Decision No. 733/QD-TTg dated Hanoi, May 17, 2011 of the Prime Minister approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Thai Binh province through 2020

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Decision No. 733/QD-TTg dated Hanoi, May 17, 2011 of the Prime Minister approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Thai Binh province through 2020
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Official number:733/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:17/05/2011Effect status:

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 Decision No. 733/QD-TTg dated Hanoi, May 17, 2011 of the Prime Minister approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Thai Binh province through 2020

Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on the formulation, approval and management of socio-economic development master plans, and Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP of January 11, 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006;

At the proposal of the People's Committee of Thai Binh province,


Article 1. To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Thai Binh province through 2020 (below referred to as the master plan) with the following principal contents:


1. The master plan aims to effectively promote and utilize all potential, advantages and resources for quick and sustainable economic growth, turning Thai Binh into a fairly developed province of the Red River delta and the country.

2. To quickly develop all economic sectors, creating a breakthrough in economic restructuring and production restructuring of each industry and sector, associating production with market demands; to markedly improve the quality, effectiveness and competitiveness of products, enterprises and the entire economy. To concentrate on industrial and service development; to attach importance to developing hi-tech commodity agricultural production in combination with building a new countryside; to strongly and comprehensively develop marine economy, rapidly creating strong internal elements while making use of external advantages, placing Thai Binh in the overall relation with Red River delta provinces and urban centers of the northern key economic region to attract investment and new technologies, especially for industrial and service development.

3. To promote the human resource factor, to improve human resource quality, to adopt policies to attract qualified human resources from other provinces, to encourage people to make legitimate riches for themselves and the society.

4. To associate economic growth targets with social equality targets in order to firstly generate employment, reduce poverty and raise people's living standards materially and spiritually. To pay proper attention to technical infrastructure and social welfare for rural areas and strive to lower to the utmost the rate of poor households.

5. To closely combine socio-economic development with protection of the eco- environment and reasonable and effective exploitation of natural resources. To combine economic development with defense, firm maintenance of political stability and social safety and assurance of strong defense and security.


1. General objectives:

To build Thai Binh by 2020 into a province with fast and sustainable growth, vigorously promoting economic and labor restructuring while improving growth rate quality. To step up industrialization and modernization and develop a hi-tech and commodity agriculture in combination with building a new countryside; to concentrate on industrial development with high growth and expand and develop different services. To increasingly apply science and technology to production and life.

To develop socio-cultural activities; to boost the socialization of education, training, health, culture and sports. To improve people's living conditions together with poverty reduction, employment generation and assurance of social welfare. To firmly maintain political stability, defense, security and social order and safety. To strive that by 2020 Thai Binh will become a new countryside with modernity-oriented agriculture and industry.

2. Specific targets:

a/ Economically

- To reach an annual average GDP growth of around 13.5% during 2011-2015, with agriculture-forestry-fisheries annually growing at around 4.1%; industry and construction, around 20.8%; and services, around 13.2%. The annual economic growth will reach 13% during 2016-2020.

- To strongly restructure the economy so that by 2015 agriculture-forestry-fisheries will account for around 24.7%, industry and construction, around 40.3% and services, around 35%. The rates will be respectively 20%, 45%) and 35% by 2020.

- The export value in the province will reach USD 818 million by 2015,89% higher than the 2010 level, and USD 1.58 billion by 2020. The average export value per capita will reach around USD 450 by 2015 and over USD 800 by 2020.

- To raise budget revenues in order to fulfill the province's spending tasks and step by step have savings. To strive that budget revenues will account for 17% of GDP by 2015 and 19% by 2020.

- The. total investment of the society will account for around 45% of GDP during 2011-2015 and around 40-41% during 2016-2020.

- The average GDP per capita will reach around VND 41.3 million by 2015 and around VND 74.3 million by 2020.

b/ Socially

- The general population growth will reach 0.37% during 2011-2015 and around 0.72% during 2016-2020.

- The urbanization rate will reach around 34% by 2020. Non-agricultural labor will account for around 67% of the total workforce.

- To raise education quality, striving for a trained labor rate of around 55% by 2015, with 41.5% being vocationally trained, and around 60-65% by 2020. By 2015, 80% of trained laborers will have jobs.

- By 2015, to strive for the targets of 8 medical doctors, 1.5 pharmacists and 22 patient beds per 10,000 inhabitants (and 25 patient beds/10,000 inhabitants by 2020); to reduce the malnutrition rate among under 5 children to under 15%.

