Decision No. 579/QD-TTg dated April 04, 2011 of the Prime Minister approving the strategy on development of Vietnamese human resources during 2011-2020

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Decision No. 579/QD-TTg dated April 04, 2011 of the Prime Minister approving the strategy on development of Vietnamese human resources during 2011-2020
Issuing body: Prime MinisterEffective date:

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Official number:579/QD-TTgSigner:Nguyen Thien Nhan
Type:DecisionExpiry date:Updating
Issuing date:19/04/2011Effect status:

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No. 579/QD-TTg

Independence - Freedom – Happiness

Hanoi, April 19, 2011






Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the June 14, 2005 Education Law and the November 25, 2009 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Education Law;

Pursuant to the November 29, 2006 Vocational Training Law;

At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment in Report No. 6655/TTr-BKH of September 21, 2010, approving the Strategy on development of Vietnamese human resources during 2011-2020;



Article 1.To approve the Strategy on development of Vietnamese human resources during 2011-2020, with the following contents:


1. General objectives

The general objective of development of Vietnamese human resources during 2011-2020 is to make Vietnamese human resources a foundation and the most important advantage for the country s sustainable development, international integration and social stability, raising the competitiveness of Vietnamese human resources to a level corresponding to those in advanced regional countries and reaching in certain lengths those of developed countries in the world.

2. Specific objectives

The following specific objectives need to be achieved:

- Vietnamese human resources will have a good physical strength and sturdy stature and comprehensively develop in intellect, will, capacity and morality, have self-studying and self-training capability, be dynamic, proactive, self-reliant and creative, possess high professional knowledge and skills, be adaptive and quickly gain a proactive position in living and working environments;

- State administration human resources will be professional, meeting requirements of a socialist law-governed state in a world of integration and fast change;

- To build a contingent of human resources in the field of science and technology, especially groups of top specialists with professional-technical qualifications equivalent to those in advanced regional countries, capable of conducting researches, receiving, transferring and proposing scientific and technological solutions for basically resolving national development issues and integrating with development trends of natural sciences, social sciences and technologies around the world;

- To build a contingent of entrepreneurs and professional business administration experts with firm stuff and expertise about domestic and international business, ensuring that Vietnamese businesses and economy will be highly competitive in the world economy;

- Vietnamese human resources will possess all necessary elements of working attitude and conduct (professional ethics and conscience, working styles and discipline, teamwork spirit, sense of responsibility, civic sense, etc.) and high dynamism and self-reliance meeting the requirements set for employees in an industrial society;

- To adopt a master plan on development of Vietnamese human resources during 2011-2020, for building Vietnamese human resources with reasonable structures of qualifications, professions and regions. Along with developing highly qualified human resources up to international standards, to further develop human resources with different levels of qualification to meet development requirements of different areas, regions and localities;

- To build a learning society ensuring that all Vietnamese citizens will have equal opportunities in learning and training, realizing the objective: Learn to become Vietnamese men in the period of integration; learn to have effective job skills and employment; learn to make oneself and others happy; and learn to contribute to national and mankind development;

- To build a system of advanced, modem and diversified human resource training institutions providing training in a synchronous, multi-level and dynamic structure of professions which are transferable among different training levels and professions at home and abroad, distributed nationwide, thus contributing to forming a learning society and meeting the people s lifetime learning needs.

3. Specific targets

To strive to achieve by 2020 a number of major human resource development targets in the following table:

Major human resource development targets during 2011-2020:





I. Raising of intellectual power and working skills




1. Rate of trained laborers (%)




2. Rate of vocationally trained laborers (%)




3. Number of university and college students per 10,000 people (students)




4. Number of international-standard vocational schools (schools)




5. Number of international-standard excellent universities (universities)




6. Highly qualified human resources in breakthrough fields (persons)




- State management, policy making and international law




- University and college lecturers




- Science- technology




- Medicine, health care




- Finance- banking




- Information technology




II. Raising of physical strength of human resources




1. Average life expectancy (years)




2. Young people s average height (m)

> 1.61

> 1.63


3, Malnutrition rate among under-5 children (%)





The guiding viewpoints for achieving Vietnamese human resource development objectives during 2011-2020 are:

1. Human resource development must be based on the socio-economic development strategy for the 2011-2020 period, bringing into play the decisive role of human factors; human resource development is a breakthrough for the successful implementation of the socio-economic, development strategy.

