions, areas or sectors prescribed in decisions promulgating national technical regulations on waste.

3. The order and procedures for formulation, evaluation and promulgation of environmental technical regulations comply with the provisions of law on standards and technical regulations.

4. Organizations and individuals are obliged to observe technical regulations on surrounding environment quality and technical regulations on waste promulgated by competent state agencies.

3. To amend and supplement Clause l of Article 6 as follows:

"1. To replace the list of projects subject to making of environmental impact assessment reports included in Appendix I to Decree No. 80/2006/ND-CP with the list included in the Appendix to this Decree.

For projects subject to making of environmental impact assessment reports emerging outside the list included in the Appendix to this Decree, the Minister of Natural Resources and environment shall consider, decide and report them to the Prime Minister."

4. To add the following Article 6a:

Article 6a.

- Consultation of commune, ward or township People’s Committees and community representatives in the process of making environmental impact assessment reports.

1. Commune, ward or township Fatherland Front Committees (below referred to as commune-level Fatherland Front Committees) shall represent communities in contributing opinions in the process of making environmental impact assessment reports of investment projects in their localities.

2. The project owner shall send a document on the project's major investment items, environmental issues and environmental protection measures and request the commune-level People's Committee and Fatherland Front Committee of the place where the project is to be executed to give opinions.

3. Within fifteen (15) working days after receiving a written request for opinions, commune-level People's Committee and Fatherland Front Committee shall give their opinions in writing and make them public to local people.

Past this time limit, if they issue no written replies, the commune-level People's Committees and community representatives shall considered having agreed with the project owner.

4. Consultation of commune, ward or township People's Committees and representatives of communities in the process of making environmental impact assessment report is not required for the following projects:

a/ Investment projects located within industrial parks, export processing zones or hi-tech parks, if the projects on construction of infrastructure of these industrial parks, export processing zones or hi-tech parks have had their environmental impact assessment reports approved by competent state agencies.

If the environmental impact assessment reports of projects on construction of infrastructure of these industrial parks, export processing zones or hi-tech parks were approved after July l, 2006 inspection and certification by a competent state agency in charge of environmental protection of the strict implementation of the environmental protection contents of the approval decision and environmental impact assessment report is required.

b/ Projects in a sea area for which the administrative management responsibility of a commune People's Committee cannot be identified for consultation in the course of making environmental impact assessment reports;

c/ Investment projects in the domain of security or defense involving national secrets.

5. To amend and supplement Article 11 as follows:

Article 11.

- Appraisal and approval of environmental impact assessment reports

1. People's Committees of provinces and central run cities (below referred to as provincial level People's Committees) shall organize an appraisal council or authorize a specialized environmental protection agency of the same level to organize an appraisal council or select an appraisal service organization to appraise environmental impact assessment reports of investment projects in their localities, except for projects specified at Points a and b, Clause 7, Article 21 of the Law on Environmental Protection.

2. The time of submission of environmental impact assessment reports for appraisal and approval is prescribed below:

a/ Owners of investment projects on mineral exploitation shall submit environmental impact assessment reports for appraisal and approval before applying for mineral exploitation permits;

b/ Owners of investment projects on construction of works or involving construction items shall submit environmental impact assessment reports for appraisal and approval before applying for construction permits, except for projects specified at Point a of this Clause;

c/ Owners of investment projects not falling into categories specified at Points a and b, of this Clause shall submit environmental impact assessment reports for appraisal and approval before commencing their projects.

3. Appraisal councils or appraisal service organizations have the function of giving advice to assist competent agencies in examining and assessing the quality of environmental impact assessment reports serving as the basis for consideration and approval according to regulations.

4. When necessary, before the opening of official meetings of appraisal councils, agencies responsible for conducting the appraisal may carry out the following support activities:

a/ Survey of the project's execution site and adjacent areas;

b/ Taking samples for analysis and verification;

c/ Consulting the community in the place where the project is to be executed;

d/ Collecting comments of related experts outside the appraisal council, related scientific and technological institutions, social and professional organizations, and non-governmental organizations;

e/ Holding appraisal seminars.

5. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall issue regulations on the operation of appraisal councils and appraisal service organizations appraising environmental impact assessment reports.

6. To amend Point b, Clause 1 of Article 13 as follows:

"b/ The project is executed only after 24 months following the date of approval of its environmental impact assessment report.

In case of no change in design capacity, technology and surrounding environment, it is not required to make an additional environmental impact assessment report but a written explanation must be submitted to the approving agency.''

7. To amend and supplement Article 17 as follows:

Article 17.

- Registration and certification of written environmental protection commitments.

1. The time of registration and certification of written environmental protection commitments is specified as follows:

a/ Owners of investment projects on mineral exploitation shall register their written environmental protection commitments for certification before applying for mineral exploitation permits;

b/ Owners of investment projects on construction of works or involving construction items shall register their written environmental protection commitments for certification before applying for construction permits, except for projects specified at Point a of this Clause;

c/ Owners of investment projects not falling into categories specified at Points a and b, of this Clause shall register their written environmental protection commitments for certification before commencing their projects.

2. The registration of written environmental protection commitments for investment projects to be executed in two or more rural districts, urban districts, towns or provincial cities (below collectively referred to as districts) is prescribed as follows:

a/ Owners of investment projects shall register written environmental protection commitments with the People’s Committee of the district where the environment will be most negatively affected by the project;

In case a project will exert the same negative impact on a number of localities, the project owner may select one of these localities for registering written environmental protection commitments.

b/ The district-level People’s Committees with which project owners register written environmental protection commitments shall consult district-level People’s Committees of other concerned districts before certifying written environmental protection commitment and notify their certification to these localities.

3. Owners of projects on a sea area in which the administrative management responsibility of a district-level People’s Committee cannot not be identified shall register written environmental protection commitments with People's Committees of districts where they have registered for waste treatment and disposal.

For projects which do not generate any waste in a sea area for which the administrative management responsibility of a district-level People’s Committee cannot be identified, they are not required to register written environmental protection commitments.

4. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall guide the form and contents of certificates of written environment protection commitments.

8. To add the following Article 17a:

Article 17a.

- Appraisal and approval environmental impact assessment reports, certification of written environmental protection commitments of investment projects in economic zones, industrial parks, export processing zones and hi-tech parks.

1. State agencies competent to conduct appraisal and approval of environmental impact assessment reports and certify written environmental protection commitments may authorize management boards of economic zones to appraise and approve environmental impact assessment reports and certify written environmental protection commitments of projects in economic zones provided that these management boards have units or sections specialized in environmental protection.

2. State agencies competent to conduct appraisal and approval of environmental impact assessment reports and certify written environmental protection commitments may authorize management boards of industrial parks, export processing zones or hi-tech parks to appraise and approve environmental impact assessment reports and certify written environmental protection commitments of investment projects in these industrial parks, export processing zones or hi-tech parks when the following conditions are fully met:

a/ The management boards have units or sections specialized in environmental protection;

b/ Projects s on construction of infrastructure of these industrial parks, export processing zones or hi-tech parks have had their environmental impact assessment reports approved.

If the environmental impact assessment reports of projects on construction of infrastructure of industrial parks, export processing zones or hi-tech parks were approved after July 1, 2006, inspection and certification by a competent state agency in charge of environmental protection of the strict implementation of the environmental protection contents of the approval decision and environmental impact assessment report is required.

3. Authorized management boards of economic zones, industrial parks, export processing zones and hi-tech parks shall send reports on results of appraisal and approval of environmental impact assessment reports to provincial-level environmental protection agencies and results of certification of written environmental protection commitments to district-level environmental protection agencies of the localities where the economic zones, industrial parks, export processing zones or hi-tech park are located.

9. To add the following Article 17b:

Article 17b.