- To annually reduce the rate of poor households by at least around 1 %.

c/ Environmentally

- By 2015, 100% of urban inhabitants and 90% of rural inhabitants will have clean water; 70% of production establishments will apply clean technologies or have environmentally friendly equipment and treat waste up to environmental standards; 100% of industrial parks will have centralized wastewater treatment systems up to environmental standards; 100% and 80% of solid waste will be collected and treated in urban areas and rural areas respectively; over 60% of hazardous solid waste and 100% hospital waste will be treated.

- To conserve and reasonably use natural resources and protect biodiversity, especially in sea and coastal areas of the province.


1. To intensively restructure the economy towards sustainable and effective industrialization and modernization of agriculture and rural areas. To comprehensively develop agriculture toward commodity production, technological application and high quality and yield; to boost the uniform building of a new countryside.

2. To build an open and favorable investment environment, concentrating on attracting investment projects to develop industrial production, trade and services; to prioritize major and hi-tech projects in order to create a breakthrough in the province's industrialization and modernization.

3. To enhance planning work and raise all resources to build socio-economic infrastructure facilities; to build Thai Binh coastal economic zone and accelerate urbanization; to upgrade important transport systems and coastal corridors to create convenient links for trade and socio-economic development.

4. To renew economic thinking and improve production relations under the socialist-oriented market mechanism. To concentrate on developing quality human resources and attach importance to building up scientific and technological potential.


1. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

To comprehensively, effectively and sustainably develop agriculture, forestry and fisheries toward industrialization and modernization combined with building a new countryside. To strive that agricultural production value will annually grow at an average 3.4%; and fisheries, at 9.8% during 2011-2015; and 2.6% and 6.5% respectively during 2016-2020.

By 2020, cultivation and livestock husbandry will respectively make up 47.2% and 50.6% of the agricultural production value (at fixed prices). By 2020, fishery production will account for 18.6% of the total agricultural-forestry-fishery production value. To raise the proportion of commodities to around 40-45% by 2015 and 45-55% by 2020. Agricultural exports will account for 12-15% of the province's total export value.

To strive for an added value of VND 60 million per ha of agricultural land by 2015 and around VND 70 million by 2020. Agricultural laborers will reach around 422,000 by 2015 and around 348,000 by 2020, accounting for 33% of the social work force.

- To continue restructuring plants and crops, forming consolidated large-scale commodity production zones on the basis of new countryside planning; to build 1-2 hi-tech agricultural production zone(s). To shift to agricultural crops of high commodity value; to conduct land swapping and consolidation and accumulation and agricultural labor restructuring. To expand areas under the winter crop to make up 50% of the province's cultivation land by 2015 and 50-55% or higher by 2020.

- To boost effective and quality livestock husbandry; to form consolidated large-scale breeding areas with modern technology, which associate production with processing and sale and assure environmental sanitation. To develop fisheries into a spearhead industry of the province.

- To build establishments producing quality plant varieties and animal breeds to meet demands of the province and neighboring provinces. To plant and protect coastal protection forests and improve the eco-environment of river mouths and seaports.

2. Industry-cottage industry

- To strive that industrial production value will annually grow at 20.7% during 2011-2015 and 17.5% during 2016-2020. Industry and construction will make up 40.3% of the province's economic structure by 2015 and 45% by 2020.

- To prioritize development of hi-tech and modern industries which generate high budget revenues and industries supporting agricultural production. To strongly develop the agricultural food processing industry in combination with development of material zones to generate employment and raise income for rural inhabitants. To incrementally reduce preliminary processing and increase intensive processing, to invest in intensive processing technology to make finished consumer goods in order to quickly raise the added value of agricultural products and the province's export value.

- To develop the construction material industry m association with effective use of resources, especially the province's gas, and environmental protection. To restrict production of terracotta tunnel bricks; to make construction materials, from ashes and cinders of the Thai Binh Electricity Center. To exploit and bring natural gas from gas fields off the Tonkin gulf for industrial production and trial implemen­tation of a project to exploit lignite by the coal gasification method for investment in plants of power, nitrogenous fertilizer, white cement, heat-resistant cement, acid-proof cement and other high-grade construction materials.

- To develop electric and electronic engineering into important industries of high added value. To develop heavy industries in coastal areas to tap the province's potential and advantages. To improve and upgrade existing shipyards to build and repair steel-shell ships of 7,000-10,000 tons and Lash barges in Diem Dien township. To develop support industries for shipbuilding and other industries of the province.