2. Human resource development must be based on human resource demands of sectors and localities. Therefore, plans on human resource development of all sectors and localities must be elaborated for 2011-2020, creating a basis for assuring balanced human resources for local and national socio-economic development.

3. Human resource development must be comprehensive, covering physical, intellectual, skill, behavior and political and social awareness factors, to meet the requirement of comprehensive human resource development and national sustainable development. Human resource development must have priorities and focuses, attaching importance to developing talented people and building a contingent of top specialists. For each given period, depending on requirements of domestic socio-economic development and characteristics of the international context, efforts must be concentrated on solving key issues which are decisive to human resource and socio-economic development.

4. Human resource development in Vietnam must meet contemporary requirements. The levels of working knowledge and skills of Vietnamese human resources must approach the level of advanced regional countries and, in some certain aspects, the level of advanced countries in the world.

5. Human resource development must harmoniously combine equality and national interests with the use of mechanisms and tools of a market economy in human resource development and utilization. Particularly, the human resource training system must quickly switch to operate under the training mechanism catering for the demands of society and the labor market, especially key sectors.

6. Human resource development is the cause and duty of the entire society. Educational, health, cultural and physical training and sports activities shall be further socialized. The State shall perform macro-management of and direct and guide human resource development by means of a framework system of laws and incentive policies, implement compulsory education universalization programs, support the training and development of talented people and realize social equity in human resource development, support the development of specific human resource groups, particularly social policy beneficiaries, ethnic minority people and vulnerable population groups (people with disabilities, the poor, people living just above the poverty line, displaced farmers, etc.). Every citizen and every economic or social entity shall actively participate in human resource development. Enterprises shall strongly participate in human resource development.

7. International cooperation will be promoted and expanded for human resource development, focusing on and prioritizing the building of international-standard training institutions and training of top specialists and groups of highly qualified human resources in key sectors to reach the level of advanced countries.


1. Breakthrough solutions

a/ Changing awareness about human resource development and utilization:

- To thoroughly grasp the viewpoint that humans are the foundation and most decisive factor in sustainable socio-economic development, assurance of national security and defense and the thriving of each unit or organization. To create strong changes in awareness at all leadership levels, from central to grassroots, and of the people about the necessity to thoroughly and revolutionarily renovate the state administration of education and training, building of a learning society; the necessity to improve the race, ensure nutrition and comprehensive care for the people s health; and the necessity to raise incomes and improve working conditions;

- Every ministry, sector and locality shall formulate human resource development master plans in conformity with their respective general development strategies and plans. Enterprises and organizations shall adopt human resource development plans;

- Human resource utilization, evaluation and treatment must be based on real capability and performance results. To end the mentality and practice of overemphasizing and over-appreciating of "diplomas" in a formalistic way in the recruitment and evaluation of human resources;

- Human resource training must be linked to social and labor market demands. Together with human resource development master plans of ministries, sectors and localities and the State s investments and incentive policies, mechanisms and tools of the market economy should be extensively and effectively used for expanding the scope and adjusting the structure of training disciplines, raising the quality of human resources and mobilizing various capital sources for human resource training development.

b/ Fundamentally renovating the State administration of human resource development and utilization

- Human resource development planning is an important task of ministries, sectors, provinces and cities in order to ensure labor balance for the development of sectors and localities. When identifying economic and social development objectives of localities as well as balances of capital, land and energy, balance of human resources plays an important role in investment attraction and development effectiveness assurance. For national level and localities, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and provincial-level Planning and Investment Departments will be standing bodies in charge of formulating, and supervising the implementation of, national and local human resource development master plans. For sectors, ministries shall formulate sectoral human resource development master plans and coordinate with other ministries, sectors and localities in implementing the master plans;

- To basically renovate the mechanism of state administration of educational and training institutions toward further improving state management regulations on conditions for establishment and common standards for operation of educational institutions; on assessment of the quality of educational institutions; on education of state administration contents and responsibilities of the Government, ministries and local People s Committees; to build policies to develop education and training in difficulty-hit areas and for ethnic minority children and encourage development of talented people, etc;

- To develop local and national sets of criteria for human resource development and innovation. To annually evaluate and announce human resource development according to these criteria.