- Elaboration and approval of environmental protection schemes and examination and inspection of environmental protection work in consolidated production, business and service zones and production, business and service establishments having operated since before July 1, 2006, without decisions on approval of environmental impact assessment reports or certificates of registration of satisfaction of environmental standards.

1. Owners of consolidated production, business and service zones and owners of production, business and service establishments having operated since before July l, 2006, without decisions on approval of environmental impact assessment reports or certificates of registration of satisfaction of environmental standards, shall elaborate environmental protection schemes and submit them before June 30, 2008, to state agencies in charge of environmental protection specified in Clause 2 of this Article for approval or certification.

2. The responsibility to approve and certify environmental protection schemes and examine and inspect environmental protection work of owners specified in Clause l of this Article is prescribed as follows:

a/ Provincial-level environmental protection agencies shall approve and certify environmental protection schemes and examine and inspect environmental protection work of consolidated production, business and service zones and production, business and service establishments of a nature and size corresponding to those required to make environmental impact assessment reports;

The provincial-level environmental protection agency of the place most negatively affected by a consolidated production, business and service zone or a production, business and service establishment shall consult provincial-level environmental protection agencies of concerned localities before approving an environmental protection scheme, for consolidated production, business and service zones and production, business and service establishments located in two or more provinces and centrally run cities.

b/ District-level environmental protection agencies shall approve and certify environmental protection schemes and examine and inspect environmental protection work of consolidated production, business and service zones and production, business and service establishments in their localities, except for those mentioned at Point a of this Clause.

The district-level environmental protection agency of the place most negatively affected by a consolidated production, business and service zone or a production, business and service establishment shall consult district-level environmental protection agencies of concerned localities before approving an environmental protection scheme, for consolidated production, business and service zones and production, business and service establishments located in two or more rural districts, urban districts, towns and provincial cities.

3. An environmental protection scheme of a consolidated production, business and service zone or a production, business and service establishment of a nature and size corresponding to those required to make environmental impact assessment reports has the following principal details:

a/ General information on the size, characteristics and major activities of the consolidated production, business and service zone or production, business and service establishment related to the environment;

b/ An overview of related natural economic, social and environmental conditions;

c/ The current status of the environment in the area directly and negatively affected by the operation of the consolidated production, business and service zone or production, business and service establishment;

d/ Statistics on and assessments of sources negatively affecting the environment;

e/ Comprehensive solutions, environmental protection facilities and an implementation plan.

4. An environmental protection scheme of a consolidated production, business and service zone or a production, business and service establishment of a nature and size corresponding to those required to make environmental protection commitments has the following principal details:

a/ Statistics on and assessments of major waste sources;

b/ Solutions, environmental protection facilities and an implementation plan.

5. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall guide the elaboration and approval or certification of environmental protection schemes of those mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article.

10. To add the following Article 17c:

Article 17c.

- Management of dossiers, examination and inspection of environmental protection work of consolidated production, business and service zones and production, business service establishments which were granted certificates of registration of satisfaction of environmental standards before July 1, 2006.

1. Provincial-level environmental protection agencies shall manage dossiers of certification of registration of satisfaction of environmental standards and examine and inspect environmental protection work of consolidated production, business and service zones and production, business and service establishments of a nature and size corresponding to those required to make environmental impact assessment reports in their localities.

2. District-level People’s Committees shall manage dossiers of certification of registration of satisfaction of environmental standards and examine and inspect environmental protection work of consolidated production, business and service zones and production, business and service establishments other than those mentioned in clause 1 of this Article.

3. State management agencies in charge of environmental protection at all levels shall transfer dossiers of certification of registration of satisfaction of environmental standards of consolidated production, business and service zones and production, business and service establishments which they are keeping to agencies assigned to manage these dossiers under Clauses l and 2 of this Article before June 30, 2008.

11. To add the following Article 17d:

Article 17d.

