Decision No. 581/QD-TTg dated April 20, 2011 of the Prime Minister approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Kon Tum province through 2020

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Decision No. 581/QD-TTg dated April 20, 2011 of the Prime Minister approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Kon Tum province through 2020
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:581/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Tan Dung
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:20/04/2011Effect status:

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No. 581/QD-TTg

Independence - Freedom – Happiness

Hanoi, April 20, 2011





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government s Decree No. 92/ 2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on the formulation, approval and management of socio-economic development master plans and Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP of January 11, 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP;

At the proposal of the People s Committee of Kon Tum province,


Article 1.To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Kon Tum province through 2020, with the following principal contents:


1. The master plan on socio-economic development of Kon Tum province through 2020 must conform to the national socio-economic development strategy and the socio-economic development master plan of the Central Highlands; ensure synchronism and consistency with sectoral master plans.

2. To effectively tap local potential and advantages and to properly mobilize and use every resource for fast and sustainable socio-economic development and environmental protection; to speed up economic growth, early lifting Kon Tum province from the poverty status.

3. To incrementally complete infrastructure and urbanization; to step up the development of a number of economic zones as a motive force for boosting the development of difficulty-hit areas in the province.

4. To achieve social progress and justice in each step of development. To pay attention to supporting deep-lying, remote and ethnic minority areas in comprehensive development; to conserve and bring into play the traditional cultures of ethnic groups.

5. To combine socio-economic development with defense and security maintenance; to firmly defend the national border sovereignty; to firmly maintain political security and social order and safety; to enhance friendly and cooperative relations within the Vietnam- Laos- Cambodia development triangle,


1. General objectives

To mobilize to the utmost every resource for development, gradually narrow the average per-capita income gap with other provinces in the Central Highlands and nationwide; to step by step build synchronous and modern infrastructure, meeting development requirements of subsequent periods; to continuously raise the people s material and spiritual standards.

2. Specific objectives

a/ Economically:

- The average annual economic growth in the 2011-2020 period will be 14.7%, with 15% during 2011-15 and 14.5% during 2016-20. The average per-capita GDP will reach VND 27.9 million by 2015 (doubling the 2010 level) and VND 53.2 million by 2020 (1.9 times over the 2015 level);

- The shares of industry-service-agriculture in the economic structure will be 31.5%, 35.5% and 33% by 2015, and 38.5%, 36.4% and 25.1 % by 2020;

- Export turnover will reach around USD 125-130 million by 2015 and USD 300-320 million by 2020;

- The budget revenue will represent 13.5-14% of the GDP by 2015 and 14-15% by 2020.

b/ Socially:

- The population will reach 510,000 by 2015 and some 600,000 by 2020; the urban population will represent about 46.1% of the total population by 2015 and 53.3% by 2020;

- The rate of poor households (under current standards) will annually drop 3-4%; the rate of trained laborers will reach 45% by 2015, of which vocationally trained laborers will reach 33%, and respectively 55-60% and over 40% by 2020;

- To strive for 10-11 medical doctors and 41.5 hospital beds for every 10,000 people by 2015 and 11.-1,2 and 46.3 by 2020 respectively. To reduce the malnutrition rate among under-5 children to below 22% by 2015 and below 17% by 2020;

- By 2020, districts and cities recognized for upper secondary education universalization will account for 40%;

- Households having access to clean water will represent some 90% by 2015 and clean water will be adequately supplied to rural population by 2020.

c/ Environmentally:

- To raise the forest coverage to 68% by 2015 and over 70% by 2020; to expand the green coverage in urban centers;

- By 2020, some 80% of daily-life wastes will be collected and treated; 100% of hazardous industrial wastes and hospital wastes will be managed and treated up to standards before discharge into the environment;

- To rationally use natural resources and protect biodiversity; to intensify education and training in environmental protection, and raise environmental protection awareness and managerial capability.


1. Forestry, fishery and rural development

While bringing into full play the potential of land resources and climate, to develop agriculture comprehensively towards commodity production in association with processing industry. To strive for an average annual growth of around 8.4% during the 2011-2020 period, with about 8.7% during 2011-15 and 7.9% during 2016-20.