- To further decentralize powers to human resource training institutions to raise their autonomy and accountability under state administration and social supervision. To step up fair competition aiming to strongly switch the training system to operate under a training mechanism catering for social demand, quickly expanding training activities and raising their quality.

- To formulate regulations, mechanisms and policies to promote training in response to social demand, aligning training institutions with enterprises, expanding forms of training according to orders placed by enterprises and attracting enterprises to more actively participate in human resource training (contributing training funds, conducting in-enterprise training, investing in building their own training facilities, etc.). To institutionalize responsibilities of enterprises for national human resource development.

c/ Focusing on the formulation and implementation of the following key programs and projects:

- Building a number of international-standard tertiary training institutions and vocational schools to supply highly qualified human resources for the education, training and scientific research system and meeting national socio-economic development needs.

- To renovate cadre and civil servant training and employment policies, including applying advanced and modern administrative civil servant training programs according to criteria and standards of administrative governance of a socialist law-governed state; to develop a system of cadre and civil servant titles with clear and specific regulations on powers, functions and duties associated with responsibilities and benefits and enhanced public-duty ethics and working discipline; to allocate package salary funds and reform salary regimes applicable to public administrative units, ensuring that cadres and civil servants can live on their salaries and step by step have savings; to organize examinations for intermediate and lower leadership positions, etc.

- To formulate and implement a program on training and policies on placement of talented people in important positions in different sectors, especially forming and developing a contingent of top specialists in administrative management, diplomacy, foreign trade, business administration, education, training, science and technology, policymaking advice, law, medicine, culture and arts;

- To implement a project to improve quality and effectiveness of teaching and learning of foreign languages, especially English.

- To strongly implement the project on early turning Vietnam into a country strong in information and communication technologies, with human resource development and assurance as a top solution.

- To quickly reduce the child malnutrition rate, concentrating on the school nutrition project combined with increased physical education and sports and physical training activities in schools. To implement the master plan on increasing Vietnamese people s physical strength and stature during 2011-2025.

2. Other solutions

a/ Formulating and deploying the education development strategy and the vocational training development strategy during 2011-2020.

The education development strategy and the vocational training development strategy must reflect the requirement of fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education and training in response to social development needs; to raise training quality to meet requirements of standardization, modernization, socialization, democratization and international integration and actively serve the cause of national construction and defense. To renew the education administration mechanism is a breakthrough. To develop the contingent of teachers and education administrators is the central task.

- To increase education and training quality, attach importance to ethic and lifestyle education, capability to work independently and creatively, practice skills and career-making ability. To accredit education and training quality at all educational levels. To build a healthy educational environment, closely combine schools and families as well as schools and society.

- To strongly renovate teaching and learning contents, programs and methods at all education levels.

- To complete preschool education unversalization for under-5 children (by 2015), expand preschool education for younger children, especially after 2015. To expand, the scope of upper secondary education and strongly develop vocational training, especially in delta and mountainous provinces.

- To implement the program on solidification and standardization of school buildings and classrooms and the program on teachers public-duty houses and student dormitories, to be basically completed by 2020.

b/ Training human resources for different regions, areas and specific groups

- To increase and prioritize training human resources of ethnic minorities and in particularly disadvantaged areas in appropriate forms (continued implementation of the policies on selection-based recruitment, integration of training of ethnic minority cadres in the project on training of grassroots cadres, and civil servants and commune-level health workers, training projects of the hunger eradication and poverty alleviation program, agricultural and forestry extension, etc.).

- To expand vocational training for social policy beneficiaries, the poor, people living just above the poverty line, and pay attention to vocational training suitable to people with disabilities.

c/ Developing and promoting the national cultural values of Vietnamese people

- To continue formulating and implementing programs on conservation, development and promotion of progressive traditional cultural values of the nation, creating a spiritual strength of the Vietnamese people in the context of international integration. To renew the form and content of ethics and civic education in schools;

- To form mechanisms and programs on close cooperation between educational, cultural and sport sectors, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Vietnam Women s Union and Veterans -Association in ethic and lifestyle education for pupils and students.

d/ Renewing human resource utilization policies

To renew human resource utilization policies on the basis of laws and regulations, laborers contributions and principles of the market economy and in line with the process of formation and development of the labor market, focusing on the following principal contents:

- Developing the labor market, building appropriate mechanisms and tools for effectively utilizing human resources, creating a motive force for the development of human resources.