- Provisions on environmental protection applicable to investment projects and consolidated production, business and service zones and

production, business and service establishments in the security and defense domain

1. Investment projects and consolidated production, business and service zones and production, business and service establishments in the security and defense domain must comply with environmental protection requirements and procedures in accordance with the law on environmental protection.

2. The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Defense shall appraise and approve environmental impact assessment reports and certify written environmental protection commitments of investment projects and examine and inspect environmental protection work of consolidated production, business and service zones and production, business and service establishments in the security and defense domain.

12. To add the following Article 21a:

Article 21a.

- Provisions on discharge of waste in the sea

1. It is strictly prohibited to discharge hazardous wastes in the sea of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

2. It is prohibited to discharge wastes in the sea areas of nature conservation zones, natural heritage areas, areas with new natural eco-systems, and regular or seasonal reproduction grounds of marine and aquatic species.

3. Ordinary wastes of means of transport and offshore oil rigs which have been treated in accordance with technical regulations on wastes may be discharged in the sea, except sea areas specified in Clause 2 of this Article.

4. The discharge of wastes from the mainland which have been treated in accordance with law and wastes dredged from canals and fairways in the sea is subject to consent of provincial-level environmental protection agencies.

13. To amend and supplement Clause 3 of Article 22 as follows:

'' 3. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall guide the examination, evaluation and verification of waste treatment equipment and facilities before they are put into operation.''

14. To add the following Article 23a:

"The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall guide the elaboration of environmental planning integrated into land use planning, socio-economic development planning and branch or domain development planning."

Article 2. - Implementation provisions

1. This Decree takes effect 15 days after its publication in ''CONG BAO.''

2. Dossiers received before the effective date of this Decree shall be processed under the provisions of Decree No. 80/2006/ND-CP.

3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and presidents of provincial/municipal People’s Committee shall have to implement this Decree.




Nguyen Tan Dung



(Attached to the Government’s Decree No. 21/2008/ND-CP dated February 28, 2008)

Ordinal number




Important national projects and works in which investment guidelines are submitted to the National Assembly for decision under the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 66/2006/NQ11 dated June 29, 2006



Projects using part or the whole of land areas of nature conservation zones, national parks, historical-cultural relic areas, world heritages, biosphere reserves, and famous scenic places, ranked or not yet ranked, which are protected under decisions of provincial/municipal People’s Committees



Projects involving risks of directly and badly affecting water sources in river basins, coastal areas and areas having protected eco-systems


Group of construction projects


Projects to build infrastructures in urban centers or residential areas

Covering 50 ha or more


Projects to build infrastructures in industrial parks, hi-tech parks, industrial clusters, export-processing zones or trade village clusters



Projects to build supermarkets of markets

With 200 business places or more


Projects to build sports centers

Covering 10 ha or more


Projects to build hospitals

With 50 hospital beds or more


Projects to build hotels and rest homes

With 100 rooms or more


Projects to build tourist and entertainment resorts

Covering 10 ha or more


Projects to build tourist service establishments (infrastructure and physical foundations) in coastal areas and on islands

With a wastewater volume of 1,000 m3 or more per day and night


Projects to build golf courses

With 18 holes or more


Projects to build cemeteries (burial, incineration or other forms)



Projects to build underground works



Projects to build houses with basements

Basement of 10m or more deep


Projects to build combat works, military training centers, shooting grounds and defense ports



Projects to build military warehouses



Projects to build defense economic zones



Projects to build prisons and detention camps


Group of projects to manufacture construction materials


Cement production projects

Design capacity of 300,000 tons or more of cement per year


Projects on grinding of clinker for cement production

Design capacity of 1 million tons or more of cement per year


Projects to produce bricks and roofing tiles

Design capacity of 10 million ore more standard tiles and bricks per year


Projects to produce other construction materials

Design capacity of 10,000 tons ore more of products per year

Group of traffic projects


Projects to build underground traffic works (subways and tunnels)