- To restructure areas under industrial plants of high economic value such as coffee, rubber, sugar cane and fruit; to develop food crops, herbal plants and cold-region vegetables and flowers suitable to the natural conditions (land, soil and climate) of each area and the market demands in accordance with raw-material zone master plans;

- To speed up the construction of consolidated husbandry zones of suitable sizes; to raise the quality of cattle herds and poultry flocks towards weight increase through the models of farm- and household-based raising; to quickly increase the herds of buffaloes, cows and goats; to develop honey bee keeping;

- To bring into play the forest advantage for vigorous development of silviculture; to step up afforestation, expanding forest areas, raising forest quality and coverage; to attach importance to the management and protection of watershed protection forests; to prevent and fight forest fires and ward off deforestation in the locality;

- To develop aquaculture after the model of cage- or raft-fish rearing in major reservoirs of irrigation works and reservoirs of YaLy, Plei Krong, Se San 3A, Se San 4A and Thuong Kon Turn hydropower plants as well as small ponds, streams and lakes of households;

- To step by step build a new countryside according to the national criteria for new countryside, creating conditions for rural inhabitants, particularly those in deep-lying, remote and ethnic minority areas, to enjoy to the utmost social welfare.

2. Industry and construction

To strive for an average annual industrial-construction growth of 18.7% during 2011-2020, with 20% during 2011-15 and 17.5% during 2016-20. By 2020, the industrial-construction sector will represent 38.5% of the GDP and jobs will be created for 25% of social laborers.

- To step by step form and develop advantageous industries such as agricultural and forest product processing, building materials, minerals and hydroelectricity; to enter into joint ventures or cooperation for growing, exploiting and preparing material medica, particularly rare and precious ones. To strongly develop the brands of Ngoc Linh and Hong Dang ginsengs; Dak Ha coffee; and Mang Den vegetables and flowers;

- On the basis of the approved master plans, to speed up the construction of hydropower projects in which investment has been approved;

- To develop urban infrastructure and distribute population according to master plans on industrial parks, complexes and spots and craft villages in order to meet workers demand for social houses and lodgings in the locality.

3. Trade and services

To strongly develop such leading exports as manioc slices and starch, latex, coffee, furniture and garments and textiles. To strive for an average export value growth rate of 16-17% during 2011-15 and 18-19% during 2016-20.

- To step up trade, consolidating the system of marketplaces, supermarkets and trade centers in Kon Turn city and Dak To and Ngoc Hoi districts; to develop border markets in DakGlei, Ngoc Hoi and Sa Thay districts; Bo Y border-gate economic zone market; to properly organize rural and mountain trade networks

- To expand trade via border gates; to prepare necessary conditions to boost trade in border-gate zones;

- To diversify tourist products and develop tourist business in association with environmental protection; to form and exploit Mang Den eco-tourism resort. Dak Uy special-use forest, Ya Ly hydropower reservoir, Bo Y international border-gate economic zone, Ho Chi Minh road, nature reserves and national parks;

- To strongly develop transport, financial, banking, insurance, scientific and technical advance transfer services and technical-supply services to serve production and people s life.

4. Development of social affairs

a/ Population, labor and employment

- To reduce the natural population growth rate to 1.47% by 2015 and 1.18% by 2020;

- To further restructure the labor force toward reducing the percentage of agricultural, forestry and fishery labor and raising that of industrial and service labor;

- To study the expansion of forms of vocational training and employment. To train 3,500 - 4,000 laborers annually; to raise the rate of trained laborers to 45% by 2015, including 33% of vocationally trained laborers, and 55-60% by 2020, including over 40% of vocationally trained laborers.

b/ Education and training

- To comprehensively develop education from preschool to primary, lower and upper secondary education; to further realize the policies on school building solidification and teaching aid investment towards standardization. To strive for the target that by 2020, 25% of preschools, 50% of primary schools, 24% of lower secondary schools, 33% of upper secondary schools and 5 ethnic minority boarding general education schools will reach the national standards;

- To expand the scale and forms of training suitable to different types of ethnic minority general education boarding schools; to establish a number of inter-commune upper secondary schools in ethnic minority areas where prescribed conditions are met;

- To raise the quality of training at pedagogical college, techno-economic colleges and intermediate-level medical school; to qualitatively improve the general technical instruction center; to develop continuing education centers in some districts and community learning centers in communes and townships, and Da Nang University branch in Kon Turn;