Forming a system of extensive labor utilization policies (employment expansion, unemployment reduction, increase of the percentage of use of working time, increase of labor effectiveness and productivity, etc.);

To allow enterprises and organizations of all economic sectors to exercise the right to autonomy and discretion and perform the obligation of accountability in human resource management and utilization in accordance with laws and impacts of the market mechanism.

To fundamentally and comprehensively renew the policy on utilization of human resources in the state sector in accordance with the laws of the market economy, from the stage of recruitment (objective examination and expansion of categories of eligible persons for recruitment in the form of signing labor contracts), job arrangement, wage payment and promotion, and unceasingly improve the working environment and conditions for motivating and encouraging creative and effective work;

To separate and define clearly differences in the management and utilization of human resources between state administrative agencies (cadres and civil servants) and public non-business units (public employees). On this basis, strongly step up the process of assigning autonomy and accountability to public non-business units and organizations in the human resource management and utilization;

To formulate regulations (mechanisms and policies) on task assignment in the forms of contracting, bidding, responsibility contract, examination-based recruitment, etc., associated with rewards based on final performance results in order to encourage initiative and creativity and motivate the national pride, honor talents and people with great contributions to the country;

To formulate regulations (criteria and processes) on evaluation of human resources based on actual capability, performance result, effectiveness and output and treatment corresponding to qualifications, capability and performance.

- The policy on placing talents in important positions and promoting talents

All sectors and localities should develop programs on talent development, from discovery, fostering and training to development.

To formulate and implement specific mechanisms and policies to create a working environment encouraging talents to contribute to the cause of national development (for both Vietnamese and foreigners).

e/ Mobilizing resources for investment in human resource development through 2020

- Increasing state investment in human resource development

Sate budget funds: To ensure that the proportion of education and training expenditures to total state budget expenditures is 20%; to maintain the annual increase of state budget expenditures on medicine and people s healthcare always at a rate higher than the overall increase rate of total state budget expenditures. To adjust the allocation structure of state budget expenditures toward focusing on improving the quality of universal education, implementing human resource training programs according to key objectives, quickly reducing the child malnutrition rate and fostering and developing the Vietnamese race;

To continue issuing government bonds for implementing programs on increasing physical foundations to ensure quality of universal education, modernize key training institutions and grassroots healthcare networks to improve the care for people s health and increase their physical strength;

To expand the credit fund for pupils and students to meet human resource training needs and learning needs of vocational trainees and students. To apply the preferential credit policy to key training institutions and health establishments in line with socialization encouragement mechanisms and policies;

- Stepping up socialization for human resource development, especially in training, in order to accelerate human resource development and training to meet social needs

To further raise funds from enterprises and organizations for human resource development; to implement incentive mechanisms and policies (including incentive solutions concerning business income tax, land support, credit incentives and supports for training high-quality human resources in spearhead sectors) in order to strongly encourage enterprises to invest in human resource training in various forms, such as placing orders to training institutions, self-organizing training and forming training units in enterprises to train human resources for enterprises themselves and for the society;

People s investment funds (including funds of community organizations and social organizations not run by the State): To raise funds from the population for human resource development, including investments in building training institutions, establishing promotion and talent promotion funds, etc.;

To continue improving the policy on school fees to both mobilize reasonable contributions of the people for education and training and better and better assure equal learning opportunities for all people; to encourage talent development.

- Further attracting resources from overseas

To intensify investment negotiations, campaigning and promotion to attract overseas funds (including foreign direct investment, official assistance and financial supports from foreign organizations and individuals, funds of the overseas Vietnamese community, etc.) for human resource development;

To concentrate overseas funds on building international-standard universities, high-quality vocational training institutions, implementing projects to develop highly qualified core human resources, basic education, primary healthcare and child malnutrition prevention and control, and specialized health centers.