500 m or more in length


Projects to build motorways, and roads of grades I to III



Projects to build, renovate and upgrade motorways, and roads of grades I to III

50 km or more in length


Projects to build grade-IV roads

100 km or more in length


Projects to build railways

50 km or more in length


Projects to build overhead railways



Projects to build telpher lines

500 m or more in length


Projects to build permanent road and railway bridges

200 m or more in length (excluding the length of access roads)


Projects to build traffic works

Requiring resettlement of 1,000 or more people


Projects to build river ports and seaports

Accommodating vessels of 1,000 DWT or more


Projects to build fishing wharves

Accommodating fishing vessels with 100 arrivals or more per day


Projects to build airports and airfields



Projects to build passenger car terminals

Covering 0.5 ha or more


Projects to produce hot asphalt concrete

Design capacity of 30,000 tons or more of products per year

Group of energy and radiation projects


Projects to build nuclear reactors



Projects to build production, business and service establishments using radioactive substances or discharging radioactive wastes



Atomic power or thermal nuclear projects



Thermo power projects

Design capacity of 30 MW or more


Wind power projects

Covering an area of 100 ha or more


Solar power projects

Covering an area of 100 ha or more


Hydropower projects

With a reservoir of a capacity of 300,000 m3 or more of water


Projects to build high-voltage power lines

100 km or more in length


Projects to manufacture electric wires and cables

Capacity of 2,000 tons or more of aluminum per year (or equivalent)

Group of electronic and telecommunications projects


Projects to build radio transmission and radio transmission-receipt stations

Design capacity of 2 kW or more


Projects to manufacture electric and electronic appliances

Design capacity of 10,000 or more appliances per year


Projects to manufacture electric and electronic components

Design capacity of 500 tons or more of products per year


Projects to build telecommunications lines

100 km or more in length


Projects to manufacture telecommunications cables


Group of projects on irrigation, forest exploitation and forestation


Projects on reservoirs and irrigation lakes

With a reservoir of a capacity of 300,000 m3 or more of water


Projects on irrigation works

Covering 200 ha or more


Seaward expansion projects



River and sea embankment projects

1,000 m or more in length


Projects involving exploitation or conversion of use purposes of headwater protection forests, breakwater forests or special-purpose forests

Covering 5 ha or more


Projects involving exploitation or conversion of use purposes of natural forests

Covering 20 ha or more


Forestation and forest exploitation projects

Forestation of 1,000 ha or more; exploitation of forests of 200 ha or more


Projects to build consolidated rubber, cassava, sugarcane, coffee, cocoa, tea and pepper growing areas

Covering 100 ha or more


Projects to build consolidated vegetable and flower growing areas

Covering 100 ha or more

Group of mineral exploitation projects


Projects to exploit minerals on the mainland for use as construction materials

Exploitation capacity of 50,000 m3 or more of materials per year


Projects to exploit minerals for use and ground fill-up materials

Exploitation capacity of 100,000 m3 of more of materials per year


Projects to exploit, dredge and salvage- exploit minerals in river beds for use as construction materials

Capacity of 50,000 m3 or more of materials per year


Projects to exploit solid minerals (without using chemicals)

A mined volume (including minerals and discharged earth and rock) of 100,000 m3 or more per year


Projects to exploit and process solid minerals containing hazardous substances or involving use of chemicals



Projects to process solid minerals

- Design capacity of 50,000 tons or more of products per year

- A volume of 500,000 tons or more of discharged earth and rock per year, for coal sorting


Projects to exploit groundwater

Exploitation capacity of 10,000 m3 or more of water per day and night


Projects to exploit natural mineral water (underground or on surface) for bottling

Exploitation capacity of 120 m3 or more of water per day and night


Projects to exploit natural mineral water (underground or on surface) for service purposes (bathing, medical treatment and other purposes)

Exploitation capacity of 500 m3 or more of water per day and night


Projects to exploit surface water

Exploitation capacity of 50,000 m3 or more of water per day and night

Group of oil and gas projects


Projects to exploit oil and gas



Projects on petrochemical refineries (except projects on LPG extraction and lubricant preparation)