- To encourage various economic sectors to invest in high-quality education and training institutions in the locality.

c/ Public health and people s health care

- To incrementally modernize and complete the health network towards fairness and effectiveness, satisfying increasing demands for people s health care. By 2015, 100% of communes will reach the national standards on commune health;

- To strive that by 2020, each district or inter-district area will have a general hospital or a regional general hospital up to standards; to step by step consolidate the convalescence and functional rehabilitation hospital; to build a traditional medicine hospital and a tuberculosis and lung disease hospital and upgrade the intermediate-level medical school, depending on local resources in each period;

- To socialize people s health care and protection activities; to encourage investment in high-quality medical establishments and hospitals.

d/ Culture, physical training and sports

- To further step up the campaign "All people unite to build a cultured life." To strive that by 2020, 80% of families will be recognized as cultured families, and 70% of villages as cultured villages; 90% of communes and wards and 70% of villages will have cultural houses;

- To develop material and technical foundations for culture, physical training and sports. To complete the construction of a provincial sport complex by 2015. To study the construction of an athlete-training center in Mang Den, an intangible culture data bank and an electronic library in conformity to planning and resources in each period;

- To effectively realize the policy of socialization of cultural and sports activities.

e/ Science and technology

- To apply advanced and modern technologies as well as biotechnology, focusing primarily on advantaged sectors such as agricultural and forest product processing, rare and precious herbs, minerals, building materials, and industries with potential and advantages;

- To selectively apply a number of high technologies and techniques to medical examination and treatment, particularly in provincial and district hospitals.

f/ Hunger elimination, poverty reduction and social policies

- To further implement effectively the program on hunger elimination and poverty reduction; to improve the living conditions of poor households with a view to narrowing the living standard gap between urban and rural areas and between ethnic groups;

- To stably distribute population and relocate people out of areas with high risks of land slide and erosion due to flash floods; and build residential spots for free migrants in accordance with the master plan on a new countryside;

- To well ensure residential land, production land and houses for ethnic minority people in conformity with the mechanism and policy and suitable to customs and practices of each ethnic group;

- To properly implement the social security policy and policies towards families of people with meritorious services to the country, to support the establishment of gratitude funds and houses for social policy beneficiaries meeting with difficulties.

g/ Environmental protection

- To concentrate on treating water-source contamination, and pollution in craft villages, residential quarters, industrial parks and complexes; to manage and treat solid wastes discharged from urban centers and residential areas; to put an end to illegal gold mining and sorting;

- To carry out professional training in environmental protection. To intensify environmental protection inspection and examination of investment projects and environmental pollution hot-spots; to protect the ecological environment and biodiversity.

h/ Defense, security, social order and safety

To closely combine socio-economic

development with defense and security maintenance and consolidation; to build up firm defense postures in key areas, particularly border areas; to build up forces and ensure equipment and material foundations for combat readiness, fire, storm and flood control and search and rescue activities.

5. Infrastructure system

a/ Transport networks

To strive for complete construction of modern transport infrastructure by 2020. Specifically:

- For centrally managed transport works in the province: To coordinate with the Ministry of Transport in incrementally building Ho Chi Minh road (the remaining section), border patrol roads (sections running through Kon Turn province), national highways 40, 24 and 14C; and eastern Truong Son road running through Kon Plong district;

- For locally managed transport works: To take the initiative in formulating investment plans on building roads leading to commune centers without motor roads; to study the construction of flood diversion roads, and feeding roads along national highways according to planning; to improve and upgrade urban roads depending on local capability and resources; to study the construction of strategic roads to properly develop areas with development potential; socio-economic development-cum-defense and security maintenance roads.

b/ Electricity supply networks

To further develop electricity supply networks, particularly to rural, deep-lying, remote and ethnic minority areas; to build and upgrade-transmission lines and transformer stations arid high-voltage and low-voltage power grids in the locality, striving that 100% of households will have access to electricity.

c/ Irrigation system

To ensure by 2020 water sources for stable irrigation and drainage of main crops in the locality, and for active irrigation of over 75% of the areas under main rice crops.

d/ Water supply and drainage and solid waste collection and treatment systems

- To adequately supply clean water for daily-life activities in urban centers by 2015 and supply clean daily-life water for rural population;