- Land policies to serve human resource development

To plan land use for education, training and health during 2011 -2020. To prioritize land areas with favorable locations and sufficient areas meeting standard norms for building human resource -development facilities (schools, hospitals, sports and cultural facilities, etc.);

The State shall implement preferential land policies (land rent and use levy exemption and reduction, ground clearance supports, building of outside-the-fence infrastructure works, implementation of the clear land allocation policy, etc;) for non-public educational, training, health, cultural and sports facilities in line with the policy on stepping up socialization in these fields;

To encourage and acknowledge the merits of individuals and organizations for donating land for building human resource development facilities (schools, hospitals, cultural and playing spots for children, etc.).

f/ Promoting and expanding international cooperation

To promote and expand international cooperation in order to speed up human resource training, first of all prioritizing training of human resources of international standards and of key sectors and new modern professions. To implement international cooperation on human resource development in the following major directions:

- Cooperation in general human resource training: to send more Vietnamese people to overseas training (with state budget funds, encouraging self-financed attendance in overseas training courses, encouraging domestic training institutions to expand training cooperation and association with overseas training institutions, and making use of international aid sources) combined with effectiveness raising and professional orientation (focusing on new and modern professions and professions not yet trained in the country or already trained in the country but of low quality). At the same time, to attach importance to expanding domestic training with foreign resources (funds, technology, lecturing staff, etc.) in order to quickly train different groups of human resources up to international level within a short period, and build up international-standard domestic training potential in a long term;

- Cooperation in consultant training: Through formal training forms and practical work, to expeditiously train consultants in the fields of policymaking, international law, international trade, finance, insurance, banking and urban planning, and architects, construction engineers, construction designers and supervisors, etc., of international standards;

- Cooperation in manager training: To expand international cooperation in training public administrators, business managers, auditors, etc., to meet the requirement of state administration renovation and higher competitiveness of businesses.

Article 2.Organization of the strategy implementation

1. This Strategy is a general strategy of national level providing orientations and grounds for the elaboration, submission for approval and implementation of human resource development master plans, programs and projects of sect ors, organizations and localities.

2. Ministries, sectors, localities and units and organizations (agencies, enterprises, etc.) shall base themselves on this Strategy to draw up human resource development plans and projects under their respective management; and integrate the Strategy s development objectives, views and solutions into their respective human resource development plans, programs and projects. They shall integrate and concretize the Strategy into their five-year and annual plans with objectives and solutions closely following the contents of this Strategy.

3. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall:

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities in, studying, concretizing and integrating human resource development objectives, viewpoints and solutions in the human resource development master plan for the 2011-2020 period, and five-year and annual plans for implementation in this period.

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and sectors in, periodically evaluating and annually reviewing the Strategy implementation for reporting to the Prime Minister.

- Coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in mobilizing and balancing resources, particularly human resource development funds, focusing on key programs and projects on development of highly qualified human resources, talent fostering, building of top specialists, and identifying projects calling for FDI and ODA for human resource development.

4. The Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries, sectors and localities in, integrating the Strategy s objectives and solutions into the education development strategy and the vocational training development -strategy, planning the network of universities, colleges, secondary professional schools and vocational schools; elaborating and implementing key human resource development programs and projects, focusing on solutions to raising education and training quality and linking training to social needs; and shall coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in annually evaluating and reviewing the strategy implementation.

5. Ministries, sectors, provinces," centrally run cities, units and organizations shall base themselves on their respective functions, tasks and human resource development requirements to promote and campaign and call for international assistance for the strategy implementation.

Article 3.This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 4.Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People s Committees and heads of concerned agencies shall implement this Decision.-




Nguyen Thien Nhan



(Promulgated together with the Prime Minister s Decision No. 579/QD-TTg of April 19, 2011)


Names of tasks, jobs

Responsible agencies

Coordinating agencies

Starting, completing time

Submitting/Promulgating agencies

I. Building, supplementing and developing the general legal framework and policies on human resource development


Formulation of a degree guiding the Education Law (amended), focusing on solutions to raising quality of education and training and increasing autonomy of training units

Ministry of Education and Training

Related ministries and sectors




- Formulation of the Tertiary Education Law

- Formulation of decrees to guide the Tertiary Education Law (after it is passed by the National Assembly)

Ministry of Education and Training

Related ministries and sectors


- National Assembly

- Government


- Formulation of the Teachers Law

- Formulation of decrees guiding the Teachers Law (after it is passed by the National Assembly)

Ministry of Education and Training

Related ministries and sectors


- National Assembly

- Government


Formulation of decrees guiding the Vocational Training Law (regarding vocational trainers, development of the vocational training system in enterprises, system of accreditation and assessment of vocational training quality, etc.)

Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs

Related ministries and sectors




Formulation of a decree guiding the Labor Code (on training) to encourage and mobilize enterprises to more participate in and contribute to vocational training

Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs

Related ministries and sectors




Formulation of a decree guiding the Law on Social Insurance regarding formation and use of the Fund to support redundant and unemployed laborers

Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs

Related ministries and sectors




Formulation of a decree guiding the Law on Public Duties

Ministry of Home Affairs

Related ministries and sectors




Formulation of a decree guiding the Law on Civil Servants

Ministry of Home Affairs

Related ministries and sectors




- Finalization of the draft Law on Public Employees for submission to the National Assembly for passage

- Formulation of documents guiding the Law on Public Employees (after it is passed by the National Assembly)

Ministry of Home Affairs

Related ministries and sectors


- National Assembly

- Government


Formulation of a decree on non-profit activities and commercial activities in the education and training sector (generally applicable to education, health, culture and physical training and sports activities)

Ministry of Planning and Investment

Related ministries and sectors




Formulation of a decree on policies and mechanisms encouraging enterprises to develop human resources with their own financial sources

Ministry of Finance

Related ministries and sectors




Elaboration of a review report on the system of legal documents on human resource development, management and utilization . (to remove overlaps and irrationalities of the system and propose remedies)

Ministry of Justice

Related ministries and sectors




Formulation of a Prime Ministerial decision on mechanisms and policies to place talented scientists and technologists in important positions and attract them

Ministry of Science and Technology

Related ministries and sectors


Prime Minister


Formulation of a Prime Ministerial decision approving the standard system of criteria and process and procedures for allocating state budget funds to support key human resource development programs and projects

Ministry of Finance

Related ministries and sectors


Prime Minister

(This Section consists of 14 tasks)

II. Human resource forecast, formulation and implementation of human resource master plans, programs and projects


Forecast about labor and vocational training needs for 2011-2020

Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs

Related ministries and sectors

2011 and annually updated

Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs


Forecast about human resource needs for 2011-2020

Ministry of Education and Training

Related ministries and sectors

2011 and annually updated

Ministry of Education and Training


Formulation of the Vietnamese human resource development master plan during 2011-2020

Ministry of Planning and Investment

Related ministries, localities and organizations and sectors


Prime Minister


Formulation and approval of human resource development master plans of ministries, sectors and localities during 2011-2020

Ministries, sectors, localities

Related ministries, localities and organizations and sectors


- Ministers

- Provincial People s Committee chairpersons


Formulation of human resource development master plans of economic groups and major corporations during 2011-2020

Economic groups, major corporations, etc.

Related units and organizations


General directors of groups and corporations


Education development strategy for 2011-2020

Ministry of Education and Training

Ministries, sectors, and economic and social organizations


Prime Minister


Vocational training development strategy 2011-2020

Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs

Ministries, sectors, and economic and social organizations


Prime Minister


Formation of a project on renovation of state administration of human resource development

Ministry of Planning and Investment

Ministries, sectors, and economic and social organizations


Prime Minister


Formulation of a project on training, retraining and development of the contingent of entrepreneurs and business administration specialists faceting requirements of high economic growth and effective international integration

Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Professional associations, enterprises, universities, research institutes


Prime Minister


Formulation of projects to establish international- standard excellent universities in Vietnam (2 projects already approved by the Prime Minister and 2 more projects to be formulated)

Ministry of Education and Training

Related ministries and sectors


Prime Minister


Formulation of a project to establish 40 high-quality vocational schools, including 10 of international standards

Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs

Related ministries and sectors


Prime Minister


Planning of land areas for education and training institutions through 2020

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Related ministries and sectors


Prime Minister


Formulation of a system of indicators for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the human resource development strategy during 2011-2020

Ministry of Planning and Investment

Related ministries and sectors


Ministry of Planning and Investment


Monitoring, supervision and evaluation of the implementation of the Vietnamese human resource development strategy on a periodical basis (annual and five-year)

Ministry of Planning and Investment

Related ministries and sectors


Prime Minister


Review and evaluation of the implementation of the Strategy during 2011-2015

Ministry of Planning and Investment

Related ministries and sectors


Prime Minister


Planning of the supplementation and improvement of the framework legal system on human resource development and utilization during 2016-2020

Ministry of Justice

Related ministries and sectors


Prime Minister

(This Section consists of 16 tasks



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