Projects to produce petrochemical products (surfactants, plasticizers, methanol)



Projects to build oil and gas pipelines



Projects to build oil and gas entrepots

Storage capacity of 1,000 m3 or more


Projects to build oil and gas depot areas


Group of waste treatment projects


Projects on re-processing and treating ordinary solid wastes



Projects to build dumping sites for industrial and hazardous wastes



Projects to build dumping sites for garbage

For 500 households or for use by people of a district or more


Projects to build concentrated industrial wastewater treatment systems outside industrial parks, export-processing zones and hi-tech parks



Projects to build concentrated daily-life wastewater treatment systems

Design capacity of 1,000 m3 or more of wastewater per day and night


Projects on purchase and preliminary processing of scraps (including imported scraps)

Design capacity of 3,000 tons/year`


Projects on vessel clean-up (all types of vessels)



Projects to dismantle old vessels (of all kinds)


Group of mechanical engineering and metallurgical projects


Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy projects

Design capacity of 3,000 tons or more of products per year


Steel rolling projects

Design capacity of 5,000 tons or more of products per year


Vessel building and repair projects

Vessels of 1,000 DWT or more


Projects to manufacture, repair and assemble locomotives and cars

Design capacity of 500 units or more per year


Projects to manufacture, assemble and repair motorcycles

Design capacity of 10,000 units or more per year


Projects on mechanical engineering and manufacture of machines and equipment

Design capacity of 1,000 tons or more of products per year


Projects on metal plating, coating and polishing

Design capacity of 1,000 tons or more of products per year


Projects to manufacture shaped aluminum

Design capacity of 2,000 tons or more of products per year


Projects to manufacture and repair weapons and military materials and technical equipment


Group of timber processing and glass, ceramic porcelain production projects


Timber processing projects

Design capacity of 5,000 m3 or more per year


Plywood processing projects

Design capacity of 100,000 m2 or more per year


Household woodwork manufacture projects

Design capacity of 10,000 or more products per year


Projects to produce fine art articles

Design capacity of 1 million or more products per year


Projects to produce glass, ceramic and porcelain

Design capacity of 1 million products or more per year


Projects to produce sanitary porcelain

Design capacity of 10,000 tons products or more per year


Projects to produce enameled tiles

Design capacity of 1 million m2 or more per year


Projects to produce bulbs and thermos flasks

Design capacity of 1 million or more products per year

Group of food processing and beverage projects


Food processing projects

Design capacity of 5,000 tons or more of products per year


Cattle and poultry slaughter projects

Design capacity of 1,000 cattle or 10,000 poultry or more per day


Frozen aquatic product processing projects

Design capacity of 1,000 tons or more of products per year


Sugar production projects

Design capacity of 20,000 tons or more of sugar per year


Alcohol and spirit production projects

Design capacity of 100,000 liters or more of products per year


Beer and beverage production projects

Design capacity of 500,000 liters or more of products per year


Monosodium glutamate production projects

Design capacity of 5,000 tons or more of products per year


Milk processing projects

Design capacity of 10,000 tons or more of products per year


Edible oil processing projects

Design capacity of 10,000 tons or more of products per year


Confectionery production projects

Design capacity of 5,000 tons or more of products per year


Ice production projects

Design capacity of 3,000 ice bars or more per day and night (for 50 kg bars) or 150,000 kg or more of ice water per day and night

Group of agricultural product processing projects


Cigarette production projects

Design capacity of 30,000 packs or more per year


Cigarette materials processing projects

Design capacity of 1,000 tons or more of products per year


Cereals processing projects

Design capacity of 10,000 tons or more of products per year


Rice grinding and processing projects

Design capacity of 20,000 tons or more of products per year


Manioc starch processing projects

Design capacity of 1,000 tons or more of products per year


Cashew nut processing projects

Design capacity of 10,000 tons or more of products per year


Tea processing projects

Design capacity of 10,000 tons or more of products per year


Coffee processing projects

Design capacity of 5,000 tons or more of products per year, for the wet processing method; 10,000 tons or more of products per year, for the dry processing method; 1,000 tons or more of products per year, for processing coffee powder and instant coffee