- To complete construction of the Thai Binh Electricity Center in My Loc commune, Thai Thuy district. To develop Thai Binh's textile and garment industry in conformity with the national strategy for textile and garment development in the context of competition and integration. To build garment accessory plants in Thai Binh city. To develop garment industrial clusters and craft villages in districts, creating harmonious economic development among localities.

- By 2020, the province is planned to have 15 industrial parks with a total area of 3,172 ha and 43 industrial clusters with a total area of 1,226 ha. To build infrastructure facilities and attract investment into industrial parks and clusters. During 2011-2020, each district and city is planned to have 3-5 industrial clusters.

- To promote intensive development of craft villages to create competitive products in the market. To encourage development of enterprises and craftsmen of craft villages to maintain and expand existing craft villages and learn new trades to create jobs for local labor. To develop raw material zones for trades and craft villages, export production and environmentally friendly trades.

3. Trade and services:

- The total retail sales and service revenues will reach VND 36 trillion by 2015 and VND 66.8 trillion by 2020. The average annual growth will reach 20.6% during 2011-2015 and 13.12% during 2016-2020.

The total export value will reach USD 818 million by 2015 and USD 1.58 billion by 2020. The average annual growth will reach 13.5% during 2011-2015 and 14% during 2016-2020. The total import value will reach USD 652 million by 2015 and USD 1.05 billion by 2020. The average annual growth will reach 9% during 2016-2020-

- To develop a trade network in the province, paying special attention to developing rural markets and wholesale markets to procure products of farmers.

- To build and develop supermarkets and trade centers in Thai Binh city and district and township centers. By 2020, the province will build around 40 supermarkets and 14 trade centers. To plan markets in the province to meet socio-economic development requirements and serve people's life.

- To make petroleum planning in the province and plan petroleum and liquefied gas ports and depots.

- To diversify tourist products, creating original products bearing Thai Binh's identity, especially products of eco-tourism and cultural-historical tourism. To boost investment in upgrading physical and technical foundations to serve tourists. To build Dong Chau, Con Den and Con Vanh tourist resorts. To strive that tourist revenues will annually grow at an average 25.4% during 2011-2015 and 27.2% during 2016-2020.

- To develop finance, banking, insurance and other services to serve production and people's life.

4. Cultural and social affairs:

a/ Population and labor

- To well implement the population and family planning program. The average annual population growth will stay at 0.37% during 2011-2015 and 0.72% during 2016-2020.

Thai Binh province's population is estimated at 1.82 million by 2015 and around 1.887 million by 2020.

- To train quality labor to meet industrialization's and modernization's diversified needs for technical labor; needs of industrial parks, labor export and other needs. To strive that trained laborers will account for 55% of the total workforce during 2011 -2015, with 41.5% being vocationally trained. The rate will be respectively 65% and 51.5% during 2016-2020. To strive that annually 2,500-3,000 laborers will work overseas on a definite term.

b/ Education and training

- By 2020, 70-75% of children at appropriate age will attend crèches and 100% preschools; and 80% of preschools, 100% of primary schools and lower secondary schools and 70% of upper secondary schools will reach national standards. To develop preschool education in the forms of public, people-founded and private schools and classes; to complete universalization of preschool education for five-year-old children during 2011-2015; to step by step universalize secondary education.

- To build and develop 1 provincial university; to complete investment in standardizing some general education schools. To upgrade Thai Binh upper secondary school for gifted students; to develop quality lower secondary schools in districts and the city; to complete consolidation of schools, classrooms and public-duty houses for teachers by 2015.

- To continue investment in raising vocational training capacity and quality. To strive to teach standards for upgrading Thai Binh intermediate-level vocational training school and vocational school for people with disabilities into vocational colleges. To strive to annually enroll 30,000 trainees in professional and vocational schools. To raise the rate of trained laborers to 65% with around 51.5% receiving vocational training.

- To raise, the quality and effectiveness of community learning centers, creating conditions for people to regularly learn and contributing to building a learning society.

c/ Health and public healthcare

- To ensure access to basic health services for all people; to step by step ensure equality in health care and protection, especially in examination and treatment services. To pay attention to health care for social policy beneficiaries, poor people, elderly people, women, people with disabilities, helpless people and children, especially children under 6.

- To keep the HIV/AIDS infection rate at around 2.45% by 2015 and 2% by 2020. The rate of malnourished children under 5 will be under 15%.