- To upgrade and transform waste and rainwater drainage systems in urban centers and populous quarters; to build separate wastewater drainage systems in industrial parks and border-gate economic zones for wastewater treatment up to standards before discharge into the environment;

- On the basis of approved master plans, to study the construction of solid waste dumping sites of suitable size for border-gate economic zones, townships and population quarters.

e/ Information, communications, radio and television

- To universalize multi-services to post offices, commune post-culture spots, to develop post services of better quality. To modernize equipment and study the construction of an information technology and communications center satisfying people s communications needs;

- To increase broadcasting time volumes and programs, additionally open radio and television programs in ethnic minority languages. To expand television coverage to all areas.


To ensure harmonious and sustainable development between regions, building civilized, clean and beautiful urban centers and comprehensively new countryside; to narrow the development gap between areas in the province.

1. Urban development and rural population

- Development of urban networks:

To strive for an urbanization rate of around 46.1% by 2015 and around 53.3% by 2020. To strive for building Kon Turn city into a grade-2 urban center before 2020; to upgrade principal urban networks such as Bo Y border-gate and towns (Plei Kan and Dak To), townships (Dak Ha, Dak Glei, Sa Thay, Kon Plong, Tu Mo Rong, Dak Tan and Mo Rai) and a number of townships when prescribed conditions are met.

- Stable rural population development

To step by step re-distribute population in different areas; to study the construction of infrastructure for centers of commune clusters, population quarters and newly formed communes in accordance with the master plan on a new countryside.

2. Development of motive economic regions

- Central region: To concentrate investment on the development of Kon Turn city in association with industrial parks (Hoa Binh and Sao Mai) and new urban centers into industrial-service centers of the province;

- Northwestern region: To develop Bo Y international border-gate economic zone in association with the upgrading of Plei Kan township into an economic cooperation center of the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia economic development triangle;

- Eastern region: To build and develop Kon Plong district center linking to Mang Den eco-tourism resort into a modem tourist resort center fully imbued with cultural identities of different ethnic groups, striving to be a major tourist center of the Central Highlands.

3. Socio-economic development in difficulty-hit areas

- To further invest in building socio-economic infrastructure; to raise the people s intellectual level and incomes; to step by step narrow the living standard gap between disadvantaged and developed areas in the province;

- To properly organize the implementation of promulgated regimes and policies towards disadvantaged areas; to call on organizations, individuals and enterprises of all economic sectors to invest in the economic development of these areas.


INVESTMENT STUDY (see. enclosed appendix)


1. To mobilize investment capital sources

The investment capital for the 2011-2020 period is estimated at VND 103-105 trillion, with VND 32-33 trillion during 2011-15 and VND 70-71 trillion during 2016-20.

In addition to state budget funds, the province needs to work out specific solutions for mobilizing to the utmost domestic and foreign resources for development investment, such as:

- On the basis of the list of programs and projects calling for investment through 2020, to step up investment promotion with a view to attracting enterprises and investors to the province, attaching importance to ODA capital sources and other donors funding sources;

- To create favorable conditions in terms of infrastructure in industrial parks and complexes, tourist resorts and traditional craft villages to be ready to receive investment projects;

- To adopt attractive and transparent investment support policies in accordance with law in order to attract investment capital of all economic sectors; to simplify administrative procedures;

- To step up investment socialization, particularly education, training, health, culture, sports, radio and television, science and technology, and environmental protection.

2. To develop human resources

- To effectively carry out the training and development of local human resources; to adopt policies to encourage human resources with high professional and technical qualifications to come and work in the locality. To attach importance to the training and retraining of civil servants and laborers to satisfy new personnel requirements;

- To prioritize the training of ethnic minority laborers; to organize vocational training for rural youth with a view to speeding up the restructuring of agricultural and rural economy; to create jobs for trained laborers;

- To harmonize training and quality raising with the physical status of human resources in order to meet the development requirements of sectors in the locality.

3. Scientific, technological and environmental solutions

- To work out mechanisms, policies and programs on transfer of scientific and technological advances for production and daily life;

- To step up scientific and technological application and transfer; to attract prominent specialists to transfer scientific and technical programs and projects in production and business activities to advantageous sectors.