Group of feed processing and cattle, poultry rearing and aquaculture projects


Cattle, poultry and aquatic animal feed processing projects

Design capacity of 5,000 tons or more of products per year


Projects to process aquatic by-products

Design capacity of 1,000 tons or more of products per year


Projects to process fish meal

Design capacity of 1,000 tons or more of products per year


Aquaculture projects (intensive/semi-intensive farming)

Water surface area of 10 ha or more


Extensive aquaculture projects

Water surface area of 50 ha or more


Projects on aquaculture on sand



Large-scale cattle raising projects

1,000 cattle heads or more


Large-scale poultry raising projects

20,000 poultry heads or more; 200 or more for ostriches; 100,000 or more for quails

Group of chemical fertilizer and plant protection drug projects


Projects to produce chemical fertilizers

Design capacity of 2,000 tons or more of products per year


Projects on warehouses of chemicals and plant protection drugs

Storage capacity of 2 tons or more


Projects to produce plant protection drugs



Projects to bottle and pack plant protection drugs

Design capacity of 1,000 tons or more of products per year


Projects to produce organic fertilizers and micro-fertilizers

Design capacity of 1,000 tons or more of products per year

Group of chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic projects


Projects to produce pharmaceuticals

Design capacity of 50 tons or more of products per year


Projects to produce vaccines



Projects to produce veterinary medicines

Design capacity of 50 tons or more of products per year


Projects to produce cosmetics

Design capacity of 50 tons or more of products per year


Projects to produce plastics and plastic products

Design capacity of 500 tons or more of products per year


Projects to produce plastic packages

Design capacity of 2 million or more products per year


Projects to produce paints and base chemicals

Design capacity of 500 tons or more of products per year


Projects to produce detergents and additives

Design capacity of 1,000 tons or more of products per year


Projects to produce projectile power, explosives and fire equipment



Projects to produce industrial explosives



Salt production projects

Covering 100 ha or more

Group of paper and stationery production projects


Projects to produce pulp and paper (from raw materials)

Design capacity of 1,000 tons or more of products per year


Projects to produce paper from pulp and recycling

Design capacity of 5,000 tons or more of products per year


Projects to produce stationery

Design capacity of 1,000 tons or more of products per year


Group of dyeing textile and garment projects



Projects on dyeing textiles



Projects on non-dyeing textiles

Capacity of 10 million m or more of fabric per year


Projects to produce and process garment products involving laundering and bleaching

Design capacity of 50,000 or more products per year


Projects on production and processing of garment products without laundering and bleaching

Design capacity of 2 million or more products per year


Industrial laundering projects

Design capacity of 50,000 or more products per year


Projects to produce silk and artificial yarn

Design capacity of 1,000 tons or more of products per year


Group of other projects



Projects on rubber latex processing plants

Design capacity of 5,000 tons or more of products per year


Projects on rubber processing plants

Design capacity of 1,000 tons or more of products per year


Projects to manufacture footwear

Design capacity of 1 million or more of products per year


Projects on to manufacture car and tractor tires and tubes

Design capacity of 50,000 or more of products per year for cars and tractors; 100,000 or more products per year, for bicycles and motorcycles


Projects to manufacture accumulators and batteries

Design capacity of 50,000 kWh per year or 100 tons or more of products per year


Projects on leather tanning plants



Projects to produce and extract liquefied CO2 gas

Design capacity of 3,000 tons or more of products per year


Projects to manufacture fire-fighting equipment and products



Other projects on renovation, upgrade and expansion

Of a nature, size and capacity equivalent to projects numbered 1 to 161, except for projects numbered 25 and 26 of this Appendix










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Official Gazette
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