- To fully, promptly and qualitatively provide drugs, supplies and equipment for health establishments' regular and irregular operations. To consolidate and complete the health system, striving to reach national standards on commune health by the end of 2012. To train and retrain in professional operations and ethics for and improve quality of health workers.

- To apply scientific and technological advances and develop specialized techniques; to incrementally build a comprehensive, regular and modern health sector. To strive for a rate of 8 medical doctors, 1.5 pharmacists holding a tertiary degree and 22 patient beds per 10,000 people and the doctor-nurse ratio of 1/2.5.

- To develop the traditional medicine system, to continue investment in the traditional medicine hospital, to improve and develop the traditional medicine faculty of the medical college, to boost traditional medicine activities at commune level. To study the building of an advanced healthcare center and an pharmaceutical industry center in Thai Binh city.

- To build physical foundations and upgrade equipment for grassroots health stations up to national standards. To complete investment in physical foundations and equipment of health centers and general hospitals of districts and the city. To complete investment in the preventive health center up to national standards.

- To complete the building of the obstetrics hospital and the sanatory and functional rehabilitation hospital. On the basis of the health sector's planning, to step by step invest in building a general hospital with 700-1,000 beds, a psychiatric hospital, a pediatrics hospital, an eyes hospital, an HIV/AIDS prevention and control center and the 115 ambulance center in new locations.

d/ Culture and sports

- To strive that by 2020, 90% of households, 65% of hamlets and villages and 90% of agencies and schools will reach cultural standards. To increase the broadcasting time and quality of the local radio and television station.

- To invest in physical foundations and equipment in order to raise operation quality of culture and sports establishments. To form recreational spots in central areas. To strive that by 2020, 100% of districts and the city will have culture-sports centers, libraries, sports grounds, tradition houses, recreational centers and mobile communication teams in conformity with the master plan on development of the grassroots cultural system and sports development; 100% of hamlets and villages will have cultural houses; and 100% of cultural houses of communes, wards and townships will be upgraded and furnished with equipment to raise their operation effectiveness.

- To complete investment in a temple dedicated to Tran kings (Hung Ha district), the mausoleum of great tutor Tran Thu Do, the memorial house of Uncle Ho (Tan Hoa commune, Vu Thu district) and Tran dynasty relic (A Sao village, Quynh Phu district). To step up physical training and sports movements with 100% of schools properly and qualitatively carrying out curricular and extra-curricular activities of the physical training and sports subject. To complete the building of a sports complex in Dong Hoa commune, Thai Binh city.

5. Technical infrastructure development:

a/ Transport:

- The province shall coordinate with the Ministry of Transport in incrementally implementing centrally managed transport works in the province under the construction planning, and improving and upgrading the road system and a number of major road bridges:

+ Ninh Binh-Hai Phong-Quang Ninh expressway, the coastal national road section running through Thai Binh. National highway 39A section from Vo Hoi bridge to Diem Dien, national highway 37 (section from Diem Dien township-Thai Thuy to Hai Phong) up to grade-Ill delta road standards.

+ To plan construction of road bridges: Hong Quynh bridge, a bridge on the coastal national road and a bridge on Ninh Binh-Quang Ninh expressway.

+ To plan and build a 1,000-ton port in My Loc commune, Thai Thuy district (serving Thai Binh Electricity Center), and a 1,000-ton port in Hoa Binh commune, Vu Thu district (serving the general petroleum depot of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group).

- Locally managed works: To build, improve and upgrade the road system and major bridges and ports:

+ A road linking Ha Nam-Thai Binh with Cau Gie-Ninh Binh expressway up to grade-I delta road standards; a road south of Thai Binh city up to grade-II delta road standards; road 39B from Thanh Ne township to Diem Dien up to grade-Ill delta road standards.

+ To improve and upgrade provincial roads of 458,452,455,396B, 454,457,462 and 465, and some district roads up to grade-Ill delta road standards.

+ To plan construction of road bridges: Tinh Xuyen bridge, Hong Tien bridge, Sa Cao bridge and a bridge on the belt way south of Thai Binh city.

+ To upgrade and dredge fairways of Diem Dien seaport to receive 10,000-ton ships; to plan and build 1,000-ton Tra Ly port in Dong Quy commune, Tien Hai district.

+ To plan construction of parking lots to meet the province's transport capacity requirements.

+To plan and build river ports: 300-ton Hiep port in QUynh Giao commune, Quynh Phu district, and inland waterway wharf at Cau Nghin industrial park in An Bai township, Quynh Phu district.

b/ Power supply and water supply and drainage

-The commercial electricity output supplied to the province will grow at an average 23.18% during 2011-2015 and at 17.67% during 2016-2020; to make comprehensive investment in upgrading and building the power supply system to meet production and daily life needs, especially in industrial parks and urban centers.