- To propagate and disseminate legal documents on environment, and unceasingly raise public awareness about environmental protection; to implement and strictly supervise the enforcement of environmental protection law.

4. Development alliance and cooperation

- To further implement the programs on cooperation with localities in the Central Highlands and throughout the country, attaching importance to stepping up the comprehensive development cooperation with Ho Chi Minh City and central coastal provinces;

- To focus on cooperation with provinces in southern Laos and northeastern Cambodia for economic development along the border-gate route linking Cambodia with Bo Y international border-gate; to step up the development of processing industry, agriculture and hydroeiectricity in the development triangle of the three countries; to coordinate with Attapu and Sekong provinces of Laos and Ratanakiri province of Cambodia in controlling and preventing epidemics in border areas; to intensify cultural, sport and tourist exchanges;

- To study a tourist route linking Kon Turn with Ubon Ratchathaii and Mukdahan provinces of Thailand; to call on Thai enterprises to invest in agricultural and forest product processing, exploitation and processing of building materials and some other businesses with great development potential and advantages.


1. Publicization and dissemination of the master plan

To publicize and disseminate the province s socio-economic development master plan through 2020 to party committees and administrations at all levels, to sectors, mass organizations, enterprises and people in the province, based on the contents and objectives of the master plan; to formulate specific action programs for incremental achievement of the objectives of the master plan.

2. Formulation of action programs

- After the master plan is approved by the Prime Minister, based on its contents and objectives, the province needs to formulate action programs for implementation of the master plan;

- To concretize the master plan s objectives into five-year and annual plans for effective implementation. To annually evaluate the implementation of the master plan, thereby reviewing and proposing according to its competence adjustments and supplements to the master plan in accordance with the province s socio-economic development in each period;

- Authorities at all levels, and all sectors, socio-political organizations and people shall inspect and supervise the implementation of the master plan.

Article 2.The master plan on socio-economic development of Kon Turn province through 2020 serves as the basis for the formulation, approval and implementation of sectoral master plans (construction, land use and other relevant master plans) and investment projects in the province.

Article 3.The People s Committee of Kon Turn province, based on the province s socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations in the approved master plan, shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and sectors in, directing the formulation, submission for approval and implementation of the following contents:

1. District-level socio-economic development master plans; construction and land- use master plans and plans, and sectoral development master plans, in order to ensure comprehensive socio-economic development in synchronism with defense and security.

2. Long-, medium- and short-term plans, key socio-economic development programs and specific projects for concentrated investment and rationally prioritized allocation of funding sources.

3. Formulation, promulgation or submission to competent state bodies for promulgation (if matters go beyond its competence) of mechanisms and policies meeting the province s development requirements in each period, aiming to attract and mobilize resources for implementation of the master plan.

Article 4.Concerned ministries and sectors, within the ambit of their respective functions, tasks and powers, shall:

1. Guide and assist the People s Committee of Kon Turn province in implementing the master plan; formulate, promulgate or submit to competent authorities for promulgation mechanisms and policies meeting the province s socio-economic development requirements in each period, aiming to effectively utilize resources; encourage and attract investment according to the province s socion economic development objectives and tasks set out in the master plan.

2. Coordinate with the People s Committee of Kon Turn province in adjusting and supplementing the sectoral master plans, ensuring their synchronism and consistency with the master plan; consider and support the province in mobilizing domestic and foreign investment capital sources for implementation of the master plan.   

Article 5.This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 6.The chairperson of the People s Committee of Kon Turn province, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and heads of government-attached agencies shall implement this Decision.-




Nguyen Tan Dung



(To the Prime Minister s Decision No. 581/QD-TTg of April 20, 2011)


Project name


Centrally invested projects


Ho Chi Minh road (remaining section from Dak To district to Gia Lai; section bypassing Kon Turn city and Dak Glei township);


National highway 40; national highway 24 from Quang Ngai to Kon Turn city;


National highway 14C section running through Kon Turn province (second phase);


Project on eastern Truong Son road running through Kon Plong district;


Project on convalescence establishment for people with meritorious services to the country in the Central Highlands.


Locally managed projects




Dak Lon-Dak Trui (Dak Glei), Ya Mo- Ya Tri (Kon Ray) and Dak Ro Ngat (Dak To) irrigation complexes;


Anti-landslide embankments of Dak La (Kon Turn city), Po Ko (Dak Glei), Dak PNe (Kon Ray) and Dak Sia (Sa Thay) rivers.




Upgrading of provincial road 672 (running through Tu Mo Rong district center); southern Quang Nam road (second phase and section bypassing Van Roi pass);


Sa .Thay- Ya Ly road (provincial road 674); Ngoc Hoang- Mang But- Tu Mo Rong-Ngoc Linh road; Ya Tang- Se San 3A road;


Road from Se San 3 to national highway 14C;


Border road; rescue and salvage roads in flooded areas;


Projects on upgrading provincial and district roads; roads leading to commune centers without motor roads.


Urban infrastructure and environment


Construction of a provincial administrative center and Kon Turn city;


Upgrading of infrastructure works in Kon Turn city and townships (Plei Kan, Dak To and Dak Ha);


Infrastructure works in townships of Tu Mo Rong, Kon Ray and South Sa Thay;


Project on raising Dak Bla river water level (for the section running through Kon Turn city); expanding and upgrading the water supply system in Kon Turn city;


Investment in the water supply system in Bo Y international border-gate economic zone;


Projects on water drainage and wastewater treatment in Kon Turn city; water supply systems and wastewater treatment stations in some townships and industrial parks;


Treatment and burial of solid wastes of urban centers and rural residential quarters.


Education, health


Project on Da Nang University branch in Kon Turn


Project on construction of a national athlete training center in Mang Den;


Nguyen Tat Thanh upper secondary school for gifted pupils; Tu Mo Rong boarding upper secondary school for ethnic minority pupils;


Kon Turn province s vocational training school (second phase); project on upgrading of the medical secondary school into a medical college;


Investment in raising scientific and technological research and application capacity;


Projects on upgrading of the provincial general hospital; Ngoc Hoi general hospital; Sa Thay hospital; construction of Tu Mo Rong district hospital;


Traditional medicine hospital.


Culture - Sports


Project on construction of an athlete training center in Mang Den;


Project on development of infrastructure works in Kon Klor traditional craft village in association with cultural tourism (Kon Turn city);


Kon Turn province s offices and radio-television program production center;


Project on provincial gymnasium and stadium;


Provincial cultural, information and exhibition center;


Project on construction of a provincial e-library;


Investment project on historical relics of Dak To- Tan Canh victorious battle; renovation of Dak Glei prison; relics of Kon Turn provincial Party Committee s resistance base.


Production and business projects calling for investment


Infrastructural and industrial development


Projects on construction of infrastructure works in Hoa Binh, Sao Mai, Dak To industrial parks and the industrial park of Bo Y international border-gate economic zone (first phase) and Dak La industrial complex;


Urban center south of Dak Bla bridge; residential quarter northwest of Duy Tan ward;


Main axial road west of Kon Turn city;


Project on construction of an airport in Kon Turn city;


Projects on Tan Mai pulp factory; Kon Turn meat processing mill; NPK fertilizer factory; latex processing mill; export timber factory; vehicle inner tube and tire and rubber factory;


Projects on Sa Thay district rotary-kiln cement production; granite processing; and dolomite exploitation and processing;


Thuong Kon Turn, Dak Re and Dak Ring (Kon Plong), Dak Mi 1 (Dak Glei) and Dak Psi 3 (Tu Mo Rong) hydroelectric projects.


Trade- service- tourism


Projects on tourist business in Mang Den eco-tourism resort;


Construction of a taxi-plane airport in Mang Den;


Dak Bla convalescence tourism center, Kon Turn city;


Investment projects on tourist business and services in Bo Y international border-gate economic zone and Dak Lung- Dak To spa eco-tourism resort.


Agriculture and forestry


Projects on paper raw materials forest planting; rubber planting and tending; Ngoc Linh ginseng development;


Culture-social affairs


High-quality general education schools in Kon Turn city, and Dak Ha and Ngoc Hoi districts;


High-quality specialized hospital and general hospital in Kon Turn city

Note: The locations, sizes, land areas, total investment and investment capital sources of the above-said projects will be calculated, selected and specified at the stage of formulation and submission for approval of the investment projects, depending on the demand, budget capability and mobilization of resources in each period.-


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