- To build and expand the water supply network for Thai Binh city, townships and industrial parks. To build and upgrade the water drainage networks of Thai Binh city and townships.

- To internally treat industrial and hospital wastewater before discharge into the general water drainage system. To attach importance to investment in wastewater drainage and treatment systems in rural areas, especially in craft villages and industrial husbandry areas.

c/ Communications

- To develop the post and telecommunications sector toward modernity and uniformity according to digital and automation standards to ensure smooth communications throughout the province and connection with all parts of the country and the world. To strive for a rate of 82 telephones/100 persons by 2015.

- To upgrade existing switches with a capacity of 387,061 lines and network performance reaching 80%. To meet use demands and standby capacity of the network. To install multi-service access switchboards at locations with highly concentrated capacity and needs for new services in district centers, industrial parks and clusters, trade centers and new urban centers.

d/ Environmental protection

- To raise each citizen's and enterprise's awareness about environmental protection and urban and rural sanitation as crucial for protection of people's health and life. Authorities of all levels and sectors shall direct and regularly and constantly do this work with specific measures.

- To appraise environmental protection plans before licensing construction. To reject construction of enterprises and plants with outdated and polluting technologies to protect the environment. To formulate environment management regulations and norms on noise and emission of toxic and hazardous gas and dust, etc.


1. Urban areas

- To strive for an urbanization rate of 20.2% by 2015 and around 34% by 2020. To make urban planning and manage construction planning to meet requirements for building civilized and modern urban centers. To strive for an urban housing rate of 18 m2 in floor area/ person by 2015 and 20 m2 in floor area/person by 2020.

- To raise housing quality by increasing the rate of permanently built houses to 85% by 2015 and 98% by 2020, To incrementally arrange and relocate polluting industrial establishments out of residential areas, to build wastewater treatment systems for craft villages.

- Orientations for building urban centers up to standards as follows:

By 2015, to build Thai Binh city as a political, economic, cultural, scientific and technical center with the current area, reaching grade-II urban center standards. To build the urban system as the core for promoting and spreading the province's socio-economic development.

- To build 4 provincial-level urban centers: Diem Dien township (Thai Thuy), Dong Chau tourist resort and Con Vanh area (Tien Hai), Hung Nhan township (Hung Ha) and An Bai township (Quynh Phu) into grade-IV urban centers.

- To plan district-level central urban centers (townships): Quynh Coi, An Bai, Dong Hung, Tien Hung, Thanh Ne, Vu Quy, Hung Ha, Hung Nhan, Tien Hai, Nam Trung, Thai Ninh, Diem Dien and Vu Thu townships.

- To upgrade the following communes into district-attached grade-V urban centers: Dong Do, Thai Phuong (Hung Ha); Thuy Xuan (Thai Thuy); An Le, Quynh Giao (Quynh Phu); and Vu Hoi (Vu Thu).

2. Rural residential area planning

- To speed up renovation and re-building of rural areas, to build infrastructure to meet urbanization requirements. To reasonably arrange social infrastructure facilities such as recreational and sports centers, greeneries, health, education and waste treatment to meet people's cultural and spiritual needs and ensure environmental sanitation.

- To increase management, to guide households in builiding of houses and works meeting environmental sanitation requirements. To raise all resources to build commune offices and centers.

3. Land use planning By 2020, the total natural area will be 157,003 ha, of which:

- The agricultural land area will be 98,337.4 ha, including 76,657.5 ha under rice.

- The non-agricultural land area will be 58,666 ha, including 14,017 ha of residential land and 36,574.2 ha of special-use land.

- To use all the unused land area (1,682 ha) for non-agricultural purposes.

4. Development of economic axial routes

National highway 10 section from Vu Thu-Thai Binh city to Hai Phong; Thai Binh city-Dong Chau route and neighboring areas; national highway 39 section from Trieu Duong bridge to Dong Hung township; Thai Binh city-Diem Dien route.

5. New countryside development

- To build a new countryside with commodity agricultural production developing toward industrialization and modernization, synchronously developed socio-economic infrastructure, people's improved material and spiritual life and strong and firm socio-political organizations.

- To strive for 20% or more of communes reaching new -countryside standards by 2015 and by 2020, Thai Binh will become a new countryside with modernity-oriented agriculture and industry.

6. Building of Thai Binh coastal economic zone

- The total area of Thai Binh coastal economic zone will be 30,583 ha, of which the total natural land area based on commune boundaries will be 21,583 ha and the coastal submerged area will be around 9,000 ha.

- In the first phase, to prioritize development of the area east of the coastal national highway on around 10,000 ha on the alluvial ground without inhabitants and land under rice. To build and develop Thai Binh coastal economic zone with marine-based industries (shipbuilding, power generation, seafood processing, production of nitrogenous and NH3 fertilizer, high-grade construction materials, mining materials, etc.), to develop tourist sites, ports, a non-tariff area and urban residential areas.

- To strive that by 2020, Thai Binh coastal economic zone will contribute 18-20% of Thai Binh province's total income.


1. Fund raising

The total investment during 2011-2020 is estimated at VND 282.1 trillion (at the 2009 price), including VND 121.59 trillion for 2011-2015.

Based on annual budget balancing capacity, the province should adopt specific solutions to raising to the utmost domestic and overseas resources for development investment, with internal sources as the main source, raising to the utmost funds from land areas, attracting capital from economic sectors and boosting socialization of cultural and social activities.

To create an open and favorable investment environment to attract external funding sources, to make the fullest use of the province's concentrated funding sources for socio-economic infrastructure development projects and rural development projects.

2. Development coordination between Thai Binh and provinces in the region and central agencies:

To coordinate with the Ministry of Transport and provinces in the region in building a coastal road from Thanh Hoa-Ninh Binh-Thai Binh-Hai Phong-Quang Ninh; upgrading national highways 10, 39 and 37; and building Hong Quynh, Hong Tien, An Khe and Sa Cao bridges.

To cooperate in trade and tourism: To build a product display center and carry out trade promotion activities for the entire region.

To coordinate in raising the operating and irrigating capacity of relevant irrigation systems in the provinces.

To cooperate in training, research and technology transfer; and in health, medical examination and treatment and medical research.

3. Human resource development

To continue increasing investment in education and training, health and culture to raise people's intellectual level, trained labor rate and laborers' health. To build dynamic and creative Thai Binh people who can meet requirements of a new revolutionary period.

To adopt mechanisms and policies to develop education and training, especially training of civil servants, workers, technicians, technologists, managers and entrepreneurs.

To adopt policies to attract talents and technicians to work permanently in Thai Binh and concurrently speed up training of local human resources suitable to the province's socio-economic structure.

To increasingly retrain corporate managers, to rearrange and improve qualifications of state administrators. To attach importance to developing human resources with technical and professional qualifications for production and business.

4. Science and technology development and environmental protection

To take measures to associate science and technology with production; to quickly apply scientific, technical and information technology achievements to production.

To step up application of high-yield and disease-free plant varieties and animal breeds suitable to the province's natural conditions. To carry out cooperation and association among the State, entrepreneurs, scientists and farmers in agricultural development. To apply advanced technologies to agricultural and fishery product processing.

5. To continue administrative reforms resolutely and openly to create best conditions for all economic sectors to participate in development investment. To raise the effectiveness and effect of the political system at all levels.

6. Economic development combined with security and defense maintenance

To closely combine socio-economic development with increased defense-security potential, building the posture of all-people defense associated with the posture of people security. To combine economy with defense and security in socio-economic development planning. When building economic-cultural and social works, to take into account protection and operation maintenance plans in service of defense when a war breaks out. To attach importance to economic development in combination with serving and promptly increasing defense potential in infrastructure construction, post and telecommunications, industry And cottage industry, agriculture and irrigation.


(See the enclosed appendix)


1. After the master plan on socio-economic development of Thai Binh province through 2020 is approved by the Prime Minister, the province should publicize and disseminate it to party committees and administrations of all levels, sectors, mass organizations, enterprises and people in the province; and at the same time, elaborate programs of action for the implementation of the master plan.

2. To concretize the master plan's tasks and objectives into five-year and annual plans for effective implementation. Annually, to evaluate the implementation of the master plan and on that basis, review and propose according to its competence the adjustment or supplementation of the master plan to suit the socio-economic development situation in the province in each period.

3. Authorities, sectors, socio-political organizations and people shall inspect and supervise the implementation of the master plan.

Article 2. The master plan on socio-economic development of Thai Binh province through 2020 will serve as a basis for the elaboration, submission, approval and implementation of sectoral master plans (construction, land use and other plans), and master plans on socio-economic development of districts, towns and the city of the province and investment projects in Thai Binh province.

Article 3. To assign the People's Committee of Thai Binh province to base itself on the approved master plan to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and sectors in, directing the lawful formulation, submission, approval and implementation of the following documents:

1. Plans on development of key industries, sectors, and products; plans on development of urban centers and residential spots; construction plans; land use master plans and plans and master plans on socio-economic development of districts, towns and cities in Thai Binh province to ensure overall and uniform development.

2. Five-year and annual plans; key socio-economic and cultural development programs; specific projects to implement the master plan;

3. Mechanisms and policies meeting the province's development requirements in each period so as to attract and raise funds for the master plan implementation.

Article 4. Concerned ministries and sectors, within the ambit of their functions, tasks and powers, shall:

1. Guide and assist the People's Committee of Thai Binh province in implementing the master plan.

2. Coordinate with Thai Binh province in reviewing, adjusting and supplementing master plans of industries and sectors to ensure completeness and consistency of the master plan; consider assisting the province in raising domestic and overseas investment funds for the master plan implementation; accelerate investment in approved regional works and projects important to the province's development.

Article 5. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing. To annul the Prime Minister's Decision No. 262/2006/QD-TTg of November 14,2006, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Thai Binh province through 2020.

Article 6. The chairperson of the People's Committee of Thai Binh province, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and heads of government-attached agencies shall implement this Decision.

Nguyen Tan Dung



(To the Prime Minister's Decision No. 733/QD-TTg of May 17, 2011)




Centrally invested projects in the province


Thai Binh Electricity Center


Building of a gas pipeline from Tonkin gulf to Tien Hai, Thai Binh


Prospecting and trial exploitation of lignite


Tien Hai wind farm


Coastal national road, national highway 37, Hoa river bridge, Ninh Binh-Hai Phong-Quang Ninh expressway, national highway 39A section from Trieu Duong bridge to Diem Dien


Tra Linh bridge


Provincially managed projects


Centrally invested projects


Building of Thai Binh-Ha Nam road connected with Cau Gie-Ninh Binh expressway and Thai Ha bridge (spanning the Red river)


Improvement and upgrading of road 39B (Thanh Ne-Diem Dien); road 454 (former provincial road 223) and Tinh Xuyen bridge, road 457 (former road 222); Sa Cao bridge


Building of a road for storm shelter, salvage and rescue, marine economic development and maintenance of security and defense in the southern coastal area (former road 221A ); Quang Binh-Quang Minh-Minh Tan-Binh Thanh (Kien Xuong) storm shelter road; district roads 72 and 91; road 221D




Building of sand-preventing embankments to stabilize fairways to Diem Dien port


Building of Tra Ly river port; Tan De port, city river port


Upgrading of sea dykes (dykes 5,6,7 and 8); dykes of Red, Tra Ly, Luoc and Hoa rivers


Building of anti-salinization dams of Hoa and Tra Ly rivers


Relocation of inhabitants in response to climate change due to sea level rise


Planting of coastal wave-sheltering forests


Consolidation and upgrading of dykes, embankments and rescue roads for right and left dykes of Tra Ly river (K30-K40 section); grade-Ill irrigation works


Cua Lan mooring and storm shelter area for fishing vessels (with capacity of 300 fishing ships); Tra Ly sanctuary; mooring and storm shelter area and fishing port in Thai Thuong commune


Building of Vinh Tra and Thai Do fishing wharves; expansion of Tan Son fishing port


Embankment and building of roads and water drainage systems along Gu river (Diem Dien) and Thong Nhat river (Dong Hung); dredging and improvemenl of Bach, 3/2 (city), Yen Long (Quynh Phu), Kien Giang and Hoang Giang (Kien Xuong) and Co Rong (Tien Hai) rivers


Improvement and upgrading of Quynh Hoa, Nguyen Tien Doai, Tinh Xuyen and Thai Hoc pump stations


Building of a provincial general hospital with 1,000 beds


Building of social houses and dormitories


Thai Binh general university (on the basis of Thai Binh Techno-Economics College)


Building and capacity raising of border guard stations and arms depots; building a control pier in Diem Dien


Expansion of the military school into the provincial defense education center; expansion of army vocational school 19


Building of Thai Binh sanatory and functional rehabilitation center for people with meritorious services


Building of a center of plant varieties and livestock breeds and a hi-tech agricultural

production zone


Centrally supported and locally funded investment projects


Building of Gia Le industrial park infrastructure; and Thai Binh coastal economic



Building of a beltway south of the city; Tra Ly dyke road (from Hoa Binh bridge to

Doc Lap bridge); and Phuc Khanh roundabout


Improvement and upgrading of road 452 (former road 224), road 396B (former road 217), a road from southern beltway to Tra Ly, road 455 (former road 216), axoad -from national highway 39 to Thai Binh Electricity Center, Tran Lam road, a road from Long Hung road (in the city) to Dong Tho, a road from the city to Vu Dong


Improvement and upgrading of rural transport infrastructure


Improvement and building of Ty Dieu and Ky Ba reservoirs


Expansion and upgrading of the solid waste treatment plant in Thai Binh city ,


Building of a furnace to treat construction waste of the province and waste of townships and craft villages; treatment of wastewater of the city, townships and hospitals.


Relocation of polluting production establishments from residential areas to industrial parks


Building of permanent school buildings and classrooms; increased investment in physical foundations of the Teachers College, Medical College, Culture andArt College, Agriculture Secondary School, provincial Vocational Secondary School, Art Craft Secondary School, Center for training and vocational training support, labor supply, job placement and labor export, and vocational centers of districts and cities


Building of a new countryside across the province and rural infrastructure for 52 poor communes


Building of a model vocational school for rural labor


Building of dyke sluices and pump stations (Duc Duong and Dai Nam sluices, East Tay Son pump station, etc)


Building of offices of the provincial party committee and the provincial-level Home Affairs Department, archives center, 4 district-level sections of the provincial Agriculture and Rural Development Department and offices of communes


Upgrading and embellishment of the temple dedicated to Tran kings and Tran dynasty historical relic; memorial houses of Uncle Ho (Tan Hoa, Vu Thu), Nguyen Duc Canh (Thai Thuy) and scholar Le Quy Don (Hung Ha), Tien La temple historical relic, Binh Cach communal house and temple (Dong Hung), Keo pagoda, etc.


Building of the provincial sports complex and a center for training of high athletes


Building of the Red River delta trade, fair and exhibition center


Building of psychiatrics, pediatrics, ophthalmology, pulmonary tuberculosis, and traditional medicine hospitals, Van Mon leprosy and dermatology hospital, and center 05-06; raising capacity of provincial and district preventive health centers


Building of the provincial radio and television station; offices of Thai Binh newspaper, and Thai Binh province's culture and art association and science and technology union


Locally invested projects


Provincial obstetrics hospital, provincial general hospital


Building of Thai Binh province crematorium


Building of Thai Binh city recreational center


-Upgrading of upper secondary schools


Building of Hoang Dieu and Ky Ba parks


Projects calling for investment from economic sectors


Building of infrastructure of existing industrial parks of Tien Hai, Nghin bridge and Tra river


Building of infrastructure of new industrial parks of Son Hai, Due Hiep Hung, Thuy Truong, Thuy Hai, Thuy Ha, Thai Thuong, Dong Hoang and Hong Hung


'Building of infrastructure of industrial clusters


Building of infrastructure of residential areas of Dong Ben (Quynh Phu), Nguyen Duc Canh (Thai Thuy), Trai Diem (Tien Ha) and Dong Hung township, Thai Binh city, etc.


Building of resettlement area in Tan Lap commune, Vu Thu district


Building of urban centers of Thai Binh city


Thai Binh brewery with annual capacity of 100 million liters of beer


Processing of cattle and poultry meat


Brewery with annual capacity of 30 million liters of liquor


Export processing of potatoes, vegetables and fruits


Processing of vegetable oil from soya


Production of fruit juice and soya milk


Manufacture of industrial electric and electronic devices


Hoang Tan auto repair and assembly complex


Soda mill


Plant manufacturing non-baked bricks from cinder


Manufacture of consumer and industrial plastics


Plant manufacturing microorganism fertilizer from straw


Nitrogenous and NH3 fertilizer plant


Plant of garment accessories (zipper, button, sewing thread, etc)


Plant of high-grade leather and sports footwear


Manufacture of heat-insulated goods from glass fiber


Competitive animal breeding and food safety of Thai Binh province


Development of animal breeding farms in 7 districts and the city


Development of pig raising in 7 districts and the city


Building of Dong Chau, Con Vanh and Con Den seaside town tourist resorts


Thai Binh quality health and pharmacy center

Note: The location, size, land areas and total investment and funding sources of the above projects will be calculated, selected and specified during the elaboration, submission and approval of investment projects, depending on needs and investment capital balancing and raising capacity in each period.-

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